Characteristics of spina bifida: symptoms and treatment. Congenital spina bifida and spina bifida - features of diagnosis and treatment Intervertebral hernia in children symptoms

Spina bifida is a congenital anomaly of the spine and spinal cord, occurs due to vertebrae that are not fused together, a gap is formed between them and part of the spinal cord with nerve roots protrudes between the vertebrae. In most cases, pathology occurs in the lumbosacral region, less often in the cervical and thoracic spine.

This is a very serious disease and the clinical picture depends on the degree of exposure of the nerve tissues to the vertebrae. Today, spina bifida is diagnosed in 50% of all lesions of the musculoskeletal system.

An abnormal defect can be detected in the womb, this makes it possible to take preventive measures even before the birth of the child.

After all, having discovered a fetal pathology, doctors always advise terminating the pregnancy. But not every mother will decide to take such radical measures, so if a woman decides to give birth to a baby, then immediately after birth it is necessary to begin treatment for spina bifida, this will help prevent severe disability in the future.

Scientists have not identified a clinic to date. But it is known that a certain role in the proper development of the fetus is played by a lack of vitamins and microelements, especially folic acid is required in large quantities for the proper formation of the baby’s nervous system.

Uncontrolled intake of medications and use of alcohol-containing drugs have a negative impact on the formation of a hernia in the fetus.

Cerebrospinal fluid is formed in the first weeks of pregnancy, it is during this period of time that specific factors can affect the appearance of a spinal hernia in the unborn baby.

Spina bifida in newborns is not a genetic pathology, so you should not be afraid to get pregnant; if you follow the doctor’s recommendations and maintain a healthy lifestyle, you will have a full-fledged baby. . A person with this type of hernia does not feel any particular pain symptoms. The only thing is that on palpation, at the site of the unhealthy vertebra, a small depression is felt. Visually, hyperemia with hairs is noticeable at the site of the disengaged vertebra.

Hernia, this type of pathology entails severe consequences and symptoms. In addition to the fact that the protrusion is visible to the naked eye, it is classified as a neoplasm that is filled with cerebrospinal fluid, with nerve processes and ligaments. In most cases, the nerve processes can fulfill their purpose normally, but if they are affected, the baby is born with a complex of neuropsychic disorders and a number of somatic diseases.

In rare cases, each type may be accompanied by a complication in the form of a tumor. Basically, benign neoplasms of lipoma are added to the hernia. They are located on the membrane of the spinal cord or on the processes of the intervertebral discs. The tumor does not have time to transform into a malignant form, since it is removed together with the hernia during surgery.

Classification of the disease:

  • Meningocele (meninges). With this pathology, there are no symptoms from the nervous system, since the brain is formed as expected, the only thing visible is a small tubercle on the spinal column, covered with thinned skin. Symptoms are characterized by the size of the protruding spinal cord along with the nerve roots and membranes of the vertebral arches. The location and content of the neoplasm. The most encouraging prognosis is for a small tumor with protrusion of only the Meningocele;
  • Mielomeningocele - in this case, the protrusion of the meninges involves the tissue of the spinal cord (Mielomeningocele). The nerve roots partially enter the hernial tumor. As a result, the medulla has irregular, curved shapes;
  • Mielocystocele is a very severe form of the disease that includes a violation of the structure of the cerebrospinal fluid. Mielocystocele in infants is manifested by paresis of the legs, dysfunction of the large and small pelvic organs. A hernia is characterized by an accumulation of brain fluid entering through the large opening of the vertebral arches;
  • Rachischisis is the most severe and incurable pathology. It is characterized by complete damage to the membrane of the spinal cord, vertebrae and soft tissues of the body. In this case, the brain is completely on the surface and is not protected by the skin. According to statistics, it ends in death in 100% of children.

Hernia of the spinal cord with various defects of the nervous system and paresis of the lower extremities. In most cases, it occurs with complications, such as involuntary urination and bowel movements.


