How to steam in a Turkish bath. Benefits of visiting the hamam

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Turkish hammam is a traditional oriental bathhouse designed to restore your body and psychological state. How to steam in a hammam correctly, what are the results? Read the answer to this question in this article.

Are you striving to free yourself from the burden of thoughts and everyday worries, but your body is languishing from fatigue? The Turkish bath surprises with its peaceful atmosphere, therefore it guarantees complete and gradual relaxation from everyday problems. This is a great opportunity to relax after working day and also overcome stress. But how to steam properly to get pleasure and positive emotions?

Currently, hammam is very popular, although quite recently it was considered exotic. Compared to Russian baths, this one has a low temperature and high humidity. It is this parameter that makes hammam accessible to most consumers.

Nowadays, a classic visit to a Turkish bath is considered a whole range of procedures that are aimed at restoration, cleansing, as well as moral and physical relaxation. The manipulations are accompanied by an exciting and pleasant tea ceremony.

A set of main procedures that are carried out in the hammam

A Turkish bath involves performing such important and relaxing procedures, which are a well-chosen set of manipulations:

First you need to warm up, which should be soft but deep. This procedure takes place in a special room designed for undressing. Often the air in this room does not even reach 35 degrees. But this is considered quite sufficient to warm up properly and then prepare for subsequent procedures. The room is equipped with low benches. You should be in the locker room without clothes, but with a towel.

The next procedure is a massage in a duet with soft and delicate peeling. As a rule, this procedure is performed by a massage therapist. Vigorous massage is performed using rough mittens. Such manipulations increase blood circulation. Unique peeling is carried out using natural effective scrubs. They delicately clean the surface and completely remove dirt.

After this, wrapping is carried out using salt, as well as natural clay and natural oils. Next, you immerse yourself in cold water. This is necessary for the pores to close.

Next, it is recommended to go to the steam room. In this case, the air temperature does not exceed 100 degrees. But after the steam room it is important to undergo the procedure of ablution and washing. The specialist soaps you up, then cleans you with a rough washcloth and pours cool water, and then you plunge into the water.

After you have completed all the necessary procedures, at the final stage you need to use a special relaxation area - here you can drink pleasant drinks: juice, herbal tea or coffee. Here you can discuss the latest news.

After you have experienced the healing effects of the procedure, you will feel that your well-being has improved significantly. Hammam is considered very effective. And this is achieved using beneficial influence on the body.

How to visit the hammam?

If you are planning to visit the hammam, you need to remember that the room is divided into women's and men's areas. The room is made of 3 compartments. Here they not only relax, but also discuss the latest news.

After you have been in the dressing room, you then need to go to another room - there are toilets and showers here. IN this room a unique temperature regime is established. This is necessary in order to move to another paired room. If the procedures in the bathhouse are accepted, then you should move to the next room, which is called the belly stone, which is a unique elevation. As a rule, it is made from marble. The firebox maintains a suitable temperature.

The steam room is equipped with a large number of benches. Anyone can steam here, and the temperature is maintained up to 60 degrees. That’s why even someone who has never taken a steam bath will feel comfortable here.

But here, as everywhere else, there are guy rules. Before performing cosmetic or therapeutic procedures, you need to sweat properly. It is recommended to lay a sheet on the marble shelving. Due to the fact that the sunbeds are systematically heated, it will not take much time to steam properly, and the pores will begin to open. Such manipulations will take a little time, after which you perform a massage.

The benefits of hamam

Hammam is considered an ideal way to relax both the body and the entire nervous system. After you have completed all the procedures, then your vitality will improve significantly and your mood will improve significantly.

Beneficial effects on humans:

  • There is a cleansing from harmful substances, toxins, as well as waste
  • Skin in as soon as possible clears, blocks development inflammatory processes
  • There is a fight against depression, the emotional background improves significantly
  • The respiratory system is cleansed, you get the opportunity to get rid of inflammation in both the larynx and nasopharynx, and overcome bronchitis
  • The nervous system relaxes, and you get a chance to get rid of migraines, headaches, insomnia
  • This is an excellent prevention of musculoskeletal diseases
  • Increases blood circulation and metabolic processes
  • Happening beneficial effect on muscles, joints
  • The gastrointestinal tract begins to actively cleanse itself, as do the lungs
  • Activity sebaceous glands comes back to normal

Beneficial effects affect the body's vital systems

In other words, hammam is considered an excellent immunostimulating remedy for humans.

The duration of visiting the bathhouse varies up to 2 hours. Due to the fact that the temperature here is not very high, you definitely won’t get overheated. But you don’t need to leave right away, so you need to drink hot tea first.

Possible contraindications

Even taking into account all the positive effects of hammam, it has some contraindications that must be taken into account when visiting the bathhouse.

That is why it is necessary to consult your doctor in advance about this.

What are the contraindications:

  • Inflammations occurring in internal organs
  • Diseases related to the heart, as well as heart attacks, heart attacks
  • Benign tumors, oncology
  • Kidney related diseases
  • Diseases of the hearing aid, visual
  • Breathing diseases
  • Infectious diseases
  • Psychological disorders
  • Varicose veins
  • Thyroid diseases
  • Carrying a child

Even taking into account the fact that the hammam is considered incredibly popular in the country of the East, it is the first establishment where tourists seek to get acquainted with the captivating culture of the East. Of course, some aspects may have sunk into oblivion, but many elements have become significantly more modern. Now the hamams sell everything that is necessary to carry out the appropriate manipulations. But some things are provided completely free of charge. But many people prefer to bring their own equipment with them, which represents heirlooms.

Hammam is a unique place where you can relax not only physically, but also mentally, gaining strength before the new working week.

Healing in a bathhouse is one of the favorite procedures of most people, which is not surprising: you can warm all the cells of the body, relax your muscles and have fun. Each country has its own rules and features of both the construction and decoration of saunas, and the conduct of their own rituals in them: for example, to obtain the most beneficial effect, it is important to know how to properly steam in a hammam - in a Turkish steam room, which is radically different from Russian or Finnish.

Distinctive Features

The hammam differs from a Russian bath primarily in the air temperature: here it reaches only 35–50°C, while Russians are accustomed to a steam room with 70°C. In a Finnish sauna, for example, this parameter reaches 70–110 degrees Celsius.

The level of humidity is also different: if in Finnish it barely exceeds 10%, in Russian it reaches 90%, then in the hammam the humidity is maintained at 100%. That is why the effect on the human body is different.

The layout also has its own characteristics.

  • The hammam always has 5 rooms, arranged according to the principle of an open palm.
  • These rooms are connected by a common hall from which you can enter each of them.
  • Jamekan is the first room and lobby. A fountain is most often located here. There should also be changing rooms in which the visitor must take off his clothes and put on a sarong (naked bathers are not allowed to bathe in the hammam). The sarong is made from linen, so the skin breathes well during the procedure. To properly steam in a hammam, this is the best canvas.
  • A shower room in Turkey is called Sogukluk. This is already a fairly warm space, intended for ablution before a person goes to take a steam bath.
  • Hararet is a steam room itself, the temperature in which is maintained at 35–50 degrees Celsius.

Features of Hararet

In a general hamam, the steam room is usually a fairly large room with separate niches with a higher temperature, and it can be different so that everyone can find a more comfortable option for themselves. And changing temperatures allows you to better relax and warm up all your muscles.

In the middle of such a hall there is a table - chebek (the so-called belly stone). A wide variety of procedures are performed here - most often foam massage, rubbing with a goat's hair mitten.

In addition, a significant difference between a Turkish bath and a Russian and Finnish one is the absence of wooden finishing: here all surfaces are made of stone and ceramics. The center table is always made of natural breed. The Turks believe that it is correct to make it from marble. The walls can be covered with ceramic mosaics.

Useful properties

The Turkish hammam is actually an amazing bathhouse, since taking a steam bath in it means significantly improving both the condition of the body, mood, and appearance.

  1. Spending time in the hammam implies complete cleansing of the body - both through sweat cells and physically using a massage with a hard mitten. In the process, the skin is cleansed of dead particles, blood supply and blood flow in small vessels improves, and muscles are toned.
  2. Wet steam effectively cleanses the lungs and bronchi, removing pathogenic mucus. If you use essential oil, you can have a targeted effect on the body: strengthen the immune system, tighten the skin, cure a number of diseases - such treatment can be treated women's diseases, osteochondrosis, skin problems, cellulite.
  3. With the permission of a doctor, patients with cardiovascular diseases can also visit the hammam (only correctly). If you are prone to hypertension, it is recommended to choose a steam room with a lower temperature.
  4. For Turkish residents, visiting a bathhouse has its own philosophy: according to them, bathing gives clarity of mind, strength, youth, purity of both body and thoughts, vigor, beauty and, of course, health. Men are sure that after a steam room they become more attractive to women, especially since this is exactly what ancient Turkish wisdom says.
  5. Traditionally, steaming is recommended to significantly improve the condition of the skin, normalize the functioning of the sebaceous glands, improve metabolism and the natural removal of toxins from the body.
  6. A visit to the hamam will also be useful for prevention various diseases, including colds and problems of the musculoskeletal system and digestive system.
  7. Thanks to the Turkish bath, you can get rid of headaches, fatigue, and increased irritability.

Visiting rules

Before going to such a bathhouse, it is important to learn everything about the hammam: how to steam properly, what to drink, what to wear, etc. If you go to a steam room directly in Turkey, you should take into account that such establishments are divided into men's and women's. It is important to respect the traditions of this people, especially since Muslims are orthodox and condemn many of the habits of Christian peoples. There is no need to impose your opinion on them, so consider other rules.

  • If you can't wear a real sarong to take a steam bath, you can use a towel provided or your own to cover your nakedness. Even in a general bathhouse, being in a women's or male side, you shouldn’t walk around completely naked here.
  • You are not allowed to drink alcohol in the hammam. In addition, it is not recommended to drink chilled lemonades and teas: here it is correct to drink only hot tea.
  • You should not eat 1–1.5 hours before the procedure. This rule should be followed especially by those who want to lose weight.
  • To massage on the “belly stone” or on a hot bench, be sure to lay out your own towel.
  • In this bathhouse, after warming up on the stones, it is not customary to cool the body with a cool pool or douse. cold water. It would be better to drink warm tea.

Of course, the residents of Turkey undergo the procedure in the hammam from beginning to end, not only because it is good for health, but also according to their beliefs in the complete cleansing of soul and body. For Christians, of course, such a bath does not carry a special philosophy, but if you follow the order of the procedure, you can achieve the maximum effect from visiting the hammam. Before taking a steam bath in such a steam room, pay attention to the procedure.

  1. First you need to go into a warm room, where the temperature is quite comfortable and its humidity is optimal for an ordinary room. Here you can lie down on stones or benches to warm up your muscles and whole body.
  2. Then they go to the steam room, where they wait for the sweat to release. To properly steam in such a bath means to lie down on a bench and literally warm up your body from head to toe.
  3. It would be right to do a massage in a Turkish bath. It is usually carried out with the addition of essential oils and using woolen mittens. This is a beneficial procedure for joints, skin of the whole body and, of course, well-being. You can learn how to do this massage correctly yourself - using videos from the Internet.
  4. Next, the steamer offers to clean the epidermis with soap, which differs unique properties, as it includes olive, peach and argon oils.
  5. It would be right to treat your body with a nourishing cream after such a bath.
  6. Now it's time to move into a cool room and relax with a cup of tea.
  7. They leave the hammam only when the body has cooled down after the procedures.

Of course, you can go to the hammam without a massage, but still try to add a few drops of essential oils to the steam, once chosen by Turkish women for beauty, youth and maintaining attractiveness. Then you will be able to steam with a more significant effect and pleasant sensations for every cell of the body.

Today, Turkish baths are in demand and popular not only in the countries of the East, but also in Europe, and here in Russia. When arriving in Turkey, Morocco or another country with ancient Eastern traditions, tourists first of all strive to visit the hammam in order to fully experience the charm of the captivating atmosphere of the East.

If you have already become familiar with the benefits that a visit to a Turkish bath promises, and you know that nothing threatens your health, then be sure to visit there. But first you should find out what the rules are for visiting the hammam, how to behave there correctly and how to steam in order to get the maximum benefit from all the procedures and not harm your body.

Basic rules for visiting the hamam

In Turkey and other Eastern countries, the hammam is not only a place of hygienic and health treatments, but this is also a kind of “club” where they come to relax, socialize, and relax. Women and men gather in different rooms. There are a number of rules that must be followed when visiting the hamam:

  • You should not go to a Turkish bath earlier than two hours after a heavy meal consisting of fried, fatty and other heavy foods; it is not recommended to drink alcohol. This will create additional stress on your body, and the procedure will bring you neither benefit nor pleasure.
  • While staying in the hammam you cannot drink alcoholic or chilled drinks.
  • It is not customary to be naked in the hammam; you must wear a sarong or wrap yourself in a sheet.
  • Before lying on the massage bench, you need to lay a towel on it.
  • After completing the procedures, you should not stand up suddenly, as you can damage the heated muscles.
  • The full course of the ablution procedure requires at least one and a half to two hours.

What rooms does a modern hammam consist of?

