Why do you dream of dirty muddy water? Let's look at the details of the dream together with the dream book. Dirty water according to the dream book

Water in dreams is considered to reflect the emotional component of life, spiritual values ​​and moral beliefs.

Dirty, muddy or rusty water in a dream symbolizes complications, troubles, quarrels, betrayal of trust, illness and loss. If you saw such a dream, think about it - perhaps you received a warning about upcoming problems, but you still have the opportunity to avoid them.

Women's dream book

  • A lake or pond with opaque, muddy water - such a dream speaks of troubles, gossip, intrigue, and financial losses are possible. There may be insincere people around you.
  • If you saw a river or stream with a rapid current in a dream, you will encounter a serious obstacle on your way. Whirlpools, mud and debris in the water indicate that events will not be easy to manage.
  • Stepping into a dirty puddle in a dream means committing some rash act, which you will later bitterly regret. Take your time when making decisions, think carefully about your actions.

Vanga's Dream Book

  • Dirty water symbolizes difficult situations in life, difficulties in relationships with others. If you have such a dream, try to show more attention and patience to your loved ones, be careful with colleagues and business partners.
  • Circles spreading across the water or ripples on its surface predict unexpected changes that will be difficult to overcome. Perseverance and courage will help you withstand the coming whirlpool of events.

Dream Book of S. Robinson

  • Dirty water in a dream portends some real danger. If you dreamed that you fell into a pond with muddy water, you risk making the wrong move, the consequences of which will be difficult to correct.
  • If you see dirty water under your feet in a dream, this symbolizes difficulties, anxieties, and financial problems. Getting your feet dirty and wet in such water predicts difficult decisions and losses.

Long's Dream Book

  • Water is a symbol of the psycho-emotional perception of reality and human creative abilities. Dirty water in a dream means a clogged mind, loaded with unnecessary or false information.
  • Natural disasters in a dream associated with streams of water mean a person’s internal struggle with his fears and vices, spiritual decline, chaotic thoughts and actions, fatigue from life.

Dream Interpretation of Hasse

  • Dirty water is a symbol of complications and obstacles. If you drank such water in a dream, illness, difficulties and disappointments await you.
  • If in a dream you heard the sound of water, they want to slander you, and you may have to struggle to defend your case.

Modern dream book

  • If you drank dirty water in a dream, this portends a serious illness in the near future. This may come as a surprise to you, so for your own peace of mind, consult a doctor. If you actually have health problems, the disease will be easier to treat at the initial stage.
  • If you saw a glass of dirty water in a dream, be prepared for troubles, but there is a possibility of avoiding them if you behave carefully. Complications in business from partners are possible. Try not to trust people around you too much.
  • Dirty water can also symbolize the betrayal of a loved one or the betrayal of a spouse.
  • If rusty or cloudy water flows from a tap, the dream foreshadows getting rid of something unpleasant and oppressive. This could be gossip, slander, slander. Getting rid of this “dirt” in real life will not be easy.
  • A well with muddy water predicts difficulties in your personal life and problems in business. Your plans most likely will not come true. If you pick up a bucket of dirty water from such a well, quarrels and scandals associated with lies are expected.

Miller's Dream Book

  • Dirty water predicts changes in life, but, unfortunately, for the worse. Perhaps in reality danger, betrayal, and hypocrisy await you.
  • Muddy, seething water in a dream means some kind of evil in life. The more water you saw in a dream, the more negativity will fall on you in real life.
  • If you dreamed that you swam or plunged into a pond with dirty water, this could mean the collapse of all hopes and plans, the victory of ill-wishers, and the loss of reputation.
  • A favorable outcome can be expected if in a dream you pour dirty water out of some container. Such a dream foreshadows the onset of a white streak in life after all the failures.

Dreams often bring positive emotions, but there are also those that leave you feeling very anxious.

Dream books advise interpreting dreams as a whole, and not just individual symbols in them.

