Instructions for use and side effects of electrophoresis with aminophylline for infants. Injections of vitamins and electrophoresis with aminophylline, or thoughts of a pediatric neurologist

Medicines can be delivered to the body using tablets, injections, ointments and physiotherapeutic procedures. Electrophoresis is the introduction of drugs into tissues and organs through electric field without damaging the skin and mucous membranes.

How to properly do electrophoresis with Eufillin? The medicine in the form of a liquid or gel is applied to gauze, placed on a specific area of ​​the body and electrodes are connected. After switching on electric current During the process of iontophoresis, the medication rushes deep into the tissues through the pores and intercellular spaces. The patient at this moment does not experience any anxiety, only a slight tingling sensation, and therapeutic effect lasts more than a day. Electrodes with different polarities are used - minus and plus.

Features of the use of "Eufillin"

The doctor chooses medicinal substance depending on the disease and the characteristics of the individual patient’s body. The composition of the Eufillin solution includes theophylline and ethylenediamine.

The instructions for use indicate:

OrganAction of "Eufillin"
BrainIncreases sensitivity to carbon dioxide, reduces swelling, reduces intracranial pressure, stimulates the respiratory center
HeartStimulates, increases oxygen demand
Blood vesselsRelaxes smooth muscle, thereby dilating the blood vessels of the heart, kidneys, and brain
BronchiRelaxes muscles, relieves spasms, expands
KidneysIncreases diuresis, removes water, chlorine, sodium from the body
Metabolism and bloodReduces the production of inflammatory mediators, improves blood oxygen saturation, reduces the formation of blood clots

Use strictly as prescribed by your doctor!

"Eufillin" with papaverine

Sometimes using one drug is not enough to overcome the disease. To enhance the effect, it is necessary to correctly select and prescribe an additional medicinal substance.

The addition of papaverine helps improve blood supply, restore metabolic processes, has a vasodilating effect, and increases motor activity.

"Eufillin" with nicotinic acid

In the treatment of perinatal injuries, hydrocephalus syndrome, and muscle tone disorders, administration of a drug with nicotinic acid, vitamin PP, is prescribed.

The use of vitamin PP has a positive effect on carbohydrate metabolism, enhances the regeneration of damaged skin tissue and mucous membranes, optimizes cholesterol levels in the blood.

What effect does electrophoresis with Eufillin have?

Any treatment is characterized by indications and contraindications, and the most harmless medicine has side effect. Pediatrician Komarovsky does not welcome the “mass administration of electrophoresis with Eufillin to all children” with lesions nervous system.

Why do doctors prescribe electrophoresis with Eufillin:

  • to normalize muscle tone;
  • reducing spasm and pain;
  • reducing swelling and inflammation;
  • to optimize intracranial pressure;
  • increasing blood circulation in tissues.

Before prescribing this drug, a specialist always evaluates all the risks and advisability of use in a given situation.

Indications and benefits of therapy

The electrophoresis procedure does not cause problems for the young patient and his parents. It is possible to carry it out in a clinic or at home by ordering a trained specialist. Portable portable devices are available, but they must be used by a nurse who has completed special training.

Parents have the right to check the availability of a specialist certificate.

Positive effect of electrophoresis:

  • the substance enters the site of the disease and is not “sprayed” throughout the body;
  • no need to drink bitters or endure the pain of an injection;
  • administration of the drug in the form of ions significantly increases its activity;
  • the action of electric current has a positive effect on microcirculation processes, reduces swelling and inflammation in tissues.

Instructions for use of "Eufillin" for electrophoresis allow for up to ten procedures. The duration of one session is from five to fifteen minutes.

You can buy a solution of "Eufillin" (aminophylline) at the pharmacy in ampoules of five milliliters (2.4 percent) and one milliliter (24 percent). The price is quite affordable. A special solution (“Eufillin” 1 percent) for electrophoresis is not available.

A medical specialist must be able to properly sit or lay down a child, place electrodes on the required area, prepare a solution of the required concentration, and time the session.

When is it prescribed to children?

In tablet form, this medicine can only be used in older children, intravenously or as an enema - with three years. If there is a threat to the baby’s life, under the mandatory supervision of a doctor, the drug is used from the age of three months.

Administration by electrophoresis is allowed from the first months of life.

