How to aim straight at a sau. Principles of playing artillery in World of Tanks (WoT)

Among all the existing classes of military equipment in the popular arcade world game of tanks, ART-SAU or artillery can be classified as a rather specific technique, which has its own characteristics and gameplay. SPGs have weak armor and shoot at the entire map, with the exception of tanks low levels, causing significant damage to tanks. Despite the simple controls, playing the SaU is quite difficult and you need to take many aspects into account. Each class of military equipment must perform its own tasks, helping its team win in difficult tank battles. Therefore, if you decide to try your hand at this class of armored vehicles, let’s look at how to play self-propelled guns in world of tanks.

Features of the game on self-propelled guns

It is worth noting that the players’ opinions on this class of combat vehicles are far from unambiguous. Many tankers have a negative attitude towards the presence of artillery in the team, call artillery leaders “single-button” and consider this class to be imbalanced. At first glance, it may seem that playing self-propelled guns is quite simple. You just need to take an advantageous position, wait for enemy tanks to light up, press one button and deal damage. Indeed, if you take self-propelled guns of high levels, then even the most armored tank, which falls under artillery fire, without having time to hide behind cover, can easily go into the hangar with one shot or, at least, lose large quantity units of strength. But, like any other class of military equipment, by playing art you can achieve results and even benefit your team, but to achieve real mastery, you need to know how to play art in world of tanks.

Techniques for playing self-propelled howitzers in WoT

The main feature of SPGs is that they can deal damage from long distances, providing firepower and support to their team fighting on the front lines. To deal damage from a distance, players use a special artillery scope. With a successful hit, you can kill an enemy tank with one shot, cause significant damage to it, and disable crew members and modules. But you have to pay for high damage with a long reload and accuracy. In addition, artillery is a very vulnerable class of equipment and can benefit the team until the moment it is exposed, in case the allies do not allow fast LT-sheks or STs to leave their base. And this is not to mention the fact that if the outcome of the battle is unsuccessful, art in in rare cases manages to survive, being left without cover at the end of the battle.

Position selection

The first thing you need to do at the beginning of a battle when playing on an ART-SAU is to take an advantageous position from which you can fire in all directions of the map. You also need to take into account that up to level 5-6, artillery cannot inflict damage on tanks on the entire scale of the map, so you need to choose the optimal place for artillery fire, preferably in the lowlands, behind the bushes. A good position at the same time should hide the tank from enemy light. To shoot in all directions, there should be no mountains, buildings, large rocks or any other obstacles in the line of fire in front of the tank. On many maps, the most convenient places for art are located near your base.

Having taken an advantageous position, do not forget to move to another place after the shot, since experienced artillery gunners know very well where your tank may be and can calculate the location of the tank using tracers. Therefore, for safety reasons, even if you were not exposed, try to change your location as often as possible, rolling forward or backward while the gun is reloading. For the same reason, if there are two or three allied artillery in a team, you should not crowd everyone in one place, positioning yourself in one position. This will make it much easier for the enemy to identify you. It is best to take positions in different corners of the map.

You need to change your position if your allies are pushing through some flank and the artillery sight is not enough or does not shoot through it. In this case, you need to quickly move to a more advantageous position to benefit your team. Even if the opponents are hiding behind cover, feel free to change your position to lure them out and be able to deal damage. You also need to change your location if the enemies have broken through one flank and you will soon find yourself discovered. There is no need to be a hero, it is better to quickly change place and continue fighting from a different position. Therefore, always look carefully at the mini-map.

Target selection

Since self-propelled guns have a long aiming and reloading time, especially starting from the fifth and sixth levels, you need to choose the target very carefully and shoot only when fully aiming. otherwise, you will knock off the track, cause minimal damage, or miss the target at all. It is best to shoot at immobilized enemy tanks at the moment. when the enemy tank is “on the gusle”, the engine has failed. when mixing. Also, slow heavy tanks or clumsy tank destroyers will be excellent targets for artillery. But it’s quite difficult to destroy light tanks or dynamic tanks that are in motion, especially on high levels. Therefore, target those standing behind cover or slow tanks. To keep the aim steady, you can hold down the right mouse button or “X”, depending on the control settings.

