How long can sperm live? How long do sperm live under different conditions?

How long do sperm live is both interesting and quite complex issue which interests many married couples planning pregnancy. It must be said that people are thinking about this topic of different ages, since a woman can conceive in as little as 24 hours. This is the period during which the egg cell exists.

Let us consider in more detail how long a sperm lives, depending on the environment in which it finds itself. We will also touch on the side concerning the possibility or impossibility of pregnancy in water. Thanks to this information, it will be possible to understand not only how long sperm live, but also what conditions will be most favorable for conception.

So, when wondering how long boys’ sperm live, the bulk of medical sources indicate that their period of existence lasts about a day. This has been proven by many scientific research. In this case, a female cell is active for up to four days.

This raises the question of not just how long a sperm with a Y chromosome lives, but why it dies so quickly. The fact is that in the process of evolutionary development, this cell has lost a significant number of genes necessary for survival. It is also worth noting one more important point: In order for sex cells to mature in such a chromosome, it is extremely important for it to come into contact with other microorganisms. Actually, it becomes clear which sperm live longer.

But with all this, how long sperm live directly depends on the environment in which they find themselves. This is actually why there are couples who have no problems with reproductive function, but at the confluence unfavorable conditions, conception does not occur. Let's take a closer look at how long sperm live in the vagina, how they behave in water, on the head of the penis, and much more.

Physiological environment

As mentioned earlier, depending on the conditions in which the sperm finds itself, the duration of its activity may differ significantly from that which was initially stated. Therefore, let us consider in more detail how long cells exist in different physiological environments.


First of all, it’s worth talking about how long sperm live in fallopian tubes Oh. So, if they managed to bypass the vagina and then penetrate the cervical mucus, the duration of their existence increases significantly. In such conditions, namely, in contact with cervical mucus, the sperm lives for 4-8 days.

In this case, the time period has a direct connection with the menstrual cycle. Therefore, it is impossible to accurately answer the question of how long sperm live in the uterus. If at the moment of cell penetration into the woman’s body the middle of the cycle was observed, then cervical mucus will be liquefied. Due to this, an acidic environment is formed there that corresponds to sperm standards (from 7 to 8).

When answering the question of how long sperm live in the uterus under such conditions, we can say 6-8 days, since the environment is as favorable as possible. After a few days it will be formed corpus luteum, and in the woman’s body itself, a phase of active production of progesterone will begin, which will lead to an increase in the viscosity of the cervical fluid, and the acidity will increase.

Actually, based on this information and answering the question: how many days do sperm live in the uterus at this time, we can indicate an average of 3-5 days. The viability of sperm also depends on the woman’s health status, the presence concomitant diseases and inflammatory processes.


It is also worth considering how long sperm can live in the vagina. In this part of the female genital organs, reduced level acidic environment, in which the indicators correspond to pH 3.8-4.4. Actually, the conditions here are extremely unfavorable, and therefore, when answering how many days sperm live in the vagina, it must be said that it is less than a day, or more precisely 60-120 minutes.

Actually, turning to anatomy, you can find out that a sperm needs about an hour and a half to penetrate the uterine cavity. Then it takes about two more hours to reach the end of the fallopian tube. It is here that fertilization will occur if the sperm survives. But considering how long sperm can live in the vagina, the likelihood of conception the first time is very small.


The vital activity of the sperm, which is associated with spermatogenesis, lasts from 72 to 75 days. Once the cells reach maturity, they are stored in the male genital tract until he ejaculates.

It is impossible to say exactly how long a sperm can live. Some experts say that the lifespan of a cell lasts approximately 24-72 days, while others believe that sperm live from one to two weeks.

Actually, if you place the cells in a special incubator, where there is the correct humidity and acidity, the vitality of the sperm lasts for eight days. Now we know exactly how long sperm live in the penis.

Summarizing the above information, we can answer the question, how many days do sperm live in female body and male. Time frames range from one and a half hours to eight days.