Electrophoresis with "Eufillin" for infants can be prescribed in the following cases:

  1. Diseases musculoskeletal system– congenital lesions hip joints, clubfoot, torticollis, myopathy.
  2. Lesions of the central nervous system in newborns - encephalopathy, static-motor disorders, consequences of birth trauma, anxiety attacks.

The location of the electrodes depends on which part of the baby’s body is affected: lumbar or cervical region spine, collar area, lower back, chest. Sometimes a baby is recommended to carry out the Ratner procedure - “Eufillin” is applied to the neck electrode, and to the electrode with right side chest - "Papaverine".

Contraindications and possible reactions

Mom and dad face a difficult task: ensuring the safety of their child’s treatment. It is not enough to just read reviews from parents on the Internet; you also need to find out some important things in a conversation with your doctor:

  • The purpose of the course of procedures is side effects electrophoresis with "Eufillin" and contraindications for sessions.
  • Why is electrophoresis with Eufillin indicated?
  • How to exclude the presence of an allergy in a baby when using the medicine.

In addition, you need to be responsible when choosing nurse and pay attention to the expiration date and storage conditions of the drug. If the procedure is prescribed and carried out correctly, it will be possible to avoid possible adverse consequences:

  • excitement;
  • increased regurgitation;
  • tremors of the limbs;
  • seizures;
  • chronic liver dystrophy;
  • allergic dermatitis;
  • sleep disorders.

Electrophoresis with "Eufillin" is contraindicated in case of illness of cardio-vascular system, malignant formations, respiratory viral infections, exacerbation of chronic diseases, hyperthermia, pathological manifestations on the skin, allergic reaction to this drug and intolerance to the effects of electric current.

The technique was invented in 1809. This method treatment has justified itself and has earned the trust of doctors and patients. This procedure is rightfully considered one of the most effective and safe for the health of the child.

Children due to imperfection immune system often susceptible to various diseases. When treating newborns under 1 year of age and older children, only the most gentle methods should be used. Pediatricians prescribe various physiotherapeutic procedures for children of this age, one of which is electrophoresis. Since this method has certain contraindications, it should be used only as prescribed by a doctor.

Electrophoresis - effective technique administration of drugs through the skin using electric current, which is actively used for complex treatment various diseases

Electrophoresis - what is it and why is it needed?

During electrophoresis, medications are converted into tiny particles using electrical impulses, which are then delivered to the diseased organ. With hardware introduction medications Most of them remain in the subcutaneous layers, and the remains are carried with blood and lymph throughout the body.

The current discharge used during the procedure is minimal and is not capable of causing pain to a small patient. Also, electrophoresis does not harm children's health at correct use apparatus and compliance optimal dosages medicines. Before carrying out it, existing contraindications must be taken into account.

Electrophoresis for children is a painless method of treating various diseases. With its help, you can avoid injections associated with severe pain in infants, as well as probable complications as a result oral administration medications.

For babies infancy up to 1 year, as a rule, electrophoresis is prescribed according to the Ratner method. This procedure is used to treat natal cerebrospinal injuries, for which babies are injected with a solution of aminophylline and papaverine using a device. Such manipulations are also indicated for children to combat bronchitis, diathesis, rhinitis and other pathologies.

Indications for the procedure for infants and children over one year old

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Due to the small number of side effects, this physiotherapeutic procedure in pediatrics is very popular. It promotes rapid cure of many diseases even in the youngest patients.

Electrophoresis is widely used for problems in the cervical spine in infants and is often prescribed when hip dysplasia is detected in babies (we recommend reading:). In addition, there is large list childhood diseases that can be successfully treated using this physiotherapeutic method.

Electrophoresis for problems in the cervical spine

For pathologies of the cervical spine, electrophoresis is indicated for young patients. It is prescribed for such manifestations as:

  • promotion ;
  • muscle hypertonicity or hypotonicity of the arms or neck (see also:);
  • birth injury;
  • cerebral palsy.

Sometimes electrophoresis is a necessary physiotherapeutic procedure for infants, for example, with birth injuries

In addition, electrophoresis is prescribed to improve blood supply to the brain and shoulder region, getting rid of muscle spasms upper section spine. During the procedure, a medicine, most often aminophylline, is injected into the neck area using an electric current. The duration of the session depends on the age of the baby and the doctor’s prescriptions; on average, the procedure lasts from 5 to 12 minutes.

