Yorkshire Terrier what vaccinations should be given. Yorkshire Terrier

In this regard, it is no exception. For healthy growth and development, the pet must be vaccinated. Preventive vaccination not only makes it possible to protect the pet from many diseases, but also allows the owner to feel protected. After all, many infectious diseases can be transmitted from dogs to humans.


Newborn immunity is the result of nutrition mother's milk protecting them from the effects of infections and diseases.

At the end of the lactation period, this protection gradually disappears, replaced by immunity that the puppies develop on their own.

Any vaccination has several basic rules:

  1. The pet must be absolutely healthy. A recent illness is the reason for a two- or three-week quarantine, which gives the dog’s body time to recover.
  2. You cannot vaccinate a lactating bitch. During pregnancy, childbirth and feeding, the bitch's body experiences serious stress and needs rest. Best time for vaccination of a bitch - 2-3 weeks before.
  3. You should not vaccinate your puppy too early. Vaccination performed before the antibodies obtained from the bitch's milk have stopped working will not work, which will increase the risk of infection.
  4. Be sure to use the same drug for vaccination and revaccination.
  5. During the 3 days before vaccination, it is necessary to carefully monitor the pet’s condition: he should have a cold and wet nose, body temperature 39 degrees, a good appetite and usual level of activity.

Vaccination is the causative agent of the disease, and not a method of treating it; vaccinating an unhealthy dog ​​can be fatal.


The standard vaccination schedule includes the use of vaccines against the following diseases:

Notes on each vaccination performed must be included in the dog’s veterinary passport.

The choice of drug for vaccination depends on the owner of the Yorkie. The most commonly used are Eurikan and Nobivak.

Schedule depending on age, frequency

Then all vaccinations are repeated when the dog reaches one year old and then they must be done once a year at the same time, the maximum possible interval between vaccinations is 1 week.


Vaccination, especially the first one, should take place in a veterinary clinic under the supervision of a doctor. This need is due to the likelihood that the Yorkshire Terrier will develop severe anaphylaxis due to the administered drug. In this case, the veterinarian will be able to quickly treat the dog necessary help.

To prevent the occurrence of allergies, the animal is given ¼ antihistamine tablets- “Suprastin” or “Tavegil”.

Revaccination should be carried out with the same drug as the first vaccination. If you vaccinate your dog yourself, before purchasing the vaccine, you must check its expiration date. Then read the instructions and follow all prescribed storage conditions, otherwise the medication may lose its properties.


Do dogs need vaccinations? The veterinarian answers.

The very first

The first vaccination should be given to the Yorkshire Terrier at the age of 8, maximum 9 weeks, it is intended to protect against diseases such as:

  1. Enteritis.
  2. Plague.
  3. Hepatitis.
  4. Parainfluenza.
  5. Adenovirus.
  6. Coronavirus.
  7. Leptospirosis.
  8. Microsporia and trichophytosis.

If the puppy just got into new house, and it’s time to vaccinate him, you should wait a few days, giving the baby time to recover from stress and adapt to new conditions.

Preparing for the injection

For vaccination to be successful, the Yorkshire Terrier must be prepared for it.

If necessary, you must get rid of fleas 2 weeks before the vaccination date, and you cannot bathe your pet a day before the procedure.

One of the most important points preparation - timely deworming.

10 days before vaccination, you should get rid of worms using one of these drugs:

  1. Drontal.
  2. Vacation.
  3. Febtal.
  4. Prazicide - suspension.

Deworming should be carried out in the first half of the day, about half an hour before feeding or an hour after eating.

For rabies

The dog must be vaccinated against rabies at the age of 4 - 5 months. Earlier vaccination may worsen the pet’s general condition due to the toxic effects of the drug. The drug Eurikan LR, which has a three-year duration of action, is often used.

Despite the period of protection against the disease, your dog must be vaccinated annually.

