Mud resorts of Russia. The oldest method is Egyptian

Crimean peninsula has long been famous for its nature and healing air. But this is not only the Black Sea and the Crimean Mountains. The peninsula is famous for its healing properties salt lakes and miraculous resort places where you can improve your health. Therapeutic mud, mineral springs and healing properties salt lakes have benefited and healed more than one generation of tourists. Today’s article will tell you how you can improve your health and where to relax in Crimea.

Mezhvodnoe village

This place on the Black Sea is most valued for warm waters and beautiful sandy beaches. Village Mezhvodnoe located between the sea and two lakes. The sea here is shallow and safe. Therefore, very often families with small children come here.

We can say that Mezhvodnoe is a kind of “natural Spa”. The mud in the lakes helps with skin diseases. In addition, they have a beneficial effect on blood vessels and increase immunity, improve the metabolic process. And the air in these places is an excellent preventive measure for respiratory and ENT diseases.

Lake in Saki

In addition to the salty sea, the resort town of Saki boasts local salt lake. This is where tourists come for treatment. This balneological resort has the main feature - the mud of the salt lake. Saki Lake unique for its mineral silt mud, which has medicinal properties. These natural minerals are saturated with hydrogen sulfide, sodium salts, potassium and magnesium. There is a special well at the resort, used for drinking cure. Such mud, together with brine and salts, has a great effect on the human body. Many who have undergone treatment in Saki claim that their blood circulation and blood supply to the heart, as well as metabolic processes, have improved. Saki Lake is very useful for those people who have skin problems. There are several sanatoriums on the territory of the lake that provide a number of procedures, such as inhalations, hydromassage of the gums, various mud baths and cosmetic wraps, and hydropathic showers.

Lake Chokrak

Near Kerch, very close to the village of Kurortnoye, there is the famous Crimean Lake Chokrak. Primarily due to its picturesque location. They grow here healing herbs and mineral springs flow. They are very beneficial for joints and nervous disorders, and some also treat stomach diseases and improve digestion. It is good to make face and body masks and mud wraps from medicinal mud. They perfectly cleanse the skin, because the mud contains iodine, manganese, bromine and zinc. On the entire Crimean peninsula, this place is considered the most environmentally friendly.

Moinak Lake

The pearl of the Evpatoria resort is undoubtedly considered Moinak Lake. Some compare it to the Dead Sea due to the salinity of the water. At the bottom of the lake there is healing mud with an oily structure. The water in the lake is rich in trace elements such as narthium iodide, magnesium sulfate, silver, manganese and iron sulfide. The size of the lake is small. Hospitals have been built around it, where you can improve your health after injuries, as well as undergo preventive courses of treatment for stomach diseases, various skin diseases and problems related to otolaryngology. There are several near the lake mineral springs. The waters of the lake have healing properties for the treatment and prevention of osteochondrosis, infertility and neuritis. They also help restore immunity. Doctors advise taking mud baths and swimming in the lake in the afternoon, when the estuary warms up and the properties of the lake increase. But staying in it for more than 15 minutes is not recommended.

Aji Su

Probably the most famous mineral spring in Crimea is the spring Aji Su. Medical experts equate the properties of this source with the properties of the springs in Russian Pyatigorsk. The healing properties of Adji Su were first noticed by travelers back in the 18th century, but they were discovered by researchers half a century ago. Then the first hydropathic clinic was opened. Adji Su waters are very useful for rheumatic diseases, trophic ulcers, diseases of joints and ligaments. In addition, people come here for rehabilitation after fractures and other injuries. In addition to hydrotherapy, local hospitals also prescribe other procedures, such as massage and cosmetic wraps, and various mineral baths. During two weeks of stay in the hospital you can do daily new procedure. And besides therapeutic prevention you can always go to waterfalls or to the forest to achieve complete relaxation.

Tourism, which many today successfully combine with treatment or health treatments, it is simply impossible to imagine without mud therapy. Today mud resorts Russia and other countries are ready to offer their health improvement services. The list of mud baths includes resorts in Germany, the Czech Republic, Croatia, Montenegro, and Israel. Everyone is familiar with the names of balneological and mud hospitals: Karlovy Vary, Essentuki, Pyatigorsk, Kuyalnik, Evpatoria, Saki resort. And this is far from full list resorts that offer mud treatment.

