Healing from cancer through prayers - real stories. I absolutely did not want to return, because I could not find a single reason why to return to a sick, dying body.

I am writing this letter to Blagovest with the blessing of my spiritual father Archpriest Boris Razveev . Maybe my miraculous healing, thanks to the help of the Greek saint and martyr Nicholas, will help someone find faith in God’s mercy.
I am disabled group II cancer(I have cancer of the right breast). I've been sick for a long time. The first time I had a tumor removed was in 1980, when I was 18 years old. In 1993, the tumor appeared again. At first, doctors wanted to remove it on an outpatient basis, under local anesthesia, but when they cut it, it became clear that the breast needed to be removed. The test showed that I have cancer...

When we feel bad, we always remember God and ask Him for help. So I, a sinner, immediately remembered who to turn to for help. I prayed as best I could, with tears. After all, at that time I was only 31 years old, and my son was 8 years old. I didn't want to die so early. Good people They told me what to order in the church, they gave me holy water, butter, and prosphora. Mom invited the priest into the room. He confessed me, gave me communion, and most importantly, instilled hope in me, said: “Believe, and the Lord will heal. As much as you believe, he will heal. Pray, the Lord is merciful. Read one chapter of the Gospel every day.”
While my family and I were waiting for test results, I drank holy water, ate prosphora, anointed postoperative wound butter I tried to do everything that the priest advised me to do. The wound healed quickly. The tests, to my joy, turned out to be good, the disease has subsided.
I started going to church and introducing children to the church. I began to travel to holy places and read a lot of spiritual literature. Every church service was like a holiday for me.
So seven years passed. My religious zeal gradually weakened. I felt completely healthy. She continued to go to church, but without diligence. The services began to seem long...
And so I got sick again. But this is more serious. Appeared severe pain, from which I could not sleep at night. Doctors diagnosed terrible diagnosis: "Secondary changes in soft tissues front chest. Metastasis to the anterior segments of the V-VI-VII ribs with destruction."
For me it was like a bolt from the blue. Doctors suggested surgery. I took her blessing from my spiritual father. Everything went well. God bless! All this time I tried to pray as much as I could, I asked everyone prayer help.
Immediately after discharge, it was decided that I needed to go to Moscow, since I was registered at the Oncological Institute. Herzen. In addition, my spiritual father, priest Boris, lives in Moscow, from whom I hoped to receive spiritual support.
In Moscow the diagnosis was confirmed. I was on the verge of despair. I believed that everything was possible for God, but would He want to heal me? And the sins surfaced one after another in my memory. True, I confessed them to the priest, but it was covered up so that it would not be too embarrassing. They sounded in my ears like an alarm bell. I even covered my ears. I couldn’t even imagine how to open up to my spiritual father, because I wanted him to think well of me. It was scary to go to confession, but I decided to do it. I received a lot of consolation from conversations with Father Boris...
There, in Moscow, on the way to the Oncology Institute, I went to the Church of the Archangel Michael. I venerated the icons and lit candles. When I venerated the icon of the holy martyrs Faith, Nadezhda, Lyubov and their mother Sophia, I noticed at the bottom, along the edge of the martyr Nadezhda’s robe, many droplets of peace. I told Archpriest Boris Razveev about this. He replied that the Lord does not take away my hope.
Doctors suggested chemotherapy. My spiritual father was against it. But doctors, relatives, friends insisted, convinced, scolded... I didn’t know what to do. In the end, Father Boris gave his blessing, saying: “Okay, do it, just take communion as often as possible.”
I did not tolerate the treatment well. But I did not give up church services and the prayer rule, because only this added strength to me. Father Boris brought medicine for me from Athos - the blood of the Venerable Martyr Nicholas. This is a Greek saint, he was crucified by the Turks on a tree. Every year on the day of his death, blood appears on the tree. The monks collect it and dilute it with holy water. It has been noticed that it helps cancer patients.
Father set me a prayer rule before taking this medicine drop by drop on an empty stomach. I started doing it immediately after the first course of chemotherapy. During the 6th course I was prescribed computed tomography. The examination showed that I had only one metastasis left. The doctors said that the treatment was successful, but it was necessary to complete the 7th and 8th courses. I called my father in Moscow. He scolded me and said: “Do you have a conscience? How much can you tempt the Lord! How much mercy the Lord showed you by healing the blood of the Venerable Martyr Nicholas, and you still doubt!”
I say: “Why then did the Lord not completely heal me?” - “And for your humility, so that you are attentive to your life! No more chemicals!”
A month has passed. I went for examination again. Conclusion: “No evidence of a metastatic process has been identified.” Afraid to believe, I came to chemotherapists. The head of the department, having looked at my report, said that I had complete regression and that chemotherapy did not give such results.
So the Lord, by His mercy and the blood of the holy Venerable Martyr Nicholas, healed me of cancer for the second time. Glory to Thee, Lord!

