How to get rid of sweaty feet at home? Recipes and tips for getting rid of sweaty feet using pharmaceutical and folk remedies. Treatment of sweaty feet with pharmaceutical drugs

Excessive sweating of the feet can be associated with poor hygiene, warm and uncomfortable shoes or socks, fungal or bacterial skin diseases and abnormal functioning of the sweat glands, which, for certain reasons, begin to produce copious amounts sweat.

On the soles of the feet, as well as on the palms and in armpits available a large number of sweat glands, so your feet can sweat a lot. The sweat on the feet itself is odorless and occurs when sweat mixes with skin microorganisms and their waste products. Excessive sweating of the feet in medical terminology is referred to as hyperhidrosis, it should be treated not only because of the unpleasant odor, but also due to increased risk appearance of cracks, purulent wounds, warts, fungal and bacterial diseases skin of the feet and heels.

The skin of the feet has a very high concentration of sweat glands. By releasing moisture, they ensure preservation constant temperature legs Physical activity, hot season, strong emotional experiences enhance the process of sweating. But as long as nothing prevents the evaporation of sweat, this does not cause noticeable inconvenience. When wearing your favorite shoes turns into walking through a swamp, we can talk about increased sweating legs and find a means to combat it.

The root of the problem usually lies in the selection of low-quality shoes or socks and stockings, which do not allow the feet to get rid of moisture. Even high-quality sneakers and sneakers that absorb excess sweat during training are not designed for long-term wearing. The moisture of the feet turns out to be a favorable environment for the development of bacteria that are constantly present on the skin of the feet. The products of their activity cause bad smell and, in turn, disrupt the sweating process. This also applies to appearance. In such cases, you need to think about how to get rid of sweaty feet only after eliminating external influences.

But if the feet sweat a lot even if the rules of hygiene are observed, then one can suspect hyperhidrosis of the legs - this is the scientific name for excessive sweating in humans.

In addition to wearing shoes that are out of season, it can be caused by:

  • stress and other strong emotions
  • age hormonal changes in organism
  • diseases of the endocrine system, including obesity
  • skin diseases
  • infectious diseases
  • the body’s reaction to taking medications, alcohol, too spicy food.

  • To choose the right remedy for sweating feet, sometimes you have to contact dermatologists. If this phenomenon does not act as a symptom serious illness, then it is not difficult to deal with it.

    How to help sweaty feet

    When faced with increased sweating on the feet, it is not recommended to delay treatment. When deciding how to get rid of sweaty feet, you can start with simple means, and finish with drastic operations.

    Foot hygiene

    Even if you fight sweaty feet with medicinal products or special procedures, foot hygiene should come first. Providing your feet proper care not only during the treatment of hyperhidrosis, but also in the future, the results of therapy can be permanently consolidated.

    1. It is necessary to wash your feet twice a day, rinsing them additionally after sports activities.
    2. Using bactericidal soap will limit the proliferation of microorganisms on the skin of the feet.
    3. Changing your socks or stockings several times a day will help keep your feet dry, which will speed up recovery.
    4. Refusal to wear socks or stockings made of synthetic materials at least for the period of treatment is another remedy for sweaty feet.
    5. At constant problems If you experience excessive sweating, it is recommended to stop using low-quality shoes that prevent sweat evaporation.
    6. Shoes must be used for their intended purpose: in warm room high-quality leather boots will lead to sweaty feet, and the best sneakers can be worn for no more than 2 hours a day.
    7. Cool showers and baths with medicinal herbs help combat sweaty feet.

    Medicines for excessive sweating

    Pharmacies offer a wide range of cosmetics and pharmaceuticals, allowing you to reduce sweating in the area of ​​​​the feet and get rid of the unpleasant odor of sweat. Cream, balm, powder or ointment for sweaty feet, as well as herbal teas for baths they are purchased at a pharmacy or beauty salon, where it is possible to check the certificate of the drug. Many of them, affecting sweat glands, normalize their functioning, and at the same time reduce the activity of bacteria and fungi that appear on damp and chapped skin.

