How to switch to proper nutrition forever. Prepare your own meals

At the request of readers, I present my vision of the list of harmful and healthy foods, as well as the sequence of transition to a healthy diet, which I have successfully tested on myself.

Following it, I managed to lose 20 kg and get rid of a number of chronic diseases (this has been written about). If you also decide to change your life, take care of your own health, start eating right.

Stage 1. We refuse food waste. We switch to home-cooked food.

First of all, give up everything that contains preservatives, dyes, substitutes, harmful nutritional supplements, trans fats, excess salt, overcooked butter, etc.
These are carbonated drinks, fast food, canned food, all kinds of snack bags (chips, nuts, crackers, corn sticks etc.), store-bought sweets (sweets, cakes, cookies), glazed cheeses and curd masses, store-bought sausage, store-bought hard and processed cheeses, cereals and pasta instant cooking(those that are simply poured with boiling water), ketchups, mayonnaise.

Consumption food waste and wellness, and in general healthy image lives are incompatible. Stop buying death in bags!

We replace the above nasty things with dishes homemade, compotes, jam, home canning, homemade sweets and pastries, cottage cheese without additives, meat, lard, fish, soft cheeses (brynza, mozzarella, etc.), homemade boiled porridge, homemade sauces. We lean on vegetables, fruits, herbs. Read how to easily wash and dry greens.

We exclude store-bought juices from our diet and start drinking fresh juices instead. It would be nice to have a juicer for vegetables and fruits. I talked about mine in the article.

Stage 2. Improving the quality of homemade food

Since at this stage we eat mainly homemade food, then we begin to thoughtfully evaluate the ingredients and pay attention to proper preparation.

We replace fried meat, fish, and potatoes with boiled, baked, steamed ones.

We try to eat less fat. Significantly limit salt, sugar, vinegar.

We eat only freshly prepared salads, seasoned with unrefined vegetable oils.

We try to buy homemade milk, not store-bought milk: milk, cottage cheese, sour cream. About myself I will say that taking advantage of the fact that we live in rural areas, We for a long time kept a goat and enjoyed delicious milk and homemade white cheese (until we move on to the next stage, you can read about this).

We prefer beef to pork, and poultry to store-bought poultry.

We buy fresh eggs (up to 7 days they are considered dietary, if further storage the content of useful things decreases in them).

We refuse yeast baked goods, products made from white refined flour and - attention - fresh baked goods. We try to buy yeast-free, coarse bread, ideally thin pita bread.

Porridges made from whole grains are better than porridges made from polished, crushed, processed grains.

We try to buy high-quality fruits and vegetables, untreated for long-term storage with paraffin, gases and all sorts of rubbish.

Stage 3. We consume water correctly and do not overeat

We monitor the amount of food consumed. We don’t “get drunk.” When the food is very tasty, it is difficult to stop on time. But it's important. I advise you to read about this topic.

We monitor the amount of clean water consumed () and the intake regimen.

One female doctor I know Chinese medicine To my surprise, she diagnosed me with dehydration even after I had been drinking at least 1.5 liters a day for three months. It turns out that I did it wrong (about half a liter three to four times a day) and the water was not absorbed by the body.

The doctor taught me to drink water throughout the day in small sips: one or three sips at a time. To be honest, at that moment I did not have time to listen to the explanations. Therefore, I haven’t figured out why you shouldn’t drink two sips or, for example, four... But I don’t “bother” and drink three sips. It seems to help. 🙂

Even if you stop after the first three stages, the health benefits will be significant and tangible. The results, as they say, will be obvious. But it is better to go further on the path to recovery.

Stage 4. We try to make our food healthy

We minimize food of animal origin (leave no more than 20% of the diet). For those who want to get rid of a number of chronic diseases, we give it up almost completely.

We completely refuse milk and all dairy products. This is a very important move for those who want to improve their health. Dedicated to this topic.

We try to eat vegetables raw (we avoid stewing and canning), and if possible, with skins. At the same time, we give it to seasonal vegetables typical for our region.

We prefer sprouted wheat and other grains to boiled porridge. We introduce a variety of nuts into the diet.