Irina, Tolyatti

Doctors sentenced Ivan, an employee of a pharmaceutical company, when they discovered that melanoma had spread to the liver, stomach, lungs, bones and gave 10 metastases to the brain. But the man did not give up. Started taking a strange mixture of 17 vitamins and food additives, imagined that the metastases were rats and he was hunting them with a baseball bat. A few months later, an examination showed that almost all of the metastases had disappeared. The doctors did not believe that it was the vitamins, but they could not unravel the secret of recovery.

Mysterious situations do often arise with melanomas, says Alexey Severtsev, professor, oncologist surgeon. - These are the most unpredictable tumors. For example, not a single malignant tumor metastasizes to the heart muscle. Except for melanoma. A seemingly harmless mole suddenly turns into cancerous tumor. And the further development of the disease is impossible to predict. Some patients burn out while receiving powerful anticancer drugs. And others continue to live without any treatment. Still others may unexpectedly emerge from the state of relapse, that is, exacerbation of the disease, and again it is unclear why. The answer may lie in genetic differences in the immune system. different people, its specific molecular components. One of promising directions treatment of melanomas - immunotherapy. She doesn't save everyone, but in rare cases people live for years of success.

The solution is close

The reasons for such different reactions to disease and treatment are the subject of careful study. Why are some people luckier than others?

The version about the extraordinary strengthening of the immune system is finding more and more confirmation among specialists. It is believed that every person has a cancer gene. Up to a certain age and conditions it is blocked on our own body. As soon as the defense weakens, cancer cells immune cells begin to overwhelm them, rapidly accelerating their growth. But sometimes the slightest push is enough, and the immune system itself suddenly launches a counterattack on the cancer, unleashing all its power on it. Evidence suggests that sometimes such unexplained remissions occurred when the body contracted an infection leading to immune system in a state of combat readiness. The immune system attacked not only the infection itself, but also the cancer cells. And now pharmaceutical companies are working hard to create a drug that could target the immune system against a cancerous tumor.

Believe in a fairy tale

“A lot depends on the biology of the tumor,” says Dingir Pak, professor, head of the department of general oncology, Moscow Oncology Institute named after. Herzen Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation. - Hormone-dependent breast cancer is completely curable hormonal drugs. And edematous-infiltrative - devours a person in a matter of months. These features of tumors are genetically determined. Cancer is usually very severe in young people.

The psychological attitude also affects. Some people give up right away, some simply believe that everything will be fine, and some even make up a fairy tale about rat tumors that can be destroyed with an ordinary baton.

Every person has a mechanism for healing and tissue regeneration. If the brain gives a command, it turns on, explains Dmitry Voedilov, psychologist. - When a person does not believe in prospects, the opposite mechanism is triggered - self-destruction. You need to not just come up with a fairy tale about recovery, but really believe in it. But the most important thing is not to fall for the tales of charlatans who promise to miraculously cure any disease. Only doctors and you yourself can create a miracle.

By the way

Even before the discovery of antibiotics, there was a so-called Mexican method of treating cancer. A woman with malignant tumor mammary glands were infected with staphylococcus. And either the patient died, or the bacteria devoured the cancer cells, and she recovered.