    Folk remedies

    Sometimes using is enough. Oak bark is excellently used as a remedy for sweaty feet. It is poured into socks, which are put on before bed, or used as a decoction for foot baths. Willow bark, sage, lemon zest, and apple cider vinegar are also used for baths. It is recommended to sprinkle boric acid powder on your feet and shoes. But these products dry out the skin very much, so you need to be very careful when using them so that your feet do not crack.

    Medicines. Zinc ointment for sweaty feet or Teymurov's paste have proven themselves well in Russia. But they have a significant drawback: they stain clothes excessively, and after using them it is almost impossible to wash socks or stockings.

    In Sweden, some of the really effective antiperspirants are Absolut Torr, Fotspray and Vichy Antiperspiran. These products can also be used to reduce sweating on the palms and lips. Some of them contain alcohol, others do not. Common in Russia traditional methods getting rid of excessive sweating of the feet, such as salt baths, baths with boric acid, potassium permanganate, oak or birch bark are not used in Sweden.

    However pharmaceutical industry does not stand still and allows you to purchase drugs whose effects do not affect household items as much. Drisol, Formagel, Borozin and other products contain tannins similar to natural ones. They help both get rid of sweaty feet and also counteract fungal skin diseases.

    Medical cosmetics

    Among the cosmetic products you can find a large number of antiperspirants, powders and foot creams that will help reduce sweating, eliminate unpleasant odors and keep your feet dry and clean.

    Some buyers are put off by possible allergic reactions arising due to excessive blockage of the sweat glands, and the formaldehyde content in certain medications. Any antiperspirants have a similar effect. Russian manufacturers medicinal cosmetics offer a wide selection of creams and balms that combat the problem of sweaty feet while softening the skin. Some of them, for example, Deo-control foot deodorant, have long-term action– it is enough to apply them once a week to cope with increased sweating and fungal infections of the skin of the feet.

    For greater effect, it is permissible to separate active drugs. At night, take baths with medicinal herbs and smear your feet with creams and balms so that they are better absorbed into the skin, and use sprays and powders in the morning.

    Healing procedures

    Except external influence for sweaty feet, clinics offer solutions to the problem of sweaty feet such as:

    Iontophoresis sessions in most cases successfully cope with increased secretion sweaty feet. Under the influence of ions, the activity of the sweat glands is normalized. 5-6 sessions over a month are enough to forget about wet feet and unpleasant odor for a long time. The only contraindications to its use are the presence of metal objects in the body (pacemakers, steel prostheses, etc.). Iontophoresis shows good results, however, due to high cost procedures, devices and the need to repeat the procedure many times, this method is not particularly popular.

    To date - the best remedy from sweaty feet, if we consider treatment from the point of view of safety and effectiveness. The only thing that can scare you away from this method for 6-12 months of coping with sweating feet is the price and the weak effect of other means.

    This method is not yet permitted or used in Sweden. Botox injections (Botox and Dysport drugs) are allowed only in the armpits, despite the fact that world and European experience shows good and long-lasting results.

    The most radical method getting rid of excessive sweating of the feet is surgical intervention, when destruction is carried out using special endoscopic instruments nerve pathways, through which nerve impulses travel to the sweat glands. This is the so-called endoscopic sympathectomy, in which the nerve fibers that send signals to the sweat glands are compressed. But to combat excessive foot sweating, this method is rarely used due to possible complications.

    It is very important not to overuse strong methods if excess sweat appears only after wearing certain shoes or working in inappropriate conditions. But also launching such an unpleasant one from the point of view of hygiene and social relations symptom is impossible.

    Helps to get rid of sweaty feet various recipes traditional medicine and pharmaceutical preparations. Solving the problem begins with eliminating provoking unfavorable factors, observing hygiene standards, and adjusting the diet. At the same time, begin the correct concomitant therapy.

    Increased sweat production is medically called hyperhidrosis. Heavy discharge sweat becomes a favorable environment for the development of bacteria and fungi. The feet begin to emit an unpleasant odor. Feet may sweat due to lack of proper care, improperly selected shoes, or sweat may signal some kind of disease.

