How to quickly recover at home. Milk with garlic for cough

Sloppy autumn, windy winter, spring thawed from snow - the time of seasonal colds. Often a cold happens completely inopportunely. It is at this time that the question arises: how to quickly cure a cold and, of course, without complications?

The main thing is to calm down and at the first symptoms begin to take measures to prevent yourself from getting sick. As they say, “crush the disease at the very beginning.” I suggest you a small reminder about what a cold is, its causes and symptoms, as well as how to treat a cold without medication.

The first thing you need to understand is what exactly you have: a cold or the flu. If you have the flu, you won’t be able to cope with it in one day, and it’s dangerous - the flu you have on your feet almost always causes complications.

So let's start from the very beginning.

What is a cold

A cold is an acute respiratory viral infection or a disease of the upper respiratory tract of viral etiology. Please note - this viral infection (for example, adenovirus, rhinovirus, etc.). There are a huge number of viruses around us and usually a person does not get sick. But as soon as a person’s immunity is weakened and he himself is hypothermic, then a cold occurs.

Causes of colds

  • Contact with a sick person during a weakened immune system
    • By airborne droplets (during a conversation, sneezing of a patient standing nearby and being in crowded places)
    • Direct contact (handshake, handrails in transport, entrances)
  • Weakened immunity
    • not enough balanced diet and, especially, lack of vitamins
    • bowel dysfunction
    • exacerbation of chronic diseases
    • allergy
    • stressful situations
  • Hypothermia
    • staying in the cold for a long time without being adequately dressed
    • drafts
    • cold drinks, especially milk, both in the cold and in a hot room
    • wet and cold feet

Cold symptoms

  • stuffy or runny nose
  • sneezing
  • teary eyes
  • sore throat and then sore throat
  • dry cough
  • headache
  • sometimes the temperature rises from 37.1 to 38.5
  • weakness
  • depressed mood

The appearance of these symptoms indicates that our body is fighting an infection. And at the very beginning of the onset of a cold, we need to help him quickly cope with viruses. The sooner we start taking action, the faster and easier it will be the cold will go away. Before telling us exactly what to do and how to treat a cold, you need to know:

What not to do when you have a cold

  1. Relieve symptoms immediately when the first signs of the disease appear. Why? Because the body begins to fight itself and thereby develop immunity. It's like a vaccine where we're given a small dose. pathogenic bacteria and the body produces antibodies to this disease, i.e. he is already ready to resist these microbes at any time. We try to quickly relieve symptoms by using potent medical supplies, and thereby reduce immunity.
  2. Take antibiotics. The cold is a viral disease. Antibiotics act only on bacteria, but at the same time weaken the immune system, since they kill not only pathogenic but also beneficial bacteria.
  3. Reduce temperature if it is below 38.1 degrees. For the same reason. Average high temperature (up to 38.1 degrees) is a natural reaction of the body. An indicator that protective forces organism in action.
  4. During fever, carry out thermal procedures (mustard plasters, cupping, hot baths) and drink hot and strong drinks
  5. Use for runny nose vasoconstrictor drops. These drops from a runny nose interfere with the excretory process of not only accumulated mucus, but also toxins along with it. If toxins remain in the body, then the disease may be delayed for a longer period and, even worse, more complex diseases may arise.

When you need to see a doctor urgently

If the following symptoms appear:

  1. body temperature above 38.5 degrees lasts longer than one day
  2. at high temperature, pale person
  3. pain:
    • behind the sternum when inhaling
    • very severe headaches
    • In eyes
    • in the sinuses
    • in a stomach
  4. shortness of breath, difficulty breathing
  5. difficulty swallowing
  6. green or rust-colored mucus from the nose or throat when coughing
  7. cough with wheezing

Cold treatment

When you notice the first signs that you are getting sick, the first thing to do is try to stay home and not go to work. This way you can cure a cold quickly and not infect your colleagues.

As stated earlier, our goal is to help the body cope with viruses and remove toxins. To do this, you need to create the following conditions:

  • coolness in the room
  • no drafts
  • bed rest under a warm blanket
  • drinking plenty of fluids
  • light food, you can do without food (listen to your body)
  • loading dose of vitamin C
  • periodic nasal rinsing saline solution and gargling
  • cut the garlic and onion into slices, place on a saucer and place in the room where you are
  • use Vietnamese balm "Golden Star" by smearing it on acupuncture points

And now in more detail:

Cool indoor air and no drafts

Check that all doors and windows are tightly closed and there are no drafts. If you start to sweat, this is the first source of complications. But at the same time, the room where you are should not be hot, but rather cool (about 18-20 degrees). Open the window slightly and turn down the heating (if you have an apartment, then throw it on the radiator wet towel). The air must be moist.

By the way, to maintain health it is good to have a hydrometer and an air humidifier in the house. These devices are needed to monitor the state of air humidity and maintain it at normal levels. Usually in winter the air in our apartments is very dry and this is where bacteria and viruses thrive. Therefore, in order to stay healthy and maintain your immunity, you should always ventilate the room, maintain moderate temperature and humidity.

Bed rest under a warm blanket

There is no need to endure a cold on your feet. Firstly, this will delay your recovery, and secondly, you may develop complications.