If allied players discover enemy artefacts, assess the situation. Do not forget about the long aiming, most likely your help will not be needed, you will just waste the projectile and time for the next reload. Always look at the map and choose convenient targets. To deal maximum damage to well-armored tanks, aim to hit the roof of the armored vehicles. If everything goes well, even one shot will be enough. to send the enemy tank to the hangar. Always take into account the distance to the target and the time of flight of the projectile if you plan to shoot ahead.

If an allied tank is fighting the enemy one-on-one, for example, a slow AT is being “twisted” by a nimble firefly or ST, always mark the target so as not to accidentally cause damage to a player on your team. Marking the target is also necessary so that the allies can see which tank will be fired at, and will try to knock down the enemy’s track or incapacitate crew members. This will also be a signal for allied artillery.

When playing artillery, in most cases use high-explosive fragmentation shells, which, in addition to tangible damage, have a “splash”. Landmines hit not just one point, but a small area at the point of impact. High-explosive shells most often crit modules and incapacitate crew members, which in turn greatly weakens the strength of opponents, increasing the chance of victory for the allied team.

We hope that by learning how to play artillery in WoT, you will achieve mastery, enjoy playing this class of armored vehicles, and benefit your team. Happy fighting on the battlefields!

As already mentioned, artillery is considered by many “respectable tank crews” to be something of a necessary evil. It seems annoying, and it seems like you can’t do without it... Firstly, you can literally play self-propelled guns with one hand, and with the other you can leisurely sip tea and cookies. And secondly, even after the start of the battle, you don’t even have to drive far, exposing yourself to shells, just sit in the bushes near the base and wait for the next fat enemy to be spotted in order to send him a good gift in the form of a landmine or two. Fortunately, the guns are not deprived of damage either - self-propelled guns can easily destroy almost any target with one hit.

However, the “art” also has disadvantages, including, at a minimum, a long reload time and extremely thin armor (in most cases). Therefore, like it or not, like it or not, the team has to take care of its self-propelled guns, since without any artillery it is very difficult to have an advantage over the enemy.

1. Don't get into trouble. Artillery is not a tank. At the forefront of the battle, it will be taken down before you can say the word “one-shot.” Sit on the edge of the map and don't lean out.

2. Get into a comfortable position. Most often, the best location for self-propelled guns is a corner of the map not far from the base. Preferably one where there is a hill so that it can be shot through as much as possible most of cards.

3. Follow the progress of the battle and the minimap. In World of Tanks there is a “flash” for a reason, and “art” is not able to look at the battlefield from above for the sake of beautiful views. Follow the progress of the battle and shoot first of all those who are difficult to take out with one shot from a regular tank: TT, ST and tank destroyers. And if one of the enemies came to “visit” you - RUN, as you would run from the husband of your mistress who suddenly returned. Or hide.

4. Is the enemy close? Direct fire! The enemy is close, but has not seen you yet? Press Shift to exit howitzer mode, aim at the enemy, press RMB to capture the target, and then... give him that very “one-shot” from the harm of direct fire!

5. Not sure? Do not shoot! Wasting official shells is not only bad, it’s also ineffective! Remember that your gun takes a long time to reload, and during this time you can always miss a good chance to knock out a particularly tasty and plump tank of the enemy team. It’s better to wait for this chance for another second than to “hit” for luck.

6. Keep anticipation in mind. The guys from Wargaming did their best and made “real” projectiles in the game that actually fly through the air. This is not for you Counter Strike: GO, where enemies are killed by crosshairs and the sound of a shot. Similar to real ballistics, in World of Tanks, there is a lead - the expected position of the target by the time the projectile arrives. Therefore, if you are going to “bomb” the other end of the map, then estimate how far your target travels during the flight of the projectile (up to 3 seconds). This will be the approximate value of the lead.

7. Shoot a land mine between enemies. Instead of wasting extra shells on each of the enemy tanks and unnecessary time on reloading, it is better to send a high-explosive fragmentation “handsome” directly between two or more nearby adversaries. Everyone will be affected.

