How to make a cold compress. All about medicine

A compress is a therapeutic multi-layer bandage that acts as a distracting and absorbable agent.

Warming compress

A warm compress causes prolonged expansion of the skin and deep-seated blood vessels, resulting in a rush of blood to this place, resorption of the inflammatory focus and reduction of pain. A warming compress can be placed on any area of ​​healthy skin.

The warming compress consists of three layers:

  1. a piece of clean, dense, but soft fabric that absorbs water well (linen or napkin, etc.), soaked in liquid at room temperature and wrung out well;
  2. oilcloth or wax paper;
  3. cotton wool.

Each subsequent layer should be 2 cm wider than the previous one to avoid premature evaporation of moisture. The compress prepared in this way is carefully applied to the area of ​​the body so that the wet layer is close to the skin, and the rest covers it in excess. Then the compress is carefully bandaged. The headband can be tied on top with a warm woolen scarf or scarf.

The duration of application of the compress should be on average 6-8 hours, but not more than 12 hours. Change compresses in the morning and evening. To avoid skin irritation, the area where the compress is applied is thoroughly wiped when changing it. warm water, dry with a warm soft towel and take a break for 2 hours. To apply a new compress, you need to take clean material.

For compresses, warm water, a weak solution of vinegar (1 teaspoon per 0.5 liters of water), vodka, cologne or alcohol diluted with water can be used.

If a rash appears, the skin should be sprinkled with talcum powder. If after applying the compress the patient feels chills, then the compress was applied incorrectly - it must be urgently removed and reapplied. If the oilcloth or cotton wool does not completely cover the gauze or the compress is poorly bandaged, outside air penetrates between them and the skin, and water, evaporating intensely, causes the skin to cool rather than warm. That is why the compress must be applied very carefully, following the given rules.

The correct application of the warming compress is checked by placing a finger under the bandage and determining the moisture content of the inner layer. If after 2 hours the inner layer is wet, then the compress has been applied correctly.

If a warm compress is applied to the affected area, patients should remain in bed. Vodka and especially alcohol compresses They evaporate and dry out faster, so they have to be changed frequently. Such compresses long time cannot be used as they are very irritating to the skin.

Cold compresses

Cold compresses (lotions) are applied for injuries, bruises, and bleeding. They cause local cooling and constriction of blood vessels, reduce blood flow and pain. For a cold compress, take a piece of gauze or linen folded in several layers and moisten it cold water, squeeze out and apply to the desired place for 2-3 minutes until the compress warms up, then it is replaced with a new one.


Poultices are used for local inflammatory processes for their speedy resolution. For this they use flax-seed, bran or sand. The sand is heated well (the bran and seeds are boiled), placed in linen bags, then applied to the skin and covered with oilcloth, a woolen scarf or blanket. To slow down the cooling of the poultice, place a heating pad on top.

The healing properties of the compress have been known since ancient times. Even without medical education Almost everyone knows how to make a compress. This method of treatment is considered traditional, but many doctors also use it in their practice.

A compress is a dry or wet bandage.. Dry is used for bruises, cooling and to protect against contamination in wounds. The action of the wet occurs due to the temperature effect.

Among them are:

  1. Cold;
  2. Warming;
  3. Hot.

Warming is the simplest and effective way in the fight against colds, pain in muscles and joints, inflammation. In addition, the warming bandage has virtually no contraindications. They can be used even when treating children and pregnant women, but very carefully, as there is a high probability of getting a burn. Therefore, you need to know how to make an alcohol compress.

To prepare the mixture, it is most often used ethyl alcohol or vodka. Alcohol must be diluted with water in a ratio of 1:3. It is better to heat the resulting solution in a water bath to 37.5 C. For patients with sensitive skin and children are recommended to pre-lubricate sore spot butter or rich cream. Wet a thick piece of gauze or bandage and apply it to the inflamed area.

The bandage with the solution must be covered with film, leaving 2 cm on all sides, and wrapped with a warm scarf or scarf on top to enhance the warming effect.

Alcohol compress dilates blood vessels in the area of ​​the body being used, increases blood flow and saturates with oxygen, which helps relieve pain and inflammation.