  • Dress: keep your feet (warm socks) and throat (scarf or sweater) especially warm. You can put mustard in your socks or stick a mustard patch directly on your feet. If the temperature is not high, then steam your feet before doing this.
  • Drink warm diaphoretic or immune-strengthening tea
  • Lie down in bed and wrap yourself well so you can sweat properly. Try to sleep.

Drink plenty of fluids

Should be next to the bed warm drink. You need to drink a lot. Tune in for this. Drink not in glasses, so as not to overload the kidneys, but in sips, but very often. In total, you need to drink at least two liters of liquid. Intoxication occurs and drinking plenty of fluids will speed up the elimination of toxins through sweat and urine.

It can be not only ordinary water, but also:

  • Mineral water without gas, preferably alkaline, kills viruses faster
  • Fruit drinks. For example, cranberry or currant
  • Herbal teas and decoctions. For example, tea with raspberry jam or ginger tea, or a decoction of a mixture of: linden flowers, currant leaves, chamomile and calendula
  • Dried fruit compotes, preferably without sugar
  • Grape juice
  • Rosehip syrup diluted with water
  • Milk with honey

Light food

It is possible and even better to do without food on this day. Believe me, if you have enough to drink and sleep is organized, you won’t even notice the lack of food. But the body will spend all its energy on fighting microbes, and not on digesting heavy food.

If you are really hungry, then drink a rich chicken bouillon with a piece of boiled egg, herbs and a clove of garlic.

It’s tasty and healthy to prepare and eat radish juice with honey little by little. Both bitter black radish and daikon radish can be used. Wash the root crop, cut off the top and make a hole in it. Put honey there. Let the radish juice and honey brew for a bit - excellent antiviral agent. It both heals and saves you from hunger. If you are allergic to honey, then replace it with sugar.

Loading dose of vitamin C

As you know, vitamin C is a source of energy and during a cold it is very important to give strength to fight viruses. It is usually recommended to take a shock (large) dose of vitamin C at the very beginning of the disease. But first, remember or find out if you have any contraindications. Typically a single loading dose is 1000 mg. But you don’t have to drink a synthesized vitamin from a pharmacy. Vitamin C can be found in common foods.

  • Lemon with honey (a whole lemon, or you can cut two into slices, pour two tablespoons of honey and eat this mixture the whole day)
  • Grapefruit
  • Green bell pepper
  • Sauerkraut
  • Grape

With the onset of cold weather, colds and flu begin to creep closer to the body. You can catch them anywhere: in transport and stores, on the street or at work. But not everyone knows how to quickly recover and return to their normal lifestyle.

This article will give you tips and tricks on how to quickly recover from a cold or flu. You can do this using two methods: medication - “stuffing” your body with fast-acting medications, which will only temporarily relieve the symptoms and not get rid of the disease itself; and folk, which will help cope with the disease and support your immunity.

Treating a cold

You have developed a slight cold. And there is no desire to take sick leave and stand in long-hour queues at the clinic. Then our recommendations will be useful to you.

  1. Take a day off at your own expense and get some rest.
  2. Do not lower your temperature, especially if it is below 38. Otherwise, you will only delay recovery.
  3. Accept large dose vitamin C, be sure to wash it down with milk, or eat a couple of lemons with honey. Natural citrus juice will do.
  4. Drink a lot a large number of warm liquid (lemon decoction, compote, tea with jam or mint, milk with honey, chamomile decoction), this will remove toxins from the body.
  5. Get as much sleep as possible.
  6. A runny nose has started - we are preparing to rinse the nostrils. Dilute the milk with mint infusion and heat it slightly, add a little garlic and pepper and more salt. We blow this miracle mixture into the nostrils through a straw. We repeat the action several times for each nostril. It will be hard, but it will work 100%
  7. Drink a healthy cocktail. Ingredients: 50g vodka and 50g fresh juice onions, 1 tablespoon honey and juice of 1/3 lemon. Drink in small sips and wrap yourself in a warm blanket.
  8. Do not give up. If you feel better on the second day, go to work or study. The main thing is to take your mind off the illness, and before you know it, the illness will be gone.

Fighting the flu

Now we suggest looking at ways to quickly recover from the flu. It is very difficult to carry this infectious disease on your feet. Bed rest is important, without it there is no way to quickly get rid of the disease. Human immunity plays a big role, but you are able to help your body cope with the disease yourself.

Bed rest

The disease can cause complications if you carry it on your feet. Bed rest is required at least three days. A healthy one is especially important good sleep. During sleep, the body is directly treated.

Drink plenty of fluids

To flush out the intoxication caused by the flu from the body, you need to drink plenty of fluids. Herbal teas and rosehip decoction are good for this.

Nasal drops

One of best medicines for the flu - garlic juice. To do this, the cloves are crushed to extract liquid from them. It is mixed with sunflower oil and infused for 6 hours. On initial stage Garlic drops should be instilled into the nose 3 times a day, 2 drops each. This will stop the spread of the disease. As prophylactic reduce the dose by half.

Treatment with lemon and honey

Just put honey in your mouth and suck it slowly. We put lemon in tea and eat it after drinking the drink.