Vaccination is carried out only in veterinary clinics that have a special license. The medicine must be stored in the refrigerator, and its unsealing and filling of the syringe must take place in front of the dog owner, otherwise there is a possibility of administering a counterfeit or low-quality drug.

After vaccination

After vaccination, it takes the dog's body approximately 2 weeks to produce antibodies.

At this time, it is necessary to exclude the possibility of the pet becoming hypothermic and being in a draft.

Walks are allowed, but they must be short and avoid contact with soil and grass.

It is necessary to avoid contact with other animals, as viruses can live on their fur, to which recently vaccinated puppies are sensitive. You cannot get the injection site wet for 3-5 days; you can bathe your pet 10-14 days after vaccination.

At the age of 2 - 8 months, it is best to provide a two-week quarantine.

Lump formation

After administration of the drug, a lump or lump may appear at the injection site for 5 to 7 days, then it begins to dissolve.

The appearance of a lump is normal reaction body to the introduction of a foreign substance.

The seal should be lubricated with iodine 1-2 times a day. The lump may be itchy. To avoid infection, do not allow your pet to scratch the injection site.

  1. You should be wary if:
  2. The lump increases in size.
  3. The lump and the surrounding skin turn red.
  4. The dog is in pain and discomfort.
  5. At the injection site there is purulent discharge.
  6. Body temperature is above normal for more than 3 days.

If any of these signs appear, you should contact your veterinarian.

The dog's well-being

Lethargy and apathy are normal for a newly vaccinated Yorkie. It is necessary to carefully monitor the pet, provide it with comfortable conditions, peace and light, but rich and balanced diet. IN in rare cases it is possible to develop allergies - swelling of the muzzle or stomach upset. In such a situation, it is necessary to consult a doctor as soon as possible.

Preparations for vaccination

These vaccines are the most popular among breeders. foreign manufacturers, How:

  1. Nobivac.
  2. Hexadog.
  3. Eurikan.

These drugs owe their popularity high quality and easy tolerability of the vaccine by animals.


Complete and timely vaccination - necessary measure to ensure and preserve good condition animal health.

In addition, records in the veterinary passport about the vaccinations carried out allow Yorkies to travel with their owners, participate in exhibitions, and vaccination against rabies is mandatory for all dogs. Vaccinating a Yorkshire Terrier will also protect the owner of the dog, since many incurable diseases

transmitted to humans. Vaccination information is always included in the veterinary passport. This is necessary for any moves and participation in exhibitions.

Yorkie's first vaccination The puppy is vaccinated for the first time at the age of 8-9 weeks. Lepto and NobivacDHPPi. In general, at this age puppies are vaccinated against:

  • plague,
  • hepatitis A,
  • parvovirus enteritis,
  • adenovirus,
  • parainfluenza,
  • coronavirus
  • leptospirosis,
  • microsporia and trichophytosis.

It is better to do these vaccinations not at home, but in a clinic. This is due to the fact that vaccines can cause various allergic reactions, including the most severe condition of anaphylaxis. And in the clinic the puppy can get better help than at home. Also, just in case, to protect the baby from possible consequences vaccines give an antihistamine (suprastin, diphenhydramine, tavegil).

Vaccination frequency

After two weeks, the vaccination of microsporia and trichophytosis is repeated, and at the age of 3.5 months, vaccinations against distemper, hepatitis, parvovirus enteritis, adenovirosis, parainfluenza, coronavirus, and leptospirosis are repeated. At 4-5 months, the puppy receives the first vaccination against rabies, and at 6 months, vaccinations against distemper, hepatitis, parvovirus enteritis, adenovirosis, parainfluenza, coronavirus, and leptospirosis are repeated again.

Then all vaccinations are repeated in the puppy’s year and then annually at the same time. It is important to ensure that the vaccination date coincides by no more than a week. Because exactly one year later the vaccine stops working and the Yorkie becomes especially vulnerable. After vaccination, active immunity is developed within 10-14 days. And these days the animal must be protected from hypothermia. Better than a Yorkie do not bathe or walk him outside.

