Use of aspen bark for medicinal purposes. The healing properties of aspen bark for the human body

Aspen bark has long been used as protection against black magic and evil spirits. Aspen stake was considered the most reliable means from vampires. IN modern times aspen bark is not actively used as a protective weapon against dark forces, but as an effective medicine for many diseases.

However, you need to know how to properly collect and prepare aspen bark. Only in this case will she be able to provide the required healing effect. Also, do not forget about contraindications and restrictions on use. natural healer.

Composition and nutrients

The bark is rich in useful substances. It includes:

  • salicin;
  • semiline;
  • sucrose;
  • glucose;
  • fructose;
  • micro- and macroelements;
  • tannins;
  • resinous substances;
  • phenoglycosides;
  • acids (benzoic, ascorbic, malic).

Aspen in nature

Experts note that the composition of aspen bark is very similar to the components that make up the base of Aspirin tablets. Interesting fact is that it was aspen bark that was originally used in the production of Aspirin.

Indications for use

Aspen bark can be used in the treatment of the following pathologies and diseases:

Aspen bark can be a powerful aid in the fight against disease. But it is important to remember that you should not rely only on traditional medicine. It is impossible to cure oncology or diabetes mellitus using exclusively natural infusions and decoctions!

Healing properties, medicinal effect

The bark has a powerful therapeutic effect. Although traditional medicine does not recognize the use of a natural healer in the treatment of certain pathologies; in terms of its action, the bark can seriously compete with many expensive drugs.

The natural healer has the following effects:

  • choleretic;
  • antioxidant;
  • antipyretic;
  • antibacterial;
  • anti-inflammatory;
  • astringent;
  • wound healing;
  • restorative;
  • painkiller.

Aspen bark

How to assemble correctly

In order for the bark to have a beneficial effect on the body, it must first of all be used correctly and in right time collect. Bark should only be removed from young trees! The bark of perennial, old aspen significantly loses its healing properties.

The ideal time to collect bark is from late March to mid-June. It is recommended to choose trees growing in an environmentally friendly area. The thickness of the bark is at least 5 mm.

Bark collection

After collecting, the bark needs to be cut into small pieces and dried. Drying should be done either in a dark place or in an oven. After the main healing ingredient has been prepared, you can begin to create medicinal products. Decoctions, ointments and tinctures are prepared based on aspen bark.

Dried bark can be stored for 1–2 years in linen bags. Storage location: dry, dark, not damp.

How to cook it properly

Detailed instructions for preparing medicinal products based on aspen bark:

  1. Decoction. Grind the bark as finely as possible, pour into a saucepan, add water. For 100 grams of crushed bark you will need 500 ml of water. Cook over low heat for half an hour. After this, remove from heat and leave for 6-7 hours.

If it is not possible to use a fresh product, it can be purchased at a pharmacy. In this case, preparing the decoction is much simpler - you need to pour boiling water over the pharmaceutical bark and leave for no more than 10 minutes.

  1. Tincture. To prepare the infusion you will need 500 grams of aspen bark. It must be well dried! Pour into a saucepan or glass jar, add vodka (500 ml). Place the dishes in a dark, cool place. Infuse for a week.
  2. Ointment. To prepare the ointment, you will need ash obtained from burning aspen bark (10 g). It is mixed with rich baby cream or lard(50 g). Next, the two ingredients are mixed until smooth.

After receiving the aspen ointment, the mixture must be placed in an airtight container. Keep refrigerated.

  1. Kvass. Pour crushed aspen bark into a three-liter jar. Half the jar should be filled. Add 200 grams of granulated sugar, 30 grams of medium fat sour cream. When all the ingredients have been added to the jar, fill it warm water to the top. Close tightly and leave in a dark, cool place for two weeks. During this time, the fermentation process occurs.

Easy-to-prepare traditional medicine will allow you to quickly and safely cope with a whole range of pathologies and diseases.

Instructions for use

Prepared medications must be taken correctly. Tips for the proper use of aspen ointment, infusion and decoction, as well as kvass:

  1. Decoction. It is recommended to drink it on an empty stomach. Optimal dosage– 50 g 4 times a day. Decoction in specified dosage suitable for the treatment of pathologies such as diabetes, gout, cystitis. For joint pain, you need to drink 20–25 grams once a day for a long time (up to 6 months).

The decoction can also be used as a lotion. To do this, you need to soak a cotton pad in the broth, then treat the problem area. Such lotions will help get rid of eczema, boils, tears on the skin and wounds.

