How to deal with oily scalp. Oily scalp, what to do

When it comes to caring for oily hair scalps and dry ends, there are many products available to help you achieve the balance you need. Although heredity is considered to be the main cause of oily skin and dry ends, taking care of your hair daily and preventing environmental damage is the key to proper care. You probably never wanted to have an oily scalp, but you can definitely deal with this problem.


Choosing the right daily care

    Choose the right shampoo to wash your hair. At first glance, this may seem like a very simple choice, but it turns into the seven circles of hell when you see the endless rows of shelves of different shampoos in the store. Most often, shampoos for oily scalp and dry hair are sold with the label “for combination hair type.”

    Choose the right air conditioner. Despite the existence of effective 2-in-1 products, it is still recommended to use separate shampoo and conditioner for proper hair care. By dealing with two problems at once (oily skin and dry roots), it will be much easier for you to regulate the amount of shampoo and conditioner you need on your own.

    • Determination by visual signs: conditioners for dry hair usually have a creamier consistency, and unlike others, they are not as transparent.
  1. Determine how often you wash your hair. It depends on your hair's thickness, coarseness, and frizz, among other factors, but any skin type needs to be cleared of dead cells, dirt, and oil buildup. Regular washing can be said to be washing twice a week, daily or even once every two weeks. If your scalp is too oily, then the oils and dead skin are not being washed out properly.

    Washing head. Wet your hair thoroughly in the shower and then squeeze a drop of shampoo, one to three centimeters in diameter, into the palm of your hand. The amount of shampoo may vary depending on the length of your hair. The technique of washing your hair should be similar to a light massage of the skin followed by thorough rinsing.

    • From time to time, you can use toilet soap to wash your hair instead of shampoo. However, such a product can be used once a week at best, and not repeated for a long period of time. Toilet soap provides active cleansing of the scalp, but is too harsh on the hair.
  2. Use conditioner. Conditioner should be applied immediately after shampoo and then rinsed with water. While the amount of shampoo should be carefully measured, conditioner for dry hair can be applied much more generously.

    • Using conditioner is important because it moisturizes dry hair ends after shampoo has stripped away the natural oils.
    • If you experience dryness in your hair between applications of your regular conditioner, then consider using dry conditioners. These conditioners are sprayed onto dry hair after a shower and then brushed through for extra moisture.
  3. Comb your hair if dryness occurs. Brushing your hair helps distribute natural oils evenly throughout your hair, which helps combat the problem of oily scalp and dry roots. It is advisable to comb with a brush immediately after taking a shower; Wet hair is at its most elastic at this point, so breakage is less likely to occur during this period of time.

  4. Massage your scalp. This is part of proper shampooing, but is also beneficial outside of the shower. A gentle massage stimulates hair follicles and improves blood circulation, which helps release additional natural oils needed for healthy hair.

    • You might think that stimulating your scalp to produce extra oils is counterintuitive if you already have oily skin. However, when combined with other hair care methods, these oils will nourish dry hair rather than clogging the scalp.

Hair care beyond washing

  1. Do not use brightener. Regular hair coloring can cause hair loss, especially when using bleach. If you color your hair regularly and still have problems with dry roots, consider giving it a little break.

    • Any heat or chemical treatment can have an adverse effect on the health of your hair over time. Limit the use of hair dryers and straightening irons if you have a problem with dry roots.

“The scalp can be naturally oily,” says Elena Eliseeva, medical expert at Vichy. - Most likely, such people also have oily facial skin. In this case, the cause of increased fat content, as a rule, is the sensitivity of the sebaceous glands to androgens, namely dehydrotestosterone, which is inherited genetically.”

One of the reasons for oily scalp is heredity. © iStock

Sometimes we ourselves are to blame for the fact that the scalp begins to produce excess oil. And here are a few reasons that increase scalp oiliness.

    Errors in nutrition

    Often, increased head fat is caused by a “special” diet, rich in fatty and fried foods, spicy foods, alcohol, and sugar.

    Poor daily care

    Too frequent washing or, conversely, rare use of exfoliants for the scalp, incorrectly selected shampoo - all this provokes the sebaceous glands to secrete more sebum.

    Regular use of heat styling devices

    Without a hair dryer, curling iron and hair straightener, it is difficult to imagine the beauty arsenal of a modern girl. But too hot air flow and high temperatures of styling gadgets do not have the best effect on the scalp.

    Incorrect washing technique

    Unfortunately, most people rub their hair along the entire length, when first of all it is necessary to thoroughly cleanse the scalp.