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Somehow on one of chemotherapy courses I was lying in the same room with one very “strange” person (I’m probably just as strange now), who read Blavatsky and talked about some kind of faith, dreams, life goals, about God. My former friend (peace be upon him) and I even joked about him. This man had only the first course, and once he told me that he would no longer be treated in the hospital, but would try it himself. To this I reminded him of the doctor’s words: “This disease is incurable and requires mandatory periodic hospitalization (chronic myeloma).” I looked at him like he was a fool, and later I turned out to be such a fool myself. Then my treatment went well. But somehow I was discharged from the next course (I had been treated for a year and a half - of which I spent two months at home) - this was supposed to be my first 12-week intercourse break. I was happy, but it was not to be. Three weeks after discharge, I came to the hospital for tests and for pills, took a general test (finger test) - and there they found BLASTS. A sternal puncture was scheduled for the next day.

I arrived home and didn’t know how to tell my mother, but it turns out that they had already called her from the hospital and said that I had a relapse, and that I had to start all the treatment all over again (and this is the entire three-year protocol, since for a transplant bone marrow my sister didn’t come up, and I wouldn’t have agreed to her). I thought that my body or nerves wouldn’t be able to withstand it a second time, and even if they did, I would definitely remain disabled for the rest of my life. Why then live - to suffer, nooo - I’d rather die. If I had been treated outside of Russia, I would have thought about whether or not to get treatment in a hospital, but there’s no point in thinking about it. I told everyone that I would not return to hematology (if there is hell on earth, then it is there). Maybe it’s not like that in hematology institutes, but in the provinces, Alas: doctors mostly don’t give a damn about patients - if the patient gets out of it on his own, then thank God, but if not, then it’s not fate. I was almost sent to the next world twice due to negligence (if you die not from illness, then medical staff will try). Of course I don't mind medical workers I don’t have one - no one will work even “badly” for such a salary.

Hope dies last! Oh, how I wanted to live then, I thought: “Why the hell was I born, studied - if you die at 18 years old. NO, figurines. I'll find it alternative treatment" Everyone except my mother (she was the only one who understood me) began to persuade me to return. The most ardent persuader was my grandmother (she is a therapist), she said: “Are you smarter than the doctors - come on, go to the hospital.” He calls the head of the department and says that no one has ever been cured “like this”, and that 15 years ago even traditional medicine did not treat leukemia, and that you will die, in short.

And I didn’t even know how to be treated “that way” (herbs, they said, don’t help with leukemia, and if poisons help, it’s temporary). I borrowed books from my grandmother alternative medicine, newspapers “HLS”, etc. and started looking for something. The temperature is getting higher and higher. A few days later I came across an old book, where I was attracted by fasting according to Paul Bragg. Somewhere before I heard that during fasting all impaired functions of the body are restored, while animals with any illness starve.

I immediately remembered the words of Hippocrates: “Man carries within himself a doctor. We just need to help him with his work. If the body is not cleansed, then the more you nourish it, the more you will harm it.” When a sick person is fed too much, his illness is also fed. Traditional medicine says that cancer cells consume almost 10 times more glucose than simple cells, and I realized that I had to try it. If I feel bad from hunger, then cancer cells feel 10 times worse. Subsequently, it turned out that during fasting the normal balance of cells (including bone marrow - good/bad) is restored. I don’t know exactly why, but it’s a fact.

The final impetus for fasting was given to me by the story of a seriously ill Swede (stomach cancer with metastases of the fourth stage), who, having learned the diagnosis, decided last days spend your life on a yacht at sea. During a strong storm, all food became unusable, except for a head of garlic and crackers. At that time he was in the open ocean. He spread out all the remaining provisions for almost a month, all this time he drank rainwater. Upon arrival at the port, he felt excellent, only hunger made itself felt. The examination did not confirm the presence of cancer, and the doctors had already buried him. Then it dawned on me - he was starving! However, the doctors thought that it was the head of garlic that saved him!! Although he has excellent anti-cancer properties, but not from the fourth degree.

And so I decided to starve. I was counting on 10 days, but when I got to the 9th, I decided to charge another ten. Since I didn’t have a distiller, they brought me distilled water from pharmacies. Bragg believed that distilled water had the best rejuvenating properties, but then I learned from Tibetan treatises on medicine that strong properties Only melt water, which flows quickly from the mountains, is possessed (not to be confused with rain). After the fourth day of fasting, the temperature subsided. I continued my search for treatments - I won’t starve forever (and I was quite successful in my search). I found a lot of options, which I later tested on myself, but now I don’t understand how people search when they don’t find anything? (WHO SEEKS WILL ALWAYS FIND.)

