How to get rid of bad thoughts and set yourself up for positivity - advice from successful people. Positive attitude: advice from a psychologist

Each of us has situations when everything just falls out of hand, problems have overcome us, and there is no way out. Even the meaning of life can be lost, just hopeless melancholy!

There can be many reasons for this condition: difficulties at work and an unsuccessful personal life, depression associated with the change of seasons, fatigue that develops into chronic, health difficulties. The more we complain about life, the more it presents us with unpleasant surprises, and it seems that everything is only getting worse...

How to set yourself up for positivity? How to break out of the vicious circle of hopelessness?

The way we relate to our life, whether positive or negative, largely determines the entire further course of our destiny. Anyone who constantly whines, whines and nagging, as a rule, never achieves anything significant in life. Conversely, those who are optimistic and go through life with a smile are easily able to overcome all difficulties. They confidently move towards their chosen goal and achieve it, and those around them say: “How does he manage to do everything?”

People can look at the same thing, but see it differently...

How does a positive attitude “work”? It has long been known that we all live according to the laws of “mirror reflection” and receive from the world around us the energy that we ourselves give to it. Are you irritated by repeated failures? Do you not notice anything good in life and focus all your attention on the negative aspects? Think about what statements you repeat more often: “I can do it,” “Everything will be fine,” or “I won’t succeed,” “I can’t handle this,” “Nothing good can be expected”? If there is more dark negativity in your thoughts and words, then you should not be surprised when it appears more and more often in your life - it simply returns to it!

“Trouble does not come alone”, “Not a person, but thirty-three misfortunes” - this is how folk wisdom aptly describes repeated failures. Have you noticed how positive people who joyfully greet any new day attract luck like a magnet? They know how to rejoice at good news, enjoy every positively charged minute, and their cheerful “charges” spread to those around them - everyone wants to communicate with positive people, they are always surrounded by friends.

But as soon as you succumb to depression even a little and begin to “lose yourself,” failures will immediately begin to pour out, as if from a holey bag.

The structure of our world is such that for some reason people first of all pay attention to the bad, but, on the contrary, they often do not notice the good, it seems to them not so significant. But then the worldview changes to a positive one, and gradually it begins to seem that there are more joyful, good moments in life, and problems fade into the background. Very soon a person begins to notice that his positive attitude is materializing, and this does not happen by chance - anyone who strives to achieve any heights in life must firmly believe in the best. If you love life, sooner or later you will expect reciprocity from it!

Amazing things are nearby! Love life and it will love you back!

How to start enjoying life: taking the first steps

  • To change your life and “tune” it to a confident positive wave, first, stop complaining all the time about failures and bad luck, cry to everyone you meet about your problems, and always expect only the bad.
  • Break up with envy - a faithful companion of a negative attitude towards life. Did your work colleague get a promotion? Has your neighbor returned from the store again with huge bags full of new clothes? Did your friend get her license and is going to buy a car? Believe me, this is not a reason to be upset at all! Maybe now, in a new position, your former colleague will put in a good word for you? And you haven’t looked at your neighbor for a long time, maybe she can tell you the addresses of stores that are currently having very good sales? As for your friend, think about what prevented you from completing a driving course with her and now walking around car dealerships together? It’s not too late to fix everything and become a full-fledged driver, and your friend, seeing your positive attitude, will be happy to help you master the rules of the road!
  • Start to have a positive attitude towards yourself, looking with approval in the mirror and not focusing on visible shortcomings. Go to a stylist or makeup artist and forget all the unpleasant life situations that happened to you because of your appearance. Or maybe you just lacked confidence and you actually look great!
  • Never remember the phrase “I will never achieve this.” Think about it, perhaps you thought so, imagining completely unrealistic prospects? Review your plans, set real, truly achievable goals and boldly begin to implement them! Yes, you may not become the Minister of Finance, but the position of head of the accounting department is definitely up to you!
  • Bring back little joys into your life - put on a CD with your favorite music, buy and eat delicious ice cream with pleasure. To overcome possible chronic fatigue, ask for a day off from work or take a day off - maybe you just need to get some sleep? Call your friends and arrange a fun meeting in a pleasant place - the fulfillment of small wishes will allow you to restore the lost positive attitude!