The tincture is also used as an anti-inflammatory, antibacterial, and antispasmodic agent. Dosage – 25 drops three times a day.

  1. Ointment. Aspen ointment is effective in treating any skin diseases. The product is applied in a small amount to the problem area and rubbed into the skin with gentle massaging movements. The procedure is repeated twice a day.
  2. Kvass. You need to drink kvass for 2–3 months, 200 ml daily three times a day. Healing kvass is effective in the treatment of diabetes, colds, viral diseases, sore throat, urolithiasis.

The benefits of products based on aspen bark are invaluable! Properly prepared decoctions, infusions, and ointments will help cope with many diseases, ranging from the common cold to cancer. The main thing is to apply them according to the specified recommendations. Do not forget that more and more often does not mean better. Any medicine must be strictly dosed.

Aspen decoction is very loved by women, since even experienced cosmetologists recommend using it in home care for the skin. Just mix a small amount of the decoction with a cream, lotion or cosmetic mask. This combination will make the skin soft, smooth, velvety, clear acne, blackheads, blackheads, give firmness and elasticity.

Restrictions and contraindications

Any drug used in the treatment of certain diseases has restrictions on use and categorical contraindications. This also applies to products based on aspen bark.

If you wish, use healing properties aspens in mandatory You should consult a specialist. Self-medication is strictly unacceptable! You may also need complex treatment, combined with medications.

It is worth noting that the bark, properly collected and prepared, is well tolerated by the body. The main contraindication is the individual immunity of the body to the components of the cortex. But there are also limitations and special instructions, which you need to pay attention to before starting treatment:

  1. It is not recommended to take infusion and decoction for constipation (the astringent effect of the bark may adversely affect the problem).
  2. When using medicines based on aspen bark, you should refrain from consuming animal products, as well as spices, spicy and salty foods.
  3. Excessively long-term use medicinal products on aspen bark can negatively affect the intestinal microflora. The result is dysbacteriosis. To prevent its appearance, you should not take decoctions, kvass and tinctures for longer three months. If it is necessary to continue the therapeutic course, you need to take a break (at least 2 weeks). After this, you can resume taking home remedies.

During pregnancy and breastfeeding, you should refrain from ingesting decoctions, tinctures, and kvass. Aspen ointment can be used only after consultation with a specialist. Children are allowed to use decoction, kvass and ointment as prescribed by a doctor.

Aspen bark is a valuable natural gift. If you use it correctly, you can independently obtain strong and effective means for treatment serious illnesses. But they should only be used after consulting with your doctor.

Our ancestors used the gifts of nature one hundred percent. They were used for food, used in everyday life, and medicines for a variety of diseases were prepared on their basis. In this case, everything was used - leaves of plants, their flowers and fruits, as well as roots and bark. Today, the popularity of natural medicines is again gaining momentum, and the effectiveness of the developments of our ancestors is confirmed by research. Let's talk on the about how aspen bark can benefit our health, its use in folk medicine what does it help with?

What does aspen bark help with?

Aspen bark has long been used by humans for therapeutic purposes, mainly due to its ability to have an astringent and hemostatic effect. This natural substance is a source of polyulin, salicin and tannin elements in significant quantities. Scientists also came to the conclusion that the bark contains a substance that, in its composition, can become a good substitute for aspirin.

Medicines based on aspen bark are used by traditional medicine specialists to treat many ailments. Such compositions effectively eliminate diseases Bladder represented by cystitis, urinary incontinence and other disorders. Also, preparations from such plant raw materials quite effectively treat problems in the functioning of the stomach or intestines and help eliminate hemorrhoids. Aspen bark is used in the treatment of prostate hypertrophy; it is recommended to use it to eliminate cough, increase appetite and reduce fever.

Our ancestors actively used aspen bark to eliminate joint ailments, rheumatism and salt deposits. In addition, such plant raw materials were used to treat gastritis, they treated syphilis and even oncological diseases.

Most often, aspen bark was used to treat a variety of skin diseases, including lichen and skin tuberculosis. In addition, drugs based on it were given to patients at the most different types acute respiratory infections and acute respiratory viral infections.

Aspen bark can be used to prepare an ointment. It is applied externally for successful healing of ulcerative lesions, deep wounds And severe bruises.

It is believed that preparations based on such plant materials help cure pancreatitis, dyspepsia and diarrhea.