And it was then that I noticed one peculiarity: any medical teaching (non-traditional) again attaches the most important importance to some kind of FAITH, but the same thing hooked me Paul Bragg with his “Nerve Strength”. Then I remembered that I once heard from the most experienced doctors that only those who impeccably believe in their cure are cured of leukemia, but, unfortunately, there are very few of them. Everyone looks at the statistics on the effectiveness of treatment and immediately classifies themselves as corpses. And it’s even more offensive when the doctor himself tells a person that his illness is incurable - God forbid, he would say that he simply DOESN’T KNOW how to treat, otherwise it’s “incurable”! It takes away a person's hope!

Bragg gave me the idea that the mind or brain (whatever) controls every cell of the body (also cancer cells). After all, what do yogis do with their body!!! A person in a state of hypnosis can also do a lot!!!

When I finished my fast, I was almost flying (so to speak) around the apartment. A week later I took tests at my clinic. When they were ready, I showed them to my granny, and she: “They screwed up something with your tests at the clinic.” I went and took it again - I still don’t believe it (ESR - 5, but it was 63). I tried to explain to her what I’m writing about now, but she doesn’t understand. Subsequently, I did, and still do, daily fasting once a week, weekly fasting once every three months, in addition, I sat down for almost vegetarian diet. I remembered that during the course my heart was tingling, I thought I’d go and get checked (ECG). When I received the results, I didn’t understand a thing, I brought it home and showed it to my grandma - she “MAKED ME HAPPY.” I almost fell from great joy. I came to my senses and thought: “Well, since I learned how to treat this, then I can even cure my heart.” Two weeks later I took the ECG again (I knew that everything was fine, I just needed to reassure my mother), the doctor who was doing the decoding, with her eyes bulging, said that everything was fine and asked to take it again - and the same thing (he says , that the device sometimes malfunctions).

To completely calm me down, my mother also forced me to do an ultrasound of my heart; my grandmother looked at me as if I was abnormal.
By chance I came across the phone number of the guy who was in the hospital with me, and decided to apologize for the ridicule and find out how he was doing. I called - one of my relatives picked up the phone and said that he had gone with a PARACHUTE jump, I left my phone number and asked him to call him back when he arrived. Then we went jumping with him. (Yesterday I already had my 13th jump.) And so he called me and advised me to read Norbekov’s “The Experience of a Fool.”

I go to a bookstore, pick up a book, and there it is about vision: my vision seems to be normal, but when I opened the book, I immediately understood that it was just what the doctor ordered. I decided to take Norbekov’s courses - that’s when my faith was thoroughly strengthened. After that I also went to India, to Sai Baba’s ashram. (THEN I UNDERSTANDED THE LINES FROM THE BIBLE: “BELIEVE, AND ACCORDING TO YOUR FAITH YOU WILL BE REWARDED.” “MAN IS CREATED IN THE IMAGE AND LIKENESS OF GOD.”)

I haven’t had any tests for six months now. Why the hell waste time - I already know what will happen.

Within six months he recovered and took second place in the region in sambo, and is now in better shape than before his illness. And, believe me, this is only a tiny part of the opportunities that we have. You just need to open your eyes.

Improve yourself! Life is given in order to learn.

Diagnosis of cancer: to be treated or to live? An alternative view of oncology

To get into the topic as quickly as possible alternative medicine, and also learn the whole truth about cancer and traditional oncology, we recommend reading the book “Diagnosis of Cancer: Treat or Live. An Alternative View of Oncology” for free on our website

The material published below is a story about life with a fatal disease. About living a full and transformed life by faith. Feeling the breath of death behind his back, a person overestimates a lot and thinks about a lot. This is how they come to faith. And they live in faith - happily ever after, even with oncology. This is always a purely individual experience, very personal experiences and discoveries. But that’s what makes them interesting. And that is precisely why - paradoxically - an example and edification for us.

I should have died...