Some may be interested in how long sperm live in semen. It is important to understand that cells in pre-ejaculate can remain active for a longer period of time than in the vagina. However, for this it is necessary to create conditions where the correct temperature regime and air humidity.

External environment

The next step is to consider how many live on outdoors sperm and in the environment. It is important to understand that the main component of ejaculate is not sperm, but the secretion produced by prostate gland, seminal vesicles and bulbourethal glands.

They create the right environment in which sperm remain active for the longest possible period of time. But what happens to them when they are influenced external factors.


First, let’s look at how long sperm live in water. The fact is that such conditions contribute to the loss of protection created from the ejaculate. That is why the life period is only 10-15 minutes if they get there as part of the ejaculate.

Answering the question whether sperm die in water, we can definitely say yes. If an individual sperm penetrates such an environment, its death will occur within a few seconds.


Next, let's look at how long a sperm lives in a condom. It all depends on whether the contraceptive contains a special spermicidal lubricant. If it is present, cell death will be quite rapid and inevitable. But if you accurately answer the question: how long do sperm live in a condom without lubrication, then it is about half an hour, sometimes 40 minutes, but no more.


Since sperm appear on the penis after it has been removed from the woman’s vagina, the answer to the question of how long the sperm lives under the foreskin is included in the external environment section.

The influence of air and incorrect temperature significantly reduces the duration of germ cell activity. That is why, when doctors are asked how long a sperm lives on the head of the penis, they name a period of time corresponding to 30 minutes.


We will also touch on the topic of how long sperm live in air. The duration of activity of germ cells is insignificant and amounts to only a few hours.

But at the same time, those who are not planning a pregnancy should pay attention to this moment. Knowing how long sperm live outside the vagina, you can warn yourself when engaging in sexual activity, where interrupted coitus is practiced as a form of protection.


Let's also talk about how long sperm live at room temperature. After all, this is also an important point for those who do not plan to become pregnant, but also do not like to use condoms. At room temperature, sperm live from 15 minutes to two hours.

Speaking about how long a sperm lives outside the body, it must be said that if we're talking about about an individual sperm, then in room conditions it dies instantly. The fact is that it loses the necessary nutritional environment and protection.


Many couples are interested in: after sexual intercourse, how long do sperm live? It all depends on the conditions under which it was carried out. If in water, then the life expectancy is short, about 15 minutes.

Speaking about how long the sperm that land on the head or body live after ejaculation, we can name periods from 30 minutes to two hours. When ejaculating into a condom with spermicidal lubricant, sperm die instantly.


It is very important when studying the activity and vitality of the male biological material clearly understand how long sperm live in a woman’s body. Those sperm that managed to penetrate into the reproductive organs. In such conditions, answering the question of how long sperm live in the female body, we can name a period of several days during which they retain the ability to fertilize.

Of course, precise timing varies too much. There is a group of scientists who are inclined to claim that sperm in a woman’s body live from a day to 36 hours. Others are confident that they retain all their abilities for 8-14 days. Actually, based on how long sperm live inside, it must be said that fertilization can occur several days after sexual intercourse.


We looked at how long it takes for sperm to die under exposure to various agents. It is also necessary to find out what causes sperm death.

Among the most unfavorable conditions for the life and activity of sperm, doctors identify the following:

  1. Varicocele is a disease characterized by varicose veins of the testicle, as well as spermatic cord, is the reason why sperm die.
  2. If you remember how long it takes for a sperm to die in a condom, you need to understand why this process happens so quickly. It's all about the lubricant, which has a composition that quickly dissolves the ejaculate and kills sperm.
  3. Irradiation also causes cells to die without reaching their desired goal. It is impossible to say exactly how long it takes for sperm to die in this condition.
  4. When answering the question in what environment do sperm die, we need to remember that they practically do not survive in those men who drink a lot of alcoholic beverages.
  5. Constant overeating and regular lack of sleep and stress will always lead to cell death.

Many people are also interested in the temperature at which sperm die. Often this indicator is at +38 degrees. However, if it is +4 outside, the sperm will go into the sleep or waiting stage, but will not die.

