Interview with general practitioner - Valery Petrovich Ruchev. Does strong alcohol add calories to your diet, or are they “empty calories”? And I like the last one better

Today people have begun to take more careful care of their health, in particular their dental health. They increasingly began to use various procedures that help make their smile flawless: whitening, veneers, professional AirFlow cleaning. What exactly needs to be done to create the perfect smile?

We need to start with the fact that these are absolutely three different procedures in terms of their effect on teeth and their overall effect. Bleaching is a thing after all. chemical action. To explain more clearly, there is an example with hair, since these are similar processes: teeth whitening and hair bleaching. Pigment is washed out of the strands, and it is also washed out of the teeth due to minerals: calcium and fluoride. When bleached, they become brittle. Often I even dissuade my patients from this procedure.

Veneers are plates that are placed on teeth for aesthetics. This procedure is performed for non-carious lesions, when it is possible with minimal invasion, that is, by removing a minimum of healthy or unhealthy tissue, to return the oral cavity to its ideal appearance.

AirFlow is the most safe procedure. This is cleaning and removing dark pigmented plaque that forms from coffee, tea, and cigarettes. I recommend carrying out this procedure once every six months, and if there are indications, once every three months.

Today it is fashionable to install rhinestones on teeth. Do you carry out a similar procedure at the Lavater clinic? Is it safe for health? It's safe, but it's no longer fashionable. There was a boom in rhinestones in the early 2000s. This non-invasive procedure . Acid pickled tooth enamel and to transparent filling material the decoration is glued to the tooth. So this is an irreversible process? Some may have a trace of acid left in the form of a matte speck, while others may not even have one.? The method of pain relief itself - conduction infiltration anesthesia - has not changed. What has changed is that today carpule syringes are used rather than regular ones. They have a thinner needle and are atraumatic. The anesthetics themselves have changed. They have a more prolonged (long-lasting) effect and are less allergenic. For example, if every third person is allergic to Novocaine and Lidocaine, then modern anesthetics the situation is much better. Today sprays are used for pain relief. In what cases are they used? They are used before infiltration anesthesia. This can be a gel or spray that is applied to the gum mucosa to numb the surface layer during injection. This method is often used in children or people who are very afraid of injections. If a patient has a badly damaged tooth, what is the most effective way to restore it: aesthetic restoration, thinking about installing a crown or implant? What would you recommend? It all depends on the clinical situation. A decayed tooth can remain in this condition for six months or a year. In this case, everything depends on what happens in the root system and in the peri-apical tissues. If there are changes in them and the tooth cannot be restored, it is removed, as it is a source of inflammation. If a person has just chipped a wall and such a tooth can be restored, then, as a rule, we're talking about about orthopedic restoration - installation of a stump inlay and crown. What should we do if a tooth hurts suddenly: at night or when we are on a trip, and there is no opportunity to see a dentist right now? What medications or improvised means can be used in this case? It is advisable not to let this happen. To do this, you need to see a dentist at least once every six months, since, is the tooth on the bottom subject to implantation? It all depends on the person. Someone went without a tooth for two or three years and is ready to spend a few more months getting their oral cavity in order. The most important thing is to carry out professional cleaning

-remove plaque, at least on the side on which the tooth implantation will be performed.

What are the features of dental treatment for pregnant women? There are many features here. Not for pregnant women x-rays . Much also depends on the trimester: for example, in the first and last you cannot do ultrasonic cleaning

. It is not advisable to perform pain relief in the first and third trimester. Painkillers with vasoconstrictors, that is, with adrenaline, are absolutely contraindicated. If the pregnancy is proceeding normally, there are no contraindications or pathologies, then with the consent of the gynecologist, we treat the pregnant woman in the second trimester. We use an anesthetic that does not contain adrenaline. We also carry out procedures that do not require x-rays or we simply don't do them. For example, if we treat root canals , then we set the temporary medicinal paste

in them until the treatment can be completed. At what age should parents take their child to the dentist for the first time? With the appearance of the first tooth in the oral cavity. Now there is

special programs , according to which the child begins to be shown to the dentist from four to six months. This is necessary so that the child understands that people in a white coat do not always hurt. He comes so that we can look at the oral mucosa, and at the same time talk and laugh with him. The child gets used to it. You need to bring your child to an appointment from early childhood. At what age should you start teaching your child to brush their teeth? You need to start not with teaching the child, but with the mother starting to carry out oral hygiene for the child from birth. While there are no teeth in the mouth, naturally, you cannot use a toothbrush. Hygiene procedures