Aspen bark in folk medicine

Aspen bark at diabetes mellitus

Aspen bark was actively used for the treatment of diabetes mellitus. Aspen bark is especially effective for diabetes at the most early stages development of the disease. To prepare such a medicine, you need to combine one tablespoon of crushed bark with four hundred milliliters of boiling water. Place the container with this composition in a water bath and soak for half an hour. Strain the prepared medicine and take half a glass three times a day immediately before meals. The duration of such treatment is three months.

Aspen bark for prostate adenoma

For the treatment of prostate adenoma, you can prepare an alcohol tincture based on aspen bark. For this purpose, you should remove the bark from young thin branches and grind it to a powder. Plant raw materials are harvested in early spring. Combine a tablespoon of crushed bark with one hundred milliliters of vodka and place it in a dark place to infuse. After two weeks, the medicine can be considered ready; it should be taken a teaspoon three times a day immediately before meals.

Also, for prostate adenoma, you can take a decoction based on aspen bark. In this case, it is worth brewing one hundred grams of dried plant material with one liter of just boiled water. Keep the resulting mixture on low heat for a quarter of an hour. The prepared broth should be cooled and strained. Take it in the amount of one glass once a day. This remedy will also help eliminate diarrhea, cure gastritis, normalize gastrointestinal functions and improve appetite. Experts say that a decoction based on aspen bark also has analgesic properties.

Contraindications for aspen bark

Aspen bark can cause harm to the human body when individual intolerance, dysbacteriosis and gastrointestinal pathologies in acute form. In addition, it is worth considering that it is better not to give medications based on it to small children and women carrying a child or carrying out breast-feeding.

In general, aspen bark is a fairly affordable medicine that can help a person with many pathological conditions.

Common aspen Belongs to the Willow family, Poplar genus. An adult tree reaches a height of 35 meters, and at favorable conditions Its lifespan ranges from 90 to 150 years.

Aspen grows in temperate and cold climate zones, closer to wetlands, near river banks, and in clearings. The tree bark has the most healing properties in the spring, during sap flow.

It is necessary to collect raw materials in places remote from highways and industrial facilities. The bark is dried, crushed and used as a material for making medicinal decoctions(tinctures) and medications.


Aspen bark: contraindications

Contraindications to aspen bark are associated with astringent tanning components and biologically active components.

  • If you are prone to constipation
  • During pregnancy and lactation
  • For dysbacteriosis, gastric pathologies
  • If there is an individual intolerance to the components of the bark

In other cases, no contraindications to aspen bark have been identified.

Many people are put off by the unpleasant taste of aspen bark decoctions - they have a pronounced bitterness and an astringent aftertaste. In case of overdose, gastric upsets, nausea, and vomiting are possible.


The healing properties of aspen bark

Thanks to extensive chemical composition, the rich medicinal properties of aspen bark have been revealed.

The raw material contains salicyl, an analogue of aspirin in natural form. This component provides an anti-inflammatory and antipyretic effect.

Also, preparations based on aspen bark are famous for their antimicrobial, anthelmintic and antitussive effects.

Medicinal properties Aspen bark is due to the inclusion of useful components, the harm of which to the body is absolutely excluded:

Organic acids– involved in all vital processes of body systems. They remove carcinogens and toxic substances and normalize metabolism.

Glycosides – source of data useful substances is an exclusively natural environment; there are no synthetic analogues. Positively influence cardiovascular system, have soothing, diuretic and disinfectant properties.

Fatty acids - strengthen the walls of blood vessels, have a positive effect on blood circulation, hematopoiesis, and prevent strokes.

Tannins– eliminate digestive diseases, heal burns, improve blood quality.

Vitamin C – normalizes the course of reduction and oxidation processes in the body, removes toxins, and maintains normal blood coagulation.

Carotene – reduces the risk of cancer pathologies, supports skeletal system, visual functions, increases immunity.

Preparations based on aspen bark are used in the treatment of diabetes mellitus, kidney diseases, tuberculosis, urinary tract inflammation, bronchial asthma. The medicinal properties of aspen bark are effective in the treatment of digestive diseases and digestive organs, with sore throat, dental disorders.

Decoctions based on this raw material prevent the occurrence of genitourinary diseases, relieve prostatitis, prostate adenoma, increase sexual desire and potency.

