How to use blue clay for hair. Blue clay for hair: beneficial properties and mask recipes

89 03/28/2019 5 min.

On the spot former seas, rivers and lakes, new layers of rocks and deposits are formed over time, and great place Among them are clays. There is a wide variety of clay formations, but a large place in cosmetology has been occupied by clay, which is very unusual in its properties - blue.

Why was she called that? And all because in its composition you can find particles of the most ancient organisms that once existed on Earth, and from exposure external factors, such as wind or flood, they were transformed, that is, their chemical composition, and as a result the color of the clay turned blue.

It contains a lot of useful minerals and polymer compounds for the whole body - so unique that there is simply no other similarity.

What is its use

The clay is rocky in appearance and can easily become dusty with a slight wind. Its structure is crystalline, but when moisture enters, its structure changes, it turns into plastic and elastic mineral. Therefore, it is recognized as the best absorbent that can absorb many pathogenic bacteria, harmful gases, toxic substances.

Many have already rated blue clay as the best antiseptic natural mineral, since the silicon included in its composition has a soft magnetic charge. She is not able to change her natural properties neither alkaline nor acidic environment– it remains unchanged.

The chemical and mineral composition is unique; it contains particles of silicon, iron, copper, magnesium, potassium, almost the entire well-known composition of minerals.

Due to the saturation of clay with almost all useful minerals and chemical compounds, it has a beneficial effect on the prevention of scalp skin diseases, restores the natural balance organic matter in the hairline.

Video of a blue clay hair mask:

To treat patients, lifeless hair They use special cosmetic clay that is capable of:

  • Give a shiny and silky look to lifeless hair;
  • Strengthen the hair follicle;
  • Eliminate skin irritating symptoms, relieve itching;
  • Clay protrudes an excellent remedy against dandruff – its composition suppresses pathogenic fungi;
  • This is an excellent cleanser - fat, sebaceous effect disappears after the first use of a healing blue clay mask.

It is used as an independent cosmetic product, and with additional effective means.


You can buy healing clay at almost any pharmacy; it is sold without restrictions. Only freshly prepared composition can be applied to hair; leftovers should not be used for further use.

If you bought powdered clay, then it should be diluted in accordance with the attached instructions, the mass should resemble thick sour cream. After preparation, it is immediately applied to the head, rubbing into the skin.

Then an insulating plastic bag is put on the head and wrapped in a terry towel.

It is recommended to carry out the procedure for about 20 - 40 minutes, after which the head is rinsed with a gentle shampoo and hot water, apply a restorative cosmetic, otherwise the skin may become dry from exposure to clay, and the hair will be coarse.

The video shows a recipe for a hair mask with blue clay:

You can read reviews about a hair mask that consists of coffee, cognac and eggs here


There are many ways to make masks from blue clay - some have come down to us from Egyptian queens, others have come to us from modern times.

But cosmetologists say that you need to alternate different recipes masks - the effectiveness of the impact only increases.


For oily hair

  • Take 4 tbsp. spoons of dry clay powder, dilute it in warm water;
  • Add 2 crushed cloves of garlic to the finished mixture;
  • 1 teaspoon lemon juice;
  • 2 tbsp. spoons of ready-made 9% vinegar.

Knead everything thoroughly and apply to damp hair. Wrap your head and leave for 2 hours. This method is suitable for those who have greasy hair; the technique will give it volume and restore split ends.
hair mask with cognac and egg, described in detail here in the article.

How to laminate a gelatin hair mask is described here

The duration of the procedure is about 40 minutes, then rinse everything off in warm water. As a result of such a mask skin covering cleared of dead epidermis, the hair will shine and look very attractive.

Cosmetic blue clay is an effective natural remedy for hair and scalp care and has strengthening and healing properties.

Beneficial features

The composition of blue clay includes the following elements and beneficial features:

  1. Iron;
  2. Calcium;
  3. Magnesium;
  4. Silicon.

All these elements are necessary for healthy hair and scalp.

Because blue clay is strong natural antiseptic, she is able to heal some skin diseases, which can cause damage to the scalp.