Oily hair is the most difficult to care for. © iStock

Rules for caring for oily scalp

The most difficult hair to care for is hair that is prone to oiliness. “It’s quite simple to understand whether you have this type of hair,” says Alla Mimikina, L’Oréal Paris brand expert. And lists its main features.

    The need to wash your hair arises daily. After washing, the strands look clean, but by the evening they become greasy at the roots.

    The ends of the hair do not split.

    The strands are practically not electrified (or very rarely).

    The hair is easy to style, however, the hairstyle quickly loses volume.

It is impossible to determine your scalp type once and for all. Her condition is constantly changing, because it is influenced by hormonal levels, the work of internal organs (liver, pancreas), environmental conditions, and lifestyle.

When washing, you should first cleanse your scalp, not your hair. © iStock

Special knowledge: cleansing hair for oily scalps

Since oily hair quickly loses its fresh appearance, it is better to wash it daily. From time to time it is worth using shampoos for deep cleansing and those that say “to add volume.” Both categories of products contain active cleansing ingredients that dry out hair, so you should use them no more than once a week.

For daily care, look for shampoos with the following ingredients:

    extracts of currant leaves, nettle, chamomile, birch, coltsfoot, horsetail, sage, willow bark;

    tea tree and rosemary oils;

  • vitamins A, C, E;

    selenium and zinc;


Shampoos for oily hair

Product name Active Ingredients Who is it suitable for?

Botanic Therapy toning shampoo, Garnier

natural tea tree oil - an ancient source of energy and tone, aloe vera and orange flower extracts For normal and oily hair.
Intensive care shampoo Dercos, Vichy where to find? selenium, ceramides, salicylic acid, vitamin E Designed for oily hair and itchy scalp. Relieves dandruff and soothes the scalp.

Balancing shampoo “Three valuable clays” ElsÈve, L’Oréal Paris

three types of clay: green, white, blue; does not contain silicones Designed for hair that is oily at the roots and dry at the ends.

Anti-dandruff shampoo Scalp Purifying Anti Dandruff Shampoo, Kiehl's

zinc pyrithione 1% (a product with antifungal and antiseptic properties), menthol, aloe extract Gently cleanses hair and scalp, helps prevent dandruff. Suitable for skin prone to itching and redness. Has a beneficial effect on the condition and appearance of the scalp and hair.

Additional care

Product name Action Rules of application

Hair mask “Three valuable clays” ElsÈve, L’Oréal Paris

Eliminates excess sebum, maintains optimal balance of the scalp, intensively cleanses, gives freshness and lightness to the hair at the roots. Use before washing your hair.

Scrub for intensive cleansing of the scalp Deep Micro-Exfoliating Scalp Treatment, Kiehl’s

Effectively exfoliates the scalp, preparing it for subsequent cleansing with shampoo. Apply the scrub to dry or damp scalp before using shampoo. Massage gently. Leave on for 5 minutes, then rinse thoroughly. Recommended use 1-2 times a week.
Botanic Therapy toning balm-rinse, Garnier where to find? Intensively affects hair, fills it with vitality, does not weigh it down. Use after shampoo. Apply over the entire length of hair for a few minutes and rinse with warm water.

The scalp will produce the optimal amount of oil if you follow a proper care regimen.

    Wash your hair daily or every other day, paying special attention to the scalp. The water should be moderately warm: exposure to hot and cold water negatively affects the functioning of the sebaceous glands.

    Give preference to special shampoos for oily skin, which contain anti-inflammatory and deep cleansing components (the latter have a sebum-regulating effect).

    Once or twice a week, use special deep cleansing products - masks or scrubs for the scalp.

The condition of the scalp is constantly changing. © iStock

Remember the correct technique for washing your hair.

  1. 1

    Lather the shampoo at the roots of your hair, then rinse along the entire length in the shower.

  2. 2

    With conditioner, do exactly the opposite: apply it to the ends of your hair and distribute it to the middle of the length, without affecting the roots. Otherwise, the product will weigh down the strands.

Professional help

“If you can’t cope with increased oily scalp on your own, it makes sense to consult a trichologist,” advises Elena Eliseeva. Among the recommendations, most likely, there will be such procedures.


Salons usually carry out chemical peeling procedures with compounds that contain 30–40% acids (such products are not suitable for home care, since they require professional application and a multi-stage neutralization system). This will not reduce oiliness, but will significantly reduce the risk of developing dandruff and blockage of the mouths of hair follicles.

It is better to wash oily hair daily. © iStock

Electromyostimulation and darsonvalization

Hardware techniques that help balance the activity of the sebaceous glands.