Hip dysplasia

Hip dysplasia is serious illness, the development of which is most often associated with infection of the child by the mother during pregnancy or injury during childbirth. When this diagnosis is made, children are prescribed a foot massage and electrophoresis with a drug, such as aminophylline. The procedure is also carried out with the addition of calcium and chlorine to the solution with which the contact gaskets are impregnated.

After course treatment blood flow in the tissues around the diseased joint is normalized and its supply of microelements and nutrients. The essence of electrophoresis for hip dysplasia is to place electrodes on the area of ​​the buttocks and gluteal folds for 5–10 minutes. The duration of treatment is 10–20 sessions. This physiotherapeutic procedure is prescribed by a doctor.

Other indications

Parents often wonder why infants need electrophoresis. Despite the rather simple principle of operation, this effective procedure is considered indispensable in identifying the following pathologies in infants:

  • musculoskeletal disorders;
  • various heart diseases or congenital defects;
  • birth injuries;
  • neuralgic abnormalities;
  • diathesis.

Electrophoresis for infants is also used to facilitate painful sensations associated with various diseases.

Indications for the procedure in older children are practically no different from those pathologies that electrophoresis treats in infants. Indications also include diseases such as:

  • disorders of the digestive system;
  • stomatitis;
  • hepatitis;
  • tonsillitis, otitis, rhinitis;
  • inflammatory diseases of the urinary and respiratory systems;
  • eye pathologies.

Carrying out the procedure independently without the consent of a doctor is prohibited. Only a specialist can choose the optimal medicine and determine the duration of treatment.

Drugs used

When performing electrophoresis, the child is given various medications. Their choice depends on the disease that is being cured.

Medicines used include:

  1. Magnesia. This medicine effectively fights pathologies of the respiratory system.
  2. Eufillin. It contains theophylline and ethylenediamine. The action of the drug is aimed at increasing diuresis, activating the work of the heart muscle and respiratory center, and dilating blood vessels. Eufillin is able to increase blood circulation and destroy blood clots.
  3. Papaverine. The drug belongs to the group of antispasmodics and effectively relieves muscle spasms.
  4. A nicotinic acid. This product is a synthetic analogue of vitamin PP. It is used to improve carbohydrate metabolism, accelerate tissue healing and dilate blood vessels.
  5. Calcium. Indicated for paralysis and muscular dystrophy. In combination with vitamins C, the drug has a powerful anti-inflammatory and absorbable effect.
  6. Dibazol. The product is used for stimulation spinal cord and strengthening protective forces kids. It is widely used in the treatment of neurological pathologies and intestinal disorders. In addition, dibazol is effective for increased muscle tone. Proserine and bromine have similar actions.

Solutions of nicotinic acid and aminophylline for electrophoresis

During the Ratner procedure, children undergo electrophoresis with the simultaneous use of aminophylline and papaverine. This technique is intended for the treatment of birth injuries, childhood cerebral palsy and blood flow disorders in the cervical spine.

Often, when conducting electrophoresis in children, nicotinic acid and aminophylline are used together. The procedure helps with impaired muscle tone, hydrocephalus and birth injuries.

Technique of the procedure

Carrying out electrophoresis in children is not difficult. The manipulation consists of several stages:

  1. A napkin or piece of gauze is moistened with a solution of the drug, which is selected depending on the disease.
  2. The electrodes (plates) of the device intended for carrying out the procedure are wrapped in medicinal solution cloth and applied to to the right authority(collar area, chest, lower back).
  3. The required impulse strength is set. Only after this the device is connected.
  4. Upon completion of these manipulations, the areas of the child’s skin to which the electrodes were applied are wiped with a dry cloth.

During the procedure, slight tingling of the skin is felt in places of contact with the plates wrapped in damp cloth, which can frighten a small patient. It is extremely important that a parent is present throughout the procedure. All metal objects (chain, cross, pendants, etc.) must be removed before the procedure to avoid burns.


Like any other medical procedure, this physiotherapy procedure has contraindications. These include:

  • elevated temperature;
  • tumors;
  • heart and kidney failure;
  • inflammation in the acute stage;
  • predisposition to bleeding;
  • blood clotting disorder;
  • bronchial asthma;
  • purulent skin diseases;
  • dermatitis.

The procedure has its contraindications, so a thorough examination of the child is necessary.