Mud resorts of the world: historical experience of balneo and mud therapy

Long before the mud resorts in the above-mentioned regions became known throughout the world, the healing properties of mud went through a long historical path of research and recognition by the medical community. China, ancient India, Tibet, Egypt, the Baltic, the Azov and Black Seas, Russia - the geography of world mud therapy was wide. But in the old days there were no special ways messages, each healing pond or spring was discovered intuitively: thanks to attention to one’s body, observation of nature and inexhaustible faith in its healing powers. Now it’s all simple: type in any search engine “Mud therapy in Crimea” , And Before you are dozens of options for spa treatment. Truly the scale of modern mud therapy in medical complexes, sanatoriums and mud baths around the world are amazing in comparison with ancient methods of performing procedures.

What is most surprising is that mud therapy in Russia, as an official medical service began to be used only at the end of the 18th century, when the first sanatoriums and hospitals began to appear in the nearby area around the miraculous reservoirs. In Essentuki, Anapa, Baikal, Mineralnye Vody in the Caucasus, as well as in the sanatoriums of the city of Saki, mud therapy was included in the health improvement programs of the first treatment and preventive complexes.

Mud resorts and sanatoriums on the Black Sea in Crimea

Today, Crimea is perhaps the most popular resort region throughout the CIS. Sources found here healing mud, as well as numerous studies conducted by domestic scientists, have opened up wide opportunities for medical specialization in Crimean sanatoriums. The most famous resort area is located near Lake Saki. Mud therapy in Saki is an extensive list of diseases of the digestive, circulatory, nervous, musculoskeletal and reproductive systems people in whom this healing method is used most often.

Mud treatment in Saki at the sanatorium is not only standard types of healing for common diseases, but also rehabilitation therapy complex sedentary and spinal patients. The proximity of the life-giving lake makes mud therapy in Saki, and simply relaxing in it very attractive, and the sanatoriums here are different high level comfort and professional approach for every case of illness. Because, treatment specific diseases a priori involves turning to qualified specialists.

The famous mud resort of Crimea - Saki

Clinical sanatorium Poltava, Saki, one of the first Saki sanatoriums, provided mud treatment to everyone in need. The multidisciplinary balneological sanatorium in Crimea has a modern medical center With the latest equipment for the diagnosis and treatment of diseases using water and mud therapy. An impressive size water and mud bath, where mud baths are filled with healing mud using special equipment, five residential buildings ten meters from the sea coast and a vast park area, with all these advantages Poltava-Crimea - one might say, a real mud resort of Russia. A complex approach to patients and vacationers, the abundance and accessibility of healing programs various profiles, modern medical equipment of sanatoriums, as well as stunningly beautiful natural landscapes and invigorating air - all this explains why more and more tourists every year choose mud therapy in Crimea, preferring it to other resort areas.

Medical research is increasingly calling for more attention to be paid to disease prevention, improving overall body tone and managing healthy image life. The voices in favor of drug-free treatment are becoming louder. It is unlikely that the application can be canceled medicines in all cases, but use Natural resources for health improvement, treatment of certain types of diseases, as well as for for preventive purposes quite acceptable and even useful. hospitals and sanatoriums can work miracles. Using it for health mineral waters natural origin, inhaling fresh air, plunging into and healing mud, a person finds himself in natural environment. The body, cleansing itself of everything harmful introduced from the outside, recovers. The tradition of being treated “on the waters” using mud therapy in Russia is long-standing; one of the well-deserved places of healing is the Saki resort. The mud of Lake Saki has a number of unique properties, By healing power superior quality resources of the Dead Sea.

What is healing mud

Therapeutic mud, or another name for peloids, is silty colloidal sediment of natural origin that has accumulated at the bottom of reservoirs over the course of long period time. Colloids contain mineral salts, organic and inorganic substances, gases, microorganisms, antibacterial substances.

Main properties of medicinal mud:

  • Adsorption of microbes.
  • Antibacterial qualities.
  • High plasticity.
  • High heat-retaining qualities.

Main components of peloids:

  • Salts of magnesium, calcium,
  • Mud solution made from organic acids.
  • Saturated solution sea ​​salts(brine).
  • Solutions of organic, organo-mineral compounds.

One of the richest deposits of natural peloids is located near the city of Saki. The mud of the Saki basin belongs to the sulfide-silt types of sediments. They are characterized by a rich mineral composition and high saturation with gases (methane, hydrogen sulfide), which gives the mud a specific pungent odor. It also includes living microflora (types of bacteria and fungi) that produce acids, pigments, and organic compounds.

Mud therapy is one of the oldest ways to gain health. Appointments must be carried out as prescribed by a doctor, which indicates an individual scheme for the use of procedures. It includes the dosage, duration of each session and the entire treatment as a whole.

