Characteristic features of the name Osip. Osip (male name)

What does the name Osip mean?
This name means - God will increase.

Origin of the name Osip:
This name definitely has biblical roots, so it could be the Russian version of such a Jewish name as Joseph (and moreover, its literal translation into Russian means “He will increase”).

Character conveyed by the name Osip:
Osip always has a very difficult and extremely unbalanced character. IN early childhood This little boy is very easy to offend, and sometimes not even by deed, but only by a somewhat careless word spoken. His peers are not too eager or drawn to Osip; he grows up in a kind of isolation, and, as a rule, has very few comrades, and not many real close friends either. And of course, this becomes a kind of reason for the further development of such not very pleasant character traits as a certain isolation, extraordinary pride, and even excessive touchiness.

However, it should be noted that Osip’s conceit does not have any outwardly open outlet - since by his nature he is always quite calm and extremely balanced. But of course, at the same time at his deep down a real storm or hurricane may well be going on - and it should be noted that even the closest people or relatives will sometimes not guess about everything that was going on in his soul. And a certain misunderstanding of everyone around, and complete absence truly true and extremely devoted friends, as well as even like-minded people, often lead to the development in Osip of an unpleasant tendency towards negative self-examination. And very often this, in turn, can develop into a certain isolation from the entire outside world. And quite often Osip can simply immerse himself in creativity, since it must be admitted that only in it can he, as a rule, absolutely fully realize his full potential. And also among all the Osips there are an unusually large number of artists, sometimes playwrights, or poets, as well as other prominent representatives of bohemia. It should also be noted that it is practically impossible to meet workers in certain “down-to-earth” or simply ordinary and unremarkable professions among men with such a sonorous name.

It should also be noted that Osip’s personal life, as a rule, can be quite difficult. It is extremely rare for him to show his emotions openly to everyone, flaunting them; it is always difficult for him to be the first to propose to his chosen one. So this woman can even for a very long time for long years and not at all guess, say, that Osip may have been experiencing incredibly hot feelings for her for a long time. And such timidity and extreme indecisiveness can sometimes even lead to the fact that Osip’s already extremely vulnerable pride can begin to suffer and suffer even more.

Later, having already entered marital relations, Osip can become a very good family man, however, even here everything may not be so rosy, since he is quite complex and even difficult character and certainly not every normal woman will be able to withstand a certain isolation from actual reality.

In this article you will find information about the meaning of the name Joseph, Osip, its origin, history, and learn about the interpretation options for the name.

  • Joseph's Zodiac - Virgo
  • Planet - Mercury
  • Color Joseph, Osip Joseph - lilac
  • Auspicious tree - olive
  • Joseph's treasured plant - aster
  • The patron saint of the name Joseph is the dove
  • Talisman stone Joseph, Osip Joseph - carnelian

What does the name Joseph mean? God's reward (the name Joseph is of Hebrew origin).

Short meaning of the name Joseph: Iosya, Osipka, Osya.

Patronymic name Joseph: Iosifovich, Osipovich, Iosifovna, Osipovna; decomposition Osipych.

Angel Joseph Day: The name Joseph celebrates name days twice a year:

  • April 13 (March 31) St. Righteous Joseph (the Beautiful) - son of Patriarch Jacob; died 1700 years BC, but with his life he prefigured Jesus Christ.
  • September 22 (9) - St. Joseph of Volotsky founded a monastery in Volokolamsk, Moscow province; denounced the Judaizing heretics and wrote a furious book against them, “The Enlightener” (XVI century).

Signs of the name Joseph: April 17 - Joseph the Songsinger: from this day the cricket's voice begins to sound and the crane gives its voice for the first time.

Characteristics of the name Joseph

Positive features: An adult man named Joseph is an easygoing, kind, sympathetic person.

Negative features: Joseph usually, in his youth, independently chooses a profession in which he will certainly achieve considerable heights - primarily thanks to his intelligence, and most importantly, cunning, even cunning. Both friends and enemies are needed primarily for their own success.