Only healthy dogs can be vaccinated. 10 days before vaccinations you need to drive away helminths. If mating is to take place, the animal must be vaccinated at least 2 weeks before mating.

Vaccine price

In almost all veterinary clinics are used imported vaccines Hexadog, Nobivak, Eurikan. The cost of a dose of Hexadog is 300-330 rubles, Nobivaka DHPPI (polyvaccine) – 110-150 rubles, Nobivaka Puppy DP (for puppies) – 170-200 rubles, Euricana DHPPI – 150-170 rubles.

Vaccination Basics

Optimal timing

  • canine distemper or distemper;
  • parainfluenza;
  • rabies;
  • leptospirosis;
  • coronavirus;
  • trichophytosis.

First vaccination

Second vaccination

Third vaccination

Rabies vaccination

After vaccination

Vaccination schedule for Yorkshire Terrier

Vaccination Basics

It is not enough to simply vaccinate your Yorkshire Terrier and forget about it. You need to follow some rules.

The first and most important rule of any vaccination #8212; the dog must be completely healthy. If she has recently been sick, she needs to endure a two to three week quarantine so that the animal’s body can recover.

The same rule applies to pregnant bitches. The dog, of course, is not sick, but her body is very tired, so she cannot be vaccinated until she has recovered from giving birth and feeding the puppies. Ideally, the bitch should be vaccinated two to three weeks before breeding.

Hence the second rule proper vaccination– There is no need to vaccinate too early. Otherwise, it simply will not work, which means the risk of infection will increase.

The fourth rule says that before vaccination, your Yorkie must be prepared. The Yorkshire Terrier needs to be dewormed two weeks before vaccination, that is, dewormed. Otherwise, the vaccine may not work.

When the puppy is three weeks old, he is dewormed for the first time, then the procedure is repeated at the fifth and tenth week of life. After the first three main times, deworming must be done every three months.

For this purpose, you can use drugs such as Drontal or Kanikvantel. Preventive removal of worms is carried out once in the morning, before the first feeding, according to the recommendations in the attached instructions.

Remember, you should not deworm sick or pregnant dogs. This can worsen the condition of the Yorkie, and the fetuses of the puppy may die.

Within three days before your scheduled vaccination, start monitoring general condition Yorkshire Terrier:

  • check your nose: its lobe should be cold and wet;
  • measure the temperature: a dog’s temperature is considered normal at thirty-nine degrees.

The pet itself should behave as usual - run and play, eat well.

Also, the Yorkshire Terrier should not be bathed the day before vaccination.

Optimal timing

Vaccination is carried out against the following diseases:

  • canine distemper or distemper;
  • parvovirus enteritis - the causative agent is parvovirus;
  • infectious hepatitis - causative agent hepadnavirus;
  • parainfluenza;
  • rabies;
  • leptospirosis;
  • coronavirus;
  • trichophytosis.

When purchasing a puppy at two months or later, the breeder must present a veterinary passport, which must indicate all the dates of vaccinations and worming. The breeder must also indicate which drug he used.

  • first vaccination #8212; in the eighth to ninth week;
  • second vaccination #8212; twelfth to thirteenth week;
  • third vaccination #8212; thirty to thirty-first week;
  • rabies vaccination #8212; at twelve months.

First vaccination

If you just brought your puppy home and it's time for vaccinations, wait a couple of days. Moving is already a lot of stress for a baby - give him time to get used to the new environment.

If you have no experience, you should not inject yourself. It's better to consult a veterinarian. In some cases, a Yorkie may experience allergic reaction on the drug and only a doctor can cope with such a situation.

Second vaccination

We remind you that the second vaccination is done using the same drug as the first time. Even though the Yorkshire Terrier is a small dog, the volume of the vaccine does not need to be reduced.