A compress made from store-bought vodka is also widely used for various diseases. It should be noted that many people who practice this treatment prefer vodka instead of alcohol to prepare the mixture. Vodka has a gentler effect on the skin and does not leave burns. Many people wonder how to make a vodka compress correctly so that there is positive result. The principle of its preparation is practically no different from alcohol.

How to make a compress from vodka?

To retain heat for as long as possible, you need to know how to make a vodka compress correctly. Vodka is not diluted to treat an adult. However, for children it is better to add water in a 1:1 ratio. To prepare the mixture, you need to use a sealed bottle of vodka, since the alcohol evaporates very quickly. A correctly applied bandage slightly warms the skin without burning or cooling. Severe redness skin after removing the bandage indicates a burn.

Often colds accompanied by a sore throat, runny nose, and a cough may appear. If treatment is not done in a timely manner, complications such as otitis media or sinusitis often occur. Warming body bandages are very helpful in curing colds and preventing complications.

Alcohol and vodka compress along with positive effect It also has a number of contraindications. It cannot be used:

When body temperature is high, the use of warming bandages is prohibited. But at the same time, rubbing the patient with alcohol and vodka is allowed. Vinegar is great for reducing body temperature. You can use an acetic-alcohol solution. To do this, take a tablespoon of vinegar and the same amount of alcohol and dilute it with 0.5 liters of water. Then the patient’s entire body is rubbed with the mixture and fanned. Thus, the heat leaves the body faster and the temperature begins to drop.

A vodka or alcohol compress is one of the simplest and most effective methods for severe pain in muscles, joints and inflammation. In addition, they have an antibacterial and anti-inflammatory effect and help destroy pathogenic bacteria, that leads to speedy recovery.

Using a vodka compress for a bruise will help eliminate possible Negative consequences and acts on the site of injury as an anesthetic. The warming effect is also widely used to relieve joint pain. A warm bandage begins to be applied to the site of the injury on the second day after the injury. Fabric soaked in vodka helps relieve swelling and pain from a dislocation, bruise or sprain.

People suffering from calluses and corns will benefit from applying a compress to their feet. The technology for applying such a bandage is as simple as possible, but the effect is equivalent to an expensive salon procedure. Gauze soaked in vodka is applied to pre-steamed legs. Cover the top with film and put on warm woolen socks. The procedure should be carried out before bedtime, but can be left overnight. The bandage must be applied until the desired effect is achieved. To improve the result, you can add it to vodka lemon juice.


The compress is the most affordable and effective way to treat diseases of the whole body. But despite the absence of serious contraindications, before using a healing bandage, it is better to consult a specialist.

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As Ravil Aliyev said: “alcohol is sizzling moisture; water werewolf." This “sizzling moisture” is used not only for internal use. An alcohol compress is a very good warming agent, and heat helps with many diseases. This folk remedy people have been using it for centuries. To this day, dressings based on alcohol, tinctures and vodka are often used as aid for some diseases. Let's consider in this article: what a compress is, what ailments this remedy is used for, and the features of the procedure for a certain disease.

What is a warming compress?

This is a 4-5 layer bandage used for medicinal purposes:

  1. The first layer is gauze or cloth soaked in alcohol, vodka or tincture.
  2. The second layer is compress paper or polyethylene.
  3. The third is a cotton roll.
  4. The fourth is wool.
  5. The fifth is a bandage, which is sometimes used to hold all the layers in place.

What diseases does it help with?

Alcohol compresses are used for the following diseases and symptoms:

  • cough, sore throat;
  • colds at the stage of absence of high fever;
  • joint diseases;
  • bruises, sprains;
  • keratinized skin on the feet and heels;
  • otitis;
  • thrombophlebitis, gout, varicose veins;
  • bruises, inflammation after injections;
  • diseases of the spine.


Compresses made with alcohol should not be used when high temperature, children under 3 years of age. The drug is contraindicated for the following diseases:

  • allergic rash;
  • otitis media with discharge of pus;
  • sore throat with discharge of pus;
  • disorders in the cardiovascular system;
  • acute thrombophlebitis;
  • bronchitis;
  • open wounds;
  • tracheitis;
  • oncological diseases.

How to make an alcohol compress

It is inexpensive and common home remedy is very effective in treating the ailments listed above.

