Larynx disease symptoms tumor. Throat cancer: treatment

Oncological diseases various organs or systems occupy a leading place among other ailments throughout the world. There is no reliable data on the exact causes of cancerous tumors, as well as effective therapeutic tactics.

The main defense against cancer is timely diagnosis. Starting treatment in the early stages of development of pathological changes can significantly prolong the quality and duration of the patient’s life. A common location for cancer is the larynx (nasopharynx or oropharynx).

Throat cancer in oncology appears to be malignant formation , consisting of tissues of the epithelium of the oropharynx. A tumor that grows over time affects adjacent organs and systems to the larynx, for example, thyroid gland, respiratory organs, vocal cords.

The insidiousness of the disease lies in long-term asymptomatic course, which makes it much more difficult timely diagnosis, shortens the patient's life years. Laryngeal cancer - general concept, combining all types of cancer of the throat and vocal apparatus.

The larynx and throat are interconnected, so when pathological disease one organ, another inevitably suffers. The larynx consists of three important sections:

  • superior or vestibular;
  • medium with true vocal cords;
  • inferior or subglottic.

In the majority of cases, throat cancer occurs in patients mature and old age, but there are known cases of detection of pathology in newborns and children early age. According to statistics, in men Malignant neoplasms in the throat occur much more often than in women.

Medicine today easily diagnoses cancer and its location. An important factor successful treatment timeliness is important, but most often the disease is detected already at a progressive stage during a random examination of the ENT organs.


Tumor-like formations can be formed of various types, classified according to degree of severity, course, maturity. There are two types of tumor: differentiated (mature) and malignant (immature).

Development differentiated tumors occur slowly, without giving serious metastases. Malignant the tumor develops rapidly, giving metastases to nearby tissues, systems, organs.

Metastases are a kind of complication of a tumor, a “second life” of tumor cells. Depending on which organs the metastases penetrate, the localization of the cancer is divided:

Upper (supraglottic) section

Such a concentration of tumor formation carries an unfavorable prognosis for patient survival. Diagnosed in 10-15% of all cases of throat cancer. The difficulty of localization is due to sufficient blood supply, which contributes to the rapid spread of cancer cells.

Symptomatic picture on early stage reminds mild cold, therefore, many specialists begin treatment with acute respiratory infections.

Middle part of the larynx (vocal fold area)

Refers to the most mild form cancer, occurs in the vast majority of patients. The vocal folds are removed from the lymph nodes, so metastases occur extremely rarely. Diagnosis of a tumor in this situation occurs much more earlier due to the rapid onset of the first symptoms - typical problems with voice or speech.

Lower part of the larynx (subglottic)

The most rare form. Formed in anatomical area lower part of the larynx with a large accumulation lymphatic vessels. The tumor gives early metastases, develops quickly, almost leaves no chance for patients for a long life.

Regardless of the location and manifestations of the disease, metastasis can be left completely or partially. Adequate therapy can improve the quality of life of patients, increase the chances of survival, and avoid serious complications in other clinical situations.

Cancer in an advanced stage


Oncological formations in the throat are characterized not only by localization, metastasis, relationship to adjacent tissues or organs, but also by the degree of neglect of the disease. The following stages of pathology development are distinguished:

Initial (zero)

Diagnosis of the disease at the zero stage reveals a malignant neoplasm Not large sizes , which does not extend beyond the mucous membrane of the inner part of the larynx. Detection of pathological changes at this stage is rare, due to the absence of any symptoms.

If a tumor is detected, then the success of treatment is quite high. According to statistics, the survival rate of such patients is equal to to 100%.


In the first stage, the tumor-like neoplasm extends beyond the mucous membrane of the larynx, but does not spread to other tissues and organs. The first degree of throat cancer is characterized by severe vibration of the vocal folds, some change in the sounds produced. Adequate therapy at this stage predicts patient survival of almost by 80% for the next 3-5 years.


The onset of stage II is characterized by the spread of the tumor to the vocal folds of the larynx from subglottic department. Noisy breathing, wheezing in the voice, difficulty breathing indicates the progression of the disease. By determining the correct drug correction, the patient's chances of survival can be increased by almost by 65-70% for the next few years.