The flu affects each person differently. If the illness does not go away within a couple of days, then complications have begun and you need to consult a doctor. If your health worsens, stop self-medicating.

Common mistakes

There are common mistakes when self-medicating that do not help in any way. speedy recovery. Remember them and never let them happen.

  • Reducing low temperature. An elevated temperature means your body is fighting the virus. If you immediately reduce it with medications, it will be much more difficult for the immune system to fight the disease. If possible, tolerate the temperature, but this does not apply to those cases when its increase is accompanied by a headache or aching joints.
  • Eating sweets. Do not indulge in candy and bakery products during illness. Sugar is the best environment for pathogenic bacteria, so its active consumption threatens to lead to bacterial complications.
  • Heavy food. During the flu, eat only easily digestible protein foods (boiled chicken, eggs, lean meat) and vegetables, preferably boiled.
  • Drinking a lot of acidic drinks. At severe course illnesses are better to consume alkaline drink- mineral water. Since in acidic environment Unfavorable bacteria begin to actively grow.

From our article you learned how to quickly recover from colds and flu in a safe way. using medications. Take care of your body and be healthy!

Treatment for a cold should begin immediately after the first symptoms appear. In case of hypothermia, it is advisable to take preventive measures to avoid runny nose, sneezing and more dangerous manifestations.

An incipient cold can be treated in one or two days, running forms take place over 4 days. Treatment of ARVI is also important because if not treated in a timely manner, the disease can cause complications: sinusitis, laryngitis, pharyngitis or bronchitis.

What is a cold

A cold is a viral disease caused by two components: the presence respiratory virus in the body and weakened immunity. Colds occur after hypothermia, as well as during epidemics

A cold should not be confused with another viral disease- flu. The main indicator of the presence of a strain of influenza in the body will be sharp increase body temperature is above +38.5 °C, accompanied by signs of intoxication: headache, nausea, muscle pain.

The first symptoms of a cold are usually sneezing and a sore throat. Transparent, liquid discharge from the nose appear 4–12 hours after their onset.

A more serious symptom is an increase in body temperature. However, with acute respiratory infections or viral colds(ARVI) the thermometer does not rise above +38.0 °C. Subfebrile indicators make it undesirable to fight the temperature: the fact is that viral infections, which are signaled by signs of a cold, die at +37...38.5 °C - the body itself fights the problem. If we lower the temperature, we prevent the immune system from suppressing the infection.

The cold itself is not dangerous to the body - tangible health disorders cause its complications, which arise in the absence of proper treatment.

What to do at the first sign of a cold

If you have a sore throat, sneezing, or runny nose, you should take Urgent measures which will help neutralize the infection initial stage. It is worth noting that a cold is not a complex disease; it does not require the use of powerful drugs such as antibiotics, and does not require immediate relief of fever.

The appearance of a dry cough and a scratchy sensation in the throat are signals that you need to slow down the pace of life and give the body the opportunity to fight the virus itself. If symptoms are detected, you must take time off from work or take sick leave, spend 1–3 days at home, observing semi-bed rest. This time is enough to cure a cold.

People have many recipes that allow them to treat colds without pharmaceuticals.All treatment can be divided into several stages:

  1. 1. Elimination of cough.
  2. 2. Fighting a runny nose.
  3. 3. Throat treatment.
  4. 4. Removal of toxins.

Treatment of temperature

In most cases, an increase in body temperature does not require special therapy. If there is a need to fight fever (above +37.9 °C), then you can use paracetamol; if the readings are above +38.5, ibuprofen. However, in this case it would be more acceptable traditional methods treatment.

Drinks indirectly combat fever: removing fluid from the body not only frees it from toxins, but also reduces fever. The following effective recipes exist:



Step-by-step preparation

How to use

Herbal teas

  • Dried raspberries (berries and leaves);
  • young raspberry shoots;
  • linden flowers;
  • coltsfoot; oregano;
  • blackberry leaves
  1. 1. All herbs are mixed in equal quantities.
  2. 2. 1 teaspoon of the mixture is poured with boiling water.
  3. 3. Leave for 10–15 minutes

Take with low-grade thermometer readings (up to 37.9). It is advisable to drink it with honey if you are not allergic to it.

Raspberry tincture for colds and fever

  • Fresh raspberries – 600–700 g;
  • sugar – 500 g;
  • vodka – 1.5 l;
  • water – 200–250 ml
  1. 1. Place the washed ingredients into a 3-liter glass jar. fresh berries raspberries Add sugar.
  2. 2. The resulting composition is poured with vodka.
  3. 3. In this case, the jar will not be completely filled; add it to the top boiled water(it is necessary to leave 2-3 cm of space at the top). The container is tightly closed.
  4. 4. Stir the product until the sugar dissolves, then place the jar in a dark place at room temperature for 3 weeks.
  5. 5. The tincture is ready when it has a ruby ​​color.

The liquid is expressed and stored in the refrigerator.

Use when thermometer readings are above 38.5.

Use the tincture at a high temperature, 1–2 tablespoons, washed down herbal tea. The tincture is not given to children under 14 years of age.