Tincture of aspen bark

The recipe for a general strengthening tincture made from aspen bark will be useful for those who intend to increase immunity, get rid of rheumatism, arthrosis, joint pain, and prostatitis.

To prepare the alcohol tincture you will need:

  • 200 g dry aspen bark
  • 500 ml pure vodka

The crushed raw materials are placed in a glass container (preferably dark in color), filled with vodka and kept in a dark cabinet (basement) for 2 weeks. The mixture needs to be shaken periodically. Take 20-25 drops three times before meals, diluting the tincture with 1 tablespoon of water.

How to brew aspen bark

If the contraindications of aspen bark do not concern you, and you do not want to take an alcohol tincture, you can prepare a decoction from the raw material.

Exists universal recipe decoction for internal use:

  1. A tablespoon of dry aspen bark is poured into 1 cup of peeled cold water
  2. Bring the mixture to a boil and cook at minimum power for 3-4 minutes.
  3. The decoction is infused for an hour
  4. The resulting mixture is filtered
  5. Drink 1/2 glass before meals, preferably 3 times a day

The frequency and duration of treatment is determined individually

How to drink aspen bark

Depending on the form of the disease, tinctures or decoctions of aspen bark are used in different concentrations. The benefits and harms of preparations based on aspen bark should be carefully studied, especially when used for the first time.

Preparations based on aspen bark are mainly used in the treatment of the following diseases:

Diabetes: infused water decoction is taken 3 tablespoons 45 minutes to 1 hour before meals. Full course treatment is 2 months with a 30-day break.

Fever, inflammation, bronchitis, sore throat: Take a tablespoon of aspen bark decoction before meals.

Prostatitis: saturated alcohol tincture in the amount of 1 teaspoon is taken 3 times a day.

Gastritis: cooled decoction is taken one tablespoon throughout the day.

Tuberculosis: a decoction of aspen bark is infused in a thermos, divided into 2 parts and the first portion is drunk in the morning, the second at night.

The well-known aspen occupies a worthy place in folklore and beliefs. They treated it with superstitious fear and at the same time considered it an effective weapon against all evil spirits. The latter opinion is not without foundation, since this tree can successfully treat many dangerous diseases. Buds, leaves, branches and bark contain a lot of biologically active substances, promoting the health of the body, and have long been used in ancient and folk medical recipes.

Common aspen has many folk names. Most of the alternative names are associated with tree leaves trembling in the slightest breeze: whispering tree, shaking tree, and trembling poplar. Many legends and biblical retellings are associated with it, which is why the plant is also called the “Judas tree.”

Biological characteristics

Aspen belongs to the deciduous trees of the poplar family. The plant reaches a maximum height of 35 meters, but specimens of 3-4 meters are most often found. The bark is light green in color, but over time it darkens and becomes cracked. Round or diamond-shaped leaves are located on long petioles. Small and inconspicuous flowers are collected in inflorescences in the form of earrings.

The tree is not picky about soil and climatic conditions, therefore widespread in forest and forest-steppe zones. It is found both in mixed plantings and pure aspen forests.

Chemical composition

Beneficial features plants:

  • Leaves contain large group carbohydrates, vitamins, including ascorbic acid and beta-carotene, tannins, anthocyanins, glycosides, primarily salicin.
  • The buds are rich in resins, enzymes, essential oils, minerals, triglycerides, and waxes.
  • The bark is rich in tannins, glycosides, pectin, contains sterols and lignans, which are classified as oncoprotectors, as well as a whole range of useful microelements. The most important of them are iron, cobalt, zinc, and molybdenum.
  • Almost all useful ingredients, although in lower concentrations, are contained in the sap of this tree.

The following substances were found in the composition: iron, zinc, copper, cobalt, nickel, molybdenum and bromine. In addition, carbohydrates, glycosides, tannins, salicin, populin, essential oil, tremulacin, fatty and organic acids. Many of the medicinal properties of aspen are explained by the presence of natural analogue aspirin.

How to be treated correctly

Directions for use:

  1. The largest number of therapeutic agents from various diseases include the bark, mainly in the form of a decoction or infusion.
  2. The extract is sold as a dietary supplement; it is recommended to be used as a sedative and antispasmodic, as well as to improve immunity and prevent cancer.
  3. The buds are included in various preparations, from which a tincture is prepared.
  4. The leaves are used as a decoction or hot compress for skin diseases, hemorrhoids, mastopathy, diseased joints.
  5. The sap is extracted in the spring from places where these trees grow in large numbers and is preserved with alcohol; This is a rather rare drug.
  6. Traditional practice for the treatment of skin diseases and open wounds applies ointments based on pork fat and powdered bark or ash from aspen firewood.

