How to treat swollen eyelids. Sticky, oily eyelids

Many people face the problem of eyelid swelling. It is indiscriminate and can occur in men, women, and children. The age of 30 is the milestone after which the likelihood of encountering it increases significantly. Swelling in the upper eyelid area can be caused by various reasons. It appears due to excess fluid accumulating in the deep layers of the skin. If it naturally has a loose structure, it weakens and swelling occurs.

Swelling of the eyelids spoils the appearance, making it tired and painful. Its appearance is a good reason to check your health, since swelling of the upper eyelid can signal dangerous pathologies. In such a situation, it is better not to try to get rid of the irritating defect on your own, but to consult a doctor.

Types of edema

Only by understanding why the eyelids above the eyes swell can you effectively eliminate the problem and avoid unpleasant consequences. Depending on the cause of swelling, experts divide them into 2 groups:

  1. Inflammatory.
  2. Non-inflammatory.

Swelling of the eyelids of inflammatory nature

Swelling caused by inflammation is easily recognized - the swollen eyelid turns red, touching it becomes painful. Itching or tingling may occur. These symptoms are often accompanied by fever. They can be caused by eye diseases:

  • conjunctivitis;
  • inflammation of the eyelids, accompanied by a purulent process (barley, boil, phlegmon);
  • pathology of the lacrimal organs.

During the inflammatory process, regardless of its location, blood vessels dilate, leading to the appearance of edema. If you find redness on the skin of your eyelids combined with swelling, you should not delay your visit to an ophthalmologist. The earlier a disease is identified, the easier and with fewer health consequences it is treated.

To determine the diagnosis, an external examination is sufficient for the doctor. If necessary, the specialist may prescribe additional studies.

Swollen eyelids in the morning

If swelling in the upper eyelid area occurs on its own, not accompanied by other symptoms (redness, itching, pain, fever), it is not associated with an inflammatory process. It is observed most often in the morning, disturbing not every day, but from time to time. In this case, not only the eyelids, but also other parts of the body may swell. The appearance of such swelling is caused by bad habits and lifestyle habits. Among them:

  • non-compliance with the drinking regime (drinking too much liquid, especially in the evenings);
  • love for salty, fatty and spicy dishes, smoked foods;
  • late dinner;
  • taking a hot bath immediately before going to bed;
  • chronic lack of sleep;
  • smoking;
  • incorrect posture while sleeping.

The answer to the question of how to get rid of the swelling of the upper eyelids caused by them is simple. A cooling compress will help with this, and a drink with a diuretic effect will rid the body of excess fluid.

Heart problems

If morning swelling above the eyes occurs frequently, turning into a pattern, and a person drinks water in the correct amount and without violating the regime, you need to consult a cardiologist. This is how pathological conditions of the cardiovascular system can manifest themselves.

Allergic reaction

Painless swelling of the upper eyelid of one eye sometimes indicates an allergic reaction. It is mainly caused by foods, pollen, components of cosmetics and medicines, as well as household chemicals. Excessive sensitivity to them can also lead to swelling, which in turn leads to complications in the form of eye diseases. The swollen skin is usually not red, but it is very itchy and itchy.

Unpleasant sensations disappear, you just need to eliminate contact with the substance that provokes them. Allergies occur due to decreased immunity when the body's protective functions are weakened. To prevent swelling above the eyes, people prone to it are recommended to take medications that normalize liver function.

The eyelids may also swell when wearing contact lenses. In this way, the body reacts to a foreign body by rejecting it. Swelling occurs when the lenses are incorrectly selected or due to individual intolerance to them. It is usually accompanied by profuse lacrimation and mucus discharge from the sinuses. In such a situation, the only way to eliminate it is to stop wearing lenses.


Another cause of swelling of the skin of the eyelids is a hereditary predisposition. If the membrane separating the subcutaneous tissue and the upper layers of the epidermis is naturally thin, its size decreases with age. Therefore, with any malaise, cold, prolonged runny nose, cough, overexertion, stress, swelling is observed above the eyes.