We give up sugar completely. We eat honey very rarely. We refuse salt.

We don’t drink tea, coffee, or compotes. We only drink clean water. Many people structure it. The Internet is full of recommendations for structuring and other ways to improve water. I don't have it here personal experience, so I can't comment. Our water is good, from our own well. It only has to be passed through a filter that removes iron.

Stage 5 – for “advanced”. Separate meals, or better yet, mono-eating

We refuse to use vegetable oils(even the first spin).

We stop mixing incompatible things in one meal: proteins with fats, proteins with carbohydrates, fats with carbohydrates. I will discuss this topic in detail in a separate article.

The ideal situation is to switch to monoeating (when only one product is consumed at one meal). Now I try to stick to this type of diet, but it doesn’t always work out. I’ll also write about monoeating later.

Whatever stage you are at, friends, do not forget to please your body with systematic physical activity. Movement is not just useful for a person, it is necessary! Read how to train yourself to exercise daily.

Perhaps I forgot to write something. If anyone wants to add something, I will be glad.

More and more research continues to link the development of many serious illnesses with poor nutrition.

Eating well can significantly reduce your risk of developing cancer or heart disease, which are among the leading causes of death worldwide.

A healthy diet can have a positive impact on both brain function and physical performance. Turns out positive effect to all cells and organs.

If you play sports or physical training, That healthy eating, without a doubt, is very important in achieving the desired results.

Balance of calories consumed and used by the body - key factor weight control and healthy eating.

If you control the portion sizes of food you eat, you are more likely to avoid overeating.

Even though natural food It is much easier to overeat than processed foods, however, it is possible.

If you have accumulated a lot of excess food and are trying to lose weight, then controlling the size of your food portions is especially important for you.

There are many fairly simple strategies for this.

For example, you can use smaller plates and take less food the first time. And come back for more no earlier than 20 minutes later.

Another popular method is to measure portion sizes using your hand. A standard serving should contain approximately a fistful of carbohydrates, ½ a fistful of protein and ½ a fistful of thumb"healthy" fats.

Every person interested in the topic of losing weight knows at least, from three to five diets.

He tried some of them personally, others were told about them by those around him. Diets can be based on different products and principles, but what they have in common is this: they don’t work.

We think like this: “I eat a lot and get fat, so I need to eat little and I’ll lose weight”!

Unfortunately, this logic does not work as well on the body as we would like.

The fact is that throughout our history as a species, evolution has come up with complex biological processes that have one goal: to survive at any cost.

The body stores fat whenever possible and useful material, fearing hunger.

This is due to the fact that humanity relatively recently began to live in an industrial world, where food is, in principle, sufficient and available to 95% of the population.

The body simply did not have time to rebuild.

Often diets do not help get rid of extra pounds

Here it is - the cruel truth. On average, losing 1 kg on the scale, you remove 700 grams of muscle and only 300 grams of fat.

Nutrition should be balanced

As a result, your body composition becomes even worse than before. And that's not to mention feeling unwell, loss of strength and irritability that usually accompany these measures.

This is how the body signals the danger of hunger.

Go to proper nutrition begins with the realization that the very principle of eating food needs to be changed and restrictions are reasonable only in measured quantities.

Need to change internal installations, and this is difficult, because from childhood we are instilled with: “bread is the head of everything”, “first, third and compote”, “until you finish, you won’t leave” and so on.

To eliminate subsequent breakdowns, explain to yourself once and for all why you need to lose weight in the first place.

Don't be surprised, this is very important. If the initial goal is not solid, we guarantee that you will not get out of the “lose weight - gain weight” wheel.

The first three weeks will be the most difficult in your new lifestyle.

Do you want to lose weight once and for all? Decide why you need it!

Keep in mind that achieving what you want is not easy and there are always obstacles on the way to achieving your goal. There are many of them and they are significant.

Because if you try to eat only the right products and at the same time losing weight for the sake of someone, and not for yourself, then your fuse will not last long. This is a bad motive.

Are seeking best results those who work on themselves for the sake of personal health. Especially if there is no way back.