A latent type of pathology, rarely manifested by any symptoms or disorders in the human body. Compared to open cleavage:

  • Paralysis of the lower extremities, complete or partial;
  • Hydrocephalus (fluid accumulation in the brain);
  • Disruption of the gastrointestinal tract, liver, kidneys;
  • Nervous system disorders: epilepsy, nervousness, loss of body sensitivity;
  • Asymmetry and unnatural position of the legs.


The disease can be diagnosed when the baby is still in the womb. And:

  • The pathology of the development of cleft vertebral discs will be shown by ultrasound during a perinatal examination. A clinical examination of a pregnant woman's blood and amniotic fluid for the presence of alpha-fetoprotein also indicates abnormal fetal development;
  • After the birth of the baby, the spinal protrusion is visible to the naked eye. It looks like a bag covered with transparent skin with liquid secretion inside. In rare cases, the spinal part comes out;
  • To accurately diagnose and clarify the type of hernia, an X-ray examination is required; MRI or CT diagnostics are used to identify concomitant disorders in the body;
  • A neurological examination includes an assessment of muscle tone, with what force the baby rests his lower limbs on the surface, and an analysis of the contents of the hernial sac is taken.

Myelography is an additional diagnostic technique, performed using a contrast agent, which allows for an accurate assessment of brain damage in a child.


There is an effective way to treat spinal hernia , but unfortunately it is carried out only abroad. The operation is performed when the fetus is in the womb at approximately 20 to 25 weeks of pregnancy. The essence of the surgical intervention is to close the pathology in the spine. As a result, the spinal tube returns to its place, and the vertebral fissure closes. Statistics show that the consequences of perinatal intervention in a child after birth are rarely noticeable. And timely care and compliance with all the doctor’s instructions will ensure the life of a full-fledged and healthy person.

In Russia they are trying to carry out such complex operations, but today you can count on one hand the number of specialists capable of performing this procedure. Therefore, our centers mainly perform postpartum surgery.

Congenital spinal hernia is very difficult to treat. It is possible to completely cure and put a child back on his feet in rare cases. The patient should always be observed by a doctor, since the risk of complications of the disease will not disappear on its own. If a spina bifida is detected in a newborn, emergency or planned surgery is required, depending on the classification of the disease.

In most cases, surgery is performed in the first three days of the baby's life. Some scientific luminaries are of the opinion that surgical intervention is not necessary. The main thing is to make an important and correct decision. A thorough examination and diagnosis of the lesion is required, taking into account all existing risks and complications after surgery.

It will not be possible to completely cure a child, but it will be 100% possible to alleviate his condition and create full-fledged quality of life conditions with the help of surgical treatment.

Spinal hernia is one of the serious diseases of the musculoskeletal system. There is a violation of the intervertebral disc, which causes it to move outside the spinal canal. The intervertebral disc is necessary for connecting the vertebrae, while it provides the motor function of the spine. Due to a hernia, the patient experiences pain in the spine, which interferes with a full life. If the pathology is not eliminated in a timely manner, serious consequences for the person may occur. Most often, spinal hernia is observed in people whose work requires active physical activity.


Why can there be a disorder of the intervertebral disc in a child? There are several causes of spinal hernia.

  • Sustaining a spinal injury due to bruises or sprains.
  • Metabolic disorders in the children's body.
  • Underdevelopment of muscle and bone tissue.
  • Infectious diseases.
  • Connective tissue diseases and their untimely treatment.
  • Poor posture.
  • Serious physical stress on the spine that does not correspond to body weight.
  • Osteochondrosis.
  • Hereditary factor.
  • The cartilage ring can rupture and cause pinching of the spinal nerve roots.

A hernia in a child can occur for several reasons at the same time. And if they are not all eliminated, the treatment will be ineffective and even unsafe.


How to recognize a hernia in a child? Strong signs of disruption of the integrity of the intervertebral discs are usually not observed. But you can still identify several symptoms by which you can recognize a hernia in a child.

  • The baby feels severe and sharp pain in the back.
  • The intensity of pain in a child depends on the degree of narrowing of the lumen of the spinal canal, as well as on the infringement of nerve endings.
  • In the area of ​​the spine you can notice small hernial protrusions.
  • The nature of the pain is usually aching, but it intensifies with physical activity and movement.
  • If your child constantly complains of pain in the spine, you should consult a doctor.