Healing actions

The healing minerals that blue clay contains have a beneficial effect on the structure of the hair, making it smoother and more manageable, strengthening the roots, thereby preventing hair loss.

Clay masks (cosmetic)

Masks from cosmetic clay They also take care of the scalp:

  • Relieve irritation;
  • Get rid of dandruff and flaking;
  • Protects against baldness.


Cosmetic clay masks should be used for brittle and dry hair, increased oiliness and hair loss. Also, the use of blue clay will help with scalp problems such as dandruff, flaking and allergic reactions.

Making a mask at home

To prepare the mask, the amount of clay that is required directly depends on the volume and length of the hair, since the mask will have to cover the hair completely.

Dry clay powder should be diluted with clean warm water, stirring to break up all lumps. The resulting mass should have the thickness of sour cream.

Applying a mask

The mask is applied to washed, slightly damp hair. The mask should be distributed over the entire length of the hair, from roots to ends. Next you need to wrap your hair plastic bag, wrap them in a towel made of natural fabric, and leave the mask on your hair for 30 minutes.

Removing a mask

You need to wash off the mask with warm water and shampoo. After all clay residues have been removed, use hair conditioner and rinse your hair again.

11 recipes for blue clay masks for problem hair


For normal hair You can use a mask made of cosmetic clay without additives, but sometimes, for prevention, you can use the following recipes:

  1. Add 1 tbsp to the clay diluted in water. a spoonful of olive oil and honey;
  2. 1 tbsp. spoon butter, 1 egg yolk, and 1-2 tbsp. mix spoons of honey;
  3. Add to already diluted clay.

20-25 minutes after application, any of these masks is washed off. Apply the mask to your hair once a week.


To prepare such a mask, it is better to dilute the clay not with water, but with a decoction medicinal plants, such as chamomile, calendula, rose hips, nettle, St. John's wort, mint:

  1. Add 2 tbsp to the already diluted clay. spoons of any fermented milk product(sour cream, yogurt, kefir, yogurt) and 0.5 teaspoons of lemon juice;
  2. Chop 2 cloves of garlic and add to the prepared mask. To enhance the effect, you can add 1 teaspoon of lemon juice;
  3. Add 1 tbsp to the finished mask. spoon of apple cider vinegar, mix thoroughly.

You need to keep the mask on your hair for 20-25 minutes, repeat the procedure 2 times a week.


  1. Dilute the clay into clean water, add 1-2 tbsp. spoons of honey;
  2. You can add 1 tbsp to the finished mask. a spoonful of butter;
  3. 2 tbsp. Mix tablespoons of avocado pulp with a blue clay mask, add 1 teaspoon of olive oil.

Any of these masks should be left on the hair for 30 minutes and should be used once every 57 days.


This type of mask is best used in dry summer weather:

  1. 1 tbsp. spoon of almond or rose oil add to clay diluted in water;
  2. Mix the prepared mask with 1 tbsp. spoon of olive oil and 1 tbsp. a spoonful of honey;

After 25-30 minutes, the mask should be washed off, next application acceptable in 7-10 days.


  1. You will need blue clay;
  2. 1 teaspoon each of garlic and onion juice;
  3. 0.5 tsp lemon juice and 1 tbsp. spoon of honey;
  4. Mix the ingredients until smooth, dilute with water until sour cream thickens;
  5. Apply the resulting mixture to your hair for 25-30 minutes, rinse with warm water.

A strengthening mask should be applied to hair once a week.


  1. Dilute blue clay powder in cabbage juice, without adding water;
  2. To the resulting mass add 1 egg yolk and tbsp. a spoonful of honey;
  3. Instead of cabbage juice you can use peach, the effect will be the same.
  4. Instead of water, dilute the blue clay with a decoction of birch buds or oak bark,then add 1 teaspoon castor oil, stir.

This mask should be used 2-3 times a week and kept on the hair for 25-30 minutes.