Water procedures

For quick treatment colds at home ethnoscience recommends water procedures. For a bath, use plain water or add sea ​​salt. A hot shower is also suitable. The water temperature should be +38, and the bath duration should not be more than 15 minutes.

If it is not possible to take a bath or shower, take hot foot baths. You can add dry mustard to the water. Duration foot baths- up to half an hour.

After the procedure, put on comfortable clothes and go to bed: usually the cold goes away in the morning.

Hot treatment is contraindicated at elevated body temperatures (from +37.5), as well as for pregnant women. May cause harm to people suffering from hypertension and severe somatic, especially cardiovascular, diseases.

Express methods for the first signs of a cold

For absolutely healthy adults, we can recommend several more express methods for treating an incipient cold. Traditional medicine does not consider these actions to be a treatment, but they are very popular among the people:



Step-by-step preparation

When to take

Vodka with pepper

  • Vodka – 100 ml;
  • ground black pepper – 1/3 tsp.
  1. 1. Add pepper to vodka.
  2. 2. Stir.
  3. 3. Drink.
  4. 4. Then lie in bed and sweat

Used only at the very beginning of the disease

Vodka with honey

  • Vodka – 50 ml;
  • honey - 50 ml
  1. 1. Mix vodka and honey.
  2. 2. Heat the composition in a water bath until it becomes homogeneous, but do not allow it to boil.
  3. 3. Cool.
  4. 4. Drink and go to bed

The recipe works better than the previous two, honey saturates the body with vitamins and has an antiviral effect, stimulates the immune system

Hot wine with spices (mulled wine)

  • Dry (semi-dry) red wine – 750 ml;
  • water – 200 ml;
  • apple – 1 piece;
  • orange – 1 piece;
  • cinnamon – 2 sticks;
  • ginger – 20 g;
  • cloves – 4 buds;
  • honey - 3 tbsp. l.
  1. 1. Peel and cut the apple and orange into small pieces.
  2. 2. Boil water, add cinnamon, ginger and cloves.
  3. 3. Cook for 1-2 minutes.
  4. 4. Add wine and pieces of fruit to the container.
  5. 5. Bring to a boil, but do not let it boil.
  6. 6. Remove from heat and keep covered for 10 minutes.
  7. 7. Cool and drink in small sips before bedtime

Mulled wine contains a large amount of vitamins and acts as a general strengthening drink that stimulates the immune system.

Fights viruses and dry cough

Beer with honey

  • Beer – 200 ml;
  • Honey – 1 tsp.
  1. 1. Heat the beer until hot.
  2. 2. Add honey.
  3. 2. Stir.
  4. 4. Drink in small sips.
  5. 5. Go to bed

Eliminates dry cough, relieves sore throat. Dilates blood vessels, which helps reduce blood pressure and normalization of body temperature

Cognac with honey

  • Cognac – 50 ml;
  • honey – 1/3 tsp;
  • lemon – 1 slice
  1. 1. Add honey to cognac at room temperature.
  2. 2. Stir.
  3. 3. Drink in one gulp and snack on lemon.
  4. 4. Go to bed

Fights dry cough, normalizes blood pressure, activates the immune system

Express methods are not suitable for children and should not be used in pregnant or lactating women. Contraindicated for persons suffering from cardiovascular diseases, pancreatitis, cholecystitis.

At the first sign of a cold effective way is rubbing the feet with an anti-cold balm based on essential oils. You can take a foot bath with eucalyptus essential oil at night, then rub your feet with cold balm and put on socks. For the balm you will need:

  • 5 ml of base oil;
  • 3 drops of tea tree essential oil;
  • 2 drops of lavender essential oil.

Dilute 7-10 drops of oil in 5 liters of hot water, pre-dissolve the oil in honey, salt or cream.

Daily regime

In the fight against colds, it is important to adhere to semi-bed rest. If the signs of ARVI become obvious, you should stay at home, change your business suit to comfortable clothes, rest as much as possible or at least sleep at least 9 hours a day, drink a lot, and follow a gentle diet.

A calm daily routine will free up additional strength in the body to fight the virus - then the cold will go away much faster and you won’t need to drink medications.

Fighting runny nose and colds on the lips

A runny nose is one of the main symptoms of ARVI. To treat it, you should not immediately resort to complex nasal drops. Good effect gives a simple rinse with saline solution (1 teaspoon of salt per 200 ml of water). For the composition, use kitchen or sea salt; you can use saline solution purchased at the pharmacy.

If you don’t have the skill to rinse your nose, the procedure is simpler:

  1. 1. Place 2-3 drops of the product into the nostril.
  2. 2. Blowing their nose.
  3. 3. Instill 1 drop of sea buckthorn oil.
  4. 4. Repeat the procedure for the other nostril.

If there is a non-stop flow from the nose, you can use vasoconstrictor drops: Naphthyzin, Nazivin, Galazolin, etc. 1-2 drops in each nostril after 4 hours. Vasoconstrictor drops are not used during pregnancy (especially in the first and second trimester).

A slice of lemon helps cure a cold on the lips; it is applied to the rash several times a day. You can prepare a mixture of apple and garlic pulp (in equal quantities) and lubricate the pimples several times a day.

