How to get rid of a runny nose by inhalation. Inhalations for a runny nose in a child: steam inhalers, nebulizers and folk remedies

Treatment of a runny nose using inhalations is quite effective, especially if this procedure is carried out in conjunction with general drug treatment. Treatment chronic runny nose carried out mainly through inhalation, in in this case This remedy is even stronger than the use of anti-inflammatory drugs. Most doctors recommend inhalation for children with a runny nose. This physiotherapy does not cause any harm to babies and is in an effective way getting rid of malicious virus. What inhalations should you do for a runny nose?

    • Inhalation for a runny nose with a nebulizer. The nebulizer has now gained mass popularity. This drug very effective in eliminating viruses and infections. The main advantage of a nebulizer is that it can be used effectively for a runny nose at any stage, including allergic or chronic rhinitis. Does an inhaler help with a runny nose? Undoubtedly, treating a runny nose with an inhaler performs several healing functions: eliminates burning and itching, moisturizes the nasal mucosa, promotes the removal of mucous accumulations, and facilitates breathing. An inhaler through a nebulizer for a runny nose helps to quickly eliminate the inflammatory process by reducing swelling of the mucous membrane. The medicine for an inhaler for a runny nose can be different, as a rule, it should be recommended by a doctor. But you can choose your own solution for inhalation for a runny nose; for this you need to pharmacy kiosk consult a pharmacist.

    • Inhalation of saline solution for a runny nose. This procedure held in medical institutions. The patient, after examination by a doctor, receives basic drug treatment and additional physiotherapy. One of the procedures may be treatment with an inhaler. Saline solution is selected in each case individually for each patient, it depends on the degree of the disease and the type of runny nose. As traditional saline solutions, you can use sea buckthorn or Kalanchoe juice mixed with purified water.
    • Inhalations for a runny nose with soda. How to treat a runny nose with an inhaler? Everything is very simple, the solution for the inhaler is selected active substances, which have powerful healing power. One of these substances is soda. It actively affects the nasal mucosa, reducing swelling, eliminating inflammation and making breathing easier. Together with soda inhalations, you can rinse your mouth with a solution of soda, from this healing effect product will strengthen. The soda solution can be poured into the device into an inhaler, or you can arrange steam inhalations with soda.
  • Inhalation of potatoes for a runny nose. This recipe applies to traditional methods, but its use is widespread among medications treatment. For inhalation, several potato tubers are boiled and the patient breathes in “potato” steam. good potato inhalations during pregnancy with a runny nose. They never cause harm, but they effectively relieve expectant mother from illness. The benefit of potato inhalations is that this vegetable contains active ingredients, which are destructive for various types bacteria and viruses. In addition to pregnant women, such potato inhalations can also be used for children.
  • Inhalations with Dioxidin for a runny nose. An antibacterial solution for inhalation for a runny nose is necessary when the disease becomes protracted. In this case, treatment with antibiotics is required. The most common way to treat a runny nose using inhalation with an active solution is saline solution with Dioxidin. Dioxidin is very strong remedy, therefore it is allowed to be used only on the recommendation of a doctor. The solution may cause side effects in the form of headache, dizziness or nausea. If this happens, then further use of inhalations with Dioxidin is not recommended. This saline solution is often used to treat a runny nose associated with sinusitis or sinusitis.
  • Steam inhalation for a runny nose. When a problem arises, how to make inhalations for a runny nose, the solution lies in in a simple way. Steam inhalations are very effective and are especially good for young children. For older children, you can use steam inhalations containing drops of essential oils or herbal decoctions are involved.