Diagnosis of spinal hernia in a child

  • The disease can be diagnosed in a child through a primary medical examination.
  • The specialist needs to determine the degree of the hernia in order to prescribe correct and effective treatment.
  • The doctor conducts special tests to identify symptoms of pathology. A neurological examination is also carried out by checking reflexes.
  • Carrying out magnetic resonance imaging to determine the exact location of the hernia.
  • A CT scan may be performed to detail the spine longitudinally.
  • To confirm an accurate diagnosis and exclude other diseases, the doctor may order an X-ray examination.


How dangerous is a hernia for a child’s body? A hernia does not pose any particular danger to a child. But in the absence of the necessary treatment, serious complications can arise.

  • Pinching of the spinal cord nerve roots may occur. In this case, the signs of the disease appear more clearly. A sharp pain appears in the abdomen, coldness is felt in the extremities.
  • Pinching of the nerve endings of the spinal cord can manifest itself in the form of severe, sharp pain in the hips, legs, and legs.
  • These cases often require surgery or an epidural block. For a child, surgery is extremely undesirable and can lead to impaired motor activity in the future. For this reason, pain relief for the damaged area of ​​the spine is often used with hormonal agents and conservative treatment continues.
  • In the absence of proper treatment and elimination of the cause of the hernia, the child may experience serious complications that will lead to disability.


What can you do

  • Self-treatment of hernial protrusion of the spine in a child is unacceptable.
  • If you suspect a hernia in a child, parents should consult a doctor as soon as possible after the first symptoms appear.
  • In the future, mothers and fathers must follow the doctor’s recommendations for a speedy recovery of the baby.
  • If treatment in the form of gymnastics or physical therapy is prescribed, parents can conduct classes with the child at home.

What does a doctor do

  • The doctor can determine how to treat a hernia in a child after receiving the results of the study and determining the extent of the disease.
  • First of all, the doctor will prescribe treatment to eliminate pain.
  • Bed rest may be prescribed for up to four weeks.
  • Conservative treatment is often used for a child. It includes manual procedures, physical exercises, treatment using ultrasound, magnetic or electromagnetic fields, and light.
  • To eliminate pain, a method of spinal traction is sometimes prescribed. But such a procedure is carried out in case of ineffective drug and conservative treatment.
  • If spinal traction also proves ineffective, surgical intervention is used. During the operation, the destroyed intervertebral disc is removed. Conditions are also being created for the disconnected vertebrae to grow together in a short time.
  • After the operation, the child is prescribed therapeutic exercises to strengthen weakened spinal muscles.
  • Complex treatment is often used to speed up recovery and restore motor function of the spine.


Many parents want to prevent the occurrence of spinal hernia in their child from an early age. To protect your baby from hernial protrusion, you need to strengthen muscle and bone tissue. This is especially important for children whose relatives have been diagnosed with a hernia.

  • Physical therapy is one of the effective methods for preventing spinal hernia in a child.
  • If a metabolic disorder is detected in a child’s body, it is necessary to restore it as soon as possible.
  • Parents should monitor their baby's posture from an early age to prevent spinal curvature.
  • The child must know the rules of behavior on the street, at home, in child care institutions, and in transport in order to prevent spinal injury.
  • In the event of infectious diseases, as well as muscle and connective tissue ailments in the baby, parents should consult a doctor as soon as possible to eliminate them.

Find out what can cause the disease and how to recognize it in a timely manner. Find information about the signs that can help you identify illness. And what tests will help identify the disease and make a correct diagnosis.

In the article you will read everything about methods of treating a disease such as spinal hernia in children. Find out what effective first aid should be. How to treat: choose medications or traditional methods?

You will also learn how untimely treatment of spinal hernia in children can be dangerous, and why it is so important to avoid the consequences. All about how to prevent spinal hernia in children and prevent complications.

And caring parents will find on the service pages complete information about the symptoms of spinal hernia in children. How do the signs of the disease in children aged 1, 2 and 3 differ from the manifestations of the disease in children aged 4, 5, 6 and 7? What is the best way to treat herniated disc disease in children?