Why do you dream about dirty water? It's worth looking into.

Why do you dream of dirty water - basic interpretation

Water in a dream symbolizes the flow of a person’s life. If it is cloudy and dirty, you should be wary of various troubles that may befall a person in the near future. It is also important to pay special attention to the following details of sleep:

Where did the dirty water come from?

Perhaps the water was clear at first;

Who else was present in your dream;

What emotions overcame you?

Don’t immediately despair if you had a dream with a negative interpretation; perhaps all the difficulties will turn out to your advantage. First, it’s worth figuring out what kind of water we’re talking about. If you see a small puddle or dirty water in a glass, the troubles will be minor and will not particularly affect the course of events in your life. If you see a huge pond with muddy water, and even fall into it, you should be wary of major troubles.

All problems can drag on for quite some time, if you dream of a raging sea with muddy water. Such a dream can speak not only of material problems, but also of mental anguish that will plague a person for a long time.

If you have a dream in which you accidentally slip and fall into muddy and dirty water - it portends you gossip and loss of spirit. Your persona will cause excessive negative attention from others. It is not advisable to arrange important meetings and conduct important negotiations in the near future. Most likely, the deal will not work out and you will suffer losses due to the fact that someone will question your reputation.

You yourself may have behaved rather uninhibitedly and are now reaping the fruits of your negligent attitude towards what is happening in your life. You could allow yourself to make a harsh statement about a loved one, and now he does not want to make contact with you. Dream books indicate that the problems will be protracted; you should not expect that you will be forgiven so quickly. You are more likely to You can only earn forgiveness through painstaking work on your relationships..

If you dream that dirty water is splashed by the wind from a reservoir, such a dream may mean your unstable emotional state, you will be subject to mood swings in the near future, which will lead to your painful attitude towards other people.

Perhaps you were previously a rather demanding person who could indiscriminately tell the whole truth to your face. But now you yourself will listen to the truth about you, and it will shock you. Try to restrain your emotions and avoid a real scandal., because after it it will be very difficult for you to make peace with your family and friends.

If a young girl dreams of a storm at sea, she will have to worry for a long time about an unsuccessful love relationship. The whole problem is that the culprit for such a situation will be human rumor. She will be denigrated in the eyes of her lover, that will lead to a quarrel.

If a young couple dreams that they are standing in clear water and holding hands, and then suddenly the water becomes not clear, but dirty and cloudy, such a dream means that their peace of mind and idyll will soon come to an end. Them It's time to improve our relationships with each other, but they could not do this because they did not take into account the variability of fate.

Now they simply need this bitter experience in order to draw conclusions and avoid making similar mistakes in the future. If young people dream of a sailboat rocking on muddy waves, their hope for a cloudless future will be overshadowed by the truth. One of the partners has been carrying on for a long time behind the back of their significant other. the thought of ending this relationship. They have been weighing on one of the partners for a long time, but the breakup will be painful and long-lasting.

Why do you dream of dirty water according to Freud's dream book?

Freud's dream book says that dirty water is dreamed of as a symbol of a person's inconstancy in love. By this he causes the indignation of others and censure of his way of life. If a girl dreams that she is starting to drown in dirty water, such a dream indicates that she will get stuck in a vicious relationship.

She should refuse such a connection, otherwise she will irrevocably ruin her reputation. Now she has a lot to lose, she must, more than ever before, gather her willpower into a fist and resist temptation. In the future, happy relationships will await her.

If a girl dreams that she is walking through a dirty puddle, she will shed empty tears. Don't be upset about someone else's character and other people's problems. The main thing is to get in her personal life what she has long dreamed of.

If a man dreams that he is drinking dirty water from a glass, he will quarrel with his significant other out of the blue. This dream should alert a man, since such quarrels can lead to the end of the relationship.

If a lonely man dreams of crossing a muddy and dirty river into his family, his sexual energy is stagnant and his genitals suffer because of this. Now he needs to pay especially active attention to his health. But in order to get a full sexual experience, he will have to work for a long time.