The eyelid may become swollen due to a mechanical injury that causes subcutaneous hemorrhage. It is not difficult to recognize such swelling. In addition to the fact that the injury cannot be ignored, the affected area will become bluish in color.

Swollen eyelids can also bother you after cosmetic procedures: after Botox or tattooing. So their delicate and thin skin responds to the very introduction of the chemical drug, as well as to its low quality or excess. Such swelling does not last long, a maximum of 1 day, but only when the procedure was performed by a qualified specialist, following all the rules.

Therefore, it is important to carefully choose a salon and a specialist, as well as familiarize yourself with the contraindications and side effects that his intervention may cause. If swelling of the eyelids persists the next day, you should visit a doctor. The drug could provoke an allergy, which is fraught with the development of inflammatory processes. In addition, there is such a thing as individual intolerance to Botox and tattooing.

Symptoms of eyelid edema

The appearance of the eyelid and the unusual sensations in it will help determine the beginning of swelling. You need to be wary if:

  • the skin changes its natural color (reddens, turns pale, appears cyanotic);
  • there is a feeling of tension;
  • the skin becomes thinner and its surface begins to shine;
  • blood vessels become clearly visible on it;
  • a rash appears in the form of small dots;
  • the palpebral fissure decreases until it closes completely;
  • touching the eyelid is painful;
  • parotid lymph nodes are inflamed;
  • palpation reveals that the tissues around the eyes have become dense;
  • the skin itches, tingles, there is a burning sensation or irritation.

Prevention measures

If the problem of swelling of the upper eyelids of one or both eyes occurs frequently, you will need to first eliminate its causes, which may be external. Doctors advise:

  • get rid of bad habits and revise your lifestyle. Smoking and frequent alcohol consumption weaken the body, reduce its resistance to infections, and as a result of disease and inflammation, the skin above the eyes swells;
  • spend less time at the computer, get enough sleep, provide the body with regular physical activity, and strengthen it;
  • avoid stress and overwork;
  • eat right, give up strict diets;
  • reduce the amount of salt consumed;
  • ensure that the body receives all the minerals and vitamins it needs;
  • observe drinking regime;
  • visit the solarium less often (maximum 2-3 times a month);
  • increase immunity. Its reduction increases the risk of contracting colds, which can cause inflammatory processes in the mucous membrane of the eyes, and from them it will not take long before the development of edema of the upper eyelid. In advanced cases, you will have to take antibiotics to eliminate it;
  • control blood sugar;
  • comply with hygiene and safety regulations;
  • drink diuretic herbal mixtures from time to time;
  • be careful when coming into contact with insects. If the right or left eye is damaged by their bite, the swelling usually subsides within one day. If the upper eyelid still bothers and itches, you can lubricate it with special creams;
  • do not abuse medications. With prolonged use, eye drops and ointments can cause allergic dermatitis, causing swelling;
  • carefully study the composition of cosmetics before using it. In women, swelling of the eyelids is often associated with the use of products containing many harmful chemical components. It is better to choose natural hypoallergenic formulations and throw away cosmetics that have already expired.

If none of the listed reasons explains the appearance of swelling, you should consult an endocrinologist with questions about why the upper eyelids swell and how to relieve unpleasant symptoms, and women may need to consult a gynecologist before the start of the menstrual cycle. They can be provoked by hormonal imbalances.

Treatment options

Swelling on the eyelids is treated in different ways. But you shouldn’t try to get rid of them yourself by washing your eyes with herbs or soda. This can cause serious complications. A specialist should decide how to quickly and effectively relieve disturbing swelling in the upper eyelid area, based on the reasons for its occurrence.

Read also: Nasolabial folds: types, causes, procedures

For allergies, he may prescribe special medications or the application of creams or ointments that eliminate itching and stop the inflammatory process. When the swelling of the upper eyelids subsides, doctors recommend adhering to a special diet based on vitamin-rich vegetables and fruits. It will help consolidate the achieved results.