The best time to speak affirmations and positive attitudes is before bed and immediately after waking up.

Effective methods of positive psychology

  1. How to attract positivity into your life? This can be done with the help of special settings with which we “program” our destiny. These attitudes are powerful positive statements, which, when spoken, you gradually make them an integral part of your life. These attitudes are individual for each person, and you may well develop them for yourself. In some ways, this technique is reminiscent of auto-training, only you yourself determine how important this or that statement will be for you at each specific moment. Let’s say you really want to attract the attention of an attractive employee, but before you didn’t dare to do it. Now you can, with the help of the statement “I am very attractive, and today I will definitely say hello to him (I will invite him for coffee, give him a compliment),” set yourself up to achieve your goal, and be sure that you will definitely be able to achieve it!
  2. Visualization is a mental representation of your dreams, your aspirations. Imagine every night before going to bed that your goal has been achieved and in your thoughts “examine” it from all sides. The clearer the picture, the more powerful the effect of this exercise will be!
  3. Personal horoscope - only it should be compiled not by a professional astrologer, but by you yourself. Think about what you would “predict” for yourself for the near future and the long term? Predict all your dreams and desires, set specific dates for them (at least approximately).
  4. “The Magic Card of Desires” is a great way to set yourself up for a positive, creative, exciting process. On a large sheet of paper, make a collage of your ideas about the future, what you would like to achieve, what to buy, where to go on vacation. Let these not be dry phrases “Sea”, “Fur coat”, “Defense of thesis”, but colorful, bright pictures. Where can I get them from? The best thing is to cut it out from unnecessary “glossy” magazines, carefully stick it on a paper base and attach it in a conspicuous place so that you can see your dreams every day. Remember - everything is achievable if you really want it!

To have a successful day, it is important to be positive in the morning!

How to Maintain an Optimistic Outlook on Life

Do not under any circumstances become complacent, do not “give up” and do not rest on the results achieved! Constant active actions and the next steps to implement your next aspirations - this is what should now be in your life every day. And there is no longer any doubt that you can achieve everything, because you did the main thing - you set your destiny on a positive wave, brought bright colors back to life and overcame bad luck. Now all your actions will be filled with joyful moments, pleasure, and whatever you do, you will certainly succeed!

Giving others warmth, care, smiles and pleasant moments is so important both for maintaining a positive attitude and for surrounding yourself with a kind, bright aura. Do not demand gratitude from anyone, do not expect anything in return. And very soon you will see how fate, in response to your selfless positive actions, will generously bestow good luck and favor.

Positive mood video

Try not to lose the skills that we talked about today, use them constantly, let simple exercises to attract positivity become part of your life. People around you will soon notice that you are becoming an energizing optimist, and the statement “Everything will be fine” practically turns into your life motto. Everything will change for the better, it is only important to sincerely believe in it! Good luck!

One of the main reasons why we cannot create a positive mood is that we often become immersed in our problems and worries, and rarely tune in to the positive in life.

Right now you look like “Santa Claus.”
You have a huge bag behind you. But the bag is not filled with wonderful gifts, but filled with worries, problems, memories, regrets. We wear it every day, and its contents increase and pull us back. All these problems prevent you from becoming better who you really are. What needs to be done to achieve success?

7 Ways to Create a Positive Attitude

1. Letting go of memories.

Many people believe that memories are the most important thing they have. They place them in a treasure chest, cherish them, regret them, depending on their memory. And the years go by, and the chest becomes heavier and heavier. And it’s already difficult to drag them along - mistakes of the past, wonderful moments of life, and we are already different. These memories prevent you from becoming the person you can be. Don't be afraid to overcome these memories.
You don’t have to forget about them, but you can create new ones, because ours.

2. Don't be selfish

Overcome your ego and force yourself to grow, this is the key to success. By being complacent, you build walls around yourself and stop yourself from growing. Open your eyes and realize that you are doing something big, something great. Think of it this way, you wake up in the morning and know that you are one step away from success. What if you didn’t learn to read when you were at school? You won't be able to understand words made up of letters. And you won’t be able to understand what is written here. Realize and understand that everything you do every day is learning.