Third degree

Diagnosis at this stage of development indicates serious pathological and morphological changes in nearby parts of the larynx and other organs due to the rapid growth of the tumor. The patient's voice can be very become hoarse or disappear altogether. Upon appointment proper treatment patient survival reaches 50% in the next few years.

Fourth degree

The late stage of development of the disease indicates tumor metastasis. The spread reaches the lymph nodes, and pathological process is developing rapidly. At this stage the patient is worried whole symptomatic complex s, and survival rate is approximately 20-25% in the next five years.

Treatment of the disease should begin at any stage of development. Correctly selected medical tactics can alleviate suffering and significantly increase survival time.


It is impossible to name any one reason for the appearance of an oncological formation in the throat and malignant degeneration healthy cells. There are some factors that can provoke pathological changes:

  • abuse tobacco and alcohol;
  • chronic, regularly recurrent diseases of the ENT organs;
  • work in hazardous industries(interaction with nickel, sulfur, acids, alkaline solutions);
  • infectious diseases;
  • burdened clinical history patient:
  • transformation available benign tumors:
  • papillomas;
  • hereditary predisposition.

Exists a large number of important factors, which can provoke a sharp degeneration of cells. If possible hereditary factor it is important to carry out regular examinations throat and larynx, avoid hypothermia and colds.

How it manifests itself

Scanty or absent symptoms- the main feature of throat cancer. Initial stage of development and mild symptoms are perceived by patients and therapists as a common cold.

Main symptoms Throat cancer at an early stage of development is considered to be the following:

  • Burning sensation in the throat. Constant discomfort regularly irritates the pharyngeal mucosa and leads to progression of the disease.
  • Sensation of a foreign object in the throat. This contributes to disruption of the processes of normal food consumption.
  • Many patients experience some difficulty in swallowing.
  • Painful sensations. Sore throats are often aching in nature and radiate to the ears or cervical spine.
  • Changing the timbre of the voice. The appearance of notes of rudeness in the voice and hoarseness may be an indirect symptom of the development cancer.

Such symptoms may not bother the patient in any way with chronic colds. Typically, the disease is detected at an early stage during preventive examinations or when another pathology is detected.

General clinical symptoms

Under common features understand a symptomatic complex indicating the presence of a tumor (benign or malignant) in the larynx of any location. The following are distinguished:

  • Decreased appetite. The lack of desire to eat can be gradual or spontaneous. At rapid decline body weight can be used to judge the progression of laryngeal tumors.
  • Weakness, body aches. Symptoms are often confused with those of the flu or acute respiratory infections. You should be wary when a violation occurs natural rhythms sleep and wakefulness.
  • The appearance of temperature. Constant low-grade fever often characterizes the presence of an inflammatory process or foreign formation in the body.
  • Iron deficiency anemia (I, II degrees). Anemia is a decrease in hemoglobin in the blood along with a decrease in red blood cells. The condition is typical for all stages of pharyngeal cancer.
  • Exacerbation chronic diseases ENT organs. Changes in the morphological structure of the mucous tissues of the throat entail relapses of episodes of bronchitis, laryngitis, nasopharyngitis, sinusitis and other diseases.

One from the listed signs may not be an accurate way of diagnosing malignant tumor of the throat. Accurate diagnosis involves not only patient complaints, but also laboratory and instrumental studies.

Exact signs

More accurate signs of oncology may be seen in patients whose disease is progressing steadily. Doctors have identified special symptoms for more precise definition presence of a tumor:

  • Irritation of ENT organs. The tumor affects the mucous membranes of the pharynx, causing even greater inflammation of the mucous tissues.
  • Feeling of tightness in the throat. The patient constantly feels a lump and a pressing sensation in the throat. This is due to a constantly growing tumor.
  • Bitterness in the mouth. Violation swallowing reflexes may provoke the release of bile to the larynx.
  • Barking cough. A similar cough reflex occurs in the presence of foreign body in the respiratory tract or with allergies.
  • Painful sensations. The pain may wear different character and intensity. Sometimes such pain cannot be controlled with medication.
  • Hoarseness in the voice. The symptom is caused by the influence of a growing tumor on the vocal cords.
  • Changes in the epidermal layer in the neck area. Hyperemia and rashes are visually determined, and the venous pattern becomes brighter.
  • Pastosity of the cervical spine. In the area of ​​the palpable formation, dense edema may appear.

