Let's go to the hospital to visit. What are the rules for visiting friends or relatives in the hospital?

Everyone brought “delicious” glazed cheeses, sweets, bananas, donuts. But I just wanted homemade cutlets and fresh cucumber salad!” - a friend once complained. But it’s true, we visit the sick and carry back what we ourselves think is delicious. It’s not a fact that this delicious food is good for them. We asked Tatyana Migal, head of the medical care organization department of the Ministry of Health, to tell us what is possible and what is not for a person undergoing hospital treatment.

The main rule, which applies to all pathologies, is that the patient cannot eat anything salty, smoked or fatty,” says Tatyana Migal. - That is, we leave the smoked legs, wings, and sausages at home. And canned food too. In hospitals, menus are prepared according to the patient's illness. And if the hospital food is bland, it is certainly not harmful, since it is part of the treatment.

Let's go to the young mother

Those who gave birth on their own should have plenty to drink, emphasizes Tatyana Migal.

We take:

Juices (not freshly squeezed - they can irritate the mucous membranes). Apple and carrot are good.

Fruit drinks, compotes, still water.

Greens, tomatoes.

Boiled or baked meat, fish.

We treat with caution:

Cabbage. It can be consumed after heat treatment (so as not to cause flatulence in mother and baby);

Cucumbers and grapes, if the mother is breastfeeding (these products should be introduced into the diet gradually, monitoring the child’s condition).

We do not take:

Potential allergens - nuts, citrus fruits, chocolate.

If there was a caesarean section, the mother is treated as a post-surgical patient. Here the doctor should tell her what kind of broth and what vegetables she can use. When the doctor gave the go-ahead...


Water, fruit drinks.

Fermented milk products and milk.

Tender casseroles.

we don't take

Curds in glaze.

Everything is fat.

Potential allergens (see above).

Cardiovascular diseases

People with these diseases are on a diet with limited salt and liquid (up to a liter per day).

We take:

Meat or fish - without salt, not fatty, boiled or steamed, steamed low-fat cutlets.

Yoghurts (up to half a liter), cottage cheese up to 200 grams.

Casseroles, puddings (vegetable, meat).

Vegetables (except cabbage).

Fruits and dishes made from them.

Some marshmallows.

We do not take:

Carbonated drinks.


Mushroom dishes.

Fried potatoes.

Dishes with coarse vegetable fiber (like raw cabbage salad).

A box of chocolates or glazed cheesecakes (one cheesecake or one candy is okay, two are no longer worth it).

Everything is fatty and salty.


There is a slight restriction on salt.

We take:

Mineral water without gas.

Homemade low-fat, low-salt food.

We do not take:

Black rye bread.

Vegetables that cause flatulence (when flatulence occurs, it raises the diaphragm and it presses on the lungs).

Diabetes mellitus

Such patients need to limit themselves to carbohydrates that are easily digestible.

We take:

Cottage cheese - 200 grams.

Unsweetened yoghurts.

Cabbage and various dishes made from it.

Greens, cucumbers, tomatoes.

Zucchini - they cleanse the body, remove excess sugar.

Eggplant dishes.

Flour products or drinks - only with fructose.

Meat and fish, preferably boiled and baked.

Fruits include green apples, pears, citrus fruits, kiwi.

We treat with caution:

Watermelons, grapes, dried fruits.

Nephrological diseases during exacerbation

There is a complete exclusion of salt, limiting liquid to half a liter.

We take:

Fruits, vegetables.

Dairy products.

We treat with caution:

Dried fruits.



(Only under medical supervision - they contain potassium).

We do not take:

Meat of all kinds.

Oncological diseases

As a rule, there are no dietary restrictions for cancer patients.

We take:

Whatever the patient orders, giving preference to natural vegetables and fruits. Meat is better baked or boiled.

We treat with caution:

Cabbage and fish (can increase vomiting during chemotherapy).

Stomach problems

The most dangerous condition is exacerbation of peptic ulcer disease. Here, for the first seven days, you definitely don’t need to carry anything: the patient is on a very strict diet, they prepare him according to a special recipe - milk soups, jelly.