Why do you dream of dirty water according to the Esoteric Dream Book?

The Esoteric Dream Book says why you dream of dirty water. She is dreamed of as a symbol of a negative influence on a person’s life. By analyzing all the details of a dream, you can accurately determine who actually has this harmful influence. If a person dreams that he is suddenly overwhelmed by dirty water, his troubles do not have a specific author, they are a consequence of the person’s negative actions in the past.

If in a dream you find water on your doorstep, someone really wishes harm not only for you, but also for your household. If you dream that you are washing clothes in dirty water, such a dream indicates gossip and rumors around your person, all this weakens your energy and makes you vulnerable to other people's negativity.

Why do you dream of dirty water according to other dream books?

In the Modern Dream Book It is said that dirty water is dreamed of as a harbinger of imminent troubles and failures. If you dreamed that you were drinking dirty water with pleasure, you will soon become seriously ill. It is important to keep all chronic diseases under control, as they can worsen.

If you dream of dirty water in a glass, troubles can pass you by if you finish your work on time and do not make minor mistakes. Try to resolve all conflicts and resolve them as quickly as possible. Try not to have frank conversations at this time, and do not devote a lot of time to work.

In the Women's Dream Book It is said that if a man dreams of his woman rinsing her clothes in dirty water, she is most likely preparing to cheat on him. If a woman dreams that she is plunging into a bath with dirty water, she will probably face betrayal and betrayal from her loved one.

Also, a dream about dirty water may indicate deception that a person may be subjected to. His close friend, an acquaintance on whom he counted so much, will deceive him. It is also worth paying special attention to the following interpretations of dreams:

A river with dirty water means obstacles on the way to the goal;

To step into a puddle is to commit an act and then regret it;

A lake with dirty water is a long-term problem.

In Miller's dream book It is said that dirty water dreams of illness, sadness, melancholy and apathy. The financial situation in a person’s life will be very unstable. It is important to remain calm and self-possessed; after temporary difficulties, a positive period in life will come that will bring a lot of positive emotions.

If you dream that you got your feet wet in dirty water, you will soon become seriously ill, the disease will have a complex course, so you better have patience and wait out the difficult period for a while. At the end of it you will receive good news.

If you dream that you have stained your clothes with dirty water, you will be plagued by the gossip of envious people who simply will not let you live in peace. Try to keep all the events of your life secret, do not brag about your successes, let them remain with you. Whatever the dream, you forge your own happiness. Your joy and positive attitude are the result of painstaking work on yourself.

dirty or clean water in a dream

In the world of dreams, there are symbols that carry a particularly important, sacred meaning to the one who sees the dream.

Fire, earth, air and water are the main primary elements that come into dreams, carrying important signs to those sleeping.

One of the most global symbols is water. The meaning of why water is dreamed of is not always easy to understand and interpret, since this symbol itself is very extensive.

Water, like fire, is one of the fundamental elements. It is in physical or spiritual aspect in everything on Earth.

Water in all cultures is considered a symbol of life, rebirth, energy and inner peace. If you correctly interpret a “water” dream, and correctly understand what water means in a dream, you can very seriously influence the course of your own life.

