How to prepare saline solution at home. Saline solution for rinsing the nose at home: preparation, use. Instructions for use

Very often, new mothers hear from pediatricians that the baby’s nose needs to be washed with saline or other isotonic solutions (Aqualor, Aquamaris). Aqualor or Aquamaris is a sterilized sea ​​water. that is, water in which sea salt is dissolved.

What is saline solution (saline solution) and why does it have this name?

This name is very conditional, since “saline solution” does not contain many substances (in particular, potassium salts) necessary for the physiological activity of body tissues. Saline solution is water lightly salted with ordinary table salt and having an osmotic pressure equal to intracellular pressure. In fact, this means that procedures carried out using such water are more physiological (compared to using ordinary water) because they do not damage cell membrane delicate tissues (mucous membranes, for example).

If necessary, use a sterile nebulizer to increase the pH value of the solution to measure water or a fine scale. To make a sterile nasal spray, boil 1 liter of tap water in a covered pot for five minutes. Take hot water from the burner and add nine grams sea ​​salt or cooking salt. Stir until the water runs clear. The ingredients are then completely dissolved in water. Then let the liquid cool until it reaches room temperature. Make sure the lid remains on the pot to avoid contaminating the solution. Now fill the liquid into a suitable spray bottle. Instead of using a new one, you can also boil an empty nasal spray bottle and reuse it.

  • Boiling salt or sea salt.
  • Thus, all bacteria and bacteria are killed.
  • Alternatively, you can use distilled water.
The homemade spray can be used immediately.

The scope of application of saline solution is wide - it is used for intravenous and intramuscular injections, sometimes even as a blood substitute. At home, saline solution is most often used for the following procedures:

  • Inhalation with pure saline solution (promotes liquefaction and removal of sputum)
  • Dilution of drugs for inhalation
  • and adults (including saline solution is recommended for rinsing the nose of pregnant women during colds)

Where can I get saline solution?

Physiological solution (saline solution) for rinsing the baby's nose and inhalation can be purchased at your nearest pharmacy - it is sold without a prescription and everywhere. The correct name for saline solution in a pharmacy is “SODIUM CHLORIDE solution for infusion 0.9%.” This solution is sterile (a big plus!) and is most often packaged in 200 or 400 ml glass bottles sealed with a rubber stopper.

Other Natural Ingredients for Homemade Sniffing Spray

It lasts about one or two days in the refrigerator. Then it loses its effect. If the solution disappears, you should not use it. Instead of pouring in the remaining liquid, you can reheat it and use it for inhalation.

Commercial nasal sprays and drugstore nasal rinses contain antibacterial and preservative agents such as benzyl alcohols or sodium phosphates. They can cause hypersensitivity and allergies. Xylometazoline is also a component of many medications used to disinfect the nasal mucosa.

Pharmacists recommend storing the opened package of solution in the refrigerator for no more than a day. Naturally, when using saline solution to rinse the nose of a newborn, it is impossible to use 200 ml per day. To increase the useful life of a large container of saline solution, you can not open the bottle, but simply pierce the rubber stopper with a disposable syringe (the stopper is designed for this) and draw it into the syringe required amount solution (the bottle must be kept with the stopper down).

However, there is also natural remedies, which have the same effects and are gentle on the nasal mucosa. For cold or bacterial infection It is advisable to add half a teaspoon of honey to the saline solution. Menthol-containing additives such as eucalyptus are not recommended as they irritate mucous membranes and dry out the mucous membranes.

  • Antibacterial and preservative.
  • Moisturizing aloe vera protects the nasal mucosa from drying out, which will weaken the defense.
The saline solution contains a concentration of sodium chloride or table salt.

You can often find saline solution in 5 ml ampoules in pharmacies. This packaging is very convenient for one-time use, however, it is preferable to purchase plastic ampoules rather than glass ones - unprofessional opening of a glass ampoule at home can lead to tiny glass fragments getting into the solution. Such glass dust is invisible to the naked eye, but it is completely unacceptable for rinsing the nose.

