How to photograph the starry sky - my experience. Beautiful pictures, mesmerizing with the splendor of the starry sky at night

Click on any object to receive expanded information and photos of its surroundings up to 1x1°.

Online star map- will help with observations through a telescope and simply with orientation in the sky.
Online star map - interactive map sky shows the position of stars and nebulous objects that are visible to amateur telescopes at a given time over a given location.

To use the star map online, you need to set geographical coordinates observation locations and observation time.
Only stars and planets with a brightness of up to approximately 6.5-7 m are visible to the naked eye in the sky. To monitor other objects you need telescope. The larger the diameter (aperture) of the telescope and the less illumination from the lights, the more objects will be available to you.

This online star map contains:

  • the SKY2000 star catalog, supplemented with data from the SAO and XHIP catalogs. Total - 298457 stars.
  • proper names of the main stars and their designations according to the HD, SAO, HIP, HR catalogs;
  • information about stars contains (if possible): J2000 coordinates, proper motions, brightness V, Johnson B magnitude, Johnson B-V color index, spectral class, luminosity (Suns), distance from the Sun in parsecs, number of exoplanets as of April 2012 , Fe/H, age, data on variability and fold;
  • position of the major planets solar system, the brightest comets and asteroids;
  • galaxies, star clusters and nebulae from the Messier, Caldwell, Herschel 400 and NGC/IC catalogs with the ability to filter by type.
There are no objects from Messier in the Caldwell catalog, and Herschel 400 partially overlaps with the first two catalogs.

It is possible to search for nebulous objects on the map by their numbers in the NGC/IC and Messier catalogs. As you enter the number, the map is centered on the coordinates of the desired object.
Enter only the object number as it is indicated in these catalogs: without the prefixes "NGC", "IC" and "M". For example: 1, 33, 7000, 4145A-1, 646-1, 4898-1, 235A, etc.
Enter three objects from other catalogs: C_41, C_99 from Caldwell and the light nebula Sh2_155 in the NGC field as written here - with underlining and letters.

Its refined and somewhat expanded version RNGC/IC dated January 2, 2013 was used as NGC/IC. A total of 13958 objects.

About maximum stellar magnitude:
The faintest star in the SKY2000 catalog, which is used in the online sky map, has a brightness of 12.9 m. If you are interested specifically in stars, keep in mind that after about 9-9.5 m, gaps begin in the catalogue, and the further you go, the stronger they are (such a decline after a certain magnitude is a common occurrence for star catalogues). But, if stars are needed only to search for foggy objects in a telescope, then by introducing a limit of 12 m you will get noticeably more stars for better orientation.

If you set the maximum 12 m in the “stars are brighter” field and click “Update data,” then the initial download of the catalog (17 MB) may take up to 20 seconds or more - depending on the speed of your Internet.
By default, only stars up to V=6 m (2.4 MB) are loaded. You need to know the downloaded volume to select the auto-update interval for the map if you have limited Internet traffic.

To speed up the work, at low map magnifications (in the first 4 steps), NGC/IC objects fainter than 11.5 m and faint stars are not shown. Zoom in on the desired part of the sky and they will appear.

When "turning off Hubble telescope images and others." Only black and white photographs are shown, which more honestly show the image available in an amateur telescope.

Help, suggestions and comments are accepted by mail: [email protected].
Materials used from sites:,,,, Dr. website Wolfgang Steinicke
The photographs used were declared free for distribution by their authors and transferred to public use (based on data received by me in the places of their original placement, including according to Wikipedia, unless otherwise indicated). If this is not the case, write me an e-mail.

Andrey Oleshko from Kubinka for the original coordinates of the Milky Way.
Eduard Vazhorov from Novocheboksarsk for the original coordinates of the outlines of the Foggy Objects.

Nikolay K., Russia

“The sky is very black. The earth is blue. Everything can be seen very clearly,” Yuri Gagarin.

Every year, the number of stars visible in the night sky is mercilessly declining. The lights of big cities outshine the night lights, and the places where you can see the magical starry sky are becoming fewer and fewer. But, fortunately, there are still some untouched corners, where the sky is darkest and the stars are brightest. And to see them, you don’t have to leave our planet. Forward! To the stars!

Atacama Desert (Chile)

The harsh Atacama Desert, with its landscapes more reminiscent of the surface of Mars, is one of the most... the best sites for observing stars on Earth. Thanks to its high location, dry climate and lack of nearby artificial light sources, the sky here is always clear and clear. Almost ideal visibility allows stargazers to admire the legends of the Southern Hemisphere - the Tarantula Nebula and the constellation of galaxies. And the local Paranal Observatory boasts the largest telescope in the world. The observatory offers travelers who want to admire the stars a stay at the Residencia Hotel, which many saw in the James Bond film Quantum of Solace.

