What can a hookah light be made from? Hookah lamp

What could be better than enjoying hookah smoking with a stunningly beautiful bulb? Hookah lighting will allow you not only to enjoy the fragrant puffs of smoke, but also to admire the play of light. Bubbling water with ice in a flask can create a stunning look in the right lighting. It’s not difficult to bring this idea to life even with your own hands - let’s figure out how to do it.

The hookah bulb itself has an interesting shape, and the bubbling water inside shimmers especially charmingly. In ancient times, sultans appreciated the beauty of hookahs and hired artists to paint bright patterns. However, modern technologies make it possible to create especially beautiful patterns, thanks to LED flashlights. In this case, you can use any light from the color palette or turn on everything one by one depending on the situation and mood.

How to make a backlight for a hookah

The best solution for creating hookah lighting is buy a hookah with built-in lighting function. It differs from others in that at the bottom of the flask there is space for installing additional equipment. Simple enough buy LED backlight in the form of tablets, of which there are currently a large number.

Some options can produce almost any color and intensity, which adds variety to the smoking process. However, more complex lanterns come with a remote control so you can change the color with one click. By the way, remote control is often not limited to changing colors: there are functions for setting the iridescence of colors or their different flickering frequencies. In general, there are a lot of options - just install the backlight and put the bulb on it.

Keep in mind that if your flask has any color, especially if it is quite dark, then the expected effect may not occur. This is due to the fact that the color of the flask may not allow the glow to pass through and you will not really see anything. It is recommended to install the backlight on a transparent bulb or strip it of paint so that the effect of the backlight is as expected. However, it’s always worth experimenting - it definitely won’t get any worse. The painted flask will become much more beautiful, even emitting a soft glow and will become the object of your attention.

However, if you don’t want to change the flask or simply don’t want to spend your money on it, you can always make a hookah light with your own hands.

How to make a hookah light with your own hands

In order to do DIY hookah lighting Not much is required. In any case, it will be more profitable than buying an equipped flask. You must have with you:

  • solvent (if you want to clean the flask from paint);
  • RGB backlight;
  • stand (a regular cork stand will do).

Once everything is prepared, be patient. It will take about 1.5 hours to create a hookah light at home.

Cleaning the flask from paint

If you are satisfied with the flask and don’t want to remove the paint, you can skip this step. The rest need to prepare a solvent and rubber gloves. If you haven’t found a solvent, then acetone will do just fine. First of all, find medical or household rubber gloves, as prolonged contact of solvent with skin can cause chemical burns. When using medical gloves, wear several pairs, as the solvent corrodes them quite quickly.

And so, generously apply solvent or acetone to the flask and let stand for 10 minutes. After this, clean the flask of paint with a rag. Even though the solvent has done its job, you will have to work a little to remove the paint completely.

Preparing the stand

Take the stand you want to use and the LED flashlight. Place the flashlight in the center of the stand and mark its edges. Cut a hole for the flashlight using a knife - cut it with a margin so that the flashlight can be installed without any problems. Remember that the stand must be higher than the flashlight, otherwise the bulb will not stand level.

Installation of LED lighting for hookah

All that remains is to connect the stand to the hookah. Insert the LED flashlight into the stand and place the hookah on the base. Now you can enjoy the result of your work and smoke a hookah, admiring the shimmering lights!

For best stability, silicone should be used to prevent the flask from possibly sliding on the stand. You can apply silicone evenly on the stand or just buy a silicone stand - there should be no problems with this. The cost of a homemade hookah light will be no more than 500 rubles, which is much cheaper than buying a special hookah bulb.

A hookah with lighting, such as the Fabula Temple 45, is stylish and unusual; such a device always creates a unique atmosphere in the room. At the same time, the purchase of lighting of all types - from light bulbs to candles - requires additional costs. That is why many smoke lovers prefer to make a luminous device with their own hands. This requires only a few available tools and materials, and the process itself will not take much time. Below we will describe in detail how you can make a hookah light at home.

We will need:

  • Hookah flask (it is recommended to choose transparent or translucent, as it transmits light better);
  • RGB backlight (can be purchased at a special store);
  • Cork stand (2 pieces);
  • Superglue;
  • Black marker.

In total, you can spend no more than 500-600 rubles on all these items. This is much more profitable than purchasing a glowing hookah or even a backlight separately.