Take care of the health of your loved ones and stay in good shape!

Spina bifida in newborns, which is difficult to treat, occurs in 60% of all cases of musculoskeletal disorders. It is impossible to completely cure this disease in infants, but with timely measures taken, it is possible to reduce the number and intensity of complications and help the child lead a relatively normal life.

What is spina bifida

Spina bifida in a newborn is a congenital disease, the etiology of which is still not fully understood. There is irrefutable evidence that a lack of vitamins and minerals in the body of an unborn child can lead to the development of pathology.

The disease is often accompanied by clubfoot, hydrocephalus (dropsy), as well as related diseases associated with disorders of the urinary system and digestive tract.

Congenital spinal hernia in the fetus in most cases forms in the lumbosacral region, less often in the thoracic region.

Depending on the clinical manifestations, it is customary to distinguish between several types of pathological disorders.

Congenital spinal hernias include:

The diagnosis of “congenital spina bifida” in almost any case means that parents will have to learn how to care for a sick child. Timely prescribed and competently carried out therapy increases the chances of a relatively normal development of the child.

Why is a child born with spina bifida?

As already noted, the causes of spina bifida in a child are still not fully understood. The pathology is congenital, but a genetic dependence of the disease is excluded. The appearance of a hernia is not affected by the fact that close relatives or parents had a similar deviation.

To date, the following causes of congenital herniation of the spinal cord have been identified:

Treatment in newborns is associated with the risk of developing disability. Today, the best treatment method is to prevent the development of the disease. Preventive measures include a correct daily routine, a well-chosen diet, and keeping stress to a minimum throughout the entire pregnancy.

What is the danger of spina bifida in an infant?

Spina bifida is practically untreatable. In domestic clinics, therapy mainly comes down to eliminating the consequences of the disease. The outcome of the pathology is:

There is no possibility for the child to self-heal. Instead of waiting for a miracle, it is better to start competent treatment as early as possible!

How to determine if a child has spina bifida

The disease is characterized by pronounced symptoms, which include:

Since symptoms may indicate other diseases, differential diagnosis of congenital spina bifida in children is carried out. X-rays or MRIs are often required to confirm the diagnosis. After examination, the disease is assigned an ICD code and appropriate treatment is prescribed.

In the West, great attention is paid to the early detection of a hernia, during fetal development. This makes it possible to carry out a successful operation to remove the bulge and almost completely restore the child’s health.

When is spina bifida operated on in newborns?

Surgical treatment of congenital spinal hernias in children is carried out either during the perinatal period or after the birth of the child.

Perinatal surgery

It is considered the most effective method of surgical treatment. The operation is performed between 19 and 26 weeks from the start of pregnancy. The essence of surgical treatment is to close the anatomical anomaly in the structure of the spine. As a result, the spinal cord returns to a place that is maximally protected from possible damage.

Management of childbirth with spina bifida in the fetus is carried out using cesarean section. Natural childbirth can lead to relapse of the disease.

As practice has shown, the consequences of perinatal surgery in infants are almost invisible. Caring for a child comes down to maintaining normal functioning of the intestines and bladder, and constant monitoring by a specialist.

Unfortunately, this kind of operation, as well as surgery for spina bifida in premature newborns, is carried out exclusively in “Western” and Israeli clinics. Domestic surgery centers are gradually introducing similar treatment methods, but at the moment, only a few specialists are able to successfully perform this type of operation.

Postpartum surgery

After childbirth, surgical intervention is effective only in the first few days. After this, it is possible to remove the growth, but disability inevitably occurs after the operation. Life after surgery in this case will be fraught with difficulties associated with the mental and physical retardation of the child.

Over time, repeat surgery may become necessary. The results of treatment are influenced by the intensity of proliferation and the severity of pathological changes. Life expectancy depends on the type of hernia, as well as the presence of hydrocephalus.

Additional surgical methods

During the child’s recovery period after surgery to remove a hernia, additional surgical intervention may be required:
  • Shunt surgery – helps relieve pressure from hydrocephalus on the child’s brain and remove excess fluid.
  • Elimination of anatomical abnormalities of the spinal structure.
  • Orthopedic treatment.
  • Restoration of bowel and bladder function.
After surgical treatment, long-term rehabilitation is required in each case.