Character of the name Joseph: The name Joseph loves good, fairly simple food, and tries not to stand out with his clothes. In achieving material wealth, he is not particularly scrupulous; he can calmly “frame” his partner and then ruin him. Joseph does not attach much importance to relationships with women; he chooses a more beautiful wife in order to assert himself. Joseph loves children selflessly, tries to give them a good education, and most importantly, make them rich. Which is what Joseph most often succeeds in.

At the same time, he is cunning and does not disdain lying if it helps achieve his intended goal. Joseph is a man who knows how to wait, but at the same time his thought works intensively, he carefully analyzes, thinks through, calculates everything, after which he suddenly becomes energetic, impetuous, and strong-willed. He completes all his tasks and strives for recognition of his activities.

The name Joseph is sociable, does not let friends down, but does not promise much. He loves to travel and sometimes drinks even more than he should.

The name Osip sounds somewhat firmer and greater firmness, pride and emotionality are added to the characteristics of the name.

Joseph and his personal life

Compatible with female names: The marriage of the name with Deborah, Eve, Pravda, Leah, Rebecca, Rufina, Sarah, Fedosya is favorable. Complex relationships of the name are likely with Bella, Inga, Mavra, Susanna, Fevura.

Love and marriage: Joseph, being an exemplary family man, expects respect from his wife first of all. He loves children and pins his hopes for the future on them.

Joseph's wife must be beautiful and be able to cook well. Joseph is squeamish; he won’t eat in any house. He is a good, caring husband and father. His first marriage is not always successful, his second is usually much better. But he is always dissatisfied with his marriage; it seems to him that his wife underestimates him. Joseph has a very developed sense of duty. He takes care of the children from his first and second marriage until the end of his days. In his old age, Joseph becomes stingy and selfish.

Talents, business, career

Choice of profession: Joseph, unnoticed by those around him, achieves his goal. For him, the most important thing in life is business. He may be considered a good master of some craft, a talented scientist, composer, or public figure. But in any field of activity Joseph needs psychological support friends, colleagues, associates.

Joseph reaches professional heights in scientific and teaching activities, in art, in acting and political fields, in business, in the field of arts.

Business and career: The name Joseph can lead an ascetic lifestyle. He needs money only as a means of subsistence or to organize his own business.

Joseph has good math skills. Joseph can be a scientist, designer, teacher of mathematics, physics. The meaning of the name has a good memory, is not devoid of a literary gift, the ability to popularize complex subjects, and can work in the editorial office of a technical magazine. Joseph can make a good career in trade.

Health and energy

Health and talents: Joseph is irritable as a child, but in his youth this trait passes unnoticed. This is flexible, kind, warm-hearted man, responsive, always ready to help those who need it. Joseph's first marriage sometimes falls apart due to his wife's quarrelsome nature. A good family man, a loving and attentive husband, a strict, demanding father. The name Joseph loves children and takes care of them until the end of his days. The second marriage is always successful.

Joseph has skillful, “smart” hands; he repairs everything in the house himself. Highly moral, does not allow himself to succumb to sexual desires, impulses and temptations. In his old age he is plagued by polyarthritis.

As a child, Joseph was quite crybaby: picky eater, can throw a tantrum in the store if they don’t buy the toy they like. At all costs, he wants to prove to those around him his exclusivity. Parents need to restrain him. At school he is restless and a bully, he knows how to stand up for himself and for the girl he likes. He develops reverence for women from childhood.

The fate of Joseph in history:

What does the name Joseph mean for a man's destiny?