Note: if the bulb on the hookah is still not transparent, then the color can be removed from it using a solvent and acetone. The process itself will take about 15-20 minutes.


  1. Make a hole in the round cork stand for the flashlight. To do this, apply the backlight and outline it with a marker, then use a knife to cut off the excess material. Repeat the same with the second stand.
  2. Connect the two stands so that the holes in them match. Using superglue, insert the backlight into them. Make sure that the device is held firmly - it takes about two minutes to dry completely.
  3. Install a lighted plug under the hookah.

Done, now you can plug in the device and enjoy the fragrant smoke and the play of light in the flask.

Tip: To prevent the cork stand from sliding under a smooth glass bulb, it is recommended to use a silicone coating. Simply apply silicone evenly to the cork or purchase a separate stand based on this material.

Reading time: 3 minutes.

Thinking about what to do on the weekend has now become irrelevant. Spending an evening with friends sipping the aromatic smoke of a hookah and at the same time taking a good break from everyday affairs is a great idea for many. But when this activity begins to become boring, I want to add something new, so to speak, to add my own zest to the smoking process. In such a situation, a hookah light can save you.

Bright colors

Everyone knows that the culture of hookah smoking itself came to us from the far east. The pleasure of this process does not lie in “being stubborn” and not thinking about anything, and many prefer to enjoy the aesthetic component of the entire ceremony.

Yes, smoking a hookah can be considered a real ceremony. Prepare everything correctly, choose an interesting design for the device itself, experiment with flavors and many other nuances that turn preparing for the evening into a whole ritual. Even trying different tricks with smoke already brings some pleasure, and no intoxication is required.

But sooner or later, after hundreds of such gatherings, you still want to add a little color and dilute the process with something new. It is in such cases that you need to use hookah lighting. What can better lift your spirits and create the right atmosphere than romantic or, on the contrary, bright, glow-in-the-dark things?

What are there

You can buy a hookah with lighting in any specialized store. The manufacturer always has different options and all kinds of colors in stock and are extremely popular among people. True, such a device can be good for your pocket, because the price of a hookah with illumination is, as a rule, 3-4 thousand rubles more than the same hookah, only without illumination.

Read also: Which hookah tobacco to choose

And what to do if you want backlighting, but don’t want to overpay? For this purpose, manufacturers have created other, alternative devices. One of them is glowing cubes. They are sold individually and run on batteries. We just put them in the flask and it starts to glow. The structure of this device is quite simple; in a sealed container (cube) there are several LEDs that automatically change color at a certain period of time. The hookah looks interesting and original with them. Another device is a waterproof stand that works according to the same principle. It costs a little more, but the visual impression is no less striking.

Well, if you really don’t want to spend money on something like this, but the glowing hookah can’t get out of your head, then a hardware store will come to the rescue. In it you can buy a couple of diodes of the desired colors and create a backlight for the hookah to your taste.

I will tell you how to make a lamp from an old unnecessary hookah that can not only illuminate a room, but also be a good element of the interior.

This is what the hookah originally looked like:

And this is what it looked like after:

Description of the process of making a hookah lamp:

Stage 1 - Disassembling the hookah

The process is quite simple. Is it important to be careful? to avoid damaging the glass base and coating.

Stage 2 - Drilling a hole in the bulb for the power wire

For this operation we need:

  • Drill for glass and ceramics
  • Screwdriver
  • Plasticine
  • Cooling water
  • Masking tape

Drilling is done with little effort and water is periodically added for cooling. The time spent drilling depends on the thickness of the glass. In my case, I drilled 8 mm for 5 hours.

Stage 3 - preparing the interior


  • Hacksaw
  • Epoxy glue

The tube was cut into three parts using a hacksaw.

The left side (pictured below) of the tube was thrown away because it had rotted. The remaining parts were sanded.

The right part, the smallest, will serve as a support for the lamp base. Glue it to the cup using epoxy glue.

The second part, the long one, is necessary for installing the switch.

First of all, you need to glue the long part on one side using epoxy glue to the base of the hookah shaft.

But before that, you need to make a smooth transition. For this purpose, a cap from an old ruler was used.

We insert the tube with the cap into the base of the shaft and cover everything with epoxy glue.

Next, on the other side of the long tube, install a switch with a “click” mechanism. Pulling once turns the lamp on, pulling another time turns it off.
Before gluing the mechanism to the very end of the tube, we need to pull the cable through the shaft and pull it out through the valve.