This concentration is usually measured by weight. The average physiological dissolution ranges from three to ten parts per million. A saline solution is used to clear mucus from the nasal passages so that medications can work better. It also cleanses components that cause allergies and irritation. A saline solution can be used to clean wounds and replace fluid lost due to excessive sweating or diarrhea.

Pour 8 ounces of tap water into the skillet. Boil the water until it dissolves. Place clean jars with lids in a large pot and cover them with water. Bring water to a boil for 15 minutes. Remove jars and lids carefully. Do not put your hands in sterile bottles.

How to make saline solution at home. Recipe for making saline solution.

To prepare a saline solution for rinsing the nose of a newborn at home, you need to dissolve 1 heaping teaspoon (10 grams) of purified table salt in a liter of pure boiled water room temperature. Thus, the ratio of water and salt should be 100:1 - 100 parts water, 1 part salt. All ingredients and containers must be clean! This is the solution that can be used for inhalation and rinsing.

When not to rinse your nose

Remove the brine solution from the heat and fill the jars. Close the lids and let cool before storing. Use the saline solution for the next two days. If you need more, prepare more fresh saline solution. You can use distilled water if you don't get tap water. The amount of salt used depends on the purpose for which you want to use the solution. To replenish fluids due to sweating or diarrhea, add 2 tablespoons of sugar to the solution.

Instructions for use

Salt with iodine may irritate the throat, nasal passages, or wounds when reuse. Irrigation of the nostrils saline solution is an ancient practice that is still performed. The salty liquid is similar in composition to natural body fluids. A saline solution is used to clear the nasal passages, reduce dryness, help clear mucus and reduce inflammation in the nasal tissue. While saline solution is sold commercially, making your own ingredients in your home is simple and effective.

How to clean a newborn's nose with saline?

Saline solution is used to soften and dissolve crusts in the newborn's nose to facilitate their removal from the nose. A couple of drops of saline (no longer needed) are carefully placed in each nostril. It is necessary to instill with a pipette and under no circumstances use a spray on a newborn. Next, you can use cotton swabs, an electronic nasal aspirator, or a nasal suction directly to clean the nose.

Heat the water until it reaches a warm temperature. You are looking for body temperature, so touch the water with your skin to get the ideal temperature. Pour salt and baking soda into a bowl. Bicarbonate is a regulator that helps the solution adapt to the body's pH, improving its properties to dilute mucus. Add carefully warm water in salt and baking soda.

Mix salt, baking soda and water until the ingredients are completely dissolved. Pour the solution into a clean container, preferably a glass. Discard the decision after a week. If it looks cloudy or has detritus floating in it, discard it and make a new decision.

From ancient times to the present day, people have been using alternative remedies to treat colds, which are no less effective than traditional medicines. In particular we're talking about about irrigating the nasal sinuses with saline solution. This does not mean that you need to give up your usual medications. But ignore effective methods Treatments that have been proven for centuries are also not worth it. Moreover, medicinal folk methods usually do not require special material costs or physical effort.

Saline solution for adults

Ringing with water or saline is one of the most traditional ways clearing our nasal passages of waste such as pollen, dust, dirt, scabs, pus and mucus. Saline nasal rinses are applied directly to our nostrils and the saline solution penetrates directly into open spaces in our nostrils.

What is a saline solution and how can it help me?

These nasal irrigations are carried out using the classic "physiological serum", that is, a solution of sterile sodium chloride diluted in water.

Why are nasal rinses needed?

As we have already said, they serve to clean the nostrils. There are many symptoms that can make us think about performing nasal lavage with saline, among which we can find.


Briefly speaking about saline solutions used in medicine, isotonic, hypertonic and hypotonic solutions are used. They differ in quantity active substance and are used for different purposes. In terms of its composition it is the same salty water, so preparing it at home will not pose any problems. In our case, an isotonic 0.9% solution is required. For colds, it is used not only to cleanse the nose, but also as inhalations, rubdowns, baths as auxiliary therapeutic agents.