  1. Blue clay powder;
  2. Required amount of clean water;
  3. 1 tbsp. spoon of onion juice;
  4. 1 clove of garlic, minced;
  5. 1 tbsp. spoon of honey.

This recipe is very effective; you need to use it every 5-7 days until the hair loss stops completely.


  1. Dilute blue clay with water;
  2. Add 2 tbsp. spoons of olive oil and honey and mix;
  3. After 30 minutes, rinse with water, be sure to use a balm
    for hair.

This mask should be used 1-2 times a week.


You can help dull hair with this mask:

  1. Add 3 tbsp to blue clay diluted in water. spoons natural yogurt And applesauce(can be replaced with pear puree), stir.
  2. 30 minutes after application, the mask should be washed off.

Repeat this procedure every 5-7 days and your hair will regain its lost shine.


Blue clay mask and without special additives will take good care of colored hair, restore its structure, and restore shine. As a top-up, you can add 1 tbsp to the finished clay mask. a spoonful of honey, olive oil, or applesauce.


If dandruff is oily, dissolve blue clay powder in a decoction of St. John's wort; if it is dry, then in a decoction onion peel. Add 15 drops of eucalyptus essential oil to the resulting mass, or tea tree, stir.

The scalp should be completely covered with the mask, making sure that there are no missed areas. Keep the anti-dandruff mask on for 30 minutes, then rinse with warm water and rinse your hair with it. herbal decoction, which you used to dilute the clay.


Ways to use blue clay for hair

In diversity natural remedies used for hair care, blue clay occupies one of the leading positions. This is a natural, safe and inexpensive remedy. You can find it in a pharmacy, and its cost is much less than the price of cosmetics.

What are the benefits of clay

Clay found wide application in cosmetology and trichology. Blue clay contains a lot useful microelements, minerals and metals. Among them are silicon, silver, zinc, calcium, potassium, iron, manganese, zinc, radium, titanium, sodium, etc.

Clay has pronounced antiseptic, adsorbing and cleansing properties. Due to its warming effect, it improves blood microcirculation and metabolic processes in the scalp and dries it out.

In this regard, it is used to solve the following problems:

  • dropping out
  • brittleness, dryness and split ends
  • dandruff and oily scalp
  • eczema and fungal diseases skin
  • boils, abscesses, ulcers, itching

Also, using clay for hair has a number of advantages:

  • Protection from aggressive influences environment.
  • Giving curls shine, additional volume and elasticity.
  • Improving blood microcirculation and metabolic processes in the scalp.
  • Elimination of itching.

Blue clay suitable for any hair: in the case of oily hair, it normalizes the work sebaceous glands, nourishes and moisturizes dry hair. One of the properties of clay is cleansing and exfoliation, so the mask can cause a change in hair color.

Remember: if after using “clay” masks your hair becomes stiff and dull, this product is not suitable for you.

Ways to use blue clay at home

The main way to use clay is in hair masks supplemented with various ingredients. But there are other options.


It’s easy to prepare a hair wash with blue clay: pour 2-3 tsp. powder mineral water or any herbal decoction (chamomile, nettle, oak bark, sage are suitable - depending on the type and color of hair), stir until the cream becomes thick. Please note that it does not foam like regular shampoo. After application, actively massage your scalp for 3-5 minutes, then rinse your hair. To make it easier to wash the clay from your hair and comb your strands, use a balm or conditioner.

Clay rinses

Take two glasses of slightly warmed water, add a couple of tablespoons of blue clay. Rinse clean curls with the resulting suspension, do not wash it off for a quarter of an hour. Then rinse your strands thoroughly with warm water.


Blue clay is used for hair styling. It does not weigh down or glue the strands, does not leave stickiness, but easily forms elastic and reliable curls. However, on long hair styling will not work: they will only become obedient and soft. You can buy modeling clay at a cosmetic store, choosing, for example, a product from the Estel professional line.

Hair strengthening and cleansing product

Clay and slightly heated water (up to 30-40 degrees) are used. For hair middle length take 3-5 tablespoons of the product, for long ones - 5-7, for short ones - 1-2. Determine the amount of water by eye: ready mix should resemble a creamy mass. Keep the mask for half an hour under plastic and a warm towel, then rinse with warm water and shampoo.