    How to treat excessive sweating of the feet on your own? If your feet sweat a lot, you can use ready-made medicinal compounds in the form of ointment, cream or solution, which is offered by the pharmacy market:

    1. Teimurova paste helps with hyperhidrosis. It reduces the activity of the sweating system, fights bacteria, fungi, inflammation, dries and cools the surface. For 2-3 weeks, wipe the feet and interdigital area with the paste.
    2. Formagel normalizes the functioning of the sweat glands; less sweat is produced during treatment. The gel should be applied to dry, clean feet and washed off with water after 30 minutes. The effect of the drug lasts about two weeks. Then you can repeat the processing.
    3. Zinc ointment has antimicrobial and drying effects. After application, a film is created that protects against repeated damage to the skin. Less sweat is produced and there is no unpleasant, pungent odor.
    4. Lassara paste is applied to clean, dry areas of the legs thin layer. Relieves inflammation and skin irritation. Prevents the appearance of bacteria, absorbs excess moisture and dries the surface.
    5. To treat feet and shoes, use Formidron solution. The drug may cause discomfort, so the procedure should not take more than 15-20 minutes. After this time, the solution is washed off with water.
    6. Boric alcohol is suitable for the prevention and removal of unpleasant odors. It is absolutely safe for external use. Maybe a few drops boric alcohol add to baths or simply wipe your feet with a moistened swab. The result will be noticeable by the end of the second week of treatment.

    All these products dry out the problem area, normalize the functioning of the sweat glands, and prevent the growth of bacteria and the spread of a repulsive odor.

    The drug Furacilin, which is available in various easy-to-use forms, is widely used at home for sweaty feet:

    1. The aerosol reduces sweating and eliminates unpleasant odors. You need to spray in the morning and evening.
    2. It is better to treat your feet with ointment before going to bed. The composition is applied only to clean, dry skin, then it is recommended to wear cotton socks. In the morning, wash off with warm water.
    3. Tablets and solution can be used to prepare healing water, which is added to the baths. Baths with Furacilin can be combined with decoctions of medicinal herbs, for example, string, rosehip leaves or chamomile.

    To prepare a bath, you need to dissolve the tablets in hot water or herbal decoction (1 tablet per 1 liter of water). The procedure should be done twice a day for 15 minutes for two weeks. After water procedures It is recommended to leave your feet to dry on their own, without using a towel.

    Popular bath recipes

    How to cure excessive sweating yourself? On your own, you can prepare formulations in the form of a paste, ointment, solution, or cream. They will have the same properties as the product purchased at the pharmacy. For the product to show its effect, you need to use the prepared composition for at least two weeks.

    Treatment of sweating is not complete without baths. To prepare healing baths, herbs that have astringent, anti-inflammatory, and antiseptic effects are used.

    Oak bark has a bactericidal and astringent effect. To brew a decoction, you need to pour boiling water over the dry herb and cook for another 20 minutes over hot water steam. Leave to infuse for an hour. After this, the decoction is added to the bath water. If you take such baths every day, the result will be noticeable within two weeks.

    A recipe for baths with salt, baking soda and a few drops of iodine can help with sweating. All components are added to water and mixed. You can keep your feet in the resulting solution for 30-40 minutes.

    It is useful for your feet to be in water every day with the addition of a decoction based on mint, nettle and sage. The herbs are poured with boiling water and allowed to brew for about 40 minutes.

    Sage leaves help with hyperhidrosis. Baths with the addition of sage decoction disinfect, envelop and soften the surface of the skin, and normalize the functioning of the sweat glands. Dry sage leaves poured boiled water and cook for another 15 minutes over low heat. A similar decoction can be taken orally, the effect of the baths will only increase. Take 30 ml three times a day.

    Herbs are used in folk medicine since ancient times, have passed centuries of testing. Many users note the benefits and effectiveness of recipes based on chamomile, string, and calendula: “My feet were sweating for a long time. Pharmacy medications only helped for a while. It was possible to control the sweating process with the help of herbal decoctions. Regular use has resulted in feet that remain dry and free of unpleasant odor.”

    Compresses, lotions, powders

    For sweaty feet, treatment at home is accompanied by solutions and decoctions intended for lotions, compresses and powders.