When either illness or slimness lies ahead, the choice is obvious.

Find the right motivation for yourself

There are many stories of diabetics losing weight dramatically or people with third degree obesity learning the basics of proper nutrition.

And then, inspired by their own results, they continue to achieve success and heal themselves.

Anyway don't wait similar situation, be healthy now, and if you're already there, it's time to take matters into your own hands!

No matter what anyone says, everyone likes slim people with healthy skin color and good appearance.

They, in turn, always move up the social ladder faster; we want to be like them. Living proof of this is the endless programs about the lives of movie stars or musical Olympus.

Fans admire the stars. And they try to look even more attractive, clearly realizing that their financial position and success.

In the end, those who eat often but little win.

If one or more of the motivations on this list resonate with you, you are more likely to achieve your goals.

Agree, food takes most our life, we are 100% dependent on it, therefore the most persistent goals must be set before us.

This will help you develop self-discipline, willpower and move to a new level of life.

Give up unhealthy foods at least for a while and very soon you will begin to think differently

To begin with, you should give up everything that stands in the way of achieving a slim body.

This is the hardest part, but stick with it for 21 days and it will get easier.

Tip: Use calorie calculators to avoid overdoing the amount of food you eat. It's easy to gain weight with fruits.

Losing weight will be much easier if you pay attention to correct selection products and consume enough components necessary for life.

Junk food will have to be replaced with healthy food

Proteins are an important component of our body.

These are the amino acids from which our muscle fibers, internal organs, hair, skin.

Due to the use of these substances, gradual restoration of cells occurs, which is why athletes lean so heavily on protein.

In addition, it dulls the feeling of hunger for a long time. The minimum amount per day is 50–60 grams, but it is better to rely on individual needs (two grams per kilogram of live weight).

Carbohydrates are a source of energy. Here you need to be especially careful, because excess energy will certainly be deposited in the sides and stomach. Since we have already given up sugar, we will replace it with a small amount of sweet fruits and candied fruits.

Don't forget about fiber, it frees the intestines from feces and pus, accumulated mucus, improves metabolism and promotes weight loss.

Fiber is found mostly in vegetables, but don't eat them in the morning.

Go to the market and buy dried fruits and nuts, let them be indispensable residents in your kitchen. Every time you think about a breakdown, think about what you will become if you go through this difficult path. After that, reward yourself with dried apricots!

How to start eating right is a question that worries many today. The popularization of a healthy lifestyle and careful attention to our body has made us more responsible in terms of choosing the products that end up on our table. Another thing is that all this sounds good only in theory.

In fact, an irregular work schedule, weekly meetings with friends at the bar, skipping meals and the need to snack on the run force us to put off a healthy lifestyle until better times. But we know what to do: this material contains everything you need to know to switch to proper nutrition.

Maintain balance

The best diet is a balanced diet. That is, you should consume enough fat, protein and carbohydrates, eat 4-5 times a day and keep your portions small. Do not deny yourself pleasures, but replace store-bought desserts with yoghurts with fresh fruit, homemade granola ( cereals+ honey + nuts) or smoothie with banana.

In addition, try to cook yourself, but do not resort to delivery services and fast food products - this way you will not be able to control the amount of oil and salt used.

Watch your calories

Calories are the energy contained in food. The more active image life you lead, the more significant the calorie content of your diet should be (and vice versa). The number of calories you need per day also depends on age, gender and certain characteristics of the body, including pregnancy, breastfeeding and a number of chronic diseases. Here are the general rules:

Women and older people - 1600-2000 calories per day;

Active women and less active men - 2000-2400 calories per day;

Active men - 2400-3000 calories per day.

You don't have to count every calorie you eat; it can turn healthy eating into an unpleasant chore and forever discourage you from trying again. But if you have a rough idea of ​​the calorie content of each dish in your diet, this will help you learn to formulate healthy menu without additional effort.

Listen to yourself

Nutritionists say that if you are just starting your journey to proper nutrition, it will be useful to adopt a “trick” that is typical for children. Thus, young children eat only when they are really hungry and stop when they feel full.