If you experience one or more exact symptoms, it is important to consult with your oncologist. Perhaps the treatment provided will stop the process of tumor growth that has just begun.


Symptoms may vary depending on the location of the tumor and the stage of its development. Usually determined following symptoms according to localization features.

Nasopharynx and larynx

Symptoms when a tumor is localized in this anatomical zone increase quickly due to the proximity of large arterial vessels. These signs include:

  • Characteristic pains. Sore throat resembles a sore throat.
  • Morphological changes in the tonsils. The structure and functionality of the tonsils is disrupted, and tissue deformation occurs inside the organ.
  • Plaque on the tongue. A whitish, loose plaque occurs as a result of impaired salivation and the proliferation of pathogenic microflora in the oral cavity.
  • Deformation of the lingual frenulum and tongue. Regular voice problems with a growing tumor affect the position of the tongue in the mouth.
  • Nose bleeding. A foreign tumor in the throat can provoke an increase in blood pressure, which entails periodic nosebleeds.
  • Intense headaches. Often headaches are not clearly localized.
  • Facial paresthesia(full or partial). Numbness in some parts of the face can be caused by compression of important blood vessels and nerve endings by the growing tumor.

Above the ligaments

The difficulty of diagnosing a tumor in this location is complicated by its strong similarity to the symptoms of a common cold or bronchial obstruction. These symptoms include:

  • Sensation of a foreign object in the throat. Many patients begin to feel a lump in the throat when the tumor has just formed.
  • Pain during the act of swallowing. The pain radiates to the ears and neck.
  • Changing the timbre of the voice. The growth of the tumor puts pressure on the vocal folds.
  • Discomfort, dryness, sore throat. Unpleasant sensations associated with irritation of the mucous membrane of the throat.
  • Enlarged lymph nodes.

Under the ligaments

Symptoms of subglottic throat cancer occur quite early due to the rapid metastasis of the tumor. At the first symptoms, you should immediately consult a doctor.

  • Swallowing reflex disorder. A small tumor can cause swallowing problems only in young children. Adult patients begin to experience a similar condition with a tumor of significant size.
  • Difficulty breathing. A growing tumor or its metastasis in the respiratory system can cause breathing difficulties.
  • The appearance of shortness of breath. In addition to shortness of breath, apnea may develop - temporary episodes of stopping breathing.
  • Making sounds when breathing. A person often compensates for the severity of the condition with heavy sighs or groans. When the tumor presses on the vocal cords, it may be accompanied by groans.
  • Painful sensations varying intensity when swallowing.

Throat cancer is a malignant neoplasm that develops from epithelial cells of the laryngeal mucosa. It is important to know that the throat is a non-medical term; anatomically, such a part of the body does not exist. If we're talking about about the throat, meaning the larynx. It is part of the upper respiratory tract in humans.

Malignant neoplasms of the larynx are very insidious in their course, since the first signs of cancer remain unnoticed and the disease progresses. Considering that the larynx in its function is very important body(ensures the passage of air into the lungs and back, the ability to talk), and also the fact that there are other important things nearby anatomical structures(esophagus, vessels, nerves), the prognosis depends entirely on the stage at which the disease is diagnosed. If the tumor has not yet had time to grow into other organs, then a complete cure is possible.

Just like most other cancers, the causes of throat cancer remain a mystery today. But there are factors that increase a person’s risk of contracting this disease:

  • smoking;
  • living in large industrial cities;
  • alcohol abuse;
  • occupational hazards (working with chemical carcinogens, in dusty rooms, under the influence of high temperatures);
  • chronic (inflammation of the larynx);
  • the presence of precancerous conditions of the larynx (polyps, pachydermia, leukoplakia);
  • chemical or thermal burns larynx;
  • habit of eating too hot and spicy food.