If the swelling around the eyes has the character of fatty hernias, it will not be possible to get rid of them without the help of a plastic surgeon. Only a highly qualified and experienced doctor should remove these defects, then the operation will not leave any unpleasant consequences. There are effective cosmetic procedures that help relieve swelling from the upper eyelid:

  • lymphatic drainage massage of the temple area;
  • mesotherapy;
  • electrical stimulation;
  • dermotonia.

They have a profound effect on the skin, improving cellular metabolism and stimulating blood circulation. As a result, swelling subsides and the likelihood of its reappearance is significantly reduced.

If swelling appears due to inflammation, complex therapy will be required, which includes:

  • taking medications (antibiotics, antivirals, painkillers);
  • physiotherapy;
  • washing.

Swelling, which is a consequence of the injury, will require, first of all, its treatment with special compounds in order to prevent infection and further treatment of the affected area of ​​the skin. Ice is often applied to them.

Secrets of our grandmothers

Our ancestors also thought about how to remove swelling from the eyelids. In the treasury of folk wisdom there are many proven remedies that help get rid of swollen eyelids at home. But they can only be used as an addition to treatment prescribed by a specialist after identifying the cause of the problem. Effective in the fight against edema:

  1. Parsley. All parts of the plant will be used: rhizome, leaves, seeds. They eliminate inflammation and have a diuretic effect. A decoction of parsley is prepared by taking 4-5 roots of the plant. They are finely chopped and a liter of water is poured into them. Add chopped parsley and 2 tbsp to the container. l. sugar, they put it on the stove to simmer. The fire should be very slow. After 30 minutes it is turned off, and the resulting broth is cooled. During the day you need to drink 1.5 glasses, dividing them into 3 doses.

There is another recipe using dry parsley. 2 tbsp. l. raw materials are ground into dust. After adding a glass of boiling water, simmer the mixture for 15-20 minutes, then filter. Take a tablespoon 4 times a day.

  1. Flax-seed. It has antibacterial and diuretic properties. To 4 tsp. flax seeds add a liter of water. After boiling the mixture for 15 minutes, cool it and take ½ cup orally three times a day. The composition does not need to be filtered; flax grains will also have a beneficial effect on the body. If desired, it can be diluted with juice or compote. Drink it for 30 days.
  2. Carrot. It provides anti-inflammatory, diuretic, laxative, carminative effect. Carrots are used to prepare puree soup, in which ginger root is also added.
  3. Herbal teas. To reduce swelling, it is recommended to brew a mixture of linden flowers and mint leaves.
  4. Fresh cucumber. It is cut into circles, which are applied to problem areas for 10-15 minutes.
  5. Lotions made from sage, chamomile, horsetail, mint, green and black tea.
  6. Compresses from grated potatoes (boiled and raw).
  7. Peach and strawberry puree.
  8. Masks based on dairy products - sour cream, cottage cheese.

Just 10 minutes - and the natural components of the composition will refresh the skin, remove swelling and restore the face to its former beauty.


There are many cosmetic products on the market that can be used in the difficult fight against swelling of the eyelids. Of these, the following have proven themselves well:

  • gel against bags under the eyes Dioptigel from Lierac;
  • Hydraphase Intense eye cream from La Roche;
  • gel from Clarins - Gel contour des yeux;
  • phytogel with targeted action against swelling Phyto-gel Eye Contour Gel-XT, manufacturer - Gellcosmet;
  • gel cream from Uriage - Isolift Eye Multi-active Contour Care;
  • mask with lifting effect from BelKosmex;
  • lifting cream from Avon.

If the skin above the eyes swells frequently, it is worth performing a full medical examination. This way the body can signal systemic disturbances in its functioning. It is important not to ignore these alarm bells, but to be alert in time. This will help avoid serious health problems, eliminate swelling faster and prevent it from occurring again.

Practicing cosmetologist. Higher medical education. Author of this site. The beauty of the skin excites me both as a specialist and as a woman.

An effective remedy for restoring vision without surgery or doctors, recommended by our readers!

You can often encounter such a phenomenon as swelling of the upper eyelid of one eye, the causes of which can be different. The disease can be with inflammation, without an inflammatory process, or reactive, which appears suddenly and for no apparent reason. Swelling of one eyelid most often does not provoke serious consequences, but at the same time it indicates some kind of concomitant illness and causes great discomfort to the victim.