Adults tend to ignore these signals: we continue to eat even when we do not feel hungry (for example, when we are bored, cold or sad). This, in turn, threatens overeating, breakdowns, and in the long term, loss of the ability to notice satiety signals and the risk of obesity.

Remember that:

Hunger- this is when you want to eat something. The body sends a signal to the brain indicating that the stomach is empty and blood sugar levels are low. Symptoms of hunger may include slight stomach cramps or rumbling. A person is able to ignore hunger for a while, but the longer this continues, the less able to concentrate on anything other than food he becomes.

Saturation- this is a feeling of satisfaction. Saturation occurs when the stomach sends a signal to the brain that it is satisfied, and you can rest assured about your well-being for 3-4 hours.

Appetite- this is the desire to feel the taste of food, as well as the pleasure that we get from our favorite dishes. Appetite is usually associated with the senses of sight and smell, as well as thoughts about food.

Add variety

Eating a variety of foods will help you get all the nutrients you need without resorting to supplements like vitamin complexes. Let's remember that our body needs a balance of proteins, fats and carbohydrates in order to receive enough energy for work and rest. It is these elements that help our heart beat, our muscles function normally, and our brain stay active.

Best sources of nutrients:

Unsaturated fats: olive and rapeseed oil, nuts and fatty fish;

Carbohydrates: whole grain, fruits, vegetables, legumes (peas, beans and lentils) and low-fat dairy products;

Lean Protein: all types of fish, skinless poultry, dairy products and legumes;

Add to this minerals (so you shouldn’t give up salt, but you should reduce the amount) and water (you need to drink at least two liters of water a day).

In addition to nutrients, food also contains other elements that are extremely important for health:

Fibers that help control blood sugar and cholesterol levels, and are also responsible for normal work intestines. They can be obtained from whole grains, vegetables, fruits and nuts;

Phytochemicals - active ingredients plants that can counteract cancer cells;

Antioxidants, also found in fruits and vegetables, protect cells from damage caused by free radicals.

Remember moderation

Moderation is the key to healthy and balanced diet. If your favorite foods are high in fat, salt, sugar or calories, limit the amount or look for healthy alternatives.

Due to the fast pace of life, people began to forget what proper nutrition is. And because of light snacks and junk food Not only does health deteriorate, but life is also shortened. And so every person modern world should know where to start with proper nutrition and what foods should make up a healthy diet.

Proper nutrition: where to start?

Nutritionists identify two ways to switch to a gradual change in diet and a quick refusal bad habits and transition to proper food. It is difficult to say which of these methods is more effective and less stressful for the body, since each of them has its own disadvantages and advantages.

Of course, you can try one method first, if nothing works, then resort to the second. But first you need to decide on your desires and needs and ask yourself whether you need it and whether you can give up junk food. If you yourself don’t want to eat right, then no matter what method you choose, it will be difficult to achieve the desired result.

In any case, every person should have the right one. Give up one harmful product. For example, if you drink several cups of coffee or several liters of soda a day, then you should give up such a drink. Besides, you have to want to do it, you don’t need to test your psyche. As practice shows, a person himself can give up coffee on the second day, and his psychological subconscious will want to drink the drink for several more years.

Collateral good health is proper nutrition. Where to begin? First you need to give up something lighter, something that you rarely eat. For example, you only drink coffee in the morning or only eat flour on holidays - you should start giving up junk food with these foods. And gradually the thought will come to your subconscious that it’s time to give up all harmful foods.

It is worth noting that you need to reduce your sugar intake or completely remove it from your diet, as it is harmful to humans.

Changing breakfast

Have you decided to switch to proper nutrition? Where to begin? When you have managed to give up at least one unhealthy product in your diet, it’s time to move on to the next step. It's time to change your breakfast; in the morning you need to have a light snack with fruit.

In general, it is advisable to eat only fruits in the first half of the day. And after a few days from such nutrition you will feel a surge of vigor, intelligence and Have a good mood. If you hold out like this for at least a few days, you are unlikely to want to eat cereal or a sandwich.