3. Get rid of fears

Fear is what holds you back from accomplishing great things. Don't be afraid to learn something new. Don't be afraid to start over. Don't be afraid to let go of your fears and allow yourself to be happy. Close your eyes and imagine all the fears. Take them and throw them in the trash, then take the trash can to the landfill. You are fearless. You can do whatever you want. Overcome your fears and become successful. You can move on in life and you can be successful.

4. Let go of pain and anger

Let go of the pain and anger you hold inside. These are negative emotions that destroy you. Let go of them to make room for positive emotions. You have gone through trials that cause pain and make you worry and resent. But it was these experiences that made you stronger and perhaps precisely. You survived because here and now you can speak, breathe, see, hear, love. You are a strong person and can overcome pain and anger because these emotions do not define you. You are better without them.

5. Fear of the unknown

We experience discomfort, wondering what awaits us ahead. We never know what awaits us tomorrow. And this is part of our life. There is no need to lose heart, but you need to solve the unknown and... You have serious doubts about your work; school, where does your child study, relationship with your partner? If you don't try to solve them, you will never be successful. When you stop limiting yourself to fears of the unknown, you can become successful in many areas of your life. Believe in yourself and that you can do it.

6. Let go of stress

7. Don't sing Odes to Success.

There is no need to think long about what is holding you back on the path to success. Visualizing success, happiness, etc. is good. If you spend a lot of time on this, you may end up doing more harm than good. Instead of visualizing how things will be every day, do something that leads you to your goal. This way you will get much more and enjoy the fruits of success, this positive thought will help create a positive attitude in your life.

Finally, a charging video :)

Your attitude in life determines your attitude towards life. Even if at some point the choice of actions is limited, the choice of attitude is not. Always choose , this approach may be considered optimal by default.

A positive attitude makes you happier and more resilient, improves your relationships with people, and increases your chances of success in any endeavor. In addition, it makes a person more creative and helps to make the right decisions. Below you will find several ways to create and maintain a positive attitude.

Create a morning routine

How you start your morning is how you will spend your day. Therefore, take complete control of it and do not let it take its course. Plan everything in the evening so that you can do everything you need in the morning, because you may wake up with a completely different mood and thoughts. Follow this plan.

Load your brain with positivity

Read books that have positive messages. Listen to music that makes you want to dance and sing. Watch films in which the protagonist's optimism helps him overcome any difficulties, no matter what. Change your attitude for the better by loading your brain with positive things.

Take responsibility

At any moment, you can behave either as a victim or as a responsible person. Take responsibility for all events in your life. The mottos of such a person:

  • I am the author of my life
  • I take full responsibility for myself
  • I am in charge of my destiny

Practice a Zen mindset

Think of life not as something that happens to you, but as something that happens for you. Look at any situation, person or negative event as if all this was sent so that you would get the best out of it, learn something.

The next time something bad happens, don’t think, “Why does this always happen to me?” Ask yourself: “What do I need to learn to prevent this from happening again?” and “How will this help me become a smarter, stronger person?”

Be proactive

A reactive person allows other people and external circumstances to determine how he will feel. a person decides how he will feel regardless of the circumstances. Be proactive and realize that only you can decide how you will feel in absolutely any situation.

Change your thoughts

Positive thoughts lead to a positive attitude and vice versa. Changing your attitude is as simple as hitting the pause button on your thoughts.

Find your target

Having something in life gives you a fixed point on the horizon to focus on so that you can remain resilient through the vicissitudes and challenges of life. This leads a person to happiness.

Watch your enthusiasm

People who live life with enthusiasm have a much more positive outlook than others. Make your list of things to boost your enthusiasm for when your enthusiasm starts to wane.

Follow the parable "Who touched my cheese?"

Think about the parable "Who Touched My Cheese?" Spencer Johnson.

Two small mice and two miniature people are placed in a maze. Here's what happens:

  • When the mice discover that the cheese is not where it should be, they immediately go to work finding another piece of cheese.
  • Instead, the two miniature people were angry that the cheese had been moved. They waste time expressing outrage and blaming those who moved the cheese and each other.