Why do you dream about Water? This dream usually means a lot. If you dream of clean, clear water, it means your spiritual purity, health, success and excellent well-being. If the water is dirty and cloudy, illness, trouble, and major failures await you. If you are under water, it means that something will happen in your life that will save you from some kind of trouble that awaits you, this is how this dream is interpreted according to the dream book. Women's dream book Why do you dream of Water - Seeing clean water in a dream means joy, improved well-being, and a lot of pleasure. Drinking clean and fresh water is a sign of a favorable completion of the most daring undertakings. Muddy water portends danger or despondency. Falling into troubled water is a sign that you will make many bitter mistakes. Drinking muddy water means illness. If you dream that water has flooded your home and continues to rise, then you will fight and resist evil. If, on the contrary, the water decreases, give in to the dangerous influence. If you dream of splashes of water falling on your head, this means the awakening of passionate love that will bring you happiness; many dream books interpret such a dream this way. Maly Velesov dream book Why do you dream of Water - Trouble, illness, failure, misfortune, funeral, tears; pure - to goodness, prosperity, laughter, happiness, family joy, enjoy good luck, new acquaintances, health; dirty, muddy - for the worse, trouble, they will scold, sadness, resentment, gossip, illness, death, quarrel, trouble; washing with clean water, swimming, wading, drowning and choking - to goodness, health; drowning in muddy water, swimming, crossing bridges - taking part in the misfortunes of loved ones, protecting them from failures; drown someone - make that person cry; to drink - to be among people; drink cold spring water - health, good // cry; cross the water - they talk about you, if there is a shallow ford - they don’t say anything bad, but if there is a deep ford - they scold you; if you cross the water, it’s good, but if you don’t, it’s bad, you won’t have bread; clean water in a cup means the husband will beat his wife, and dirty water means the husband will drive his wife away; fall into water, mud, swamp - trouble will certainly happen; if you walk on water and don’t drown, you will be healthy and joyful; flows quickly - fun, profit; warm drink - one in sadness, danger; cold - goodness, friends, health; scoop - acquisition; murmurs - rumor about you; a waterfall, marveling at it is a terrible encounter; hear the sound of a waterfall - news; washing - joy, liberation; drops of water - money; swimming is good; pouring water is a shame, a mistake; watering something - loss, loss; spill - trouble; standing by the water means death; water arrives - guests; jump into the water - get into trouble; boiling - quarrel; water flows quickly - a welcome guest; running water is the road // tears. Russian folk dream book One of the most complex dream symbols. Getting caught in the rain is a lucky omen that promises success. Watering flowers and trees - thanks to your care you will make many friends. If in a dream you are knocked down by a stream of water, then this dream predicts a stunning event. Dream book of the writer Aesop Water is one of the most complex dream symbols. The subconscious can send you this image, associating it with the expression: “How much water has flown under the bridge since then!”, which denotes nostalgia for the past. This symbol can also be associated with the phrase: “Pound water,” that is, engage in unnecessary work, make empty promises and not fulfill them. It is likely that the image of water materialized from the expression: “Carrying water in a sieve,” that is, doing stupid work that does not bring results. There are also expressions: “As if he sank into the water,” that is, disappeared without a trace; “As he looked into the water,” that is, he predicted so that everything came true, as he said; “Get out of the water unscathed” - to avoid punishment or censure for misbehavior or to get out of some troubles without losses, the same thing is meant by the expression: “Water off a duck’s back”, but: “Muddy the waters” means to mislead, tell a lie; “Pour grist into someone else’s mill” - slander someone, discuss or condemn a person. If you dreamed that you were drinking water, it means that something unexpected will happen to you, a sudden event will occur. To see some container with water - you will communicate with a person whom you cannot figure out, with some secretive and mysterious person. Getting caught in the rain or doused with water is a lucky omen that promises success and prosperity. Such a dream can also predict profit or an unexpected gift. If you dreamed that you were riding on the water on some kind of ship, then this dream warns you that you should not commit rash acts, rely on chance and avoid risky situations, otherwise bragging, recklessness and frivolity will lead to big troubles. Watering flowers or trees - such a dream suggests that thanks to your care and attention you will gain many reliable friends, respect among colleagues and the love of children. Wash your face, wash your hands, bathe in water - in reality you will happily avoid troubles, thanks to your inner sense, intuition and intelligence. If you dreamed that you were knocked off your feet by a stream of water, then this dream predicts a stunning event that will leave a deep mark on your soul, from which you will not be able to get rid of for quite a long time. Drowning in a dream is a sign that you cannot demonstrate all your abilities in life, realize your plans, and this depresses you, forces you to be more active, work feverishly, and leaves no time for rest. To dream that you are leading several thirsty people through muddy water and promising to give them crystal clear water to drink is a sign of long and fruitful work, which will bring satisfaction only in cooperation with reliable partners who deny everything illegal and deceitful. If you dream of a glass with water bubbling in it, you will experience an emotionally intense period that will end in a harmonious ending if you are restrained. Seeing in a dream how water is poured on a dead person and he comes to life - foretells a trip to a resort; to recovery; to the news of a serious illness; You will encounter supernatural phenomena, something amazing. Dream Interpretation of Medea