Natural Bridges National Monument (Utah, USA)

Here, among the bizarre arches and bridges created by the hands of nature, the Milky Way is visible better than anywhere else. To clearly see its structure, you don't even need a telescope. Natural Bridges National Monument is one of the darkest places in the United States. So rest assured, the “lights of the big city” won’t stop you from admiring them starry sky.

Wiruna (New South Wales, Australia)

The eucalyptus forests of New South Wales have the darkest skies in Australia. Here, about 405 square meters are allocated for studying the starry sky. km of land. The area is owned by the local astronomical society, which hosts the South Pacific Star Party every year. Every year up to five thousand “star” tourists come to gaze at this amazing sky.

Tuscany (Italy)

Probably the most popular place in Europe for stargazing. Among the Tuscan hills of unearthly beauty, astronomer and physicist Galileo Galilei first pointed the telescope he built into the sky. This Italian region the best place to observe the cosmic phenomena that Galileo was lucky enough to see for the first time - sunspots, the mountainous surface of the Moon and the four satellites of Jupiter (known as the Galilean satellites).

International Namibrand Nature Reserve (Namibia)

The largest nature reserve in Africa is increasingly attracting not only safari lovers, but also “stargazers” from all over the world. At night you will not see anything here - only the sky. Everywhere you turn there are stars, stars and more stars. The unique 360-degree panorama is worth spending the night under the open African sky.
Galloway Forest Park (Scotland, UK)
The skies over Galloway Park have been described as the darkest in Europe. About 7,000 stars and planets are visible here even without a telescope. In addition, the Royal Observatory of Edinburgh offers group and individual tours for star hunters.

Astronomy Day in 2015 it fell on April 25 (more precisely, on the night from 25 to 26). Astronomers are trying to mark this day with various exhibitions and also share their photographs of the starry sky. This is exactly what Culturology.RF will do today - we present to your attention beautiful photographs of the night sky, full of shining stars, which are simply breathtaking.

Astronomy Day began to be celebrated in the United States in 1973, uniting disparate events that had previously been timed to coincide with eclipses, the appearance of comets and other similar phenomena. This day is not a stable date, it changes every year, but in any case, astronomy day is held from Saturday to Sunday in the period from April to May, when the Moon enters the first quarter phase.

IN Lately is increasingly being discussed light pollution problem environment. While this does not pose much of a problem for an ordinary resident, for astronomers every year it becomes more and more difficult to work in such conditions. On this moment From observatories located within large cities (for example, in universities or research centers), only the brightest stars can be seen, while the rest become “invisible” regardless of how good the telescope is.

It is precisely because of light pollution (street lighting, disco lights, lights on industrial complexes) To create a truly beautiful photo of the starry sky, it is advised to go as far away from cities as possible. Of course, you need to take into account that you will need a tripod and, at a minimum, learn in advance how to use the shutter speed on your camera. Depending on the desired result, the shutter speed can be set from 30 seconds to an hour. Of course, the first time you will have to tinker and get used to the settings before you get a decent result, but when you get it, it’s akin to magic: stars appear in the picture that are not visible to the naked eye. Just like in the magical pictures in our review.

From time immemorial, beautiful, mysterious and so distant stars have excited people's minds, making them dream, create and seek the truth, helped find the way for lost souls and ships, and predicted fate. One has only to look into the starry sky on a moonlit night, it seems that there they are, myriads of stars, right above your head, but in fact the distance to the closest star to Earth, called the Sun, is 150 million km.

Photo of the starry sky at night.
Photo: a man shines a flashlight into the starry sky.
Starry sky, photo from the USA.
Stars in the night sky and the Milky Way.
Starry sky, mountains and forest in winter.
Starry sky: panoramic photo in the forest.
Milky Way against the background of the starry sky.
Starry sky: photo above village houses.
Rainbow of stars in the sky.
Mountains under the starry sky.
Beautiful photo under the starry sky.
Photo: lighthouse against the background of the starry sky.
Starry sky over the lake.

Photo from Mexico: starry sky over cacti.

Starry sky in the desert of Mexico.
The cycle of stars in the sky.
Beautiful night photo of the starry sky.
Starry sky: photo of a beautiful cycle of clear skies at night.

Even if you have a telescope, contemplating the celestial bodies in a megalopolis can be difficult and getting a high-quality photo of the starry sky is almost impossible. But outside the city, any resident of the northern hemisphere with good eyesight can admire, for example, the Andromeda nebula.