Herbs for inhalation for a runny nose. Herbs are a kind of inhalation medicine for a runny nose. In ancient times, when there were no appropriate medications, people were treated with steam herbal decoctions. They simply inhaled hot vapors through their noses, after which it happened healing effect the latter. Nowadays, herbal decoctions can be used in the form of a solution for an inhaler. There are a lot of advantages: reduction of swelling and nasal congestion, relief inflammatory process, elimination of infection. Most in demand medicinal herbs are: chamomile, coltsfoot, St. John's wort, calendula, etc.
Oils for inhalation for a runny nose. Essential oils can be used similarly to the method described above. A few drops active product is dripped into water for inhalation, then the person carries out the main action of treatment with an inhaler. Among the oils, the most miraculous are: sea buckthorn or Kalanchoe oil, eucalyptus or menthol oil, clove and juniper oil.

Inhalations with eucalyptus for a runny nose. How to inhale when you have a runny nose? If the patient has severe nasal congestion, then you can use inhalation with eucalyptus oil. Thanks to its unique substances, eucalyptus oil is a natural bactericidal agent; it can completely destroy the disease in a few sessions. In addition to inhalation procedures, you can rinse your nose with chamomile decoction with the addition of a few drops of eucalyptus essential oil.

How to refill your inhaler when you have a runny nose? There are many healing agents for this case; it is important that they do not cause negative effects in the patient. If after treatment there is a worsening of the patient's condition, then the use of the product is prohibited.

Preparations for inhalation for a runny nose come in several types. But in any of them there must be a sheet with an annotation. It is advisable to purchase high-quality and certified inhalers at a pharmacy.

A cold is one of the most common diseases in a person’s life, and a runny nose is its constant companion. Drugs to combat this unpleasant symptom There are many, any pharmacy will offer you a choice of dozens of powders, drops, mixtures designed to fight coughs and runny noses. But even with all the achievements of modern pharmacology, inhalations remain one of the most effective and efficient remedies for a runny nose.

How to do inhalations with a runny nose?

Inhalation- this is the inhalation of various medicinal substances. The advantages of this treatment method are that medicinal substances are delivered directly to the affected area in the shortest possible way, and due to the fact that they are sprayed into small particles, they penetrate much deeper into the respiratory tract and are absorbed faster. In addition, inhalations, like no other remedy, help remove phlegm and mucus from the body.

In order to this method treatment was effective, you need to follow a few simple rules:

  1. It is not recommended to do inhalations if the body temperature is above 37.5.
  2. Hot steam can burn the respiratory tract, so the maximum permissible temperature of the liquid for inhalation is 57 degrees.
  3. It is not recommended to inhale immediately after eating; you must wait at least an hour.
  4. After inhalation, you should not eat or drink anything for 30-40 minutes, otherwise healing effect will be reduced.

How to inhale when you have a runny nose?

Most often, steam inhalations are performed at home, in which heated liquid is poured into a container, and the patient breathes in the released steam, covering his head with a thick towel.

The second most popular is the use of special inhalers (nebulizers), which convert liquid into a special aerosol.

What inhalations should you do for a runny nose?

The compositions of solutions for inhalation that can be used for a runny nose are very diverse: they are made with mineral water, soda, salt, herbal decoctions, essential oils, with the addition of medications (mucolytic, anti-inflammatory, even antibiotics).

Inhalation with saline solution for a runny nose

Saline solution is a weak saline solution and can be used either pure form, and with the addition of a few drops of various essential oils. The saline solution itself moisturizes the dry mucous membrane, and this is often enough for a runny nose to go away. The most commonly used essential oil for inhalation is:

  • peppermint;
  • fir;
  • tea tree;
  • pine trees;
  • sage;
  • oregano.

Inhalation with soda for a runny nose

Soda is diluted in heated water at the rate of 2 teaspoons per 0.5 liter. This solution is used to speed up the discharge of sputum.

Inhalations with herbs

The choice of herbal components that can be used for inhalation is very large. The most common are inhalations with pine buds(boil 3 tablespoons of buds for 15 minutes in a liter of water) and eucalyptus leaves (2 tablespoons of crushed leaves per liter of water). Also used for the preparation of inhalation solutions:

  • black currant leaves;
  • linden flowers, chamomile, lavender;
  • pine and spruce needles;
  • and leaves;
  • sage.