should be carried out with a sterile bandage on the finger. Needed from the mucous membranes of the lips, cheeks, alveolar process, which is a silicone fingertip. When the child begins to independently hold a spoon in his hand (at about 1.5–2 years), he is given the smallest toothbrush, the head of which is designed for 1–2 teeth (so that the child does not choke on it and cannot get hurt). Together with your mother, you need to start brushing your teeth in a playful way. You should start using the paste when the child has learned to spit. Despite the fact that there are now toothpastes that are recommended for use from six months to a year, we do not recommend using them at this age, because the child swallows most of it.

What are the features of treatment childhood caries? We need to start with the fact that caries develops very quickly in children. Chronic caries , like adults, they don’t have it. Children, as a rule, have acute caries, but not deep ones. That is, children either have a moderate lesion or already have pulpitis. A feature of the treatment is the use of an anesthetic. Only topical anesthesia and anesthetics that do not contain adrenaline are used. Otherwise, there are no differences: the cavity is prepared, a non-toxic lining is applied, and a filling is installed. What to choose to correct your bite: braces or plates? At what age should this problem be addressed? Only an orthodontist can give more detailed information about this. Whether it will be braces or removable plates, everything will depend on age, the nature of the pathology, etc. The doctor will be able to specifically say that either you need to start wearing plates now, or you will need to wait for a complete change of the dentition, when all the permanent teeth have erupted and after This will allow you to install braces. Only a specialist can determine this based on clinical picture . As soon as the mother notices any defects, she needs to seek advice.. It may either begin to grow incorrectly, or “lay low” and not erupt. If you see that a child’s tooth is moving and it’s tormenting him, then it needs to be removed.

If a child himself “removed” a loose tooth, how should he treat the wound?

If a child extracted a tooth on his own, it means that the roots had already completely resolved and were held in the cervical area by a thin attachment to the gum. You don't have to process anything.

The prestige of each profession is determined by its significance for society. Based on this, you cannot find a profession more respected and in demand than a doctor. We entrust our health and the health of our children to doctors. Pediatrician Olga Sergeevna spoke about how one should approach one’s work, about trust in doctors and about the happiness of doing what one loves. -Olga Sergeevna, what exactly does a pediatrician do? The goal is to prevent diseases and maintain the health of children. Our responsibilities include conducting preventive examinations, vaccine prophylaxis, tuberculin diagnostics, fluorographic examination. We also provide assistance to children who contact

medical office

. The most valuable thing in our work is communication with children and caring for them.

- Is pediatrics exactly what you wanted to do in life?

Perhaps this is true. I love my profession. I was taught for seven years how to heal people, and I don’t want anything more. I like communicating with children, they are all so different, it’s interesting to be with them! Every year I look forward to the end of summer so I can come and work in children’s groups again. When you see the same guys year after year, they recognize you, smile, and say hello. It happens that you walk through the clinic, and they whisper to your parents: “And this doctor came to us.” Nice.

- Tell me, how high is today’s medical workload? Due to the increase in the birth rate, the workload of pediatricians has increased significantly. Each doctor has from 800 to 1000 children in his area, of which 60-100 are children under one year old..- Is it big?

modern society

prestige of the medical profession?

Doctors have always been intellectuals, which means they acted not out of selfish motives, but at the call of their hearts and conscience. Medicine is not a profession where you can sit for a salary. We don't sell anything, we serve people. And young people entering the profession must understand this.

Interview with a car mechanic.

- What could you tell us about auto mechanics?

Behind me long years practices. Once upon a time when I was young, I was deciding where to go, the last thing I thought about was this profession. Somehow it seemed to me that there was practically nothing you had to be able to do there, just walk around dirty and grimy all the time, and delve into the insides of cars. Then, when school began, when the teachers began to tell us about the types of lubricants, about the operation of machines... About what happens in them while driving, all this began to seem incredibly interesting to me and I began to perceive it as music. And the details are like keys musical instruments, without which there will be no music.

You said that you least of all imagined yourself in this profession. So what prompted you to choose her?