  1. Joseph Billings is a captain-lieutenant of the Russian fleet, an explorer of the eastern shores of Siberia and the islands lying near them, and the first to introduce us to the life of the Chukchi. At the end of 1785, the expedition set out from St. Petersburg, and on March 27, 1786, one of its members, Captain Sarychev, arrived in Okhotsk, and in July Billings himself with Captain Gall and other companions. Leaving Captain Gall here to supervise the construction of the ships, Billings with a significant part of his team went to the Kolyma River. For further research at sea, he sends Captain Sarychev with part of his team on the ship "Slava", and he himself with the other part explores the Chukotka land by land. The result of the trip was, in addition to a description of the country and the life of the Chukchi, descriptions of most of the shores Sea of ​​Okhotsk, Aleutian Islands, the coast of America to about. Kayan and the discovery of Fr. St. Jonah, A significant share in Okhotsk discoveries and research belongs to Billings’s companion, Captain Sarychev. Billings died with the rank of captain-commander.
  2. Osip Mikhailovich Deribas (1749-1800) - Russian admiral, originally from Naples. At the invitation of Count Orlov-Chesmensky, he arrived in Russia in 1772 and volunteered for the Black Sea Fleet. During the second war with the Turks, he, together with Lieutenant Colonel Golovaty, took possession of the Berezan fortress (1788) and the Hadzhibey fortress (1789), on the site of which, according to his project, the present Odessa soon arose, of which he was the first organizer and commander. Under Paul I, Deribas was General-Kriegskommissar, managed the Forestry Department and drew up a project for strengthening Kronstadt. In honor of him, the main street of the city of Odessa is called Deribasovskaya.
  3. Joseph Vissarionovich Stalin (1879-1953) - leading figure Communist Party and the Soviet state, one of the organizers October revolution. Since 1922 - Secretary General Central Committee of the CPSU. The victory of the Soviet people in the Great Patriotic War is largely associated with the name of Stalin. Patriotic War. Joseph Stalin from 1941 to 1945 was People's Commissar of Defense, Supreme Commander-in-Chief, and one of the organizers of the anti-Hitler coalition. At the same time, the most tragic pages of history are also connected with Stalin’s personality cult: the organization of mass extermination camps, the wholesale repression of the population, condemned by the 20th Congress of the CPSU.

The male name Joseph is the Russian version of the Hebrew Yosef and means "Yahweh will reward", "God's reward" or "increasing". The cultures of other nations have their own variants - Joseph in Germany; Joseph, Joe - in England; Joseph - in France; Jose - in Spain; Giuseppe - in Italy; Yusuf - in Arab countries and etc.

Name Astrology

  • Zodiac sign: Virgo
  • Patron Planet: Mercury
  • Talisman stone: carnelian
  • Color: lilac
  • Tree: olive
  • Plant: aster
  • Animal: pigeon
  • Favorable day: Wednesday

Character traits

Even as a child, little restless Joseph persistently achieves the necessary comfort in different ways: refuses to eat “tasteless” food; with the help of tricks or whims he can force him to buy a toy he likes. Innate intelligence and the ability to “grasp on the fly” do not make the boy an exemplary student, but at the right time it allows him to demonstrate deep knowledge and analytical abilities. The difficulties of parenting are not associated with a “harmful” character, but with the inability to cope with emotions in a timely manner. In order not to become a capricious and stubborn bully, the boy needs to be helped to learn how to get rid of negative emotions, and not accumulate them. He develops a respectful attitude towards women from childhood. If necessary, he can stand up not only for himself, but also for the girl he likes.

The adult owner of the name Joseph also does not like to brag and show off. He feels much more comfortable in the shadows, remaining the master of the situation and acting as a “gray eminence.” Distinguished by his calm character, self-confidence and a certain amount of assertiveness, Joseph does not fall under the influence of others, but does not impose his point of view. He may seem cold due to his reticence to show his feelings and emotions in public. But friends and relatives can always count on his help and support. An innate sense of tact, diplomacy and balance of character allow you to stand firmly on your feet and calmly move through life without forcing events.

Interests and hobbies

Joseph is a calm, self-confident, reliable friend and ally, and on top of everything, he is a good master. There is no broken handle or faulty faucet in his house. Whenever possible, he fixes everything himself. Absolutely indifferent to alcohol.

Profession and business

Mathematical abilities and an analytical mind, combined with perseverance of character, help achieve good results in the field of economics and finance. Under certain conditions, Joseph can become an excellent journalist, religious or public figure. Often, the creative qualities of a person influence the choice of profession. Design inclinations and perseverance can find expression in sculpture and architecture, the profession of a fireman, woodcarver or forester.


