Yellow liquid flows from the ears. Dangerous symptoms that require a doctor

Do you or your loved ones have a leaking ear and you don’t know what to do? Do not panic. This is a symptom. This disease will not go away on its own, but there are many methods and medicines that will help you get rid of this unpleasant phenomenon.

How to treat ears if they are “flowing”?

If the ear suddenly begins to leak and there is no purulent discharge, treatment may be symptomatic. You can make a semi-alcohol compress (wet a cloth in a solution of alcohol and water in a ratio of 1 to 1 and apply to your ear). It will improve blood supply to the middle ear area and promote speedy recovery. Do you suspect that pus is starting to appear in the fluid? Stop treating with heat, because bacteria will begin to grow several times faster.

Adults with leaky ears can be treated with alcohol tincture calendula (20 g of dry herb per 200 ml of alcohol or vodka). Before use of this product you need to rinse your ear with chamomile decoction or clean it cotton swab moistened with hydrogen peroxide.

What drops should I use?

If your ears are leaking and you want to get better as quickly as possible, you need to treat this problem with the help of medications. It is best to choose drops that contain an antibiotic and a steroidal anti-inflammatory agent. These may be drugs such as:

  • Sofradex;
  • Garazon;
  • Polydexa.

Before using Sofradex, you must undergo an examination by an ENT specialist. This is because this medicine contains Neomycin, and the drops can have a toxic effect on the sensory cells of the cochlea by leaking into the inner ear.

You have pain, your ear is leaking, but you don’t know how to treat it? In this case, choose pain-relieving drops with lidocaine -. Most often they are prescribed for inflammation of the external ear canal, since the antibiotic included in their composition suppresses the activity of microbes, and the steroid quickly reduces the activity of inflammation. But when fluid appears from the ear, these drops can eliminate pain. Must be used together with Otipax antibacterial drops.

When there are problems with the hearing organs, the question often arises of what should be done if there is leakage from the ear, how to treat it. If you see discharge from your ears, you should definitely consult a doctor. IN best case scenario get a consultation with an otolaryngologist, but if this is not possible, do not be upset. Your therapist (pediatrician) will tell you what to do if there is discharge from the ear. Then you need to see an ENT doctor. You should not heat or apply drops in the ear until examined by a specialist.

Discharge from the ear (otorrhea) may be different colour, smell, consistency. But in any case, this is only a symptom of a pathological process that has arisen somewhere in the ear. The organ is divided into 3 sections: external, middle, internal. There is a communication between the middle ear and the nasal cavity that plays an important role. Inflammation in the nasal cavity can trigger the occurrence of otitis media, one of the symptoms of which is discharge from the ear.

This is especially important for children whose Eustachian tube, connecting the nasal cavity with the middle ear, is short. Adenoids, sinusitis, diseases of the pharynx (tonsillitis) affect the condition of the middle ear. The latter is isolated from the outer part by the eardrum, which, if its integrity is damaged, releases fluid.

  1. Many reasons can lead to the development of otitis in an adult: Respiratory diseases, sinusitis, causing swelling
  2. auditory tube and middle ear infection. Mechanical damage.
  3. eardrum
  4. Hypothermia.
  5. Ingress of contaminated water (swimmer's ear). Microbes penetrate through the mucous membrane of the ear canal, traumatized by ear cleanings, and contribute to the occurrence of ear infections.
  6. Damage to the outer ear due to improper cleaning.

Wearing. According to statistics, in 80% of cases, otitis is registered once in children in early age . Most often it is caused by a runny nose and inability to blow your nose. When a baby cries, he sniffs, this also allows germs to enter the auditory tube

  1. . It is narrower in children than in adults. Swelling in this area increases pressure in the middle ear, causing pain. The differences lie not only in the causes of the disease, but also in the nature of the discharge from the ear:
  2. Bloody discharge is a sign of injury to the outer ear, eardrum, and tumors of these parts. A serous, clear discharge appears when allergic diseases
  3. , TBI (cerebrospinal fluid leakage from the skull). Purulent discharge (yellow, green) occurs when there is bacterial infection in the middle ear, the release of pus to the outside as a result of a rupture of the eardrum. This happens when acute illness or exacerbation chronic process
  4. . Also, purulent discharge occurs when a boil of the external ear opens.
  5. Sulfur can be quite liquid. This is determined upon examination and is the norm. Earwax is a secretion from sebaceous glands that has antibacterial and antifungal properties and lubricates the delicate skin of the ear canal and eardrum. It is removed independently by movements of the temporo-auditory joint. There is no need to clean it; you can clean the vestibule of the external auditory canal once a week.

The yellow fluid may be gray or purulent. If it is sulfur, then there will be no other symptoms. If fluid in the ear is formed due to inflammation in it, then there may be the following signs: pain, temperature, hearing impairment. It is better to see a doctor and make sure there is no pathology of the hearing organ.

Exudative and purulent form

As a result of vacuum edema, fluid (ex- or transudate) is formed in the tympanic cavity. Exudate is a good nutrient medium on which to develop pathogenic flora. If the disease follows the path of infection of this fluid (bacteria enter the ear through the Eustachian tube), then otitis media turns into purulent.

The enzymatic properties and pressure of the pus rupture the eardrum. Otorrhea occurs. At first, there is little discharge, it is not purulent, and contains an admixture of blood. In the following days, the fluid takes on a mucopurulent appearance, and the amount of discharge increases. Pus entering the ear canal is accompanied by a sudden improvement and subsidence of pain in the ear. Appears on the pillow purulent spot. Spontaneous breakthrough of contents through the eardrum is not the best outcome of otitis media. Such perforation does not heal well and can become permanent.

Allergic and fungal otitis media

Allergic otitis media is characterized by mucous-watery, mucous, odorless discharge from the ears. Other symptoms: swelling, cyanosis of the tympanum (eardrum). Perforation of the latter at allergic otitis media is different large sizes. The course of this form of the disease is characterized by a tendency to exacerbations and the formation of polyps. Treatment is carried out with antiallergic drugs: Zyrtec, Loratadine, Suprastin.

A common pathology occurs when the immune system is impaired. Traumatized by various reasons(often with improper cleaning) the mucous membrane of the ear canal does not prevent the growth of fungi on it. The development of the latter is promoted long-term exposure on the sick body of hormones and antibiotics. Itching occurs, which contributes to the spread of infection by scratching. Characterized by peculiar discharge white, but they can take on a yellow or green tint. The formation of solids aggravates the condition; only a doctor can remove them. Plugs contribute to the development of inflammation of the external auditory canal. To treat this type of otitis, special antifungal drops are used, which are prescribed after removing infectious masses from the ear canal. Treatment can be lengthy. Additionally, restorative therapy is carried out.

What to do if a child cries from ear pain? You can check whether the hearing organ hurts. You can only press on the ears of infants, because they have bony part The ear canal has not yet formed. Pressing on the tragus transfers pressure to the eardrum, and if it is inflamed, pain occurs. This method is not entirely reliable, especially in older children.

After bathing, both children and adults may experience ear congestion and hearing loss. The ingress of water causes the sulfur plug to swell and occur. You can try cleaning your ear yourself with a cotton swab, removing wax and water remaining in the ear canal. But it is not always possible to do this on your own, then the doctor will fix the problem. swollen sulfur plug delivers severe anxiety, sharp pain does not allow you to sleep, does not allow you to work.

Therapeutic measures

When, what to do?

If you experience any pain or discharge from the ear, you should consult a specialist.

If fluid flows from the ear, then not only treatment of the underlying disease may be required, but also its complications, including most constitutes hearing loss. Therapy for otitis media begins with cleansing the external auditory canal of secretions. After this, use drops recommended by your doctor. But you cannot use medications you choose yourself at the pharmacy, and you should not do this before being examined by a doctor.

Medicines must have the right antibacterial spectrum or properties (what exactly and how to treat can only be determined by a doctor). Some drops cannot be used if the eardrum is perforated; only a doctor can see the presence of a violation. And only a specialist knows which drops should be used in this case, otherwise the auditory receptors and bones can be damaged, resulting in hearing impairment (the changes are irreversible). If the integrity of the eardrum is damaged, Otinum is not prescribed. salicylic acid which seriously damages the mucous membrane with subsequent hearing impairment. Polydex is not recommended due to the toxic effect of antibiotics on the hearing aid.

Pharmacies offer a wide selection of ear drops. Previously, they were buried with a solution boric acid, now there are more modern drugs. At severe pain use products containing anesthetic components; for purulent otitis - drops with antibiotics. Sofradex, Otipax, Otinum, Otofa are often used. In case of purulent otitis, it is impossible to instill drugs containing alcohol due to increased pain. Everything can be divided into groups:

  1. Combined products containing glucocorticoids (Sofradex, Polydex).
  2. Drops based on NSAIDs (Otipax, Otinum) are recognized as effective and the most safe means. They can be used by pregnant women and children under 1 year of age.
  3. Drops with antibiotics (Normax, Otofa) are used against the background of damaged skin. Fungal otitis is treated with Candibiotic drops.

All drops are warmed in your hand before use. When instilling in adults, it is necessary to delay auricle back and up, and for a child - back and down. Putting a few drops of warm vodka into the ears helps relieve the condition.

When are antibiotics needed?

Treatment of otitis media is carried out with broad-spectrum antibiotics (tablets, injections). It is important that the drug not only affects bacteria, but also penetrates the tympanic cavity. Amoxicillin has proven itself well. There is no need to be afraid of antibiotics, they will not only help you avoid hearing loss and prevent the development of a terrible complication - meningitis. If an adult's ear is leaking clear liquid, then the doctor can wait to prescribe antibiotics, but do not delay their use in children. Either requires immediate use of an antibiotic.

If there is a boil, it is opened, the ear canal is cleaned, and antibiotics are prescribed. Therapy can be carried out using a turunda inserted into the ear and soaked in an antibiotic. If otitis media is suspected, drops are placed in the nose. If you have a runny nose, the ear should be treated simultaneously with rhinitis. At the same time, before you put drops in your ear, you need to cure your nose. Vasoconstrictor drops (Nazol, Nazivin) reduce swelling not only in the nose, but also in eustachian tube. An injured eardrum heals on its own; only sometimes the intervention of an ENT doctor is necessary.

After examination, the specialist prescribes physiotherapeutic treatment. This is UHF, Sollux, Minin lamp. They begin after the exacerbation subsides, but not in acute phase. 5-7 procedures are carried out. UHF and Sollux help children well when their ears hurt. These procedures do not frighten even very young patients. Used after surgery to reduce inflammatory reactions. Floor warmers alcohol compresses applied to the ear area as prescribed by a doctor, otherwise they can increase inflammation and the formation of pus. Surgery indicated for mastoiditis, cholesteatoma. Followers alternative medicine can't do without folk remedies. Advice: do not use irritating lemon and onion juices. You can drip aloe and plantain juice.

The human ear is a complex and multifunctional organ, and any malfunction in its functioning without proper attention and treatment can lead to severe consequences. One of the most striking symptoms indicating an ENT disease is the discharge of fluid from the ear.

If something is flowing from your ear, this is an undoubted sign that a pathological process is developing inside it. Since the ENT organs are connected in unified system between themselves, discharge from the ear canal may indicate inflammation or disease of any of them.

Complication after ARVI

Most often, discharge from the ear appears after a severe acute respiratory viral infection or during an illness. In this case, the infection spreads widely, and inflammatory processes begin to affect the ducts connecting the ENT organs. So, due to an untreated throat or poor nose blowing, a disease may develop in one of the ear canals.

The development of inflammation in the auditory organs can occur:

  • in acute form - with a sharp increase in temperature, headaches, discomfort and a feeling of pressure due to the fact that fluid accumulates in the ears behind the eardrum. In some cases, hearing loss occurs;
  • in a chronic form - at first it occurs unnoticed by the patient, without symptoms, discomfort or pain.

Due to complications after ARVI, discharge from the ear can often be observed.

Otitis externa

Another one common reason, causing fluid to leak from the ear canal - otitis externa. This inflammation mainly affects those who are addicted to water procedures and swims a lot, as well as persons who are overly keen on cleaning the passages from sulfur. Those at risk and those suffering skin diseases- eczema, dermatitis and psoriasis, pathological processes can touch the delicate dermis inside the ear, which will lead to inflammation.

Otitis of the external ear is often caused by water getting into it. This moisture begins to affect the delicate upper layers of skin lining the “entrance” to the ear canal. As the dermis dries out, it begins to crack, and bacteria penetrate into the affected areas. Microorganisms begin to multiply rapidly, causing inflammation in the outer ear.

In some cases, otitis externa goes away on its own if the immune system strong to cope with the resulting inflammation.

Below is a list of symptoms that characterize otitis externa.

  1. Redness of the ear canal.
  2. A lasting feeling of warmth inside auditory organ- this indicates the beginning of development inflammatory process.
  3. The next stage is an increase in pain inside the organ.
  4. Actively developing bacteria cause itching inside the ear.
  5. The functionality of the organ noticeably decreases - the person begins to hear worse in the affected ear due to the fact that the passage is blocked by an abscess.
  6. When the abscess opens, fluid flows from the ear.

Otitis externa can also cause ear discharge

Otitis media

This type of otitis is localized deeper in the ear - behind the eardrum. It can occur in two forms.

  1. Acute infectious form characterized by fever, hearing impairment, and severe pain.
  2. The exudative form is not as pronounced as the first. The infection can penetrate into a person’s ear and proceed sluggishly there without pain or other discomfort.

Otitis media occurs in two forms

Mastoiditis as a complication of otitis media

Mastoiditis is a complication after otitis media that occurs when the inflammatory process is insufficiently treated or not treated in a timely manner. The porous bone located behind the ear is affected by bacteria, and the process of rotting begins in it, accompanied by the classic “otitis media” symptoms - headaches and fever.

The visual difference between mastoiditis and otitis is the pronounced redness of the skin behind the ear. This area becomes inflamed and swollen; the dermis may be hot to the touch due to inflammation occurring underneath it.

Cyst-like cholesteatoma

This disease is characterized by the proliferation of the epithelium in a cystic manner. The area of ​​the middle ear behind the eardrum is filled with this formation, which leads to the manifestation of specific symptoms:

  • a person feels an unpleasant pressure somewhere in the depths of the ear;
  • due to the impact on vestibular apparatus located in the auditory organ, frequent dizziness occurs;
  • Discharge begins to flow from the passage unpleasant smell;
  • The cyst, growing, causes unbearable pain, and subsequently, hearing loss.

Often the growth of a cystic formation is accompanied by inflammatory processes in the tissues, then a person needs to deal with two problems at once.

Cyst-like cholesteatoma - cystic formation inflammatory in nature

Purulent boils

In people prone to furunculosis, microbial foci of these formations may often appear on the dermis in the ear canal. Sharp pain usually occurs during chewing and swallowing, discomfort It also causes pressure on the tragus or areas adjacent to the concha.

If the boil is located deep in the ear, then it is not visible without special ENT instruments. When the abscess matures, it opens, and the liquid contained in it comes out of the passage.

Allergies and injuries

People prone to allergies also often notice that their ears are running. In this case, the cause of the appearance of this fluid is not the inflammatory process, but the abundant secretion of mucus in the nasal sinuses. Some of this product may travel up the tube to the ears and exit there.

Injuries to the head or the ear itself also lead to fluid leaking from the ear canal.

Some people are prone to furunculosis, which is the cause of purulent fluid leaking from the ear

Liquid color as an aid in diagnosis


If a person has clear fluid leaking from their ear, it may be due to an allergy. Prone to retaliate negative reactions people often suffer from specific rhinitis. Mucus in some cases rises to the ear and comes out of it in the form of a clear liquid.

The initial stage of otitis media is also characterized by the leakage of clear fluid from the ear canal.

Clear fluid leaking from the ear is common after a TBI or ear injury. In this case, the secreted fluid will be cerebrospinal fluid.


The white color of the discharge, as a rule, signals the progress of the inflammatory process in the ear and the urgent need for antibacterial treatment to avoid serious consequences.

Yellow and green

Yellow or green fluid flowing from the ear canal also indicates an infectious inflammatory process that is localized inside the ear, but has reached a serious level. This is already full-fledged pus, which appears as a result of bacterial action on the tissue. If yellow liquid flows from the ear against a background of pain and fever, immediately contact an ENT specialist.

Typically, a clear liquid flows at initial stage otitis and begins to come out gradually as it forms. Yellow-green discharge from the ears appears sharply from the ear canal, after perforation of the eardrum, behind which it long time is accumulating. Sometimes, as it mixes with sulfur as it moves, the liquid may acquire a brown tint.

Liquid purulent color may appear at the exit of the passage due to the maturation and opening of the boil. But, as a rule, its volume is not significant compared to how much secretion flows out of the ear after a rupture of the eardrum during otitis media.

In some cases, if yellow fluid flows from the ear, it may be thin wax. As a rule, such active production does not occur suddenly - a person usually knows that he has “this kind” of sulfur, and nothing hurts. Such “patients” will secrete the same yellowish product throughout their lives, but will not cause them any problems other than hygienic ones - after all, they have to clean their ears from accumulations of wax almost every day.


This type of discharge indicates the presence of injury to the outer part of the auditory organ or eardrum, as well as a consequence of the growth of tumors.

Black discharge can also appear after an injury - the blood becomes baked and takes on this color.

When diagnosing ear diseases, the doctor pays attention to the color of the leaking fluid.

What to do if your ear is leaking fluid

If fluid is flowing from the ear against the background painful sensations and fever, you should urgently contact an ENT specialist. Only a specialist can diagnose the real reason and will prescribe you the right treatment.

Different root causes of fluid discharge from the ear require different approaches. So, with furunculosis, it is recommended to heat the painful area to accelerate the maturation of formation and release of pus from the head, but thermal effect will have a detrimental effect on tissues during inflammatory processes, increasing their area. Self-medication if you have ear pain is very dangerous and can deprive you not only of your hearing, but also of your life.

You should immediately consult a doctor if you have pain in the ear and elevated temperature body


At allergic rhinitis, due to which a clear liquid appears, released from the ear canal, you, in addition to consulting an ENT specialist, should contact a therapist or allergist. By using different specialists you will be able to eliminate the root cause of why the ear is leaking, and also check whether stagnant mucus has formed in the tubes and cavities.

If you have clear fluid flowing from your ear, and you and your specialist have ruled out the possibility of a head injury and allergies, then the doctor will begin to treat otitis media. Even meager transparent discharge from the ear require medical supervision.

  1. At severe inflammation and active formation of pus, the specialist will, if necessary, clean the passages, removing fluid in the ear.
  2. If the inflammation has affected large areas and has already penetrated the cartilage or bone tissue, you will need surgical intervention. A specialist will open it soft fabrics and cleanse the hard ones from pus.
  3. The release of fluid in most cases indicates that an inflammatory process is occurring in the tissues. To stop it, the ENT specialist will prescribe a course for you antibacterial therapy. Usually, treatment is underway and “from the inside” - by taking pills or intramuscular injection antibiotics, and “outside” - with the help of drugs instilled into the ear and producing antibacterial effect locally, directly to the area of ​​inflammation.

For ENT inflammations, antibiotics should be taken in a course of 10 days. If you intentionally shorten the duration of treatment or regularly change your dosing time throughout the day, you will not only not cure the inflammation, but will also make the bacteria resistant to the prescribed medications.

You should also not replace one prescribed medication with another. If the doctor recommended that you instill a certain drug, do not replace it with a cheaper or “reliable when the ear is leaking,” according to the pharmacist or friends. Composition of ear antibacterial drops are different, and some of them can cause perforation of the eardrum, others contain alcohol, which will increase your pain.

Suppuration, or otorrhea, is one of the symptoms of acute purulent inflammation middle ear. It indicates perforation of the eardrum, since the exudate accumulated as a result of inflammation puts pressure on the eardrum, leading to its perforation. Availability this symptom characterizes the development of the perforated stage of acute purulent otitis. In the case of a successful course of the disease and the absence of complications, the subsequent development of reparative processes is characteristic, during which the integrity of the eardrum is restored and hearing returns.

Suppuration is not a mandatory symptom. Often the accumulated pus leaves the cavity not by rupturing the eardrum, but finds its way out through the auditory tube. The appearance of otorrhea is accompanied additional change clinical picture. There is a decrease in body temperature, improvement general condition, pain reduction.

Activities at the pre-perforation stage

However, the development of this symptom was preceded by 2-3 days, and sometimes a week of malaise, an increase in body temperature to 39 degrees, severe pain and tinnitus, that is, all symptoms characteristic of acute otitis.

To ensure that the disease does not become chronic and its severe complications do not develop, treatment should be started precisely at the pre-perforation stage.

Therapeutic measures during this period should be as follows:

  • application ear drops, which include anesthetics, analgesics and antiseptics;
  • with pronounced pain syndrome it is possible to use nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs orally;
  • use of warming procedures;
  • the use of nasal drops with a vasoconstrictor effect;
  • If there is a pronounced protrusion of the tympanic septum, the specialist may decide to perform paracentesis.

Among the ear drops most preferred during this period, Otipax is used. The drug contains a non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drug and local anesthetic lidocaine. An analgesic effect is achieved by prescribing 3% alcohol solution boric acid. All ear drops before instillation should be warmed to body temperature, and ear canal After the procedure, it should be covered with a cotton swab.

Of the non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs, the use of which is possible in in this case, the most popular are paracetamol and ibuprofen. In addition to analgesic, these drugs have antipyretic and anti-inflammatory effects, which can also help improve the condition. Necessary in the treatment of this pathology are: vasoconstrictor drops into the nose, since in most cases the development of otitis is associated precisely with diseases of the nasopharynx, and is caused by the spread of purulent contents into the tympanic cavity through the auditory tube. The use of nasal drops such as sanorin, naphthyzin, galazolin prevents this process.

As for warming procedures, alcohol compresses, heating pads, and UV lamps can be used for treatment at home. During this period it is possible. The procedure should be immediately postponed if the pain increases sharply, which may be associated with the development of complications.

In the event that the therapeutic measures carried out did not produce an effect, there was no improvement in the patient’s condition. positive dynamics, antibiotics should be added to treatment. The absence of suppuration indicates that antibiotics local action cannot be used because medicinal substance will not be able to penetrate the intact eardrum and exert its therapeutic effect. The drugs of choice used in this stage of purulent treatment are the antibiotic amoxicillin and its analogues, Flemoxin, Ospamox, Hiconcil, taken in tablet form.

Activities at the perforation stage

Despite the treatment, several days after the onset of the disease, the patient sometimes has pus flowing from the ear. What to do in this case? It all depends on where the patient is located and how quickly qualified assistance can be provided. In this case, consultation with an otolaryngologist is necessary to adjust treatment tactics.

Features of the use of drugs in the treatment of the middle ear in this period are that at this stage the use of alcohol-containing drops is contraindicated, since this substance can cause toxic effect on the mucous membrane of the eardrum and lead to worsening of the condition. Products containing anti-inflammatory components have the same effect. Otipax drops are already contraindicated during this period.

In addition, the evacuation of pus from the ear canal plays an important role in the treatment of acute purulent otitis media. It would be more correct if this process is handled by a specially trained nurse from the ENT department. If treatment of purulent otitis occurs at home, the procedure should be carried out carefully, using only cotton wool twisted in the form of a spiral. The use of matches, knitting needles and factory-made materials is strictly prohibited. ear sticks. The eardrum is damaged, and awkward movement can lead to additional trauma or infection of the skin of the external auditory canal. Held this procedure 2-3 times a day, until the exudate is removed and the cotton wool becomes dry.

In cases where the secretion is very thick, with purulent otitis media, you can rinse the ear with a 3% solution of hydrogen peroxide. This will make it easier to evacuate the contents. After the procedure, the ear canal must be dried. Saline solution can be used as a means used to clean the external auditory canal.

As for the use of medications, topical medications in the form of ear drops should be added to antibiotics in tablet form. In this case, the following drops containing antibiotics are widely used:

  • Otofa,
  • Tsipromed,
  • Normax.

It is recommended to instill drops after washing and drying the ear, warming them up to body temperature. Turning to use combined agents, it is necessary to pay attention to the composition of the components included in them, since the content of alcohol and non-steroidal anti-inflammatory components in case of perforation of the eardrum is unacceptable.

When treating purulent otitis in adults, many specialists suggest using the injection method to instill ear remedies. To do this, after instilling the ear, you need to press the tragus with your finger, closing the lumen of the external auditory canal, and make movements that facilitate the penetration of the medicine into the middle ear. After some time, the patient should feel the taste of the medicine in the mouth. In this case, it is considered that the procedure was carried out correctly, and a more targeted effect of the drug is ensured.

Antibiotic therapy should continue for at least 7-10 days, even if in good condition and lack clinical manifestations diseases.

Otherwise, there is a high risk of relapse, the disease becoming chronic, when we are talking about surgical methods treatment. It must be remembered that a number of antibiotics have an ototoxic effect. The use of such ear drops may cause hearing loss.

At the subsequent, reparative stage, treatment of acute suppurative otitis media consists of procedures that promote healing and restoration of elasticity of the eardrum. For this purpose, procedures such as pneumomassage and iontophoresis with lidase may be prescribed.

Outcome of suppuration

Otorrhea usually continues for several days, after which there is a persistent improvement in the condition and the return of hearing. If, in the presence of perforation of the eardrum, the patient’s condition has not improved, we can assume the development of a complication, inflammation mastoid process. The presence of mastoiditis may also be indicated by a worsening condition after a period of improvement.

A serious complication of the disease may be indicated by the presence of suppuration for a long time, more than 3-4 weeks. In this case, we may be talking about mastoid empyema or extradural abscess. With this development of the situation, there can be no talk of treatment at home. The patient must be hospitalized in a specialized hospital, and further treatment should be carried out under the direct supervision of an otolaryngologist.

Thus, what to do if the ear festers depends on the presence accompanying symptoms and their dynamics. Improvement in the patient's condition with the appearance of otorrhea indicates the perforated stage of purulent otitis media. In this case, correction of the treatment and measures to evacuate the contents of the external auditory canal are required. If suppuration does not bring relief, severe pain in the ear, dizziness, hyperthermia is still bothering you, then it is necessary immediate help specialist in an ENT department. In this case, we may be talking about the development of complications of the disease.

Liquid discharge from the ears does not represent separate disease. This is a symptom that characterizes wide range diseases of the ear, nose and throat, which are anatomically related. Listed bodies united by the collective concept of ENT organs. A specialist doctor who treats ENT organs is called an otolaryngologist.

In this article, we will understand the causes of the problem and tell you what to do if you find liquid in your ear.

What reasons can cause fluid secretion?

Infectious complication from infectious respiratory diseases

Most common cause liquid discharge from the ears - this is an infectious process in the ear. Occurs more often in childhood. Is a complication after undergoing or against the background respiratory diseases. Germs or bacteria travel up small tubes that connect the ear canal and throat. This can cause an untreated infection to spread to the ear. One of the reasons that weakens the protective ability of the ENT organs from microbes is exposure to tobacco smoke.

An ear infection may not show symptoms pain symptoms and in chronic form it can go unnoticed for a long time. Acute form accompanied by a rise in temperature and other symptoms:

  • moderate pain;
  • discomfort in the ear, feeling of pressure inside the ear;
  • deterioration or loss of hearing.

During one illness, symptoms may disappear and reappear. Without necessary treatment ear infections provoke further spread of infection and hearing loss.

Otitis externa

It often develops in people who swim a lot, and can also occur in people who abuse bathing procedures. Water entering the ear affects the top layer of skin, causing it to crack. The presence of cracks is an excellent breeding ground for bacteria that can enter along with water. Wherein earwax, which performs protective function from infections, is washed out of the ear, which leads to a decrease in resistance.

At risk for the same reason are people who, for hygienic purposes, penetrate the ear with various objects, causing scratches, as well as those suffering from skin diseases (psoriasis, dermatitis, eczema).

Symptoms accompanying otitis externa:

  • redness of the ear canal;
  • feeling of warmth in the ear;
  • pain and discomfort in the ear;
  • itching and hearing loss.

Read more about the symptoms of otitis externa.

Otitis externa may go away on its own.

Otitis media

It is much less common and affects the relatively protected part of the ear - located behind the eardrum. The nature of this disease is infectious. The disease is divided into acute and exudative forms. The first type is characterized by sharp increase temperature, pain, hearing loss. The second is a sluggish form; after the initial infection, symptoms may subside.

Otitis media can affect the vestibular apparatus, making it difficult to maintain balance and correct body position, leading to hearing loss. Without treatment, the infection spreads to the ear bones and brain.

Mastoiditis as a complication of otitis media

Cyst-like cholesteatoma

The disease is localized in the middle ear, i.e. behind the eardrum, and manifests itself as a cyst-like growth of the epithelium lining the surface of the middle ear. The growth of tissue leads to a feeling of pressure in the depths of the ear, dizziness, and an effect on the vestibular apparatus. Liquid discharge has an unpleasant odor. The pressure of the growing cyst causes aching pain and hearing loss. The disease may be accompanied chronic infection. Without treatment it ends in death.