8. Sometimes you can shoot blindly. If you still have a lot of ammunition, and you notice how someone invisible has knocked down a tree, damaged a building, or even fired... Urgently send a shell there! The enemy will be surprised! Even if you don’t hit him, you’ll most likely drive him away from a secluded place, and your allies won’t be far off.

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Thanks for reading!

This class of equipment is disliked by many players for allegedly being too simple game process. Heavy tanks suffer from artillery fire, often not being able to defend against it. This article will help you better understand some of the nuances of playing artillery in World of Tanks. It will be useful primarily for beginners; it is unlikely that experienced art practitioners will get anything useful out of it.

Let's look at the most common misconceptions that a tanker encounters when playing art:

  • Arta is a simple class of technology.
  • Artha doesn't do anything.
  • It is impossible to drag on art, nothing depends on it.
  • There are maps where the art is useless.
  • It's boring to play on art, very dull gameplay.

Is Arta a simple class of technology?

Definitely no. Of course, the gameplay itself is not difficult, just point the mouse at the target, aim and shoot. In some situations you will have to take the lead, but it’s not that difficult.

To play on art you need to know all the routes, possible positions of vehicles on the map, player behavior and much more. A newcomer to the game will hit the target very rarely. The artilleryman must first of all understand the psychology of behavior of players in random games. different types technology. It's not easy at all.

Arta doesn't do anything?

How often have you come across a Mouse or IS-4 at Himmelsdorf, which single-handedly pushed through a banana? On every map and in every situation there is a technique that feels more comfortable than others, and to prevent it from overly dominating the game there is artillery.

For example, have you often dreamed of driving a Soviet medium tank at El-Hallouf? Or dance by the lake on Malinovka? I'm sure often. It is almost impossible to knock out such tanks without artillery. And the presence of at least one in the team will no longer allow the enemy to stand and unimpededly reflect the shells of your comrades.

Is it possible to drag on art?

The answer is clear - yes, it is possible, but not always. As you know, the behavior of a projectile in the game is determined by a randomizer and it is completely unclear where it can fly to this moment. All that depends on the player is guidance and reducing the possible chances of getting into the milk.

Again, a lot depends on the setup and the map you end up on. Team composition is very important, since many tanks are not so afraid of artillery due to their speed. The map is no less important and will be discussed in the next part.

Are there maps where the art is useless?

We can absolutely say that no. There are maps on which the usefulness of the art is not high, these include Paris, Industrial Zone, Kharkov and Himmelsdorf. Art is really difficult on them, but there is a nuance: tanks on such maps feel quite protected, since they are located on closed area. If you find successful shooting holes where you can throw a projectile, the effectiveness of your actions will increase several times.

At Himmelsdorf, for example, the angle of flight of the projectile is of great importance; the higher it is, the easier it will be to throw the projectile over the smooth walls of houses.

Is it boring to play art? Dull gameplay?

Of course, everyone has their own gaming preferences, but the gameplay on it cannot be called dull. Any tank needs to move, and it depends on the presence of tanks on the line. Arta shoots through the entire map. Top cars converge quickly enough to react quickly to light. If you are on heavy tank If you go to an empty line, then the gameplay in this case will be much more boring.

Is it possible to get a good rating on artillery?

No you can not. A very random class of vehicles, even top artillery leaders have relatively low statistics.

What do you need to know to start playing art?

First of all, it is not recommended for beginners to start leveling up the SPG branch. First, you will have to find out the points where artillery usually stands to fire. The second equally important thing you need to know is the enemy tank movements. This is necessary to know where to go at the beginning of the battle.

What mods will help when playing art in World of Tanks?

Their variety is not very great:

  • A sophisticated Sword of Damocles sight. Shows a lot useful information, such as projectile flight time, firing range, the strength of your tank, the number of shells in the ammunition rack, and so on.
  • Battle Assistant allows you to see the trajectory of a projectile, making it possible to throw it under roofs or bridges.
  • An additional server sight will help you know exactly when the gun is at 100%, this will allow you to avoid a miss in some cases.
  • Horizontal angle limiters.