Electrophoresis with fortified solutions and antioxidants

This procedure will prevent the oxidation of squalene to squalene peroxide, which is one of the causes of itching.


Under the influence of cold, a sharp narrowing of the capillaries of the skin occurs, and then their expansion, accompanied by an influx of arterial blood. The cold awakens dormant hair follicles, and the functioning of the sebaceous glands is normalized.


An injection procedure based on the introduction into the skin of special cocktails with vitamins and minerals, as well as active substances:

    stimulates hair growth;

    improves blood circulation;

    strengthens the walls of the follicles;

    normalizes the balance of oil content of the scalp.

Update: October 2018

Oily hair is one of the hair types caused by excessive activity of the sebaceous glands located on the scalp. Even with daily washing in the morning, by evening the hair already looks oily and greasy; styling and hairstyles practically do not hold. If you don’t wash your hair for 2-3 days, it sticks together in strands and looks very untidy.

This problem is not purely aesthetic, and, of course, cannot characterize those with oily hair as sloppy people who do not take care of themselves. To improve the condition of the scalp, you should first consult a trichologist, gastroenterologist and endocrinologist, and only then, together with specialists, select the appropriate comprehensive care.

At-risk groups

Most often, this type of hair is found in brunettes, somewhat less often in redheads and blondes. The age group at risk includes teenagers and older people. Overweight people often suffer from a similar problem.

It has been noticed that oily hair is typical for people who are in a constant state of stress, often nervous and worried, as well as those who hold responsible leadership positions.

Since one of the causes of oily hair is a hormone imbalance, the problem can occur in women during periods of natural hormonal changes, such as pregnancy, lactation, as well as those who take contraceptives or other hormonal medications.

Causes of increased oily hair

Why is my hair oily? The answer to this question is individual in each specific case, but the root cause of unaesthetic hair is always the excessive formation of sebum.

With normal, physiological function of the sebaceous glands, their secretion forms a hydrolipid film on the scalp. A thin fatty mantle performs a protective function and prevents drying of the scalp, prevents moisture loss and the penetration of ultraviolet rays, bacteria and dirt into the scalp.

The activity and number of sebaceous glands are programmed at the genetic level. Accordingly, it is impossible to radically influence their function. You can improve the condition of your scalp through proper daily care and nutrition.

So, the main reasons for increased greasiness in hair:

  • Hormonal changes– adolescence, pregnancy and menopause in women, stress. During the period of hormonal changes, the production of the hormone testosterone increases, which means the sensitivity of the sebaceous glands to it also increases.
  • Internal reasons. Dysfunction of the endocrine system, gastrointestinal tract, and nervous system also negatively affects the condition of the hair. This reason is most often identified when the hair suddenly becomes oily.
  • Seborrheic dermatitis. One of the pathological causes of oily scalp (see), in which not only the amount of sebum increases, but also its composition changes (see).
  • Diet . Spicy, fatty, smoked, salty and canned foods, sweet soda, fast food, alcohol, and confectionery can increase sebum production.
  • Improper care. Excessive use of greasy masks and oils. Constantly wearing hats made of synthetic materials, etc.
  • External factors, such as high humidity and heat, enhance the function of the sebaceous glands.

Oily hair - characteristics

  • Increased greasiness, which is first noted on the scalp, literally a few hours after washing, then on the roots and hair shaft.
  • Clumping of hair into separate, untidy strands.
  • Unpleasant odor from the head, which is formed due to the high adsorption of dust and dirt particles by fat.
  • Instability of styling and hairstyle even when using fixing products.
  • Dandruff that clumps together and is visible on both the scalp and hair shafts.

In almost 100% of cases, oily hair is accompanied by oily skin in general. If the hair roots are oily and the rest of the hair shaft is dry, it is a mixed hair type.

Home care for oily hair

What to do if your hair is oily? This feature requires special daily care, which will have to be followed throughout your life. The following is strictly not recommended:

  • Using hot water for washing.
  • Using a hair dryer for drying, especially hot air.
  • Use of straighteners and curling irons for styling.
  • Using waxes and gels to fix hairstyles.
  • Active scalp massage.
  • Frequent combing of hair.
  • Tight hairstyles and complex styling.
  • Metal hair accessories.
  • Long hair – For those with oily hair, short or medium hair is optimal.

Incorrect and irrational nutrition, as it turned out above, activates the activity of the sebaceous glands. You should avoid “harmful foods” as much as possible, increase the proportion of vegetables, unsweetened fruits, whole grains and fish, and also try to drink at least 1.5 liters of clean water per day.