Thirteen years ago I should have died. The diagnosis left no hope: angioblastic lymphoma, stage IV blood cancer. Then there were eight difficult courses of chemotherapy, fourteen courses of radiation, three operations and twelve years of hormonal therapy.

As a person who has gone through almost all stages of cancer treatment, I can testify that these circles are truly hellish. And for every person initial stages equally terrible. First, when incomprehensible symptoms appear (in my case these were numerous swollen lymph nodes) rare person admits the possibility of developing cancer - “hope dies last.” Maybe there was an error in the analysis? Maybe the tests were mixed up? But now the tests have been completed, the diagnosis has been made, and with a sinking heart the person asks the doctor: “What do I have, doctor?” Times have changed now; doctors no longer have the right to hide the diagnosis from the patient. And then comes the sentence, terrible in its inevitability: “You have cancer.”

Hearing this, the person goes into shock. "Cancer? So this is a quick death! What about family and children? What about a company created through incredible efforts? Is this really the end? These thoughts no longer leave even for a minute, they drill into the brain constantly - hourly and every minute. Only night sleep brings oblivion, and upon awakening, when a person is still on the border of sleep and reality, every morning it seems: “Dream! It was just a nightmare!” But the remnants of the dream quickly disappear, and the terrible reality becomes unbearable again.

Then other thoughts begin to come: “Why do I have cancer? Why me?"

Doctors suggested (and this is a widespread opinion) that serious illnesses are a consequence of poor ecology: tap water is unfit for drinking, most products in stores are unsuitable for consumption, and the air in large cities becomes impossible to breathe.

Then I remembered that I spent many years at airfields - civilian and military, where locators with strong high-frequency radiation worked nearby, which, as we know, has a very negative effect on health. But to the question: “Why me?” – there was no answer.

It became obvious that it was pointless to look for an answer in the material sphere. I remembered that a person consists not only of a bodily shell - in addition to the body, he has a soul. Further - more: it turns out that diseases of the body can be caused by damage to the soul.

It was the damage to the soul that led me to fatal disease– this was a comprehensive answer to the questions that tormented me. I began to understand that my incurable, fatal illness was God’s punishment for the sins I had committed. Of course, another question arose: “Do all sinners get seriously ill?”

It took time and spiritual effort to understand: of course not. But this does not prove anything and does not disprove anything: the ways of the Lord are inscrutable, and He sends to everyone what he deserves. Only for some - even during earthly life. However, many die without finding an answer to this question.

A year later there was a relapse, which again brought me back to the awareness of the approaching end. But there was an almost complete reconciliation with the terrible reality: the Lord sent me a wonderful confessor - an Orthodox monk, well-read, erudite, with two higher educations: the radiophysics department of the university and the theological academy. It was from his confessor - a real elder, the abbot of the monastery - that I heard the words that put everything in its place: “The illness was given to you not to cause death, but to strengthen your faith!”

That's how it is! It turns out that illness is not only retribution for sins, as is commonly believed.

What a joy it is to simply live!

Be amazed by the constant, annually repeated picture: in the fall, plants and trees die - and are resurrected, reborn in the spring. And this is not just a revival by the appearance of leaves, but the flowering and ripening of wonderful, tasty fruits on fruit trees, appearing, it seems, from nowhere.

Even the weeds in the garden beds testify to the miracle of God's presence on Earth. Why, for example, do cultivated plants require enormous effort to grow them, while weeds grow and multiply incredibly, even despite regular control of them? I asked this question to professional biologists. Long explanations followed: cultivated plants have undergone a very long selection and selection and supposedly therefore require increased attention and care. But you must admit that this can hardly be considered an exhaustive answer: why must selection necessarily be accompanied by weak viability?

But the real answer is very simple, and I found it on the first pages of the Bible. This is the parting word with which the Lord expelled sinners Adam and Eve from paradise: “He said to the woman: I will multiply your sorrow in your pregnancy; you will give birth to children in illness... And he said to Adam: ... cursed is the earth for your sake; you will eat from it in sorrow all the days of your life; She will bring forth thorns and thistles for you...” (Genesis 3: 16-18).

“Thorns and thistles” are precisely those weeds that, despite the efforts of all agricultural sciences - agrochemistry, agricultural technology and others - humanity was powerless to completely defeat, as well as to completely anesthetize childbirth.