In most cases, laryngeal cancer develops in men (94%), but tumor growth in women is also possible. Average age those affected are 40-60 years old. Men who abuse alcoholic drinks and smoke, get sick four times more often than their peers without such habits.

Symptoms of throat cancer in women

It is important to note that women are very rarely affected by this form of cancer. But if pathology develops, its symptoms are no different from those in men.

You should know that the early stage of throat cancer can be diagnosed, since the tumor is a visual form, that is, one that can be suspected upon an objective examination of the patient without additional examination methods.

But in most cases, patients consult a doctor with stage 3 throat cancer (64%) or advanced stage 4 throat cancer (21%).

Malignant formations of the larynx, or throat cancer - the first symptoms:

  • sore throat or discomfort when swallowing;
  • choking on food;
  • the voice, timbre, or hoarseness has changed;
  • difficulty swallowing;
  • pain that appears during and radiates to the ear;
  • fatigue while talking;
  • obsessive cough;
  • difficulty breathing.

In addition to the indicated signs, initial symptoms may also be nonspecific: constant elevated temperature to subfebrile level (37-38ºС), fatigue, reduced performance.

In the later stages, when the tumor reaches a large size and begins to disintegrate, patients complain of attacks of suffocation, a significant change in the voice, up to its loss, the inability to swallow food, severe pain in the neck area, its deformation due to a growing tumor, persistent cough with hemoptysis, unpleasant and putrid smell from mouth.

Throat cancer - stages

Depending on the size of the laryngeal tumor, its spread, and the presence of metastatic lesions, there are 4 stages of laryngeal cancer:

  1. The neoplasm does not spread beyond one part of the larynx (supraglottic, folded or subglottic), and it does not grow deeper into the tissue further basement membrane. There are no metastases.
  2. The tumor completely occupies one part of the larynx, but does not extend beyond it. There are no metastases according to additional research methods.
  3. The tumor spreads to 2 or 3 parts of the larynx, there are metastases in regional lymph nodes, but no distant ones.
  4. The size of the primary tumor is any, but, as a rule, it grows into all parts of the larynx, as well as into neighboring organs, regional and distant metastases are present.

Forecast stage 4 throat cancer: how long do they live? Patients

The prognosis for stage IV laryngeal cancer is unfavorable. The 5-year survival rate is 40 percent after the full course of treatment. During the first 3 years, the relapse rate is almost 80%. It is necessary to urgently treat and undergo annual diagnostics to prevent such a stage.

Symptoms by stage

At the first stage, no pathological symptoms, as a rule, does not happen. An exception is cancer of the ligamentous part of the larynx. In such cases, the first sign of throat cancer is a change in voice and other vocal phenomena.

In the second stage, patients may complain of first symptoms of cancer: dry cough, discomfort when swallowing large pieces of solid food, changes in voice data.

At the third stage, the symptoms become more pronounced. Patients are bothered by a constant cough, sometimes mixed with blood, a sore throat that does not go away, coughing, hoarseness, difficulty swallowing and breathing when lying down.
At the fourth stage, deformation of the neck appears, putrid breath, cough with hemoptysis, the inability to take even liquid food due to impaired swallowing, the voice disappears, and general exhaustion of the body begins.

Answer the question about what does throat cancer look like, difficult. Since there are several types and forms of neoplasm. In some cases, it looks like a regular ulcer on the mucous membrane of the larynx, in others it looks like a cauliflower-like nodule.

So, how to identify throat cancer? various stages? The following examinations will help with this:

  • examination by an ENT doctor;
  • indirect and direct laryngoscopy;
  • biopsy from a suspicious location and histological examination of samples;
  • Ultrasound of the neck and lymph nodes;
  • CT or MRI;
  • radiography of the OGK;
  • bronchoscopy.

Throat cancer treatment

In the treatment of malignant tumors of the throat, 2 main methods are used: surgical and radiation. Chemotherapy using various anticancer drugs is additional method and is used only in combination with 2 main ones. It has no independent meaning.

Considering the delicacy of the anatomical zone and important functions larynx, almost any operation on this organ is mutilating. After such interventions, the patient is given a tracheostomy for breathing. Later, when the fight against cancer is over, they undergo a series of reconstructive operations. Unfortunately, this is the only chance to save the life of a person with throat cancer.