    You can reduce sweating and eliminate strong odors using lotions. Homemade solutions are made, for example, from potassium permanganate, lemon juice or apple cider vinegar. The resulting solution is soaked in the problem area 2-3 times a day.

    You can treat sweating with baking soda compresses. They will help dry the surface, relieve inflammation and prevent the growth of bacteria. You need to dissolve a spoonful of soda in warm water. Then take gauze, fold it several times, soak it in a soda solution and apply it to the feet for 30-40 minutes. After the procedure, it is recommended to rinse your feet with cool water.

    A paste made from lemon juice and baking soda. To obtain it, you need to squeeze the juice of one lemon into soda (you should get a paste-like consistency). The composition is applied to the feet and washed off after 15 minutes.

    A mixture of starch, corn and soda will help absorb excess sweat and eliminate the foul odor. The ingredients are taken in equal proportions, mix. Apply this powder to the problem area 2 times a day.

    If your feet are very sweaty, the following compress recipe will help. You should prepare a decoction based on oak bark and mix it with a few tablespoons of natural homemade honey. The resulting paste is stored in the refrigerator. For two weeks before going to bed, the paste is applied to the feet for about half an hour and then washed off with water.

    Additionally, at home you need to follow some rules that will help fight sweaty feet:

    1. Be sure to carry out water procedures for your feet using tar or laundry soap(these products dry the skin and disinfect the surface).
    2. Feet should be dry before putting on socks and shoes.
    3. It is advisable to have several pairs of shoes so that you can alternate for the first pair to dry completely;
    4. In hot weather, wear open shoes allowing fresh air ventilate.
    5. Shoes and socks should be made of high-quality, breathable material.
    6. Periodically keep your feet herbal decoctions and use special powders or deodorants.

    Shoes also require careful care. It should be dry. There are many recipes that allow you to disinfect the inner half of shoes and eliminate the resulting unpleasant odors:

    1. Use a cotton swab dipped in hydrogen peroxide to treat inner part shoes
    2. After this, you should walk with a cotton swab dipped in alcohol.
    3. Shoes are placed in a well-ventilated place to dry completely.
    4. It is useful to put bags of dry flavored tea into dried, treated shoes.

    You should not use any means to combat sweat on your own. In any case, you need to consult a specialist who will give recommendations on how to conduct treatment at home.

    All adults have sweaty feet, this is normal. This is how the body gets rid of excess heat and metabolic products. In a healthy person, fluid secreted by the skin glands appears during physical activity, in the heat, with excitement. Maintaining hygiene is a sure cure for sweating and foot odor. However, a timely shower or clean socks do not always save the situation. Sometimes the “aroma” coming from shoes indicates medical problems.

    Why do my feet sweat?

    An unpleasant smell comes only from those who forget about hygiene - this is what many people think, looking askance at their acquaintances who exude “amber.” At the same time, the sweat of a healthy person – even very concentrated, even very “masculine” – has no odor. The secretion of the skin glands is 98% water, the remaining 2% is chemical substances, including proteins and lipids on which bacteria love to multiply. So the cause of the stench is the result of the vital activity of microorganisms, and not the sweat itself.

    Do you shower regularly, change clothes often, wear comfortable shoes, do not respect leatherette and other artificial materials, and are your socks constantly damp from sweat? Then start examining the body. Heavy sweating feet, an unpleasant odor occurs when:

    How to get rid of sweaty feet and bad odor

    About 80% Russian citizens, as surveys show, they begin the battle against unpleasant odor by generously spraying the body with deodorant. Well, the average person is embarrassed to complain to the doctor about the smell of their feet. Understanding the reasons sometimes comes too late. A person is admitted to the hospital with advanced mycosis or missed initial stage hormonal disorder.

