The dog limps after. Why does a dog limp on its front leg without visible damage?

Perhaps you have seen how clumsy and pitiful pets look when they have suffered limb injuries. A sick dog can’t even play... Why play - it’s not easy for him to even go to the toilet! In short, a sick pet has a very bad time. So lameness in dogs is a reason for an immediate visit to the veterinarian. There is no point in delaying this, since later treatment will cost much more. On the pages of this article we will describe the main pathologies that can lead to the appearance of a limp, and also talk about ways to eliminate them.

Important! Remember one simple truth - never try to treat lameness in your dog using “human” drugs.

Firstly, the cause of the pathology may be serious, and your “poultices” will not help your pet in any way (moreover, they can worsen the process). Secondly, dogs and humans are representatives of diametrically opposed species with completely different body biochemistry.

Important! Medicines that are useful for people can simply kill a dog. Don't take risks!

Perhaps these are one of the most common pathologies leading to lameness. They appear quite characteristically:

  • Lameness due to these factors can occur on any limb. When trying to feel the affected area (as a rule, the dog himself constantly licks it) the animal pulls its leg back and whines pitifully.
  • Also, the damaged limb can be easily identified by the appearance bruises, abraded hair and skin, hematomas etc. When palpating (when the injury is still fresh), traumatic swelling is clearly felt, all tissues are swollen and slightly “springy” under the fingers.

Dogs often get bruises and sprains during games, training (applies to service dogs, of course), in case of unsuccessful “contact” with cyclists. In mild cases of pathology, these pathologies are treated extremely simply - the animal is given complete peace. Walking is only up to the nearest tree. If the situation is more severe, anti-inflammatory drugs (including corticosteroids) and possibly painkillers are treated.


You shouldn’t be surprised: in veterinary practice, there are often cases when a dog is brought to the clinic with complaints: “He began to fall a little on his front paw,” after which it turns out that the animal has a fracture.

In addition, if the pet received a fairly serious injury, but it did not reach the point of an obvious fracture (you definitely won’t be able to see a crack in the bone with a “keen eye”), then the pathology can easily be confused with an ordinary bruise. So if you have the slightest doubt about your dog’s behavior after a fall, a “hot” encounter with a friend or a bicycle, it is better to immediately take him to the veterinarian. The characteristics of fractures are as follows:

  • Most often "undetected" fractures remain on the front leg– in case of damage ulna the limb rests on the radial one, and therefore the injury can be confused with a severe bruise.
  • If a hind leg is “broken”, it’s difficult not to notice - the animal is strongly influenced by it crouches, constantly whines and wheezes pitifully. In general, often with a paw pressed up, the dog tries in every possible way to avoid any influence on it, squeals and whines when trying to feel the limb that is bothering it.
  • In old pets, the fracture may well be due to bone cancer or. With this pathology, they become very fragile and sensitive to mechanical stress.

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What are the symptoms that indicate that you and your pet need to be seen urgently? to a good veterinarian? Firstly, with a simple bruise or even a dislocation, the dog can still stand and even walk, even if it causes him severe pain. When there is a fracture, it usually lies down. Only in mild cases will the dog be able to walk with a severe limp. In other situations, he will press the injured paw to the body, trying not to disturb it again. In addition, with fractures (even closed ones) in the place subjected to mechanical stress, bruising, blue discoloration are visible, the skin and other tissues in this place are seriously swollen and may be coldish. If you observe something like this in your pet, you should immediately show him to the veterinarian!

For fractures, treatment can be very varied. In mild cases, the paw is simply “wrapped” in plaster bandage, carefully cutting the fur first. If the fracture is accompanied by the appearance fragments of bones and cracks, you will need surgical intervention , right down to the installation of plates and pins. The dog's recovery time depends on the severity of the injury and the skill of the surgeon who performed the operation.

Infectious diseases

In addition to coughing, sneezing and infection, infections can affect any system and all organs. This rule does not bypass the limbs of dogs. Let's consider brief characteristics of lameness resulting from the adverse effects of pathogenic microorganisms:

  • As in all the cases described above, pathology can affect all limbs.
  • A characteristic sign of infectious diseases is intermittent claudication: The “breakdown” seems to “wander” from one leg to the other. With injuries, as you understand, this does not happen. The dog limps only on the limb that was injured. With infections, it often turns out that all the paws are damaged.
  • When and not only lameness is noticeable: the affected joint capsules swell greatly, “undress”, the dog does not allow you to feel them - whining and squealing in pain, he tries to escape.
  • Lameness due to infections is a minor thing. The dog almost doesn’t get up without it, it may start fever, the dog completely or partially refuses food. In the most severe cases purulent ones develop (photo below) and: pus melts through the joint capsule and begins to ooze into the external environment.