Laryngeal cancer is observed among the stronger sex and affects older men. This disease is different unfavorable prognosis, diagnosis of throat and larynx cancer occurs in the later stages of the disease.

The main diagnostic methods are X-ray analysis of images, laboratory research and visual inspection. Great importance has the severity of symptoms, due to which the disease is determined by initial stage.

Causes of laryngeal cancer

Like other cancers, laryngeal cancer can develop as a result of the degeneration of healthy cells in the body. It is impossible to name one determining factor contributing to the development of oncology, but there are a number of reasons as a result of which cancer develops.

These include alcohol abuse, smoking, and inflammatory diseases chronic type(syphilis, pharyngitis, laryngotracheitis, chronic laryngitis), professional harmful effects(work in the production of sulfuric acid, nickel, asbestos).

Regular exposure to laryngeal tissue is considered dangerous. tobacco smoke and alcohol, which can also cause the development of oral cavity benign type of tumors, the occurrence of cancer of the cheek, lip and tongue.

A diagnosis such as laryngeal cancer can be made as a result of malignant degeneration of a number of benign tumors of the larynx (for example, the presence long time papillomas) and laryngeal leukoplakia. In some cases, such oncology is observed as a result of the spread of cancer cells in pharyngeal cancer.

Diagnosis of laryngeal cancer

When talking about how to identify throat cancer, first of all you need to listen to the symptoms, if present, you need to see a doctor immediately. In this case, the doctor will prescribe a thorough examination aimed at identifying oncology in the patient.

When diagnosing oncology, it is important that the treating doctor knows whether you drink alcohol or smoke cigarettes. It is necessary to talk about the existing symptoms and their duration.

Diagnosis of throat cancer is carried out visual inspection pharynx, larynx and nose using special instruments. Provided that the doctor detects a disease, he will need to take a piece of tissue for subsequent detailed examination. Only a tissue test will make it possible to refute or confirm the diagnosis of oncology.

To understand to what extent the cancer process has spread, the patient is also recommended to undergo magnetic resonance imaging of the head.

Symptoms of laryngeal cancer

Each specific cancer has its own symptoms, and laryngeal cancer is no exception. Signs of the disease directly depend on the extent of spread and localization of cancer cells.

As a result, symptoms of this disease can vary greatly, have varying degrees manifestations and sequence. In any case, there are certain signs that are characteristic of the development of oncology in this area.

At the initial stage of laryngeal cancer, the patient experiences voice disturbance if the disease is located in the area of ​​the vocal folds. If laryngeal cancer is located in other parts, then voice problems arise at a later stage, during the development of the cancer process. Such voice disturbances manifest themselves in the form of hoarseness or hoarseness.

They are permanent in nature without periods of improvement, which can be observed in diseases such as functional and neuropathic paresis of the larynx. In the presence of oncology, the patient is faced with the development of hoarseness of the voice, it becomes dull and may disappear.

With cancer of the upper part of the larynx, swallowing disorders come to the fore. Against this background, a person has a feeling of a foreign body in the throat, against which the appearance of painful sensations.

Speaking about throat cancer, the diagnosis of which should be carried out in a timely manner, it is necessary to note the breathing disorders that are observed with oncology of the lower part of the larynx. If the oncology is limited exclusively to the vocal cords, then breathing problems can be observed only a couple of months or a year after cancer cells began their growth. In the presence of oncology of the upper parts of the larynx, breathing disturbances are also observed in later stages of the disease.

They are characterized by constantly increasing shortness of breath, which is first observed after physical activity, and subsequently in a state of rest. As oncology develops, it is observed gradual narrowing larynx, which can ultimately lead to hypoxia. With laryngeal oncology, the development of such a picture as chronic form laryngeal stenosis. In case of exposure to negative factors (secondary infection, allergies, acute respiratory viral infections), acute stenosis larynx.

With cancer of the upper larynx, the patient experiences a painful syndrome that increases with the development of cancer cells. The cause of the phenomenon may be the disintegration of a malignant tumor. In some cases, against the background of laryngeal cancer, pain is observed in the ear area, which becomes more intense when swallowing. As a result of severe painful syndrome, in the presence of such cancer, the patient may refuse to eat.