The fact is that initially, at school, I studied music, I wanted to enter a music school, but they didn’t accept me there: I didn’t have enough points. I decided to choose a profession that was always necessary.

- What are the responsibilities of an auto mechanic?

In general, I have a very wide range of responsibilities. The fact is that a real auto mechanic must be a generalist. This is an auto electrician, a motor mechanic, and a vulcanizer. That is, to be able to do all this and at the same time coordinate the work of junior colleagues.

What kind of people do you think should try to find themselves in this profession? And what school subjects will be useful for those who have already decided to become a car mechanic?

I think that all exact sciences will be compulsory. And physics with chemistry, and mathematics. But, of course, I wouldn’t forget about literature either. Because my profession is not only working with machines. First of all, this is working with people who trust you with these cars. It happens that excellent specialists in their field sometimes cannot find the necessary words. As for the requirements, there are no specific requirements. Because all sorts of people come to work, and then either get stronger or drop out. But I can definitely say that a person must be strong, with good eyesight. Again, the memory must be there, the reaction must be excellent. It will be difficult for restless and lazy people, because the work is very painstaking. And so, in principle, what are the requirements?.. The main thing is that you need to treat technology with soul.

- From your point of view, what are the pros and cons of this profession?

An undoubted plus, and I think many will agree with me on this, is that the profession is now in great demand, and it is easier to find a job than, say, an artist. The downside is that there are practically no days off, you get very tired, but, to be fair, you earn decent money. Although, if anyone has any, there is practically no time left for loved ones and hobbies. Most service stations operate six days a week. There are also those where there are no days off at all. From eight - nine until... Until you finish your work. Because, in principle, a person is not very interested in knowing that you are tired, and he often already has plans for his car, and he is waiting for it by the promised date. And since there are a lot of cars now, we have enough work.

Interview with a representative profession "Manager"

I interviewed my mother, who is a representative of this profession. My mother has been working in this field with pleasure for 10 years.

- What is the name of your profession? - Product Purchasing Manager

-What influenced your choice of profession? -My choice of profession was influenced by the need of workers in this field of activity

- What career path did you take? What did you know about this profession?

-Before I started working, I had to take the necessary courses, and only after that I was able to become a manager.

I had a fairly good idea of ​​the profession, because... More than once I had to deal with employees of the trade industry.

- What type of person can do this job with pleasure? Which one should avoid it?

- The main thing in any job is responsibility. An energetic and sociable person will be happy to do it. Accordingly, those who do not have these qualities should avoid it.

-Would you repeat your choice today if you had the opportunity to go through everything all over again?

-Yes, I have never regretted my choice.

Leading doctors and specialists of the Cleveland Clinic, the best medical institution in the USA

Today our regular column is published in an unusual format.

We have collected the most popular health questions from American users, answered by professionals at the Cleveland Clinic, the best medical institution U.S.A.

We hope each of you will find something useful or simply educational here!

- Will type 2 diabetes necessarily end with insulin injections?

- Type 2 diabetes mellitus is a progressive disease.

Will you eventually need insulin?

This depends on many factors, including body weight, mobility, genetics, hormones, pancreas, etc.

Research shows that treating diabetes as early as possible pays big dividends in the future. Follow all your doctor's recommendations, take care of yourself, join a diabetic support group. Fight, and you may not need injections.

Answered: Andrea Dunn, registered dietitian at the Cleveland Clinic Center for Human Nutrition

- Does strong alcohol add calories to your diet, or are they “empty calories”?

- Great question.

A serving of strong alcohol contains a lot of calories.

But don't be fooled: these calories are processed in the body completely differently than regular food. A glass of beer and a handful of nuts are equal in calories, but not equal in nutritional value.

With nuts you get fiber, proteins, valuable fatty acids...

Therefore, the calories in alcohol are truly empty calories. This refers to calories that can be removed from your diet without consequences.

Does our body need alcohol to live?


What about proteins, vitamins, lipids?

Oh yeah. There is no way without this.

Answered:Kylen Bogden, registered dietitian, nutritionist, Cleveland Clinic

- Can a vegan diet help lupus go into remission?

- Only recently have we seen scientific evidence of the role of diet in autoimmune diseases, such as lupus.

I personally believe that plant based diet Helps maintain health and reduces levels of inflammatory mediators in the body.

So yes, a plant-based, low-fat diet can be beneficial. However, it is important to maintain a balance.