  • People with asthma and lung problems.
  • Symptoms of nasal congestion and sinusitis.
  • Excessive mucus on one side of the nostril.
Salt water rinsing, also commonly known as “nasal irrigation,” does a lot to clear allergens and nasal irritants, effectively combating all those irritating symptoms.

Preparation of saline solution

If you don't have a saline solution, such as the one sold in pharmacies and hospital centers, you can prepare one by following these steps. Let's see what exactly the procedure is for nasal drops.

How to make nasal drops

  • Sanitize your hands well, wash them with water and big amount soap
  • Take a 250ml glass or small tea and make sure it is clean.
  • Add half a teaspoon of salt without iodine.
  • Place a little baking soda pigment on it.
If there is a lot of drug left after nasal irrigation, it is recommended to throw it away and prepare a new one for the next frequency of nasal irrigation.

  1. Applicable salt water for the treatment of bacterial and viral runny nose. That is, under its influence both viruses and bacteria die. Moreover, the effectiveness is the same for all types of rhinitis: allergic, vasomotor, hypertrophic, atrophic.
  2. Treats all types of sinusitis, flu, sore throats, chronic tonsillitis, adenoids in children, inflammation maxillary sinuses, laryngitis, frontal sinusitis, ethmoditis.
  3. Disinfects the skin after suppuration of the piercing.
  4. Helps cope with dependence on vasoconstrictor nasal medications.
  5. Eases the condition before surgical intervention regarding a deviated nasal septum, as well as after surgery.
  6. Has a preventive effect during the season of exacerbations and chronic infections.

Relative contraindications

The medicine is absolutely safe, but if there are certain risks, you should definitely consult a specialist regarding its use. Use saline solution with caution if you have an increased tendency to nosebleeds, individual intolerance constituent components, deviated septum. There is no need to self-medicate for benign or malignant tumors in the nasopharynx, complete obstruction of the nasal passages, acute otitis media.

It should never be taken orally. How is the frequency of irrigation? It's a matter of what's done and there's no great science to explain it, although it's important because it depends good treatment in the nose. Nasal irrigation should be carried out one to four times a day maximum, in this way we can improve this or any sinusitis process, seasonal allergies or dust or coryza, which affects the nostrils on one side or the other.

How to do nasal washes for sinusitis?

In case of sinusitis, the remedy is exactly the same, although the symptoms of a cold with sinusitis may be slightly different and the latter may require medical attention, if it is a serious case, then a small salty solution will help and you need to see a doctor.

The composition of saline solution is close to human blood plasma. Therefore, they can be treated without fear in patients of any category and age, including newborns and pregnant women.


If you use saline solution correctly to rinse your nose at home, the procedure will only have a beneficial effect. With its help you can achieve:

How to make nasal washes for babies?

Unless they tell you otherwise, it is always best to do this with medical supervision.

Likewise, if you already have your doctor's approval, cleaning your baby's nose can be prepared in the following way.

  • Mix glass 100% clean water, it's better if it's fried.
  • A small teaspoon of baking soda.
  • A quarter teaspoon of salt without iodine.
Handle a dropper, dropper, or any container that helps guide the child's nose safely and slowly.

  • disinfection of the nasal mucosa;
  • thinning mucus;
  • relieving swelling, significantly facilitating breathing;
  • removal of microparticles that increase the risk of developing allergic reactions; relieving or reducing allergies; strengthening microvessels of the mucous membrane;
  • promotion local immunity; reduction of treatment time; gain therapeutic effect traditional medicines;
  • reducing the number and frequency of use of therapeutic agents;
  • reducing the frequency of relapses of chronic inflammatory diseases upper respiratory tract.


The ready-made pharmaceutical saline solution already has the required concentration of substances. But preparing it at home is not difficult. How to prepare saline solution for rinsing the nose? Take a full glass of ordinary boiled water, add 2.5 grams of pure table salt (this is about a third of a teaspoon), stir well, strain the coarse sediment through cheesecloth. We get the desired concentration. For adults, it’s okay if there is a little more salt.

For pregnant women

This mouse is very common in young children, it is applied from almost infants to big child, suffering from airways clogged with mucus in the nose, as well as images of sinusitis with headaches. This is a type of condition that affects all children and children from small child to large, they suffer from discomfort caused by inflammation of the mucous membrane and excess mucus in the sinuses.