Hair masks with blue clay

Rules for preparing masks

To maximize the effect of using clay masks, adhere to the following rules:

If your hair is in poor condition, it is recommended to apply the mask 1-2 times a week. If the procedure is needed for prevention, 1-2 times a month is enough.

Mask recipes

You can independently vary the composition of the masks by adding suitable essential oils and other ingredients.

For hair prone to oiliness

  • blue clay - 3-4 tbsp;
  • egg yolk - 1 pc.;
  • strong green tea- 2 tbsp.

Dilute the clay with warm water, beat in the yolk, add pre-brewed tea. Mix until smooth, distribute over clean, damp hair, leave for up to 30 minutes. Rinse with water and shampoo, rinse with water apple cider vinegar(a tablespoon of vinegar per liter of liquid) or chamomile decoction if you have blond hair.

For dry hair

  • blue clay - 3-4 tbsp;
  • honey (liquid) - 1-2 tsp;
  • sea ​​buckthorn oil - 1 tsp.

Mix everything, dilute with mineral water without gas. Apply a clay mask to your hair along the entire length, Special attention focusing on the roots. Keep for 30 minutes.

Against hair loss and for hair growth

  • onions - 1 medium head;
  • garlic - 2-3 cloves;
  • blue clay - 2-3 tablespoons.

Grate the onion, pass the garlic through a press, add clay and mix. Rub the resulting mixture into the hair roots, leave for 15-20 minutes, then rinse with warm water without shampoo. For elimination unpleasant odor rinse your hair with water and apple cider vinegar.

If you feel a burning sensation, wash off the mask. Onions and garlic activate blood circulation, awakening those sleeping hair follicles, therefore, when mixed with them, blue clay is very effective for hair growth.

For fungal diseases of the scalp

Instead of the usual masks, you can make lotions. To prepare them, mix clay with 9% vinegar (preferably wine or apple) in a 2:1 ratio. Apply the mixture to the scalp affected by mycosis, leave for 1 hour, then rinse with water.

For split ends

  • blue clay - 1 tbsp;
  • yolk - 1 pc.;
  • olive oil- 1 tsp.

Heat the oil in a water bath or in the microwave, add the yolk and clay, mix and apply to the ends of the hair. Wrap in the usual way and leave for 15-30 minutes. Wash off with shampoo.

For oily dandruff

  • 2 tbsp. blue clay;
  • 0.5 tsp lemon juice;
  • 1 tsp water.

Combine the components, then rub the resulting mass into the scalp. Wrap it up, leave it for a quarter of an hour, then rinse with water and shampoo.

Where can I buy

Blue clay can be found in any cosmetic store, but it is better to buy the product at a pharmacy: as a rule, the price there is lower.

Most well-known companies, producing clay - Planet SPA Altai, PhytoCosmetic, DNC, MedikoMed.

Clay is one of those natural remedies that has long won an excellent reputation and the love of women all over the world. Try it yourself, and you will surely join the ranks of lucky women who have luxurious hair.

Hi all!

How are you doing? It's so hot outside that I can't get my hair in order again. This weather provokes increased production of sebaceous glands and my hair does not look as it should. I had to take up masks in order to somehow soothe the scalp. I decided to turn to cosmetic clay again.

A hair mask with blue clay effectively helps to cope with various problems scalp. By choosing the right components of the mask, you can improve the condition of any type of hair - both oily and dry, and get rid of the first signs of baldness, because blue clay is simply a storehouse of minerals and nutrients.

If you want to try blue hair clay and are a supporter natural care, then read on!

That blue clay is one of the most popular species used in for cosmetic purposes, not enough has been said. After all, clay contains many elements that have their positive action not only on hair, but also on skin and body.

But let’s not move away from the topic, since today we will talk specifically about hair and scalp, and how to improve their condition with the help of the above-mentioned substance.