Taking vitamin-mineral complexes

Oily hair is not directly related to hypovitaminosis or mineral deficiency, however, some experts recommend taking such medications, especially during recovery periods after illness, in winter and spring.

healthy lifestyle

This includes giving up bad habits, giving up physical inactivity, frequent walks in the fresh air, etc.

Washing head

Experts have different opinions - some believe that too frequent washing further aggravates the problem, while others consider frequent care a vital necessity. How often should you wash oily hair? You should stick to the golden mean and wash your hair as it gets dirty, once a day. But you really shouldn’t go to extremes - washing your hair several times a day leads to compensatory activation of the sebaceous glands, while oily, greasy hair and dirty skin are an excellent breeding ground for the proliferation of bacteria.

  • You should wash your hair in the morning, since the sebaceous glands work most actively at night;
  • you need to use warm water, but not hot;
  • It is advisable to apply shampoo twice and rinse thoroughly;
  • It's best if your hair dries naturally.


To reduce the activity of the sebaceous glands and prolong the aesthetic appearance of the hairstyle, it is recommended to rinse oily hair with decoctions and herbal infusions after each wash, and it is also permissible to gently rub it into clean skin.

The following plants have a normalizing effect on the sebaceous glands: calamus, horsetail, oak bark. To obtain an infusion, about 2 tbsp. dry raw materials are taken into 1 liter of boiling water and left for half an hour. To obtain a decoction, the composition in the same proportions is kept in a water bath for 30 minutes.

As a natural rinse, you can use water to which a few drops of rose, mint, bergamot, and citrus essential oils have been added.

Natural shampoo substitutes

Low-fat fermented milk products such as yogurt, whey and kefir have a positive effect on the scalp. Biocultures and microelements in their composition strengthen hair roots and normalize the hydrolipid balance of the skin.

Homemade masks for oily hair

  • Red clay mask. Cleanses and improves hair, restores water-lipid balance, eliminates irritation. Red clay powder is mixed with boiling water until a paste is obtained, 1 tsp is added to the mixture. dry mustard, which also dries the skin, cool until warm and apply to the scalp for 15 minutes, then rinse.
  • Green clay mask. Helps normalize the function of the sebaceous glands and actively absorbs fat. Helps prevent dandruff formation. Clay powder is mixed with olive oil and applied to the scalp for 40 minutes, after which it is thoroughly washed off. Use this mask no more than 1 time per week.
  • White clay mask. Reduces oiliness, strengthens hair follicles and stops hair loss. White clay powder is mixed with still mineral water until a paste forms and applied to the head for 25 minutes, after which it is thoroughly washed off.
  • Blue clay mask. Reduces hair oiliness and prevents dandruff formation. Clay powder is diluted with warm water, add 2 tbsp. apple cider vinegar, mix and apply to the head for 20 minutes, wash off and rinse with 1 liter of warm water, to which 50 ml of apple cider vinegar has been added.
  • Colorless henna mask. Suitable for caring for very oily scalp. Dries and soothes the skin - after the mask, hair remains fresh and clean for a long time. Henna powder is diluted with hot serum heated in a water bath to the consistency of sour cream and applied to the scalp and hair, except for the ends, to avoid drying it out, cover the head with a towel and leave the mask for 1 hour, then rinse off.

Home care for oily hair plays a key role in the health of the scalp. They cannot be neglected.

Shampoos for oily hair

The best shampoo for oily hair should be chosen individually, based on the condition of the scalp. There are much fewer series for oily hair than for dry and colored hair, however, there is a considerable choice. The most purchased and popular shampoos in this series:

Wella Regulate is a professional shampoo that regulates the activity of the sebaceous glands. The price is about 1,700 rubles, but the bottle is economical (1000 ml). Bioderma Node is an effective pharmaceutical shampoo for oily and sensitive scalp. Price about 1200 rub. Schwarzkopf Professional BC Deep Cleansing is an active cleansing shampoo that has a positive effect on both skin and hair. Price 750 rub. Loreal Professionel Pure Resource is a professional product that is optimal for combination hair (dry hair, oily roots), but also copes well with oily scalp. Price about 600 rubles. Batiste Original is a very highly effective dry shampoo for oily hair. Price is about 400 rubles.

Green Mama with nettle and black currant is one of the best shampoos in the mid-price category (about 190 rubles). Le Petit Marseillais with white clay is a good shampoo for everyday use. Price 160 rub. Natura Siberica is one of the most popular shampoos in this series. Price 280 rub. Clean Line is a budget shampoo that guarantees effective cleansing of the most severe cases, when even the ends of the hair are very oily. Price 90 rub. Shauma 7 herbs is an inexpensive shampoo for everyday use. Price about 100 rubles.