Plants can be used either separately or in a mixture. Brew at the rate of a tablespoon of raw material per glass of boiling water.

Medicines for inhalation for a runny nose

Most often used:

Inhalations with dioxidine (antibiotic) for a runny nose are used only as prescribed by a doctor, if available. bacterial infection. Inhalations with the drugs listed above should be done using a nebulizer, since simply adding them to water does not give desired effect. Fukortsin or Malavit ( herbal preparation) can be used for both steam inhalations, and for inhalation using a nebulizer.

Inhalations remain recognized effective method for the treatment of runny nose and accompanying wet cough in children. Traditional methods inhaling steam from hot potatoes or herbal decoction are increasingly being replaced by the use of special safe devices. Let's understand the efficiency and correct implementation treatment using steam inhalations and nebulizers.

Inhalation as a method of treatment and inhalers

Inhalation is a method of administration medicines by inhaling steam, gas or smoke.

Natural inhalation is inhalation fresh air in the forest or sea air at the resort.

Artificial inhalation involves using inhalers.

Types of inhalers:

  • compressor type nebulizer;
  • ultrasonic nebulizer;
  • electronic mesh nebulizer.

The last 3 types of inhalers create a cool mist with very small particles (aerosol) and are especially effective in treating lower respiratory tract(larynx, trachea and bronchi). A steam inhalers They are successfully used for diseases of the upper respiratory tract (nose and pharynx), since warm steam has a beneficial effect on the nasal mucosa and thins mucous secretions.

Video: how to choose an inhaler for a child

There is also a method of inhalation called “breathe over the potatoes.” Experts have an extremely negative attitude towards it, since the temperature of the steam is too high and there is a strong risk of burning the child’s respiratory tract.

Nasal pencil inhaler

The simplest and most affordable, but not the safest type of inhaler

This is a hollow plastic rod with a big hole. Inside the rod there is a filter filled with a composition similar to the “Star” balm from various essential oils: menthol, camphor, mint, eucalyptus, clove and cinnamon oils). At colds The pencil inhaler is used up to 15 times a day, each time you need to take two deep breaths. Please note that essential oils are contraindicated in children under 5 years of age; they can cause allergic reaction Therefore, before use, you should consult your doctor.

Steam inhaler

Portable steam inhaler

Steam inhaler with different attachments

Stationary steam inhaler

The principle of operation of steam inhalers is that the liquid is heated and sprayed in the form of warm steam. The advantage of this inhaler over folk remedies for treating a runny nose is that it can be used for children over one year of age as prescribed by a doctor. The steam moisturizes the nasal mucosa and helps cleanse it. If there is no dried mucus in the nasal passages, then there is no need for steam inhalation. Since steam is aimed at moisturizing, steam inhalers are also well suited for preventing a runny nose by moisturizing the nasal mucosa. Their disadvantage is that when heated, many medicinal substances are destroyed.

Doctors' opinion about steam inhalation for a runny nose

Steam inhalations are used to moisten the nasal mucosa and accumulated mucus. As a result, you can clear your nose and cough up phlegm. Dried mucus is moistened and, as a result, increases in volume, so steam inhalation in children can provoke airway obstruction.

Modern medicine cannot prove that steam inhalations are beneficial. Steam inhalation affects only the upper respiratory tract. They can only help with mild and short-term acute respiratory infections (rhinitis, tonsillitis, pharyngitis, laryngitis). It is not surprising that for an illness that lasts 3–5 days without treatment, it is almost impossible to prove the effectiveness of any method of therapy.
O. E. Komarovsky

How to use a steam inhaler correctly

The steam inhaler consists of a reservoir for the heater, into which is poured boiled water using the supplied cup and container for medicinal solution, mineral water or herbal infusion. The suction tube must be connected to the outlet and inserted into the solution container. After the mask is attached to the top cover, you can turn on the device. For diseases of the nose, inhalation and exhalation of vapors is carried out through the nose. The duration of the procedure is 5–10 minutes, the frequency depends on the product used for inhalation. The glass and mask should be washed and dried after each use, or better yet, soak them in a special disinfectant solution and then rinse in boiled water.