How to eliminate pain and sore throat

Unpleasant sensations in the throat: soreness, scratching, burning – these are the main signs of a respiratory disease. Eliminate them by rinsing. In the future, they are treated with compresses and inhalations (especially if a sore throat is accompanied by a dry cough).

Types of gargles and their use are described in the table:

Composition name


Cooking method

Number of rinses

Soda-salt solution

  • Water – 200 ml;
  • baking soda – 1 tsp;
  • salt – 1 tsp.
  1. 1. Boil water.
  2. 2. Cool until warm.
  3. 3. Make a solution

Rinse after 30–40 minutes, alternating with other formulations

Chamomile or calendula solution

  • Water – 250 ml;
  • chamomile (calendula) – 2 tsp.
  1. 1. Place the herb in boiling water.
  2. 2. Boil for 2 minutes.
  3. 3. Cool.
  4. 4. Strain

Rinse every 40 minutes, alternating with other solutions

Hydrogen peroxide rinse

  • Water – 200 ml;
  • peroxide – 1 tsp.

Mix peroxide with water at room temperature

Rinse 3-4 times a day, alternating with other formulations

Oil rinse

Sunflower oil (unrefined) – 3–4 tbsp. l.

Take some oil into your mouth and gargle and gargle until the mixture turns white.

Carry out the procedure 3–5 times a day

In addition to procedures at regular intervals, gargle after each meal or drink. The treatment performs two functions: mechanically eliminates viruses from the nasopharynx and acts antiseptically (inhibits the growth of microorganisms).

Rinsing has no contraindications; everyone can do it.

Vodka is most often used for compresses. For adults, it is taken in a 1:1 ratio with water or not diluted at all. Make a compress in the classic way:

  1. 1. Wet gauze in 3 layers in a water-vodka solution.
  2. 2. Lightly wring out the fabric.
  3. 3. Place on the throat.
  4. 4. Place a slightly larger (+1 cm) cellophane on top.
  5. 5. Wrap the neck with a warm scarf, simultaneously warming and securing the bandage.

IN classic version A layer of cotton wool is placed on the cellophane, and then the bandage is secured with a wide bandage.

Fighting cough

With ARVI, a dry, hacking cough or sneezing is observed. If the cough is wet, hacking, without sputum, then a complication of a cold should be suspected: bronchitis or laryngitis.

Coughs need to be treated comprehensively: using inhalations and at the same time ingesting expectorants and astringents. At home - these are decoctions and infusions medicinal herbs, compositions with milk.

At colds Potato inhalations will help you quickly get rid of a dry cough: they are considered the most effective method of treating colds. They should only be carried out if there is no elevated temperature bodies. For the procedure you will need:

  1. 1. Wash and boil 6-7 medium potatoes in their skins.
  2. 2. Sprinkle (like salt) 1 teaspoon of baking soda on top.
  3. 3. Lightly mash with a fork.
  4. 4. Place on the table.
  5. 5. Place yourself on a chair and lean over the steam.
  6. 6. Cover yourself with a bath towel and breathe in the steam for 5–10 minutes.

The procedure must be performed carefully so as not to burn the mucous membrane of the nasopharynx.

You can also get rid of a cough using the following: folk remedies quick action:



Cooking method

How to use

Herbal teas

  • Coltsfoot, mint, savory, linden, lemon balm - in equal quantities;
  • water – 1 glass
  1. 1. Take 1 tsp. collection into 250 ml of boiling water.
  2. 2. Leave for 15 minutes.
  3. 3. Drink with honey

Drink, alternating with juices and milk, at least 3 cups per day

Milk with soda and butter

  • Milk – 200 ml
  • soda – ½ tsp;
  • butter – ½ tsp.
  1. 1. Heat the milk.
  2. 2. Put soda in it and stir.
  3. 3. Put oil

Take when the butter has melted, you can add 1 tsp for taste. honey

Milk with onion, garlic and honey

  • Milk – 1 l;
  • onion – 5 large onions;
  • garlic – 1 head;
  • honey - 1 tbsp. l.
  1. 1. Peel the vegetables and chop them coarsely.
  2. 2. Add milk.
  3. 3. Cook until softened.
  4. 4. Cool and strain.
  5. 5. Add honey

Drink 2 tbsp. l. 3–4 times a day. At severe cough take at every attack

Drinking and nutrition

If you happen to catch a cold, you should drink a lot of juices and tea (2–2.5 liters per day). Fluid plays an important role in the human body; during a cold, it performs several functions at once:

  • Removes toxins (waste products of microorganisms). Eliminate this headache, weakness.
  • It will replenish fluid loss, as during ARVI there is increased sweating.
  • Reduces body temperature.

You can drink regular drinks when you have a cold. mineral water still, the drinks and teas described above, as well as green tea with lemon, ginger drink. Fruit drinks made from berries are good: viburnum, cranberries, raspberries, cherries, blackberries. You can drink compotes, jelly, smoothies. Required condition for all drinks this is a warm state or, in as a last resort, room temperature.