Purulent boils

In people predisposed to furunculosis, small foci of microbial inflammation can occur in the ear canal. Painful sensations sharp, often accompany the chewing process. Pressure on the outer parts of the ear causes pain inside. The boil may be visible if it is shallow. The rupture of the boil leads to purulent discharge from the ear. Of all the causes described above, furunculosis is the simplest and most harmless.

Allergies and injuries

The cause of liquid discharge from the ears can be allergic reactions of the body, manifested in excessive activity of the secretion glands, as well as injuries to the ear or head.

What does the color of liquid discharge mean?

Transparent the color of the fluid discharged from the ear may indicate an allergy if allergic reaction is in the acute phase. Also, sometimes clear fluid flows from the ear in the initial stages of otitis media.

It happens that white or yellow liquid flows from the ears. White and yellow the color of the discharge indicates the presence of inflammation and infectious process. Simply put, this purulent discharge– their presence signals the need to take action Urgent measures for the treatment of the disease.

What to do when your ear is running?

What to do first if your ear is leaking

An acute form of the disease with fever and purulent discharge requires consulting a doctor. Without a medical examination, you can take any action in this case only at your own risk. Various diseases, which lead to ear discharge, are treated differently. For example, if it is furunculosis, then you can heat the ear, which speeds up the process of furuncle maturation and, in combination with antibiotics, promotes a faster recovery. If another disease is present, warming may be useless and in some cases even dangerous.

If discharge from the ear is not accompanied by an increase in temperature, then the disease can progress for a long time, go into remission, and then return again with the same symptoms. In any case, you need to see an ENT doctor.

Exist various methods treating ear leakage.

Methods of treating diseases that caused the problem

  • At the beginning, treatment of ear diseases is carried out medicines. The inflammatory process is suppressed. In some cases, it is necessary to clean and disinfect the ear canal several times a day.
  • In some cases, the doctor may prescribe warming physiotherapy: ultraviolet heating, high-frequency radiation, compresses.
  • IN severe cases otitis, mastoiditis or cholesteatoma is indicated surgery to remove infected bone tissue, restoring the integrity of the eardrum and middle ear bones.

So, if your ear is leaking, what should you do to treat it?

Medicines to treat diseases

Treatment infectious inflammation ear is carried out using one or a complex of antibiotics:

  • "Suprax"
  • "Cefuroxime axetil"
  • "Levofloxacin".

The course of antibiotics should be at least 10 days.

Several times a day it is necessary to instill in sore ear antibacterial drops "Otofa" or "Normax".

If the condition does not improve or even worsens: pain, nausea, problems with coordination appear, you should definitely consult a doctor. Localization of the inflammatory process in the immediate vicinity of the brain poses a great danger to human life.

Folk remedies: propolis, aloe and others

Two “folk remedies” should not be used for ear discharge:

  1. Under no circumstances should you drip into the ear canal. aggressive substances and like juice from onions, garlic or lemon. The skin inside the ear is sensitive and can get burned from such products.
  2. We do not recommend using warming compresses without doctor's orders. Without knowing the cause of ear discharge, applying a compress can aggravate the course of the disease.

The following folk remedies can be used to treat fluid buildup in the ears. They may not have any noticeable effect positive effect, however, will definitely not do any harm:

  1. An effective remedy is aloe juice, which is squeezed from a plant leaf. IN pure form it is not buried: it is diluted with warm boiled water in a 1:1 ratio. Aloe juice can dry out the skin and cause irritation, so do not use it in portions: once a day will be enough.
  2. Alcohol propolis tincture with an alcohol content of no more than 30%, it has a bactericidal and healing effect. It can be instilled inside the ear, or a swab moistened with tincture can be placed in the ear canal for 20-30 minutes. Read about the use of propolis for pharyngitis.
  3. Plantain juice has bactericidal effect. You can instill it into the sore ear 3-4 times a day.
  4. Into the decoction mint add honey. Instill several times a day.

Discharge from the ears - serious reason to see a doctor. A symptom may indicate the presence of one of infectious diseases, who without proper drug therapy have a fatal outcome. Main importance in the treatment of diseases, causing secretion from the ears, have antibiotics. When your ears run, besides drug treatment physiotherapy is prescribed. IN running forms surgical intervention is advisable.

Resorting to folk methods treatment, it should be remembered that they are not an alternative medical drug. Treatment of infections that cause purulent discharge should not be carried out only with the help of folk remedies. However, they may have positive influence when used in parallel with medications prescribed by the doctor.