Stop banging your head against the wall and convincing yourself that things should be given to you. Your attitude should always be:

  • It's up to me whether I get what I want
  • Good things happen to those who work hard
  • I adapt to changes easily and quickly
  • I keep going even when the situation becomes unbearable

We wish you good luck!

It would be great, like in childhood, to wake up and be happy just like that, without any good reason! Alas, as we age, we increasingly look for reasons and reasons for joy, forgetting that happiness is nearby, it is in our minds. You just need to figure it out and understand what “deep mines” are holding back good thoughts inside and how to set yourself up for positivity and good luck, despite the surrounding reality.

How to get rid of negative thoughts

Enemies of inner positivity

Psychologists say: if you lived your day the same way as yesterday, something in your life needs to be changed. They consider routine to be almost the main enemy of a happy and cheerful mood. In such cases, you need to ask yourself: what can I do better tomorrow than today? Yes, anything! Serve the everyday table festively, cook rice not as usual - with vegetables, but with seafood. In short, turn off the beaten path onto a new road.

Novelty and creation, colored by creativity, are guaranteed to increase vitality.

It is advisable to immediately support thoughts with action: create and cut tails. Due to indecisiveness or chronic busyness, almost all of us carry a burden of unfinished business or unfulfilled promises. Moreover, we may not constantly remember about “stuck” matters, but at the level of the unconscious, the “tails” do not disappear anywhere - they hang, pull to the ground and secretly poison life. In general, if you have long promised to take your children to the zoo, you need to drop everything and fulfill your promise.

There are two more ancient enemies of inner positivity that should be avoided: despondency and envy. Dull and always dissatisfied people quickly lose energy and soon begin to steal it from others. With envy - the same.

It is important to learn to rejoice at someone else’s happiness or acquisition - the position of multiplying joy makes you happy and successful.

In general, everyone has their own positive and negative drivers, but there are also universal ones. A constant search for someone to blame, the desire to control everything, the habit of living in the future (let’s finish building a house, pay off loans, educate children, wait for grandchildren - then we’ll live!), and unfulfilled dreams will “help” to quickly turn a great mood into a lousy one. In fact, you don’t need great talent to fall into the blues - there will always be reasons. But if, as a musician, you tune your instrument (mood) in the right way every morning, you can achieve impressive results. Just try to go outside with the attitude: notice only joyful, pleasant details, and watch how the day turns out - there will definitely be more good in it than bad.

Three dubious allies of happiness

In pursuit of joy and pleasure, we often resort to the help of antidepressants available to everyone. But it turns out that it was in vain.


The feeling of inspiration after your first morning cup comes in about 20 minutes. Caffeine, dissolved in the blood, reduces the feeling of fatigue and increases the concentration of the neurotransmitter dopamine, which provides a feeling of joy and happiness. But a passion for coffee (more than two or three cups a day) is like a bank loan - you get pleasure right away, but then you still have to pay interest. Morning heavy doses of an invigorating drink can provoke anxiety, irritability, and loss of energy in the evening.


At the first stage of intoxication, a person really feels a surge of inspiration and joy, tension is relieved, and the tongue is loosened. But already at the second stage, sensitivity and reactions become dull, speech becomes slurred, and fun is replaced by attacks of sadness. The third stage provides a headache, a pale appearance and a disgusting mood the next morning.


The anticipation of joining a social network is akin to waiting for your favorite dish to be served. Culinary associations can be traced further: an overdose of news and communication on the Internet causes the same internal slagging as overeating or addiction to fast food. So, in parallel with fasting days on juices or kefir, it is useful to arrange periods without social networks and news.

Let's stay positive!

Meanwhile, it is possible to come out of hibernation and fill your life with energy and positivity without any questionable things. So, go ahead!

  • Let's get up early

Even if it’s just for 30 minutes! Half an hour of lack of sleep will not harm the body, but will benefit the morning preparations. A small amount of time will allow you to do light exercises, which will help you put your thoughts in order, take your time preparing breakfast, and bring beauty. And much more! A morning without fuss and rush will give a positive impulse for the whole day.