Third vaccination

This vaccination must be done only after the Yorkshire Terrier has changed teeth, that is, after seven to eight months. The same brand of drug is used.

After completing the first three vaccinations, the injections must be repeated once a year at the same time, plus or minus seven days.

Rabies vaccination

This vaccination is carried out in clinics that have a license for this type of service. Pay attention to where you got the vaccine from - it should only be stored in the refrigerator.

If you are planning a show career for your Yorkshire Terrier, you need to undergo all scheduled vaccinations at public hospitals- only their seal in veterinary passport dogs are taken into account at shows.

After vaccination

After the injection, you should not go for walks with your pet for two weeks, and you should not wash it. It is necessary to ensure that the dog does not become hypothermic. If a lump appears at the injection site, be sure to anoint it with iodine and do not let your Yorkshire Terrier scratch the damaged area.

If your pet's health does not improve within a few days, you should contact your veterinarian. Most likely, the dog was already sick before routine vaccination and now her body is having a hard time coping with the double load.

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Vaccinations for Yorkies: optimal timing, preparation, features of care after vaccination

Protect your Yorkie from dangerous diseases possible with timely vaccinations. They need to be done in puppyhood.

Grafting Basics

While the puppy is with its mother, it receives immunity from her milk.

Important! Vaccination #8212; not a method of treatment.

A vaccine is a pathogen pathological condition. He #171;trains#187; The dog's body resists diseases. Vaccination gives a powerful load. If the immune system the animal is weakened, death is inevitable.

Protection from diseases

Vaccination protects your dog from developing:

All vaccination data is entered into a special passport, which allows you to take part in exhibitions.

Optimal timing of vaccination

In the Russian Federation, vaccination against rabies is strictly mandatory. It needs to be installed every 12 months.

You should not vaccinate immediately after purchasing a puppy. First you need to give him time to adapt to new conditions.

Preparing for the injection

10 days before vaccination you need to remove the worms.

Before vaccination, your Yorkie should be dewormed with Prazicide or another drug.

For this purpose the following is prescribed:

There is a fake Drontal on the market. Therefore, you need to purchase medicine only from #171;your #187; veterinarian, or at a trusted veterinary pharmacy.

Yorkies need to be wormed not only before vaccination, but throughout the year. Veterinarians recommend doing this 1 time/3 months.

It is advisable to carry out the procedure in the first half of the day, before feeding. You can also worm your dog 60 minutes after feeding. Additional terms discussed with the veterinarian individually.

It is impossible to remove worms from sick animals, pregnant and lactating bitches. Otherwise, the animal’s health condition will worsen. There is also a risk of fetal death.

If deworming is not carried out, the vaccine will not work.

When is the best time to vaccinate?

The first vaccination is given to a Yorkie at the age of 8-9 weeks. After 14 days, the procedure is repeated.

Important. If the owner does not have a veterinary education, then the dog cannot be vaccinated at home.

During the first vaccination, medications such as Nobivak or Multikan are used. The same drug is used for the second vaccination. Despite the miniature size of the dog, the dosage is not reduced.

The third vaccination is given after changing teeth. This happens around 7-8 months of a dog's life. The same drug is used.

What you should pay attention to

The vaccine may cause an allergic reaction. In the worst case, it develops anaphylactic shock. Only a competent specialist can provide qualified assistance to an animal.

After vaccination, the dog is given the following antihistamines:

  • Diphenhydramine;
  • Suprastin;
  • Tavegil.
In case of an allergic reaction to the vaccine, the drug Suprastin is used.

Further revaccination involves the participation of the same medicine. Before purchasing a medicine, you need to check its expiration date.

It is important to carefully study the instructions for the medicine. It talks not only about the properties of the drug, but also about the conditions of its storage. If the rules specified in the instructions are not followed, the properties of the medication may be lost.

Rabies protection

Rabies vaccinations are given up to one year of age. It is advisable to do this at 4 months of age. It is not recommended to vaccinate earlier, since the general condition of the animal may worsen.