Development of a healing lake

The mud of the Crimean peninsula is known from the works of Herodotus, in which he recommended treating the wounds of soldiers using the mud of Taurica. The effectiveness of the method has been proven by many medical research, many years of treatment experience, which is used in the sanatoriums of Saki, Evpatoria and other health resorts located in the balneological zone of Crimea.

The development of Lake Saki began in 1893, when it was divided into two unequal parts. The smaller one had a resort purpose, where people began to come for treatment. For the most part, salt production began to be developed on an industrial scale and water was taken for chemical production. This step upset the balance of the ecosystem and led to irreversible consequences. Production was stopped only in 1920, realizing its detrimental effect on the ecosystem and its incompatibility with the resort purpose of the unique lake.

In 1934, a nine-kilometer-long canal was built, delivering sea ​​water into the lake using pumps. This allows you to maintain a constant water level. The industrial part was finally transferred to the resort in 1973. Hydraulic structures have been created along the perimeter of the lake: dams, dams, designed to prevent desalination of the salty reservoir.

Industrial extraction of medicinal mud began in 1980, at the same time pools were built to restore used raw materials. Reserves of peloid deposits can be used and mined for several hundred years.

Today, about ten specialized health resorts offer mud therapy using peloids from Lake Saki. Sanatoriums in the city of Saki are located on the territory of a resort park, spread out around a healing pond or on the sea coast, where mud is delivered directly from the extraction site.

Mud composition

The silt mud of Lake Saki is oily, has elasticity, has a black color with a gray tint, a creamy consistency, and has the smell of hydrogen sulfide.

The composition includes the following elements (main):

  • Brine.
  • Soluble and insoluble mineral, organic, organomineral compounds.
  • Microelements, hormones, penicillin-like and other substances.
  • Saturated and unsaturated fatty acids.
  • Steroids, large list amino acids.
  • Nutrients.

Sulfide mud of Lake Saki stimulates restorative life processes in the human body. A feature of peloids from this region is their ability to increase the body’s energy levels, unlock the full potential of human strength, increase resistance to diseases, and provide anti-inflammatory, antibacterial, and restorative effects.

Mechanism of action

The silt mud of Lake Saki has a velvety, pleasant structure, and therefore it is easy to apply it directly to the body; it lies tightly on the skin and retains heat, which enhances the healing effect.

Exposure levels:

  • Temperature. The peloids cool slowly, gradually releasing heat to the body. The water in the mud mass has quite high temperature after forced heating, which is not felt at all by the skin. As a result of thermal action with a prolonged effect, tissues are heated deeper, blood flow improves, lymph and blood circulation is activated, focal inflammations are cleared faster. Painful sensations become dull and gradually go away, oxygen exchange in cells improves.
  • Mechanical. Mud applied to an area of ​​skin activates the autonomic nervous system and sweating increases. The sweat secretion removes “toxins” and excess salt from the body, and intercellular drainage occurs. Outwardly this is expressed in smartness skin, elasticity, velvety, healthy skin color.
  • Chemical. All mineral components of mud, gases dissolved in it, ions of trace elements freely penetrate into intact skin and subsequent layers (tissues, muscles, organs, blood, etc.). There is a positive effect on endocrine system (thyroid gland, pituitary gland, ovaries, testes, etc.), provoking normalization of work, delivering microelements and vitamins necessary for functioning. This achieves a rejuvenation effect and increases energy potential.
  • Antimicrobial. The Saki region is rich in mud with a bactericidal effect. Using applications on wounds and lesions skin lesions a cleansing effect is achieved, wounds heal several times faster. Intracavitary application also shows positive lasting results. The presence of iodine, bromine, and zinc ions in the Saki mud causes fast recovery tissue structure, has a detrimental effect on pathogenic microflora, such as staphylococci, coli and others.
  • Adaptive. Muds activate defense mechanisms the body, the immune system is activated, suppressing foci of the disease. The internal structure of life support comes into a balanced state and works to restore its functions. Saki mud has such a compensatory effect.

Indications and contraindications

The health resorts of the city of Saki invite their patients to undergo mud therapy courses in therapeutic, preventive and for cosmetic purposes. The result will be recovery, relaxation, rejuvenation appearance And excellent health for a long period.

Saki mud is used to treat many diseases. Indications and contraindications should be found out after receiving medical advice. Treatment natural means provides positive effect only when long-term use, taking into account the condition of a particular person.