Cough with this type of oncology is characterized by a reflex origin. In some cases, it causes attacks characteristic of false croup. During coughing it is observed slight highlight sputum streaked with blood. If cancer spreads or ulceration occurs, you may also see blood in the sputum. Patients experience painful, debilitating coughing attacks, which can be stopped with the help of ordinary medications turns out to be impossible.

Signs of throat cancer are caused by intoxication of the body with cancer, appearing when malignant cells spread throughout the body. These include weakness fatigue, pale skin, sleep problems.

Metastasis. Speaking about laryngeal cancer, it should be noted that it often metastasizes to the upper jugular The lymph nodes. Cancer of the lower parts of the larynx, in turn, metastasizes to the lower jugular and peritracheal lymph nodes.

Regional metastases are observed in patients with upper larynx cancer (in approximately 40% of all cases), regional metastases in the presence of lower larynx cancer are observed in 20% of all patients. As a result, the network of lymphatic vessels is poorly developed; laryngeal cancer located in this location rarely metastasizes to the region of regional lymph nodes.

Extremely in rare cases In the presence of this type of oncology, separate metastasis can be observed. In only 4% of cases, metastases can be observed in the lungs, and in 1.2% of cases in the bones, esophagus and liver. The spread of metastases to the intestines, stomach and brain in laryngeal cancer is very rare.

Oncology treatment

Any therapeutic effects in the presence of this type of oncology, they should be directed to remove the formation, as well as restore the patient’s respiratory and voice-forming functions.

Radiation therapy. Laryngeal cancer, which is located in the middle section, is different hypersensitivity to the effects of radiation on it. Therefore, oncology in this localization is treated primarily with radiation.

If after a course of irradiation there is a halving of the formation, then it is recommended to repeat the course of irradiation again. However, in this case there is a high probability that after surgical intervention the patient may experience complications.

As an initial stage of treatment, radiation exposure is also used in the presence of laryngeal cancer of the first and second stages, located in the lower and upper parts. It is recommended to carry out irradiation for this type of oncology in normal conditions, in combination with hyperbaric oxygenation, due to which the damaging effects of radiation on cancer cells are enhanced, while reducing the destruction of healthy tissue.

Chemotherapy. This type of treatment is recommended for stage 3-4 laryngeal cancer, when it is located in upper section. For cancer located in the lower and middle sections, chemotherapy is not able to bring good results.

Surgical intervention for this type of oncology is recommended to be carried out no later than two weeks after irradiation. It is necessary to do this because, already two weeks after completion of irradiation, the tumor cells begin to gradually recover. Organ-preserving resection of the larynx is recommended for stage 1 to 3 cancer.

To prevent the development of stenosis after surgical intervention It is recommended to insert an expanding endoprosthesis into the larynx, which is recommended to be removed three to four weeks after the operation. If a patient has stage three or four laryngeal cancer, he is recommended to undergo an operation such as laryngectomy.

If there is oncology of the lower part of the larynx of the third or fourth stage, acute stenosis may occur against the background of radiation. Therefore, it is recommended to begin therapy immediately with laryngectomy, removing five to six upper tracheal rings during surgery. In this case, irradiation must be carried out after the operation. If regional metastases are observed against the background of oncology, then during the operation the lymph nodes and cervical tissue are also removed.

An important task after laryngectomy is to restore the voice, thanks to which the patient with oncology will be able to maintain a professional position in society. The goal can be achieved by installing a prosthesis and regular sessions with a phonation doctor.

Prognosis for laryngeal cancer

Without appropriate therapy, laryngeal cancer can develop over 1-3 years, in rare cases longer. Patients with this type of oncology die as a result of asphyxia, arrosive bleeding when cancer cells spread to large cervical vessels, cancer cachexia, bronchial complications (pleurisy, aspiration pneumonia, infectious pneumonia), and the development of individual metastases.

If we talk about survival rate during the development of this type of oncology, then at the beginning of treatment, 92% of all patients with stage 1 laryngeal cancer can survive for five years, with stage 2 cancer - 80%, with stage 3 - 67%.