French fries are also a vegan dish, but they are not a healthy food at all.

Answered: Howard Smith, rheumatologist, member of the Department of Rheumatic and Immunological Diseases

- Is there a genetic predisposition to stroke?

- Yes, genetic factors do play a role in stroke.

Some people are born with genes that predispose them to early stroke.

There is CADASIL syndrome (cerebral autosomal dominant arteriopathy with leukoencephalopathy and subcortical infarcts). Others are predisposed to blood clots, meaning strokes. Finally, diabetes, hypertension and high cholesterol are also transmitted from parents, and with them strokes, heart attacks and other unpleasant consequences.

Many of the inherited conditions are treatable.

They can be effectively controlled, so strokes in relatives are not always a death sentence for you.

Answered: Efrain Salgado, director of the Stroke Center at the Cleveland Clinic in Florida

- Is it beneficial to take Coenzyme Q10, and what are its side effects?

- Coenzyme Q10 plays an important role in energy production for the entire body.

It is synthesized naturally within each of us. Thus, a person does not need it to come from outside.

If you feel constant fatigue If you suffer from cardiovascular diseases or take statins, drinking Q10 will not be harmful. Side effects are not known to me.

Answered: Tatiana Edwards, family physician at the Cleveland Clinic Center for Integrative Medicine

- What to do if you are diagnosed with prediabetes?

- Prediabetes – important factor risk diabetes mellitus 2 types.

It is not at all necessary that diabetes will overtake you, but the likelihood is high.

From now on you need proper nutrition and regular physical exercise to protect against serious problems in future.

Answered: Katherine Teng, an internal medicine fellow at the Cleveland Clinic in Ohio.

Will daily exercises for arthrosis of the knee joint delay prosthetics?

- Unfortunately, the exercises did not prolong the life of the diseased joints.

Nevertheless, regular exercise play an important role in the treatment of arthrosis. They allow you to maintain range of motion in sore joints and prevent the muscles from completely weakening.

Joint replacement will eliminate the pain, but will not restore the joint to its original function.

Answered: Joseph George, orthopedic surgeon at Lorain Family Health Center, Cleveland

- Is it normal for a 3-year-old child to refuse naps?

- We read a lot of books and, as parents, we hope that our children will fall into all the patterns described in them.

This happens rarely.

It is better to describe all biological parameters (height, weight, blood pressure, stool, and even the need for sleep) within a certain framework rather than with exact numbers.

There are millions of normal, healthy children who sleep less than the generally accepted norm. There are equally healthy children who sleep much more.

If your baby is growing and developing well and is getting his quota of sleep, rest assured. I wouldn't make a problem out of this. Just as I wouldn’t worry about a first grader who still needs an afternoon siesta.

Answered: Jyoti Krishna, director of the Children's Sleep Center at the Cleveland Clinic

Dmitry Levchenko

Article on the topic of professions (interview)

Which profession should I choose? This question worries all schoolchildren from junior classes to graduates. Everyone wants to choose a job that will give him pleasure, will correspond to his abilities and capabilities, will benefit society and the state, and will also bring good income. When choosing a life's work, a student is lost in options, confused and does not know how to do it. main choice. In this section we will try to understand the variety of professions, look at them from different angles, and help you find something that interests you.

Today we will look at the profession of a doctor, and in this we will be helped by the representative of this profession, pediatrician Maslov Ivan Prokofievich, who worked for 40 years at the Kursk Regional Children's Hospital and is now on a well-deserved rest:
- Why did you choose a doctorate?

I believe that being a doctor is the most noble profession. A person can live without a TV and a computer, but he cannot live without health, which is why a good doctor is a useful and important profession in any corner of the world.

What difficulties did you encounter during your work?

The work of a doctor requires a lot of knowledge and experience, and it is also a huge responsibility. Any doctor is responsible for his decisions, which affect the condition and even the life of the patient. The main difficulty during work is that it is very difficult to remain indifferent, not worry about each patient, try not to get hung up on one person, but simply do your job, try to help the patient as quickly and efficiently as possible.

Why did you choose the specialty “pediatrics”?

I love children very much, and I am sad when they get sick, and I want to make every effort to ensure that as many children as possible are healthy and happy, so that they smile more often and never experience pain and fear.

What advice would you give to students who are thinking about becoming a doctor?

