How to put on lenses first. Safe use of lenses

Popova Marina Eduardovna

Reading time: 3 minutes


Once you decide to use contact lenses, you will be faced with the question of how to put them on. This is a simple procedure, but it can be difficult to do for the first time.

Reflexive closing of the eyelids and fear of injury to the eye will hinder you. After reading this article, you will learn how to prepare so that your first lens fitting is successful.

How to put on lenses for the first time?

For a clearer understanding of the entire sequence of putting on lenses, consider this simple step by step instructions (it is suitable for all types of lenses: colored, for farsightedness, for myopia, etc.). You can read more about each point below in the article.

  • Be sure to wash your hands;
  • Remove the product from the package with special tweezers so as not to damage it;
  • Check the product for external defects;
  • Make sure you put the lens on the correct side;
  • Install the lens and make sure your eyes are comfortable and your vision is clearer.

The first and most important thing to do before putting on contact lenses for the first time to avoid infection, before touching the optical product or eye you need to wash your hands.

It is best to use soap with neutral acidity for this. Lather your hands thoroughly, paying attention to the spaces between the fingers and nails. Before putting your lenses in for the first time, rinse them well and dry them with a towel. Make sure there is no lint or soap left on your fingers.

Taking the product out of the packaging

Optical devices purchased for the first time are in a blister pack. Usually the product lies freely at its bottom. If it sticks to the wall, gently shake the package.

IMPORTANT! Optical devices with torn edges or scratches cannot be used. After making sure that the product is intact, transfer it to the tip of the index finger of your dominant hand.

You only need to remove the lens with special tweezers with soft silicone legs, carefully picking it up by the edge.

Checking the lens for external defects

In good lighting, closely inspect the product for external defects. For this it is better to use an artificial light source.

Before putting on contact lenses for the first time, make sure that the product is lying loose, place the blister on a hard surface and open it.

How to prepare the eye if you couldn’t put it on right away?

Because of severe lacrimation or blinking, many refuse to use contact lenses. There are several ways to help overcome these obstacles:

  • A few days before your first fitting, try touching the sclera of your eye with the tip of a clean finger. Make sure your nails are cut short. Touching will not harm the eye and will allow you to get used to the new sensations.
  • You may find that when you bring the product to your eye, your head will reflexively tilt back. To prevent this, place the back of your head against the wall.

How to put on lenses for the first time: choosing the right side

Bring the product to eye level. If the lens looks like a bowl, with the edges pointing upward, it is good to use. When the edges are directed horizontally, the product is in an inverted state.. It needs to be returned to its normal position. Then immerse the product in the solution in which it was stored.

Before putting on the lenses for the first time, make sure that the optical device is not damaged or dirty, and place it on your fingertip again.

ATTENTION! Rinse products under running water it is forbidden. You can bring very dangerous infection which will lead to loss of vision.

In addition, it can be washed down the drain. Do not use plain water (even sterile water). Its osmolar pressure is lower than that of tissues. If the product gets into the eye, washed with water, it will cause burning and pain.

Dressing technique

To understand how to put on lenses correctly for the first time, it is important from the very beginning to develop a putting technique that is understandable to you and technically correct.

Using the middle finger of the hand on which the product is installed, pull down the lower eyelid. Use the fingers of your other hand to hold upper eyelid. Look in the mirror straight ahead. Move the optical device to the eye slightly below the iris. Gently apply the entire surface of the product.

There is no need to press hard on the lens. Due to the surface tension of the liquid, the optical device itself will stick to the eye. Close your eyes and look down, move your eyes in different directions.

Open your eyes. If you are comfortable and your vision has become clearer, then the vision correction device is installed correctly. To install a second optical device, perform the same manipulations on the other eye.

How to wear colored lenses for the first time?

Colored lenses are used to decorate the appearance. In terms of putting them on, they are no different from conventional optical contact lenses. There is a slight difference in putting on scleral type products.