The drug Eurikan LR is used for rabies vaccination. Protection lasts 36 months. But the animal must be vaccinated annually. This is the only way to completely protect your Yorkie from the development of this terrible disease.

Rabies vaccinations are given only in those veterinary clinics that have a special license. Otherwise, there is a risk of introducing counterfeit medicine.

The vaccine must be stored in the refrigerator. The preparation is unsealed and the syringe is filled in front of the dog owner.

Vaccination by age

The vaccination calendar is presented in the table:

After a year, the dog must be vaccinated at least 1 time/12 months.

Care after vaccination

After vaccination, the Yorkie should develop an adequate response to the pathogen. Therefore, when caring for an animal, the owner must adhere to certain rules.

The dog is allowed to bathe only 7-14 days after the procedure. Otherwise, the animal may #171;pick#187; colds.

It is important to limit your Yorkie's contact with relatives and other animals. Your pet's body is still vulnerable to viruses. A virus can live on another dog’s fur and can be easily transmitted to a newly vaccinated puppy.

All puppies aged 2-8 months are placed in quarantine for a period of two weeks.

You can’t put too much stress on a young Yorkie. It is advisable to train and train the dog later, after completing all scheduled vaccinations.

How you feel after vaccination

Yorkies tolerate vaccinations quite well.

The following complications are sometimes observed:

  1. A lump at the injection site.
  2. Vomit.
  3. Convulsive muscle twitching.
  4. Increased body temperature.

A lump at the injection site can be felt for 5-7 days. After this, it gradually resolves. Her appearance #8212; a normal reaction of the dog’s body to the introduction of foreign agents.

A lump may form at the injection site in your little Yorkie, which will go away in a few days.

It is allowed to lubricate the lump with iodine. If necessary, this procedure is repeated twice a day #8212; in the morning and before bedtime. The seal may be itchy. You should not allow your dog to scratch the injection site, otherwise infection will penetrate there.

More warning signs are vomiting and convulsions. When they appear, you must immediately show the animal to a veterinarian. This reaction may be due to a weak immune system.

Important. An increase in temperature immediately after vaccination is considered normal.

This condition is accompanied by refusal to feed and drowsiness. Sometimes your dog's stool becomes loose. There is no need to worry about this. When immunity is formed, the animal’s health status stabilizes.

Things to remember

The owner of a Yorkie should take the following into account:

  • vaccination is carried out only under sterile conditions;
  • The dog’s immunity after vaccination remains for 12 months;
  • Vaccination of bitches is carried out 14-20 days before mating.

Immune protection is formed 1.5 weeks after vaccination.

Immunity acquired through vaccination lasts up to 12 months.

The body of bitches carrying offspring is under extreme stress. Therefore, vaccination is possible only after the pregnancy has been delivered and the lactation period has ended.

If the Yorkie is a breeding dog and is expected to participate in exhibitions, then routine vaccinations should be carried out only in state veterinary clinics. Passport stamps made in private clinics are not taken into account at exhibitions.


A dog can become infected anywhere: on a walk, in public transport, when communicating with sick animals. Without vaccination, the pet is left without protection and can not only get sick, but also die. And some canine diseases can be transmitted to people. Vaccination schedule and more useful information you will find in this article.

It is not enough to simply vaccinate your Yorkshire Terrier and forget about it. You need to follow some rules.

The first and most important rule of any vaccination is that the dog must be completely healthy. If she has recently been sick, she needs to endure a two to three week quarantine so that the animal’s body can recover.

This is necessary because vaccination is not a treatment option. On the contrary, a vaccination is a pathogen that teaches the dog’s body to fight disease. Accordingly, vaccination is a burden, therefore, if an animal has this moment the immune system is weakened, it can kill him.

The same rule applies to females. The dog, of course, is not sick, but her body is very tired, so she cannot be vaccinated until she has recovered from giving birth and feeding the puppies. Ideally, the bitch should be vaccinated two to three weeks before.