Read also: Leukopenia - decreased white blood cell levels in dogs

Treatment depends on the specific infection. In most cases, antibiotics are prescribed wide range actions and other antimicrobial drugs. Unfortunately, sometimes you have to resort to surgical intervention: surgery in such cases is extremely difficult and expensive. Sometimes, when pus and bacteria have thoroughly “worked” on the joint capsule and capsule, the only way out is to install prosthetic implants. So don't let the disease spread, bring your dog regularly preventive examination to the veterinarian.

By the way, your dog is limping maybe after vaccination, designed to fight infectious diseases. Most likely, nothing bad happened in this case: some vaccines cause short-term swelling and swelling at the injection site, and pain is likely. Everything should go away completely in three to four hours. If this does not happen, we advise you to contact the veterinarian who performed the vaccination. If lameness appears a couple of days after the administration of the drug, then the reason almost certainly lies either in an individual “non-standard” reaction, or (most likely) in non-compliance basic rules asepsis and antiseptics when performing the procedure. Again, you need to immediately contact a specialist.

Skin diseases

Yes, skin diseases, which seem to have nothing to do with lameness, may well cause it. This is due to the fact that the source of inflammation located near the joint or directly on it is always painful. Because of this, the dog begins to limp, and the owner may well get the impression that his pet has something very wrong with his joints. Here are the characteristics of these types of lameness:


These causes of lameness in dogs, along with bruises and sprains, are quite common. Wounds (most often) are bitten and lacerated, which is bad. Such damage takes a long time to heal and causes a lot of “ side effects“, and lameness is perhaps the most harmless thing. a brief description of these injuries:

  • They are more often found on the hind limbs (this is where dogs are bitten by their relatives during fights).
  • Wounds are often accompanied by crushing and tissue ruptures, including ligaments.
  • In addition to bites, broken nails, insect bites, and grass stubble embedded in the paw pads can cause lameness. In these cases, the animal begins to fall on hind paw, but the forelimb, as a rule, is supported by weight.

There are situations when dogs begin to limp without visible reasons and wants to understand what is happening and how to help the pet cope with the problem that has arisen.

Here it is worth remembering that, without proper education, as well as practical experience in the treatment of pets and without special diagnostic equipment and laboratories for research, there is no way to say what’s wrong with the dog and why it behaves this way. A visit to the veterinarian will be the right decision this issue.

The dog is limping and leaning in, does not stand on its hind leg, leg, what should I do, is it bad or does not eat, whines, trembles, shakes, falls over on its side

There can be several reasons for a dog's lameness: injuries (injuries, sprains, wounds), burns or frostbite, infections.

If you notice that your dog is limping, you should immediately consult a veterinarian. If a wound is noticed on the paw, it is treated with saline solution and shown to a specialist.

If the dog is trembling, limping on its hind legs and cannot stand up, then it may be myositis (inflammation of the muscles).

In this case, you need a paw massage and heat, but correct diagnosis Only a veterinarian can diagnose it.

It is possible that the dog infectious arthritis, which is accompanied by swelling of the joints and refusal to eat. It is necessary to urgently take your pet to the doctor.

A dog limps on its front leg after sleeping, after lying down, an injection in the leg, vaccinations, a walk, a tick bite, what to do?

If a dog limps after sleeping and then goes away, it could be a dislocated shoulder. Here you need a specialist consultation and an x-ray.

The cause of lameness after an injection is an incorrectly performed procedure or painful sensations. These symptoms will pass and the dog will begin to walk without lameness.

If the dog starts limping after a walk, then you need to check the paw pads, there may be something stuck there. foreign object or a broken claw. In this case, try to remove the object yourself and disinfect the wound. A broken claw is removed at a veterinary clinic.

Tick ​​bites are dangerous due to infectious diseases, which result in increased body temperature, swollen joints, and lameness. The pet needs to be treated urgently by a doctor.

The dog limps on one leg and then on the other without any visible reason or damage, without pain, no wound, no reason

If lameness appears periodically, but there are no injuries on the paws, then it may be osteochondrosis. Lameness without pain occurs with neurological paresis. A veterinarian can treat such diseases, but you cannot help your pet on your own.