Possible causes of the condition

Swelling of one eyelid may be the result of an infectious, viral or allergic eye infection. The phenomenon can also occur due to internal diseases. Most often, edema of the 1st century is inflammatory in nature and is manifested by pain on palpation, severe hyperemia, induration, and local elevated temperature.

The inflammatory process in the eyelid can be caused by colds, ailments of the paranasal sinuses, as well as various eye diseases. For example, quite often swelling of the eyelid is accompanied by diseases such as conjunctivitis, barley, various types of blepharitis, iridocyclitis, ciliary demodicosis, eyelid hernia and other eye diseases. In case of inflammation of the eyelid, it is necessary to consult a doctor as soon as possible, since the process can worsen even to the point of an abscess. Treatment of such edema may be accompanied by antibiotics, as well as UHF therapy.

If there is swelling of the upper eyelid of one eye, the causes are mainly an allergic reaction of the body. Such an allergy can be caused by low-quality eye cosmetics, eyelid skin care products, insect bites, dusty environments, or plant pollen. Sometimes allergies in the eyelid area are provoked by eye drops. This type of edema is usually treated with antihistamines.

Non-inflammatory edema of the eyelid (also called passive edema) is largely a consequence of diseases of the internal organs. For example, the condition may be caused by kidney disease or cardiovascular disease, severe hypothyroidism, or impaired lymphatic drainage. Symptoms of swelling are observed to a greater extent in the morning. In this case, swelling almost always appears in the lower eyelid. It is also worth noting that in internal diseases, swelling is always bilateral, so a symptom on only one side is rather an exception. Swelling of the lower eyelid is often the first signal of internal ailments, so you should immediately consult a doctor.

Another reason for swelling in one eye is injury. Usually this condition is also accompanied by a hematoma, since small vessels often rupture during a blow (bruise). If there are no deeper injuries, then the swelling caused by the injury goes away on its own within a short time and does not require treatment.

In women, eyelid swelling may be a consequence of permanent eye makeup procedures. Typically, this condition after this event is normal and goes away within two days. However, if along with the swelling there is also pus, then it is necessary to urgently contact an eye specialist.

A very harmless reason for the formation of swelling in the eyelid area is an uncomfortable posture during sleep. A person falling asleep and waking up on the same side may notice slight swelling of one eyelid.

Swelling of the eyelid can also occur due to the individual structure of the eye. In some people, the symptom appears with age, when the thin membrane located between the skin of the eyelids and the subcutaneous tissue is unable to retain fluid in the tissue.

Main signs

If the swelling of the eyelid is caused by inflammation, then the following symptoms are noted:

  • swelling;
  • redness;
  • pain when touched;
  • increased tissue density;
  • increased skin temperature.

With this swelling, the upper eyelid of the eye is mainly affected. Interestingly, people over 30 years of age most often suffer from this disease.

Allergic swelling can appear on both the upper and lower eyelids. The reaction from the allergen appears immediately or after a short time. Distinctive features are:

  • painlessness;
  • itchy sensations;
  • burning sensation;
  • pallor (sometimes cyanosis) of the skin.

In individual cases, in addition to the characteristic symptoms, other signs may be noted: irritation, general weakness, low-grade fever.

Reactive edema that occurs suddenly and for no reason generally indicates an allergic reaction. This condition mainly speaks of Quincke's edema or, as it is also called, angioedema. The condition is characterized by limited or diffuse swelling, which can move to the cheek and go down below. The victims do not experience any painful sensations as such. Patients may complain of tissue tension and severe itching. Being an immediate reaction, Quincke's edema disappears on its own after a short time. However, in the presence of an allergen, such swelling of the eyelid can periodically recur or become more severe, involving other membranes of the eye and mucous membranes of the body. Treatment involves eliminating the allergen, as well as using antihistamines and corticosteroid drops.