Little Joseph often succumbs to colds and minor infections, developing immunity for an adult healthy body. IN mature age It is worth paying attention to the spleen and pancreas, and it is also recommended to slightly limit the consumption of sweets in order to protect yourself from diabetes mellitus. In old age, there is a risk of diseases of the musculoskeletal system, polyarthritis.

Sex and love

The secret of the name hides a subtle and emotional nature. Joseph is very amorous at school. The object of his adoration may remain in the dark, since the boy very skillfully hides his feelings. But he treats sex quite calmly, without getting hung up on it.

Family and marriage

For a highly moral man of this name, having a family is mandatory, since it is in it that his dreams of a happy world come true. His wife should be compliant and soft, undemanding in bed. Joseph - loving husband and a caring father, the support of the family, although he is often unlucky with his first marriage. A calm and balanced man sometimes falls under the spell of a powerful woman and enters into a short-lived alliance with her.

Russian folk form name Joseph - “God will increase” (biblical). The name is literally translated as “he will increase,” but often in ancient Israel the pronoun “He” was used to replace the name of God, so as not to once again mention his name in vain.

Energy name

Despite their common origin, the names Joseph and Osip are strikingly different from each other in their energy. It would be more accurate to say that they represent, as it were, two poles of one magnet, which allows us to consider them in one section. This example, by the way, very clearly shows how much a person’s character can change depending on the sound of his name.

It is easy to notice that the name Joseph does not have excessive hardness. In terms of its energy, it is quite calm, but a significant force is felt in it, similar to the force of a sea wave, slowly rolling onto a granite shore and methodically turning an invincible rock into sand. Joseph usually knows how to wait, he is not in a hurry, as if he has an eternity ahead of him. The strange, slightly bewitching melody of a name can awaken a rather powerful imagination in a person with that name, it’s just a pity that Joseph’s fantasies are often colored in dark tones. The reason for this is that the main force of the name is aimed at overcoming any obstacles and suggests a tendency towards discontent. Another thing is that the balanced Joseph is usually in no hurry to pour out his dissatisfaction, but at the same time he does not accumulate negative emotions, directing your energy towards gradual progress towards the goal.

The name Osip sounds much firmer, but in this case his stable energy does not have a clear focus on achieving the goal. Rather, on the contrary, the name Osip represents the very shore on which the wave breaks. Osip is firm and proud, but he lacks some activity and openness. At the same time, the closed energy of the name presupposes the accumulation of emotions, and therefore a sufficient strength of feelings, bordering on passion. It is possible that Osip’s pride will be too painful, while if Joseph smooths out his pride by searching for a solution to the problems that have arisen, then Osip simply carries his grievances inside himself, which sometimes can greatly complicate his life and turn him into a nervous, irritable person.

In both cases, the energy of the name can ensure success in a career, especially in creative fields, however, in order to ensure complete happiness and avoid problems in family life, it would not hurt both Joseph and Osip to become a little more open and have a little more fun attitude towards life.

Characteristics of the name Osip

These children are usually capricious, perhaps because they often get sick. They don't get along with their peers. “Winter” children are nervous and cunning. They are little liars and dreamers. They are compassionate and often bring home stray cats and dogs. They look like their father, but in character they resemble their mother. With age, their character hardly changes. They react very emotionally to everything, and some people simply annoy them.

They master the professions of engineers, sculptors, hairdressers and artists, musicians and tailors.

They are good family men, but family life theirs is not cloudless.

They will find happiness by marrying someone named Galina, Dina, Eva, Zinaida, Zoya, Lyudmila, Rada, Christina. A lasting marriage with Anfisa, Evgenia, Larisa, Nadezhda, Olga, Yana is unlikely.

Secrets of communication

If you decide to joke about Osip, then it is better to do it more carefully or not to do it at all. In the first case, you may run into a rather harsh answer, and in the second, you risk the fact that if he doesn’t like the joke, Osip will remember it for a very long time, every now and then in conversation returning to the unpleasant incident, like a wave to the shore.

Diminutive and endearing forms of names

Osenka, Osechka, Osya, Osik, Osipka.