The procedure is prohibited when individual intolerance exposure to current and identifying allergies to medications used. If there is damage to the skin at the sites where the electrodes are attached, electrophoresis is postponed until complete healing.

For effective therapy osteochondrosis acute stage a whole complex is used medicines and procedures. Vasodilator drugs are an essential component of treatment. Most often, doctors prescribe the old, time-tested Eufillin.

Description and pharmacological action of the drug

The course of spinal osteochondrosis is always accompanied by severe vascular spasm and myalgia.

In the acute stage, when inflammation is involved sympathetic innervation, impulse flows weaken, provoking spasms in blood vessels.

Advanced stage, inadequate drug therapy leads to further damage to nearby tissues. To completely eliminate such severe consequences, in a comprehensive drug treatment are appointed.

How do medications with vasodilating effects work?:

  1. relieving spasms, eliminating stagnant processes;
  2. stabilize the transmission of impulses through the central and peripheral nervous system;
  3. promote better blood supply with microcirculation in the area of ​​the pathological focus.

For vasodilator therapy most often they resort to the drug Eufillin. According to clinical and pharmacological affiliation, the drug Eufillin is included in the bronchodilator group.

The drug has a wide range of effects on the body:

  • stimulates the contractility of the diaphragm;
  • stimulates respiratory, intercostal muscle contraction;
  • has a relaxing effect on the spasmodic muscles of the bronchi;
  • influencing the respiratory center, stimulates respiratory function;
  • increases the strength and frequency of contractions in the myocardium;
  • expands blood vessels brain tissue, skin, kidneys.

The main active component of the drug Eufillin is aminophylline. It is a synthetic derivative of theophylline and ethylenediamine.

Theophylline is a plant alkaloid. Theophylline is present in tea leaves, mate, cocoa beans. It is a natural antispasmodic and bronchodilator. In Euphylline, ethylenediamine acts as an auxiliary component, which allows theophylline to dissolve and be absorbed faster.

The drug Eufillin is different high speed absorption and bioavailability at 95-100%. Excreted from the body by the liver. Time of elimination of the drug: 22-24 hours.

Composition and release form

The drug Eufillin is available in solid and liquid dosage forms.

The solid form of Eufillin is a tablet with the main active substance aminophylline 150 mg.

The liquid dosage form of Eufillin is represented by injection solutions of two types:

  • 24% solutions of Eufillin for intramuscular injection(1 ml), with the amount of the main active ingredient aminophylline 240 mg;
  • 2.4% solutions of Eufillin for intravenous infusion (5 ml, 10 ml), with the amount of the main active ingredient per 1 ml of 24 mg.

Important: injection solutions drugs are not interchangeable!

Indications for use

Eufillin is a drug with wide range therapeutic action.

The drug is prescribed to relieve bronchospasm, pain syndrome spastic nature, in acute period cholecystitis, other diseases of the biliary system.

The drug Eufillin is prescribed to normalize blood microcirculation.

The drug Eufillin is used in physiotherapy for osteochondrosis. Electrophoresis procedures with Eufillin normalize trophic processes at the level of intervertebral cartilage.

Contraindications and side effects

The drug Eufillin is not used in treatment if the patient suffers from hypersensitivity to the active ingredients.

Eufillin is not prescribed to patients with ulcerative pathology gastrointestinal tract in an aggravated period, with severe hypertension and hypotension.

IN pediatric practice The drug Eufillin is used only for children over 3 years of age.

Treat with Eufillin with caution, according to special indications appoint:

  1. at the acute stage of myocardial infarction;
  2. with extensive atherosclerosis;
  3. patients with increased convulsive readiness;
  4. patients with ventricular extrasystole;
  5. at elevated temperatures;
  6. patients with prostate hyperplasia;
  7. for hypothyroidism and thyrotoxicosis.

With extreme caution, with individual selection of dosages, the drug Eufillin is prescribed to pregnant and lactating women, as well as children and the elderly.

Application of Eufillin for electrophoresis

In complex treatment, a course of electrophoresis procedures with Eufillin - from 10 to 20 sessions

The ability of the drug Eufillin to reduce is used in physiotherapy.

The electrophoresis procedure uses a 2% Eufillin solution.

Electrophoresis with Eufillin ensures deep penetration of the drug through the skin with additional effect warming up.

Electrophoresis with Eufillin is prescribed for pulmonary, vascular and neurological pathologies.