The degree of swelling of the eyelid after tattooing depends on a number of factors:

  • quality of the pigment used;
  • depth of injection;
  • pain relief method;
  • thin, dry epidermis;
  • individual tendency to edema;
  • allergy to the pigment used;
  • addition of infection.

If the quality of the pigment used is poor, irritation and allergic reactions accompanied by swelling of the eyelids are quite likely. Symptoms include redness, enlargement of the eyelid, and itching. There are often cases when sloppy tattoo artists neglect the rules of disinfection, resulting in swelling of the eyelid with signs of pain. The woman herself can become infected if she does not follow the rules of hygiene after the procedure. In this situation, a visit to the doctor is required. In most cases, if you follow the tattooing technique, the slight swelling goes away within one to two days and no treatment is required.

Diagnosis of the provoking disease

If one eye is swollen, you must, without wasting time, contact a medical practitioner. The ophthalmologist determines the severity of swelling, the location of its concentration and other symptoms to identify the cause. The diagnosis is most often made immediately by visual examination. The exception is those types of edema that are caused by internal causes. In this case, the ophthalmologist sends the patient for additional examinations with the involvement of doctors such as a cardiologist, endocrinologist, nephrologist, surgeon, etc.

Attention! Regardless of the reasons, self-medication is unacceptable. Do not try to use various folk remedies, warm compresses, massage and other actions without finding out the reason for the enlargement of the eyelid. Using such methods, as well as various medications and ointments based on hormones and antibiotics, you can seriously harm yourself.

How to eliminate eyelid swelling

Treatment of the disease begins with an accurate diagnosis. All treatment steps are determined by an ophthalmologist or other specialist if the cause is internal. If the sign of swelling is caused by an allergy, then the patient is prescribed desensitizing agents, for example, antihistamines. Hormonal drugs are often used for the best effect. An important measure is to eliminate the allergen.

In case of inflammation, antiviral or antibacterial medications are prescribed. In addition to internal medications, medications for external use may be prescribed at the same time. Physiotherapy procedures, as well as measures for washing the eyes with antiseptic solutions, are very effective.

If the causes of swelling are organ diseases, then the doctor first of all prescribes optimal therapy for the internal organ itself. That is, having eliminated the main cause, the signs of swelling also disappear.

Swelling caused by disturbances in sleep patterns, diet, and drinking habits easily go away on their own or can be treated with home methods. For example, you can treat it with a light massage using ice cubes or by applying peeled fresh potatoes to the eye. Treatment with tea lotions helps well: you can use black, green or chamomile tea.

Enlargement of the eyelid due to poor lymph drainage is treated with lymphatic drainage. For this purpose, the method of electrical stimulation is used, which perfectly restores lymph exchange, normalizes blood circulation, as well as metabolism. Subcutaneous lymph nodes are stimulated using electrodes that conduct low-frequency electrical current to the nodes.

Swelling caused by a fatty hernia is usually eliminated surgically. To do this, you need to visit a surgeon and get the appropriate referral. The manipulation is carried out by a plastic surgeon, removing excess fatty tissue. After the event, all unpleasant symptoms disappear, and the look is significantly refreshed.

What not to do

  • Heating the inflamed area;
  • Squeezing out an abscess or piercing exudative edema;
  • The use of decorative cosmetics during signs of illness.

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Anyone can have swollen eyelids. This attack bothers some people regularly, while others only occasionally. The causes of swelling of the eyelids are varied, so treatment must be individualized. In some cases, traditional methods help very well, in others, only medications are effective. Massages are suitable for some. But it is best not to relieve swelling, but to prevent it. How to remove swelling from the eyelids, and what to do to prevent them from appearing again?

Swelling of the eyelids is accompanied by symptoms:

  1. Change in skin color. It becomes bluish, red or pale;
  2. Tightness causes the skin to be under tension;
  3. The skin becomes thin and shiny;
  4. The saphenous veins dilate;
  5. A rash may form on the eyelids in the form of small dots;
  6. When touched, pain is felt up to the eyelid;
  7. The eyelids are swollen, so they look enlarged;
  8. The lumen of the palpebral fissure decreases or closes completely;
  9. The tissues around the eyes become denser;
  10. The swelling area is itchy.