To make an alcohol compress you will need alcohol. It must be diluted with water to 40%. You can use vodka, but moonshine is not recommended, as it contains harmful impurities. For children aged 3-7 years, you need to dilute it to 20-25 degrees. To avoid irritating the skin, alcohol base should contain no more than 40 degrees. You will also need gauze or linen fabric, cotton wool in a roll, plastic bag or compress paper and woolen material - it’s convenient to use a scarf that you don’t mind ruining.

Manufacturing technique:

Any compress is effective for 2-4 hours. Therefore, you need to change it at such intervals. If you tied it overnight, you can keep it until the morning.

Throat compress

For sore throat due to a cold, sore throat, pharyngitis, a compress helps very well. The course is prescribed for 4-7 days. After the first two dressings it becomes easier.

To make a compress for the throat, use the instructions described above. In this case, the procedure should be done at night, as it lasts 6-7 hours. Only the bandage cannot be applied in place thyroid gland. After the procedure, you need to stay warm for half a day.

If, in addition to pain, you are worried about a runny nose, add 3-4 drops of eucalyptus oil to the base.

Compress for cough

If this symptom is bothersome, an alcohol dressing is often used. You just need to approach this with caution, not forgetting about contraindications such as high fever, bronchitis, etc. It is better to consult a doctor. If he allows you to make a bandage, follow this sequence of actions:

  1. Mix one tablespoon of hot sunflower oil, honey and vodka or alcohol.
  2. From thick canvas fabric (this material is required to avoid burns), cut a piece along the width and length of the upper back.
  3. Soak the cloth in the prepared mixture, wring it out and apply it to the area where the lungs are located. Before this, you can smear this place goose fat to enhance the effect.
  4. Place 4 mustard plasters with their backs on the fabric along the spine.
  5. Apply a plastic bag or compress paper, remembering that each layer of compress should be several centimeters wider and longer than the previous one.
  6. Cross-tie these layers of mustard plasters with a woolen scarf.
  7. Carry out one procedure for 2-3 hours a day.

This course is usually prescribed for 3 days.

In case of ear disease, you need to make a base for a compress from camphor oil and alcohol in a ratio of 10:1. The bandage is put on the ear. To prevent the mixture from flowing into the ear canal, you need to cut a hole in the fabric for the ear. Do it in this order:

  1. Cut a square of gauze with sides of 8-10 cm. It should consist of 5-6 layers.
  2. Make a small cut in the center so that your ear can fit through it.
  3. Prepare the desired mixture of camphor oil and alcohol.
  4. Soak the cloth in it.
  5. Place the fabric over your ear, threading it through the hole you made. That is, Auricle must be outside.
  6. Place plastic or wax paper over the ear with a cloth.
  7. Place a cotton pad of the required size on the second layer.
  8. Place a piece of wool on the cotton wool, and then secure the entire compress with a bandage, circling it around the head and tying it under the chin.
  9. Do this procedure once a day for 5-6 hours.

Compress for joint diseases

With this problem, a vodka compress helps very well, as it has a warming effect. At severe pain Doctors, in addition to the compress, prescribe Vishnevsky ointment. She needs to smear the sore area before applying the alcohol bandage.

For keratinized skin on the feet and heels

To deal with this problem, you need to take the following steps:

  1. 2 hours before bedtime, heat 5 liters of water to 40 degrees and dissolve 150 g of sea or table salt in it.
  2. Warm your feet in a basin with this water for 15-20 minutes.
  3. Dry your feet and apply a cloth or gauze soaked in alcohol.
  4. Apply compress paper or polyethylene.
  5. Wear cotton socks and another pair of wool.
  6. Go to bed, and in the morning clean the corns with penza.

How to use for bruises from injections

After injections, bumps and bruises often appear on the skin, causing pain. To help them heal faster, alcohol compresses are also used. Before applying them, lubricate the cones with a special or baby cream. To make the dressing even more effective, it is alternated with the application of rye cakes with honey. They should be kept for the same time as the alcohol bandage - 2-3 hours.

For muscle strains, bruises

The compress should be applied no earlier than one day after the injury. After all, at first they put in the opposite way - cooling lotions.

In this case, diluted alcohol is not suitable for the base of the compress. It is much more relevant to make a tincture with vodka. Let's look at her recipe.