One more an important condition there will be a diet. During illness, you do not need to eat fatty, spicy, fried, smoked foods. The body needs rest, dairy products, light soups and cereals are useful. Chicken broth, boiled meat, stewed vegetables are very good.

If the patient does not want to eat, then it is better not to force him, you can offer warm milk, it will be treatment and nutrition at the same time.

Using the entire arsenal of remedies, you can recover from a cold in 1 day. Treatment without rest, “on your feet” in 7 out of 10 cases leads to complications in the form of sinusitis, laryngitis, as well as tonsillitis and bronchitis - their treatment takes much longer.

The nasal mucosa becomes inflamed when various diseases. Characteristic symptoms– congestion, it becomes difficult to breathe, discharge forms. To quickly cure a runny nose, it is necessary to determine its cause and type. A timely and correct diagnosis will help to avoid undesirable consequences, the course of the disease will be less severe.

What is a runny nose

As a rule, you have to think about treating a runny nose (rhinitis) when the mucous membrane of the upper respiratory tract swells.

Often the cause is the penetration of mechanical or chemical irritants. Some people have a stuffy nose and want to sneeze when exposed to dust, in a draft, or in too bright light.

A runny nose caused by the reasons listed above does not go away for several days in adults and children and does not require treatment.

The runny nose itself is not contagious; its causative agent is unknown.

But the symptoms of a runny nose are characteristic of many diseases - for example, the initial period of ARVI, influenza.

IN Everyday life Some associate the need to cure a runny nose with nasal congestion. Others consider heavy discharge a mandatory symptom. Still others are looking for a cure for a runny nose when they start sneezing.

For many, the mucous membrane swells when there is a change in temperature, under the influence of alcohol, a strong odor, or for other reasons.

Types of runny nose

The vasomotor variety is associated with watery compartments. Congestion appears alternately in one or the other nostril. I want to sneeze, tears flow, my head hurts.

The reason becomes tobacco smoke, hormonal disorders, emotional experiences. This variety A runny nose is correctly considered a neuro-reflex disease.

The condition is accompanied by weakness, increased fatigue, irritability, insomnia.

The allergic variety manifests itself seasonally or as a reaction to certain foods, dust, animal hair, or substances contained in detergents or cosmetics.

I want to sneeze, my nose itches and tingles.

To avoid bronchial asthma, allergic rhinitis must be treated, and not relieve symptoms with medications or ointments.

With vasomotor and allergic rhinitis the nasal cavity is not inflamed.

The infectious variety occurs with colds. The cause is viruses, bacteria, fungus. Symptoms are burning and dryness in the nasopharynx. It is advisable to begin treatment immediately so that the virus does not penetrate the throat and bronchi.

Acute runny nose manifests itself independently or as a symptom of acute respiratory diseases.

The nose is slightly itchy, there is a feeling of dryness, general lethargy and weakness. It’s hard to breathe through both nostrils, you want to sneeze, tears flow.

The condition is accompanied by a deterioration in the sense of smell, copious mucopurulent discharge from the nose, which, if the blood vessels are damaged, becomes bloody (bloody snot).

A severe runny nose lasts a week or longer. Maybe 37C or higher.

Chronic runny nose in a simple form is manifested by copious discharge, often unilateral congestion. It often develops as a complication of the acute form in case of impaired blood circulation in the mucous membrane, diseases of the paranasal sinuses.

If a simple chronic runny nose is not treated, as well as under the influence of sudden climate change, development inflammatory process V paranasal sinuses nose, adenoid, it goes into a hypertrophic form.

Headache, nose stuffy, constant discharge, deteriorated sense of smell.

Chronic atrophic runny nose develops when weakened, after suffering infectious diseases With acute runny nose, Consequently surgical intervention V nasal cavity, as a result of the effects of unfavorable climatic conditions, harmful substances.

The nasal cavity is dry, the sense of smell is reduced, it is difficult to blow your nose completely, and there are periodic nosebleeds.

If you don't get rid of a runny nose, over time it turns into chronic form which can lead to inflammation maxillary sinuses– . Complications may be associated with inflammation of the paranasal sinuses and middle ear.

Treatment of acute runny nose

The disease begins with a dry nose and a feeling of heat. After 1-2 hours, the nose gets stuffy, the head hurts, heavy discharge begins, you have to sneeze often, and the temperature rises. After a week, the discharge becomes thick and purulent.

Acute runny nose is treated by observing bed rest. You can put mustard plasters on your calves, warm your feet in hot water with the addition of mustard (1 tablespoon per 8 liters of water).

It is instilled into the nose or washed with a collection from coltsfoot, or a collection from eucalyptus.

  • Mix plant materials in equal quantities. Brew 1 tsp. mixture with a glass of boiling water, simmer over low heat for 5 minutes, leave in a sealed container for 1 hour.

After soaking the cotton swabs, place them in each nostril in the morning and evening for 10 minutes.

Soak tampons in propolis ointment and insert into the nostrils. Lie without a pillow for 5 minutes on your left side, 5 minutes on your right side.

Onions, garlic, horseradish - cures for the runny nose

Cut the onion, rub the wings of the nose with it, put small pieces through gauze into ear canals. The product allows you to quickly get relief. Some people manage to get rid of a runny nose for three days using this method.