Why do you dream of dirty water in a dream?

If in a dream you swim in clear water in a dream, then your life in the near future will proceed without problems and worries, but if in muddy water, then, most likely, obstacles and obstacles await you. Swimming in water - this may mean that you have not yet separated yourself from the maternal essence and mother's psyche.

Why do you dream about a lot of water?

If water floods your house and it is impossible to stop it, you will face a difficult struggle and resistance, but if the water gradually decreases, you will begin to give in and danger will interfere with your plans.

the likelihood of finding yourself in a difficult situation of a personal nature. Wash your face with water - experience joyful feelings, feel a sense of freedom, free yourself from something that burdens you. If you pour water, there is a possibility of feeling

or make a mistake. If you use water as an irrigation medium, the reality is that you may be losing something. If in a dream you look at a waterfall, a difficult meeting awaits you. If water splashes on your

You will suddenly be overcome by a strong passion.

Dream Interpretation of Hasse

If you feel that the water is cold in a dream, this portends happiness for you. If you spill water, in reality you will be carried away by something that is right and useful for you. Muddy water warns of possible obstacles and obstacles. Drowning in water means that in reality you will encounter a situation that will become some kind of obstacle for you. If you wade through the water, you will be able to avoid danger. But swimming or

in water indicates that you will be able to rehabilitate yourself in the eyes of others

Put an end to unfair suspicions. If you swim in water or see people swimming, it means that you will be able to find a common language with your enemies and make peace with them. In a dream

cold water, in reality, improve your health. If you drink warm water, you cannot avoid getting sick. If in a dream you were scalded by boiling water,

the likelihood that you will incur a loss due to your negligence. If you are wandering in the water, then you have every chance to overcome existing obstacles. Hear

water, to suffer because someone judges.

Dream Interpretation of Semenova

What does it portend?

Dirty water according to Miller's dream book

According to this dream book, sewage and cloudy liquid promise a change from a light streak in life to a dark one soon. You may be in quite a serious danger, which will be quite difficult to cope with alone.

If a stream of dirty water floods your house, then the dream book warns of an upcoming desperate struggle against troubles. The receding cloudy liquid indicates a negative influence from the outside, to which you will easily succumb. Such influence can become truly fatal.

Why do you still dream about water?

Sometimes it is not clear what kind of water you saw in a dream, moreover, sometimes it doesn’t even matter, because only the fact of the presence of water is important.

So if in a dream you hear the sound of pouring water, be prepared for the fact that people around you will strongly criticize you.

Modern dream book - interpretation of dreams with dirty water

  • if you dream of a flood, dangers await you ahead, but if the water level drops, you have survived the worst times, then gradual improvement awaits you;
  • Dream books interpret swimming in dirty water as future accusations against you, slander, dirty gossip.

Water is the source of our life, without which human existence is impossible. But what does it mean if you saw her in your dreams? A dream book will help give a comprehensive answer to this question. Why should the Sleeper, having seen such water, prepare for troubles in reality, because this is a symbol of negativity and negative energy. It indicates changes that are not for the better, but this applies more to women than men.

Correct interpretation of dreams can help you prepare for even the most unpleasant situations. If a person ate something too salty or sweet in the evening, then sleeping with dirty water may not mean anything. I'm just thirsty. The day when you dreamed of dirty water is of great importance. The dream book testifies that it will definitely predict fate and it will come true.