It happens that owners of oily hair purchase medicated shampoos against seborrhea, relying on a significant improvement in the scalp. However, this should not be done, since such shampoos contain substances that have a detrimental effect on the pathogenic flora that is present on the skin in the case of seborrhea. This is not very good for a healthy scalp, since its microbiocenosis will be disrupted.

Professional treatment for oily hair

Before receiving prescriptions and recommendations from a specialist, you should conduct a computer diagnosis of the condition of your hair and examine it for microelements. If the problem is really serious or appears suddenly, the doctor will prescribe certain examinations and refer you for consultation to specialists.

The competence of a trichologist is the choice of care products for this type of hair and physiotherapy. An integrated approach is recommended, i.e. using several products at once - masks, shampoos, lotions that help fight excess fat. It should be understood that it is impossible to change the structure of the hair, but it is quite possible to maintain a healthy scalp, regulate the functioning of the sebaceous glands and thus maintain the hydrolipid balance.

Professional treatment procedures

Ozone therapy

The procedure improves blood circulation, saturates tissues with oxygen, destroys pathogenic flora living on the scalp, and reduces the amount of sebum secreted. The procedure is indicated in complex treatment and is often combined with mesotherapy, improving the effectiveness of the latter.

As a rule, an ozone-oxygen mixture is injected under the scalp or intradermally using thin needles in a course of 7-10 procedures lasting about 20 minutes. The “greenhouse” method is used somewhat less frequently, in which an ozonized product is applied to the head, and a special device is put on top, creating a greenhouse effect.


Another injection technique, the purpose of which is to reduce the activity of the sebaceous glands and normalize the condition of the scalp.

Mesotherapy cocktails are injected into the skin of the scalp using thin needles, which contain vitamins, medicinal substances, micro- and macroelements that suppress the functioning of the sebaceous glands. A course of procedures is prescribed. Each procedure lasts 30-60 minutes, but the course will require from 5 to 10 procedures.

Plasmolifting or plasma therapy

A procedure in which a person’s own blood plasma is injected subcutaneously leads to the activation of the body’s internal reserves and self-restoration of the normal condition of the skin.

The technique is similar to mesotherapy. This procedure is preceded by patient preparation, spectral hair analysis, blood analysis, etc. To obtain plasma, venous blood is taken and processed using a special device. The finished plasma is injected and, if necessary, vitamins, microelements and medications are added. The procedure itself is quick, within 3-4 minutes, the doctor makes precise and quick injections under the scalp.


A popular physiotherapeutic procedure that has virtually no contraindications, since it eliminates allergic or toxic effects on the body. Liquid nitrogen has a positive effect on the sebaceous glands, reducing fat production.

The procedure is carried out using a special applicator, which treats the surface of the scalp for 5-10 minutes. Cryomassage is prescribed for a course of treatment, 15 sessions every 2-3 days.


An electrotherapeutic technique in which micropulses of high-frequency current are applied to the scalp. This leads to changes in physical and chemical processes in tissues, a decrease in sebum production, the disappearance of dandruff, inflammation and narrowing of pores.

The treatment is a course, 10-12 procedures are prescribed. This treatment can also be carried out at home if you purchase the appropriate device (see).

Laser shower

The quantum therapy procedure is based on the effect of laser energy on the sebaceous glands. It has a healing effect on the scalp, reduces sebum production, and improves hair structure.

The painless procedure is carried out within 10 minutes using a special device. The course is 10-12 procedures, which are repeated after 1 day.

How to choose individual care?

It is obvious that both traditional medicine and official cosmetology and medicine offer many therapeutic and supportive methods for improving and normalizing the condition of hair and scalp. How to get rid of oily hair?

Those with genetically determined oily scalp should focus on daily home care, normalization of nutrition and a healthy lifestyle - this is the key to healthy and aesthetic hair. Once a quarter you can conduct a course of salon procedures.

If excessive oiliness in the hair is due to somatic pathology or hormonal changes, emphasis should be placed on treating the underlying disease, and in the case of hormonal changes, simply wait out this period, properly caring for your hair at home.


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This article is based on scientific evidence, written and reviewed by experts. Our team of licensed nutritionists and estheticians strive to be objective, unbiased, honest and present both sides of the argument.