Juices for a runny nose

Place 5 drops of fresh beet juice in each nostril for children. Can be mixed with honey at the rate of 1 tsp. honey for 2.5 tsp. juice

When thick discharge rinse your nose with boiled juice.

Moisturize beet juice cotton swabs and place them in the nose for 10 minutes, repeat 3-4 times a day.

Helps get rid of a runny nose quickly Kalanchoe juice. Lubricate the nostrils 1-2 times a day fresh juice, causing mucus to begin to separate intensively.

Instill aloe juice 2-4 drops 4 times a day.

Place tampons moistened with radish juice into the nostrils.

For treatment chronic runny nose mix 50g of grated and juice. Take 1/2 teaspoon twice a day on an empty stomach.

Mix fresh ginger juice with the same amount of water and instill in children three times a day and before bedtime.

At constant runny nose instill juice from coltsfoot leaves, as well as yarrow juice.

Oils for runny nose

For quick disposal for congestion, instill 2-3 drops of oil or. You can place gauze swabs soaked in one or another oil in your nostrils.

Eucalyptus oil helps cure a runny nose:

  • Heat 100 ml vegetable oil, add 0.5 tsp. dry eucalyptus leaves, simmer over low heat for 10 minutes, leave in a sealed container for 5 hours, strain.

Instill warmly up to 6 times a day.

  • chop the leaves, add a glass of water, simmer over low heat for 3 minutes, let cool. Add 1 tsp. salt and 0.5 tsp honey, mix.

Instilling a weak starch solution helps to cope with sneezing during a runny nose.

In Tibet, when you have a runny nose, you tickle your nose with a match with cotton wool at the end. Sneezing causes copious mucus production.

How to cure a runny nose

At the beginning of the disease, some people are helped by instilling a 3% solution (3-6 drops per 1 tablespoon. warm water). After copious mucus discharge, the congestion goes away.

After half an hour, sniff ammonia through each nostril alternately.

Heat rye bread or crackers in a frying pan until smoke appears, inhale through the nose. Treat a runny nose several times a day.

At prolonged runny nose sniff oregano herb powder.

Treat allergic rhinitis. Knead green leaf, inhale the aroma for 3 minutes several times a day.

Warm up the body in a bathhouse or bath, rub the sacrum with grated radish, mixed with the same amount of grated horseradish, add a little honey and table salt. Afterwards, drink tea with raspberries and mint. The next morning I manage to get rid of my runny nose.

Modified: 02/11/2019

To quickly cure colds and runny nose at home, it is not necessary to use expensive medicines, you can use improvised means that will have the same effective effect and help get rid of unpleasant symptoms within 24 hours. However, the procedures should be carried out in a certain sequence, following the rules for their implementation. If you violate the methodology, you will not be able to achieve results as quickly as you would like.

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    Signs of a cold

    Before starting treatment, it is important to make sure that it is really an acute respiratory infection (acute respiratory disease), and not a more dangerous sore throat or pneumonia. Yes, for common cold characteristic:

    • strong nasal discharge clear discharge(snot);
    • sore throat, mild redness;
    • a slight (up to 37.9) increase in temperature, but at first it may be absent;
    • feeling of aching throughout the body;
    • lacrimation.

    In the presence of severe pain in the throat, high temperature body or its rapid increase, significant general weakness and nausea requires consultation with a therapist.

    Regardless of who is sick - an adult or a child - in order to quickly recover, you will need to adhere to several mandatory rules:

    1. 1. When you have a cold, it is important to stay at home and observe semi-bed rest: lie down and rest as much as possible, sleep a lot. This will give an opportunity immune system cope with the virus that has entered the body.
    2. 2. During treatment, you need to drink plenty of fluids: these can be herbal decoctions, regular tea with lemon and honey, infusion of rose hips, viburnum, cranberries and any juices. It is only important that the drink is at room temperature and does not irritate a sore throat.
    3. 3. During treatment, adhere to a dairy-vegetable diet. Eat non-spicy, non-acidic foods, exclude smoked meats, pickles, chips, crackers and other semi-finished products.
    4. 4. Food and drink should contain a large amount of vitamin C. These can be fruits (oranges, tangerines, lemons) and drinks (rosehip decoction, tea with lemon, tea with ginger). If you are not allergic to bee products, it is advisable to add honey to warm tea; it is a natural immunostimulant.
    5. 5. The rooms where the patient is located will need to be well ventilated. This will help prevent him from getting re-infected and not infecting others.
    6. 6. Treatment should not be taken on the first day loading doses medicines. Antibiotics will not help at all with a cold, and at a temperature below 37.8 you should not take paracetamol or other antipyretic drugs. They will only prolong the recovery period.

    How to get rid of a cold as an adult

    Often used effective methods treatment of colds in adults and children

    If signs of an impending cold are detected, adults should adhere to semi-bed rest, which will allow the body to actively engage in the fight against viruses. To do this, you need to take time off from work or take sick leave.

    They will help you get rid of unpleasant symptoms in 1 day and several procedures.

    Nasal rinsing

    Heavy nasal discharge indicates the presence of viruses in the nasal cavity. You can simply wash them, this will make breathing easier and help fight colds.