Manufacturing technique:

  1. Grind all ingredients thoroughly and mix.
  2. Fill this mixture with vodka.
  3. Leave it for 3 days.
  4. Strain the finished tincture.

The same tincture is also good to use for joint problems. Apply bandages on this basis for 4 hours.

Compress for thrombophlebitis, gout and varicose veins

This remedy helps relieve pain in these diseases, and also resolves “stars”. Before using the bandage, you must take cold and hot shower. Here, instead of alcohol or vodka, it is more relevant to use tincture on fruits horse chestnut, sunflower or acacia.

For radiculitis

It relieves pain in this disease well. After the procedure, you should stay warm for at least 12 hours.

For this problem, it is better to use a composition of 150 g of alcohol, 100 g of honey and 40 g of aloe juice. A compress with this mixture is placed on your back shortly before bedtime, and in the morning you take a shower.

Common mistakes during the procedure

When people apply a compress for the first time, they often make mistakes. In this case, the compress will cause harm instead of benefit. The most common mistakes:

  • Do not lubricate the area with oil or cream before the procedure, and you get burns. Remember processing.
  • Not all necessary layers of compress are applied or the sequence is violated. As a result, the entire effect of the alcohol dressing is lost.
  • Add little water when diluting alcohol. It is better to overdo it with water than to pour it in small quantities. Then the method will still work.
  • When applying a bandage to children, they forget to dilute vodka or alcohol as required. Even vodka should be diluted 1:1 with water. You can’t forget about this, especially since the health of your children depends on it!

Remember that this remedy is auxiliary. It should be used after consulting a doctor. Follow all the specialist’s recommendations and remember the contraindications and important nuances!

From time immemorial, heating bandages have been used as one of the mandatory therapeutic techniques in the treatment of a number of ailments. However, despite the wide popularity of this cheap physiotherapeutic procedure, there are often cases of incorrect application of warm compresses and ignorance of the algorithm for their use. General technology any warming application is simple: take a warming agent (heated water can be used), soak a bandage with this agent or cotton gauze bandage; Cover the area on the body with material soaked in a warming agent; We put compress paper on top, a dry cotton layer and bandage the compress so that it holds well and does not interfere with blood circulation.

Materials for applying a compress are cheap

Types of applying warm compresses at home

Warming compresses are used to increase blood circulation in tissues and organs, which require increased metabolism (metabolism) in disease-affected areas to restore health.

The algorithm for performing a warm compress at home is simple. For this technique you will need:

  • warming component (warm water, alcohol, turpentine, ointment, etc.);
  • bandage and cotton wool;
  • cling film or compress paper.

Cling film or compress paper can be replaced with any other material that does not allow heat to pass through and can create a damp “greenhouse effect.” This could be a plastic bag, tracing paper, etc. Another mandatory requirement for the covering material is that it should not injure or irritate the skin in places of contact with it.

The compress must be firmly fixed

Sequence (algorithm) of actions when applying a warming water compress:

  • heat the water until required temperature(40-45ºС);
  • moisten cotton wool in heated water (there should be enough cotton wool so that when applied to the surface of the skin it covers the entire area of ​​influence of the heating application and the thickness of the cotton layer is no less than 1 cm);
  • On top of the layer of cotton wool it is necessary to apply 2-3 layers of compress paper or any other material that retains moisture and heat;
  • a layer of dry cotton wool is placed on top of the compress paper;

last of all, it is necessary to apply a bandage that would completely cover all previous layers (the bandage should not be tight or very loose, it should ensure normal adherence of the compress to the affected area and free blood circulation).

The technique of applying a bandage is similar to bandaging wounds.

Warming compresses also include a vodka or alcohol compress.

Algorithm for applying a vodka compress, which is done at home:

  • dilute 96% alcohol with water in the following ratio: 1 part alcohol to 3 parts water or dilute vodka in a ratio of 1 part vodka to 1 part water;
  • soak a layer of cotton wool in diluted alcohol or vodka, squeeze out the cotton wool and place this layer on the surface of the skin in the place where a warming effect is required;
  • cover the layer of cotton wool with compress paper or any other material that does not allow water to pass through external environment heat and moisture;
  • make a layer of dry cotton wool;
  • Apply a loose bandage on top of the compress paper or a material replacing it (the bandage must be applied in several layers so that it completely covers the surface of the compress).