The fourth rule says that before vaccination, your Yorkie must be prepared. The Yorkshire Terrier needs to be dewormed two weeks before vaccination, that is, dewormed. Otherwise, the vaccine may not work.

When the puppy is three weeks old, he is dewormed for the first time, then the procedure is repeated at the fifth and tenth week of life. After the first three main times, deworming must be done every three months.

For this purpose, you can use drugs such as Drontal or Kanikvantel. Preventive removal of worms is carried out once in the morning, before the first feeding, according to the recommendations in the attached instructions.

Remember, you should not deworm sick or pregnant dogs. This can worsen the condition of the Yorkie, and the fetuses of the puppy may die.

Within three days before the scheduled vaccination, begin to monitor the general condition of the Yorkshire Terrier:

  • check your nose: its lobe should be cold and wet;
  • measure the temperature: a dog’s temperature is considered normal at thirty-nine degrees.

The pet itself should behave as usual - run and play, eat well.

Also, the Yorkshire Terrier cannot be given a day before vaccination.

Optimal timing

Vaccination is carried out against the following diseases:

  • canine distemper or distemper;
  • parvovirus enteritis - the causative agent is parvovirus;
  • infectious hepatitis - causative agent hepadnavirus;
  • parainfluenza;
  • rabies;
  • leptospirosis;
  • coronavirus;
  • trichophytosis.

Since the Yorkshire Terrier is usually purchased from a breeder at the age of two months, the puppy must receive its first vaccination. In some cases, breeders can give the first vaccination per month, but this is not required condition puppies, which is why this vaccination is called zero.

When purchasing a puppy at two months or later, the breeder must present a veterinary passport, which must indicate all the dates of vaccinations and worming. The breeder must also indicate which drug he used.

Schedule of scheduled vaccinations:

  • first vaccination - in the eighth or ninth week;
  • second vaccination - in the twelfth to thirteenth week;
  • third vaccination - thirty to thirty-first week;
  • Rabies vaccination - at twelve months.

First vaccination

This vaccination is given to the Yorkshire Terrier no later than nine weeks, ideally at eight weeks. You can use drugs such as DHPPI + Lepto or Nobivak. They protect against infection the following diseases: parainfluenza, plague, microsporia, trichophytosis, hepatitis, leptospirosis, parvovirus enteritis.

If you just brought your puppy home and it's time for vaccinations, wait a couple of days. Moving is already a lot of stress for a baby - give him time to get used to the new environment.

If you have no experience, you should not inject yourself. It's better to consult a veterinarian. In some cases, a Yorkie may have an allergic reaction to the drug and only a doctor can cope with this situation.

Second vaccination

We remind you that the second vaccination is done using the same drug as the first time. Even though the Yorkshire Terrier is a small dog, the volume of the vaccine does not need to be reduced.

Third vaccination

This vaccination must be done only after the Yorkshire Terrier, that is, after seven to eight months. The same brand of drug is used.

After completing the first three vaccinations, the injections must be repeated once a year at the same time, plus or minus seven days.

Rabies vaccination

This injection should not be given to a Yorkshire Terrier until it is one year old. Vaccination given before this date may worsen the dog's condition. Eurikan LR with three-year protection is suitable for this purpose. Despite the long period of exposure, experts advise vaccinating against rabies annually to completely protect your pet.

This vaccination is carried out in clinics that have a license for this type of service. Pay attention to where you got the vaccine from - it should only be stored in the refrigerator.

If you are planning a show career for your Yorkshire Terrier, you need to undergo all routine vaccinations in public hospitals - only their stamp in the dog’s veterinary passport is taken into account at exhibitions.

After vaccination

After vaccination, the Yorkshire Terrier may develop a fever, lethargy, and loss of appetite. There is no need to sound the alarm - this usual symptoms, indicating that the body is fighting the pathogen. This is how a dog’s immune defense is developed. In a few days everything will be back to normal.