Indications for the use of peloids:

  • Diseases nervous system(peripheral, central).
  • Problems of the musculoskeletal system.
  • Diseases genitourinary system in men and women, infertility.
  • Respiratory diseases, eye diseases.
  • Diseases oral cavity, skin diseases (psoriasis, ichthyosis, post-burn scars, etc.).
  • Cerebral palsy in children, enuresis.
  • Consequences of traumatic brain injury, intoxication.
  • Diseases internal organs: excretory system, gastrointestinal tract.
  • Diseases associated with reduced immunity.
  • Cosmetological problems (sagging skin, premature aging, cellulite, acne And so on).

When you arrive in the Saki region for recovery, do not self-medicate. Uncontrolled use of natural procedures can cause the same devastating harm as unprofessional drug treatment.

General contraindications:

  • Malignant neoplasms.
  • Diabetes.
  • Diseases of the heart and blood vessels.
  • Pregnancy.
  • Hypertension.
  • Epilepsy.

Besides general contraindications, there are a number of diseases or conditions in which treatment with Saki mud will worsen the situation, for example, peloids cannot be used if fractures are not healing well. If there is an exacerbation of radiculitis with pain syndrome, then this is also a contraindication. In each individual case, to obtain the maximum effect from the procedures, you must consult a doctor. A qualified specialist will not only determine the treatment regimen, but also give recommendations for further actions.

Health improvement

Crimea attracts many people to relax by the sea and try out the Saki mud. Indications and contraindications general, absence chronic diseases allow everyone to freely benefit from wellness treatments. To evaluate the quality and effect of strengthening procedures, it is worth staying in the balneological area for at least 14 days, and it is better to take a full vacation of 21 days.

Using mud baths yourself is simple: you need to come directly to a lake or estuary, generously scoop up the mud and apply it to the entire body or area of ​​skin. Wait until dry and wash off sea ​​water, then you need to rinse under a fresh shower. All participants in the “wild” mud therapy are guaranteed good mood in the process and excellent immunity throughout the year.


Specialized sanatoriums and mud baths are located in close proximity to the raw material base. Peloids are delivered from the mining site. Four institutions await guests and patients, each with its own specialization:

  • Sanatorium "Saki": the oldest specialized health resort. Main areas: diseases of the musculoskeletal system, all types of infertility, gynecological and urological diseases, skin diseases and other things that Saki mud can cure. Indications and contraindications are taken into account in the procedure chart.
  • Sanatorium named after N. N. Burdenko. The treatment base is focused on patients with disabilities. Medical profile: diseases of the musculoskeletal system, cerebral palsy, diseases spinal cord, skin diseases, male and female infertility, problems of the nervous system, etc.
  • Central Exhibition Complex sanatorium named after Pirogov. Here they deal with spinal injuries, urological diseases, infertility, diseases of the gastrointestinal tract and cure for many other diseases.
  • Sanatorium "Sakropol" In order to provide assistance and treatment to patients, she uses Saki mud. Indications and contraindications for treatment here are the same as in other institutions.

In addition to purely specialized institutions, guests are invited to boarding houses and health resorts located on the seashore: the Tanger boarding house and the Priboy recreation center are open in the summer season. Marine sanatoriums with mud therapy welcome guests all year round: “Yurmino”, “Northern Lights”, “Blue Wave”, “Poltava - Crimea”.

Home mud therapy

Industrial mining of peloids makes it possible to carry out procedures at home. Saki mud in Moscow is available in pharmacy chains and stores with departments selling cosmetics.

For home use dirt is produced in tubes and containers of various sizes. Some manufacturers improve the properties of the source material with the help of plant materials and additional doses of vitamins, but Saki mud plays a leading role in treatment, health improvement, and prevention.

Application at home requires a little time for preparation and for the procedure itself. For ease of use, a thermal bag is suitable; it is preheated to 60 ° C, healing mud is placed in it and placed on sore spot. It is advisable to insulate the top. After use, the bag with dirt is thrown away.

To achieve a cosmetic effect, a 0.5 cm layer of mud, preheated in a water bath, is applied to the skin of the face and body. The procedure takes about 20 minutes. Effect: exfoliation of keratinized particles, blood flow, lymphatic drainage, etc. The mask is washed off and moisturizer is applied. Also, for seborrheic dermatitis, the treatment of cellulite, Saki mud is used as a hair strengthening agent.

Today, famous mud resorts in Russia are very popular among travelers from all over the world. They offer their guests unique opportunity- combine the usual resort holiday with health care. Wellness programs that mud resorts offer their guests can safely be called unique; they are based on the use of a special natural component - healing mud.