For patients whose skin reacts painfully to the aggressive effects of alcohol, it is recommended either not to do alcohol warming applications at all, or to apply a semi-alcohol compress.

The peculiarity of the algorithm for applying a semi-alcohol compress is that when preparing it, you should increase the amount of water: instead of 3 parts of water, dilute the alcohol with 5-6 parts of water.

Application of warm compresses based on medicinal ointments should be done in strict accordance with the instructions for the data medicines. The method and time of action of the warming components in such specialized medications can be very different from the mechanism of action of a conventional warming compress and, accordingly, the algorithm for using such agents is also different.

In accordance with the algorithm, the time for applying a warming bandage is 5-8 hours. After the specified time interval, it is necessary to remove the bandage, wrap the area on the body where the warming effect was used with a soft natural fabric. This gentle heat can be used before applying the next compress, which can be done after 5-6 hours.

When is heating applied?

Warming compresses are one of the physiotherapeutic means for the treatment of inflammatory processes in the joints, muscle tissue, for some vascular diseases.

Also, the effect of warming neck bandages is used in restorative and rehabilitation therapy in the treatment of sore throats and other inflammatory diseases in the area of ​​the larynx.

If you have a sore throat, applying a warm compress will help.

Indications for the use of a compress should be made by the attending physician, who observes the entire course of the disease and can prevent the occurrence of complications due to inappropriate warming. It is almost impossible to make such a forecast on your own. Ideally, the doctor should determine the algorithm for using such warming applications.

The use of warm compresses for joint diseases

The algorithm for applying warming bandages for joints and the technique of preparing for this procedure are quite simple; it is not difficult to do it yourself at home. However, due to the fact that such a compress is considered potent remedy and its use affects the entire body, experts advise that before using heating, consult a therapist to determine the presence of contraindications.

According to doctors, such a compress can be used for arthrosis, arthritis, bruises, and sprains.

You can relieve pain and swelling from a bruise using a compress.

Warming application can be done according to the mechanism indicated in the first part of this review.

Warming components allowed for use:

  • alcohol;
  • vodka;
  • alcoholic infusions of herbs;
  • turpentine;
  • medicinal warming ointments, etc.

Such warming bandages have an anti-inflammatory and analgesic effect. The compress is applied for 6-8 hours, twice a day: in the morning and at night.

To avoid the compress slipping when applying it to the moving joints of the upper and lower limbs(elbow, knee bend), it is necessary to increase the area of ​​application of the compress itself with a warming component and increase the area of ​​bandaging. It is not recommended to use adhesive tape to strengthen such a compress on the joint.

Warming applications for throat diseases

For sore throat, cough, and other diseases respiratory tract Compresses can be performed only if there is evidence from the attending physician.

This precaution is due to the fact that sore throat and cough are infectious diseases. As you know, the infection begins to actively spread in a warm environment. That is why premature manipulations associated with the treatment of throat and cough compresses can only aggravate clinical picture diseases.

You need to treat your throat with a compress after consulting a doctor.

In these cases, a compress can be applied only after the body has overcome the infection, i.e. at the stage of recovery and getting rid of the negative effects of infectious agents.

If there is evidence from the attending physician, a warm compress on the throat area when coughing or other inflammations of the upper respiratory tract can be performed according to the algorithm and using the technique indicated in the first part of this article.

For a warming application on the neck when coughing, gentle warming components are used, such as warm water, semi-alcohol solution, boiled potatoes, honey, etc.

When not to apply a compress

Even if there is general indications Such a physiotherapeutic remedy cannot be used in relation to the use of warming applications if there are a number of contraindications.

A compress should not be placed on the neck in cases where the patient has tuberculosis or is diagnosed with other serious infections in the body.

It is also prohibited to provide additional thermal effect on the neck if the patient suffers from cardiovascular diseases.

For diseases of the heart and blood vessels, the use of a compress on the neck is prohibited

Any warming compresses are contraindicated if there is skin diseases or rashes on the body.