This wash should be done in a child who suffers from a lot of mucus in the paranasal sinuses, with excessive inflammation of the mucous membrane, which is clearly perceived through the nasal opening. Nasal rinsing should be the first before interacting with any other medication or anti-allergic action, this will cause the nasal passages to respond better to the medication as the ducts will be completely clear. After each nasal irrigation, the pipette or pen should be rinsed with saline and then allowed to dry. naturally. When preparing a saline solution, you must ensure that the water is 100% pure, this can be achieved by using pre-boiled, distilled or filtered water. Do not use salt with iodine as long-term use may cause burning. Do not perform nasal rinses if the pits are blocked entirely by mucus, blood, or other elements. Under no circumstances should the drug be taken orally. If you experience symptoms such as nosebleeds, mouth bleeding, pain, severe headaches or fever after using nasal irrigation, consult a doctor immediately at your nearest hospital.

When preparing a solution for infants, it is better to accurately maintain the proportions. For example, you can use measuring instruments, a spoon and a glass. If the saline solution for rinsing the nose contains more salt than required, then the newborn can be harmed.

Adults and children under four to five years old can add 1-2 drops of iodine and baking soda on the tip of a teaspoon. Provided that the patient tolerates these components well. Young children have extremely delicate and sensitive mucous membranes, so iodine should be taken as little as possible for them, and not used at all for newborns.

How to make saline solution at home

What is your experience doing saline nasal rinses? Did it get the results you expected? How did it end? Nasal congestion is one of the most annoying symptoms for adults and children, but in the case of babies it can be very annoying, this coupled with the lack of language that allows them to pinpoint what is bothering them can make us despair of an early solution. Fortunately, there is good remedy to prevent colds or allergies from turning into nasal congestion that cannot be treated: saline solution.

Separately, it is necessary to say about the water temperature. It is very important that the water temperature does not cause discomfort and discomfort(optimally – 37 degrees). The medicine should not be too hot, as this will cause burns, especially in children. Cold, in turn, will cause irritation of the mucous membrane.

You cannot take ordinary warm tap water for treatment; it must be boiled, then cooled to the desired temperature. This is done to neutralize pathogenic microorganisms.

Proper use of saline solution

Method No. 1

The procedure is carried out using various devices. Take a bulb or syringe without a needle or a teapot with a thin spout. Fill the device with the prepared solution and stand over the sink. Tilt your head to the side and pour the product into the nostril opposite to the tilt.

By irrigating the nasal sinuses on one side, the fluid with mucus will exit through the other nostril and partially through the mouth. What got into oral cavity needs to be spat out. Carry out the same procedure with the second nostril.

Method No. 2

Scoop liquid into a saucer or palm.

Draw it in through your nostrils and spit it out through your mouth. It's not very pleasant, but quite effective. This method is only suitable for adults.

You can take the mixture into your palm and draw it in through one and the other nostril alternately, tilting your head to the side, as described in method No. 1.

Remember to close one nostril when working with the other.

Method No. 3

This method is used for children from birth to four to five years. Place the child on his back, instill medicine pipette 2-3 drops into each nostril. When the crusts soften, suck out the mucus with a special aspirator or a bulb with the smallest diameter, or clean the passages with soft cotton wool. At the end of the procedure, wipe the nose with cotton.

When the baby is already sitting confidently and holding his back, after instillation he needs to be seated so that the liquid flows out freely. If it flows into the mouth, make sure your child spits it out.

From the age of four, children can perform the procedure themselves, but under the supervision of their parents

You should not go outside immediately after the procedure. In the cold season you can go out to Fresh air in two to three hours, in the warm season - no less than half an hour.

How many times can you do salt rinses? At acute conditions The sinuses are irrigated with salt water up to four times a day. For prevention – once or twice a week.

Now you know how to make a saline solution for rinsing the nose and apply it correctly. But remember that any treatment at home, even the most harmless one, requires prior consultation with a specialist.