How to get rid of constipation at home. What is the best way to eat to avoid constipation? Vegetable oils to stimulate intestinal motility

Constipation is a disease associated with evacuation problems feces from the large intestine. Diagnosis is made when there is no bowel movement for three days, with pain during bowel movements, when trying to strain, only gases come out, the stool is dry and has a dense structure.

Constipation occurs due to a complex of reasons: poor diet (lack of fiber), previous organ surgeries gastrointestinal tract, psychological stress. The cause of problems in pregnant women is compression of the intestinal loops by the growing belly. Constipation is divided into acute (occurs suddenly) and chronic (within 2-3 months).

Constipation occurs in children, adults and the elderly. Children have problems with bowel movements when preschool age (10-30%), adolescence(due to poor nutrition: consumption of sugary carbonated drinks, fatty foods, fast food).

Problems with bowel movements are uncomfortable for people, and can also cause harm in cases of severe constipation (hemorrhoids, colitis, anal fissures), especially for pregnant women (before miscarriage and deep miscarriage). What to do for constipation in different people?

Quick methods for adults

Folk remedies

Taking oil and salt enemas. They cannot be used every day (wash beneficial microflora), They - effective remedy during intestinal problems.

Oil enemas are made on the basis of Vaseline, olive, sunflower oil. The mass is heated above 35 degrees, introduced using a medical bulb or Esmarch mug into the rectum through anal hole. Oil enemas relax the intestinal walls and facilitate the evacuation of feces due to envelopment. Valid this type enemas after 12 hours - it should be done before bed.

Enema - ambulance for emptying (effective after 10-15 minutes), irritating the walls, liquefies feces, facilitating their removal to the outside.

Drink herbal decoctions. Buckthorn decoction helps get rid of problems with bowel movements: take 1 tablespoon of buckthorn bark, add to 1 glass (200 milliliters) of water. The mixture is boiled over low heat for 30 minutes. Let it steep for one hour in a warm place. Take 1 glass on an empty stomach before breakfast, then 100 milliliters before the rest of your meals (lunch, dinner).

Proven folk home recipe: one tablespoon of senna herb is poured into 1 glass of water. Boil over low heat for 20-25 minutes. Infuse the broth for one hour in a warm place (thermos). The laxative effect occurs after 7-10 hours.

Dandelion root provides a gentle solution to the problem. Used as cholagogue, improves intestinal motility. Chopped roots and leaves of the plant are taken. 3 tablespoons are placed in half a liter of boiling water. Place in a warm place for 7-8 hours (overnight). Used 15 minutes before meals.

Adding mint leaves to hot drinks (teas) can help with intestinal problems.

Dried fruit mixtures. Prunes have a strong laxative effect, so for constipation, take mixtures with dried apricots, nuts and honey.

Physical exercise

Physical activity will help with constipation:

  • Bend down, inhale and exhale with your stomach. The exercise is performed only in the absence of the urge to nausea or vomiting.
  • Lie on your left side, gently raise your knee bent right leg, trying to pull to the chin. Fix the position for 2-5 minutes, turn over, and do the exercise again with your left leg.
  • Place your feet shoulder-width apart and gently squat for a couple of minutes, breathing deeply into your belly.
  • You need to give yourself a light abdominal massage in the morning (lying in bed, 10 minutes).

The first three exercises are performed on the bed.

Remember that a sedentary lifestyle creates good conditions for constipation.

To avoid repetitions of this state, to maintain the results achieved, it is worth making dietary changes. Constipation occurs if the body has a lack of fiber in the diet. It is not digested in the gastrointestinal tract and serves to improve the functioning (motility) of the intestines.

Fiber-rich foods:

  • Apricot.
  • Prunes, dried apricots, dried apples.
  • Beet.
  • Jerusalem artichoke roots.

Good to take dairy products(kefir, milk, cottage cheese, cheeses) to prevent the appearance of dysbacteriosis. It is worth eating a thin slice of lightly salted fish.

The main percentage of the diet (20%) should be for breakfast (avoid a heavy dinner). It is important to comply drinking regime(up to 2 liters of fluid per day).


  • Eating rough (causes rectal bleeding), heavy food.
  • Very fast hand movements on the stomach.
  • Remove strong alcoholic drinks from your diet.

The above methods will help, but in some cases first aid should be provided by a doctor if:

  • The torment is strong sharp pain(especially during bowel movements).
  • There are bloody streaks in the stool (this indicates rectal bleeding), and a lot of mucus.
  • Severe constipation, unresponsive to laxatives.

If such symptoms appear, you should immediately consult a doctor, extreme cases Pain can be relieved using an analgesic (not antispasmodic) effect (Ketorol). You cannot get rid of such symptoms with enemas in order to let the doctor know about the full picture of the disease.

Quick methods for children

For quick disposal For pain caused by constipation, children are allowed water and oil enemas using medical bulbs. It is possible to use medications with soft action, after reading the instructions, consulting a doctor (Duphalac), antispasmodics (Papaverine, Drotaverine), prebiotics. If a child complains about severe pain, acute stomach, it is recommended to immediately contact the clinic, carry out general analysis blood, endoscopy.

Folk remedies with prunes (they have a pleasant, sweet taste) will help eliminate the problem.

If you are prone to such problems, it is necessary to carry out medical examination the child’s body (from severe constipation in the absence of proper help appears intestinal obstruction), prescription of physiotherapy (massage, gymnastics) by a doctor. Self-medication is unacceptable in the absence of bowel movements for a long time.

Treatment of the elderly

Caution should be exercised when treating older adults at home. There are several drugs that effectively relieve the problem:

  • Vegaprat is a tablet that does not reduce the amount of microelements in the body. It is recommended to drink the medicine with a glass of water.
  • Normaze is a mild drug that can be taken with caution even if you have diabetes.
  • Fitolax - chewable tablets of plant origin. They have a mild laxative effect.

Folk remedies are suitable for older people due to the absence of chemicals.

Treatment of pregnant women

Treatment of pregnant women is complicated by dangers to the fetus. Among the quick methods that cannot be urgently used are decoctions of senna and buckthorn bark. Quick methods is the use of non-toxic drugs (Duphalac, Defenorm, Normaze), a mixture of prunes (and other dried fruits). Only your doctor should decide whether to use medications to treat problems with bowel movements.

This problem plagues many people. If it occurs and to eliminate it, you should adhere to the above methods, but if it occurs, it is recommended to consult a doctor, reconsider your lifestyle (change your diet, sign up for classes), establish real reasons difficulties during bowel movements, treat them.

Constipation is difficulty with bowel movements for two or more days. It can be chronic and acute. The appearance of constipation may indicate the presence of intestinal or stomach diseases, but this disorder also occurs due to errors in nutrition or as a result of an unhealthy lifestyle.

To get rid of the disease, laxative medications or home remedies are used: food and decoctions of medicinal plants.

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    How to relieve severe constipation

    Constipation is a disorder of the intestines that makes it difficult to pass stool. It may be a symptom of a gastrointestinal disease or be a separate disorder. Occurs in both adults and children.

    With severe constipation, there is no bowel movement for more than two days. When I try to defecate, only gas comes out. If defecation does occur, the patient experiences difficulties. Feces can be very dry and hard, sometimes in the form of balls. After visiting the toilet, there is a feeling of incomplete cleansing of the intestines.

    Additionally, abdominal cramps may occur, accompanied by flatulence.

    Constipation is considered acute if it begins suddenly, and chronic if symptoms occur over several months.


    Medicines that have a laxative effect increase intestinal motility, promoting complete and easy emptying.

    There are two groups of drugs - used for acute constipation and used for chronic form.

    The following medications help cope with the problem:

    • Saline laxatives. Contains inorganic salts: sodium sulfate (Glauber's salt), magnesium sulfate (magnesia), phosphates. This group of drugs provokes mechanical irritation of intestinal receptors. They reduce absorption nutrients and water, and also help to liquefy the intestinal contents. As a result, the process of bowel movement occurs. Magnesia should not be taken if you have low blood pressure.

    Salt preparations take effect after 2-4 hours. You need to drink them in the morning on an empty stomach. These medications are classified as emergency therapy; they are used if it is necessary to urgently remove toxins from the body, for example, in case of poisoning. After their use, abdominal pain and nausea occur, so such drugs are contraindicated in chronic constipation, intestinal obstruction and in childhood.

    • Castor oil. This medicine irritates the intestines chemically. A single bowel movement occurs 5-6 hours after taking the drug. Treatment castor oil contraindicated during pregnancy, as it causes contraction of the uterine walls, so the medicine is used to induce labor.
    • Bisacodyl. A product of synthetic origin that causes chemical irritation to the intestines. If you use it in the form of suppositories, the effect appears quickly. The drug relieves constipation immediately - within an hour. Most often, Bisacodyl is prescribed for intestinal atony (reduced peristalsis). The remedy is used for both acute and chronic constipation.
    • Guttalax. It acts by chemically irritating intestinal receptors. Medicine equally effective against acute and chronic constipation. Medicinal drops Take in the evening with water.
    • Prebiotic laxatives. The safest and most preferred drugs for use. They normalize the intestinal microflora and promote soft emptying. Therapy with drugs in this group can be long time without harm to health. These include Lactulose (and its analogues: Normaze, Portalac syrup, Goodluck, Duphalac, Prelax and others), Lactitol (analogues: Exportal, Importal N).

    Enemas for constipation

    You can get rid of constipation with an enema. If you do it at home, you need to carefully prepare the place and perform the necessary hygiene procedures.

    For an enema, it is allowed to use only medical rubber bulbs with a soft tip. You can buy them at the pharmacy. The bulb must be sterilized before use, and the tip must be treated with Vaseline.

    The best position for an enema is on your side or back with your legs bent towards your stomach. Inserting the tip into anus allowed in children no more than 4 cm, and in adults - no deeper than 6 cm. The contents of the pear should be administered while inhaling, slowly and smoothly. To administer an enema to children, use special baby bulbs (sold in pharmacies).

    During the procedure, the amount of liquid required according to the prescription is administered, without exceeding the dosage.

    Therapy with folk remedies

    At home, you can help yourself or your loved ones get rid of constipation using folk remedies.

    It is necessary to consult a doctor before using them, since medicinal herbs have contraindications and side effects.

    Infusions and decoctions of plants

    Many people are good at relieving severe constipation medicinal plants(their fruits, roots, grass, flowers):

    • Oat decoction. A handful of grains is poured into a glass of boiling water and heated a little over low heat, after which it is infused. Drink half a glass of the decoction three times a day.
    • Senna infusion. A very strong laxative. A couple of teaspoons of dry herb are mixed with 100 g of prunes and brewed with three glasses of boiling water. Leave for three hours and filter. Take three to five tablespoons every hour until results are obtained.
    • Flax seeds. An infusion prepared from one teaspoon of flaxseed and a glass of boiling water is drunk every day in the evening (before bed). Leave for about six hours before taking it.
    • Dandelion root infusion. Two tablespoons of the crushed root of the plant are poured into a thermos and poured with two glasses of boiling water. The next day, in the morning, filter and drink the entire volume of the medicine in three doses half an hour before meals.

    Do you already know why constipation occurs?

    Click on point No. 3 - practically about what to do to urgently cleanse the intestines.

    Quick navigation through the article:


    How does constipation manifest itself?

  • Hard, dry stool. Often - in the form of small lumps, similar to pebbles.
  • Feeling of discomfort and even pain during bowel movements.
  • Feeling that bowel movement is insufficient.
  • Loss of appetite due to constant heaviness and bloating in the abdomen.

Sometimes constipation is accompanied by cracks in the rectum or hemorrhoids. They can be easily guessed by blood stains on toilet paper. Chronic poisoning toxins from feces leads to fatigue, apathy, unpleasant aftertaste in the mouth, sometimes - insomnia.


What is the norm?

The range of medical norms in adults is very wide. Healthy man may go to the toilet from 3 times a day to 3 times a week.

Constipation is said to occur when fewer than 3 bowel movements occur in a week.

The reasons may be different.

  • A diet that is low in dietary fiber.
  • Chronic lack of fluid (you don't drink clean water!).
  • Frequent bowel retention (you cannot go to the toilet when necessary).
  • Stress, including from travel.
  • Sedentary lifestyle.

Taking medications also leads to constipation:

  • anti-inflammatory
  • antihistamines
  • antacids
  • antipsychotics
  • diuretics
  • antiepileptic
  • calcium antagonists
  • calcium and/or iron supplements
  • opioids

In addition, constipation is a frequent companion to conditions such as:

  • pregnancy
  • diabetes, hyper- and hypocalcemia
  • neoplasms in the intestines
  • depression, anxiety
  • Parkinson's disease, multiple sclerosis, dementia
  • spinal cord injury or disease

An important conclusion for anyone who suffers from constipation more than once.

Contact your doctor! Unpleasant condition may be only the tip of the pathology.

How to get rid of constipation at home if the problem is episodic?

Without drugs, quickly and easily - enema

Best method out of the category quickly and efficiently. Although the procedure is medical, any adult can learn how to competently perform a cleansing enema with salt water.

Which solution is better to choose for an enema? Saline, with a concentration significantly higher than the content of minerals in blood plasma. This way, the liquid will not be absorbed in the intestines and will come out in full, taking with it the feces.

Proportion: for 1 liter of water - two level tablespoons of salt. It is best to use extra finely ground salt, pure, without iodine or other additives.

Solution temperature should be at room temperature (20-23°C).

The volume that is introduced into the intestine- 1 liter.

Here are some important details.

  1. Since an enema enhances the removal of fluid from the body, drink 1-2 glasses of clean water before starting the procedure.
  2. Don't forget to urinate first. This will reduce pressure on the intestines.
  3. Use a sterilized Esmarch mug from the pharmacy.
  4. Distilled water - the best choice for an enema. The optimal compromise is boiled filtered water.
  5. Be sure to lubricate the tip generously. Vaseline or a homemade alternative will do - any oil, from castor to sunflower. It is also advisable to treat the anus area, especially if there are hemorrhoids.
  6. At home, do not use tips longer than 10 cm.
  7. Place a towel or special rag on the floor, next to the toilet, in case liquid spills.

How to do an enema correctly - without pain, quickly and easily?

  1. The optimal position is lying on your left side. Legs are bent to 90 degrees to the body. There is no need to pull your knees close to your stomach. This creates discomfort when introducing water and does not allow the entire volume to be well distributed.
  2. Close the cap on the outlet tube of the Esmarch mug and pour in all the water.
  3. Now remove the air from the first third of the tube. To do this, open the cap, drain a little water and close it again. Otherwise, the air plug will be the first to enter the intestines. You may experience pain or difficulty keeping the solution in place.
  4. Lubricate the enema tip and insert it into the rectum with a smooth screwing motion - no more than 10 cm in depth.
  5. When all the liquid has entered the intestines, remove the tube.

Some people immediately feel the urge to defecate. Others begin to feel it after 2-3 minutes. For maximum effect, it is better to keep the water inside for about 5 minutes.

Another easy option enemas - oil. They will take effect within 8-12 hours. The video below briefly describes three home options for mechanical colon cleansing.

Potential harms of an enema

Although the rare use of mechanical cleaning does not have harmful consequences, with constant rinsing, the risk of the following deviations increases.

  • Dehydration.
  • Changes in the balance of blood electrolytes (especially if tap water is used). Among other things, this condition causes muscle spasms.
  • Large volumes of water can be irritating nervus vagus. This leads to bradycardia (slow heart rate).
  • IN in rare cases, mainly in older people, cracks in the intestinal mucosa and more serious injuries are possible.
  • There is a popular myth that a person who regularly uses an enema will no longer be able to go to the toilet on his own. Science does not confirm these speculations. In most cases, you can adjust your diet and return to self-cleansing.

Medicines to quickly relieve constipation

Let's consider what it offers us traditional medicine for emergency care at home.

Note! We are not talking about the systematic use of laxatives. Determine the causes of chronic constipation should the doctor. He will prescribe adequate therapy.

The laxative medications listed below are indicated for one-time use only when you urgently need to cleanse the intestines.

With chemical stimulation of the intestines


Strengthens peristalsis by acting on receptors on the colon mucosa. Drops are taken with a small amount of water.

  • The action is individual - after 6-10 hours.


Irritates intestinal receptors, increases mucus secretion. Can be used both orally (effective after 6 hours) and rectally (effective within the first hour).

Analogues: Laksatin, Laxbene, Dulcolax.

Glycerin suppositories.

When administered rectally, they irritate the rectal mucosa, which provokes reflex defecation.

  • They give fast action: from 5 minutes before the first urge.


Contains herbal extracts. They stimulate peristalsis and increase the volume, softness and weight of stool.

  • Effective within 6-12 hours.

The remedies listed are for short-term use only.

Read detailed instructions with a section on contraindications. And remember: long-term use is harmful to health.

With osmotic effect

Magnesium sulfate.

It has a double effect: it helps water remain in the stool and irritates the receptors of the colon.

Normacol enema.

Injected into the rectum, it increases the volume and weight of fecal matter and softens it. The drug is practically not absorbed by the intestines; its components are not absorbed or broken down.


Retains water in the intestines, causing stools to become heavier and softer. The drug is not absorbed by the body in any way and is completely excreted in the feces. Does not irritate or harm the intestinal mucosa.

Analogs: Macrogol, Forlax, Fortrans.

With prebiotic properties


A compound of galactose and fructose. It is not absorbed by the body and is not absorbed in the intestines. The substance liquefies stool, increases its volume, and also feeds beneficial bacteria.

In comparison with the drugs mentioned, lactulose is the most gentle remedy for overcoming constipation. There are numerous analogues: Duphalac, Normaze, Portalac, Romphalac, Laksalak, Livolyuk, Lactusan, Prelax.

The dosage should be select individually and build up gradually. Otherwise, already at the first acquaintance you will cause pain and strong gas formation along the intestines for at least a day.

If you do not need urgent cleansing in the next hour:

it's most logical to use average dose Lactulose (15-20 ml) or Macrogol. Take the drug in the evening. And in the morning on an empty stomach, drink any choleretic drink, for example, a glass warm water with lemon. And put a glycerin suppository to start bowel movements.

How to quickly get rid of constipation without medications

Fast and easy are flexible concepts.

  • If you need high-quality cleansing in volume within 30 minutes, scroll higher and read about correct procedure with a salt enema.
  • If you want to urgently go to the toilet on your own, then use glycerin suppositories and do not leave the restroom, being sensitive to the first urge to defecate. Unfortunately, according to reviews, the product may not work when used on its own.

If yours is “quick and easy, but without drugs” assumes at least a few days, then comprehensive recommendations should be followed.

You can start with an enema or take a laxative at night (for example, Gutallax). But at the same time actively switch to correct mode nutrition with fiber and liquid.

What to do over the next few days?

Firstly, the optimal drinking regime.

Start drinking 1-2 glasses of water on an empty stomach in the morning. Next, 1 glass of water before each meal - 20 minutes. Another glass - between meals. In total, you need to drink 1.5 liters of clean water per day.

Secondly, at the same time as water, include up to 20-30 grams of fiber in your food - at least in some form.

What can you eat?

  1. Wheat or oat bran, ground flax seed (buy whole, grind in a coffee grinder). Pour boiling water over two teaspoons or steep in kefir. Consume with food.
  2. Psyllium: Psyllium seed bran. They have a lot of soluble fiber, unlike their wheat and oat counterparts. Quantity - from 1 teaspoon. We've been using this one for many years.
  3. Apple pectin. Another option for concentrated fiber. It is very tasty and even children like it.
  4. Cabbage salads, preferably fresh or pickled. Stewed stews without potatoes from all types of cabbage with carrots and onions will also properly enrich the menu. And, you see, this is a very tasty treatment from the usual set of products.
  5. As for fruits, pay attention to dried samples (figs, prunes, dried apricots), as well as kiwi and avocado. (2 pieces - 5.5 grams of fiber!) and pleasant sourness for any salad. - very low carbohydrates, luxury healthy fats, vitamins, minerals and more than 6 grams of fiber per medium-sized fruit.
  6. Appreciate the variety healthy berries: blueberries, strawberries, lingonberries. Their fiber content is from 3 to 8 grams per 100 grams of product.
  7. “Fruit block” with prunes. Pour prunes (10 pieces) overnight cold water(1-2 glasses). In the morning, drink the infusion and eat plums. For breakfast, make coleslaw with other vegetables and fruits that are high in fiber.

Folk remedies for immediate effect

Here are some more effective alternatives.

Brine from under sauerkraut: 1 glass every 4-5 hours. Nutrition in this case is Diet 3.

Eat a salad at night raw carrots and apples. Season with oil, preferably olive oil. Chew slowly. Minimum proportion: 200 grams of root vegetables and 100 grams of apples. You can add pre-soaked dried fruits. Start your morning with any choleretic food intake. The simplest of them is to drink warm water (1-2 glasses) on an empty stomach immediately after waking up, in small sips.

Vaseline oil 1 tablespoon orally 2 times a day before meals - morning and evening. Diet 3 is also needed.

Mixture with buckthorn bark and senna grass. Attention! The preparations are not “harmless and natural”, but a full-fledged laxative, often with a complex effect. That is, both retention of fluid in the intestinal lumen and stimulation of peristalsis. Therefore, it is naive and dangerous to drink such infusions and decoctions with the hope of “without drugs.” Long-term use Without medical supervision, it will only worsen constipation.

Water and soda on an empty stomach- one of the most popular means V last years. The video below emphasizes important nuances for a folk remedy to get rid of constipation forever without drugs. However, in our opinion, it will not be effective against the background of the main mistakes in nutrition - lack of water and fiber in the diet.

Diet for constipation, massage and exercises

These are the favorite methods of those who are not ready to leave half their salary at the pharmacy for short-term relief.

  • Light massage and feasible physical exercise.
  • What to eat in the morning, afternoon and evening.
  • Features of effective fiber.
  • The treatment regimen followed by doctors when constipation is chronic. By the way, doctors are also not inclined to start with taking laxatives.

We hope you got the answers you needed to the question of how to get rid of constipation at home quickly and easily. Study the important things and be healthy!

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Constipation is enough unpleasant problem, which many are embarrassed to apply for professional help and try to cope on their own. The reasons for their occurrence can be very different, but in most cases it is not proper nutrition, nervous stress, sedentary lifestyle life. Delayed bowel movements have a negative impact on a person’s well-being and mood.

To treat constipation and restore regular bowel movements, many people often resort to use. They act fairly quickly, but constant use may cause addiction and disruption of the gastrointestinal tract. Besides, medications have contraindications and side effects. An alternative drug therapy is through nutritional correction, lifestyle changes and folk recipes. Before starting to use any methods to eliminate defecation retention, it is imperative to find out the reason that caused this condition.

Nutrition and drinking regime

Improper and irregular diet containing large quantities high-calorie, easily digestible foods, as well as a lack of fluid in the body are the most common causes of constipation in modern people. For normal operation intestines, coarse dietary fiber (fiber) must be present in the human diet. They are not digested in the gastrointestinal tract, but have the ability to absorb water in the intestines, thereby creating the necessary volume and consistency of stool and stimulating their movement through the colon.

Treating constipation at home should begin with changing your diet. This will help not only eliminate the already existing problem, but also to prevent its occurrence in the future. To increase the amount of dietary fiber entering the body, you can add bran to ready-made dishes. Your diet should include foods rich in fiber and that promote regular bowel movements, including:

  • flour bread coarse, Rye bread;
  • barley, buckwheat, oat and corn cereals;
  • vegetables, preferably raw;
  • greenery;
  • berries, fruits and dried fruits;
  • meat containing a lot of connective tissue;
  • freshly squeezed vegetable (pumpkin, beet, carrot, tomato, potato) and fruit juices.

To normalize intestinal function, fermented milk products should be present in the diet every day

For constipation, not only proper nutrition, but also drinking regimen is of great importance. A lack of water in the body leads to an increase in the degree of its absorption into the intestines and, as a result, to the formation of dry and hard feces. The total volume of liquid drunk per day, in the absence of contraindications from the kidneys or of cardio-vascular system must be at least 2 liters. Recommended mineral water without gas, green and herbal teas. It is advisable to consume these drinks before meals or 2 hours after meals.

Important: For constipation of any type, you need to eat often, but in small portions at approximately the same time every day. This regimen will contribute to the gradual normalization of intestinal function.

Physical activity

People who lead a sedentary lifestyle are at risk for constipation. Performing a simple set of exercises for the abdominal muscles every day for 15 minutes will help improve the motor-evacuation function of the intestine and normalize stool.
The following exercises are effective for constipation:

  1. While lying on your back, alternately pull up, pressing one or the other leg to your stomach, bending it at the knee.
  2. A quick step, standing still, with a high lift of the leg bent at the knee.
  3. Squats.
  4. Exercise “bicycle” while lying on your back.
  5. Standing on all fours, alternately inflate and retract your stomach.
  6. While lying on your back, slowly raise and then lower top part torso.

Regular walking, swimming, jogging, cycling or exercise on an exercise bike have a positive effect on bowel function.

Important: For constipation caused by spasms in the colon, intense physical exercise is not recommended, as it can provoke an even greater deterioration of the person’s condition.

Massage of the abdominal area can be used as a folk remedy for constipation. To perform it, you need to make clockwise circular movements with a warm palm, slightly pressing on the stomach. Then you can use your palms on both sides to make stroking movements from the ribs towards the pubis, only from top to bottom. The duration of the massage should be about 5 minutes. It should not be performed immediately after eating and with a full bladder.

Methods for treating constipation at home

There are various time-tested recipes for eliminating bowel retention problems at home. They are based on the use of various fruits, berries, fermented milk products, freshly squeezed juices and vegetable oils for constipation. Long-term use These drugs, despite their relative safety, are undesirable. Before starting to use the chosen method, it is advisable to consult a doctor to avoid possible negative consequences.

Important: Treatment of constipation at home is only permissible in the absence of organic pathology in the intestines and serious illnesses gastrointestinal organs.

Kefir-based recipes

Kefir has a good laxative effect for constipation. This accessible remedy at regular use helps improve bowel function and ensure regular bowel movements. It contains special enzymes that liquefy stool and enhance intestinal motility. In addition, regular drinking of kefir promotes reproduction beneficial bacteria in the intestines.

Kefir - effective remedy in the fight against constipation

The following recipes can help people suffering from constipation:

  • drink a glass of kefir with one tablespoon of vegetable oil at night; if there is no effect in the morning, treatment is continued in the following days until bowel movement occurs;
  • prepare a mixture of a glass of kefir and two tablespoons of bran, let it brew for 5 minutes and drink before bed.

Dried fruits have a pronounced laxative effect. For chronic constipation, treatment with these folk remedies It will not only be effective, but also quite tasty. To cleanse the intestines, raisins, dried apricots and figs are used, and they can be consumed either individually or as a mixture, as well as with the addition medicinal herbs.
The following recipes for constipation based on dried fruits are known:

  • a mixture of chopped dried apricots, raisins, prunes, honey, senna leaves and vegetable oil;
  • sweets made from equal quantities of figs and prunes with the addition of coriander;
  • decoction of oats and prunes;
  • a mixture of figs, prunes, raisins and dried apricots passed through a meat grinder; crushed senna leaves are added to enhance the laxative effect;
  • infusions of prunes and senna leaves;
  • decoction of dried apricots;
  • dried fruit compotes with apples.

Daily consumption of dried apricots or prunes in the amount of 2-3 pieces is a good prevention of constipation.

Vegetable oils

To eliminate the problem of constipation, vegetable oils are often used. They can be used internally or as part of solutions for. Oils have a laxative and choleretic effect, facilitate the excretion of feces due to lubrication intestinal walls. For constipation, depending on the severity of the condition, the following oils can be used:

  • sunflower;
  • pumpkin;
  • olive;
  • sea ​​buckthorn;
  • flaxseed

Sunflower oil for constipation, take 1 tbsp. spoon on an empty stomach for at least three days, gradually reducing the dosage. It is also useful to add as a dressing to salads and cereals. More valuable properties unrefined oil has benefits for the intestines. This remedy has virtually no contraindications and is absolutely safe when used in moderation.

Olive oil for chronic constipation, to prevent exacerbations, take 1 tbsp orally 1 hour before breakfast. spoon, washed down with glasses of warm water with added lemon juice. At long delay enemas with the addition of this remedy help to cleanse the intestines well. To prepare them, you need to mix 25 g of olive oil, one egg yolk and a glass of warm water.

Important: Olive oil has a strong choleretic effect, therefore it is not recommended to be consumed orally by people suffering from gallbladder diseases.


Some berries have a laxative effect, including rowan, gooseberry and lingonberry. For irregular bowel movements, the following remedies will be effective:

  • rowan syrup, for the preparation of which the berries are covered with sugar and left for 30 days, then the berries are squeezed out and alcohol is added to the resulting syrup (at the rate of 1 part alcohol per 20 parts syrup);
  • infusions of lingonberries;
  • gooseberry decoction;
  • fruit drinks and compotes based on rowan, lingonberry or gooseberry.

Rowan berries are effective in treating both acute and chronic constipation

Sometimes minor bowel retention can be successfully dealt with at home using improvised means that do not cause any harm to health. Assistants can be various oils plant origin, herbs and other “laxative” substances: dried fruits and berries, juices, dairy products, honey, cereals, bran.

What affects gastrointestinal function

The stable functioning of the gastrointestinal tract is influenced by many factors: a sedentary lifestyle, nutrition, diseases of internal organs.

If you have a sedentary job, try to exercise regularly and drink more often spoiled milk and other fermented milk products (kumys, ayran, yogurt, fermented baked milk, kefir). The following will help speed up intestinal contractions and prevent constipation:

  • cool drinks (milk, kvass, natural lemonade, ice cream are especially good);
  • salty dishes;
  • molasses, honey, lactose;
  • rye yeast bread, peas, vegetables with a high concentration of fiber (radish, celery, beets, pumpkin, turnips), fruits with skin, buckwheat;
  • plums, bananas, currants, avocados, apricots, apples, cherries;
  • tomatoes, sorrel, cabbage;
  • White wine.

If you experience constipation, you need to avoid or limit your consumption of foods that reduce peristalsis. You should be very careful with:

  • red wine;
  • hot drinks (tea, water, coffee);
  • rice and barley decoctions, jelly with starch, fresh flour products;
  • products containing tannin (for example, cocoa);
  • stringy types of meat (goose, duck, lamb, fatty pork).

Oils for constipation

If you have a question about how to get rid of constipation at home, look for oil. It is an excellent remedy solving problems with bowel movements. The effectiveness of oils lies in the fact that they are able to have a weakening effect by lubricating the intestinal walls and stimulating choleretic processes. The following oils help with intestinal stagnation:

Vaseline. It compares favorably with its analogues thanks to a special substance - liquid paraffin. Due to its environmental friendliness, it can even be used to cure constipation in children. After ingestion, the chemical stability of this oil does not allow it to permeate the walls of the gastrointestinal tract. Paraffin disperses along the walls and activates motor skills. Take 2 hours before or after meals (adults - 2.5 teaspoons, infants - 0.5 teaspoons, children and adolescents - 1-2 teaspoons).

You should drink it no longer than 5 days. Restrictions: infectious diseases abdominal cavity, ulcer or intestinal obstruction, pregnancy.

Linen. It has a gentle effect on the intestines thanks to omega-3 acids, vitamins and helps relieve constipation and improve immunity. Neutralizes saturated fats and is a natural lubricant that guarantees the absence of prolonged constipation. You can use it in different ways:

  • on empty stomach In the morning, drink a spoonful of oil with cool water. You can eat only after an hour;
  • before resting at night, take a mixture of oil, honey and natural yogurt. Honey and butter - 1 tbsp. spoon;
  • Stir a tablespoon of butter in chilled milk (0.5 cups). Drink - at night;
  • use as a dressing for dishes. The main thing is that the oil should not be heated.

Contraindications: gallbladder dysfunction, pregnancy, breastfeeding, pancreatic disease, taking certain medications or oral contraceptives.

Sea buckthorn. Helps with chronic and persistent constipation. Characterized by antibacterial and wound-healing properties. Just a teaspoon per day for a month will help eliminate constipation.

Contraindications: problems with the pancreas.

Castor. Active substances oils act on intestinal receptors and activate smooth muscle Gastrointestinal tract. You can drink no longer than 3 days at daily dose 30 g for adults and 10 g for children. It has an unpleasant taste, so it can be taken with tea or ginger infusion.

Restrictions: pregnancy, appendicitis, adhesive disease of the gastrointestinal tract, hypotension, premenstrual period women.

Pumpkin. Doesn't have special contraindications and is even recommended for pregnant women. Drink on an empty stomach (half an hour before meals) for 10 days.

Olive. If you need to quickly get rid of stagnation, it is recommended to do cleansing enemas. Ingredients: mix 6 teaspoons of oil with the egg yolk and add warm water. The enema should be done at night and left until the morning. The effect will be noticeable in the morning. For prevention, you can add oil to many dishes.

Contraindications: complications in gallbladder, individual intolerance.

Sunflower. Unrefined types are more effective. The oil should be drunk on an empty stomach (1 tablespoon) and only after an hour should you eat. For prevention - use as a dressing.

Should not be used by obese people.

Recipes from the people

For constipation, it is not necessary to take laxatives. You can replace them with folk remedies. Here are some tips on how to get rid of constipation at home:

  • At night, 2 hours after dinner, you need to do an enema. The next morning, on an empty stomach, drink a glass of salted cool water. You can have breakfast only after an hour. If you do these procedures for 3 days, the gastrointestinal tract will begin to work independently.
  • Boil well-washed plantain (to be picked in May) for 10 minutes in 2 glasses of water. The dishes should not be enameled. Drink the decoction throughout the day. Course - 30 days. This is an excellent way to prevent constipation. Repeat the next course in a year.
  • On an empty stomach, eat 1-2 persimmons (can be dried or fresh). If you take it for 2 months, you can get rid of chronic constipation.
  • Prepare onion tincture: fill 2/3 with chopped onions and fill with alcohol. Leave for 10 days. In the middle of the day, drink 10 drops of tincture.
  • To quickly get rid of constipation, before going to bed, you can drink a glass of warm rosehip decoction or eat 2 oranges.
  • In the morning, before breakfast, drink 2 glasses of salted water (1 teaspoon per glass). It also helps to eat 2 apples with the peel.
  • Brew 2 teaspoons of bran in 2 glasses of water. After they swell, eat the pulp.

With these folk remedies, without harm to the body, you can quickly normalize intestinal function and forget about constipation for a long time.

Urgent recipes

If you periodically suffer from constipation, you can prepare a special one in advance. herbal tea. The following tips will help you treat constipation at home:

  1. Eat prunes. It is able to make the intestines work. To normalize the process, you need to eat 3-5 berries. To avoid constipation in the future, it is enough to eat 2 prunes a day.
  2. Sauerkraut juice (200 ml) will help you quickly relieve constipation. If symptoms persist, drink cabbage juice need every 4-5 hours.
  3. Potato juice also helps a lot. You should drink 100 ml 3-4 times a day 30 minutes before meals for 2 weeks. Can be replaced with beet or radish juice.
  4. Grapes produce a strong effect. You need to eat it every day. You can drink the juice on an empty stomach in the morning, a glass at lunchtime and in the evening.
  5. Before resting at night, drink 180 ml of kefir. To enhance the effect, you can add 10 g of any vegetable oil. Drink in small sips.
  6. Add a spoonful of honey to a glass of clean cool water. Take in small sips in the morning on an empty stomach.

Whatever means you use, rest assured that they are all completely safe. But only if your body is completely healthy. Otherwise, seek help from your doctors.