The dog limps when it gets up and then walks, runs, from time to time, from old age, only at home

If it is difficult for your pet to lie down and get up, and mobility is restored during movement, then this may be a symptom of arthritis. In this situation, you cannot do without the help of a veterinarian.

Aging dogs are susceptible to musculoskeletal diseases and arthritis, which is why lameness occurs. You need to show your pet to a doctor and surround it with attention and care.

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Animals have become an integral part of human life. Many families live four-legged pets. However, lame-legged pets are often found on the street. Many dog ​​owners often have to face this problem. The dog finds it difficult to step on on the front or back paw. Painful sensations may lead to serious illnesses. But the condition of a faithful friend will depend on how timely you can seek help.

Types of injuries

There may be several reasons why a dog is limping:

Appearance of instant lameness

Much worse if visible lesions No. In this case, a bone or joint in the leg may be damaged.

Such problems may include a dislocation or fracture. If unsuccessfully jumping from a height, the animal may dislocate its paw. In this case, swelling of the limb will appear. If a dog twists its paw, the owner can alleviate its condition. The pet will try not to step on the injured limb. Applying ice will help relieve inflammation.

A fracture can most often occur when active movement: while the animal is playing, when sliding on the tile. The limb will take on a different shape and severe swelling will appear. The animal will need help. It is necessary to fix the paw. In any case, you need to immediately go to the veterinary hospital.

Sometimes a dog suddenly begins to limp, and then the lameness also disappears imperceptibly. This is a signal of bone or joint disease. Sometimes this is how the disease manifests itself internal organs. Also the dog could bruise or soothe a paw. The cause can be any ailment of the pet. The most common are:

  • Arthrosis or arthritis. The disease cannot be completely cured. However, it is possible to support the joint four-legged friend throughout life. Lameness will appear after sleep or prolonged periods of rest. As soon as the dog warms up its muscles, the lameness will immediately go away.
  • Spinal disease. If your dog has previously had a spinal injury or is diagnosed with a spinal hernia, you should immediately seek help from a veterinarian. This can prevent further paralysis of the animal.
  • Malignant neoplasms. Osteosarcoma is considered a common cancerous tumor. The animal needs to be x-rayed. Treatment is best carried out under the supervision of an experienced specialist.
  • Heredity. This pathology cannot be treated. To avoid the disease in other animals, you should not breed offspring from a sick dog.
  • Dysplasia. A disease that causes lameness. Breeds such as Rottweiler, Labrador, Shepherd, Alabai, and Retriever often suffer from it. These breeds are large and therefore prone to dysplasia.

What to do if you have pain in your front legs

Sometimes your four-legged friend begins to limp only on his front leg. This could be caused by for various reasons. But most often this is due to protrusion of the intervertebral disc in the neck. This makes it difficult to turn your head. Possible shoulder dislocation, bruise. A careful inspection is required.

Causes of lameness in the hind legs

The puppy may begin to limp on its hind leg. Protrusion intervertebral discs in the chest and lumbar regions causes such lameness. The limbs become weak if the dog is infected with infectious enteritis or hepatitis. But the correct diagnosis can only be made after an x-ray.

As soon as the first signs of lameness are detected in your pet, you should carefully check the paws and seek help from a specialist.

A responsible owner is always attentive to his animal. As soon as lameness is discovered in your four-legged friend, you need to limit his movement and seek help from a specialist. It is not recommended to give various medications on your own without examination by a veterinarian. This can harm your pet.

The only justified pre-medical intervention is vitamin B, which will relieve severe pain. The pharmacist will tell you the required dose for the animal. It will depend on weight and age.

Household reasons

Lameness sometimes occurs unexpectedly. Jumping from a small height, little puppy may stretch ligaments that have not yet strengthened. And if the baby suffers from rickets, then an ordinary jump leads to a fracture of the radius.

The risk group includes:

  • puppies large breeds(mastiffs, Great Danes);
  • small breeds (Yorkies, Chihuahuas).

Jumping from a height of 30 cm, they can damage their limbs. This leads to fractures and dislocations. Jumping for puppies is strictly prohibited.

To understand that your pet has begun to limp, you need to know how he moves when he is healthy. Movements should be free and smooth. It’s good to walk on the wet ground and then examine the pet’s tracks. The length between tracks of a lame animal will vary.

Treatment and prevention of lameness

It should be remembered that lameness is a symptom of a disease. It can be eliminated only by identifying the cause of the disease itself. Only a good specialist will do this.

The main task for a dog breeder- prevent the pet from becoming lame. You will need to follow a few simple rules:

  • Diversify your diet. Food should not be monotonous. Food should be rich in calcium.
  • Avoid overheating and hypothermia of the dog.
  • Contact with household chemicals should be limited to a minimum.

Attention, TODAY only!

The first thing they think about if a dog is limping on its front leg is an injury or disease of the joints. Indeed, these are the most common causes, but partial lameness can also be a symptom of certain diseases. And it happens that a tucked front paw is not a sign of health problems at all. The dog may be trying to attract attention and get affection or a treat in this way.

How to determine a limb injury?

Often dogs get injured while walking, cutting themselves on glass. Thus, it is mainly their front paws that suffer, being the first to touch an object. They also take the main load during landing from jumps, so bones or joints are often damaged. It is possible to determine that a dog is limping on its front leg due to an injury through a careful examination. Burns and wounds always leave traces, you can find a red burnt area or a place of bleeding. You also need to examine the paw pads for a bruise or a broken claw at the root.

The examination must be carried out very carefully, since if there is a fracture, any touch can cause severe pain to the dog. There is no need to try to forcefully straighten or bend the joint in order to “help” the animal. Dogs have a very high pain threshold, and if they don’t want a place to be touched, it means discomfort very strong. In case of a fracture, it is not necessary that the injury was received in the lower part of the paw. It could be much higher. Accurate diagnosis can be supplied veterinarian after x-rays and examination.

Could the problem be related to a medical condition?

When a dog limps on its front legs, experiencing severe pain, it moves in a special way: bending over and throwing its head up, as if diving. This suggests that she has difficulty moving in general. She begins to sit differently and has difficulty getting up from a lying position (especially problems with movements after sleep are characteristic of arthrosis). In this case, no external damage is detected. What could it be? One of the following ailments:

  • Intermittent claudication;
  • Torn muscle or ligament;
  • Osteosarcoma;
  • Spinal diseases;
  • Arthrosis.

With intermittent claudication, the dog falls on one or the other paw. In this case, the animal does not respond to manual examination, as it does not experience pain. With other diagnoses, the dog may experience discomfort or pain during palpation and procedures.

If it is not an adult dog, but a puppy that is limping on its front leg, then we can also assume the likelihood of some hereditary diagnosis:

  1. Patelau's disease.
  2. Perthes disease.

Is self-diagnosis possible? In most cases it does not produce results. If there is noticeable swelling or growths, you will still need to contact your veterinarian. Same as if pain no, but the dog is still limping on his front legs.


Depending on the disease and general condition animal, the veterinarian prescribes various medications and physical therapy. Folk remedies, unfortunately, are not very effective for injuries and pathologies. It should be noted that the same fracture of the front paw can heal on its own in a dog, but it is not a fact that this will happen correctly. The animal will experience discomfort throughout its life due to old injuries.

Interesting to know! After realizing that they are being cared for during illness, dogs may then feign a front leg lameness in order to receive more care and attention.

In certain cases, complete recovery is not possible. This applies, for example, to arthrosis. Maintenance therapy is used to ensure that the pet's standard of living is at the proper level and does not severe pain. Injections of an anesthetic and anti-inflammatory drug may be prescribed.

  • more peace;
  • a place to sleep where you don’t need to jump;
  • nutritional supplements;
  • special diet.

You cannot decide on your own whether you need to do massages or work on joints. Excessive loads may cause the dog's condition to worsen.


  1. During a walk, you need to make sure that the dog does not run into areas where glass, brick fragments, or sharp metal objects may be scattered.
  2. If several animals are playing together, it is better to ensure that the larger ones do not “chase” the smaller ones - at such moments, pets often receive dislocations and bruises.
  3. Adhere to a nutritious and nutritious diet with the addition of vitamin complexes healthy development bones, muscles and joints.
  4. When receiving a puppy, you should inquire about the health of the parents. Some hereditary diseases may never appear with proper care.
  5. Maintain adequate for age, condition and breed physical exercise. So, dogs of small breeds should not jump down from too high a height - landing on their front paws, they can damage them. A number of large breeds and older animals have difficulty using stairs; you need to spare your pet.

Lameness of the front legs in dogs can indicate not only a banal injury, but also certain diseases. An animal’s health can be improved with the help of veterinarians, but with a number of diagnoses full recovery, unfortunately, it is impossible.