  • Let's do something unusual

Instead of the elevator, go down the stairs; you can even walk one flight backwards. When answering the phone, sing “Good morning!” On the way to work, wish people you know and don’t know (neighbor, salesperson, security guard, etc.) a good day. And at work, give every colleague a compliment. And joy will immediately settle in your soul!

  • We are cleaning

When we are in a bad mood, every little thing, any disorder, even small, irritates us. Raising your vitality will help you clear away the paper debris on your desk or sort out things in your closet at home. You will see, as soon as you get rid of everything superfluous and unnecessary, life will become easier and more joyful! or just self-expression. Draw, write poetry, embroider, assemble puzzles - all creativity is welcome. Fancy something a little more energetic? Then dancing: oriental, Latin American, ballroom - even at the stove with a ladle. Anything you enjoy lifts your spirits and gives you a breath of fresh air for new thoughts and ideas.

  • Let's drive away the bad!

Negative emotions must come out - you are not a box for them. But just don’t turn them on their surroundings. Express troubles into space, if necessary, shout out. It’s easier to write - write. For example, talk through all the incidents of the day in the shower, and then, having thought about the good, immediately “distribute” gratitude to those who gave you pleasant moments of communication, helped or simply smiled back.

  • Laughing at ourselves

Treat your own shortcomings, mistakes and all kinds of failures with humor - and this, according to psychologists, will help you more easily solve problems, overcome difficulties and always be in a positive mood. In addition, experts believe that people who are able to make fun of themselves are able to sensibly assess not only their shortcomings, but also their strengths; They tolerate unflattering remarks and criticism more painlessly, and also enjoy good health.

You, and only you, are the most important person in your life. What about your loved one, children, relatives, friends? Believe me, the more happiness shines in your eyes, the more often you “pamper” your own ego (in a good way), the brighter and happier the world around you. Give a good mood to your loved ones and family, which will return to you with a sincere smile, warm hugs from your child, enthusiastic compliments (and not only) from your husband, the joy and warmth of your parents’ home.

Positive thoughts and attitude will give you the desire not just to exist, but to feel, rejoice and experience every day of an amazing life. 7 surprisingly simple, heartfelt affirmations will help you find pieces of happiness in any event:

  1. I believe in my dreams

    Self-confidence is that little “perpetual” motion machine that guides you through life, preventing you from veering off the path. Dreams tend to come true, so you need to be prepared for the chance that Lady Fate will give you.

  2. I do my best every day

    One step towards your dream - small or big - is already a huge victory over yourself. Constantly remind yourself that all actions, thoughts, feelings lead you to your goal. Learn from mistakes - yours or others', taking them as a chance for constant development.

  3. I love myself the way I am

    When looking at yourself in the mirror in the morning, smile at your own reflection and say: “I love you.” Remember, as in the cartoon about Little Raccoon: life will definitely give you its smile. Accept yourself with all your flaws, be proud of your virtues. Only a happy, self-sufficient woman is able to give love and joy to others.

  4. I am responsible for my own happiness

    No one can come and give you positivity, great mood and harmony. You are responsible for your own happiness. Dissolving, at times, in her beloved, giving her soul and heart to children, a woman loses herself, forgetting about the truth: the search for happiness will not bring success as long as it is aimed at the outside world.

  5. I accept responsibility for my own life

    Problems, worries and sorrows make you stronger. Remember that the Universe gives us a feasible burden, inviting us to think and draw the right conclusions. Whining and complaining: “Why, why?” will not bring success. Get used to being responsible for the decisions you make, weighing the consequences of your actions, thoughts, and actions.

  6. The best is yet to come

    Repeat these words often. Believe that even if today the day did not turn out as you planned, it means it was necessary for something. Belief in the best, confidence, and a positive attitude will begin to attract positive, unexpected and very pleasant surprises into your life.

  7. I'm grateful for every day

    Appreciate every day for what you have in your life. Change your own attitude towards what you cannot influence by making efforts to achieve those goals that are within your control. Thank the Universe for the miracle of feeling and enjoying the gentle sun, the first flowers or pouring rain; to love loved ones, feeling their warmth and care, to finally live! After all, life is so multifaceted and interesting.