How many stars are there in the sky

It is not surprising that people began to count the stars long before the invention of optical instruments. So, in the 2nd century BC. e. The ancient Greek astronomer Hipparchus began compiling a list of stars, which was later expanded to 1022 by the famous Ptolemy. In the 17th century, Polish astronomer Jan Hevelius added another 511 stars to the list and began constructing a telescope.

Thanks to advanced technologies modern civilization Scientists managed to calculate the approximate number of stars in our galaxy; they turned out to be a little more than 200 billion. Such a number can literally be called astronomical; giving each star a name and cataloging it turned out to be unrealistic. Therefore modern official list astronomical objects includes only 0.01% of stars visible in powerful telescopes.

Attention was paid to the closest, largest and brightest stars, which for ease of classification were combined into constellations.

How stars are born

The process of star formation in a nutshell: part of the interstellar gas begins to compress under the influence of its own gravity and takes the form of a hot ball inside. When the temperature reaches a certain value, a thermonuclear reaction starts, the gas stops compressing and a new star lights up in the sky.

The celestial body spends most of its life in this state, and then its fuel reserves are depleted and the star begins to “age.” The lifespan of a star depends on its size: the largest ones live very short by astronomical standards - several million years and, due to their bright blue glow, are called blue supergiants.

Every star occupies in outer space specific place, and the largest cluster of objects clearly visible in the starry sky are called stellar associations.

The most famous representatives of the starry sky

Scientists have long noticed how different these points glowing in the night sky are and tried to study the most interesting ones.

All navigators know the North Star from the constellation Ursa Minor as the most important landmark indicating the northern direction. In reality, the North Star consists of 3 stars, the middle of which is 2 thousand times brighter than the Sun.

The red supergiant Antares from the constellation Scorpio shines especially brightly in May, when it opposes the Sun in the sky. Due to its brightness and color, Antares played an important role in the religious rites of ancient peoples, and in medieval Rome the star was considered a fallen angel.

Sirius is the brightest double star in the southern hemisphere in the constellation Canis Major, whose age is estimated at 230 million years. Today the star can be observed in the northern hemisphere, although scientists predict that in 11 thousand years it will become impossible to see Sirius over Europe.

Zeta Puppis is the most powerful and hottest blue supergiant that can be seen without a telescope on a clear night at the latitude of Sochi and Vladivostok.

IN warm time year, a triangle is clearly visible in the sky of the Northern Hemisphere, one of the vertices of which burns especially brightly. This is Altair - the brightest diamond in the constellation Aquila and the 12th brightest celestial body.

Scientists and pragmatists calculate the distance to the stars and their age, and romantics, dreaming under the starry sky, are sure: if the stars light up, someone needs it.

It would do well for every person who is interested in interpreting visions to know why this plot can be explained in different ways. It all depends on the dream book, as well as on what exactly happened in the vision. Well, it’s worth talking about this topic in detail.

Universal interpretation

A starry sky in a dream is a good sign. Usually he says that in reality everyone treats the person very well and feels sympathy and respect for him. If you haven’t seen a single cloud yet, then you should prepare yourself for the journey. It is quite possible that in the near future the dreamer will go on an entertainment trip or a pleasant business trip.

If the sky was dotted with stars, but nevertheless clouds were visible on it, then good things should not be expected in the near future. Usually such a vision promises disappointment and destruction of plans.

It happens that a person sees himself in a dream, sitting on some kind of animal, on which he flies across the sky. They say that such a strange vision is a sign of jealousy and betrayal of a loved one.

It is important to remember what color the night sky was. If it has acquired a purple hue, then in the near future a lot of experiences and worries will appear in the dreamer’s life.

If you dream of a clear sky

They say that when such a vision comes to a person in his dreams, then in the near future he will have to fight to translate some important ideas into reality. And it won't be easy for him. But the most important thing is not to give up. However, if a person had to see in a dream the sky, which was initially clear, but then it began to be covered with clouds, then the struggle for one’s goals will not end in success.

Seeing the sky that literally shines from the illumination of the constellations means finding peace of mind, wisdom and fortitude. If a person has ascended upward, then this too good sign. Soon he will have a chance to show himself in a new way at his job. And if the dreamer uses it, he will achieve good success.

When a person sees himself climbing the steps to a clean and clear sky strewn with stars, his authority in society will soon increase. And the dream also suggests that you will not have to make any obvious efforts on the path to success. Because of this, a person will probably not receive proper satisfaction from the result obtained.

The night sky, dotted with stars, is often a harbinger of an improving personal and sexual life. If the dreamer had any problems with this, then they will disappear and be resolved by themselves.