The difference is due to their larger sizes. It is impossible to hold such a product on the tip of one or even two fingers, so you need to use three. Otherwise, there are no differences in putting on these optical devices.

PECULIARITIES! Lenses should be worn over a clean table. If you drop them, they will be easy to find. Manipulations with products should be done before applying makeup, so that particles of mascara or eye shadow do not get into the eyes.

Useful video

Detailed and visual video instructions on how to put on lenses correctly:

If you understand how to put on lenses correctly for the first time, repeated procedures will be much easier. Be sure to follow good hygiene to avoid dangerous complications.

Colored lenses - tint or decorative- a popular way to change your image and make it more vibrant.

However, unlike trying on a wig, putting on contact lenses can be a daunting process. demanding a steady hand and a certain skill.

But if you have ever used contact optics for vision correction, then with decorative products everything will be very easy: put on and take off colored products just like regular ones.

Trying on colored contact lenses for the first time

If this is your first time purchasing this original accessory, then most likely during the first fitting your eyes will blink treacherously at the most inopportune moment.

Your fingers will feel thick and clumsy, and the lens will suddenly become tiny and slippery.

During the first fitting it is necessary comply with several conditions:

  • No rush or fuss. Tune in long process.
  • Try don't be nervous if you fail: The calmer you are, the faster you will complete the task.
  • Believe in success. As you know, it’s hard to learn, but it’s easy to fight: having suffered once, you will be able to wear the products later in seconds.

Advice! A great way out is to visit ophthalmologist's office. It is not necessary to go to the clinic; there is probably an optical store in your neighborhood, where a doctor is usually on duty. Seek help from a professional: ask them to teach you how to remove and put on contact lenses. This way you will be sure that you will do everything correctly and save time and nerves.

How to put on colored lenses

Stand in front of a mirror in a well-lit room.

Hand washing

First priority - thorough hand washing. Use neutral soap no fragrance. Perfect for children or hypoallergenic.

Important! Please note that what do you wipe your hands with?. There should be no lint, dust or other foreign particles left on your fingers.


Carefully remove the first lens. Make sure of the following first:

  • Package(blister or bottle) not damaged. Do not put on a lens under any circumstances if its packaging has caused you any suspicion: vision correction products from a damaged blister are potentially dangerous to your health.

  • Surface, above which you unpack the products, absolutely smooth and clean.

Hold the blister with one hand and carefully remove the foil second, avoid sudden and uncertain movements.

It is best to get the product special tweezers with soft tips, but if such a tool is not at hand, then under no circumstances replace it with regular eyebrow tweezers - it can damage the product.

Checking for external defects

Please note: colored lens, as a rule, slightly thicker and denser than usual, so even if you regularly use vision correction products, be prepared for the feeling to be different this time.

Examine the lens carefully. She should not stick to the wall of the blister, look parched or publish cutting bad smell . High-quality products, as a rule, are easy to remove from the packaging and straighten out when removed.

Choosing the right side

Gently place the product on the tip of a clean index finger.

  • If you see small "cup": The edges are facing up, then this is the correct position.
  • If in front of you "plate": the edges are horizontal relative to the floor, then you need to return the product to the container and turn it over.

Photo 1. An example of a correct contact lens and turned inside out. Products with curved edges should not be worn.

Please note: right and left lenses accordingly are marked.

Donning procedure

Very often during the first fitting contact optics of the eye teary, blinking, in general, they are trying in every possible way to get rid of foreign body.

Advice. Before trying on, try the following exercise: use the tip of a clean finger to touch the sclera several times. This will help you overcome a certain psychological barrier, and your eye will get used to unusual sensations.

We put it on with both hands:

  1. Look in the mirror right in front of you.

  1. Place the contact lens to the tip of the index finger finger
  2. Middle finger of the same hand pull down your lower eyelid.
  3. Pull the upper eyelid the middle finger of the other hand.
  4. In one motion place in the eye. Look down.
  5. Release your eyelids and okay, blink intensely. Ready!