Anesthesia for surgery is prescribed only after determining concomitant pathologies. A hernia can affect the functioning of the newborn's kidneys and liver. In such cases, the administration of anesthesia is approached with extreme caution.

Where are surgeries performed for congenital spina bifida?

Orthopedic and rehabilitation clinics for eliminating and treating the consequences of spina bifida removal are located both in Israel and in Russia.

The results of treatment largely depend on the qualifications of the surgeons, as well as on the degree of growth of the hernia. In approximately 30% of cases, it is possible to achieve a more or less stable state of health for the child.

What kind of rehabilitation is necessary after surgery?

Typically, rehabilitation centers are located directly next to neurosurgery clinics and are a branch of the hospital. Large medical centers cooperate with sanatoriums for children.

So, after undergoing treatment in an Israeli clinic, sanatorium treatment for spina bifida is often prescribed in a boarding house located on the shores of the Dead Sea. This allows the surgeon who performed the operation to monitor the patient’s recovery process and make adjustments to rehabilitation methods.

During recovery, the following procedures are performed:

Addresses of sanatoriums and rehabilitation centers can be found on the website of the clinic providing surgical treatment.

Spina bifida is a rather severe pathology, which is a congenital anomaly, as a result of which the vertebrae do not close, but form a gap. Because of this, parts of the spinal cord and its membranes extend under the skin. Most often, this pathology forms in the lower part of the spinal column, but can also occur in other places. This is a very serious disease, the severity of which depends on how much the nerve tissue is deprived of protection.

How severe is this disease considered?

Today, spina bifida is diagnosed in the prenatal period, which makes it possible to take preventive measures before the birth of the child. Almost always, spina bifida is an indication to terminate a pregnancy, since spinal bifida is considered a very serious malformation. But if a woman nevertheless decides to give birth, then after birth the child is prescribed radical treatment to prevent the development of severe disability.

Spina bifida in adults is also accompanied by severe disability, because it does not allow movement of the lower extremities and leads to urinary and fecal incontinence. A person simply cannot exist without outside help.

Why can a hernia occur?

The causes of spina bifida are still not fully understood. The fetus during intrauterine development can be influenced by various factors: chemical, biological, physical. Most scientists have come to the consensus that the occurrence of spina bifida may be caused by a lack of vitamins in the mother’s body, in particular, folic acid.

Although spina bifida is a congenital condition, it is not considered genetic in nature. However, if a child with such an anomaly has already been conceived, then during a subsequent pregnancy the risk of its occurrence is high.

To prevent the conception of another child with spina bifida, before pregnancy, a woman must undergo preliminary preparation by consuming a complex of all necessary vitamins and minerals.

In an adult, a spinal hernia occurs due to a fall from a height, lifting heavy objects, or as a result of a collision or blow.

Types of spina bifida

This pathology is of the following types:

  • Hidden, which is characterized by a mild form and disruption of the structure of just one vertebra. Most people with this type of hernia have no symptoms, only a slight depression in the affected area of ​​the spine.
  • Hernia, in which a serious bone defect occurs. The pathology has an external manifestation, expressed in a hernial protrusion with the spinal cord located in it along with the membranes and Most often, the nerve roots and trunks are not damaged and continue to function normally. In more severe cases, the spinal cord may be pinched in the hernial sac along with the membranes, trunks and nerve roots. In this case, the pathology is accompanied by severe impairments of motor activity and sensitivity.

Symptoms of pathology in newborns

Congenital spina bifida manifests itself as follows:

  • paralysis of the legs;
  • disturbance of intestinal motility;
  • loss of sensation below the site of the hernia;
  • dysfunction of the bladder, kidneys and rectum.

Another sign that characterizes spina bifida in children is the very large size of the skull, which is caused by an accumulation of fluid inside the ventricles of the brain. This is facilitated by impaired circulation of cerebrospinal fluid, which is caused by spina bifida.