Any oncology must be treated, then complications can be avoided. Like any other cancer, laryngeal cancer can metastasize, affecting nearby lymph nodes and organs.

In no case should you delay treatment, because only in this case can you achieve good results, getting rid of cancer cells in the body forever.

Throat cancer is any malignant tumor that is located within the larynx and pharynx. The disease affects approximately 10,000 people and kills about 4,000 each year. Throat cancer is one of the top twenty most common cancers. It is worth noting the tendency towards a decrease in the growth of the disease, due to the refusal of all more people from smoking.

The causes of throat cancer are not exactly known, but scientists have identified the main risk factors. These include: smoking tobacco, overconsumption alcohol, infectious diseases of the oral cavity, environmental pollution.

The first signs of throat cancer are similar to those of normal colds, which makes the disease difficult to diagnose in the early stages. Most often, the first signs appear in regular laryngeal pain, tumors in the neck, difficulty swallowing and changes in voice. Many people mistakenly attribute these signs to viral infections or allergic reactions. If such signs appear, you should consult a doctor without waiting for obvious symptoms to appear.

In the early stages of cancer, white spots or small sores may appear in the throat, but in 80% of cases, the first stage of the disease is asymptomatic. Obvious symptoms of throat cancer:

  • cutting pain in the throat;
  • chronic cough;
  • weight loss;
  • neck tumor.

The presence of obvious symptoms does not allow diagnosing throat cancer, so the doctor must order several tests and diagnostic tests. The most accurate of all diagnostic tests is a biopsy. Using a special needle, the doctor takes a tiny sample of tumor tissue and then sends it to a medical laboratory to identify cancer cells. This is the only test that can accurately identify a malignant tumor.

All others diagnostic tests can only determine the size and exact location of the cancer. After diagnosing a malignant tumor, it will be necessary to do computed tomography, which can be used to obtain three-dimensional images of the tumor.


Experts recognize smoking as the main risk factor for developing throat cancer.

To choose a treatment method, it is necessary to determine the stage of the cancer. Doctors determine the stages of throat cancer depending on the size of the tumor, mobility vocal cords, as well as the presence of metastases. Early stages of throat cancer are usually characterized by the presence of small tumors without metastases in the first stage, and the presence of cancer cells in the lymph nodes in the second stage. Stages III and IV laryngeal cancer are characterized by a tumor that has spread to nearby tissues, lymph nodes, or other parts of the body.

There are three main types of treatment for throat cancer: surgery, chemotherapy and radiation therapy. IN Lately Targeted therapy is widely used, which is an experimental form of treatment, but is already showing positive results.

On this moment Erbitux is the most popular drug used by oncologists to treat laryngeal cancer. The drug prevents the growth of cancer cells; administered intravenously once a week under the supervision of an oncologist. Side effects may include rash, fever, headache, vomiting and diarrhea, but they occur much milder and faster than after use standard means chemotherapy. Patients with early stage throat cancer are recommended to be treated with surgery or radiation therapy.

Treatment for throat cancer can also cause speech problems. After surgery, you may have to learn to speak again. This takes practice and patience, but sessions with a speech therapist should begin as early as possible. After finishing treatment, you need to undergo several checks (usually every two months during the first year of rehabilitation). Checks may include medical checkup, blood test, x-ray of the larynx and computed tomography.


During treatment Special attention should be given to nutrition. Problems arise precisely with the process of food absorption, and not with the diet. Any type of treatment for laryngeal cancer is accompanied by nausea, vomiting, dry mouth, which usually leads to loss of appetite and vitality. Most likely, swallowing will be almost impossible.

For example, after surgery or during radiation therapy to the throat, most patients can only be fed with a feeding tube. A tube is a special flexible tube that is inserted into the stomach. The liquid meal replacement is gradually poured into a special funnel.

Due to the fact that throat cancer is difficult to diagnose at an early stage, treatment becomes less effective, which means that the disease may return again. Complete smoking cessation and regular checkups will help prevent relapse of the disease.

Which doctor should I contact?