The cable was attached to the valve using a bracket (attached to the cable) and a paper clip, which is slightly pulled out (look next to the thumb)

We glue the switching mechanism using epoxy glue.

Step 4 - Glue the seal ring to the flask using epoxy glue

Stage 5 - wiring

  • Wire 2×0.5 – 2 meters
  • Fork
  • Insulating tape

Connect the wire and plug. We pass it through the hole in the flask. Next, cut one of the wires and connect it to the switch. We pass the wire through the holes in the base of the shaft and pass it through the shaft to the outside. Next we connect the wire to the base.

Stage 6 - Painting

We paint it any color you like. In my case, white and creamy. =))

Stage 7 - Applying a pattern (napkin technique)

The pattern is applied as follows: take a napkin with a pattern, separate its three layers, take the top one, cut out the pattern. We put it on the surface of the flask and spread either special glue or PVA glue diluted with water onto the drawing.

Stage 8 - Final

At the final stage, we need to close the connecting hole. This is done quite simply - take a cabinet handle and glue it with epoxy glue.

Let's enjoy it. =)

Hookah lighting Today it is used in clubs, restaurants and home settings. A few years ago, such an accessory was unheard of, but now you can admire various types of hookahs with unusual lighting and have fun, enjoying not only the aromatic taste, but also the beautiful view.

Why do you need backlighting?

Some people believe that this device is not useful, but many connoisseurs of hookah art do not agree with them. Hookahs, glowing different colors, look beautiful and unusual. They create a mysterious atmosphere in the room, tune you to the right wave, give comfort and help you relax. This device is suitable for any interior. Soft light will calm your nerves and make the evening unforgettable.

When a hookah glows, many people think of an analogy with a fire, which also puts you in a romantic mood.

What types of backlights are there?

There are two types of backlights:

  1. External. Most often it is used for glass instruments and is placed in a special compartment under the flask.
  2. The device is in the form of sealed elements. It is placed directly into the flask and begins to glow when exposed to water.

Illuminated hookahs are presented in a wide range, so everyone can choose a beautiful accessory to their taste.

LED light bulbs

LED bulbs are a must-have accessory for hookah lovers. They are in demand due to their small size and ease of use. The backlight housing is impenetrable, the sealing lining is rubber. LEDs are located on the front of the device. The light bulbs flicker intensely in different colors in automatic mode.

In the form of ice cubes

Beautiful cubes that illuminate the hookah can be seen in bars, restaurants and nightclubs. They are also available for free sale, and anyone can purchase them for home use. This illumination is convenient because it cools the liquid in the flask and glows brightly, attracting attention and decorating the device. Ice cubes are easy to use. They need to be thrown into the liquid to turn on automatically.

Hookah lighting Amy

Stylish and comfortable lighting from the German company Amy is perfect for Amy hookahs with a recess and for the Fabula Temple 45 device. Using it, you can change the colors and intensity of the flicker. It is switched from a distance using a remote control. The device looks beautiful, but you need to know that in a dark bulb you won’t be able to see all the beauty of the glow.

DIY hookah lighting

Buying lighting for a hookah today is not a problem, but if you want to make it yourself, then it is doable. Before creating, you need to prepare the necessary items:

  • hookah flask;
  • backlight (flashlight) RGB;
  • stand made of cork material;
  • rubber gloves;
  • glue gun;
  • stationery knife;
  • pen or marker.

The device will be illuminated best transparent hookah, but if the bulb is painted, then this is not a problem. It can be removed from paint using acetone or a special solvent. To do this, apply the product to the item and leave for 10-15 minutes. Afterwards, put on protective gloves and use a rag to remove the paint.

Then you need to take the stand and use a utility knife to make a hole in it for the RGB lighting. It must be higher than the flashlight, otherwise the bulb will stand crooked. After this, you need to connect the stand with the backlight. For this you will need a glue gun.

The flashlight should sit deep in the traffic jam. A hookah is placed on top and filled with tasty and aromatic tobacco. After this, you can relax and enjoy a beautiful hookah.

Features of a glowing hookah

The glowing hookah is designed to diversify the smoking process. It improves mood and does not at all affect the taste of tobacco. Lighting creates a special atmosphere in fashionable establishments and at home.