After your body gets used to fruits, it's time to introduce vegetables into your diet. And what do you need to eat? fresh vegetables, ideally if they are collected from your own garden. But unfortunately, no matter how much we want it, all year round You won't be able to enjoy homemade vegetables.

Vegetables can be combined with porridge, meat, eggs and fish. In such a diet, a vegetable salad lightly seasoned with olive oil will not be superfluous.

Don't limit yourself to just one meal

If you want to switch to a healthy lifestyle at all, you need to learn how to combine proper nutrition and exercise. Where to begin?

In order to exclude from the diet harmful products, in the center of your table should always be healthy fruits and vegetables, which should become your diet.

You need to sign up for a gym, start to harden up, tidy up your hair, go for a massage, start reading. By the way, it is in books that you can learn about the benefits of proper nutrition and how fast food and soda have a detrimental effect on a person.

If you have started to adhere to proper nutrition, then you should not go with an empty stomach to cafes and bars with girlfriends. After all, when you are hungry, healthy eating is not at all important to you; the most important thing for you is to satiate your stomach.

Proper nutrition: menu

How to switch to proper nutrition? Where to begin? Creating a menu is not at all easy. Food must first of all be balanced. If you have started eating right, then you should prepare yourself for the fact that your diet will now include the following dishes and products:

  • Cereals: buckwheat, rice, millet, oats.
  • Protein-rich foods: meat, poultry, legumes, dairy, fish, cheese, eggs.
  • Healthy foods: fruits, vegetables, herbs, berries.

Power scheme

It is quite difficult for a person to switch to proper nutrition. How to start eating right? You need to understand for yourself that you need to eat according to the plan, that is, three times a day: breakfast, lunch and dinner. It's about about main meals, but you can have snacks 2-3 times a day.

How to switch to proper nutrition? Where to begin? You need to start your morning with foods that contain complex carbohydrates. After breakfast, before noon, you need to give yourself a sweet snack of dried fruits or honey. You can also indulge yourself a little with sweets, but only those that you have prepared yourself. You can also eat nuts, cottage cheese or fruits.

For lunch you need to eat fiber and carbohydrates. It could be porridge, vegetable salad or lean chicken for these dishes. It is recommended not to eat carbohydrates for dinner. You can eat meat, cottage cheese, legumes, vegetables, eggs.

Throughout the day you need to eat as many greens as possible.

Grocery list

When you go to the store, you need to make a list of products that you should buy. This is necessary so that, while wandering around the store, you do not throw harmful goods into your cart. After all, this situation often happens to everyone: you come to the store only for bread, and leave it with two bags.

As practice shows, the most healthy products are those that have a yellow, red or green tint. Of course, this characteristic is more suitable for fruits and vegetables.

Your list should not include canned goods and soda, which people most often buy for their own pleasure. You should not eat canned fruits and vegetables, as they are completely unhealthy.

Drink water

In order to start eating right, you need to drink a lot of water, at least two liters a day. In order to control the amount of fluid you drink, you should keep a diary. But you need to drink water only when you are thirsty; you shouldn’t force yourself to drink liquid because you have to. You should drink it slowly, enjoying every sip.

It is worth noting that you should always drink water when you are thirsty. But it is not recommended to wash down food. It is worth noting that it is best absorbed by the body cool water. Of course, it must be clean. Drinking water from the tap is strictly prohibited.

Where to start with proper nutrition for weight loss?

Due to the fact that a person does not want to give up junk food, not only his health suffers, but also his figure. After all, if you constantly eat fatty, starchy and sweet foods, you can gain a couple of kilograms very quickly. And therefore, people who want to overcome excess weight, first of all, you need to switch to proper nutrition.

Where to start eating right to lose weight? It is worth noting that the menu of a person losing weight should be varied. You must adhere to the following recommendations:

  • The food should have enough proteins.
  • You need to eat cereals regularly.
  • It is worth eating dairy products. But if you are already many years old, then their consumption needs to be reduced.
  • You should eat fruits and vegetables every day.
  • You should not exclude fish from your diet.
  • Food must contain fats of vegetable origin.
  • You need to stop drinking alcoholic beverages.
  • Sugar should be replaced with a sweetener and try to use salt in minimum quantity. Initially, the food may seem tasteless, but gradually you will discover new tastes. You should also avoid seasonings and acidic foods, which can provide negative impact on the body.
  • You need to play sports.