After 7 - 10 days

We take:

Steam omelettes.

Boiled meat soufflé, fish soufflé.

Liquid milk porridge.

Steam cutlets.

In 20 days

We take:

Non-acidic dairy products.

Boiled meat and fish.

Puree of herbs and vegetables.


Sweet berries.

Baked apples.

We do not take:

Bread and crackers.

Raw fruits and vegetables.

Diseases of the liver or biliary tract

We take:

Juices from raw fruits and vegetables.

Non-acidic dairy products.

Mild cheeses.

Boiled and baked meat and fish.

Greens and vegetables.

Berries and fruits (sweet).

Mineral water (gas will have to be released).

We do not take:

Sour cream.

Everything is spicy or seasoned.



Sour fruits and berries.

Ice cream.


Zgolden rule for visitors

Homemade food is not stored in the hospital. So you don’t need to bring a pot of cutlets - just bring it for a meal. It’s better to come three times in a week and bring two cutlets each than to bring half a bag at once.


Go to the patient only with good news!

- How often should you visit a person in the hospital?

It depends on the patient’s condition and your proximity,” explains Lev Boytsov, Candidate of Medical Sciences, Head of the Department of Psychology at the Academy of Postgraduate Education. - You need to understand: if a person is sick, his worldview changes, besides, when you are not at your best, you don’t want to show yourself to everyone. Therefore, it is important to maintain a balance - to demonstrate that the patient has not been forgotten, but also not to impose. If a person’s condition is serious, of course, only close people should visit him. And when he gets better... Now everyone has mobile phones - call the person before you go to visit, clarify the details so as not to be a burden.

- How often should you visit a work colleague?

It's nice to see concern from colleagues. When a person has just been admitted to the hospital, it is worth calling to demonstrate that they are concerned about his health and that he is valuable. And then, when he is already on the mend, visiting him twice is enough.

- What can you talk about with a patient, and what should you not talk about?

Come to the hospital only with good news. You should not burden the recovering person with problems and ruin his mood. Stock up on a couple of funny stories in advance.

- What kind of reading should I carry?

Well, it’s not criminal! Take something fun and entertaining - something that won't cause negative emotions!

Why do we say that we “have to” visit? Perhaps this is not quite the right word, and yet, hand on heart, visiting the sick is not the most exciting activity in the world. This is also our beloved Alexander Sergeevich who noticed:

But, my God, what a bore
To sit with the patient day and night,
Without leaving a single step!

Today we will not talk about visiting your nearest and dearest in the hospital or at home: children, parents, spouses - that’s a different story. In all these cases, we run headlong and sit next to them and help without asking unnecessary questions.

But when we are not talking about our inner circle, we often feel an acute lack of time, and it seems problematic to carve out even two or three hours in our busy schedule (let alone talk about “day and night”!). If, due to age, we are on a well-deserved rest, then we have enough of our own ailments, and we don’t always have the desire to go to the other end of the city. Is it easy to maintain a reasonable balance between compassion, understanding the depth of the problem of a sick person and the desire to instill in him hope for recovery by all means? What can you bring to a patient to really make him happy? After all, it is possible that modest offerings will make you look like a greedy person, and luxurious offerings will lead you to believe that in this way we want to pay off the patient...

Finally, how to behave if in a telephone conversation the patient insists that he does not need visits, or claims that he does not need to bring anything, because he has absolutely everything... To believe or not to believe?

Unfortunately, it is impossible to answer all these and similar questions. After all, each case is unique, just as the personality of the person you are going to visit is unique. Nevertheless, some advice can be given.

Are you waiting for an answer?

Let's start with the main thing. To go or not to go? Here, perhaps, it is best to be guided by the formula “It is better to do and regret than not to do and regret.” Only during a personal meeting will you be able to understand whether you did the right thing by deciding to visit. Perhaps a sick friend was simply embarrassed to bother you, and an elderly relative was afraid that her not the best appearance would cause you hostility... However, having realized that you came because you sincerely want to support, they will most likely be grateful to you .