The lifespan of a sperm is always individual. Therefore, if you need to clearly find out what the lifespan of sperm is specific man, it is worth taking a special test - a spermogram. After studying the results, the doctor will be able to give a definite answer.

It is also important to understand that to increase the life of sperm, if for a long time the desired pregnancy does not occur, you should take care of your health. The spouse must lead active image life, quit drinking and smoking, exercise and take vitamins. About how to prepare for conception correctly, and what to do in the situation. When pregnancy does not occur, you can always tell your andrologist or gynecologist if a woman needs advice.

Facts (video)

The answers to these and many other questions are the topic of today’s article.

What factors influence sperm viability?

The importance of sperm in human life difficult to overestimate. It is on their vitality and mobility, under favorable circumstances, that the outcome of sexual intercourse and the birth of a new life, the birth of a baby and even his birth depend.

The life cycle of male sperm is conventionally divided into two periods:

  1. Birth and maturation in the parent organism. It takes approximately 2 months for the sperm to become an adult, get stronger and receive its individual set of chromosomes. He waits another month for the moment of ejaculation, then he dies and becomes unable to fertilize a woman’s egg.
  2. Life in the external environment- occurs from the moment of orgasm, when the sperm leaves the parent body. It either ends up in the female vagina, where it has a chance of fertilization, or dies in the open air.

Once every three months, the cellular composition of gametes is renewed, which continues throughout the man’s life.

It is important to know how long the sperm is alive and retains its activity from the moment of ejaculation. On average, life expectancy ranges from a few minutes to several days. It all depends on where they got into – into the female body or into the external environment.

The lifespan of sperm depends on many factors, the main of which are:

  • state reproductive organs men and women, the presence or absence of chronic or acute diseases, inflammatory processes;
  • man's body temperature or environment;
  • the type of environment they entered after sex;
  • exposure to light, including sunlight;
  • use of lubricants during sexual intercourse;
  • indicators acid-base balance in the vagina. If the environment is alkaline, then sperm live longer;
  • reception medications or contraceptives;
  • set of chromosomes of a particular sperm;
  • individual indicators of sperm condition: quantity, composition, activity of germ cells;
  • synthetic compounds that may be present in condom lubricant.

A woman's egg lives for 24 hours after ovulation. This time is quite enough for a viable sperm to reach her, because it only takes him half an hour to do this.

How long do sperm with X and Y chromosomes live?

But there is a difference in the life of sperm. And this is especially important for couples who are planning a child and dream of a girl or boy:

In fact, scientists have so far refuted such calculations, but why not try?

Sometimes it happens that in the male line, sperm with Y-chromosomes or X-chromosomes always die, having abnormalities in the structure and being non-viable. This is due to heredity, and in such families, from generation to generation, either only girls or only boys are born.

How does low or high temperature affect sperm?

The temperature of a man's body and the environment in which he spends time plays the most important role in how long sperm live and how active they are.

Most favorable temperature body temperature for sperm is up to 37 degrees. A couple who is planning a pregnancy should live at the optimal room temperature at home.


  • if basic work time related to conditions elevated temperature, for example, in a production workshop or mine, then most of the sperm die, and those that survive do not differ in activity and viability, and are almost incapable of fertilization;
  • a decrease in mobility is also observed in summer heat when the thermometer shows 38ºС above zero;
  • a man should avoid wearing tight, tight, and synthetic underwear;
  • Those who like to take a steam bath and sauna should be on their guard, because they, too, may have problems conceiving a child.

Reduced temperature

The impact of low temperatures on a man’s body is also fraught with consequences. If a man long time is in conditions where four degrees below zero, then not only the death of gametes occurs, but also an imbalance in the functioning of the reproductive system as a whole.

Therefore, it is so important not to ignore warm underwear during frosts, not to sit on cold ones, and not to touch ice and snow with your hands. Especially during the period when the birth of a new life is planned.

But what about freezing sperm for a donor bank?