But a bad sign is a dream in which the clear sky suddenly turns dark, like a vision of a problem in your personal life, a quarrel with a loved one and misunderstanding. Perhaps even separation. However, this outcome can be avoided if the dreamer reconsiders his attitude towards his other half.

Miller's Dream Book

This book of interpretations will give a detailed answer to the question of why the starry sky is dreamed of. Usually such a vision foreshadows large-scale work on oneself, which will make a person many times better than he is now. Moreover, he will come to this on his own.

But the sky turning red means excitement. Beautiful constellations promise the onset of a calm period in life and harmony. But a gloomy sky symbolizes threatening events and grave forebodings.

If a person has flown, then in the near future he will experience elation and success. Simply watching the stars, looking up - will lead to the acquisition of new, serious goals, which will not be easy to achieve. Dark clouds covering the sky mean difficulties in life. And diverging clouds usually promise clarification of circumstances. Soon everything will fall into place.

This is not all that such a dream can promise. The moon is often part of visions in which the sky and stars appear. This symbol usually foreshadows success in personal life and good luck at work. However, if the moon was too big, then you should be wary. It usually promises disappointment, trouble, and even an unwanted love affair. But the young moon is a good dream. More precisely, to improve your well-being.

When a girl looks at the moon and turns to it, her personal life will soon improve. She will meet a worthy partner with whom she wants to spend her whole life. But seeing two moons is not good. This means that because of her commercialism, a girl can lose the person she values ​​very much. The main thing is that the moon does not take on a bloody hue in a dream. Otherwise, it promises scandals, quarrels and discord.

Falling stars

Another symbol often found in visions. Stars in a dream are usually considered a good sign. If they fall on the roof, it means that soon the person will either move or go on a business trip. Or a trip.

But when such a vision is dreamed by a person in love, then separation or separation probably awaits him. However, if the dreamer experienced pleasant sensations from sleep, then no unpleasant events are expected. On the contrary, there will be harmony in his life, and a promotion may await him at work.

A family person should pay special attention to a dream with such a plot. Perhaps he will have a child soon. This is what dreams of a shooting star mean.

But the happiest vision is considered to be a dream with a different plot. Namely, the one in which the star flies directly at the person. Then in the near future all his most cherished dreams and your wishes will finally come true. Interestingly, the brighter the stars, the more goals will be achieved.

This is not all that the dream book can tell. Stars falling from the sky can promise good news from afar. This is the case if it was clean and cloudless. True, if one single, dim star “floated” across the sky, then the news will be sad. This is important to consider.

According to Freud

This book of interpretations can also tell you why you dream about the starry sky. If it was clear and cloudless, then in your personal life everything will work out in the best way. Any failures will begin to bypass the dreamer. AND sex life By the way, things will get better too. However, the dream book advises enjoying this moment as much as possible, since it may not last too long.

A cloudy daytime sky means worries. But they will not be connected in any way with personal life and success in love. And if a person dreams of a clear night, then one should expect a romantic meeting that will bring a lot of impressions and pleasures.

When the dreamer sees himself climbing up the stairs to the stars, success awaits him. Moreover, it will be achieved thanks to a successfully concluded marriage.

And when a person soars somewhere in the heights, that means everything difficult questions will resolve themselves in the near future. But a stormy sky that is about to burst into rain is considered an unkind sign. It portends trouble, a danger that has long been hanging over a person. To cope with these problems, it is important not to take any risky steps and not to trust strangers, even well-meaning ones. It is better to start solving a complicated matter step by step.


If a person admires the luminaries in a dream, then joyful changes will soon await him. But if they suddenly disappeared, or “went out,” then nothing good will happen. Usually such a vision is a harbinger of sadness. But that’s not all that such a dream can tell.

The starry sky, the constellations - this has its own romance! And if a person sees all this very clearly and clearly, then happiness awaits him and wellness. Have the stars faded? This means he will be in trouble.

If the dreamer admires some famous constellation (for example, the Big Dipper), then some interesting and exciting events will happen in the near future. By the way, the shining ladle of Ursa Minor usually promises small joys.

If a person saw the constellation Scorpio, then this is a sign of unexpected, but successful, turns of events. Notice Sagittarius in the sky? To a surge of strength and energy. If it was Leo, then the person should pacify his pride in real life, otherwise he himself will suffer from it. But it symbolizes stagnation in business. If the dreamer has really given up for a long time, then he needs to cheer up. A change of scenery and new experiences can help.

By the way, when a person sees himself in the role of an astronomer, this is a good sign. In the near future, the dreamer will have the opportunity to test his strength in something new. And it's worth using it! Perhaps a person will finally find himself.