    Shoe selection

    With women's logic, when ladies come for winter shoes and leave with high-heeled shoes, everything is clear. However, not all men can boast the right choice: They often buy shoes a couple sizes larger. No, not for growth. It's just that as you go up in size, the width of the shoe automatically increases, so it feels like it fits better. When choosing shoes, remember:

    1. Large shoes place more stress on your joints.
    2. Wearing shoes of a smaller size deforms the feet, leads to varicose veins, and increases sweating and foot odor.
    3. In the evening, a person’s feet become “swollen,” so take your shoes at the time of day you plan to wear them. Ideally.
    4. When trying on shoes, be sure to walk in them - when walking, a person’s foot lengthens a little.
    5. Forget about shoes from artificial fabric: Genuine Leather“breathes” and “adjusts” to the foot when worn specific person.
    6. If you don’t want to give up heels, then at least choose comfortable shoes. Wearing stilettos with cramped calves and even cheekbones, but with your head held high, is not heroism, but self-mutilation.
    7. Wear even comfortable shoes with heels for no more than 4 hours.
    8. Don't trade your shoes with your friends. Shoes are a personal thing.
    9. Be sure to dry your winter or demi-season shoes after each wear and remove the insoles.
    10. Have changeable shoes at work.
    11. Membrane shoes are worn only with thermal socks or socks containing synthetics. Wool and membrane are incompatible - this combination causes your feet to get cold and sweat a lot.


    Even people who do not suffer from foot odor must practice good hygiene. If you have excessive sweating or extremity odor, especially remember these rules:

    • wash your feet twice a day - this is the minimum;
    • After playing sports, take a shower;
    • When washing your feet, do not forget about soap;
    • After water procedures, be sure to rub yourself with a towel, put on clean linen, shoes;
    • to avoid becoming infected with fungus in any in public places wear shoes;
    • eat less sour foods, spicy foods, sometimes sweat has an unpleasant odor due to poor eating habits.

    Professional remedy for foot and shoe odor

    If you are sure that hyperhidrosis and unpleasant odor are not the result of choosing the wrong shoes or poor hygiene, go to a dermatologist. The doctor will rule out the presence of fungal infections of the skin of the legs, prescribe adequate treatment or refer you to another specialist - an endocrinologist. This doctor will report the presence or absence hormonal disorders. Did you fail to identify the cause of sweaty feet or unpleasant odor? Then get ready for doctors to offer you to reduce sweating by injecting Botox, performing electrophoresis, or even surgery.

    Medical and hygiene products

    Drug treatment is prescribed depending on the cause of sweating and bad odor. If the problem is a lack of zinc, you will be offered vitamins; for mycosis, antifungal drugs will be prescribed. The following products are good at killing bacteria and drying out the skin of your feet:

    1. "Lavilin." An excellent ointment that has no odor of its own. So you can use it even during the day. Helps to permanently get rid of excessive moisture in feet even in one application.
    2. Lavender oil. It has a pungent, albeit pleasant smell, best used at night. Included in creams. It will not relieve hyperhidrosis so quickly, but it will cure mycosis.
    3. "Teymur's paste" will help reduce the activity of microbes. The course of treatment is no more than 4 days.
    4. Spray "Formidron" - feet will stop smelling after one use. First, remove the dirt, then treat your feet with a spray. The drug costs 14-20 rubles.

    Massage and gymnastics

    Stroking the skin and physiotherapy can also become good remedy from sweating and foot odor. True, only in the case when hyperhidrosis is not associated with a fungal infection. Foot massage is carried out 4 times a week, it is better to do gymnastics daily. Both – after hygiene procedures. Can remove excessive sweating and odor proper organization working day.

    Folk remedies

    Folk remedies are not inferior in effectiveness to fashionable ones medicines, and are cheaper. Eliminate increased sweating Powders, ointments, essential oils, “green pharmacy”, vinegar, burnt alum, and the ubiquitous “Furacilin” tablets will help.


    These remedies will relieve you of hyperhidrosis, unpleasant foot odor, and will also become in a great way relaxation:

    • Sagebrush. For a glass of wormwood you will need two liters of very hot water. Insist for 10 minutes, take twice as long for the procedure itself.
    • Chamomile. Foot baths made from chamomile infusion will relieve you of unpleasant odor. For 4 cups of flowers you will need 2 liters of boiling water. Keep your feet in the broth until it cools down.
    • Sage. The plant, like the previous one, is not only a threat to sore throats, but also a sure remedy for odor in shoes and sweaty feet. 2 tbsp. l. pour 3.5 cups of boiling water over the herbs. Cool, lower your legs into the basin.