After all, she is frozen at high temperatures, but at the same time she retains her abilities during artificial insemination?

It's all about the special technology of such freezing and the conditions of its storage. The process occurs literally in a few seconds so that sperm in a state of shock do not have time to die. But at the slightest deviation from certain storage conditions, they immediately lose their properties and die.

How long do sperm live in the female body?

Once in the female body, sperm behave differently. The time of their ability to fertilize depends on various factors related to the state of the female body, the menstrual cycle, and their vitality:

  • in the vagina prevails acidic environment, supported by special lactobacilli, under the influence of which most sperm die within 1.5-2 hours. Only the strongest and most agile remain. They then reach the cervix;
  • in the cervix their lifespan increases from 4 to 8 days due to the fact that the environment here is alkaline. They begin to move much more actively and after half an hour they already reach the uterus and fallopian tubes;
  • in pipes During ovulation, an egg ripe for fertilization may already be waiting for them. If it is absent, then the sperm live for a week, but lose their fertilizing ability after 3-5 days.

The lifespan of gametes directly depends on the health of the female body, including the organs of the reproductive system. Any inflammatory processes change the pH of the environment towards increased acidity, which has a detrimental effect on most sperm. The presence of sexually transmitted infections, for example, chlamydia, generally have a cytotoxic, killing effect on cells.

How long do sperm live after entering the genitals? Is there a possibility of pregnancy in this case?

The answer to the question is yes. Yes, you can get pregnant even if, since sperm are contained in lubricant and remain on the penis and urethra. And if they are resilient and active, they can very well help you get pregnant.

Especially if sexual intercourse is repeated without first completing the necessary hygiene procedures, without washing away the traces of the first.

How long do sperm live in the environment?

Spermatozoa in the ejaculate are located in the secretion of the prostate, which contains biologically active substances, which support them, nourish them and have a protective effect against the acidic environment in the female vagina. Immune cells perceive them as foreign proteins and try to destroy them. Therefore, it is easy to imagine what happens to sperm when they find themselves in the external environment and lose this protection. In this case, they live very short.

In water

Exist from 5 to 10 minutes in the ejaculate. Finding themselves without a nutrient medium, the sperm die within a second.

On the head of the penis and underwear

They die within half an hour. Therefore, during this time, the most active of them, under positive circumstances, can penetrate the vagina, uterus and fertilize the egg.

Exposure to light and sunlight

Light has a detrimental effect on them, life expectancy is no more than 20 minutes.

In a tied condom

About half an hour, if there is no synthetic spermic lubricant. Otherwise, they die instantly.

Stories of women tricking themselves into using sperm from a used condom to get pregnant are quite true. Inserting sperm into the vagina is not so difficult and time-consuming. And some of the gametes may well fertilize the egg.

On open air

After a man has ejaculated outside the female body, sperm can exist for no more than 2 hours. And even with the greatest activity, having overcome the acidic environment of the vagina, they are unlikely to be able to move on.

The high fertility of a man involves the release large quantity sperm. In this case, the death of gametes occurs over the next 5 hours.

In the mouth, on the hands, in saliva, in anus , in any area skin and household items, sperm die within 3-5 hours. And in this case, there is no need to worry about whether an unwanted pregnancy may occur or not.

On the sheets and towel sperm die as soon as seminal fluid dries, and the risk of pregnancy in this case is reduced to zero.

Many women want to know whether it is possible to conceive a child if they collect fresh sperm in a syringe. Yes, it is possible, but under favorable circumstances, which depend on the day menstrual cycle and sperm purity. This should be done immediately after orgasm in a clean cup, and only then used in a syringe. After an hour, the possibility of fertilization will be reduced by 5 times.


This sperm analysis is very relevant today, since the number of childless couples has increased significantly precisely because male infertility, which is often associated with the composition of sperm, the motility and viability of gametes, their defects, etc.