Hydrocephalus often leads to convulsions, delayed development, epilepsy, neurotic disorders, severe headaches, strabismus, poor vision, upward-rolling pupils, and weakness of the limbs. When the fluid pressure on the brain is very strong, death occurs.

Symptoms of the disease in adults

Spinal hernia in an adult is characterized by the following symptoms:

  • Numbness of the skin on the foot, thigh or leg, feeling of numbness or tingling.
  • Painful sensations when bending over.
  • Difficulty controlling the work of the muscles of the foot, thigh, and lower leg.
  • Severe pain arising in the lumbar spine, radiating to the legs, abdomen, and groin area.
  • Increased sweating.

How is pathology diagnosed?

Diagnosis of a hernia begins with collecting a medical history: determining the age at which weakness in the lower extremities began and thinning of the leg muscles appeared, as well as when it became very difficult to move.

The patient should definitely contact a neurologist, who assesses the strength of motor activity of the lower extremities, checks how much muscle tone in the legs is reduced, and also examines the spinal column to identify an external hernial protrusion.

Diagnosis of a hernia includes:

  • Transillumination, with the help of which the contents of the hernial sac are assessed.
  • Contrast myelography. In this case, they assess how severely the spinal cord is damaged by injecting intravenously a contrast agent, which begins to accumulate in the area of ​​the hernia;
  • Computed tomography and magnetic resonance imaging used in the spinal column to examine the spinal cord layer by layer. The data obtained make it possible to identify the pathological area in the structure of the spinal canals and the place where the hernia and its contents are located.

Consultation with a surgeon and geneticist is also necessary.

Detection of anomalies in the fetus during intrauterine development is carried out as follows:

  • using routine ultrasound during pregnancy;
  • blood tests for alpha-fetoprotein levels by a woman during pregnancy;
  • examination of amniotic fluid by puncturing the membranes.

The decision on whether to terminate the pregnancy or not is made by a council of doctors, based on the severity of the pathology and the wishes of the woman herself.

Conservative treatment of vertebral anomaly

Spinal hernia is a very serious illness, therefore any traditional methods of treatment, visiting saunas and baths, drinking alcohol tinctures, hot compresses, as well as hot baths with medicinal herbs are strictly prohibited. All this can greatly worsen the patient's condition.

Treatment of spina bifida is carried out only in a radical way - removal of the pathology. A conservative treatment method is necessary in order to prevent the progression of the anomaly. For this purpose, neurotrophics and nootropics are used, which normalize the functioning of nervous tissue. You should definitely take vitamins A, B, C, E, which help improve metabolic processes in the areas of the spinal cord affected by the disease.

Physiotherapeutic procedures (laser, magnet) are also recommended to help restore motor activity. With the help of physical therapy, neuromuscular connections are restored in the affected areas. Thanks to dietary nutrition, intestinal function is normalized. Be sure to include more coarse fiber (porridge, vegetables) in your diet.

Surgical removal of spina bifida

Many patients are afraid of undergoing surgery, but in most cases this method of treatment helps get rid of the hernia as long as the nerve centers are not affected. Surgical intervention is absolutely necessary if unbearable pain occurs, fecal and urinary incontinence occurs, a person has difficulty moving, and only painkillers save him.

The operation (surgical removal of spina bifida) consists of reconstructing the spinal defect and closing the hole in the bone tissue. If there are non-viable tissues, they are removed, and healthy spinal cord structures are placed in the spinal canal. In most cases, the disease is accompanied by hydrocephalus, which after some time contributes to irreversible changes in the brain. To prevent the harmful effects of strong intracranial pressure, a shunt is formed, which is necessary to drain cerebrospinal fluid into the

Prevention of disease relapse

Unfortunately, there is a high probability that a spina bifida will form again, in the same place or in some other place. Therefore, when performing therapeutic exercises, you need to listen to your sensations that arise during spinal traction. Pain during exercise should in no case increase, but, on the contrary, decrease.

Newborns and adults are given a course of medications that better nourish the spinal cord tissue. Children need to regularly visit a neurologist for preventive examinations. If the muscle corset begins to weaken, and incorrect posture occurs, then after some time this can lead to the load on the spine being incorrectly distributed, provoking the formation of a hernia. Therefore, it is very important to treat treatment responsibly and consult a doctor as early as possible.