It turns out that the most useful and pure clay is extracted from the deepest layers of the earth; it does not contain any impurities or other harmful substances.

You should also know that real blue clay does not have a pronounced shade; rather, it has gray-blue color. One day I came across blue clay with dye. When I started making the most a simple mask(water + clay), the liquid immediately turned turquoise.

Due to its rich composition, blue clay has the following effects on hair and scalp: Effect:

  1. hair loss stops;
  2. their growth increases;
  3. dandruff disappears;
  4. volume appears;
  5. hair follicles are better supplied with oxygen;
  6. hair follicles are strengthened;
  7. excess fat is eliminated;
  8. hair section disappears;
  9. itching of the scalp disappears;
  10. overall hair condition improves.

Still, I can’t help but say that this type of clay contains: silicon, iron, zinc, potassium, calcium, copper, molybdenum, aluminum and many other useful elements.

What masks can you make yourself?

Well, now with a clear conscience I can move on to the main use of blue clay for hair - masks, which can easily be made at home.

As I already said, blue clay can help any hair, the whole point is in the contents of the mask. If you use the wrong ingredients, you can only harm your hair.

Let's get started! All the recipes are pretty simple!

Apple cider vinegar mask for oily and combination hair

  • water (2 tbsp);
  • apple cider vinegar (2 tbsp).

We begin to mix the clay with water, then add vinegar. Mix everything thoroughly, you should get a consistency like sour cream.

Apply the resulting mixture to the scalp, put on a hat, warm yourself well and walk with it for 20 to 30 minutes. Then rinse your hair thoroughly under running water.

I now make this mask every 2 days, I try not to apply it to the length. The mask refreshes the scalp and hair very well, they become so light and not greasy and at the same time quite manageable. Then I will do it less often so as not to dry out my hair.

Mask with burdock oil and honey for dry curls

What will be needed and how to do it?

  • blue clay (1 tbsp);
  • burdock oil (1 tbsp);
  • honey (1 tsp);
  • yolk (1 pc.);
  • lemon juice (1 tsp).

Mix all the above ingredients together until smooth.

How to apply and how long to wait?

The mask should be applied to the scalp and all hair. Then wrap your head well to enhance the effect and wait 20-40 minutes. Then the mask should be washed off with water, optionally with shampoo.

I tried this mask for the first time when I arrived from seas and was horrified by the state of my hair. My hair became like tow, and my scalp was also dry. I applied this composition 2 times a week, 10 procedures in total. I will say that this mask perfectly restores dry, dull and overdried hair.

Mask with mustard and apple cider vinegar for baldness and hair growth

What will be needed and how to do it?

  • blue clay powder (2 tbsp);
  • (1 tsp);
  • apple cider vinegar (2 tbsp);

Mix all the components of the mask until a homogeneous consistency is obtained.

How to apply and how long to wait?

Apply the mask to the scalp, then wrap it in a warm towel. Leave on your head for 15 minutes to half an hour, then rinse off the mask under running water.

I'll tell you, it's simple hellish mixture. When I did it for the first time, my head burned so much that I could barely stand it for 15 minutes. But after use, my hair is so lush, thick and voluminous, I really liked the effect. I did it 10 times in a row, once a week - my hair practically stopped falling out and became less greasy and stayed clean longer.

For the first time, you should not sit with this mask for half an hour - otherwise you can get severe irritation on the scalp.

Mask with kefir to strengthen curls

What will be needed and how to do it?

Mix the two components; if the mixture turns out to be too liquid, then add a little clay.

How to apply and how long to wait?

As in previous masks, apply the mixture to the roots of the hair, carefully insulate it and leave on the head for 30 minutes. Then rinse with water, or perhaps with shampoo.

This mask makes your hair shiny and smooth and cleanses it perfectly. After all, kefir has been used by Asian beauties since ancient times, bringing their curls to perfection.

Anti-dandruff mask with mineral water

What will be needed and how to do it?

  • blue clay powder (3 tbsp);
  • mineral water (3 tbsp);
  • essential oils (optional).