After the injection, you should not go for walks with your pet for two weeks, and you should not wash it. It is necessary to ensure that the dog does not become hypothermic. If a lump appears at the injection site, be sure to anoint it with iodine and do not let your Yorkshire Terrier scratch the damaged area.

If your pet's health does not improve within a few days, you should contact your veterinarian. Most likely, the dog was already sick before the scheduled vaccination and now its body is having a hard time coping with the double load.

Your pet needs timely and correct vaccination. During their lives, dogs encounter a large number of dangerous pathogens. infectious diseases. If your pet has not been properly vaccinated, he remains practically defenseless and can become seriously ill and even die.

Also, do not forget that there are dog diseases that are dangerous for people (and some, for example, rabies, are fatal!). Vaccination is a simple step that will protect your pet and provide it with a long and healthy life. In this article, we will answer some common questions about vaccinations.

What vaccine does my pet need?

The choice of vaccine and vaccination schedule depends on the type of animal (dog, cat or other animal), age (young animal or adult), as well as on the conditions of detention (exhibitions, travel to other regions, matings). However, there are also several general rules. Dogs must be vaccinated against canine distemper. parvovirus enteritis (caused by parvovirus), infectious hepatitis(pathogen is adenovirus) and rabies. If you often leave your Yorkie in animal hotels or visit places with large concentrations of dogs (exhibitions, shows, training grounds, etc.), then it is better to vaccinate your dog against the so-called “kennel cough.” "Aviary cough" - infectious respiratory disease dogs, similar in manifestations to ARVI in humans, it is very easily transmitted from one dog to another. The disease is caused by several viruses and bacteria, but the vaccines include the 2 most important ones - Bordetella bronchiseptica and parainfluenza. Consult with veterinarian and he will definitely select the optimal vaccine for your pet.

For vaccination, we recommend that you use an imported vaccine (manufactured by Intervet International B.V., the Netherlands) - Nobivac DHPPi (Nobivac DHPPi). The Nobivac DHPPi vaccine is an associated live vaccine that creates reliable protective immunity 10 days after repeated vaccination.

Each dose of the vaccine contains antibodies of viral agents that can induce a high titer in vaccinated animals specific antibodies to canine distemper virus, hepatitis virus (canine adenovirus serotype 2), canine parainfluenza virus and canine parvovirus.

Important! The vaccine is only given healthy dogs. 10 days before vaccination, you need to get rid of worms and monitor your Yorkie’s well-being.

Vaccination of puppies usually begins at 2 months of age (8-9 weeks) and is repeated after 3-5 weeks. Next vaccination done in 1 year. In more early age(from 1 month) puppies are vaccinated when there is a threat of infection.

What should you pay attention to after vaccination?

The use of a vaccine in some cases can lead to the development of side effects that are usually not dangerous to the life and health of the animal. Within 1-2 days after vaccination, your pet may experience slight increase fever, lethargy or decreased appetite. You may also notice slight swelling and/or tenderness at the site where the vaccine was administered. These reactions are completely normal and do not require treatment. If you have any questions or concerns, be sure to contact your veterinarian.

In rare cases, the animal may develop more serious side effects: swelling of the face, limbs, itching, vomiting or diarrhea. In this case, you need to show your animal to a veterinarian!

Before vaccination, the doctor will ask about the animal’s health status and conduct general examination, will measure your temperature rectally and talk about the post-vaccination period.

Important! Vaccination against RABIES in the Russian Federation is mandatory and annual!

If you have just purchased a Yorkshire terrier and do not see obvious signs of illness in him, do not rush to get vaccinated! The animal needs a period to adapt to its new home - at least 14 days! You should observe whether the animal is active, whether it has a good appetite, and whether there are any signs of illness.

And also carry out deworming and treat the animal for fleas 10-14 days before the first vaccination.

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source: www.mosvet.su