    For rinsing, use regular saline solution (1 teaspoon solution of kitchen salt per 1 liter of water) or take decoctions of chamomile and calendula. You can rinse your nose, or you can simply drop in saline solution (3-4 drops) with a pipette after 2-3 hours. After instilling the saline solution, the nasal passages are cleared of secretions (blow the nose well).

    To eliminate a strong flow, you can use vasoconstrictor drops: naphthyzin, galazolin, etc., but they are alternated with saline solution. Or first use saline solution, blow your nose, and then drip naphthyzin.

    Throat treatment

    With ARVI, the throat very often hurts. A sore throat begins to be treated at the initial stage of the disease. In the absence of timely treatment, pharyngitis will join the cold.

    Gargling helps relieve sore throat and sore throat. For it, use a mixture of salt, soda (1 teaspoon each) and iodine (3-4 drops), pour the mixture into a glass of warm water and gargle every hour or two. The more often you rinse, the it will pass faster cold. The duration of one procedure is up to a minute.

    You can use pharmaceutical solutions for rinsing: Miramistin, Lugol or calendula tincture. But they are diluted in water according to the instructions. It is good to alternate rinses: saline solution - Miramistin - calendula.

    Carrying out inhalations

    Carrying out inhalations effective way get rid of a cold. At respiratory diseases the upper ones are affected Airways and there is no need to warm up the bronchi and lungs yet. Regular steam inhalations over a saucepan or kettle are sufficient, or using compressor inhaler, set to maximum particle size.

    A popular method is to use boiled potatoes and soda. To do this, wash and boil the potatoes in their skins, then mash them and add a teaspoon of soda. You need to breathe the composition for 10-15 minutes at least three times a day, always during inhalation, inhale through the nose and exhale through the mouth. When carrying out inhalations, you should be careful not to burn the mucous membranes of the nasopharynx with hot steam.

    You can use decoctions of chamomile, eucalyptus, rosehip for procedures over a teapot. Or take essential oils: eucalyptus, sea buckthorn, mint. Inhalations using Borjomi and grape juice have a good effect.

    Warming up over steam will be removed discomfort, eliminate inflammation, make sputum discharge more comfortable. Proper execution These procedures will help prevent coughing.

    Hot baths

    For respiratory illnesses, it is important to keep warm. To avoid freezing, dress in comfortable clothes and put on warm socks. Dry mustard is poured into them - this effective remedy to keep warm.

    Hot foot baths with mustard and very warm (up to 38.5) baths with pine extracts will also help. After these procedures, do not go outside for the next 3-4 hours. You definitely need to lie down and rest for at least half an hour.

    The best option is a bath followed by inhalations before bed.

    When the temperature rises above 37.9, inhalations, warming and other thermal procedures cannot be performed.

    About treatment for pregnant women

    During pregnancy, it is important not to harm the baby. If a pregnant woman has ARVI, consultation with a doctor is mandatory. In the treatment of pregnant women, rest, drinking plenty of fluids, rinsing the nose and gargling come to the fore.

    A pregnant woman should not:

    • Carry out inhalations and foot baths;
    • Apply procedures using iodine;
    • Instill vasoconstrictor drops into the nose;
    • Use viburnum, sage, sea buckthorn.

    How to treat children

    Essential oils are used for inhalation over a teapot or placed in a room with a sick child

    Although children get colds more often than adults, they tolerate them more easily. If there are signs of a cold in a child, it is advisable to provide him with semi-bed rest, for example, offer to watch cartoons or read. Wear comfortable but fairly warm clothes. A child with a low temperature (up to 38.0) should not be sent to kindergarten. In this case, all the same procedures are shown as for adults.

    Children can undergo inhalations from the age of 4-5, as soon as they can understand the principle of the procedure. The same rule applies to the use of rinses. Small children under 5 years of age are not recommended to rinse with iodine (there is a risk of laryngospasm). Hot foot baths with mustard are recommended for children.

    Any procedures must be performed under the supervision of an adult. When rinsing, additional care must be taken to ensure that the child does not swallow the solution.

    When a baby has a cold, he does not eat well; he should not be force-fed, but it is important that he eats. To do this, you should prepare dishes that he loves (within the diet limits). Children should also drink a lot.

    For children, good room ventilation and frequent wet cleaning are especially important.

    Methods for urgent treatment of an infant

    In children infancy Colds are extremely rare; they are still protected by the immunity received from their mother. Therefore the presence heavy discharge from the nose and sneezing are more often provoked allergic reactions for dust, animal hair, plant pollen. If there are symptoms of a cold, be sure to call a pediatrician and treatment is carried out according to his instructions.

    For children under one year old, instillation of saline solution into the nose (and for them it is advisable to buy it at the pharmacy), cleansing the nose with an aspirator, and aromatic inhalations are recommended. You can simply pour the oil into a saucer and place it in the room where the child is. Other procedures should be recommended by your doctor.

    To quickly cure a cold and recover in one day, you need to remain in semi-bed rest, put drops in your nose, and do steam inhalations, gargling. During treatment, it is very important to stay warm and use warming procedures.