Important. No way don't "press" the lens into the eye, it should fix itself.

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Is it possible to insert quickly with one hand?

You can put on lenses more quickly using one hand: the product is placed on middle finger, straighten the thumb and index finger, and place it in the eye.

After putting both lenses on, blink again and look around. You should see everything clearly and not experience the slightest discomfort. At first you will feel the product on your eye, but if they are put on correctly, you will soon stop noticing them.

Features of scleral products

Scleral lenses are much larger than regular lenses and can change a person's appearance radically.

Due to its size, such a product does not fit on the tip of a finger, so you have to use three fingers at the same time. Best used special suction cup, which is produced by manufacturers.

Before trying on vision correction products treated with a special solution. It is advisable that this liquid drips, so it will displace excess air between the eye and the surface of the product.

If you can't dress

If your eyes “resist” especially strongly, you are too nervous, the feeling of discomfort does not go away, carefully place the lenses in the container with the solution. Take a break, give your eyes and nerves a rest. Return to the fitting, completely calm and relaxed.

In any case, you can always seek help from an ophthalmologist or to those friends who wear vision correction devices not the first year.

How to remove colored lenses

Typically, colored lenses are worn no more than a few hours at a time and definitely removed at night.

Popova Marina Eduardovna

Reading time: 3 minutes


Contact lenses extremely comfortable: unlike glasses, they do not fall, do not fog up in winter, do not put pressure on the nose, and you can play sports in them.

However, all their advantages fade when the question arises: how to put on and take off correctly contact lenses?

This procedure seems dangerous and intimidating for beginners. But it will turn out to be simple and fast if you follow simple rules. Next, you will learn how to quickly put on lenses and do it correctly.

How to put on lenses: the correct sequence

Attention! Wear products before applying to face cosmetics. If your hands shake, greasy, cloudy imprints of cream or traces of mascara may remain on the lens. It is impossible to look through them.

Take care of hand hygiene

Before putting on your lenses, be sure to wash your hands with soap and water. Rinse thoroughly. Dry your hands with a cotton towel or naturally. Do not wipe with tissues or paper towels: tiny particles of cellulose can remain on your hands and then get into your eyes.

Use soap even if you are sure your hands are clean. It may turn out that before this you, for example, cut hot pepper. Its vigorous juice, which cannot be washed off by simple rinsing, gets into your eyes and will damage them.

Carry out the procedure in front of a mirror, preferably while sitting at a table. This way, if the lens falls, you won't have to look for it on the floor.

Remove lenses from the container very carefully and preferably with special tweezers.

Take one piece out of the container or blister. Remove with special tweezers; its silicone feet will not harm the product.

You can also reach it with your hands, but you should be as careful as possible, since your nail easily cuts the delicate material.

Always start the procedure with the same eye so as not to confuse the products with each other. This quickly becomes a habit and will make it easy to put on your lenses. Follow the hints on the container: its compartments are either painted different color, or have the inscriptions R and L for the right and left lenses, respectively.

How to put on lenses correctly: it is very important to put the product on the right side

A simple check will help you understand which side to put on your lenses. Place the product on the pad of your index finger like a small plate, bottom down. Bring it to your eyes and check: it should look like a ball cut in half. Turned inside out, it has a narrower bottom and the edges are slightly curved outward. There is no need to wear it like this.

Important!Never try to wear wrinkled or torn items, even if the defect is barely noticeable. They get in the way, scratch, cause irritation, and can seriously damage the eye.

Before putting on your lenses, make sure there are no cloudy spots, wrinkles, tears or debris. Rinse if there is dirt, because any defect, any smallest speck of dust will appear as a “log” in the eye. Immediately throw away the damaged lens and replace it with a new one.

How to put on contact lenses correctly: the final stage

Let's look at the last step, how to learn how to put on eye lenses correctly. Place your index finger towards your eye. Using the pad of the middle finger of the same hand, pull the lower eyelid down.