It should be noted that the plant is absolutely harmless and can be used without fear by pregnant women and children. Cases of individual intolerance are extremely rare. Typically, the course of treatment chronic diseases is three weeks, after which it is recommended to take at least a week break.

Decoction recipes

The basic recipe for the decoction is very simple to prepare: boil a tablespoon of dry crushed raw materials and a glass of water (cold) over low heat for 10 minutes, then filter after cooling.

The decoction has a bitter taste, but there is no need to sweeten it. There are several regimens for taking this drug. Most often it is drunk a day in three to four doses before meals. This is how they treat gastrointestinal diseases, hemorrhoids, cystitis, febrile conditions, liver problems. The warm drink is used to rinse the mouth for toothache, and is used as a lotion for sore joints. For diabetes mellitus, it is recommended to drink the entire product on an empty stomach before breakfast.

When treating prostate adenoma, prepare a decoction of three tablespoons of bark per glass of boiling water, which is boiled over low heat for 15 minutes. This amount is for three doses per day.

Infusion of bark

Has less bitter taste and good effectiveness water infusion bark. To prepare it, one part of the freshly harvested workpiece is crushed and poured with three parts of cold water, after which it is left for 10 hours. This drug is taken in the morning on an empty stomach, 100-200 g.

When fighting adenoma, you can also use dry crushed bark with water (a third of a teaspoon daily).

Aspen kvass

To prepare it, fill a three-liter glass container halfway with aspen bark, add sugar (1 cup) and fresh sour cream (a teaspoon). Kvass should ferment in a warm place for two weeks.

It is taken two or three glasses a day, while the jar is constantly added with liquid to the original volume and a teaspoon of sugar. The course of taking kvass can be two to three months.

Alcohol tinctures

Alcohol tinctures are convenient to prepare and use. They are used internally for the treatment of arthrosis, rheumatism, gout, prostatitis, and externally for skin diseases, toothache, and joint pain.

The most common recipe uses half a glass of crushed bark, which is infused for a week in half a liter of vodka (without access to light). A tablespoon of the finished product is taken three times a day.

To treat prostatitis, it is recommended to prepare tinctures in a different way. 100 g of dry raw materials are ground into powder using a coffee grinder, then poured with a glass of vodka. The mixture is shaken and left in the dark for two weeks. Take 20 drops three times a day, in water.

Recipe against worms

To remove helminths and get rid of giardiasis and opisthorchiasis, more concentrated preparations are used: a decoction of 50 g of raw materials and half a liter of cold water, which should simmer over low heat for ten minutes after boiling, then infuse for three hours in a tightly wrapped container.

It is taken before meals, 2 sips, no more than five times a day.

Tinctures and infusions from buds

Complex recipes

The combination of different ingredients has a stronger and complex impact on the body than each component alone. There are many specialized recipes that include several parts of the plant. These include:

  1. A decoction for the treatment of adenoma from aspen buds, burdock roots, birch leaves and hazel shells (crushed). A teaspoon of the mixture is poured into half a liter of boiled water and boiled for 15 minutes over low heat. Drink a glass of this decoction a day in two doses, half an hour before meals.
  2. For prostatitis and prostate adenoma, a mixture of 100 g of aspen bark, 100 g of galangal root and 200 g of cinquefoil root is recommended. This amount is calculated for 3 liters of vodka, the infusion time is three weeks. The strained drug is taken three times a day, one tablespoon (before meals). The period of admission is a month, after which a break of ten days is required. A total of three courses are conducted in a row. This tincture is also effective for joint diseases.
  3. For jade, a decoction of a mixture of crushed young aspen branches, bark and leaves helps. A tablespoon of raw material is boiled in a glass of water for ten minutes. A single dose is half a glass. You need to drink 400 ml per day. The duration of treatment is three weeks or a month, after which they take a break for ten days and repeat if necessary.
  4. The method of treating hemorrhoids is also effective. The steamed leaves should be applied to the cones for two hours, then take an hour break and repeat the manipulation again. This procedure is carried out every other day for a week, and it is good to combine it with taking aspen preparations orally. Fresh mashed leaves are applied to sore joints, abscesses, and burns.