After three days of abstinence, the man ejaculates into a special cup, and then specialists do a test in which they determine:

  • what is the shape, appearance and gamete sizes
  • their activity, how fast they move;
  • density, that is, the content of gametes in sperm, is expressed in millions per milliliter;
  • the amount of ejaculate released, which should be no more than a teaspoon.

The spermogram indicators determine how high the ability of a particular man to reproduce offspring is, how long sperm live, and the ratio of mature and young in the ejaculate.

Do not forget that such analysis should be carried out in specialized medical centers with the participation of qualified specialists.

How to increase gamete viability

  • give up tight, tight underwear and give preference to loose, so-called family panties;
  • do not overcool, maintain the desired temperature of the body and the environment;
  • avoid going to the bathhouse or sauna at least a few weeks before the planned conception;
  • do not use various lubricants and gels that reduce the lifespan of the gamete;
  • Avoid stress, try not to react to difficult life circumstances with depression and irritability.
  • get more rest, don’t forget that you need to sleep at least eight hours a day;
  • get rid of bad habits, especially smoking and alcohol abuse;
  • raise physical activity, do not take anabolic steroids and steroids, but also avoid heavy lifting and professional sports;
  • change your diet, do not eat soy and fatty foods, eat more vegetables and fruits, fill your body with missing nutrients;
  • take vitamin-mineral complexes and immunomodulators, especially during the off-season.

Knowing how long sperm live, you can easily plan a pregnancy or avoid it. And even if scientists are wrong, guess the gender of the long-awaited baby.

The lifespan of sperm is an important and actual question for those who have plans to procreate, and for those who are not yet ready for such an important step.

Sperm generation

The scientific name for the generation of sperm is spermatogenesis. Sperm are born and live in the testicles of adult men. The duration of sperm formation is about 74 days. During this period, they go through the stages of obtaining their set of chromosomes, growing a tail, forming a motor apparatus and assembling DNA for survival in an unfavorable environment for them, which for them is the female body. After ripening, they accumulate at the outlet of the vas deferens.

Sperm that are mature and ready for fertilization live in male body up to a month.

With prolonged abstinence, sperm ages, after which they become unsuitable for fertilization. Therefore, regular sex life to renew the seed.

During active sexual life, when more than 4 ejaculations occur in 12 hours, there may not be enough mature cells for fertilization. To increase the likelihood of conception, it is necessary to abstain from sexual intercourse for a couple of days to produce and mature new sperm.

While in the male body, sperm are inactive. Their activity occurs when they interact with prostatic juice during the process of ejaculation. After peristaltic muscle contractions, male cells are pushed through the vas deferens into the urethra. There they are mixed with the secretions of the prostate and the contents of the seminal vesicles. This produces seminal fluid, which feeds sperm with glucose and fructose, increases their mobility, and protects against increased acidity in the vaginal environment.

Semen contains approximately 5% of sperm of the total volume of secreted fluid.

After ejaculation, a new batch immediately arrives to replace the ejected sperm, which makes it possible for a healthy man to impregnate a woman with repeated ejaculations.

Lifetime in a woman's body

The movement of gametes occurs due to flagella, they are also called the tails of male reproductive cells. They can move at speeds of up to 0.1 mm per second.

During ejaculation, approximately 250 million sperm are released in 2-5 ml of seminal fluid. For the female body, sperm - foreign body, which her immune system begins to fight. Therefore, the environment in the vagina has a destructive effect on sperm, and seminal fluid protects against the effects of acids with which the female immune system tries to cope with strangers.

To achieve the final goal, the gametes need to travel a distance of approximately 20 cm, which they cover by moving against the movement of the fluid.

That part of the sperm that did not immediately die in the vagina enters the uterus through the cervical canal of the cervix. To do this they will need 1-2 minutes. Many people die at this stage male cells due to the aggressive environment for them in the cervical canal. If a woman experiences orgasm at this time, the mucous membrane becomes less viscous, muscle wall The uterus contracts and a retracting effect occurs, helping the sperm to penetrate further. Therefore, with simultaneous orgasm or achieving it immediately after ejaculation, the likelihood of conception increases.