Mix the components thoroughly. To enhance the effect, you can add essential oils. Tea tree oil, lavender and eucalyptus oils are great for dandruff.

How to apply and how long to wait?

Apply the mixture only to the scalp, warm up, leave for about 30 minutes and go rinse.

I tried this mask, my hair looks good after it, clean and light. Judging by positive feedback This mask really eliminates dandruff and itchy scalp. I invite you to see this for yourself!

Another recipe for a hair mask with blue clay can be seen in the following video.

Secrets of effective use

Like any other remedy, masks with blue clay must be made Right! If you neglect the following tips, then you may not achieve positive result or even worse - harm!

  1. Buy clay only at a pharmacy or other high-quality natural products stores.
  2. Clay masks cannot be stored or reused.
  3. Never dilute blue clay with hot water - it will simply cease to be useful.
  4. It is recommended to apply a clay mask to both dirty and clean hair. I'm more comfortable with clean and damp ones. Then just rinse the clay under running water warm water no shampoo.
  5. Don’t forget to apply conditioner to the lengths after washing your hair. It is better to use a lighter one so that the hair does not stick together with unwashed clay particles.
  6. If you have time, it is better to dry your hair naturally.
  7. To enhance the effect, you can use a heating cap - 10 minutes is enough, then leave it without it for the specified time.
  8. If the length of your hair is too dry, you can apply nourishing vegetable oil, such as shea butter or coconut.
  9. At oily hair You can use clay up to 2-3 times a week, dry - no more than 1 time.
  10. Preferably do not apply blue clay if you have light color hair so as not to get a cheap yellow tint.

Well, I think I’ve listed everything.

Who is it not suitable for?

There are practically no contraindications for using clay masks for hair. But there are cases in which blue clay can only apply harm, For example:

  • infection and inflammation on the scalp;
  • individual intolerance;
  • low quality clay.

Did you know that in some African tribes blue clay is a real delicacy?

I hope that masks with blue clay will help you find the hair of your dreams and get rid of many problems with your hair, and the correct and regular using them will only speed up the results!

Thick hair for you! See you!

Beautiful, well-groomed hair will decorate any woman. It doesn’t matter at all what color and length they are, the main thing is health and shine. Blue clay can give your hair these qualities. We are used to using cosmetic skin in caring for the skin of the body and face, but believe me, it is no less good for the scalp! Blue clay for hair can perform a real miracle: stop hair loss, cope with oiliness and dandruff.

Using blue clay for hair

The healing properties of blue clay and the breadth of its use for hair are based on unique composition this natural substance. Clay contains a lot of iron, zinc and selenium, as well as silicon - the main “building components” of the hair shaft. In addition, clay contains a significant amount of other minerals and salts that have nutritional properties and at the same time provide irritant effect on the scalp, accelerating metabolic processes and increasing blood circulation. As a result, hair grows faster, dermal cells are renewed better, and curls become shiny and strong. In addition to being used for, blue clay has other benefits:

  • has an antiseptic and wound-healing effect;
  • reduces fat content;
  • clay cleanses hair and skin, removing roughened stratum corneum;
  • neutralizes negative impact environment, works as a natural adsorbent;
  • Blue clay for hair protects against hair loss as it actively nourishes the roots.
How to use?

A blue clay hair mask is the ideal way to use it. For those with normal hair type, simply dilute 3-4 tbsp. spoons of clay powder with water until the consistency of sour cream. The resulting mass must be evenly distributed over hair and leave under the film for 20-30 minutes.

For those whose hair quickly becomes oily, water can be replaced with one percent. For dry and damaged hair, it is good to add a few drops of lemon juice, olive oil, and honey to the mask. The most amazing thing is that the proportions in in this case are not important - you can prepare a mask according to your favorite recipe and simply add clay to it.

Blue clay is also quite suitable for improving industrially prepared cosmetic hair masks. Clay can be added to shampoos and hair conditioners before use. This method is especially good for its gentle effect: the clay manages to cleanse the scalp and absorb excess sebum, but does not dry out the hair.