- This is a big problem faced not only by women, but also by men. The reason for this lies in the excessive activity of the sebaceous glands located in the epidermis. And before we talk about how to get rid of oily scalp, it is necessary to talk about the reasons leading to such disorders in the body. After all, without eliminating them it is useless to fight.

The causes of increased oily scalp can be very diverse. The most common factor leading to the appearance of this problem is hormonal changes in the body. It can occur in both boys and girls during puberty. After it, some manage to say goodbye to increased oily scalp, while others, alas, have to fight it for many more years.

In women, hormonal imbalance can also occur during pregnancy or taking hormonal medications. As a rule, after the birth of a child or stopping taking medications, the condition of the scalp normalizes on its own.

Quite often, such a problem can be caused by frequent stress, lack of sleep or some other nervous strain. They not only affect the functioning of the sebaceous glands, but also have a negative impact on the functionality of the entire body as a whole. So take care of yourself. No one can do this except you. Monitor your sleep (it should be at least 8 hours) and take sedatives if you experience anxiety or stress quite often.

Oily scalp can appear as a result of fungal infection of the epidermis. In this case, not only rapid greasy hair is observed, but also itching, burning and even loss of strands. The appearance of dandruff is also possible. This requires taking special antifungal drugs that quickly relieve the unpleasant symptoms of the disease and help eliminate the fungus.

It is also likely that the occurrence of this problem is facilitated by the use of incorrectly selected cosmetics intended for hair and scalp care. If you are faced with a similar problem, then you should not use shampoos for dry, normal or combination hair. This will only lead to increased oiliness of the skin and even faster greasy hair.

How to deal with oily scalp?

Many people think that it is very difficult, and sometimes almost impossible. However, this is absolutely not true. You just need to analyze how you care for your curls and whether you are doing everything right.

This process should not be started, since the constant presence of subcutaneous fat on the scalp leads to the emergence of a favorable environment for the proliferation of pathogenic microorganisms, the activity of which can lead to hair loss. Therefore, you should start treating oily scalp as early as possible.

Choosing the right shampoo

Today there is a wide selection on the cosmetics market. However, not all of them can solve your problem. If you have a very oily scalp, you shouldn’t even pick up a bottle that says it’s suitable for all hair types. Not only will it not completely rid your skin and curls of grease, but it will also contribute to its appearance even more.

In your case, you need a shampoo that will gently cleanse your scalp and hair without damaging it. As a rule, such products have a special composition and are labeled “for oily hair” on their packaging.

It is better, of course, to purchase shampoos from a medical or professional line. Cheap products, unfortunately, will not be able to rid you of the constant feeling of fat.
Also, you should not buy shampoo that contains oils. For oily hair, products that contain components such as zinc pyrithione and selenium sulfide are ideal. They are the ones who ideally cleanse the scalp, eliminating oily shine and preventing rapid hair contamination.

It is a very important factor in the fight against oily skin. And many people make big mistakes with it. It would seem that what could be difficult about washing your hair? Even a child can handle it! However, believe me, mistakes can be made, and very serious ones at that.

Firstly, a person with oily scalp should know that they should wash it no more than 2 times a week. But most people do this almost every day, without thinking that they are causing severe damage to their curls. After all, the more often the hair washing procedure occurs, the faster the skin and hair become oily (the sebaceous glands begin to work much harder).

Secondly, a person with oily hair should not wash their hair at night, since it is while we are resting that the work of the sebaceous glands only intensifies.

And thirdly, the head process itself must occur correctly! The water used should be at room temperature. Remember that cold water can damage the hair itself, and hot water only activates the sebaceous glands, and therefore, after using it, the hair begins to become greasy within a few hours.

And one more important detail regarding the process of washing your hair. After applying shampoo to your hair, you only need to rinse it off after a few minutes.

Upon completion of the cleansing procedure, curls are recommended. This herb has medicinal properties and can help normalize the functioning of the sebaceous glands. Use an infusion of it after each water treatment.

It is very easy to prepare. To do this, take a few tablespoons of chopped herbs (you can use either fresh or dried leaves) and pour 2 glasses of water over them. Then simmer the broth over low heat for about a quarter of an hour, wait until it cools slightly, strain and dilute with the required amount of warm water.

After washing your hair, it is not recommended to dry your hair with a hairdryer, since exposure to hot temperatures leads to an increase in the functionality of the sebaceous glands.

We use traditional methods

It is very important and you have already seen this. However, the use of cosmetics alone will not be enough. It also requires the use of traditional methods that will directly affect the functioning of the sebaceous glands themselves. There are a huge number of them today. However, we have selected for you only truly effective products that you can use at home.