For a believer, no proof of the existence of God is needed - He is always next to him. But this still needed to be achieved, but for now my engineering mind required scientific evidence. To my surprise, there were plenty of them...

On the probability of the impossible

It is on Earth that the atmosphere consists of a mixture of nitrogen and oxygen that is most comfortable for breathing for people and animals. And on the rest of the known planets, the atmosphere (if it exists at all) consists of gases that are destructive to humans. And why is it only on Earth that hydrogen oxide, so necessary for human life - well known to everyone as water - exists in abundance?

More than 200 parameters are known that are necessary to support life on our planet. And all these parameters must be present at all times. If even one of them is violated, all life on Earth will die. For example, if there were not a massive planet Jupiter near the Earth, which attracts asteroids, most of them would fall to the Earth with all the terrifying consequences.

To the questions: “Who adjusted the range of temperature and pressure on Earth with such precision; why are they present on Earth? favorable conditions for life?" – the materialist is unable to answer.

Until now, doctors do not know why the human heart beats. The heart is usually compared to a pump that pumps blood throughout the body. But any pump can only work when connected to it certain type energy, so pumps are, for example, electric, hydraulic, pneumatic. But the heart works without receiving any energy from the outside, on its own, which is absolutely contrary to the known laws of physics.

Why does a rain cloud, carrying tens and even thousands of tons of water, stay in the air?

And there are a great many such questions. But people, as a rule, do not wonder about them. And having asked himself, he certainly comes to the conclusion: it is much easier to believe that Someone created a set of these optimal conditions for human existence on Earth than to believe that they were created on their own, as a result of some incomprehensible process of self-improvement.

It is also difficult to believe in Darwin’s notorious theory of evolution, enthusiastically accepted by all “progressive humanity” in the second half of the 19th century. Over the 150 years of its existence, scientists around the world have not been able to find confirmation of this theory: not a single (!) skull or skeleton of great apes located on different stages

Darwin's theory is also refuted by a well-known physical law - the second law of thermodynamics. Its essence lies in the fact that in any closed system the level of entropy continuously increases. Entropy is a measure of destruction, a measure of chaos. In other words, if any closed system is not regulated from the outside, then it will only strive for destruction.

So it is with life on Earth: if the ideal system necessary to ensure human existence had not been created, it itself could not have appeared. Someone wise said: the probability of self-creation of living organisms and their development from the simplest forms to the highest - in the form of a person - is approximately the same as the self-assembly of an airplane from pieces of iron in a landfill as a result of a typhoon passing over it. Obviously, the probability of such an event is not just zero, it is negative.

Unfortunately, to think about it, look, be surprised and rejoice even at the most minor manifestations capable of life, alas, only a man who looked into the Abyss found himself on the brink of death. Moreover, what is scary is not so much and not only she herself, but the ephemerality, the illusory nature of the border that separates this human life from the Abyss.

After illness: a new challenge

With reverence and incredible gratitude, I knelt in the monastery, prayed, confessed and received communion almost every week. Gradually an understanding came of why and how exactly a person should live. It turned out that the Abyss is not at all a bottomless, terrible abyss that promises inevitable death. This is just a transition to another - eternal life. And the real Abyss is the sinful life that I led before my illness.

Of course, strengthening my faith did not add any holiness to me - as I sinned, I continued to sin, I couldn’t even quit smoking: they say, when you take off your head, you don’t cry over your hair.

The relapses of the fatal disease subsided, but two years later a new test came - severe pain in the legs appeared: it turns out that the hormones prescribed to me “ate” my hip joints. I found out that in such cases, operations are performed to replace joints with artificial ones, and again hope dawned. Alas, it quickly disappeared: surgeons in our city completely refused to perform such an operation and explained why: recurrence of oncology and “early instability” of the joint were possible, simply put, cracking femur at the junction with the metal artificial joint due to osteoporosis. And then - complete immobility, bedsores and a quick and final outcome.

The surgeon who consulted me limited himself to prescribing me... Canadian crutches. Impressions and news remained accessible only from the “box”. The surrounding space has shrunk to apartment size

, nature - up to the size of a summer cottage.