River with dirty water - meaning

Dirty water in the river promises failure and danger. To cope with them, the dreamer will need endurance and patience. The flow of the river also has a great influence. Smooth means that the problems will be minor and quickly resolved. If on the contrary, you will even have to be a little nervous. This situation is difficult to deal with.

What else can a dream book warn about?

  • Swimming in dirty water means making mistakes that precede suffering and worries.
  • Falling into a dirty river means getting into an unpleasant situation.
  • If the sleeper falls into and enjoys it, then he will come out unscathed and, most likely, will push two competing personalities together. This person has a penchant for intrigue.
  • Falling into a puddle means experiencing grief. Most likely, this person will be thrown into the mud. If you step into a puddle of dirty water, you will commit an act that you will later regret.
  • Walking on dirty water means finding happiness by going through certain obstacles.
  • Drowning in dirty water means losing hope for a quick solution to current problems.
  • The worst dream is to swim in dirty water. The dream book warns of possible accidents. If you dreamed of this, you need to protect yourself and your loved ones as much as possible.

Well with dirty water

  • Dirty water in a well indicates bad luck. It's not worth starting new things yet.
  • Collecting dirty water from a well means quarrels and gossip.
  • If you are offered something to drink and the water is dirty, the dream book says that you should improve your health and consult a doctor. A timely visit to the doctor will help get rid of upcoming illnesses.
  • If you drink cold dirty water, then diseases will bypass you.
  • Drinking warm dirty water means healing for a long time. The more a person drinks, the more serious the disease awaits him.
  • Pour out muddy water - protect yourself from suffering, grief and misfortune. What torments you will move aside.

Tap water

  • Muddy water from the tap indicates gossip and possible disagreements with loved ones. There are worries and tears ahead.
  • Seeing dirty water in the bathtub means that there is evil in your environment. The more water, the more enemies and ill-wishers the dreamer has.
  • If such water flows from the shower, it means that you have contacted scammers or deceivers who, most likely, are planning something against you.
  • Washing with this water means succumbing to troubles.
  • Getting burned with dirty water means suffering losses due to your own negligence.
  • Wetting your feet in such water means poverty and misery.
  • What if the water in the glass is dirty? The dream book hints at upcoming troubles. If a woman sees such water, quarrels and disagreements with her husband await her ahead.
  • If a woman is doused with dirty water in the presence of her husband in a dream, it means that envious people want to destroy the relationship in the couple.

Dreamed water color

Black water is a symbol of tears, disappointment and loss. The situation may get out of control, some unforeseen circumstances will appear that will not please you. Fate prepared a series of failures. If he washes himself in such water, he can soon get rid of the problems and worries that have tormented him lately.

It's alarming. It's worth taking a closer look at those around you. Perhaps some kind of fraud is being prepared against you. Swimming in rusty water means a sharp deterioration in health; choking is even worse. Seeing but not touching it means the dreamer will witness an unpleasant situation, but everything bad will pass him by. If in a dream you see how clean, clear water turns rusty, then a business that was supposed to be successful will fail and bring losses. If you watch it flowing from the ground, then some long-forgotten event of an unpleasant nature will soon emerge.

Did you see a yellow liquid, and besides, the water is dirty? The dream book promises that this is a sign of betrayal and illness.

Don't forget that bad sleep is not a reason to be sad and limp. A person is the master of his own destiny, the interpretation of dreams will only help to try to avoid approaching problems and make the right decision.

Dream interpretation dirty water

Water is the source of life; without it, a person simply cannot live long. But the interpretation of dreams can have different meanings. In particular, the dream book promises far from the most positive signs for what dirty water means in dreams.

What does dirty, dark water say?

Having such a dream can mean far from the most positive and joyful changes, bad news and situations. But at this moment it is important to understand that just as water flows into a drain, so everything in this life passes. So just be ready to accept the changes and go with your destiny.

In a pond

Muddy water

If you saw dirty water in a river in a dream, be on alert. Such a sign during dreams has a negative interpretation and promises trouble. Moreover, their degree depends on how calm the flow of the reservoir in the river is: if it is smooth and quiet, then the problems will be minor and you will be able to solve them quickly, but if the river is violent, then you will have to come to terms with situations and turns of life, even if not the most joyful ones , but beyond your control.

In a puddle

Why do you dream of dirty water in the form of a puddle? The interpretation is similar if you dreamed of similar water in a river, in a swimming pool, in a bathtub, a bucket, from a tap, and so on.


A well full of dirty, muddy water speaks of failure. Now is not the best time for beginnings; any projects should wait, as the dream book says. Especially when it comes to money, stagnation or loss is possible here. In general, such a sign during dreams warns of approaching troubles for which you should be prepared.

Dirty water in a well

If you don’t just look into a well, but take out dirty water in a bucket, you risk getting into an unpleasant situation, a scandal. This can ruin your reputation and ruin your relationships with people. Gossip is an integral attribute of society, so try to carefully filter your communication and circle of trust.


If you saw dirty water during dreams in your home in the bathroom or swimming pool, then this is a warning about the negativity that surrounds you. These could be envious people, gossipers, enemies, energy vampires, work competitors - anyone who wishes you misfortune. The dream book advises you to be more attentive to those who circle around you and those whom you invite into your life, into your home, into your heart.

Actions and more actions

According to the dream book, your actions during dreams are of great importance for why you dream of muddy water, dark and gloomy. Maybe you drink dirty water, or swim in it in a pool or river? Or maybe you just see it flowing in a stream or from a tap. All this must be taken into account in order for the interpretation of the dream to be correct.

If you dream that you drink dirty water during your dreams, or it is just dark and nasty, then this may indicate an illness in the near future, as the dream book says.

Pay attention to your health

Think about what dirty water means in dreams. Perhaps something has been bothering you for a long time: constant headache, blood pressure, nausea, and so on. Getting tested on time is the key to quick and successful treatment. And health is the basis of a happy and long life, although we understand this only when the disease has already put us in bed with a fever.

But pouring dirty water from a cup or bowl, that which was in a bucket, etc., during dreams has a good interpretation. Most likely, the dark streak in your life will soon be replaced by a bright one, you will finally find harmony and resolve your problems. By pouring water, you cleanse your life of negativity, making your life easier.

In addition, such a dream speaks of good luck. Soon you will catch her by the tail and will be able to achieve everything you dreamed of. Moreover, the more water you pour, the more fortune awaits you! This is exactly what the dream book promises.

A fall in a pool, river, lake, etc. with dirty water is an indication of a mistake. This action could have been decisive in your life, and the wrong decision has negative consequences now. Look back and look at your life, where and when you dramatically changed the course of your destiny, took radical steps. Perhaps from that moment you were haunted by failures, the Universe showed and shows with this dream that you need to turn everything back or resolve the current situation.

A pond of dirty water in which you are swimming indicates upcoming problems. For example, if you are swimming in a river. The dream book has the same interpretation if you are swimming in a bath or in a pool. But remember that the flow passes, like all life’s troubles.

If during sleep you drown in a body of water (river, lake, sea) or a bathtub (swimming pool) with dirty water, this is a signal that circumstances await you that you cannot change. There are times in life when you just need to give in to the flow, and fighting will only bring unnecessary suffering. Let go of situations, forgive and say goodbye to people, come to terms with the injustice around you - this is what the dream book advises.

If you dream that dark, dirty water flows out of a tap (whether in a bathtub, in a swimming pool), the interpretation promises positive changes in life. But to do this, you will have to go through a series of tests, overcome yourself, and accept the circumstances. But as a reward you will receive relief, a bright streak in life, good luck and success. Remember, you have to fight for happiness!