With the opposite hand, pull the upper eyelid towards the eyebrow. Try not to blink or focus on your finger. Looking in the mirror, calmly, confidently and without jerking, install the product by eye. It should stick on its own.

Close your eyes and roll them around. Blink your eyes slowly. Make sure you are comfortable.

Repeat the action on the other eye with the same hand.

Attention! Nothing bad will happen if you install the lens on the wrong side. In this state, it will not attach well to the eyeball and will move out when blinking.

You will know this yourself by feeling discomfort, as if something had gotten into your eye. In this case, simply remove it, turn it inside out, wash it with solution and put it on again.

If you are still having difficulties, please read detailed guide about how to put on lenses if it doesn’t work out. It describes in detail how to put on lenses for the first time and talks about ways to prepare your eyes for the first time.

Features of putting on different types of lenses

How to wear colored lenses? Colored, multifocal, as well as astigmatic (toric) products are installed on the eye in the same way as conventional contact ones.

How to wear daily lenses?

They are no less popular than those designed for long-term wear.

However, being much thinner and more flexible than ordinary ones, during the installation process they constantly strive to fold in half, fall, or get lost. Therefore, some skill is required in their use.

How to put on contact lenses intended for daily use? To put on such products, avoid contact of the products with your nails as much as possible; use tweezers when removing them from the blister.

When dressing, be extremely careful with them; your movements should be light and confident. Do not move them too much: place them on the pad of your index finger with one movement, and place them in the eye with the second.

How to put on scleral lenses?

These products are large, up to 24 millimeters, and have a rim with which they are secured to the eye. They completely cover both the iris and the sclera (white part) of the eye. Due to their large size There is small features How to put on scleral lenses.

  1. A large scleral lens can fall off one finger, so place it on the pads of three at once: index, middle and ring.
  2. Using the middle and index finger of the opposite hand, pull down the upper and lower eyelids, opening the eye as much as possible.
  3. Looking in the mirror, apply the product to the surface of the eye. She herself must take the correct position, but you can help her by slightly moving the pad of your finger in different directions. Close your eyelids and roll your eyes. Make sure that it is installed as comfortably as possible and does not interfere with you.

Once you have learned how to put on and remove lenses it won't be difficult - just follow the instructions

Contact lenses should be put on and removed following a certain sequence.

If you wear makeup, remove it. Wash your hands thoroughly with soap and dry. Sit at the table in front of the mirror.

  1. Use your middle fingers to spread your upper and lower eyelids wide apart.
  2. Use your thumb and index finger to “pinch” the lens and pull it towards you. Remove from eye. Pour the solution into the container. Or throw it away if it's past its expiration date.

Scleral lenses are removed somewhat differently. To remove them, you need to pull the lower eyelid down so far that the rim is exposed. Pinch it and gently pull down until it is completely removed.

Attention! If you have long nails, be extremely careful, you can cause serious injury to your eye. Perhaps you should give up nails altogether for the first time.

How to put lenses on a child?

In some cases, contact lenses are a good way to correct a child’s vision. If the child is too young to independently cope with their installation and removal, these actions are performed by the parents.

  1. Place the product on the pad of the index finger of your working hand.
  2. Use the thumb and index finger of your other hand to spread your baby's eyelids apart.
  3. Gently place the lens on the iris. The baby will blink and she will lie down as it should.

To remove, place your fingertip on it and ask your child to look up. The product will hit the squirrel, pick it up and thumb and pull it out.

Important! To prevent your child from being afraid, talk to him during the process, explain your every move, and encourage him. Time will pass, and he himself will master these simple actions.

Useful video

In the video you will see a detailed visual guide on how to properly put on and remove lenses:

Putting on and taking off the lenses is easy. A month of training, and the process will take no more than half a minute, becoming a familiar everyday ritual. And as a reward you will receive new world, full of amazing little details and bright colors.