    • Calming collection. This decoction can be used both in the form of baths and internally. Take 2 tbsp. l. sage, nettle, mint. Pour 2 cups boiling water over the herbs and boil for a minute. Orally - on an empty stomach (1-2 times a day), do anti-odor baths only at night.
    • Oak bark. It removes sweating and foot odor well. Add 4 tbsp to 1 liter of boiling water. l. bark, boil for 5 minutes, let brew. Do it at night for a whole week.
    • Rose hip. Pour over the berries cold water(1/2 cup per liter of liquid). Cook for 15 minutes. (fire should be low). Let the broth brew for the same amount of time, then dilute it with 2 liters of hot water. You need to treat the smell of your feet for 20 minutes.


    Any baby powder left? Send an antiseptic, which perfectly dries the skin, to combat wet feet and unpleasant odor. After a shower, dry your feet well, sprinkle your feet generously with powder, working well between the toes. Put on socks and warm your feet with a hairdryer. You can use this method at night or during the day. Sweep hot water. Absorbs moisture well and prevents odor:

    • potato starch;
    • talc;
    • boric acid powder;
    • mixture table salt, cornstarch and soda.


    Increased sweating of the feet brings discomfort, makes you feel embarrassed and inconvenient. Hyperhidrosis of the legs can be caused by serious pathologies, so you should get rid of it in a timely manner unpleasant condition and its reasons.

    Why do my feet sweat?

    The skin of the legs contains a large number of sweat glands that regulate the process of sweating. The release of moisture on the feet is necessary for normal operation throughout the body, it ensures the maintenance of a constant temperature of the feet.

    If sweat actively evaporates, it does not cause absolutely any discomfort. But sometimes wearing shoes can become a real problem, and then it is necessary to find out the cause of excessive sweating of the feet.

    It can be triggered by the following factors:

    To choose the right remedy to combat excessive sweating, you need to find out the cause of this condition. Sometimes this is very difficult to do, and you have to consult a dermatologist.

    Getting rid of it using traditional methods

    In folk medicine, medicinal powders are widely used. They help dry the skin and eliminate bacteria. Preparing powder for sweaty feet is not difficult at all. It is sprinkled on the feet before going to bed, and socks are put on top.

    The following ingredients are suitable for preparation:
    • crushed oak bark;
    • crushed natural alum;
    • table salt and starch;
    • talc;
    • boric acid powder.

    You can make a combination powder by mixing any of these products. Before the procedure, you need to make sure that your feet are dry and clean. There is no need to try to rub in the powder; the effect is achieved due to its looseness. Powders with talc and boric acid can be made during the day.

    Internal use of decoctions and soothing teas helps against excessive sweating of the feet. It is useful to drink drinks according to the following recipes:

    1. 100 g of sage is poured into 1 liter of boiling water, infused and filtered. Drink the decoction 3 times a day, 30 ml.
    2. Tea made from lemon balm, chamomile and mint is suitable. Dry plants are taken in equal proportions, poured with boiling water and left for about an hour. You need to drink 2-3 times a day.
    3. Take equal parts of valerian root, lemon balm, and St. John's wort and brew with boiling water. Tea is consumed several times during the day.
    4. Flowers and leaves of medicinal hyssop in the amount of 10 g are poured into 240 ml of boiling water. After 3-4 hours, you can drink the infusion. Take it within 24 hours.

    You can do it at home effective cream, which will help get rid of sweaty feet and prevent the proliferation of harmful microbes. You need to mix 1 teaspoon of starch, the same amount of shea butter and half a teaspoon of soda. All this is sold in the pharmacy. The resulting mixture is rubbed into the skin. To give it aroma, you can add 2 drops of essential oil.

    Therapeutic baths

    Special baths will help get rid of sweaty feet. They also allow you to remove rough skin, corns, improve blood circulation and increase tone. Feet are pre-washed with soap and kept in the prepared solution for about 20-30 minutes. The procedure must be carried out daily for 1-2 months.