Sky and sea

Often a person dreams of such a landscape. And, usually, it leaves only pleasant impressions. But the interpretation is not always the same.

If a person had to see the starry sky over the sea in a dream and hear the quiet sound of the surf, then this means melancholy and loneliness. But there is one thing positive interpretation. So, for example, if a girl sees herself in a dream, gliding along the surface of the sea, under the starry sky, with her loved one, then she should expect all her desires and dreams to come true in real life.

But sitting on the shore alone and watching the stars, looking up, leads to prolonged sadness. The dreamer should find someone with whom he could share his experiences and occasionally spend time. Because otherwise he may be mired in loneliness for a long time. This is the sad interpretation given by the universal dream book.

A night illuminated only by stars dreams of trials in relationships that a person will have to go through. This is what the erotic book of interpretations assures. True, if the dreamer suddenly saw the moon, which illuminated everything around, then the vision takes on a positive connotation. This means that intimate adventures await a person in the near future.

Interpretations that make you wary

Much has been said above about what the starry sky means in dreams. However, there are still many interesting information, which may come in handy.

If, for example, a person sees constellations exploding, then he should be as careful, circumspect and careful as possible in the near future. Such visions promise injury, illness and even accidents. The Eastern Dream Book assures us of this.

Seeing how it suddenly moved is also not good. It is advisable for the dreamer to narrow his circle of contacts to a minimum and begin to trust others less. Otherwise, the information he shares could be used against him.

If a person sees himself in a dream, lying on his own bed and admiring the constellations that for some reason are scattered on the ceiling, this means problems in the family. Perhaps some major quarrel will arise.

It happens that a person watches himself flying in space and watching the stars. This is a warning dream. Probably in real life he was entrusted with some important task. So, it’s worth spending all your strength and resources on its implementation. Then you will be able to deal with it. This is an interesting interpretation of sleep.

The starry sky, through which the luminaries circle non-stop in a bizarre round dance, suggests that a person, in order to solve his problems, will have to start thinking outside the box. This is the only way to find the right approach to the situation.

Modern combined dream book

This book of interpretations assures that the sky symbolizes exceptional honors and exciting journeys to cultural society. But this is only if it was clear and cloudless.

Gloomy and overcast does not bode well - only troubles and dashed hopes. Just like the sky is crimson. It foreshadows rebellion and disorder. In the family, in personal life, at work - anywhere.

By the way, the sky of an amazing blue hue usually symbolizes prosperity and well-being. And if suddenly the dreamer saw a star on it, then he will be able to achieve any goals, even those that seem unrealistic. This is an interesting interpretation of sleep.

The starry sky can still be dreamed of as a reminder to an insecure person. It seems to say that it has no boundaries for personal growth and frames. The person installs them himself. And since he dreamed of the sky strewn with stars, then it’s time to start acting and improve his life.

By the way, if it was not blue, but bright blue, then the person will have to justify himself. And he obviously won’t be happy about it. True, there is one nuance. If a person has enjoyed contemplating the bright blue surface of the sky, then in the near future “ white stripe" We must remember that the emotions experienced during sleep play an important role in interpretation.

Other interpretations

Little Velesov can tell you something interesting, with which the skies are dotted, he dreams of receiving big inheritance. Seeing yourself climbing the stairs towards them means receiving protection and support. Fiery clouds, due to which the constellations are almost invisible - to great joy. Dissipating clouds promise overcoming troubles and problems.

According to Hasse's dream book, a blue sky is a harbinger of success in an enterprise and your own business. If it doesn’t exist, but ideas to organize something similar have been outlined for a long time, then the time has come to turn them into reality. There will be a profit, and a considerable one.

The night sky, which is literally strewn with luminaries, and the month is visible in the middle, is a sign of good prospects that are definitely worth taking advantage of. True, something will have to be sacrificed for the sake of future success. Most likely, this will be personal time.

A meteorite, by the way, is a harbinger of a memorable trip. According to Denise Lynn's dream book, the sky is a symbol career growth. And the more luminaries there were on it, the greater the dreamer’s successes will be. Does a person see himself thoughtfully looking up? To wealth and nobility. With your head in the clouds? Soon he will receive good news that will make him very happy.

He assures that if a person sees a red sky, he will soon quarrel with someone. And clear and blue foretells him monetary profit.

In general, as you can see, there are many interpretations. To give precise definition your vision, you need to remember all the details of the plot. But even if the interpretation turns out to be not very positive, there is no need to be upset. After all, sometimes dreams are just bizarre pictures from our subconscious.