Of the total number of sperm that enter the vagina, it reaches uterine cavity approximately 10 million

Sperm lingering in the vagina die after 2 hours.

Sperm penetrate the uterus within a few hours, and the fastest ones within 1 hour. Here the environment is much friendlier for surviving gametes.

A few days before ovulation, mucous secretions appear in the female body, produced by the glands of the cervix, which are beneficial for sperm (cervical mucus). In this mucus, male reproductive cells do not lose their functionality for several days, and in other periods they die after a few hours in an unfavorable acidic environment. Due to this feature in folk ways To prevent pregnancy, a popular method is douching with a solution of lemon juice.

In the uterus, sperm live and are suitable for fertilization for about 3-7 days.

In case of vaginal dysbiosis, the presence venereal diseases In women, the acidic environment increases, which reduces the likelihood of pregnancy. However, it remains, so for those who are not planning a pregnancy, the use of contraception is a must.

From the uterus, sperm travel to the fallopian tubes, where fertilization should occur.

The strongest and most nimble 3-4 thousand male cells will remain to try to fertilize the egg. And only one can achieve the goal.

Considering the fact that sperm live in a woman’s genitals for up to 7 days, it is not always correct to count the day of conception from the day of sexual intercourse.

There is a point of view that in some cases, sperm survive during menstruation, provided they enter the fallopian tubes before menstruation. After the end of bleeding, they may still have the opportunity to fertilize the egg. This is important for women who ovulate early.

Life time in the urethra

After ejaculation, a certain part of the sperm remains in the urethra and on foreskin member. If after ejaculation there was no urination and no hygiene procedures were carried out with the genital organ, sperm can live there from 10 minutes to 2 hours. And already at the beginning of repeated sexual intercourse, these sperm are parachuted into female organs and begin moving towards their goal. Therefore, after the second unprotected sexual intercourse, there is a high probability of pregnancy, even if it ended in termination.

Life expectancy in the external environment

The lifespan of gametes in the open air is 2-3 hours. Therefore, during this time there is a possibility of fertilization after sperm enters the female genital organs from other parts of the body, napkins, and underwear.

After the sperm fluid evaporates, the sperm dry out and die.

When sperm is exposed to direct sunlight, in bright light, at temperatures above 38 C, in an acidic environment, sperm die almost instantly or can last a maximum of 15-20 minutes.

Life of sperm in a condom

The life time in a condom is approximately equal to the life time of male gametes in the open air - from several minutes to 3 hours. If condoms with spermicidal lubricant are used, sperm die almost immediately.

Interesting video about egg fertilization:

To increase the life of sperm and successful conception need to lead healthy image life to both sexual partners, and to prevent unwanted pregnancy You need to use contraception and maintain genital hygiene.

The time that sperm live after sexual intercourse in the female body depends on the quality of the seminal fluid. This is greatly influenced reproductive health men. If after sexual intercourse sperm do not end up in the vagina, then their activity time is much lower and depends on external factors. The ambient temperature has a direct influence. Survival of sperm at low temperatures used in reproductive medicine.

Fertilization process

Spermatozoa have linear movement, the absence of morphological pathologies and the ability to further advance in the uterus. Some of them immediately pour out of the vagina after ejaculation, and about 15% enter the cervical canal.

At the next stage, they must overcome the path to the egg, directed against the flow of fluid in the fallopian tubes and vagina. During this period, about 80% of the remaining gametes die. They need to cover a distance of more than 17 cm to reach the egg, and their speed of advancement does not exceed 4 mm per minute. Therefore, the process may take 2-3 days. But not all sperm live that long, so their viability directly determines a man's fertility.

In order to correctly assess the survival of male germ cells, a spermogram and a postcoital test are performed. In the second case, a fluid sample is taken a few hours after intercourse. cervical canal in a woman and determine whether there are viable and active sperm. Their absence means poor sperm survival or an aggressive environment in the woman’s cervix. The last reason can also often lead to a lack of conception.