Weakening effect muscle spasms, pain relief is used to treat osteochondrosis, intervertebral hernias, arthrosis, arthritis.

Advantages of the electrophoresis procedure with Eufillin for pathologies of the spine and joints:

  1. Low therapeutic dose with maximum therapeutic effect, directed directly to the area of ​​the pathological focus.
  2. During the procedure, the main part of the drug is retained by the skin and subcutaneous fat. This allows Eufillin to gradually enter the bloodstream (prolonged action).
  3. “Targeted action” on the pathological focus gives a concentration greater than when administering Eufillin by injection or orally.
  4. Eufillin does not pass through gastrointestinal tract, and therefore does not have side effects on the body.

Instructions for use

Eufillin belongs to group B drugs (potent), therefore the dosage, course of treatment, dosage form The medicine is prescribed exclusively by the attending physician.

Typically, the dosage of Eufillin tablets for adults: 1 or 2 pcs. two or three times a day.

The medicine is taken after meals with a small amount of water. The course of treatment with Eufillin tablets is from 2 to 3 weeks.

In pediatrics, the dosage of the drug is calculated according to the following scheme: from 7 to 10 mg per 1 kg of child’s body weight.

Intravenous procedures with the drug are prescribed only if emergency conditions. An intravenous procedure with Eufillin should be performed on a patient who is only in horizontal position, under medical control of breathing, indicators blood pressure.

Patients taking Eufillin should not consume caffeinated foods and drinks and refrain from administering vehicles and mechanisms.


Analogues substitutes

The drug is produced in almost every pharmaceutical enterprise, with the main active ingredient and under one name - Eufillin.

But some enterprises register their own, original names:

  • Eufillin Darnitsa (produced by the Ukrainian pharmaceutical company “Darnitsa Drug Company”);
  • Eufillin-UBF (produced in Russia by OJSC Uralbiopharm);
  • Euphylong in capsules, rectal capsules, retard capsules (Manufacturer: Bick Gulden GmbH, Germany);
  • Etiphylline (tablets only). Manufacturers: Russian companies AY CN October, Dalkhimfarm, Irbitsky CPZ, Lekform, Purin, Tatkhimfarmpreparat, Tyumen CPZ, Urabbiofarm.

All drugs with the main active ingredient theophylline, with indications and contraindications identical to Euphyllin.

IN Lately Physiotherapeutic methods such as electrophoresis, ultrasound, etc. are gaining popularity. Electrophoresis with Eufillin is a popular and effective procedure prescribed even to infants from birth. It is safe and painless and allows you to deliver the medicine directly to the lesion. Introduction useful substances(contained in special gels, creams, ointments, solutions) by electrophoretic method is preferable, since it makes it possible to avoid drugs getting into the stomach or general bloodstream, which reduces the likelihood of developing side effects or allergies, especially for a newborn.

Preparations for electrophoresis therapy are selected by the doctor depending on the type of pathology, the patient’s age and clinical picture diseases in general. For joints deformed due to the development of various pathologies, electrotherapy with Bischofite is effective. Electrophoresis for arthrosis knee joint It is recommended to use Eufillin and Novocaine, this effect helps to quickly relieve pain.

For osteoarthritis large joints lower limbs(when the hip or hip joint suffers), electrophoresis with Hydrocortisone (ointment) is prescribed. At cervical osteochondrosis, When severe pain localized in the neck area, and also spread to the shoulder and shoulder girdle, good effect provides electrophoresis with Eufillin to the cervical spine and shoulder joint. For best result physiotherapy for collar area Eufillin is combined with other medicinal products, for example, with Novocaine.

At intervertebral hernia good result gives electrotherapy with Eufillin and Karipazim, electrodes are applied to the damaged part of the spine (lumbosacral, thoracic).

A procedure such as electromassage is also popular in physiotherapy. It plays an important role in the treatment of joint pathologies. Can be purchased portable device for treatment, made for home use. Electrical stimulation at home should be carried out only after consultation with a doctor, subject to all his recommendations. It is not allowed to use any medications during the procedure (solution, ointment, cream) without the prescription of a specialist.

How does electrophoresis with Eufillin work?

Eufillin has bronchodilator and analgesic effects, improves blood circulation. Using it during electrophoresis, the drug is delivered deep into the affected area. With this administration, its activity remains for 20 days.