By the way, many visitors do not know: is it necessary, in order to encourage, to tell an unhealthy person that he looks good, excellent, and even wonderful? After all, in fact, a sick person, as a rule, does not look the best and often guesses it. Nevertheless, it is better to still say this banal phrase, because (who knows?), perhaps all previous visitors have uttered it, and the patient may worry whether he has become worse, since you did not find his appearance inspiring all sorts of hopes for recovery?

Another important tip. Be sincere and act natural. If you are known as a cheerful optimist and a cheerful person, it will be strange and unusual for a person who knows you like that to see you with a “overturned”, sad face. “Are things really that bad for me?!” - that's the first thing that might come to his mind. The same reaction is quite likely to the visit of a melancholic person, who, upon entering the hospital room, begins to convulsively stretch his mouth into a wide smile and pronounce cheerful texts that are unusual for him.

Do you need to give up truly important and urgent matters, enter into conflict with your superiors, or create problems for your loved ones in order to visit a work colleague or distant relative whom you see only a couple of times a year? Listen to yourself. And, if your inner voice clearly says “No!”, limit yourself to a cell phone call and truthfully explain your situation.

If the illness is prolonged, you can visit in a few days. As for a short stay in the hospital, your absence will most likely not be noticed.

But, so that there is still no residue from an unfulfilled debt, in a telephone conversation find out if you need any real help: buy a rare medicine, water flowers, look after a cat in an empty house. If a person is lonely and really needs help, as a rule, he will be honest about it. Then you won’t feel sorry for wasting your time, because you are really helping, without any formalities.

What to bring with you

Remember your own stay in the hospital, “furnished” with numerous bags of fruits and vegetables that were quickly losing their presentation. And what about the carefully brought sweets and smoked meats - while a strict diet was prescribed (which, by the way, must be followed for many diseases)?

Sometimes it seems that visitors, when creating their “gift basket,” first of all think not about the sick person, but about themselves. At the slightest opportunity, try to clarify what is best to bring. And, if at the other end of the line they insist that “nothing is needed”, and you absolutely cannot show up empty-handed, instead of food, buy several fresh illustrated magazines and grab an exciting board game. This will make it clear that you respect your friend or relative's wishes, but at the same time want to support him and remind him of your love and affection.

Bring as a gift those things that can entertain the patient or show how strong your hope is for his recovery. But don't overdo it! It is quite appropriate to give an elderly lady who has suffered a heart attack a beautiful scarf or scarf for future walks, but it is not worth presenting sports equipment yet. Agree to go to the theater together in the near future, offer your help in choosing a route for future travel...

Before entering a patient's room or apartment, remember a few jokes, social gossip or funny stories. Even if they do not cause the expected burst of laughter, in any case they will distract the patient from his illness. And then you can be sure that your visit turned out to be very useful and productive.

A sick person climbing onto a cart portends a great misfortune.

A sick person gets up - portends death.

A sick person is placed on a cart - portends death.

A sick person sometimes cries, sometimes laughs - portends recovery.

A sick person riding in a boat portends death.

A sick person singing songs portends great misfortune.

Feeling sick portends a joyful event.

Insects crawl out of a diseased body - you will get the position of charioteer, work related to transport.

Seeing yourself sick is a joyful event.

Another person supports a bedridden patient - a promotion.

Insects crawl out of a diseased body - get a position as a charioteer or a job related to transport.

A sick person climbs onto the cart - a great misfortune.

Insects crawl on a sick body - the disease goes away.

Raking manure into a large pile - portends wealth, material well-being.

Interpretation of dreams from the Chinese dream book

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Dream Interpretation - Sick

Sick, illness - To be sick in a dream - do not worry, everything will be fine with your health. Visit the sick - your request will be fulfilled; look after the sick - you will have joy and happiness. “sick - wet weather” if you dream of some kind of sore, then there will be good, good health.

Interpretation of dreams from

Question: Is it necessary to visit a patient?