If unexplained symptoms of throat pathology appear, you should consult an ENT doctor. After preliminary diagnosis, the doctor will be able to suggest a diagnosis of cancer and refer the patient for a consultation with an oncologist. After surgical treatment Laryngeal cancer will require the help of a speech therapist.

Video version of the article:

Our video about the first symptoms of cancer:

Throat cancer is a malignant lesion of the tissues of the pharynx and larynx, which is accompanied by uncontrolled and atypical growth of genetically mutated cells. By frequency of occurrence this pathology ranks twentieth among all diagnosed cancers. Today they continue Scientific research to determine the cause of throat cancer.

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Throat cancer - causes and risk factors

  • Genetic predisposition. In cases of oncology of the tissues of the pharynx and larynx, a direct relationship between the occurrence of pathology along one of the related lines can be traced.
  • Work in conditions of constant exposure to carcinogenic substances. For example, among people exposed to regular radiological radiation, there is a higher percentage of cancer incidence.
  • Constant overstrain of the vocal cords. This factor is especially relevant for teachers, announcers and managers of large production facilities.

Throat cancer, photo initial stage:

Throat cancer initial stage - signs and manifestations

  1. Early stage of throat cancer causes pain during swallowing, which is reminiscent of pain syndrome when acute inflammation tonsils. Patients often complain of tooth pain and a feeling of tooth looseness.
  2. The presence of pathology in the middle part of the throat is mainly signaled by a decrease in voice timbre and progressive hoarseness of the vocal cords.
  3. Oncology of the lower part of the larynx is accompanied by a specific feeling of an otherworldly body, pain when swallowing.


Throat cancer stages

  1. Throat cancer early stage characterized by ulcerative damage to the mucous membrane.
  2. At this stage, the disease spreads to the entire surface of the larynx without involving regional lymph nodes in the pathological process.
  3. A malignant tumor extends beyond the larynx with the development metastatic lesion in local lymph nodes.
  4. Late stage of oncology is characterized by extensive neoplasm and multiple metastases in internal organs and body systems.

Throat cancer initial stage - symptoms

The first sign of laryngeal cancer is considered to be a sudden change in the sound of the voice, which most patients are able to independently determine, which very often alarms people.

While eating, most patients report sharp pain and a tingling sensation.

Further progression of the pathology leads to swelling of the larynx, signs of which are: shortness of breath and the sensation of a foreign body that prevents the free passage of air flow.

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Throat cancer at an early stage - diagnosis

The identification of cancer at the initial stage is carried out by an otolaryngologist, who subsequently refers the patient for a consultation with an oncologist. Determination of the final diagnosis is based on additional techniques studies that include:

  1. Laryngoscopy– surface inspection method respiratory tract using an optical device.
  2. Ultrasound examination. An ultrasound machine allows you to study a graphic image of the affected organ and determine the structure and boundaries of the oncological process.
  3. Computed and magnetic resonance imaging. Layer-by-layer X-ray scanning human body allows doctors to assess the extent of spread of a malignant neoplasm.
  4. Biopsy. To make a final diagnosis, histological and cytological examination biological material taken from a cancerous tumor. This technique determines the type and stage of oncology.

Throat cancer initial stage - treatment methods

The main method of treatment for laryngeal oncology is considered surgery, the purpose of which is complete removal cancerous tumor. After surgery, the patient often requires long-term rehabilitation to restore language function.

To enhance therapeutic effect surgical treatment The patient is recommended to undergo chemotherapy, which includes taking cytostatic drugs, destroying cancer cells at the local and systemic level.

It has a positive effect in terms of preventing cancer relapses. The use of highly active x-ray radiation makes it possible to neutralize the spread of malignant tissue to neighboring organs.

In modern oncological practice I received wide application targeted therapy, the essence of which is a targeted effect pharmaceuticals directly to cancerous tumor using intramuscular injections.

Early stage throat cancer - prognosis

Early diagnosis and timely treatment Throat cancer at an early stage ensures a favorable outcome of the disease. Five-year postoperative survival rates are approximately 80%.

During this period, patients are recommended to undergo regular preventive examinations with holding x-ray examination and blood tests. Such events allow early diagnosis possible relapse of the disease.