Astrological characteristics

Zodiac name correspondence: Capricorn.
Planet: Saturn.
Name colors: steel.
Most favorable colors: orange, yellow.
Talisman stone: amber, carnelian, noble opal.

Osip's name day

On the Sunday of St. forefather,April 13 (March 31)– St. Righteous Joseph the Beautiful, one of the 12 sons of the Old Testament Patriarch Jacob; died 1700 years BC, but with his life he prefigured Jesus Christ.
On the Sunday of St. myrrh-bearing women– Joseph of Arimathea, secret disciple of Christ.
In the week of R. X.. – Joseph the Righteous, betrothed to the Most Holy Theotokos.
September 22 (9)- Rev. Joseph of Volotsky founded a monastery in Volokolamsk, Moscow province; denounced the Judaizing heretics and wrote a furious book against them, “The Enlightener” (XVI century).

Trace of a name in history

Russian poet was born on January 3, 1891. in Warsaw in the family of a master tanner and a small merchant. A year later, the family settled in Pavlovsk, then in 1897 they moved to St. Petersburg. Here Osip graduated from one of the best St. Petersburg educational institutions - the Tenishevsky Commercial School, which gave him solid knowledge in humanities. Here his passion for poetry, music, and theater began (the director of the school, the symbolist poet Vl. Gippius, contributed to this interest).

In 1907, Mandelstam went to Paris, attended lectures at the Sorbonne, and met N. Gumilev. Interest in literature, history, and philosophy led him to the University of Heidelberg, where he attended lectures for a year. He visited St. Petersburg on visits and established his first connections with the literary environment: he attended a course of lectures on versification at the “tower” by V. Ivanov.

Mandelstam's literary debut took place in 1910, when his five poems were published in the Apollo magazine. During these years, he became interested in the ideas and creativity of symbolist poets, and became a frequent guest of V. Ivanov, the theorist of symbolism, where talented writers gathered.

In 1911 Mandelstam entered the Faculty of History and Philology of St. Petersburg University, wanting to systematize his knowledge. By this time he had firmly entered the literary milieu - he belonged to the group of Acmeists (from the Greek acme - highest degree something, blooming power), to the “Workshop of Poets” organized by N. Gumilev, which included A. Akhmatova, S. Gorodetsky, M. Kuzmin and others.

In 1913, the first book of poems by O. Mandelstam, “Stone,” was published, immediately placing the author among the significant Russian poets.

In the pre-October years, he made new acquaintances: Marina Tsvetaeva, Maximilian Voloshin, whose house in Crimea Mandelstam visited several times.

In 1918, Mandelstam lived first in Moscow, then in Petrograd, then in Tiflis, where he came for a short time and then again and again. N. Chukovsky wrote: “... he never had not only any property, but also a permanent settlement - he led a wandering lifestyle, ... I understood his most striking feature - nonexistence. This was a man who did not create around himself no way of life and living outside of any structure."

The 1920s were a time of intense and varied literary work. New poetry collections were published - "Tristia" (1922), "Second Book" (1923), "Poems" (1928). He continued to publish articles on literature - the collection "On Poetry" (1928). Two books of prose were published - the story “The Noise of Time” (1925) and “The Egyptian Stamp” (1928). Several books for children were also published - "Two Trams", "Primus" (1925), "Balls" (1926). Mandelstam devoted a lot of time to translation work. Fluent in French, German and English language, he undertook (often for the purpose of earning money) to translate the prose of contemporary foreign writers. He treated poetic translations with special care, demonstrating high skill. In the 1930s, when open persecution of the poet began and it became increasingly difficult to publish, translation remained the outlet where the poet could preserve himself. During these years he translated dozens of books.

In the fall of 1933 he wrote the poem “We live without feeling the country beneath us...”, for which he was arrested in May 1934.

Only Bukharin’s defense commuted the sentence - he was sent to Cherdyn-on-Kama, where he stayed for two weeks, fell ill, and was hospitalized. He was sent to Voronezh, where he worked in newspapers and magazines, and on the radio. After the end of his exile, he returned to Moscow, but he was forbidden to live here, and he settled in Kalinin. Having received a ticket to a sanatorium, he and his wife left for Samatikha, where he was again arrested. Sentence: 5 years in camps for counter-revolutionary activities. He was sent by stage to the Far East. In the transit camp on the Second River (now within the boundaries of Vladivostok) on December 27, 1938, O. Mandelstam died in a hospital barracks in the camp.

V. Shklovsky said about Mandelstam: “He was a man... strange... difficult... touching... and brilliant!”

The poet's wife Nadezhda Mandelstam and some of the poet's trusted friends preserved his poems, which became possible to publish in the 1960s. Now all the works of O. Mandelstam have been published.

Other famous namesakes of Osip

  • Osip Vasilievich Aptekman(1849-1926) - Russian revolutionary.
  • Osip Vasilievich Baranetsky(1843–1905) – Russian plant physiologist.
  • Osip Arkadievich Ermansky (real name- Kogan; 1867-1941) - Russian political figure(social democrat), theorist in the field of rationalization of production and labor organization, publicist, memoirist. One of the founders of Russian/Soviet science of management (later management), introduced the term NOT itself into scientific use ( scientific organization labor).
  • Osip Ivanovich Komissarov(1838-1892) - a hat maker, a native of the Kostroma province, who on April 4, 1866 saved the life of Emperor Alexander II by moving aside the hand of Dmitry Karakozov, who attempted to assassinate the Emperor. For this he was elevated to hereditary nobility with the surname Komissarov-Kostromskaya.
  • Osip-Yulian Ivanovich Senkovsky(1800-1858) - orientalist, polyglot, writer, editor, collector.

The name Osip, what does it mean? Does the name Osip influence the fate of the bearer or does it all depend on parental upbringing? The answers to these questions vary, sometimes even contradictory. And yet, almost every one of us at least once in our lives has met a person whose name does not suit him: “Well, she’s hoarse of pure water!”

Have you ever called people you barely know by the “wrong” name? And this is absolutely natural, since each of us subconsciously identifies the image of a person with known and significant signs one name or another.

And in order to understand who is who, on the website aZnaeteLiVy.Ru we tried to collect the most full information about names - their origin, meaning, name days, talismans, patrons of the name and zodiac signs inherent in them.

About the name Osip: Meaning, origin

  • The meaning of the name Osip: God will add
  • Origin of the name Osip: Russian Jewish Belarusian

The name Osip is a common form of the Hebrew name Joseph. Joseph is the Russian version of the biblical name Yosef, meaning "May God reward", literally "will be added, will be added." For Muslims, this is one of the prophets in Islam - Yusuf. Also, among different Muslim peoples, this name may also have different phonetic variations. Among the Uzbeks and Tajiks - Yusuf, among the Kazakhs they use the name Zhusip, Zhusup, among the Kumyks and Nogais - Yusup, among the Bashkirs - Yosop, Yosof, and among the Tatars - Yosyf. Among Armenians there is also a variant - Hovsep.

In modern times, the name Osip has become an independent name and is no longer identified with the name Joseph. The name Joseph is rarely used. For the name Osip (Joseph) will be indicated Orthodox name days. Catholic name days can be found at the analogue of the name Joseph - Joseph.

Osip has such character traits as firmness, narcissism, capriciousness, increased emotionality and irritability. From childhood, Osip grows up to be a liar and capricious. Growing up, he remains the same emotional and irritable person. Osip's pride is often painful, which can result in increased irritability. Osip's character lacks sincerity and openness, his emotions constantly accumulate, which can make him a passionate person with strong feelings.

Osip's character allows him to hope for success in building a career. Osip realizes himself well in creativity; he can become a talented sculptor, artist, musician, tailor, hairdresser, engineer. The ideal profession for Osip is one that is useful to society. Osip does not recognize prestigious professions. In order for Osip to have a happier life, he needs to learn to be open and optimistic towards people. Osip is trying to get a higher education.