The unnoticed but great joys of life have become inaccessible. It became impossible to enjoy the past rain, walk through puddles, hear the creaking of freshly fallen snow underfoot, or enjoy the warmth of the sun. No swimming in the river, no sunbathing, no going mushroom picking or fishing. But that was not all: pain in

hip joints

At times there was no longer any strength left to endure the pain - my consciousness had little control over what was happening. There were times when I was ready to put my head in the belt loop attached to the sofa to make it easier to turn from side to side, just so that the pain would disappear. Moreover, I was persistently persuaded to do this, almost all night long, by some “black” man, invisible to the eye, but whose presence I felt nearby, on the edge of the bed, almost physically.

Suddenly, completely unexpectedly, as if a miracle happened by itself: the night pain disappeared, it became possible to do without tedious nightly injections.

But did this miracle happen by itself, or was it an accident? For a long time sleepless nights I thought about this until my thoughts formed into certain conclusions...

My hard-won conviction

I am sure that this happened due to my conversion to faith, but not only. I knew that my familiar priests were praying for me in Nizhny Novgorod. I knew that my believing friends and my doctor were praying for me in Moscow. I knew that my relatives were praying for me. He knew and believed. I pray too - every morning, every evening. Of course, they will object to me: many of the believers, having fallen ill with cancer or other serious illness, soon die, despite prayers. And this really happens, but a believer has nothing to be surprised at: “the ways of the Lord are mysterious.”

Faith helped me understand something else: what exactly should be the attitude towards death. What has been implanted in us for a long time and is already firmly rooted is what was imposed on us from the West: the main value is supposedly human life. This statement is the basis modern medicine, including ours – Russian. It is based on a materialistic idea: when a person dies, he supposedly disappears without a trace. Often loss loved one becomes a real disaster for his family and friends.

But a believer knows: the main value is not the body, but the soul of a person. When dying, a person does not disappear, but passes into another quality - lives in another life. And although the death of a person is the greatest misfortune, it no longer becomes a universal catastrophe for a believer and his loved ones. After all, the same fate will befall them sooner or later, and the fact that they will live another 5, 10, 20 years is not of particular value, although it sounds quite harsh.

Considering life to be the main value, wanting to be cured at any cost, some resort to terrible things: they inject stem cells taken from the flesh of babies killed in the womb of the mother, turn to sorcerers and other psychics, thereby further aggravating the illness of the soul and, naturally, the body. Ask any doctor what are the mortality statistics among, for example, cancer patients “treated” by witch doctors and “traditional healers”?

Miracle healings- a common occurrence. When talking about such cases, journalists often resort to pathetic expressions like: “The love of loved ones (wife, mother, children) saved so-and-so from death.” For all their expressiveness, such statements are nothing more than beautiful phrases, or rather, empty talk. Love itself cannot save anyone. Only love for God can save, and it can only become effective through prayer - this is another hard-won conviction of mine.

Do not despair!..

It may seem strange to many, but a true believer rejoices in his illness, seeing in it a means of saving his soul. A cancer An Orthodox Christian rejoices even more. The fact is that the worst thing for a believer Orthodox man is death without repentance and Holy Communion. Cancer is not a disease from which people die overnight: this disease does not require “ Ambulance» with flashing lights and sirens, unlike, for example, cardiovascular diseases.

Reflecting on my life, I came to a paradoxical conclusion: during my illness, I gained more than in the previous ten years of doing business - essentially a crazy pursuit of material wealth. Over the past thirteen years of illness, I have more or less provided housing for my children, built a house with a bathhouse, and enjoy communicating with two wonderful grandchildren. And also... he wrote several books on historical topics, memoirs, and a genealogical book. And I am writing these notes in the hope that they will help someone survive the most terrible moments associated with a serious illness.

And more and more often it seems to me that the Lord sent me illness and delayed my end precisely so that I could do exactly what I did during my illness. Or maybe the main thing in life was coming to faith? After all, while doing business, missing days at work, not seeing my children for weeks, I did not think about the hidden, spiritual side of life. All the time I was consumed by the pursuit of material wealth: income in the company, new flat, new car, dacha and so on - what a soul-saving experience!