Contact lenses are becoming a popular way of vision correction, and some girls use them for an aesthetic effect - thus changing the color of the eyes, expanding the iris, giving it an original design. It is difficult for beginners to learn how to put on lenses, but after a while this procedure begins to go faster and faster.

Contact lenses are a modern, convenient and simple means of vision correction, which has a number of advantages over glasses. Contact lenses do not fog up, cannot fall out of the eyes, provide a wider view, and do not interfere with the enjoyment of sports, active entertainment, trips. In addition, contact lenses can be not only vision-correcting, but also aesthetic (they are also called tint or colored) - they allow you to discreetly change the color of your eyes and give the iris an unusual pattern. One of the few disadvantages of lenses, besides the high price compared to glasses, is that they are not a very convenient way to put them on and take them off.

Although after a few days of use, most people get used to the fact that they are quick and easy to put on and take off.

The first lenses were hard, they were made of organic glass, they were uncomfortable to wear, they deprived the eyes of oxygen and caused discomfort. Today, mainly soft lenses made of silicone hydrogel are used, which allow air to pass through and are not felt in the eye. Soft lenses are easier and faster to put on than hard ones, but this requires skill. The main problem when putting on a lens is the reflexive closure of the eye, and the fear of scratching or damaging the eye also interferes. The first few times this procedure will take at least ten minutes (sometimes up to half an hour), but after a few days you can learn to put on lenses in literally seconds.

Rules for using contact lenses

You can buy lenses only after examination by an ophthalmologist, who will determine visual acuity, select lenses with suitable diopters and other indicators - the required radius of curvature, diameter, center thickness. You can’t select lenses yourself if you don’t know the parameters you need.

Lenses have different wearing modes (daily, extended, flexible, continuous), as well as different replacement frequencies - daily, for two weeks, for one month or more. The most popular are daily or monthly lenses. The rules of use for all these types of lenses are the same.

Before touching your lenses, removing or putting them on, be sure to wash your hands thoroughly with soap and water. It is advisable to use liquid antibacterial soap– it does not become dirty compared to a solid piece. Make sure there is no soap left on your hands. Dry your hands with a lint-free towel or special wipes; you can also use a hand dryer. Hands must be completely dry; with wet hands it will be difficult to grasp the lens. There should be no particles of towel or lint left on your hands. Do not put cosmetics on your hands if you are going to touch the lenses: any oils will harm the lenses. It is not advisable to wear lenses if you have long, sharp nails: they can damage the fragile material, and even a small scratch on the lens will cause discomfort when wearing.

Use hairsprays and any sprays before putting on lenses, and apply makeup after

Before putting on your lenses, you need to make sure they are intact, free of cracks or tears, moist and in the correct position. The lens should have the shape of a hemisphere without edges directed to the sides, like a plate.

How to put on lenses correctly

Relax and calm down before putting in your lenses: It is important not to be nervous during this procedure. Make sure you have enough time; There is no need to wear lenses if you are in a hurry or someone is distracting you.

How to put on contact lenses

Open the lens blister or liquid container that contains them. Remove the lens using special tweezers with protective silicone tips on the ends and place it on the pad of your index finger. right hand(or left if you are left-handed). Stand in front of the mirror.

Always begin the lens insertion procedure with one eye at a time to avoid mixing up the lenses. With the middle finger of your other hand, pull up the upper eyelid, grabbing the eyelashes, and with your little finger, pull down the lower eyelid. Try not to blink and keep your eyes wide open. Gently place the lens in the middle of your eye, being careful not to cover it. Then blink and check your sensations - if you feel discomfort, the lens interferes with the eye, causes a burning sensation or scratches, then you need to remove it - also by pulling back the eyelids, large and index fingers With your right hand, pinch the lens in the middle and remove it. Rinse in the solution, check to see if the lens is inside out, or if there are any scratches or tears, and then try to put it on again.