    You can use various ingredients to prepare baths. The following recipes are especially popular:

    1. 3-4 tablespoons of sea or table salt are diluted in 2 liters of warm water.
    2. 3 tablespoons of nettle, mint and sage are poured into 2 liters of boiling water, cooled and filtered.
    3. IN cool water add the juice of half a lemon.
    4. 2-3 bags of black tea are poured with a liter of hot water.
    5. 2 tablets of furatsilin are diluted in 2 liters of hot water.
    6. 1 tablespoon of soda is diluted in 1 liter of water.
    7. You can add a little potassium permanganate to the water.
    8. A small handful of rowan leaves is poured into 1 boiling water and the broth is allowed to brew for 30 minutes.
    9. About 20 bay leaves are poured into 3 liters of boiling water.

    Regularly rubbing your feet with the following means will help reduce foot sweating:

    • Leaves walnut you need to add alcohol or vodka in a ratio of 1 to 10 and leave the composition for a week. Afterwards it is diluted with the same amount of water.
    • Horsetail is poured with vodka in a ratio of 1 to 10 and left for 5-7 days.
    • To get rid of sweat, you can also rub lavender, lemon, and cypress oil at night.
    • It is recommended to wipe your feet with a solution kombucha, lemon slices or apple cider vinegar.

    Modern medicine can help us

    If personal hygiene and use folk recipes does not bring the desired result, you need to seek help from a specialist who will find out the exact cause of excessive sweating and prescribe quality treatment. Today there are many ways to combat hyperhidrosis:

    1. Your doctor may prescribe antibiotics or antifungal drugs according to the patient's health condition. They should be taken under the supervision of a doctor.
    2. In some cases, they resort to the electrophoresis method. It is the action of a weak current discharge on the skin, which suppresses the activity of the sweat glands. Therapy is carried out in a course of several weeks, the effect lasts for 2-3 months.
    3. Botulinum toxin injections are considered a very effective, but expensive way to get rid of excess moisture. The effect lasts for 6-8 months.
    4. Surgical intervention is endoscopic sympathectomy. During this procedure, clamping occurs nerve fibers, which send impulses to the sweat glands. This method is used in rare cases.
    5. How effective remedy Foot massage has worked well for sweating. It helps improve blood circulation and tidy up your work sebaceous glands. For the procedure you must use aroma oils. They eliminate bacteria well and give the skin a pleasant smell. Before using oils, it is better to test on a small area of ​​skin.

    During the treatment of hyperhidrosis and even after getting rid of it, it is necessary to observe simple rules hygiene. They include the following recommendations:

    • Socks and tights must be clean and made from natural materials.
    • Every day you need to wash your feet with warm water with bactericidal soap and the addition of salt or soda.
    • After playing sports, you should always rinse your feet.
    • You should regularly use foot cream and special deodorants for the feet.
    • Helps fight sweating cold and hot shower and taking medicinal baths.

    It is also necessary to take into account important tips shoe care:

    1. You need to air and dry your shoes after wearing them, so it’s better to have a spare pair.
    2. It is worth choosing leather shoes and wearing them at the appropriate time of year.
    3. In summer, you need to wear open-top shoes so that your feet can “breathe.”
    4. Sports shoes should be washed at least once a month and stored in a well-ventilated room.
    5. Avoid wearing rubber shoes.
    6. You can put bags filled with cedar or juniper shavings in your shoes. Special mesh packaging with various natural materials is also suitable.
    7. Insoles should be changed every 3-6 months, washed and dried periodically. It is better to buy insoles that absorb unpleasant odors.
    8. It would be a good idea to periodically wipe your shoes with salicylic alcohol.

    When getting rid of hyperhidrosis, foot hygiene should come first, and proper shoe care will permanently consolidate the results of therapy. Self-medication can be extremely dangerous, so it is better to consult a specialist with the problem of sweaty feet.

    Before deciding what to do if your feet sweat, you need to determine the cause of this pathology. This can be done by visiting a dermatologist. Leg hyperhidrosis can be caused by organ dysfunction internal secretion, diseases of cardio-vascular system and others pathological conditions. By eliminating the cause that causes excessive sweating of the feet, it will be possible to improve the condition of the skin of the feet.