Usually, swelling of the eyelids goes away on its own, but this can take several hours or even a whole day. They take a particularly long time to go away if the tissue around the eyes is additionally swollen. It happens that the whole body swells. Then you can’t count on quick relief from swelling.

Causes of swelling of the eyelids

The reasons may be as follows:

  • Pathological processes in the organs of vision or breathing are predominantly inflammatory in nature;
  • Regular lack of sleep or non-compliance with sleep and rest schedules;
  • Bad habits: smoking (active or passive), drinking alcohol;
  • Excessive consumption of salty foods;
  • Drinking plenty of food and drinking before bedtime;
  • Insufficient protein content in the diet;
  • Prolonged exposure to ultraviolet radiation;
  • Hormonal imbalances;
  • Insect bites on the eyelids or area around the eyes;
  • Mechanical damage to eye tissues with hemorrhage in them;
  • Stagnation of lymph or venous blood in tissues;
  • Congenital anomalies of the anatomy of the eyelid;
  • Treatment with drugs from the following groups: antibiotics, sulfonamides or salicylates;
  • Increased intracranial pressure;
  • Shortly before your eyelids became swollen, you had your eyes tattooed;
  • Allergies (to food, pollen, dust, wool, drugs or chemicals).

Treatment for puffiness in the eyes is selected depending on the cause that caused it. All reasons can cause only three types of edema:

  1. Allergic swelling of the eyelids, or membranogenic (caused by the body's response to an allergen);
  2. Hydrostatic (caused by fluid retention);
  3. Hypoproteinemic (caused by a decrease in protein content in the blood).

You can get rid of allergic edema in two ways: eliminating contact with the allergen or drug therapy. Hydrostatic swelling is treated with diuretics, massages, gymnastics and many other methods. What to do if your eyes are swollen due to low protein content? Then it will take a lot of time to change your lifestyle and eating habits.

Important! If swelling appears every morning, even if you lead a healthy lifestyle, be examined for chronic diseases of the urinary, endocrine and cardiovascular systems.

Folk remedies against swollen eyelids

Eye masks for swelling are considered one of the best remedies:

  • Grate the potatoes and wrap the mixture in gauze. Apply the mask to your eyes for 15 minutes.
  • Cut slices from cucumber or potato taken out of the refrigerator. Place the circles on your eyelids and keep for up to 10-15 minutes.
  • Beat in the chilled chicken white and apply the foam to your closed eyes and the area around them. But be careful: if you pull a facial muscle while the protein has already dried, deep wrinkles will be visible. Therefore, during the procedure, just lie down for 15-20 minutes. If you manage not to move your face, then wrinkles, on the contrary, will decrease due to the tightening effect of egg white.
  • Grind a bunch of dill and one potato in a blender. Apply the resulting mixture to the eyelids and area around the eyes. Keep for 20 minutes. Then rinse off.

How to quickly remove swelling without masks? Compresses will help with this:

  • Brew 1 tablespoon of finely chopped parsley in 200 ml of boiling water. Soak cotton pads in the cooled broth and apply to your eyes.
  • You can also brew: chamomile, sage, oak bark, lingonberry leaf, birch buds.
  • Strongly brewed black tea is excellent as a compress.
  • Cold milk is suitable for removing puffiness from the eyelids. Soak cotton pads in it and apply to your eyes.

Advice! Instead of a compress, you can make lotions from medicinal bagged herbs or black tea. Just note that it should not contain any food additives, including flavorings. Simply brew the bags until their contents swell. Then cool and apply to your eyes for 10-15 minutes.

An effective remedy for swelling of the eyelids is ice cubes. It is better to always have them in stock. You can freeze not only water, but also mineral water, as well as tea and decoction of medicinal herbs, juice squeezed from vegetables and fruits. Wrap an ice cube in a handkerchief and rub it over your eyelids and around your eyes. You will notice how the swelling quickly subsides. But do not keep the ice in one place for a long time, so as not to chill your vision. Otherwise, there is a high risk of developing an inflammatory process.

