Good teeth whitening products. Effective preparations and methods for teeth whitening

“Folk” tips for teeth whitening did not give the desired result, and the procedure in a clinic is frightening high cost? A compromise has been found - the use of professional products at home, but under the supervision of a dentist.

Professional teeth whitening products

Having given preference to professional whitening, you will be faced with a dilemma: which method from the whole variety of whitening procedures is right for you? Let's find out!


Photobleaching takes about half an hour and is performed in several approaches. Active gel applied to the teeth, after which the light of a halogen lamp releases oxygen from it, thereby breaking down plaque.

Chemical bleaching

After preliminary cleaning of the teeth and gums, a solution of carbamide peroxide is applied to the teeth. Sometimes he calls painful sensations, as it has a strong abrasive effect. The whole process takes about 40 minutes. This whitening method is contraindicated in cases of increased tooth sensitivity and a large number of teeth damaged by caries.


The scaler generates ultrasonic vibrations, which, together with the flow of water, eliminate pigmentation and tartar. After this, a gel with no more than 15% of the active substance is applied to the teeth. Ultrasonic cleaning is one of the most gentle methods, therefore it is indicated primarily for patients with increased enamel sensitivity.


The advantage of this method is that it not only whitens teeth, but also has a therapeutic effect on them, disinfecting and strengthening the enamel. A gel emulsion is applied to the teeth, after which each of them is exposed to a laser several times over a certain period of time. After the procedure, they are treated with fluoride-containing ointment.

Just what the doctor ordered

If you are still determined to whiten your teeth at home, keep in mind that the most effective by professional means home whitening products are made in the USA:

  • ExpertWhitening;
  • Smile4You;
  • Opalescence;
  • Day White Excel AC.

Facilities latest generation Most often they are made in the form of a gel. This consistency is more effective (the drug envelops the teeth and acts on the enamel for a long time) and safe (the risk of accidental burns from the acid composition is reduced).

The average duration of professional enamel lightening procedures is 1 hour. During this time, the product is applied several times, but after the first stage the effect is quite pronounced.

The range of “homemade” teeth whitening products is somewhat wider than professional ones, because it includes not only “whiteners” as such:

  • gels (Zoom);
  • stripes (Crest Whitestrips 3D White);
  • mouth guards (Opalescence);
  • pencils (Belle).

but also various hygienic and prophylactic drugs with enamel brightening components:

  • rinses (Global White);
  • toothpastes (Crest).

Are they as effective as we expect?

In pastes and rinses, the concentration of whitening components is so low that serious darkening is too much for them. These are rather auxiliary preparations that will enhance or maintain the effect of professional or home whitening.

If we talk about whitening gels for home use, then the concentration of hydrogen peroxide in them should not exceed 3%. Pharmacy products are easy to use, but less effective than professional ones.

The same can be said about folk remedies - for example, baking soda. It is impossible to “whiten” the enamel with it, but it is easy to spoil. It is not recommended to use it more than once a week (even in solution).

Contraindications to the use of home remedies

Without exception, all teeth whitening products must be used in strict accordance with the instructions or recommendations of the doctor. Even over-the-counter mouthwashes can cause irritation in the mouth and lips if used indiscriminately, and abrasive toothpastes can seriously affect the structure of the enamel.

List of contraindications:

  • age up to 16 years;
  • pregnancy and lactation;
  • increased sensitivity enamels;
  • allergy to hydrogen peroxide and urea;
  • diseases of teeth and gums.

It must be clearly understood that the effectiveness of each specific means is limited to certain limits, so in some cases (for example, when professional whitening is prevented by the unsatisfactory condition of the enamel), you should look for other options (installation of veneers, fixed dentures).

To avoid damage to the enamel and get maximum effect, carefully follow the instructions on the package:

Cost of whitening products

Professional whitening (for two jaws):

  • laser - from 15,000 rubles;
  • Air Flow - from 7,000 rubles;
  • Zoom 3 - from 25,000 rubles;
  • LED - from 15,000 rubles.

Home remedies:

  • whitening strips Crest Whitestrips 3D White - from 2,500 rubles;
  • toothpaste Crest - from 500 rubles;
  • Opalescence home whitening kit - from 18,000 rubles;
  • home whitening kit white teeth Kiss - from 1,800 rubles;
  • Whitening mouth rinse Global White - from 240 rubles.

Professional whitening services do not always cost more. The newest home remedies are in approximately the same price range, so patients should weigh the possibility of getting white teeth in one hour versus spending several hours of their personal time on whitening without a guarantee of getting the desired effect.

There are many reasons for yellow teeth. Of course, first of all it is worth mentioning bad habit drink coffee, strong tea, and also drink various sodas, especially if they contain dyes.

The surface of the teeth is not perfectly smooth, but has a certain texture. When a person drinks carbonated drinks, the enamel becomes porous like a sponge, you can even feel it if you just scrape your teeth. It is because of this porosity that substances enter the teeth that destroy and form teeth.

Also, the causes of yellow teeth are smoking, poor lifestyle, poor or improper hygiene mouth, even banal eating. Therefore, it is very difficult to whiten your teeth by limiting yourself in some way; you can only slow down the process of formation of yellow plaque.

What to do, how to be?

And yet, what to do if you want a snow-white smile? The world is now full of funds, goods and services, ranging from expensive ones in special salons to those for fifty rubles.

They are all similar in one thing - they cannot be used constantly. If too often, there is a risk of losing them.

It's like a tanning salon, only for your teeth. Fake tanning is not natural and the skin will take revenge for such daily torture with dryness, wrinkles, pimples, dermatitis and this is at best.

Whitening is not natural for teeth; teeth are naturally yellowish, so this procedure does not benefit them; it gradually destroys the enamel.

Therefore, if the dentist says that whitening your teeth is safe and even useful, know that they just want to make as much money as possible from you.

The only whitening (if you can call it that) is, it will not make your teeth perfectly white, but it can lighten them a couple of shades. This procedure is aimed at the health of the teeth, and not at their aesthetic condition.

So, if you still decide to whiten your teeth and the gradual destruction of the enamel is not scary, then the question arises, what means and methods to do this.

The top most popular whitening methods are presented below.

Product for home use White light

White light teeth whitener is a set consisting of two gels and a special light device. Invented in the USA, the manufacturer is usually China. It’s not that expensive, if you buy in Russia it’s about 500 rubles, if you order on Aliexpress it’s $3.

The scheme is simple: brush your teeth, pour the gels onto the mouth guard (light device), put it in your mouth, bite with two teeth, press the button on the device, wait 10 minutes and take it out. It works like this: the substance in the gel penetrates into the smallest cracks in the teeth, fills the entire structure, and then destroys plaque.

Pros and cons of using

The White light teeth whitening kit makes teeth three shades whiter in 80 out of 100 cases, it looks natural and attractive. This method does not require a lot of money and time, and you don’t have to go anywhere.

Whitening should be carried out no more than once a week (although in very advanced cases you need to carry out several procedures in a row).

Judging by the reviews of patients who used White light to whiten teeth, the system also has back side medals:

  1. From using this system teeth become sensitive, gums are also damaged.
  2. It is very difficult to sit with the device in your mouth for 10 minutes. so that saliva does not get there (otherwise there will be no effect).
  3. Mint taste, some people like it, but if you have a dislike for mint, it will be hard.
  4. Also, The gels themselves should not come into contact with the skin., as they can cause irritation, itching, and can also whiten the skin.
  5. Besides, doesn't help everyone. Some people saw no change at all and were disappointed. But here you need to be happy, and not upset, it just means that the teeth are not neglected, and there are no teeth on them.
  6. Also after use and, but this goes away within a day.

Feedback from a girl who tested the system in practice:

Whitening tooth powder - an echo of the 90s

When talking about tooth powder, the 90s immediately come to mind. Doubts immediately arise about the quality of this teeth whitening product, but these are all prejudices.

Previously, chalk was added to tooth powders, and this had a bad effect on the enamel. Now clays, tuff, and minerals are added to tooth powder.

The main difference between tooth powder and toothpaste is its structure. Due to its loose state, the powder cleanses teeth well of plaque and stones, and helps fight caries.

But you need to use it carefully so as not to damage the enamel: no more than twice a week.

Strips 3d white whitestrips

This type of whitening is most suitable for people with sensitive teeth.

Of course, it cannot be said that 3d white whitestrips do not harm tooth enamel at all, but unlike many other whitening systems, they do so to the least extent. Teeth become 2-3 shades whiter.

The disadvantages are that during the procedure many people feel strong burning sensation gums, but this can be avoided by carefully gluing the strips. Also, during the process itself you cannot eat, drink, or talk much. The strips should never be swallowed.

Opalescence teeth whitening is considered the most gentle of all lightening systems. The system consists of gels (they are in special syringes, which make it convenient to apply the gel to the aligner), toothpaste, a case and sometimes a container for the aligners.

This method of whitening is difficult to carry out completely on your own. The gels must fill a special form (one drop per tooth) and remain on the teeth for 8 hours.

Before use, you should consult your dentist.

The fact is that it is impossible to buy a ready-made mouthguard that would completely fit your teeth. To do this, you need to go to a doctor who will take an impression of your teeth and make an individual silicone mold.

Opalescence makes teeth very sensitive for a long time(if not for life), so you will have to use funds for sensitive teeth. However, the teeth will no longer be the same color as they were before; they may only darken a little, no more.

Whitening should be carried out for about a month, depending on the condition of the teeth. It also depends on what gel to take (10%, 15%, 20%, 35%).

You should also pay attention to the fact that the teeth will not become unnaturally white, so for all lovers of bright white teeth this system doesn't fit.

Use of folk remedies

This type of whitening is not as effective as whitening at the dentist or using products from a pharmacy. However, you can whiten by half a tone, especially if you have little time or no money to spend on expensive procedures.

Use these recipes for:

Before whitening your teeth, you need to understand that this is not natural for teeth and always harms the enamel. But this impact may not be significant, especially if you approach whitening wisely.

Today we will look at teeth whitening products that work, effectively and safely help you achieve the effect of a Hollywood smile. The color of teeth is influenced by many factors. Firstly, it depends on genetic determinants and is therefore not always snow-white. Secondly, it changes during life. This is affected by age, daily eating habits, use of medications, and insufficient care. Some dentists recommend brushing your teeth not only after every meal, but also after drinks such as coffee, tea and red wine, which can affect the color of the enamel. Regular checkups visiting a dentist will help prevent the development of diseases that worsen appearance teeth.

Over-the-counter teeth whitening products: Whitening pastes, rinses, varnishes and gels are just a few ways to improve the appearance of tooth enamel. The very removal of the stone provides a visible improvement.

Why do teeth turn yellow?

The reasons for tooth discoloration can be divided into two groups: external, usually associated with lifestyle, and internal, which are determined by genetics.

  • The first group of factors influencing the unesthetic yellow tint of teeth is poor nutrition. Some food products, such as coffee, tea, red wine, Coca-Cola, as well as berries, pomegranate or grapefruit, contain a large number of chromogens, that is, substances that, when a certain chemical reaction turn into dyes, thereby changing the color of the enamel.

If the enamel is weakened - for example, due to frequent use acidic drinks and fruits, dyes penetrate deeper and cause yellowing of teeth. Poor hygiene also affects discoloration. Yellowing of teeth is also affected long-term use some medicines, for example the use of certain groups of antibiotics. Patients notice a change in the color of their teeth after chemotherapy.

  • The second group of factors, which can be defined as internal, is associated with genetic aspects, as well as natural process aging of the body. Over the years, the enamel becomes more and more transparent, and, in addition, is erased during chewing.

Dark, discolored teeth do not add beauty. So which one should you use from the wide range of whitening products and procedures? It depends primarily on our expectations and the thickness of the wallet.

Can whitening harm teeth?

Unfortunately, it can, but it all depends on the chosen method. Some are 100% safe and recommended by dentists, while others can seriously destroy tooth enamel.

Relatively “dangerous” methods, but giving a quick and visible effect

  • Whitening toothpastes with too high abrasion rate – i.e. RDA. If the RDA is very high, it may mean that the toothpaste is intended for occasional use only. If used for a long time, this type of paste can be harmful to tooth enamel and weaken the tooth.
  • Whitening strips– Recommended for people with hypersensitive teeth. A very popular and sought-after method that has a visible effect in just 5-6 procedures.

Reviews about Crest 3d white can be found even on the most popular review sites on the RuNet, for example, here

The best teeth whitening products

Whitening toothpastes

This is the simplest one, but effective method removing small spots - gives a lightening effect of 1-2 tones. Teeth whitening products that work most often contain special enzymes and active microgranules that dissolve the film that binds plaque to the enamel, as well as abrasive substances (for example, silicon dioxide, calcium carbonate), which mechanically remove sediment.

When buying such a paste, you need to pay attention to the abrasion indicator indicated on the packaging - RDA. It should not exceed 200, because otherwise the enamel can be damaged. For the same reasons, you should not use it for longer than 2 months.

A good addition To whitening paste, there are special toothbrushes and mouthwashes. Between the fibers of the cleaning brush there are rubber ridges that polish the surface of the teeth, and lotions inhibit the accumulation of plaque.

Rinses, varnishes and whitening gels

In preparations for home chemical bleaching active substance, most often contains hydrogen peroxide. It can lighten teeth by 2-4 shades. The effect is achieved after 2-3 weeks.

The most common ones are soaked in whitening gel, which are glued to the teeth of the upper and lower jaw 2 times a day for 20 minutes.

Other preparations - varnish, gel, wax - are intended for coloring teeth. Unfortunately, these products do not cover the interdental spaces. In this regard, the overlay method is better suited. Plastic linings must be heated in hot water, fill with whitening gel and place on the bottom and upper jaw. It is recommended to carry out the procedure 2 times a day. Unfortunately, it is not always possible to accurately select the appropriate onlays, which can lead to uneven lightening of the teeth or irritation of the gums by the gel.

Whitening systems

IN Lately Many companies offer rapid whitening systems. There are a variety of teeth whitening products sold in pharmacies. You should be careful with such products, as they contain acids that can damage the structure of your teeth. The bleaching process in this case is time-consuming and ineffective. Teeth are whitened by applying a white pigment to the surface of the enamel.

You need to know this

The fashion for white teeth is not an invention of recent years. People have been trying to do whitening for centuries, sometimes resorting to surprising methods. For this purpose, we used, for example, wood ash, crushed eggshells, chalk, salt. Passed the test of time baking soda, but it is still an ingredient in some toothpastes today.

  • On this moment teeth whitening procedures are carried out chemicals, which can only be performed on persons over 16 years of age, are contraindicated in patients with epilepsy and pregnant women.
  • After whitening, as a rule, increased sensitivity of the teeth appears, but it goes away after 1-2 days.
  • So called dead teeth are not amenable to such bleaching - they need to be lightened from the inside (a bleaching agent is injected into the tooth canal).
  • It is also impossible to whiten fillings and crowns; they need to be replaced so that all teeth have the same color shade.
  • 2 hours after the procedure you cannot eat, and you are only allowed to drink mineral water. Within 2 days you should use the so-called white diet– avoid drinks and foods that can stain tooth enamel (including coffee, tea, cola, fruit juices, beets, red peppers, berries). Smoking is prohibited.
  • The whitening effect lasts up to 2 years. To slow down the process of dye penetration into the enamel, it is worth using whitening pastes.
  • To whiten your teeth, you don’t have to spend a lot of money on professional procedures. Teeth whitening folk remedies possible at home! There are simple and natural methods, which .

How can you whiten your teeth at home?

Homemade teeth whitening with turmeric

Turmeric, one of the oriental spices. It is also characterized by antifungal and antibacterial effects. If you have the time and desire, you can create a natural mixture from turmeric powder to clean your teeth.

You need to mix a tablespoon of turmeric powder, one tablespoon of coconut oil and two drops essential oil mint. Brush your teeth with this mixture as usual. The difference is noticeable after just a few treatments. Turmeric is just the right product to whiten your teeth at home.

Homemade teeth whitening with oil

Oil rinsing has a whitening effect; the procedure also has antibacterial and antiviral properties. For mouth rinsing, you can choose rapeseed, sunflower, flaxseed or sesame. The most commonly used oil is coconut oil.

The recipe for teeth whitening at home using oil is quite simple. Every morning you should pour a tablespoon of oil into your mouth, and then, after 15-20 minutes, rinse your mouth thoroughly.

It is best to do this on an empty stomach, before brushing your teeth. But this is a method for the most persistent, because noticeable results are visible only after a few months.

Homemade teeth whitening with activated carbon

How ? Activated carbon will help with this, it whitens teeth due to its ability to absorb dirt, and also gently removes plaque. Coal can be bought at any pharmacy, in the form of tablets or capsules. For teeth whitening, capsules are more convenient.

Twice a week you need to brush your teeth with a paste containing activated carbon or make your own mixture. Mix the contents of 2-3 capsules of charcoal with a spoon of coconut or sesame oil and brush your teeth with it.

The effect of clean, polished and lighter teeth will be visible immediately. This whitening method should not be used frequently for people with sensitive enamel. Effective whitening Dental care at home is only possible if the necessary procedures are performed regularly.

Homemade teeth whitening with fruits

Kits for home teeth whitening can be very diverse:

  • Strawberry. You can use strawberry pulp to clean your teeth, as it contains a high concentration of malic acid, which gently removes stains on your teeth. However, you should remember that strawberries are also sugar, which does not have a very positive effect on teeth.
  • Citrus. Rinsing your mouth with lemon juice can make your teeth whiter, but due to the strong acids it contains, there is a risk of weakening the enamel and resulting in tooth decay.
  • Bananas. Inedible banana peel contains a lot of... useful substances, which fight tartar and affect color. After peeling with the paste, you need to take the peel of a ripe banana and polish it inner part teeth, approximately, about two minutes. Repeat this twice a day for several weeks, and of course the difference in shade will soon become noticeable.
  • The Best Teeth Whitening Home Remedies That Work!

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You can change the shade of your teeth, making them lighter, by contacting your dentist or using special means at home. Here is a review of 10 teeth whitening products: which one is better?

A lot of products designed to restore the whiteness of a smile are sold in pharmacies. You can use them yourself, following the instructions.


Pastes remove pigment deposits from the surface. This is due to the fact that they contain degrading enzymes and abrasive components. When choosing such teeth whitening products, you need to pay attention to the RDA abrasiveness coefficient. For regular pastes it is 75, for whitening pastes it is from 120. Examples of such pastes:

  • LACALUT White with sodium fluoride, which reduces hypersensitivity;
  • PRESIDENT White Plus– due to high abrasiveness (RDA 200) it is used once a week;
  • SPLAT whitening – there are pyrophosphates that dissolve tartar;
  • ROCS– with two abrasive components and calcium, which promotes mineralization.

Be careful with the whitening paste and don't overdo it.

If the abrasiveness coefficient is above 120, the paste can only be used no more than once weekly. The product is not able to cope with hard deposits; professional cleaning by a dentist is necessary to remove them. Contraindication for use is


The gels contain carbamide peroxide. This substance interacts with saliva, releases oxygen, which penetrates into hard tissues and discolors dark pigments. It is better to whiten teeth with such means after professional cleaning: Due to plaque, the lightening may be uneven. Peroxide does not affect crowns and fillings, so their color will not change. Examples:

  • REMBRANDT plus, in addition to peroxide, contains a combination of Citroxain®, consisting of enzymes and polishing agents.
  • ROCS– oxygen bleaching. It contains peroxide, but the abrasiveness is low, so surface deposits are difficult to remove.

Rinse aids

Rinse aids are bleaching agents that perform several functions: they remove food debris, soft plaque, and freshen breath. Most popular brands:


The whitening effect of pencils is ensured thanks to special components:

  • hydrogen peroxide, which removes plaque by reacting with oxygen;
  • carbamide peroxide;
  • bactericidal components, flavorings.

How can you clean your teeth with a pencil? The procedure is as follows:

  1. Rinse your mouth.
  2. Apply the gel from a pencil to your teeth.
  3. Maintain the amount of time indicated according to the instructions without closing your mouth.
  4. Rinse your mouth.

Popular pencil brands:

This method of clarification is suitable only as aid. The use of a pencil is contraindicated in the presence of caries and enamel defects, since its action aggravates them.


They are transparent plates designed for gluing to both rows. They are coated with a gel that acts upon contact with the enamel. It contains peroxides, which provide whitening by contact with oxygen and destruction of organic matter.

Manufacturers claim that with the help of strips you can whiten teeth up to 6 tones. They need to be used daily, for a course of 10-14 days (the duration is indicated in the instructions). The effect becomes noticeable after the third procedure. Disadvantages include increased sensitivity and uneven lightening as a result of the strip not tightly adhering to the surface.

Brands on the market:

Products that whiten teeth at home

There are a number of products from the category “ traditional medicine", with which you can whiten your teeth at home.

Activated carbon

Charcoal is a natural adsorbent that absorbs small particles and thereby cleanses the teeth. In addition, it has an anti-inflammatory effect and helps cleanse the entire oral cavity. There are several ways to lighten enamel:

  1. Crush two tablets finely, mix with 2-3 drops of water until a paste forms.
  2. Crushed charcoal is mixed with toothpaste.
  3. Instead of water, dilute the powder with tea tree oil.

Activated carbon can damage enamel.

These compounds are applied to the teeth for two minutes, after which they are washed off, then regular toothpaste is used. requires caution: even with thorough grinding, large particles remain that scratch the enamel.


Soda is considered an effective but unsafe remedy. It is used in the following combinations:

  • with hydrogen peroxide (dilute to a paste);
  • with lemon juice;
  • with strawberry puree;
  • with apple cider vinegar.

Traditional medicine advises brushing your teeth with one of these remedies for 3 minutes. soft brush. The method cannot be used more than once a week.

Be extremely careful with baking soda.

Soda is an abrasive, aggressive substance. The short-term effect will be followed by problems - thinning of the enamel, leaching of microelements, increased sensitivity, and the formation of caries.

Hydrogen peroxide

Under the influence of hydrogen peroxide, the enamel brightens due to the fact that oxygen is released and destroys organic compounds, accumulated on the enamel in the form of plaque. Used as a dental treatment as follows:

  1. Rinse with two tablespoons for 1 minute.
  2. Cleaning with the addition of soda (until the consistency of mush). To make the product fragrant, add a drop of mint extract.
  3. A mask of a few drops of peroxide, a teaspoon lemon juice, the same amount of soda. The composition is applied to the enamel for two minutes.

Peroxide can weaken enamel.

Using peroxide as a bleach can be dangerous. This substance causes allergies, provokes caries, weakens enamel, and damages the mucous membrane.

Been beautiful for a long time snow-white smile is an essential attribute successful person. Many people dream of having one like this. last years Various products that can make teeth snow-white have become very popular. Doesn't stand still aesthetic dentistry, which offers its customers a large selection professional ways whitening, pharmaceuticals for home use. There are also many folk techniques to help you achieve a radiant smile.

The teeth whitening procedure is necessary at some point for every person, especially those who smoke or like to drink tea or coffee frequently. It is worth noting that the appearance of teeth is also affected by the quality of their cleaning. Everyone knows that dentists advise brushing your teeth for three minutes, but rarely do anyone stick to this rule and do it for one minute.

A slightly yellowish enamel color is considered normal. Despite this, many people want to achieve shining absolute white smile. As for home whitening, it is worth noting that to achieve strong effect It's not worth it and it will take quite a lot of time. In addition, if the teeth are damaged, then it will not be possible to whiten them, for example, those whose nerves have been removed; this also applies to dentures, veneers and other artificial products.

Remedy from the pharmacy

Whitening products at home

The principle of selecting a teeth whitening agent

  1. Initial condition of teeth. If your teeth are covered with very heavy plaque, home whitening will be ineffective. If there is in the mouth inflammatory process or carious lesions, then lightening procedures cannot be performed. Contraindications to the use of many whitening products are increased tooth sensitivity and thinned enamel.
  2. Dentist advice. It is best to consult your dentist before doing anything to your teeth.

Professional whitening

Despite the fact that there are quite a lot of means, best effect can only be achieved through professional whitening dental clinic. The doctor chooses specifically for each client active ingredients, best suited for a particular patient. All this will depend on initial state enamel and tooth structure. Hollywood smile can be achieved in 2-4 procedures.

These are, perhaps, all the most common ways to achieve white teeth. Which of the listed methods and means suits you best is up to you to decide. But remember that everything needs moderation.