Answer: This is the sunnah. If there is no one to look after the patient, then wajib kifaya. The Hadith Sharif says:

“Five duties of a Muslim towards another Muslim: Return a greeting. Visit when sick. To see him off on his last journey (janaza), to accept his invitation to visit, if he sneezes, he will say “Alhamdulillah”, and answer “Yarhamukullah.”(Muslim)

“If you have found a friend, then recognize him! If he gets sick, you’ll go and inquire about his health; when he dies, you’ll go to see him off on his last journey.”(Baikhaki)

“Allahu ta’ala will say: “I fell ill, and you did not visit Me.” The person will be surprised: “Oh Allah, I don’t know how I can visit You.” To which they will say: “If you had visited such and such a sick person, you would have found Me.”(Muslim)

“Allahu ta’ala will be the guarantor of the one who visited the sick person.” (Hakim)

“The rights of a neighbor: To be visited when sick. To come to his janazah. Ask your neighbor for a loan. The neighbor will not talk about his poverty. Accept congratulations on your joys. Expect support from neighbors in case of difficulties. A neighbor should not build higher than his house. Don’t spread the smell of food if you’re not going to treat him.”(Jami-us sagir)

“A real visit to a patient is when one’s hands touch the patient’s forehead or hands. A real greeting is defined by shaking hands.”(I. Majah, I. Ahmed)

“Visit the sick to inquire about their health. Ask them to pray for you. Without a doubt, the prayers of the sick will be accepted, their sins will be forgiven.”(Dalemy)

“The rewards for visiting a sick person are greater than for participating in Janazah prayer.” (Dalemy)

“Whoever visits the sick will return through the Gardens of Eden.” (Muslim, Tirmizi, I. Ahmed)

“Whoever performs ablution according to the sunnah and goes to visit a sick brother in faith will move away from Hell to a distance equal to seventy years of walking.”(Abu Daoud)

“Go to the sick to check on their health.” (Bukhari)

“Visiting a sick person to inquire about their health is a good deed.” (Tabarani)

“For the one who visits the sick in the morning until the evening, and whoever visits in the evening until the morning, seventy thousand angels will pray and ask for forgiveness for him (istighfar). He will be given one garden in Paradise.”(Tirmidhi)

“For anyone who visits a sick person, 70 angels will ask for forgiveness until the same time the next day.” (Shirazi)

“Whoever visits the sick will be endowed with the mercy of Allah, and the one who stays next to the bed of the sick will bask in the mercy of Allah ta’ala.”(Baykhaki, I. Ahmed)

“Whoever, only for the sake of Allah, visits a sick person or a friend, Allah Almighty will say: What a wonderful deed you have done. You have prepared a huge palace for yourself in Paradise.”(Bukhari)

“Whoever comes to inquire about his health will receive a reward equal to one year of existence without committing a sin.”(Abu Nuaim)

“Visiting a patient should begin on the third day. Visits should be made as rarely as possible. If the patient has lost consciousness, then there is no need to visit.”(Dalemy)

“Whoever visits the sick, let him shake hands. Let him inquire about his health by placing his hand on his forehead and wish him a speedy recovery, long life and ask him to make a dua. Because the dua of a sick person is like the dua of angels.”(Baikhaki)

“Whoever does the following five things in a day will find himself in Paradise: Whoever visits the sick, who participates in Janaza, who spends Friday fasting, who reads Friday prayers, and who gives alms.”(Abu Yala) (Friday fasting should be kept together with Thursday or Saturday for two days)

When the Prophet was talking about rewards for visiting a sick person, the Sahabah asked “And the patient himself is given a reward? He will receive many times greater rewards.” answered the prophet (alaihis-sallam).

You cannot immediately go to the patient after hearing about his illness. You also don’t need to go to him often. At most, you need to visit once every two days.

There is no need to go to the patient in brand new clothes. It is better to do this in casual clothes. It is better to sit at the patient's feet rather than at the head of the bed.

When visiting, it is not good to constantly look around without looking at the patient. It would also be wrong not to take your eyes away from the patient.

You can’t stand next to a sick person with a sad face! You need to tell him something interesting, make a dua for him to get well soon.