Collection and storage rules

Medicinal raw materials are collected in early spring at the beginning of the sap flow period. When the buds just begin to swell, the light green, smooth bark contains a maximum of useful substances. Vertical cuts are made on the tree, preferably on the north side, and the top layer of wood is removed in narrow strips. Then it is ground in a meat grinder or by hand and dried in a shady place. When the workpiece has dried, it can be crushed again and folded into paper packaging. To preserve the properties of raw materials, they must be protected from moisture.


Long-term use of aspen-based medications can lead to constipation. It is not advisable to use the bark during pregnancy., since there is no reliable data on its effect on the fetus. Treatment should not be given to breastfeeding women and children under 4 years of age.

Not everyone knows that antibiotics known to everyone today, modern antirheumatic, analgesic and antipyretic drugs of synthetic origin are derivatives of the active substances of aspen. In this article we will consider several issues: description of the tree, beneficial properties of aspen bark, its use in traditional and folk medicine, contraindications.

Description of the tree

Aspen is a tree with a fairly tall trunk up to 35 meters, while its diameter reaches 1 meter.

This plant has leaves round shape with fairly large teeth along the very edge. Due to the roots being flattened and long in the middle, the leaves of the plant begin to tremble when the wind blows slightly.

Aspen is a dioecious tree, due to which entire pieces of stands can be made up of female or male individuals. Wherein male flowers have earrings of red or Pink colour, and women's - green.

This is a fast-growing breed, growing up to 20 meters in 40 years. But aspen is not particularly durable; it lives up to a maximum of 90 years (sometimes the age of the plant reaches 150 years).

Exist different kinds trees of this species, which differ in the structure of the bark and color, the period of leaf bloom, as well as other characteristics. Although in traditional medicine it is ordinary aspen that is used.

Places of growth

Aspen is rightfully considered one of the most important forest-forming species in our country. It grows in its European part, in the Far East and Siberia.

Collection and storage

Aspen bark is collected from the moment sap flow begins - from April to the end of May. At the same time, it is collected from young trees whose bark thickness is 8 mm.

It is assembled using a sharp knife, which is used to make an incision around the trunk. Then, after a thirty-centimeter segment, a further incision is made, and through another segment of the same length - the next one. Then a vertical cut should be made on each tube, and then the bark should be removed. At the same time, it is undesirable to plan it from tree trunks (otherwise the wood will come off along with the bark, and this will reduce its medicinal qualities). The bark can be removed from the trunk of the plant, as well as from thin branches.

The bark is always dried under a canopy or using a stove or oven, first cut into small pieces 4 cm long (in the oven the temperature should be no more than 60 degrees). If raw materials are dried in a room, it must be properly ventilated.

Aspen in traditional medicine

Aspen buds, bark, shoots and leaves are very common medicines, which have proven themselves in the treatment of various diseases, including opisthorchiasis and helminthiasis.

The healing properties of aspen bark are used for diseases of the bladder (it is especially useful for older people, since it does not have any side effects and is well tolerated by the body), for cystitis, gastrointestinal diseases, urinary incontinence, rheumatism, prostatitis, hemorrhoids and gout. Aspen preparations are used externally for difficult-to-heal wounds, burns and ulcers.

In addition, traditional medicine uses aspen everywhere as a remedy that increases appetite, eliminates pain syndrome, relieves fever.

Benefits of bark

Aspen bark, the medicinal properties of which are described in detail in this article, contains a huge amount of carbohydrates and tannins, due to which this plant is used as a good antimicrobial agent.

The core of the tree has an anti-inflammatory effect, therefore, it is used in the manufacture of effective and complex ointments, accelerating the healing process of burns, ulcers and wounds and relieving inflammation.

Aspen leaves and buds are used in the manufacture of medicinal antitussives, which dilute mucus, thereby accelerating its removal from the bronchi, in addition, relieving cough.

The point that deserves special attention is that for many centuries people have been using aspen buds to produce propolis, which is actively used in the treatment of various diseases. Propolis is also used in cosmetology: for example, creams with it have a rejuvenating, moisturizing and soothing effect.


Freshly crushed aspen leaves are used as compresses and poultices for gout, rheumatism, and hemorrhoids. To do this, a couple of spoons of the raw material are steamed, wrapped in gauze, and then applied to the diseased areas of the body. Such poultices will also alleviate arthrosis and arthritis by reducing or eliminating joint pain.

The leaves of the plant accelerate the healing of wounds, ulcers and weeping eczema.