Important! Compresses and ice dry the skin, drawing moisture out of it, as well as from the tissues whose swelling you tried so hard to remove. This may cause wrinkles. To protect your skin from premature aging, use a special cream after the procedure.


How to get rid of swelling of the eyelids without spending a lot of time? In this case, you need eye drops. It is better if a doctor selects them, since all drops are different:

  1. For swelling from overstrain of the organs of vision, drugs that imitate human tears are indicated: Ultra Systane, Pure Tear.
  2. For allergies, hormonal drops containing dexamethasone or hydrocortisone are prescribed.
  3. For inflammatory diseases of the conjunctiva and cornea, drops with an antimicrobial or antibacterial effect are indicated: Sofradex, Sulfacyl Sodium.
  4. A swollen eye due to barley is treated not with drops, but with antibacterial ointments: tetracycline or chloramphenicol.

Medicines eliminate swelling almost instantly. Additionally, they relieve redness and make the look fresh and cheerful. This is especially important for women who always want to look perfect.

Massage and gymnastics

Massage, which has several nuances, will help increase the outflow of intercellular fluid and improve lymphatic drainage:

  • The skin around the eyes and on the eyelids is greatly stretched under mechanical stress. To prevent wrinkles from appearing, it is necessary to use a product that increases slip.
  • Usually cream is used for massage. But when kneading the eyelid, it will easily get into the eyes and cause irritation. Therefore, instead, it is better to use chilled boiled water with the addition of a small amount of honey (a quarter of a teaspoon per 100 ml).
  • Wet your fingers in the liquid constantly.
  • First, tap your fingers under the lower eyelid, moving from the outer corner of the eye to the inner corner.
  • Then gently stroke your upper eyelids in the same direction.
  • Slowly move to kneading the skin around the eyes.
  • After the massage, apply eye cream.

Treatment with spoon massage is also effective. You need to do it like this:

  • Cool two spoons. You can put them in the freezer, or you can fill the container with ice and dip spoons into it from time to time.
  • Alternately apply spoons to different places around the eyes and on the eyelids. Do not leave for longer than 1-2 seconds, otherwise you will freeze the organ.

Gymnastics against edema:

  1. Close your eyes and hold your breath on the third inhalation, then exhale sharply, opening your eyes wide. Repeat 5 times.
  2. With your eyes closed, gently massage the skin from the wings of your nose in a straight line to your temples. Movements should be gentle, smooth and circular.
  3. Make a half-closed look. In this position, make circular rotations with your eyeballs 10 times in each direction.
  4. Extend your finger in front of you at a distance of 30 cm. Look at it for 5 seconds, first with both eyes, then with your right, and then with your left.
  5. Place your fingers on your temples and blink quickly. Repeat 3 times, then let your eyes rest in a semi-closed state.

Gymnastics for the eyes not only eliminates swelling around them, but also helps improve or maintain vision.

Prevention of eyelid swelling

If you are predisposed to edema, then it is better not to treat it, but to prevent it. To do this:

  • Maintain personal hygiene to avoid infection in your eyes;
  • Be treated in a timely manner for infectious diseases of other organs so that inflammation does not affect the eyes;
  • Refrain from contact with sick people;
  • Eat right: a minimum of salty, smoked, alcohol, sweet and starchy foods. More lean meat, vegetables and fruits, cereals. Try not to eat at night or drink a lot;
  • Lead a healthy lifestyle: sleep at least 8 hours a day and give your eyes rest. Give up bad habits;
  • Avoid contact with allergens or take antihistamines and vasoconstrictor eye drops.

Now you know how to remove swelling from the eyelids, and what you need to do to prevent their appearance. But do not forget that the skin around the eyes is very delicate and is most susceptible to the formation of wrinkles. Therefore, perform all procedures with it carefully, and then protect it with a special cream.

You may encounter a problem such as drooping upper eyelid not only women aged 40-50 years, but also very young girls.

This may be due to heredity or individual characteristics of appearance.