What solution can you fill the container with?

The use of steam inhalations to treat a runny nose must be carried out with the permission and recommendations of a doctor, taking into account possible contraindications. The drug solution or any other liquid for inhalation must be sterile, otherwise there is a risk bacterial infection respiratory tract in a child.

The liquid suitable for inhalation, as well as the very advisability of such treatment, should be determined by a pediatrician or otolaryngologist.

There are many various means, which are added to the container of a steam inhaler for the treatment of colds:

  • saline;
  • mineral water;
  • Kalanchoe juice solution;
  • onion or garlic juice solution;
  • honey solution;
  • herbal infusions;
  • sea ​​water.

Inhalations with saline solution and high-quality mineral water are the safest and most effective. Saline is universal remedy against nasal congestion. It can be instilled into the nose or poured into the inhaler container. Saline solution in the form of steam helps to thin the mucus in the nose. sea ​​water has a similar effect as saline.

Inhalations with Kalanchoe juice have antiviral and anti-inflammatory effects. Add 1 ml of Kalanchoe juice to 5 ml of water or saline solution.

Inhalations with onion and garlic juice have an antiviral effect and effectively fight colds. Add 3 drops of onion or garlic to 5 ml of water or saline solution.

Honey has an antiviral effect: dissolve 1-2 teaspoons of honey per 100 ml of water. For one inhalation, you need to use 5 ml of solution. Honey is an allergenic product, so you should consult your doctor.

Folk recipes for herbal infusions

If a child has a runny nose, you can prepare an infusion of lavender, thyme, sage, coltsfoot, and chamomile. Take herbs in equal quantities. Brew (preferably in a thermos), pour about 50 g of dry herbal collection a liter of boiling water.

There is also a recipe for inhalation based on eucalyptus leaves: 1 tablespoon is poured into 500 ml of boiling water and boiled for about 10 minutes. Then the broth is cooled to 35 degrees. But this recipe is more suitable for older children, since eucalyptus has a rather strong odor and can cause an allergic reaction.

Using a similar technology, you can prepare an infusion of coltsfoot (15 g of dry raw materials per 200 ml of water) or a decoction of blackberry stems and leaves (20 g of stems and leaves per 200 ml of water).

Essential oils should not be used for steam inhalation. Inhalation of these highly concentrated substances can cause spasm of the small bronchi and laryngospasm, and the child will begin to choke.

Video: Doctor Komarovsky talks about the benefits of steam inhalation

The therapeutic effect will be more pronounced and lasting if parents also rinse the child’s nose saline solutions, regularly ventilate the room and use a humidifier, especially during the heating season.

Contraindications for steam inhalations

If moisturizing the mucous membrane helps eliminate nasal congestion, then we are talking about physiological or allergic rhinitis. But a runny nose can be viral in nature with associated symptoms ARVI. At high temperature inhalations cannot be performed. If viral runny nose is not accompanied by an increase in temperature, then steam inhalations can be used to better remove mucus from the nose. Since for better current illness, it is necessary to remove snot from the nose, then after steam inhalations you can use an aspirator to eliminate secretions if the child is not yet able to blow his nose on his own.

Inhalations are contraindicated for the following symptoms:

  • The child’s body temperature exceeds 37.5;
  • children under 1 year of age;
  • bacterial infection;
  • hint of blood in sputum;
  • ear pain or congestion;
  • nosebleeds or tendency to them;
  • cardiovascular or respiratory failure;
  • individual intolerance to drugs (allergic reaction).

Video: when you should not do steam inhalations

Use of nebulizers

The use of nebulizers is preferable if the runny nose has persisted and threatens complications, or if the child’s snot is one of the symptoms of a more serious illness. Using a nebulizer you can complex treatment, affecting both the upper and lower respiratory tract.

Compressor type

This type of inhaler has a compressor, which creates an aerosol with medium to small particles that penetrate the large and small bronchi. Compressor inhalers are the most versatile compared to other nebulizers, as they can nebulize almost all medications.

Unlike steam compressor inhaler allows you to add to liquid wide range medications

The only drawback of a compressor nebulizer is that it is quite noisy during operation. The most versatile nebulizer with an attractive children's design

Ultrasonic type

Ultrasonic nebulizers create a very fine aerosol (particles up to 5 microns) when the ultrasonic generator vibrates. The particles can even penetrate the bronchioles. The advantage of an ultrasonic inhaler is that it can develop a high aerosol production rate and sprays 15–30 ml of solution in 15 minutes of operation. In addition, unlike a compressor inhaler, this type of inhaler is lightweight and small in size.

Ultrasonic nebulizer distinguished by low weight and light

Ultrasound creates very small aerosol particles (up to 5 microns) Inhalers of this type operate silently

Electronic mesh type

This type of inhaler has the additional name “inhaler with mesh technology.” An aerosol is created in it based on low frequencies. Therefore, electronic mesh inhalers allow the use of much more drugs for treatment: hormonal agents, antibiotics, mucolytics.

The mesh inhaler is considered universal because it is suitable for a wide range of medications. Just like the ultrasonic one, this nebulizer operates silently

This type of inhaler has the highest cost

Experts' opinion

O.E. Komarovsky:

With ordinary ARVI, there is no need for a nebulizer. You need to breathe air with normal humidity constantly or with high humidity at least occasionally.

Regarding serious illnesses respiratory system, then nebulizers are quite effective means, which can quickly deliver medicine to the lower respiratory tract. But in this case, it is necessary to observe a doctor and follow all his recommendations.

The advantage of nebulizers over other inhalers is that they can be used in the first year of a child’s life.

We treat runny nose and more

As a rule, high-quality nebulizers effectively cope with diseases of both the upper and lower respiratory tract. The most popular liquid for treating a runny nose or untreated dry cough is saline solution or mineral water. You can add them medicines in solutions, if prescribed by a doctor.

In addition, inhalations can be carried out herbal infusions. But not all nebulizers can spray them, so you need to read the instructions for the device.

Oil mixtures are prohibited from being used in most nebulizers due to the risk of developing pneumonia. The oil, breaking into tiny particles, can settle on the small bronchi and cause mechanical blockage, which will lead to swelling and inflammation of the lungs.

Table: Main medications used in the nebulizer, their estimated doses and contraindications

Medicine Action Contraindicated for use in childhood Main contraindications
Bronchodilators Berodual easier breathing the doctor makes the decision
Astalin up to 2 years
Berotek up to 6 years
  • tachyarrhythmia;
  • hypersensitivity to the drug
Mucolytics Ambroxol thinning mucus and promoting sputum discharge up to 5 years
  • gastrointestinal diseases
Fluimucil up to 6 years
  • gastrointestinal diseases;
  • hypersensitivity to the drug
Pulmozyme up to 5 years
  • hypersensitivity to the drug
Saline solution moisturizing the mucous membrane and promoting sputum discharge not contraindicated
  • hypernatremia, acidosis, hyperchloremia, hypokalemia, extracellular hyperhydration;
  • circulatory disorders
Mineral slightly alkaline waters Narzan not contraindicated
  • cardiovascular diseases;
  • nosebleeds;
  • acute diseases of the stomach and kidneys.
Hormonal drugs Pulmicort reducing the activity of the inflammatory process in the respiratory tract up to 6 months
  • hypersensitivity to the drug
Cromohexal up to 2 years

Medicines are used only as prescribed by a doctor strictly in the recommended dosage, either in pure form or diluted with saline or water in certain proportions.