Lifespan of sperm

For sperm to survive, they need favorable conditions. Their lifespan depending on the environment:

Wednesday Lifespan
VaginaIn the vagina, sperm can live from several minutes to several hours. This is due to its acidic environment, which is detrimental to sperm, therefore, in order to get through this area, they must have sufficient speed
UterusWhen sperm enter the uterus, their life span is already quite long. If they managed to overcome this path, then they are safe. Here sperm can live from several days to a week. The most favorable time is ovulation. During this period, the mature egg creates ideal conditions. This feature must be taken into account when protecting calendar method. You should avoid unprotected sex a week before your expected ovulation date.
PenisExperiments show that after ejaculation, sperm on a man's penis remain viable for about half an hour. Therefore, it is not recommended to practice interrupted intercourse again without the necessary hygienic procedures if pregnancy is undesirable
LubricationIt is pre-ejaculate or Cooper's fluid. Sperm survive in it, but are not contained by themselves. Since the female vagina maintains an acidic environment, the main task of lubricant is to neutralize it, helping sperm to survive and cover the distance to the uterus with minimal losses
AirIn the open air outside the body, sperm can live for up to several hours. However, even if they can still exist for some time, it is impossible to become pregnant from soiled underwear or sperm from the external environment. By themselves, they will not be able to pass the acidic environment of the vagina due to the lack of other components of the ejaculate
CondomIn a condom, the lifespan of sperm is reduced and is about 30-40 minutes. If it contains a special lubricant, then it has a detrimental effect on the sperm - they die immediately. Commercial lubricants used to treat the vagina do not affect viability; Only those that contain spermicides are effective for this purpose - special substances for neutralizing sperm.
WaterViability of sperm in aquatic environment depends on temperature. In the cold they will fall asleep, but they will live longer, and in the warmth they will die. But this does not mean that sexual intercourse in water high temperature will prevent pregnancy
Test tubeIf the sperm in a test tube is frozen, then the lifespan of sperm is unlimited, according to at least, they will live for several years for sure. After thawing, some sperm retain their viability and fertilizing capabilities

Causes of sperm death

Male germ cells become non-viable due to the following pathological factors:

  • Varicocele. This varicose veins testicular veins. It affects not only sperm viability, but also motility. It can only be treated with surgical methods.
  • Radiation sickness. Irradiation leads to a slowdown in cell division and a decrease in the number and viability of sperm.
  • Intoxication. Chronic drug and alcohol use and smoking can have an impact.
  • Eating disorder. Chemical additives and preservatives in food and obesity can lead to pathology. Diets that contain a small amount of fat can have a similar effect. Because fat is a precursor to testosterone.
  • Other reasons. Hormonal disorders, STD, viral diseases(mumps).

Scientists call the ability to reproduce offspring Latin word“fertility” (fertilis means “fertile, fruitful”). To carry out this process, certain conditions are required. If at least one link in this chain drops out, pregnancy either does not occur, or a congenital pathology of the fetus occurs. Necessary conditions for pregnancy are:

1) maturation of the follicle in the ovary, its rupture, release of the egg (ovulation) and formation of the corpus luteum 1 in place of the follicle;
2) the ability of sperm to penetrate the uterus, fallopian tubes and fertilize the egg;
3) free passage of the egg and embryo through the fallopian tube into the uterine cavity;
4) the readiness of the uterus to implant (implant) an embryo.
A favorable combination of the above circumstances with in full health spouses, with regular sexual activity in one menstrual cycle, contributes to pregnancy in approximately 20% of cases.

And now - in more detail about the “mechanism of conception” at its different stages.