In fact, the “Sword of Damocles” is not very useful; the only unique indicator that helps in battle is the projectile’s flight time. However, over time, you will intuitively learn to identify it yourself.

Battle Assistant is much more useful and without it, playing art is almost impossible. This mod is completely legal and, like the previous one, you cannot be banned for it. It weighs just under 70 KB and is easy to find on the official forum. You can see the screenshot above.

An additional server sight is needed if you are used to playing with a client sight and if you play on other types of equipment. The fact is that the server crosshair is not smooth and often twitches, which annoys many players. If you only play artillery, then you can not download this mod, but simply enable the server sight as the main one. In the screenshot below, green dots represent the client sight, and purple dots represent the server sight.

A mod showing the limitations of horizontal aiming is very useful, since not all self-propelled guns have a turret. When you turn your body, your aim scatters a lot; it’s good to know exactly where you can move the mouse and where you shouldn’t. Also, when taking positions, turn on movement blocking.

What are the best perks to get on art in World of Tanks?

A “light bulb” is a must, as with all equipment, but instead of repairing it is better to take a disguise, in most cases the repair will be useless to you. The “combat brotherhood” perk also works great.

What equipment is best to put on art in World of Tanks?

If you play on equipment with a closed wheelhouse, then it would be a good idea to install a fan. And since reloading and aiming speed are the main parameters of this type of equipment, reinforced drives and a rammer are ideal. On equipment with an open wheelhouse, you can install a camouflage net; this can save you from exposure.

Which artillery branch is best to upgrade first?

There are two answers – Soviet and American. Having pumped out the artillery of the USSR, in any case you will get very good device in the person of ob. 261. However, before that, you still have to suffer and suffer, the whole branch is very inconvenient and complicated. The American T92 is not that good due to its very low accuracy and not everyone will like it. However, leveling up to it is much more comfortable. The M40/M43 and M53/M55 vehicles are the best at their level.


It's definitely worth playing art, even if you haven't tried it before. you will open new world in your favorite game. Soon, perhaps, this class of equipment will be remade and you will have the opportunity to experience it as it is now, in a nerfed but still playable form.


While playing World of Tanks, you have probably encountered the fact that even perfect aiming, that is, combining the crosshairs of the sight and the enemy tank, does not provide a 100% guarantee of hitting and causing damage. This happens due to a number of reasons: the enemy tank could be on the move or at a great distance, you could hit an obstacle or not wait for complete aiming, finally, your projectile may simply not have enough power to penetrate that part of the hull enemy tank that he hit. To ensure that there are as few such annoying incidents as possible, you need to learn how to aim correctly.

Most, with the exception of self-propelled artillery units (SPG), have two aiming modes: arcade and sniper. In the first, you look at your tank from above and behind, you see what is happening around, but aiming in this mode is extremely difficult and inconvenient.

Sniper mode is designed specifically for precise aiming, as it simulates optical sight with 1-2-3x magnification, which allows you to point the gun at a vulnerable part of the enemy tank even from a great distance. The artillery mode of the self-propelled gun is a top view of the battle map with an indication of whether your shell reaches the enemy tank or not. Regardless of the mode, the aiming rules are the same.

Try to wait for complete information with the target. The greater the spread of your shells, the wider the range of information. For long-distance sniper shooting, it is better to choose those guns that have this parameter at a minimum. If you get a tank with an inaccurate gun, it will be better to choose a closer shooting distance.

Targets must be targeted proactively. Depending on the distance to the enemy and his speed, this lead can range from 0.5 to 2 tank hulls. Naturally, an unpredictable opponent can change the direction of movement at any moment, so try to predict his further actions so as not to waste projectiles.

Be careful: the enemy tank may be completely or partially hidden by an obstacle. Obstacles in the game include buildings, cars, hulls of damaged tanks, stones, some types of fences, and folds in the terrain. Experienced tankers rarely expose the entire tank hull, using obstacles to protect vulnerable parts of their vehicle.

The game has an auto-aim feature, which you can turn on by pointing the gun at an enemy tank and right-clicking, but it is better to aim manually, since auto-aim does not provide good accuracy, but rather just helps maintain the direction of fire.