With this method of administering the drug, the likelihood of developing side effects or an allergic reaction is minimal. Drug electrophoresis with Eufillin is effective in treating bronchopulmonary diseases, osteochondrosis of the cervical and thoracic spine, arthrosis of the hip joint, gonarthrosis of the knee joint, etc.

Due to the effect of currents, the sensitivity of tissues to the drug increases, blood flow and metabolic processes in damaged tissues are accelerated, which contributes to their faster regeneration.

Indications for electrophoresis with Eufillin

There are many indications for the use of electrophoresis with Eufillin. Most often it is used in the treatment of the following diseases:

  • ENT organs;
  • musculoskeletal system (deforming coxarthrosis, osteochondrosis, intervertebral hernia);
  • respiratory organs.

For infants, this physiotherapeutic procedure is preferable, since the drugs act only on the affected area and bypass the gastrointestinal tract and bloodstream, which reduces the risk of side effects.

Electrophoresis with Eufillin can be prescribed to infants to prevent the following diseases:

  • torticollis;
  • cerebral palsy;
  • circulatory disorders;
  • developmental delay.

Despite the many positive feedback about the procedure, it has its contraindications, so it must be prescribed by a doctor.

How does the procedure work?

Electrotherapy is a simple procedure. To carry it out, you will need fabric pads, which must be boiled before each procedure. After they have cooled, Eufillin is applied to them. In this case, it is necessary to strictly follow the dosages indicated in the instructions. When treating with iontophoresis, the patient must be covered with a sheet.

Then pads with electrodes are applied and secured with sandbags. Strength galvanic current increase gradually, paying attention to the patient’s sensations. A slight tingling sensation should be felt in the area where the electrodes come into contact with the skin, but if any painful sensations, then the procedure must be stopped immediately.

The course of treatment with electrophoresis is 10-15 days, the duration of the session is determined by the doctor. For adults, the duration of the procedure is 20 minutes, for children - no more than 10 minutes.

Physiotherapy can also be performed at home. To do this, you need to purchase a portable device for current treatment. When carrying out the procedure at home, you must strictly follow the doctor’s instructions and the instructions for the drug used. For children, electrophoresis with Eufillin can only be performed in a clinic setting.

Features of use in children

Electrophoresis with Eufillin is often used in pediatric neurology, traumatology, and otolaryngology. Even for infants, this procedure is completely painless and safe. For a child under one year old, electrophoresis with Eufillin can be prescribed for the following purposes:

  • improving blood circulation in the brain and kidneys;
  • normalization of muscle condition with hypo- or hypertonicity;
  • normalization of intracranial pressure;
  • treatment of joint dysplasia;
  • pain relief stagnation in soft tissues.

Among the side effects of Eufillin are: headache, sleep disturbances, decreased blood pressure, allergic reactions, but when the drug is administered through the skin, they occur extremely rarely.

Electrophoresis with Eufillin for infants is carried out exclusively under conditions medical institution under the supervision of a specialist who controls the current strength and dosage of the drug.

To better fix the electrodes, the child is swaddled during the procedure. The duration of the manipulation is from 6 to 15 minutes. Typically, children are prescribed 10 sessions of electrophoresis.

Judging by the reviews, electrophoresis with Eufillin effectively helps the recovery of infants with birth injuries, especially those whose cervical spine was damaged during childbirth. A course of procedures normalizes muscle tone; electrophoresis for hip dysplasia in children is prescribed in combination with massage.

Often children under one year of age are prescribed electrotherapy with Euphyllin and Nicotinic acid. Nicotinic acid is vitamin PP, an artificial analogue of which is available in the form of tablets or injections. This vitamin has a positive effect on the body: dilates blood vessels, reduces cholesterol levels in the blood, improves carbohydrate metabolism, etc. Thanks to this procedure, blood supply to the brain and limbs improves. It is prescribed to children with hydrocephalic syndrome, birth injuries, increased or decreased muscle tone.


Physiotherapy with currents is contraindicated for the following diseases:

  • violation of skin integrity or dermatitis in the affected area;
  • heart failure;
  • purulent diseases;
  • severe asthma;
  • oncological diseases;
  • current intolerance.

For most babies under the age of one year, pediatric neurologists prescribe a procedure such as electrophoresis. The most common drug used to perform this procedure in such early age, is aminophylline. Electrophoresis with this drug is done both on the cervical and on sacral sections. It all depends on the problem that doctors and young parents want to eliminate.