The drooping eyelid forms a deep fold, the corners of the eyes look drooping, appearance becomes sleepy and tired, those around you can observe a sad expression on a girl or woman’s face, although she is not upset by anything.

This unpleasant phenomenon can be observed among representatives of the fair half, who lost a large number of kilograms of weight, for example, after significant weight loss.

Unpleasant fold formed by drooping eyelid serves as a barrier for applying cosmetics on the eyes. It can become clogged with dirt and remnants of cosmetics used to care for the skin around the eyes.

Almost every girl or woman would like to eliminate this minor but unpleasant defect. Is it possible do something on your own to solve this problem?

You can learn how to properly do eye makeup with drooping eyelids from our guide.

Is it possible to get rid of it without surgery?

How can you get rid of drooping upper eyelid?

When visiting a plastic surgery clinic, a girl or woman will receive fast and long lasting results. The specialist will perform an operation called blepharoplasty.

Although the operation is quite simple, and any experienced plastic surgeon can perform it efficiently, there is a number of negative consequences.

This the operation cannot be performed those women who have problems with the thyroid gland, suffer from diabetes and cardiovascular diseases. In addition, after such an operation, the shape of the eyes may look unnatural, and the effect of stretched skin may occur.

You can try to get rid of the impending eyelid at home, using cosmetics and folk remedies.

To do this, you need to use tightening products that are designed specifically for thin eyelid skin.

In addition to cosmetics, masks and compresses, you can perform simple massages and special exercises.

Store-bought ointments and creams

How to tighten up without leaving home? There are a lot of creams and ointments, the manufacturers of which promise customers an instant effect. Listed below are the most effective products, the price of which corresponds to their quality:

Moisturizing and tightening cream, which is applied to the skin of the eyelids using a roller. Saturates cells with moisture and fights the initial signs of aging.

Important advice from the editors

If you want to improve the condition of your skin, you should pay special attention to the creams you use. A frightening figure - 97% of creams from well-known brands contain substances that poison our body. The main components due to which all the troubles on the labels are designated as methylparaben, propylparaben, ethylparaben, E214-E219. Parabens have a negative effect on the skin and can also cause hormonal imbalance. But the worst thing is that this nasty stuff gets into the liver, heart, lungs, accumulates in organs and can cause cancer. We advise you not to use products that contain these substances. Recently, experts from our editorial team conducted an analysis of natural creams, where first place was taken by products from Mulsan Сosmetic, a leader in the production of all-natural cosmetics. All products are manufactured under strict quality control and certification systems. We recommend visiting the official online store If you doubt the naturalness of your cosmetics, check the expiration date; it should not exceed one year of storage.

Recipes for tightening masks

How to remove drooping eyelids at home? Recipes for masks against drooping eyelids:

  1. Close your eyes as hard as you can. Sharply open your eyes and make a couple of circular movements with them.
  2. Raise your eyebrows as much as possible, close your eyes for 2-3 seconds. Open your eyes, and only then lower your eyebrows. Repeat.
  3. Use your middle, ring and index fingers to pull your eyebrows upward as much as possible. Pull them slightly towards the ears. Blink your eyes quickly for 5-10 seconds.

Contraindications and frequency of use

Those with dry and sensitive skin, as well as those with allergies, should avoid potato compresses and masks.

Cucumber mask and aloe mask should be used no more than 3 times a week if your skin is dry and prone to redness then 1 time per week. If the skin is too thin and light, it is better do not use parsley, which has a whitening effect.


Approximately 80% of girls and women who used the masks and compresses listed above noted that the upper eyelid became more elastic and rose by 1-2 mm per month of regular procedures.

Those girls and women who practiced exercises and massage every day noted that the skin has become smoother, fine lines and wrinkles have become less noticeable. About 75% of people noted the effectiveness of such actions.

In order to get rid of a drooping upper eyelid in a short time, you need to systematically perform simple exercises and periodically apply effective creams and homemade masks.

Proper nutrition and drinking 1.5-2 liters of clean water per day will enhance the effect of using these remedies.

Firming mask recipe to get rid of drooping eyelids in this video: