How to wean a cat off ready-made stew food. How to wean a cat off dry food (Whiskas, Kitiket, Proplan and other industrial food): effective methods and recommendations when changing your pet’s diet

Cat owners know that health and appearance pets depends on their diet, but not everyone understands that ready-made food healthy food has no relation. Undoubtedly, Whiskas is the most convenient option, as they say simple people: “Cheap and cheerful.” But anyone veterinarian will advise you to switch your furry animal to a different type of food.

Negative effects of Whiskas food on cat health

Before you start switching your pet to another food, you need to know what effect ready-made food has on the cat’s body.

TO negative features Whiskas products include:

  1. Loss of the cat's stomach's ability to stretch, which may make it impossible to transition to a natural diet.
  2. The presence of stimulating additives, the smell of which attracts the animal, but does not satiate it.
  3. Release form: granules, pate and stew. This food does not provide a full load on the dental cavity, therefore leading in the future to the appearance of plaque, tartar and other dental diseases.
  4. Possibility of kidney, stomach and intestinal diseases.
  5. Monotony of diet. Although the range of food is different, it tastes and smells the same.

Having become familiar with the shortcomings of Whiskas food, you can’t help but think about natural diet for the family pet. Exception ready-made feed automatically eliminates problems in the future, the cat is guaranteed a healthy and carefree life. Of course, initially, when switching to another food, the owner will have more trouble. It will be necessary to correctly create a menu for your furry friend every day.

How to teach your cat to eat naturally on your own?

Experts, comparing Whiskas and human food products, came to the conclusion that, in fact, ready-made food has the same effect on the cat’s body as fast food does on humans when used for a long time. A daily diet consisting of hamburgers and crackers will lead to disorders and diseases human body. The same is true for representatives of the cat family. Therefore, switching to healthy natural food will protect your beloved pet from diseases and prolong its life.

You need to change your diet gradually, adhering to certain rules:

  1. First, you need to change the dry food to an analogue of liquid concentration, since the animal is accustomed to various flavoring additives. The transition should not be too sudden. In addition, Whiskas soft sachets contain fewer harmful elements.
  2. Along with food, you should start adding daily diet natural products. These can be porridges, for example, semolina or oatmeal, with the obligatory presence of meat or fish in it. Your furry friend will not refuse such a treat.
  3. To remove toxins accumulated in a cat’s body, it is necessary drinking plenty of fluids. There should always be fresh water in the bowl.
  4. As vitamins, you can use a special herb, the seeds of which are sold in specialized stores. Sow it in a flower pot in advance.
  5. Gradually increase the amount natural food which the animal likes. If this boiled fish or meat, be sure to give it instead of a portion of food.
  6. The portion of food is reduced daily. The cat will stop getting enough of it and will start eating natural food from a bowl nearby.

When changing the diet, owners should not forget about the age of their pet. It is advisable to give kittens natural food instead of regular food. wet food, after playing with them. Adults can be fasted for a couple of days. After which they will eat everything they give, including regular normal food.

How does a cat behave when changing its diet?

When changing the menu of a family pet, one should not forget about its instinct of self-preservation. Even in case complete failure from food, thereby requiring the return of Whiskas treats to the diet, the animal will not bring itself to starvation, the instinct of self-preservation will work. Therefore, never give in to provocations.

You can choose a complex of daily nutrition yourself, or by contacting veterinary clinic. The vet will do necessary tests and will create a course of a complete diet.

You can encourage the animal with affection, pet it after it has eaten natural food prepared especially for it. The main thing is not to give in to the whims of your pet, and not to return ready-made food to the diet.

Video: how to switch a cat from dry food to natural food

Dear, I come to you for advice. There is a cat. The cat weighs ten kilograms. There is a bed. The bed has a high soft backrest 15 centimeters wide. And, there are cat owners who sleep on this bed.

At night the cat jumps on the headboard and walks on it. The cat has a night promenade. But since the cat was a cow in a past life and transferred some of its features to its current incarnation, on the fourth or fifth walk it loses its balance and falls down.
If I'm lucky, the cat falls nearby. If I'm unlucky, ten kilograms of a cat will land on my head, and for some reason always with its butt.

Question: how to wean a cat from this habit?

Have tried:

Adhesive tapes placed on the headboard. (As a result, they spent half the night tearing them away from the crazy cat, almost leaving him without a scalp).
- the aroma of ylang-ylang that is unloved by cats. (The cat didn’t care that he didn’t like the scent).
- tangerine peel large quantities(The cat disdainfully knocked the skins onto my head, and in the process fell over them himself).

What else can you do? I was already sleeping with the sprinkler under my pillow. The cat runs away, then returns.

Two days ago I browsed online forums and received a ton of responses. Two went into action immediately and now I’m reporting.

I love simple and easy to implement ideas. Therefore, proposals to nail a shelf to the bed, to the cat, to your head, so that it would be convenient for him to fall on it, were postponed until later.

To begin with, I took six balloons from the child, inflated them and pressed them between the wall and the bed. It turned out very beautiful. My husband and I admired them and went to bed.

In the middle of the night a shot rang out. Woke up, I decided that my husband had shot the cat (although the only weapon in our house was a water pistol).
When the lights were turned on, the cat was sitting on the floor surrounded by scraps of a blue ball and squinting with displeasure. They gave him a kick, moved the balls and went back to sleep. This was our strategic mistake, proving how little we know about cats.

He blew up the second and third balloons about twenty minutes later and galloped off, laughing mockingly. My husband persistently asked me to put everything away and finish the experiments for today. While I was hiding the balls in the closet, the cat crept up to the largest one and hit it with its paw.

The net result: minus four balls, minus two hours of sleep, minus eight meters nerve fibers for two adults. Plus entertainment for the cat.

Then the backup option came into play.

The entire headboard of the bed was lined with several layers of foil to make the rustling noise louder. I assured my husband that now he can sleep peacefully: the cat definitely won’t stick his head on the foil - he’ll be afraid.

In general, this is almost exactly what happened. The cat came a couple of hours later when we fell asleep. Jumped from the cabinet onto the foil. The foil rustled, the cat got terribly scared, flew into the air and fell on his husband.

The net result: minus ten meters of foil, minus forty drops of motherwort for two adults. Plus entertainment for the cat.

So, I had a problem that I couldn't handle on my own.

After the foil and balloons didn’t work, I started thinking in a different direction: how to keep the cat out of the bedroom at night.

The cat repeller was used first. Unfortunately, the cat did not understand that it was a repeller. But the husband understood, he winced, sniffed and finally asked to ventilate the room. So now I have a husband repeller, I can give it to anyone who needs it.

The basin with water turned out to be about the same stupidity. We installed it with the expectation that the cat would splash around and forget about the bed (he loves water). The calculation was half correct: the cat splashed, but did not forget about the bed.

At night he galloped up to us, shaking his wet paws. When I woke up, it seemed to me that he had twenty-two of them. He stepped on my face with ten, and ran the rest over the blanket and sheet. Finally, he loudly kissed his husband on the nose, poking him with his wet muzzle, from which water was dripping.

After that, the husband said that to hell with the interior, he agreed to the shelf.

In the evening he brought a varnished board with a side, fiddled with it for two hours, cursed the innocent bed, and finally got the hang of it. I wanted to say that it would be better if a cat fell on us than this bullshit (no one would get out from under it alive). But she looked at her husband’s face and decided to remain silent. Okay, I think we’ll sleep for one night - and then I’ll take it off, out of harm’s way.

In addition, before bed, a child came running and threw his toys on the shelf. I waved my hand and didn’t swear, because I was wondering which relative would raise the child if we were buried under a shelf. (I must say that I was worried in vain: as it turned out, my husband nailed her conscientiously).

At night a cat came to the shelf.

He walked imposingly to the middle of the shelf and touched one of the toys with his paw. It turned out to be an interactive hamster "Zhu-Zhu Pets".
At the touch of the cat's paw, the hamster turned on.

He exclaimed invitingly: “Abuzyuyuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuyou you you you you you you you you you your you you you you you you you you are your!” and ran towards the cat, glowing with love. I would be happy to tell you what happened next. But I won’t lie: we didn’t see it. And in general the cat was not seen again until the morning. The hamster ran to the edge of the shelf and committed suicide, like a lemming, by jumping from a cliff into a basin of water.

Result: we removed the shelf.

There is now a guard hamster sitting on the headboard. The cat doesn't come into the room. And if he happens to see a hamster through a slightly open door, he swells to the size of a Pallas's cat and retreats in horror.

Sometimes a cat's behavior can be very harmful. But that’s not all – some habits can even become dangerous to the life and health of your furry pet.

Cats are unusually smart, highly intelligent animals. But sometimes the cat’s behavior does not suit the owner, the pet begins to be considered a stubborn, vindictive beast, and its actions are considered bad habits. However, before you begin retraining your pet, you should understand two points:

  • most “bad habits” are natural behavior for a cat (for example, climbing on a table);
  • the rest of the “bad habits” appeared as a result of gross mistakes in raising and maintaining a pet (the owner does not change the litter for three days, and then racks his brains over the problem - how to stop a cat from peeing anywhere?).

That is, we're talking about either about the manifestation of instincts, or about the mistakes of the owner. Therefore, there is no reason to be annoyed with your cat. Physical punishment, screaming, ignoring the cat is a waste of time and effort, which will only make the situation worse. A cat does not accept prohibitions, it is not a pack animal, it cannot have a leader. The owner must start with self-education, find out the cause of the unwanted behavior and eliminate the problem with affection and love.

How to stop a cat from pooping in the wrong place?

Cats have a highly developed instinct for cleanliness. When a cat suddenly stops “doing business” in her litter box, she tries to convey something to the owner. In order to understand how to stop a cat from shitting anywhere, you need to find out the reason for the abnormal behavior. Often, suddenly appearing uncleanliness is a consequence developing disease(usually, genitourinary system). A cat, when defecating in a litter box, experiences pain and associates it with the place (i.e., the litter box). The cat changes place, hoping in this way to get rid of the pain. Many cats with ICD ostentatiously pee on sofas, on the owner’s clothes, and sometimes right on the table in front of the astonished owner’s nose - this is a cry for help, the cat is very bad! The first thing you need to do when thinking about the question of how to stop a cat from peeing on the bed is to visit a veterinary clinic and get tested.

Cats that feel uncomfortable often soil the apartment with feces, thus showing their dissatisfaction with one circumstance or another. Perhaps the owner pays too little attention to the pet. Or one family member is rude to a proud predator. Maybe the cat doesn’t like the new pet or is worried about frequent family quarrels (cats are sensitive to the atmosphere in the house). In this case, the problem of how to stop a cat from pooping on the bed or in corners can be solved quite simply - you need to eliminate the cause of dissatisfaction (if possible) and spend more time communicating with the upset pet.

Other possible reason– change of tray location, change of filler, “sharp” air freshener, insufficiently clean tray. In this situation, everything is obvious - return the old litter or replace it with one similar to the one the cat is used to. Place the tray in its original place or as close to it as possible. Use a different air freshener (preferably an odor neutralizer without aromatic additives). Well, you need to constantly monitor the cleanliness of the tray. If before “doing business” the cat carefully hides and looks for secluded places, buy a tray with a roof (a house similar to a carrier). Perhaps the cat is simply afraid to leave feces in a visible place (self-preservation instinct).

To scare your cat away from the places where she relieves herself, treat the surface disinfectant, and then thoroughly spray with water with the addition of vinegar or lemon, grapefruit, or onion juice. Praise your cat every time she goes to the litter box.

How to stop a cat from marking furniture and corners?

In nature, cats (and sometimes cats) regularly mark their territory. This method of “communication” between cats is a natural instinct, which is almost impossible to fight. A cat marking its possessions declares to others: “this is mine!” If you punish an animal for marking, the cat feels that it is losing its dominant position and begins to mark furniture and corners even more desperately. In addition to the labels, one more is added headache– how to stop a cat from yelling all day long? Cats scream for a male two to four times a year. Males can scream all the time, but are most active in the spring and when a female is nearby and ready to mate. The only solution to the problem is castration or sterilization. All kinds of drugs that artificially reduce the level of hormones in the blood are ineffective, and regular use of such drugs negatively affects the health of the pet.

How to stop a cat from shitting in flowers?

Cats living in natural environment, bury their feces in the ground. Therefore, the habit of using a flower pot instead of a tray is just a manifestation of instinct. To redirect attention to the litter box, use an absorbent mineral litter. If possible, flower pots should be temporarily removed from window sills (hanged on the walls or placed so high that the cat cannot reach them). If this is not possible, the pots need to be protected from cat “encroachments.” The most effective methods are described below:

  • Place lemon peel or chopped garlic on the surface of the ground (this will scare away the cat);
  • cover the window sills with foil (most cats will never walk on foil);
  • Stick a row of long branches along the edge of the pot, creating something like a fence (the cat will not be able to “settle in”);
  • Cover the window sill with double-sided tape (the cat will never step on the Velcro).

Once the cat gets used to the tray, it will be possible to free the flowers from the “barricades”.

How to stop a cat from eating flowers?


  • the cat chews flowers to replenish its supply of vitamins. Cats are true predators who do not perceive plant foods. All the vitamins that a cat needs are partly supplied to the body through meat food, and partly from the contents of the prey’s stomachs. The rest is produced in the cat's body;
  • cats eat grass and plants to cure themselves of any disease. The cat is unable to understand what is wrong with it. Moreover, she cannot know how to cure herself;
  • a cat will never eat a poisonous flower; it knows which plants are safe. Every year, thousands of cats die due to careless owners who allow their pets to chew on houseplants, many of which are toxic to cats.

In fact, cats eat plants for one purpose - to help their digestion. In nature, a cat eats prey along with feathers or skin, small bones, paws, etc. By eating grass, the cat provokes vomiting, ridding the stomach of difficult-to-digest food. In the same way, cats clean their stomachs of hair accumulated in it, which they swallow while grooming their fur coat. To stop a cat from chewing houseplants, you need to find out the reason why it does this. If your cat eats a heavy diet (especially boiled meat), you need to switch her to light food. If a cat regurgitates hairballs, you need to improve the quality of the coat so that the hair falls out less intensively (brush your pet more often, regularly give vitamins, feed high-quality food). And be sure to offer your cat an alternative - sprouted oats or fresh hay.

How to stop a cat from tearing wallpaper?

The answer to the question: “how to stop a cat from scratching wallpaper?” is quite simple - buy your pet a scratching post. The habit of sharpening claws is a natural instinct and a vital necessity. In this way, the cat removes dead parts of the claw, and also leaves its smell and claw marks on the surface (marks indicating the cat’s claims to a given territory). When thinking about how to stop a cat from scratching the sofa, you cannot look for a way that will completely deprive the cat of the opportunity to sharpen its claws. Self-adhesive caps or removal of finger phalanges - cruelty in pure form. A loving owner would never abuse an animal like that! Simple manipulations will help you switch your cat’s attention to the scratching post:

  • bring the cat to the scratching post and gently scratch the surface with its claws;
  • spray the scratching post with catnip infusion (not valerian!);
  • Move the toy around the scratching post, encouraging the cat to climb up to catch the “prey.”

How to stop a cat from scratching and biting?

A cat claws or bites its owner for three reasons:

  • she perceives a person as a big toy;
  • she is afraid (loss of trust);
  • she is in pain (diseases of the liver, genitourinary system, as well as such a very common disease now as opisthorchiasis in cats, etc.).

In the latter case, only a veterinarian will help. In the first two situations, the owner is to blame. While the kitten is small, people play with it with their hands, playfully “kick” its legs with their toes, allow it to climb up its trouser leg, and when the kitten grows impressive claws, the owners begin to rack their brains over the problem of how to stop the cat from scratching. But the cat is already accustomed to the fact that playing with human legs and arms is fun. She perceives a person as prey. In this case, it is necessary to once and for all prohibit everyone who comes into contact with the pet from teasing the cat with their hands or feet. As soon as the cat targets your hand, distract it with a toy. If the cat still grabs your hand, carefully release your hand and leave the room. The cat must understand that now they don’t play with it with their hands, it’s no longer fun, but quite the opposite - as soon as the claws are released, the owners’ attention is lost.

There is a similar situation with mistrust: the owner forces the cat to endure manipulations that are unpleasant for it, wraps it in a blanket to give it a pill, roughly grabs it to cut its claws or measure its temperature. And when a cat suddenly stops tolerating “bullying,” a person is forced to rack his brains over the task of how to stop a cat from biting. To regain your cat's trust, never force her to do anything. It can take hours to calmly persuade a cat to let you take its temperature. But gradually the time will decrease, and in the end this manipulation will take only a few minutes - without fighting, without racing around the apartment and without scratched hands. Semi-feral cats and kittens picked up on the street rarely fully trust a person. It is sometimes impossible to wean such a cat from biting and scratching, because... these animals are only partially domesticated.

How to stop a cat from climbing on the table?

In nature, cats rest by climbing to high places - the area is better visible from above. At home, the cat also tries to climb higher, so it feels more comfortable. Therefore, it is quite difficult to wean a cat from walking on tables - you need to either constantly cover the surfaces with foil or film, or offer the pet an alternative (all kinds of shelves and high posts for climbing). If you simply scold the cat, not allowing it to walk on the tables, it will think that the owner is proving his superiority in this way. Such “education” will most likely lead to aggression and “fragrant” marks directly into the shoes.

Another reason for walking around tables is to look for food. Sometimes the owners themselves accustom the cat to human food by feeding the pet. Sometimes a cat, noticing that she is being scolded for her interest in the plate, begins to “hunt” for leftover food - she is interested in stealing food without the owner noticing. In both cases, there is only one way out - to accustom yourself to order and never leave leftover food on the tables. Many people advise placing rattling trays on the table to scare the cat. Or splash water on the cat. But all these are only half measures - the cat quickly figures out how not to step on the “trap” and avoid water treatments.

How to stop a cat from chewing wires?

Cats quite rarely chew wires, but once such a habit has appeared, it is very difficult to get rid of it. First, you need to put all the wires in special boxes, and rub those that cannot be hidden with a piece of lemon or a rag soaked in diluted vinegar. Secondly, those who like to sharpen their teeth should be offered an alternative - elongated latex or wicker toys (ropes, sausages, snakes, etc.). Why some cats show increased interest in wires is unclear. Perhaps they just like to play with the wriggling “snake.” Or they find the smell of insulation attractive. But it is necessary to wean the cat from this habit, since sooner or later she will get to the “filling”, and then depending on her luck.

How to stop a cat from meowing?

Meowing is a language that a cat invented specifically to communicate with humans. Cats communicate with each other using other sounds. So, what does a cat tell us when it meows?

Feed your cat at certain times so that she gets used to the routine. Then the cat will not meow to demand food, since it knows that it will be fed only when the right time comes. Cats do not like restrictions on their movements. To feel comfortable, a cat needs to know that it can go anywhere at any time. This is why a cat sometimes meows at the door for a very long time, and when it gets its way, it doesn’t even cross the threshold. You will either have to leave the doors open or install cat flaps on all interior doors.

Often cats meow simply to attract attention. Cats can also get bored, even though they “walk on their own.” You need to play with your pet every day, and communicate (stroking, holding, talking) several times a day. How stronger cat feels the owner’s alienation, the more often and louder she meows, demanding attention to her person. Meowing should not be encouraged unless you want your cat to learn to meow for hours on end. Before fulfilling the cat's request (for example, opening the door for her), distract your pet loud sound or rustling (unnoticeably so that she does not understand that the source of the noise is a person). As soon as the cat is silent, you can open the door. Sometimes constant meowing indicates that your cat is in pain. Therefore, if a cat meows all the time, and the owner, going through options, cannot find out the reason, you should contact a veterinarian.

Since it is not always easy to stop a cat from scratching furniture, defecating in flowers or walking on tables, try to predict your pet’s actions. " Bad habits“do not appear overnight. Raising a cat is much easier than correcting it unwanted behavior– be attentive to her in order to notice changes in character and habits in time. Don’t ignore your pet’s antics; act immediately, without delay. educational process for the eternal “tomorrow”.

Good afternoon to all cat lovers and, part-time, visitors and readers of the blog “Obsolute Cat”. Here again a topic has arisen, seemingly well-trodden far and wide. What to feed cats: artificial food or natural products?

What are artificial feeds?

There is also plenty written and said about artificial food for cats today. But basically this is a discussion about which food is better: premium or economy class? What is cheaper and what do cats eat better? The question of whether a cat needs to be fed artificial food at all is rarely raised.

Mostly canned food and dry food for cats are bought because we are lazy. Yes, yes, let's call a spade a spade. First of all, we take care of ourselves. When purchasing artificial food, we don’t bother ourselves with the question “what to give the cat for dinner.” I bought canned food, opened it, poured it into a bowl - and that’s it. Minimum expenditure of thought processes and time.

Natural food is healthier than artificial food.

Advertising of food also greatly contributed to their popularity and somewhat distorted our understanding of a cat’s diet. It is thanks to advertising that we know for certain that cats simply “need” cereals and other silage. But let me remind you that a cat is a carnivorous predator, which by definition cannot become a vegetarian.

In order to understand what ready-made food should consist of, you can remember what the menu of a cat in the village consists of (as close as possible to natural conditions). These are mainly small rodents, less often birds, and even less often fish and insects (moths and grasshoppers). All this is divided into:

  • meat - animal proteins;
  • bones and skin - calcium and phosphorus.

All that is contained in the victim's stomach is plant fibers and grains. Separately, cats eat grass occasionally for reasons of maintaining their health.

Cats do not eat fermented milk products on their own. Only as kittens in their cat childhood, and if a person allows it. Raw milk in the stomach adult cat Almost immediately it collapses and is not absorbed.

What follows from all of the above? The fact is that ideally the food should contain all these ingredients in natural proportions. Namely:

  • meat – 45%;
  • animal protein(egg or milk) – 20%;
  • entrails, bones, offal – 10%;
  • vegetable components (vegetables, cereals) – 20%;
  • the rest is natural mineral supplements and vitamins – another 5%.

But, unfortunately, there are no ideal feeds. They would be too expensive and unprofitable to produce.

So what are they offering us (or rather cats) as cheaper food to produce? In order not to be unfounded, we simply read what is written in small letters on a can or bag of food:

  • chemical preservatives, sugar substitutes and antioxidants (you can’t live without them);
  • by-products (good in principle, but who can guarantee that blood or feather meal, tails, sinews and other waste from slaughterhouses do not go there);
  • dyes, flavor enhancers;
  • fillers (cellulose, soy, starch).

If availability chemical components At the very least, it is reflected on the labels, but with by-products and fillers it is somewhat more complicated. The legislation of many countries does not say at all that the manufacturing company is obliged to indicate full list what is included in the by-products. And no one knows what may be hidden under this formulation.

Cats eat all the food in the budget line with by-products of “plant and animal origin” with great appetite due to the presence of generously sprinkled flavoring additives. It’s hardly worth talking about their usefulness. Quite the contrary.

Cats get hooked on artificial food and then not only do they not eat anything other than dry food, but they also often have health problems:

  • then the metabolism is disturbed, and cats become fat before our eyes;
  • then tumors develop out of the blue;
  • or even some British Viscount de Bragelonne suddenly dies from hepatic or renal failure due to long-term and excessive consumption of feed.

So how to wean a cat off artificial food and switch it to natural food?

If you are patient, your cat's diet can be changed.

Therefore, many cat lovers either initially try not to give food to cats, or are wondering how to switch a cat to natural food.

When we got our first cat, Muska, we (to be honest) treated and pampered her with Whiskas and Perfect Fit. And then it turned out that Muska refused all types of food, preferring to wait until we bought food. And then there are growing rumors and news that the food is not safe.

In short, we decided to wean the cat off food and give her natural food. Not so. Muska had already gotten used to the delicious-smelling pillows and stubbornly waited for them, rejecting and avoiding bowls of sausage or fish. I took a strong stand, despite my wife's protests and her threats to go to animal rights court. The supply of food was abruptly stopped, and the cat’s oxygen was, as they say, cut off. Every day several times I offered Muska a choice of meat, sausage, or fish. She sniffed, but did not touch, continuing to beg with cries for food (which was not available).

This went on for a day, two, three... a week. Hungry cat cries and wife’s persuasion not to torture the unfortunate animal. But the main thing is to remain adamant at this moment. Once you give me an indulgence, that’s it, you don’t have to start a second time. The cat will be one hundred percent sure that sooner or later she will receive food.

“Hunger is not a aunt, hunger is a uncle. Hunger - big man!” Such epithets are not in vain. No matter what happens, the very first instinct of an animal is self-preservation. Live! At any cost, by any means, just live! No animal in its right mind would die of hunger if there was even the slightest possibility of maintaining its life. In the frozen tundra, beyond the Arctic Circle, wild dogs out of hunger, they gnaw pieces of the frozen feces of their brothers who were here, just so as not to die. So here, in a warm house, on a cozy sofa, a cat will not die of hunger in front of a bowl full of natural food, only because Whiskas wants. Believe me.

After a week and a half of hunger strike, the cat began to eat boiled meat. Further – more, I learned what fish and porridge are. Today we do not know what artificial food is and are completely indifferent to the jars and bags of food temptingly displayed on the shelves. We initially gave our second cat, Marsik, only natural food.

What do I, being so smart, feed my cats?

I'm telling you:

  • boiled meat (beef, chicken);
  • duck and goose liver (heart, kidneys) when cutting poultry, boiled;
  • boiled sea fish (hake, pollock, blue whiting);
  • milk porridge (semolina, rice);
  • porridge with canned fish (saury);
  • soup for meat broth with carrots and meat;
  • Borsch with sour cream;
  • cottage cheese with sour cream (it doesn’t always work, but I give it regularly);
  • meatballs with stewed vegetables;
  • boiled sausage (milk sausages, amateur sausages, doctor’s sausage).

That's basically it. Although no, not everything:

  • In the summer, sometimes I bring them grass from the garden and the cats are eager to “graze.”
  • For the winter, I prepared a bunch of natural hay for them.
  • Well, there’s also a box of vitamins.

That's it now. And look at . How strong and healthy they are. None of them are obese, despite the breed's tendency. The cats are lean, active and in athletic shape.


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