Egg. The “reserve” of eggs is determined already at the birth of a girl; it is about 400 thousand. During one menstrual cycle (from the first day of one menstruation to the first day of the next), one egg, as a rule, matures in one of the ovaries.
After the release of an egg from the ovary (ovulation), which occurs approximately on the 14th day of the menstrual cycle, a corpus luteum forms in the ovary. It secretes hormones (gestagens) that prepare the uterus to receive the embryo, and if pregnancy occurs, they maintain the pregnancy. The role of gestagens is especially important in the first trimester of pregnancy. From the ovary the egg enters abdominal cavity. Next to each ovary there is an oviduct - a fallopian (uterine) tube, into the funnel of which the egg must enter thanks to the movements of the cilia of the fallopian tube, which “capture” the egg (it itself does not have the ability to move). In 6-7 days, the egg, thanks to contractions of the fallopian tube, must cover a distance of 30-35 cm from the funnel to the uterus. Under ideal conditions, fertilization occurs while the egg is in the upper third of the oviduct.
After ovulation, the egg remains viable for approximately 24 hours.

Sperm. Sperm are formed and mature in the seminiferous tubules of the male reproductive gland - the testes. The process of their maturation lasts on average 74 days. A mature normal human sperm consists of a head, neck, body and tail, or flagellum, which ends in a thin terminal filament. The total length of the sperm is about 50-60 µm (head - 5-6 µm, neck and body - 6-7 µm and tail - 40-50 µm). Thanks to the “beating” of the tail, the sperm is able to move. Interestingly, the size of the egg is much larger than the size of the sperm: it is 0.1 mm. Mature sperm exit from the seminiferous tubules into the vas deferens of the male gonads, where they can retain fertilizing ability for a long time. At this time they are motionless - they acquire the ability to move only during ejaculation.
In the genital tract of a woman, sperm retain the ability to move within 3-4 days, but they can fertilize an egg only within 24 hours. There is an assumption that sperm “recognize” the egg by smell - for example, receptors similar to those found in the nose have been found on the surface of male reproductive cells.

Fertilization- the fusion of a male germ cell (sperm) with a female one (egg), leading to the formation of a zygote (a new single-celled organism). The biological meaning of fertilization is the union of paternal and maternal genes. Sex cells contain a so-called haploid (half) set of chromosomes; when they combine, a zygote with a diploid (complete) set of chromosomes is formed.
The seminal fluid entering the vagina usually contains from 60 to 150 million sperm. The speed of sperm movement is 2-3 mm per minute. Thus, already 1-2 minutes after sexual intercourse, sperm reach the uterus, and in 2-3 hours in the female body they can travel 25-35 cm and reach the end sections of the fallopian tubes. After ejaculation (ejaculation), sperm quickly rise through the genital tract due to contractions of the uterus and fallopian tubes; These are so-called peristaltic movements, which are similar to intestinal contractions. Intrinsic sperm motility becomes important in later stages. Sperm, which consists of a biologically active liquid part and sperm, has a slightly alkaline reaction: sperm are capable of active movement only in such an environment. If the environment in the vagina is acidic, then seminal fluid can reduce its acidity to the desired level. No more than a few hundred sperm reach the egg: at all stages of their movement, the least viable ones die and are removed. This happens thanks to mechanisms natural selection, that is, the goal (egg) is most often reached by the most complete (without structural defects) sperm.
During the movement of sperm along fallopian tube capacitation occurs - a series of changes due to which sperm acquire fertilizing ability. During capacitation, special substances that prevent fertilization are removed from the surface of sperm. (Before the capitation process, these substances perform protective function.) The beating of flagella changes, becoming much faster, which causes overactive motility of spermatozoa. When capacitation has ended and the sperm have reached the site where fertilization is to occur, they undergo the process of acrosome activation. With the help of the acrosome, which is located on the head of the sperm and contains the enzymes necessary for penetration into the female sex cell, they destroy the shell of the egg in the area in front of the sperm, due to which the fusion of male and female reproductive cells occurs. As soon as the first sperm begins to fuse with the egg, its properties immediately change: it becomes immune to other sperm.
After the embryo enters the uterine cavity on the 6-7th day of development, it “hatches” from the membrane, and then the implantation process begins - the half-millimeter embryo attaches to the wall of the uterus and is completely immersed in it in less than two days.
This is how the long journey of “life before birth” begins, 9 months long.