How does electrophoresis work?

The principle of action is to influence “problem” areas of the body with drugs that penetrate through skin under the influence of a small electric current.

The advantage of this procedure over injections and taking medications by oral method is that with this type of treatment, the baby’s delicate stomach and organs of the excretory system (liver, kidneys, etc.) do not suffer.

Who needs the procedure

Many young mothers currently have a negative attitude towards any kind of medical intervention, but there are cases when electrophoresis is one of the safest and at the same time effective medical procedures.

Electrophoresis of the cervical spine with aminophylline in an infant is necessary for the following manifestations:

  • Increased.
  • Reduced or increased tone arms or neck muscles.
  • Injury to the cervical spine during childbirth.
  • Muscle spasm of the upper spine.
  • To improve blood supply to the brain and shoulder region.

What to carry

An exact list of necessary things is given to parents during consultation with a physiotherapist.
Typically it includes:

  1. Regular paper napkins (to remove the remaining solution after the procedure).
  2. “thin” diaper (for fixing the electrodes).
  3. Disposable diaper (on which the baby can be placed).
  4. Water (if the baby is already fed).

As for clothing, for convenience, it is better to give preference to blouses and vests with buttons or snaps. This will allow you to quickly undress and dress your baby without causing him discomfort. It is also best to have a spare diaper, wet wipes and formula with you if your baby is bottle-fed.

And so that the baby can quietly “lie down” during the entire session, it doesn’t hurt to take with you a bright toy, a book with large illustrations, or any other item that evokes positive emotions in the baby.

How is the procedure performed?

Electrophoresis sessions are carried out in a special room where couches and the necessary equipment are installed.

No special preparation of the baby for the procedure is required, but it is best to choose a time for the session when the baby is not hungry, but more than 40 minutes have passed since the last one, since there is...

The child is placed on his back, and electrodes covered with napkins soaked in aminophylline solution are applied to the neck and shoulder blades. For better fixation, the nurse swaddles top part baby's body.

Average session duration 5-12 minutes. The time limit depends on the age of the baby and the doctor’s prescriptions.

The child should lie so that the applied electrodes do not “move” from the affected areas. To do this, gently hold the baby in the places where the electrodes are attached and make sure that he does not knock them over with his hands.

Is it painful for the baby?

During electrophoresis the child does not feel any discomfort. The only circumstance that can cause a baby to cry is wet and cold wipes on the electrodes.

What if there are several drugs? . .

Indeed, aminophylline, as the only medicine, is practically not used. Most often it is used in combination with drugs such as:

  • Magnesia.
  • Papaverine.
  • Calcium.
  • Dibazol.

This is due to the fact that complex therapy much more effective, and one drug is not always able to overcome the problem. The quantity and ratio of drugs is selected individually, according to the diagnosis by a physiotherapist.

In a “familiar environment” or procedure at home

Electrophoresis on the cervical spine can be performed at home. For this purpose it is purchased special apparatus and the prescribed medication (several if necessary). The medicinal solution is prepared immediately before the start of the session, according to the doctor’s prescription.

And then the principle is the same as in the clinic: moistened napkins or suitable pieces of gauze are applied to the electrodes, and they, in turn, are applied to the cervical region and the area of ​​the shoulder blades or cervical vertebrae.

But such a procedure must be carried out either by a qualified nurse or independently, after a detailed consultation in a physiotherapy room.


Of course, even such a gentle method has its contraindications.
Doctors do not prescribe electrophoresis of any kind for children with the following indicators:

  • Any skin diseases, especially in the area of ​​electrode application.
  • Asthma during exacerbation.
  • Kidney diseases.
  • Problems with blood clotting.
  • Most heart diseases.
  • Period of a viral or infectious disease.
  • Allergic reaction to prescribed medications.

Is electrophoresis effective or useless?

Opinions on this matter vary dramatically among young parents. Many consider this procedure outdated and ineffective.

But still, the majority note improvement physical condition baby after the sessions (children become more active, muscle tone “goes away”, etc.).

Of course, the most pronounced positive results using electrophoresis can be achieved by combining it with general massage baby. In most cases, this is the regimen that is prescribed by the doctor.

Whether to do this procedure or not is the choice of young parents. But remember that now the health of this small and defenseless man is in your hands.