If you can’t put on a lens, practice without it first - just touch your eye with a clean finger, pulling your eyelids and eyelashes with your other hand

Repeat the same procedure with the other eye. Don't be afraid of not getting exactly in the middle of the eye: when you close your eyes or blink, the lens will fit exactly as needed, so that this happens faster, you can massage the eye through the eyelid. Do not forget to use special drops to moisturize your eyes while wearing lenses, since even the highest quality and “breathable” lenses dry out your eyes a little.

Putting on and taking off contact lenses for your eyes is quite simple. Having done this for the first time, you will immediately understand how mistaken you were in thinking through the complexities of this process. Of course, beginners will need a little time to get used to it and get better at it, but very soon this action will not take you extra minutes or even thoughts, since it will take place purely automatically

How to properly put on eye lenses for the first time

Step-by-step sequence for putting on optical aids for the first time:

  1. Before you begin to put on contact lenses for your eyes, you must thoroughly wash your hands with soap, otherwise there is a risk of introducing infection or small debris into the mucous membrane of the organ of visual perception. It is best to use a liquid and antibacterial cleanser. After washing your brushes, you also need to rinse them thoroughly to remove any residue. chemical substance, because its excess on the skin is not good. Dry with a paper towel to avoid lint on your hands.
  2. To begin with, it is worth developing the habit of starting to put on lenses for the eyes from the same organ, so as not to confuse them in the future. Right-handed people usually start on the right, and left-handed people start on the left.
  3. Before putting on the product, check that it is not inside out. To check, just take the lens with your fingertip and look through it into the light. If it is turned inside out, the edges will be curved and straight - everything is correct, therefore, you can put it on.
  4. Some lenses have special marks that make it easy to determine in what position the correction device is in. But not all manufacturers make them.
  5. Support your eyelid with your free hand to prevent involuntary blinking.
  6. Using the free finger of the hand with the lens, pull down the lower eyelid.
  7. Calmly bring the correction product to eyeball, but try not to concentrate too much on it, since many people have subconscious fear at the first moment. Doctors recommend looking up during the donning procedure.
  8. After placing the lens in your eye, slowly close your eyelids. Do not close your eyes, this can damage the conjunctiva.
  9. Blink a few times and check if the lens is in place,
  10. Repeat the same for the second eye.

If you are still afraid of doing something wrong, watch the video instructions on how to put on eye lenses for the first time.

How to properly remove eye lenses for the first time

Removing eye lenses is a little more difficult than putting them on:

  1. Just like during the putting on process, you can remove eye lenses only after washing your hands with an antibacterial liquid.
  2. You need to take off the one you put on first.
  3. Look at the ceiling and pull down your lower eyelid.
  4. Using the index finger of your other hand, slowly touch the bottom of the lens.
  5. Move the lens to the side, below the pupil, onto the sclera area.
  6. Gently squeeze the correction product between your thumb and forefinger and remove it.
  7. Do the same with the second one.

You can learn how to properly remove your lenses for the first time from the video instructions below.

Features of wearing eye lenses

If you comply simple rules When using lenses, you can make the process of putting them on and taking them off easier, thereby making it safer for the eyes themselves:

  • in case of using one-day products, they must be thrown away immediately after removal;
  • Planned replacement lenses must be removed, and then cleaned and disinfected;
  • For maximum efficiency of the cleaning procedure, it is necessary to use products specially designed for this purpose. Never clean correction products with plain water - this is unhygienic;
  • the condition of your nails is very important. A long manicure can significantly complicate the process of using small products such as lenses. Extended or too long nails can easily damage the eye. In addition, with a non-standard size of the corneal plate, the risk of contamination and damage to the product increases. Contact infectious diseases corneas are very serious;
  • You should apply makeup only after putting on lenses, and you should clean your eyes of it only after removing corrective products;
  • It happens that at the end of the day it is problematic to remove the lens without discomfort to the eye, due to the drying out of the mucous membrane. In this case, you should use simple moisturizing eye drops, which will greatly facilitate the process and also relieve the consequences of everyday work;
  • It is better to clean lenses in a solution using tweezers - they can easily be damaged with your fingers.