Compresses. Different kinds medicinal dressings, there are dry and wet. A dry compress is prepared from several layers of sterile gauze and a layer of cotton wool, which are secured with a bandage; used to protect the site of injury (bruise, wound) from cooling and contamination. Wet compresses can be warm, hot or cold. Put them on various areas body depending on the location of the pathological process.
Warming compress prescribed as a resolving or distracting procedure for chronic inflammation joints, sore throat, otitis, laryngotracheitis, pleurisy. As a result of the local and reflex action of heat, a rush of blood occurs and the pain sensitivity. Warming compresses are contraindicated for dermatitis, violation of skin integrity, and furunculosis. You cannot apply compresses at high body temperatures or with various allergic skin rashes. This procedure is not recommended if cardiovascular diseases II-III degrees with symptoms of heart failure, with atherosclerosis with damage to cerebral vessels, with fresh thrombosis (thrombophlebitis, varicose veins veins), with a tendency to bleeding. Compresses should not be applied to tuberculosis patients. active phase and others infectious diseases. You should not do this procedure during a period of rapid, acute inflammatory process, for example, when there is pain, swelling, redness, or local fever in the joint.
Overlay technique warm compress. A piece of fabric folded in several layers is moistened in warm water, wrung out, and applied to the skin. An oilcloth (compress paper, polyethylene) is placed on top, wider than the moistened fabric, and on top - a layer of cotton wool or flannel of an even larger area. All three layers are secured with a bandage tightly enough, but so as not to disrupt normal blood circulation. After removing the compress (after 6-8 hours), the skin should be wiped with alcohol and a dry, warm bandage should be placed on the warmed area. Also applies medicinal warming compress, the effect of which is enhanced by the addition of various substances to water ( baking soda, alcohol, etc.). Usually a semi-alcoholic (alcohol is diluted with water) or vodka compress is applied. You can use alcohol and Vaseline (or any vegetable) oil in a 1:1 ratio. Doctors often recommend ready-made compresses. medications, for example, menovazin. At rheumatic lesions joints, medical bile or dimexide are very effective. But medicinal substances may cause irritation, therefore, before applying the compress, the skin should be lubricated with baby cream or Vaseline oil. IN folk medicine use compresses with leaves of burdock, plantain, cabbage, and buttercup.

Rules for applying a warm compress to children the same, but absolute contraindication for this procedure - increasing the child's body temperature. Typically, local compresses are used in pediatric practice for inflammation of the middle ear - otitis, or on the extremities - in case of injury. The vodka or alcohol-vaseline version is more often used. For children under 1 year of age, compresses should be placed on the ear with caution. They cannot be kept for more than 1.5 hours. At respiratory diseases with laryngitis (hoarseness of voice), with bronchitis, an older child can apply a compress to chest. This compress is used with warm interior lard, turpentine ointment, warm vegetable oil. It is left overnight. For sore throats, children are often given a vodka compress on the neck area. In this case, a cloth moistened with vodka should be applied to the posterior-lateral surface of the neck, leaving its anterior part - the area of ​​the thyroid gland - free. Otherwise, the rules for applying a compress are the same. After the thermal procedure, you should not let your child go for a walk or play outdoor games with him.

Hot compress prescribed for local heating of tissues. Under its influence, a rush of blood occurs, which causes an analgesic effect. This procedure is used for migraines caused by spasm of cerebral vessels, colic (intestinal, kidney and liver), pain in the joints, deposition of salts in them, and neuritis.
Overlay technique. The fabric is soaked in hot water(temperature 50-60°C), quickly wring out and apply to the desired area of ​​the body, cover the top with oilcloth and warm woolen cloth. This compress is changed every 5-10 minutes.

Cold compress. By causing local cooling and constriction of blood vessels, it reduces blood flow and pain. It is used for various local inflammatory processes, bruises, and nosebleeds (on the bridge of the nose). A cold compress is placed on the head when feverish conditions and severe mental agitation.
Overlay technique. A piece of fabric folded in several layers is moistened in cold water(preferably with ice), squeeze lightly and apply to the appropriate area of ​​the body. The compress is changed every 2-3 minutes, so it is convenient to have two sets of compress, one of which, after cooling in advance, lies in cold water. Depending on the patient’s condition, the procedure is carried out for 1 hour or more.