Now I can confidently say that serious illnesses, including cancer, are not so terrible, but only for a person who firmly believes in God.

Firstly, the means of modern medicine make it possible to fight them quite successfully, especially at the initial stage of the disease, and faith helps to find the necessary severe treatment strength. Moreover, most oncologists now are believers.

Secondly, illnesses give a believer a rare opportunity to learn real, and not imaginary, life values ​​that will become the adornment of life.

Thirdly, the death of a believer ceases to be perceived as a universal catastrophe. Believing relatives and friends understand that this is a departure to another world, much more perfect and joyful than ours, and with the help of their prayers they can make this transition less painful.

So do not despair, my fellow sufferers (I don’t want to write “unfortunately”)! Remember: everything that is done by the Lord is done not to harm, but for the benefit of man, and our task is simply to realize this in time! Health and happiness to you!

But I still quit smoking – exactly two years ago.

I smoked for 36 years and, like all smokers, I tried to quit - repeatedly and unsuccessfully. And yet I did it!

I won’t describe how difficult it was: smokers already know this, but non-smokers won’t understand. And I quit smoking not because it is harmful to my health - it cannot be improved. This happened after I read on the Pravoslavie.ru website an article by Father Job (Gumerov) on this topic, which revealed to me all the harmfulness, all the sinfulness of this vile habit.

I imagined myself standing in front of the Supreme Court in a terrible state - completely reeking of smoke, this “satanic potion.” I imagined how they would ask me: “Why did you smoke, because you knew that it was a great sin?”

Ecology of Health: Doctors told Danny Mac Donald, who lives in Ireland, that he had stomach cancer and would probably not live more than 3 months... He decided to ignore their advice and refused treatment with chemotherapy and began to save his life with natural, natural means.

Four years later, Danny feels great thanks to incorporating this healing drink into his diet every day!

Take care of yourself, use natural remedies! BEING HEALTHY IS EASY - JUST WANTING IT IS ENOUGH!

Danny became aware of his condition during an ulcer flare-up, after he was rushed to hospital, where doctors fought to stop the bleeding and thus discovered that Danny actually had severe form cancer in terminal stage and that the cancer has metastasized throughout the body.

They warned him that the only way to save himself from cancer was to start urgent treatment with chemotherapy and radiation.

Unlike most people, Danny decided to explore other treatments. He later informed his doctors that he had decided to home treatment, which includes sprouted wheat and juice from the stems of this plant.

How did he cure his cancer?

“I stopped using the pills and from that day until now I have not taken any pills. Within a month, the pain was gone and I knew I was on the road to recovery. The wheat treatment worked for me. I accepted correct solution about refusal of treatment with chemotherapy and radiation.” - Danny said.

I started with 28 ml of wheat juice per day. Danny has successfully beaten cancer and his case is living proof of the regenerative power of young wheatgrass.

This is a young wheat green, I cut it when it was 15 to 20 cm tall in order to optimally use its medicinal substances.

When grown in good conditions, young wheat contains between 82 and 92 minerals present in the ground, and it is estimated that one teaspoon of young wheat powder (3 grams) contains the same amount as 450 grams of organic fruits and vegetables.

Treatment begins with 3 grams of young wheat powder per day, and then gradually increases the dose to 6 grams per day.

Once the wheat is harvested, it must be dried, and finally ground into a powder. It should be dissolved in warm water and consume. The water should not be hot, because if it is hot, some of the nutrients may be destroyed.

You can also use Fresh Juice from young green wheat.

Modern research has shown that wheatgrass juice is simply unique natural spring health.

It contains proteins, carbohydrates, phosphorus, potassium, magnesium, calcium, iron, vanadium, etc., plus all known vitamins, and in large quantities.

This might interest you:

For example, there is seven times more vitamin C here than in oranges, five times more iron than in spinach, ten times more calcium and protein than in milk. In addition, sprout juice is rich in enzymes, amino acids and has a complete set of proteins. But this is not the only important thing.

Wheat sprouts juice contains such a truly invaluable substance as chlorophyll. published

Remember, self-medication is life-threatening, seek advice regarding the use of any medicines consult a doctor.