Dear students! This is serious and necessary profession, it requires long but interesting training, constant self-improvement, and advanced training. In order to become a doctor, you need not only deep knowledge, but also patience, courage, and great responsibility. Any doctor must treat his patients with love and attention and be prepared for difficult stressful situations. I'm really missing it now good doctors. Guys, if you are determined to become a doctor, study hard, because a person’s life, his future, and therefore the future of the entire country will depend on your knowledge.

Interviews are one of the most rewarding types of content.

You select questions, send them to the hero, receive answers, format them and go to print! Of course, this is a superficial scheme for creating an interview. In fact, this is an independent and vibrant content format. And on the blog it looks very advantageous against the background of the usual articles, guides and news.

We have already prepared several materials on the topic of the interview. If you wish, you can familiarize yourself with them, and. Now we'll talk about himself important stage preparing for an interview - about questions.

When studying a hero, you want to ask him important and pressing questions at the same time. I would like the interview not to be boring, banal and typical. I want the reader to swallow it, savoring every letter, every line.

And at such moments, there is a really lacking selection of interview questions at hand that can be tailored to an individual character.

Interview Questions: 60 Templates

  1. Tell us about yourself and your business.
  2. How would you describe yourself in a few words?
  3. When did you decide to become_____ and why?
  4. What led you specifically to __________?
  5. What was the impetus for _________?
  6. What were the first steps?
  7. What are the pros and cons of being a _______?
  8. Describe your greatest achievement and most impressive failure?
  9. Describe three of your achievements?
  10. Are there times when you lose inspiration (lose faith in yourself, in your business)?
  11. Describe your work environment?
  12. Are you planning to change _______?
  13. What are your plans in _______?
  14. What is the secret to success in _____?
  15. How did you manage to achieve success in _______?
  16. What are your favorite books (movies, dishes)?
  17. What would you never do in life?
  18. Can it be said that ______?
  19. By what principle do you ______?
  20. Did you come to this position yourself or ______?
  21. How have you changed since _______?
  22. Do you love your job (business, product, service, cause)?
  23. What do you like to do in your free time?
  24. How to make ________?
  25. What advice can you give to newcomers (employees, readers)?
  26. When was the last time you _________?
  27. What interests you besides _____ and ________?
  28. How do you take a break from ____?
  29. How did you come up with the idea to organize ________?
  30. Did you do _____ on your own or with support?
  31. How often you ________?
  32. What do you think ________ is?
  33. In your opinion, what qualities should _____ have?
  34. Are you being yourself while doing your job, or is this a PR stunt?
  35. What is the share of luck and luck in your project?
  36. Do you have your own motto or mission?
  37. You have already achieved a lot in your profession, has popularity changed you?
  38. How much time do you devote to ______?
  39. Why do you think such a point of view has formed in society (in the market, in a company, on forums, on the Internet)?
  40. What was the most difficult thing for you?
  41. Tell us step by step what needs to be done to _________?
  42. Where should a newcomer start if he wants to follow in your footsteps?
  43. What professional advice can you give to those who are just starting to develop in _______?
  44. What pitfalls might there be in your field?
  45. Is it difficult to do something that brings you money? What does it cost you?
  46. How did your first success come to you?
  47. How do others perceive your development (work, changes)?
  48. Where do you look for your customers (clients, buyers, investors, partners)?
  49. Don't you want to throw everything away and start something completely new?
  50. Tell us the TOP 5 most effective tactics (tips, tips, tricks, secrets, methods) in _______?
  51. What is your opinion on this question: ___________?
  52. Form your attitude towards life (business, family, colleagues, employees) in five words?
  53. What is the main expertise of a person at your level?
  54. Was it difficult to give up _______ (free time, stability, career growth)?
  55. Are you always this open (closed, aggressive, optimistic, fast)?
  56. How would you rate yourself as _______?
  57. Have you ever professional activity overstep your principles?
  58. In any business there are turning points. Which ones did you have?
  59. What hinders your life and what helps?
  60. What are you dreaming about?

Of course, these questions relate more to a personal interview rather than a professional interview. But in any case, each of them can lead to a chain of new ideas, which will eventually turn into a full-fledged conversation scenario.

Transform them, twist them, adapt them to the topic of the dialogue. The main thing is that these questions will become your material for work.

Happy interview!