Since childhood, Osip has been a connoisseur female beauty. Even then he will protect the girl he likes and treat her with tenderness and devotion. This attitude towards women continues in the adult Osip. This man will be an excellent husband, ready to help at any moment. Osip loves his children very much. He will take care of them even if his relationship with their mother did not work out. The dream of his whole life is to make his children rich, which Osip most often succeeds in. Osip marries, as a rule, twice. The second marriage is happier.

Osip does not allow desires and temptations to take over his mind. He has a hot temperament that can warm up any woman's heart. Osip's wife will be a very beautiful woman who will help him assert himself.

When communicating with Osip, those around him receive responsiveness and kindness from him. Osip loves to be the center of attention; he invites friends to his house not to amaze him with his abilities, but to distract him from everyday troubles. In communication, Osip will never splash out emotions; it is very difficult to expect hurtful words or angry speeches from him.

Numerology of the name Osip

  • Name number: 8
  • Heart number: 8
  • Personality number: 9
  • Happiness number: 8
  • Lucky numbers for the name Osip: 8, 17, 26, 35, 44, 53, 62, 71, 80, 89, 98, 107, 116
  • Happy days of the month: 8, 17, 26

The meaning of the letters of the name Osip

The letters of a name play an important role in shaping a person’s character. For example, the first letter of a name indicates the first task that its owner needs to solve in life and is associated with a certain element.

In contrast to the first letter, there is the last letter of the name. The last letter of the name shows our weakest point, reveals the place of our greatest vulnerability in life. This is our Achilles heel, which must be covered and protected.

  • o – emotionality, mysterious excitement
  • s – nervousness, depression, common sense, oppression, authority, moodiness
  • and – impressionability, realism, subtle spirituality, peacefulness
  • n – movement, loneliness, distance in relationships with people, misunderstanding of others, modesty, wealth of ideas, concern for appearance

Talismans named after Osip

  • Happy season: Autumn
  • Happy days of the week: Tuesday
  • Unlucky days of the week: Monday and Friday
  • Lucky Color: Pink
  • Mascot plant: Thistle
  • Talisman stones named after Osip: Copper, Iron, Topaz, Magnet, Aquamarine, Ruby, Carnelian, Hematite, Garnet, Sapphire
  • Spirit animal: Snake
  • Wood: Reed

Astrology named after Osip

According to astrology, a correspondence has been identified between the planet - the ruler of the name and a certain quality of character.

For the name Osip, the ruling planet is Mars and Pluto, which gives the name a number of advantages and disadvantages.

Advantages given by Mars and Pluto: Persistence, energy, zeal, efficiency

Disadvantages that the name gives to Mars and Pluto: Cruelty, hatred, envy

  • Astrological color of name: Blue
  • Side of the world: West
  • Astrological stone: Obsidian, Sardonyx, Tiger's Eye
  • Representing animal: Wolf, Swan, Deer

In addition, each letter of your name also corresponds to one or another planet, which in turn have a direct impact on a person’s destiny. Therefore, if a name has repeating letters, then the influence of the planet that corresponds to this letter increases significantly. Such planets are called dominant and you should pay attention to its position (strong or weak, what sign of the Zodiac it is in).

Dominant planet for Osip:

And an important role belongs to the planet that controls the last letter of the name - the final one. The final planet in some cases influences life expectancy and the nature of death.

Last planet named: Venus

Planetary number and meaning of the name Osip

For the name Osip planetary number - 11 and manages this name Proserpina.

You need to develop such character qualities as clarity, punctuality, the ability to endure and fulfill your duty. And the guiding star in life can be faith, which “saves and moves mountains”

Zodiac and Sacred number of the name Osip

For the name Osip the Zodiac number is 8 Scorpion.

The key sign of Scorpio creates a field of risk and attraction of extreme situations. In the worst case, these names create a field of destruction around a person, into which the surrounding people can also fall. At best, they provide life-saving protection in extreme situations, help to overcome your fears and become different, to be reborn. All names associated with the sign of Scorpio are magical.

The sacred number for the name Osip is 2 , which corresponds to the zodiac sign - Taurus

Taurus involves a person in solving material problems. IN best case scenario they create a field of harmony and order, and at worst - a field of accumulation, greed, inertia and laziness.