In fact, it’s not at all difficult to start eating right; you just need to overcome yourself and develop the willpower to say no to fast food and junk food.

The right path to beauty and health is proper nutrition. However, giving up your favorite buns and burgers is not so easy! In addition, the transition to PN is invariably accompanied by a restructuring of metabolism and work gastrointestinal tract. BeautyHack shares the secrets of switching to proper nutrition.

On the way to the cherished goal

  1. Eat breakfast yourself. In winter, with a lack of sunlight, waking up in the morning is especially difficult. The consequence of this is skipped breakfast and a double portion of calories at lunch.

If you ignore your morning meal, reduced performance during the day is guaranteed. So start your journey to healthy eating with a daily breakfast. And if waking up in the morning when the alarm rings seems like an impossible mission for you, put it where your hand can’t reach - you’ll still have to get up to turn it off.

  1. Don't give dinner to the enemy. Dinner is the same mandatory meal as breakfast. Many PP adherents urge not to eat after 18.00. However, nutritionists say that this rule is not entirely true and the last meal should be three hours before bedtime.

Skipping dinner can cause bad sleep and eating breakdowns at two in the morning. Another thing is that it must be correct. Eat more plain protein for dinner, pairing it with vegetables (ideally: half raw vegetables, half steamed). The latter should be twice as much as the protein product.

  1. "Dear Diary". Start food diary. A regular notepad is quite suitable for these purposes. But if writing is not your option, download an application with a user-friendly interface. Write down in your food diary not only all the foods you eat during the day, but also plan your menu for the coming week - this way you will have every chance of not eating too much.
  1. Balance. Healthly food does not imply giving up carbohydrates and fats, as some people think. Proper nutrition is the daily maintenance of a balance of BJU (proteins, fats, carbohydrates) in a ratio of 1:1:4 for an adult. If you are exercising, your fat percentage should be reduced to 0.7, due to hypoxia (lack of oxygen). Complete refusal from lipids or carbohydrates can cause serious illness.
  1. Rule 5 servings. American scientists conducted studies involving more than 830 thousand people, during which it was found that increasing the consumption of vegetables and fruits significantly reduces the risk of cardiovascular, cancer and other diseases. Recommended daily norm- 5 servings. Vegetables and fruits are rich in fiber, which removes toxins from the body and improves the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract. Start by adding fruit to your cereal in the morning. Then replace the side dish with a salad and don't forget about snacks! But remember that fruits are high in carbohydrates, so you shouldn’t load up on them at dinner.

  1. List. Make it a habit to make a grocery list before every trip to the store. This will save you not only from extra costs, but also from extra calories in your grocery basket. Think through the menu in advance! Otherwise, some of the products may be useless.
  1. The simpler the better. Avoid complex dishes. One meal should include no more than 4 ingredients, otherwise the food will become a serious burden on the stomach. How simpler dish, the faster and better it is digested. Wherein daily diet should be varied: mono-diet and PP are different things.
  1. Simple scheme. We are sharing a simple and, most importantly, universal scheme for proper nutrition. Breakfast: complex carbohydrate+ protein. First snack: nuts, whole grain bread, dried fruits or cottage cheese. Lunch: proteins + carbohydrates + fiber (for example, salad from one type of vegetable, buckwheat and chicken breast). Second snack: proteins + a small amount of carbohydrates (1 apple, for example) Dinner: fiber + protein.

Don't forget that everything needs to be done gradually. If just yesterday you ate fried potatoes, washing it down with cola, do not expect that you will immediately begin to enjoy baked vegetables - your taste buds and gastrointestinal tract need to adapt to new mode work. Start with proper breakfast. After a week, replace the complex side dish. Drink one more glass of water every day. And don't forget about snacks and menu planning.