It is considered very beneficial for the skin. It contains many useful microelements involved in the metabolic processes of the epidermis. In addition, blue clay has an astringent effect, due to which the pores narrow and begin to produce less secretion. It also has anti-inflammatory and antibacterial effects, making it ideal for treating fungal diseases.

It is very simple to prepare a mask based on it. To do this, you need to take the required amount of clay and combine it with ordinary water until a creamy mass is formed. After which you just need to apply it to the scalp and leave for half an hour. Then rinse with warm water.

Serum based on pomegranate peel

A very oily scalp causes hair to become oily quickly. This can be prevented by using a serum based on pomegranate peel. It is very simple to prepare. You will need fresh pomegranate peel and boiling water.

The peel should be left in boiling water for about an hour, then removed and treated with the resulting infusion on the scalp half an hour before washing it. Instead of plain water, you can use a strong decoction of parsley.

Tar soap

– remedy No. 1 in the fight against dandruff and oily scalp. It is recommended to be used not only by our grandmothers, but also by trichologists, who are confident that this product contains all the necessary substances that allow for the production of subcutaneous sebum.

You also need to use tar soap correctly. Before use, place it in a small amount of water and leave it in it for about 20 minutes. Then remove from the water and foam the resulting soap solution. This is the foam that should be used for washing your hair.

Tar soap does not have a strong drying effect, and therefore can be used daily. However, during treatment they should not use cleansing shampoos and softening balms and conditioners.

Alcohol tinctures of medicinal herbs

Alcohol is a true friend of those who constantly suffer from excessive oily hair. Its use cleanses the scalp of sebum and narrows the pores on it. In the fight against oily scalp, alcohol is most effective in combination with herbs such as sage, calendula and St. John's wort.

Infusions are prepared as follows: take 10 parts alcohol and 1 part medicinal herb (this can be a collection consisting of several medicinal herbs at once), place it in a container with a tight lid and infuse for two weeks in a dark, cool place. After which it is filtered and used for its intended purpose. Store in the refrigerator for no more than 3 months.

It is possible to combat excessive activity of the sebaceous glands. However, if you make every effort, but all of them do not bear the desired fruit, you should seek help from a specialist.

Video about treatment methods for oily scalp

Despite the variety of different modern care products, the problem of oily hair still remains very relevant. Many people, trying to give their hair a well-groomed look, resort to daily hair washing, which further aggravates the situation. Their hair quickly becomes oily. What to do in such a situation?

Causes of increased oily hair

You should wash oily hair no more than 2-3 times a week. Moreover, this procedure must be performed in the morning, since the greatest activity of the sebaceous glands is observed at night. The water for washing should not be too hot so as not to increase the production of sebum. It is better to choose transparent (gel-like) shampoos. As conditioners, you should choose only special products for the care of oily hair, since regular ones only make such hair heavier. The same applies to the choice of foams and hair gels.

You should comb your hair with combs, as brushes help distribute oil along its entire length. The use of hair dryers should be minimized as they stimulate the sebaceous glands. It is also necessary to minimize the use of various gels, mousses and styling varnishes.

Treatment for oily hair

Proper care of oily hair can improve its condition only when the problem has not gone too far. What to do if the condition of your hair only gets worse every day? In this case, you will have to contact a doctor who will determine the cause of this condition and select not only the correct course of treatment, but also the appropriate diet. In other cases, you can fight oily hair on your own.

Making the right diet

To improve the condition of the scalp, you should limit the consumption of fats, carbohydrates, sweets, smoked foods, and salt. It is necessary to consume a sufficient amount of protein foods such as meat, fish, nuts, eggs, and cheese. Animal fats should be replaced with vegetable fats (preferably olive oil). The daily diet should include fresh fruits and vegetables, dairy products. It is necessary to drink up to 2.5 liters of clean water daily. Coffee and black tea can be replaced with freshly prepared juices and herbal infusions.

Medicines for the treatment of oily hair

In addition to proper nutrition, to improve hair condition, you need nutrients and vitamin-mineral complexes containing vitamins A, E, B and zinc. Taking retinoid drugs gives good results.