Aspen bark (its medicinal properties are described in this article) has found application in the treatment of the following pathologies:

  • hernia;
  • scurvy;
  • gastrointestinal diseases;
  • feverish conditions;
  • hypertrophy prostate gland;
  • sciatica;
  • neuralgia;
  • syphilis;
  • bladder diseases;
  • radiculitis.

45 g of raw material must be boiled in 0.5 liters of water, evaporating to ½ of the original volume. Then the broth is filtered, then granulated sugar or honey is added to it for taste. Use a decoction of 80 ml, three times a day.

Pounded aspen buds mixed with vegetable or butter, are used in the form of an ointment to heal bruises and wounds, in addition, for inflammation during all kinds of diseases skin.

Aspen buds

Infusion from the kidneys is also used as an effective external remedy that can soften hemorrhoids, in addition, relieve pain from gout and arthritis.


The healing properties of aspen bark and its leaves are manifested in alcohol tincture, used in the form of drops for gastrointestinal diseases, painful urination, bladder diseases in the chronic and acute stages, hemorrhoids.


Aspen root, ground into a fine powder and mixed with butter or petroleum jelly in a ratio of 1:4, is used for rubbing joints for arthritis, gout, and rheumatism.


The healing properties of aspen bark can cure lichen and get rid of warts. To extract the juice, it is necessary to take a log of this tree, which is slightly warmed up in the oven or in a fire (it is during heating that the aspen produces a slightly foaming juice, which is used to lubricate warts before going to bed). You need to wash your hands in the morning. This procedure is repeated for 2-3 nights in a row.

Treatment of diseases

The healing properties of aspen bark allow you to heal from the following list of diseases:

The healing properties of aspen bark make it possible to cure dysentery, gastritis, hemorrhoids and cystitis. The tincture is prepared from a ratio of 1:10 (ten parts of alcohol are taken for 1 part of medicinal raw materials, the raw materials are infused in it for 4 days, after which it is filtered). This infusion is taken three times a day, a teaspoon.


For gout, arthritis, bladder inflammation, hemorrhoids, painful or involuntary urination, the healing properties of aspen bark can also be useful.

A decoction of the plant's bark is also prescribed for diarrhea, dyspepsia and gastritis. In addition, it can normalize the functioning digestive tract and improve appetite. The decoction should be used in the treatment of malaria and fever.

A spoonful of dry raw materials should be poured with a glass of water and put on fire. The resulting product is boiled for 10 minutes, after which it is infused for another 20 minutes. The decoction is then filtered and completely drunk in 3 uses.


This form of aspen preparations is used for prostate enlargement and for fever as an antipyretic. In addition, decoctions and infusions from the plant are indicated as external or internal remedy for the diseases listed above.


The benefits of aspen bark, prepared in the form of an extract, are manifested by the following spectrum of action:

  • in case of allergies, immunodeficiencies, anemia of various origins, it normalizes the process of hematopoiesis;
  • increases immunity;
  • strengthens the nervous system;
  • normalizes sleep.

The oncoprotective effect of the extract was also revealed. Pharmaceutical drug Take 10 drops three times a day.

How to brew the bark?

The bark can be infused or brewed, in which case you can use a pharmacy version of the product, or you can prepare it yourself. In this case, the pharmaceutical version is brewed like tea within a few minutes.


Preparations containing aspen bark are used, mainly on an empty stomach. The dosage regimen and dosage depend on the disease, as well as its severity. In this case, to determine the dosage, it is advisable to consult a doctor who will select for you best option applications.


Is aspen bark recommended for everyone? The medicinal properties and contraindications for this product are very different. We have already dealt with the first point, it’s time to talk about the second. Plant preparations are very easily tolerated, although before using them you should consult a doctor regarding the duration of the course of treatment and dosage.

When taking preparations from aspen bark, you need to remember that infusions and decoctions from the buds have a pronounced astringent effect, therefore, it is undesirable to use them for long-standing intestinal diseases accompanied by constipation. In addition, aspen should be taken with caution in case of dysbacteriosis.

Aspen bark: medicinal properties, reviews

Based on reviews, it becomes clear that aspen bark is an excellent remedy from a wide variety of diseases. Thus, people suffering from kidney diseases say that after a course of drinking a decoction from this plant, their well-being significantly improves and kidney function is restored. Others note that preparations from the bark help normalize digestion and cope with gastrointestinal diseases.