Once, the prophet, while visiting a sick man, said to him: “Nothing, nothing, inshallah your illness will cleanse you of your sins.” Buhari

It is not very good to stay with a sick person for a long time. Our beloved prophet said: “It is more beneficial not to stay near the sick person for a long time.” Bazzar

The patient should not complain or grumble about his situation! One of the Hadith Sharifs says:

“To the one who gives alms without showing anyone, and hides his difficulties, Allahu ta’ala will say: My slave endured the hardships that I sent him. He didn’t complain when they asked him about his affairs. I'll give him more health. He will recover and become sinless. If he dies, he will receive My mercy.” Tabarani

Just as a patient should not complain about his health, he should not complain that no one came to see him! It must be assumed that people could have reasons for this. There is no need to immediately think bad and be offended.

Question: Is it a Christian custom to visit a sick person with flowers?

Answer: It will not be a sin to use the customs of Christians if they are from the category of mubah. (from the book of Hadik) Coming to a sick person with flowers will not be a sin. The Hadith Sharif says: “If someone is given a flower, don’t refuse, let him take it and smell it.” And “Whoever smells a red flower and does not say salawat to me is as if he is oppressing me.” (Shira)

Question: One of my friends was very upset with me because I did not check on him during his illness. Is it farz to visit a sick person?

Answer: This is the sunnah. If a sick person is a lonely person, then wajib. It is haraam for a sick person to visit whom it is sunnah to be offended. The Hadith Sharif says:

“Whoever holds a grudge against a Muslim for more than three days will go to Hell.” (Nasai)

Question: What to pay attention to when visiting a patient?

Answer: You need to enter the patient saying “Auza.. Bismillah...” and say hello. If possible, sit to his right. Make dua and inquire about his health. Ask if you need anything and if you need to do everything to help. Say Kalima and Shahadat so that he can hear it too. Do not stay long near the sick person. Only if the patient insists will it be possible to stay. When leaving, make a dua for the patient to get well soon.

2. Close relatives and friends should visit the patient on the same day as his condition worsens, and everyone else comes after three days. If the patient’s condition has sharply worsened, the commandment to visit him (immediately) applies to everyone.

3. The mitzvah is fulfilled every time you visit a sick person, even if you do it several times a day. However, you should be careful and make sure not to disturb the patient or cause him discomfort.

4. If we are talking about a contagious disease, the commandment lies only with those whom the sick person needs. But here, too, everything depends on the degree of danger of getting infected. If there is a direct threat to life, there is no obligation to visit the patient.

5. You should not visit your enemy, lest he think that the person is happy with his fate.

6. When they come to visit a sick person, it is very important to sit next to him and communicate. If the patient, for some reason, is lying on the ground (on the floor), you should not sit near him on a chair or other high object during the visit. The sages explain that since the Shekinah (Divine Presence) is at the bedside of the sick person, one must behave in a special way and not “rise above” it.

7. If the person himself cannot come to the patient, then, as a last resort, you need to send someone else to him or at least write and call him.

When the famous Rabbi of Alexander (author of the book Ismah Israel) fell ill, Rabbi Avraham of Sochachov (author of the book Avnei Nezer) sent his son to visit him. He also asked his son to say that he was carrying out his father’s instructions. After this visit, Rabbi from Alexander said: “It is written that the Almighty himself visits the sick, which means that the commandment must be fulfilled oneself, and not through a third party. But, for sure, Rabbi Abraham is not young and is already very weak, so he could not come to me himself.”

In the city of Brisk there lived a Jew who paid special attention to the commandment of visiting the sick. The only problem was that he stayed with the patient for too long. One day the Rav from Brisk, Rav Chaim Soloveitchik, heard about this good Jew. He called him to him and said: “The sages taught us that by visiting a sick person, we “take away” 1/60 of his illness. Now let’s calculate how much free time a patient should have so that sixty people a day can visit him. After all, like an ordinary healthy person, he needs to sleep and eat, wash and rest... It turns out that he has very little time left for each meeting.”