    Sweating is physiological feature human body. There are many sweat glands on the body that protect the body from overheating. They are on the feet so that while walking, when energy is actively released, the temperature skin remained the same. Profuse sweating begins whenever the skin overheats and the body turns on its cooling and hydration system. To reduce the activity of the glands, you need to use various substances that narrow the pores through which moisture oozes.

    What factors increase sweating?

    To protect yourself from sweat and the smell that comes from your feet, you need to choose the right shoes and socks. Manifestations of hyperhidrosis in healthy people are observed when tight shoes are purchased that fit the foot tightly and interfere with air circulation.

    Excessive sweating can be caused by shoes made of artificial materials. Adhesive fabrics are airtight, which leads to overheating of the feet and prevents sweat from evaporating. Socks made of synthetic fabrics often contribute to overheating of the skin of the feet, resulting in active sweating.

    A person's ability to sweat during emotional outbursts often causes increased activity excretory system. Regular stress, leading to the release of adrenaline, triggers the process of sweat glands.

    Active physical exercise, during which it occurs intense work leg muscles are often the cause of excessive sweating.

    Sweating increases with diseases of the endocrine system, in the presence malignant neoplasms. Liver and kidney diseases, like other infectious diseases, are accompanied by weakness and sweating. This way the body is cleansed of toxins and products produced by pathogenic microflora.

    Disturbances in the functioning of the nervous system always lead to activation of the sweat glands. To find out why your feet sweat, you need to seek help. medical care see a dermatologist. He's after diagnostic studies will prescribe treatment and give general recommendations foot skin care.

    What drugs can be purchased to combat pathology?

    Treatment of complex cases should be carried out with the help of a doctor’s recommendations. He may prescribe medications containing active substances such as:

    • beta blockers;
    • clonidine;
    • oxybutin;
    • benztropine;
    • atropine.

    Treatment with these substances allows you to both fight sweaty feet and short term improve the condition of the skin of the feet, but apply them long time it is forbidden. Side effects, which develop with constant use, reduce the quality of life. Application of these active substances may cause the following symptoms:

    • dry mouth;
    • urinary disorders;
    • digestive problems;
    • taste changes.

    The doctor must indicate how to treat and what regimen to use when using these substances. In cases where a person is practically healthy, in daily care for the skin of the feet include natural cosmetical tools.

    What preventative measures are appropriate

    The appearance of the smell of sweat indicates that the body secretes biological fluid Opportunistic microflora began to actively multiply. Its waste products smell bad. Knowing this feature of microorganisms, it is necessary to take measures to prevent its reproduction.

    When deciding what to do if your feet sweat a lot, you need to use antiseptic liquids to combat pathogenic agents, which reduce colonies of microorganisms on the skin of the feet. For treatment, you can use chlorhexidine digluconate, miramistin, various gels with an antiseptic effect, sprays, essential oil tea tree or extracts obtained from coniferous trees.

    During the heat antiseptic treatment can be done once a day, and in the cool season 2 times a week. This will help both get rid of the smell and prevent the development of fungal diseases.

    A decoction of oak bark helps relieve foot odor. It contains a lot of tannins, which dry out the skin of the feet, and this makes the pores smaller. Daily baths with this decoction are good for at a young age, When endocrine system is actively working and all body systems are functioning at full capacity.

    Overactive sweat glands can be suppressed using powders or creams, ointments and pastes that contain talc, boric acid, zinc oxide and other active ingredients. They will help fight sweaty feet and suppress the development of pathogenic microflora. The most popular medications and cosmetics are:

    Correct selection comfortable shoes made from natural materials and daily care of it allows you to solve the problem of excessive sweating of the feet. All types of shoes should have holes for air circulation. It is recommended to remove the insoles periodically to dry them in the open air.

    In hot countries, washing your feet after returning home is a tradition that is maintained from generation to generation. This good habit helps fight foot odor because improper hygiene stop not only leads to hyperhidrosis, but also causes skin disease feet and development of mycoses.

    You need to wash your feet daily, adding salt or soda to the water. After the procedure, you should thoroughly wipe all parts of the foot with a dry towel. By taking care of your feet every day, you can get rid of excessive sweating and unpleasant odor.