The most effective medications that help remove excess oily hair include:

  • Zinc pyriton, which is part of aerosols, shampoos and creams produced under the name “Skin-cap”. Its average cost is: aerosol 35 g - 1100 rubles, shampoo 150 ml - 900 rubles, cream 15 g - 600 rubles. Zinc pyriton is also included in the Friederm Zinc shampoo. Its average price in Russia is 600 rubles per 150 ml bottle.
  • Selenium sulfide, which is part of the Sulsen Mite shampoos (150 ml, 140 rubles), Sulsen Forte (150 ml, 160 rubles); pastes “Sulsen Mite” (40 ml, 40 rubles) and “Sulsen Forte” (75 ml, 90 rubles). Sulsena shampoo and paste are very popular. A 150 ml bottle of shampoo costs about 260 rubles. (75 ml) will cost 110 rubles.
  • Sulfur-salicylic ointment 2%, which normalizes the functioning of the sebaceous glands. A 25 g jar of this product will cost only 30 rubles.

Care products containing tar

Some of the most effective care products for oily hair are those that contain birch tar. It has a beneficial effect on the scalp and helps normalize the functioning of the sebaceous glands. Such products have excellent exfoliating and antiseptic properties. The only drawback of these products is the not very pleasant aroma. One of the most popular shampoos containing tar is Friederm Tar, a 150 ml bottle of which costs on average about 600 rubles.

Below are the names of popular shampoos used to care for oily hair:

  • “Sante” (500 ml), cleanses the skin of excess sebum. It contains panthenol, which nourishes the scalp. Its price is about 120 rubles.
  • “Currant and Nettle” from Green Mama, contains a decoction of currant leaves and nettle. It helps reduce oily hair in just a few uses. A 400 ml bottle costs about 250 rubles.
  • "Natura Siberica" ​​without sulfates and parabens. It takes excellent care of your hair and makes it more voluminous. A 400 ml bottle will cost about 200 rubles.

Our ancestors have long known how to get rid of oily hair. They used such remedies as mint, calamus, burdock, birch and linden leaves, oak bark, thyme, and yarrow. Today, all of them are recognized as effective remedies in traditional medicine. All of these plants can reduce sebum production.

Any of the above listed medicinal and technical raw materials can be used to prepare infusions. The crushed raw materials (2 tablespoons) are poured with boiling water (1 glass) and infused in a water bath for 15-20 minutes. The finished infusion is filtered and rubbed onto the hair and scalp 3 times a week. Adding it to water for washing and rinsing hair also has a good effect. An infusion of birch or linden leaves is prepared according to the same principle, only it is infused for 2 hours.

Essential oils for oily hair

Essential oils are also an effective remedy in the fight against oily hair. The most effective of them:

  • bergamot;
  • mint;
  • citrus;
  • pink;
  • pine;
  • fir.

Oils are added to shampoo, hair masks, and washing water. Just 3-4 drops of essential oil can significantly improve the condition of your hair in just a few treatments.

Many owners of oily hair do not know how to deal with it. But you can even use some food products for this. They make the following effective masks:

  • Kefir mask applied to hair 2-3 times a week. It can normalize the condition of the scalp and improve the appearance of hair. After applying kefir, wrap your head for 15 minutes. After this, the mask is washed off with warm water.
  • A honey mask is applied before going to bed. It is left on the hair until the morning. To prepare it, mix 2 tbsp. spoons of natural honey and 2 egg yolks. The mixture is applied to the hair roots. The head is wrapped in a towel, and in the morning the hair is thoroughly washed with warm water and shampoo.

It is not necessary to buy special rinses to improve the condition of oily hair and give it a healthy shine. For this purpose, you can use the following substances:

  • apple cider vinegar (1 tablespoon), diluted in 1 liter of warm water;
  • lemon juice (1 tablespoon per 1 liter of warm water).
  • decoction of oak bark (for 1 liter take 1 tablespoon of crushed raw materials). The broth is boiled for 15-20 minutes, and filtered before use.

Other effective remedies to help get rid of oily hair

How to get rid of oily hair using other available methods? Everyone can test the following procedures for themselves:

  • Healing clay (blue, green) is very good for removing excess fat. It absorbs sebum and improves the general condition of the scalp epidermis.
  • Washing your hair with mustard powder reduces sebum production and improves blood supply to the epidermis of the head. To prepare the detergent, thoroughly mix 2 tbsp. spoons of mustard with 200 ml of hot water. Bring its volume to 1 liter. Wash your hair with this solution and then rinse it with warm water.
  • Crushed 5-6 leaves of aloe (agagave) are poured into 100 g of vodka and left for a week in a dark place. This tincture is rubbed into the scalp before washing your hair.
  • A sea salt scrub, gently massaged into the roots of damp hair before washing your hair, can significantly improve its condition.

Any person, understanding, will be able to adjust their diet, habits and care for them. Regularly using various methods to combat excess sebum secretion, you can get rid of this problem forever.