This healing natural balm can have different origins, volcanic mud is widely used, as well as silt mud, which is extracted from the bottom of salt lakes-estuaries. Popular resorts with mud therapy are presented in various regions of Russia. In the Irkutsk region there is the famous resort of Ust-Kut, on the territory of which there is a unique salt lake.

Another famous mud resort in Russia is Sadgorod, it is located in the vicinity of Vladivostok. Here, sea mud mud is used in health centers. The world's most famous mud resorts are located in the Stavropol Territory, with Pyatigorsk remaining the leader among them. It is famous not only for its deposits of healing mud, but also for its abundance of healing mineral springs.

The most best resorts with mud therapy in the Russian Federation are located on the Black Sea coast, they offer their guests an exciting holiday and safe recovery. Treatment with natural ingredients does not have side effects, unlike other popular healing methods. Mud therapy allows you to successfully cope with the widest spectrum diseases. The best Russian mud resorts are worth visiting for everyone who cares about health and wants to find a worthy alternative classical drug treatment.

The best resorts with mud therapy in Crimea

The most effective and modern techniques The mud resorts of Crimea offer their guests health benefits; they are known far beyond the region. The Crimean peninsula is famous for its salt lakes, which are the source of therapeutic silt mud. In addition, the region is attractive for its healing climate, the presence of mineral springs and crystal clear seas, and a diverse service sector that will make your vacation interesting and unforgettable.
Mud resorts located in Crimea provide treatment the following types diseases:

  • cardiovascular diseases;
  • diseases of the musculoskeletal system;
  • ENT diseases;
  • diseases associated with decreased immunity;
  • gynecological and urological diseases;
  • dermatological diseases;
  • diseases caused by metabolic disorders.

One of the most famous in the region is the Black Sea mud resort of Saki, its main attraction is the salty Saki Lake. Here, treatment with silt mud began to be practiced back in the 19th century; on the shore of Lake Saki there is the oldest mud bath in Crimea. Now located in the city of Saki, the mud resort offers its guests all the conditions for an unforgettable vacation.

Here is the famous sanatorium "Sacropolis" with first-class health center, there are many interesting attractions and places to relax. The sanatoriums provide excellent conditions for relaxation and recovery. This resort with mud therapy in Crimea is suitable for those who, in addition to wellness, also want to relax at sea; its guests will have no difficulty getting to popular beaches.

Modern mud resorts on the Black Sea are a great place for an exciting holiday with health benefits. Their guests have access not only to unique treatment programs, but also to gorgeous beaches, as well as many interesting attractions. The famous treatment resorts of Crimea will be interesting to visit at any time of the year.

– this is an opportunity not only to relax on the clean coast under the gentle rays of the sun, but also to improve your health. Each sanatorium in Crimea will offer you miracle cure– mud therapy, due to the fact that the peninsula is rich in mud springs.

Mud therapy is oldest species treating almost all ailments using natural remedies. Since ancient times, Crimean mud has been used to treat human diseases.

Sanatorium treatment. Properties of mud

Sanatoriums using mud therapy are mainly concentrated in the western part of Crimea - in Yevpatoria, Saki and Chernomorskoye. The hospitals of Feodosia are popular in east coast. Typically, resorts are located near healing mud lakes or volcanoes. High concentration natural ingredients water and earth explains the healing properties of mud, which is an oily, viscous mass of blue-black color. Sand, clay, various salts, iron, marl, remains of plants and animals under the centuries-old influence of the sun, water, salt and special microorganisms as a result of biological and chemical changes turned into a unique natural medicine Crimean peninsula. Scientists continue to study and find new substances useful for humans in healing mud. Some of them are similar in their effect to antibiotics, others contain microelements, metals, vitamins, acid compounds and biogenic stimulants that are important for the body.

The basis of treatment is the ability of these muds to increase the body’s resistance to disease, the ability to resist inflammatory processes. Basically, Crimean mud is used in the form of mud tampons for abdominal treatment and mud applications.

Mud resorts

The resorts in Saki, located on the shores of the salty Saki Lake, are famous for their successful experience in curing infertility in men and women. Not only mud, but also brine is mined here. This is the oldest mud resort in Crimea.

Evpatoria sanatoriums were built on Lake Moinaki. The health resorts of Chernomorskoye are located on the mud lake Yarylgach, the brine of which is rich in valuable therapeutic components. There are also numerous mud lakes near Feodosia.