A herniated spinal cord is a severe malformation of intrauterine development of the fetus, often causing permanent disability and complications that are incompatible with life. It can only be treated surgically, but even this method does not provide any guarantee that the hernia will not form again. Therefore, before planning a pregnancy, a woman should consult a doctor to conduct all the necessary examinations and follow the necessary recommendations.

In recent years, experts have noted an increase in requests for various spinal diseases in children and adolescents. Unfortunately, children are not insured against injuries and injuries, as well as against the development of spinal deformities and injuries. Intervertebral hernias, caused by severe complications of spinal injuries, are quite common reasons why teenagers consult a doctor.

Spinal diseases such as intervertebral disc herniation, vertebral displacement (spondyloarthrosis), scoliosis and even osteochondrosis, which occur in children, can significantly reduce their overall performance, ability to assimilate educational material, and attention.

The development of such a common disease in children as scoliosis, which can lead to the development of osteochondrosis with its subsequent complications, can be caused by uncomfortable shoes, incorrect posture, and injuries to the ligamentous-muscular system. Parents may not immediately suspect spinal pathology in their children, since the child in the initial stages of the disease may not respond to pain and may not complain of malaise. Therefore, the disease progresses and it becomes more and more difficult to fight it in the future.

Clinical manifestations and symptoms of intervertebral hernia depend on the level of damage. In adolescents, the lumbosacral spine is most often affected. This may be due to early sports with heavy physical activity (lifting barbells, weights). Such overloads can cause pain of varying severity - from heaviness and stiffness in the lumbar region to attacks of pain that make movement and even walking difficult. If a child complains of tight tension or pain in the spine, parents should seek help from a doctor. In recent years, even children and adolescents aged 9 to 12 years have often complained of back pain.

There are several types of back pain. In children, pain is most often local in nature, i.e. limited to the affected area of ​​the spine. As a rule, its character changes depending on the position of the body.

Radicular pain, the second most common type of pain, is a “shooting” pain that gets worse with movement. It can be sharp, cutting, and radiate to the lower limb. Sometimes there is a violation of the sensitivity of the skin in the form of hyperesthesia. Pain syndrome increases any movement in the lumbar region: physical activity, playing any kind of sport, as well as long-term static loads. Staying in one position for a long time or lying on your stomach also increases the pain syndrome, as this increases the degree of displacement of the vertebrae and intervertebral discs. And in case of spinal pathology (intervertebral hernia, spondylolisthesis, etc.), this increases compression of the nerve endings.

Spinal pathology can manifest itself with symptoms other than pain. These are parasthesias or unpleasant sensations in the form of numbness, tingling in the area of ​​the feet and legs. With a herniated disc in the lumbosacral region, a decrease in muscle tone of the buttocks, thighs, and legs may occur. As a result of hypotonia, these muscles may subsequently be susceptible to atrophy. Painful muscle cramps and spasms, scoliotic deformities of the spinal column are common.

If the cervical spine is affected, vascular syndrome often develops. In children, intervertebral hernias of the cervical spine are manifested by headaches, dizziness, irritability, etc. This disease immediately affects studies - disturbances in sleep, memory, and attention lead to poor academic performance. The child becomes apathetic, little is interested in him, drowsiness or, on the contrary, hyperexcitability is expressed, the phase of falling asleep is disrupted, and the development of restlessness, irritability, and obsessive movements syndrome are characteristic. With prolonged disruption of the blood supply to the brain due to hernial disease, the child may experience dizziness, headaches, blurred vision, hearing, and speech. Pain occurs in the cervical spine, and restriction of movements develops when turning the head.

With pathology in the thoracic region, pain, intercostal neuralgia, pain in the chest or in the heart area are most often noted. Sometimes such pain is accompanied by herpetic eruptions along the intercostal nerves.

If you notice the first signs of spinal damage in your child, do not delay visiting a doctor. Today, with timely contact with specialists, intervertebral hernias can be treated painlessly and non-surgically.