In a modern standard Turkish bath, there are three rooms for visitors with different temperatures air and for various purposes:

  • The first room, called jamekan, is the dressing room, where there are lockers for clothes, a locker room, and a cash desk where you can pay for all services. Here visitors receive towels, wooden slippers, and sheets. Here you can chat and drink tea.
  • From the jamekan the visitor goes into the second room - the sogukluk. There are showers and toilets here. This room has a special temperature regime of 30–35°C, which prepares the human body for more high temperatures pair department. After taking a warm shower, you can move to the next room.
  • The warmest third room is hararet. Here the temperature ranges from 40°C to 55°C. In its center there is a marble “belly stone” - a special elevation with a firebox that maintains the desired temperature. There are also marble beds on which massages are performed and a kurna - a large bowl of water for ablution. Here you can take a steam bath and take wellness treatments.

How to steam in a hammam?

A visit to the hammam is a whole ritual that consists of a specific sequence of actions. Maximum pleasure will come only from the correct and consistent completion of all stages:

  • In the locker room, you should undress, take a barely warm (room temperature) shower and spend about 20 minutes to let your body get used to the surrounding temperature.
  • Then you need to go to a warm room and stay there until the first drops of sweat appear.
  • After this, go into the room with marble sun loungers and sit on a warm couch with your stomach down. The bathhouse attendant will rub you with a special mitten. This is followed by rinsing first with warm, then cooler water. As a result of all these actions, deep cleansing of the skin (peeling) occurs.
  • Next, every centimeter of your body is intensively soaped with olive soap foam, whipped with special “pillowcases”. This procedure is considered the most pleasant of all.
  • Then, after rinsing your body, you can dive into the pool. This will invigorate and help close the pores.
  • After this, it’s time for relaxation, when you can lie down with a mask on your face or drink tea with spices.

The last stage is a massage using natural oils, which is performed by specially trained oriental specialists. For someone visiting the hammam for the first time, the massage may seem too harsh. But this procedure is extremely useful not only for the body, but also for the mind. After a massage, a person first experiences complete relaxation, followed by an emotional uplift and a surge of physical strength.

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Turkish bath: what is a hammam, how to steam properly, rules for visiting, benefits and harms

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The Turkish hammam is one of the most useful and popular options for sauna relaxation all over the world. This is where you can restore strength to those who are tired of constant stress and everyday bustle, get a powerful boost of energy, relax a little, get distracted and relieve physical fatigue. After all, this is not just a bathhouse, but a certain ritual and a whole philosophy, which is based not only on complete physical, but also spiritual cleansing.

Let's figure out what a Turkish bath is, how often you can visit it, and what is better: a hammam or a sauna.

The first Turkish baths began to be built in the 7th century. Classic hammams are large buildings with several rooms, each of which maintains a certain level of humidity and temperature.

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Such saunas are built according to the “palm” principle - there are several small rooms around the main steam room:

  • Jamekian is a locker room where all visitors leave everything they need (clothes, shoes, belongings) and put on a loincloth made only from absolutely natural materials (cotton or silk fabric).
  • Pestemal is a place where guests take a shower.
  • Chebek is a room where you can warm up your body on a hot lounger, which is made of natural marble (“chebek-tashi”). It is quite comfortable to sit on it for a long time.
  • Hararet is a steam room designed for deep cleansing of the skin. Here they perform intense foam and oil massage and peeling.
  • A cafe is a room in which, after all procedures, one rests, eats or drinks healing herbal teas.

Hamam differs from Russian and Finnish baths in that all rooms in it are heated using a boiler placed under the floor covering or built into one of the walls. The steam generated in it is supplied through several small holes, which are located at a height of approximately 1.5 meters.

Distinctive feature The steam room has a low temperature (30-50C), which is combined with 100% humidity. The steam in it is warm and soft. This allows you to visit it even for those who do not like very hot air or cannot breathe it for health reasons.

The interior of a modern oriental bathhouse is always made almost entirely of stone, mosaic or tile. Wood is not even used to decorate sun loungers. The ceiling of the steam room has a dome shape. This is done so that condensation does not drip from it and does not disturb visitors, but flows down the walls.

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To get only pleasant emotions and maximum health benefits from visiting a hammam, you need to know how to go to a Turkish bath correctly: how to steam in a chebek, use peelings or cosmetics and how long you need to stay in Harare.

First of all, before starting various massage procedures, you should sweat thoroughly. To do this, lie down or sit on a lounger for 20-30 minutes, which is previously covered with a cloth. The body is steamed, and all the pores are opened, so after about 30 minutes you need to start various types of massage. In a real Turkish bath he is quite energetic and sometimes even tough. Strong movements accelerate the blood, rub the whole body, which allows you to restore flexibility to the joints and stretch the muscles well.

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After this manual therapy You can lie down and relax for a while, or you can exfoliate. To do this, use a hard glove to cleanse all dead and keratinized particles from the skin. The stage following peeling is a light soap massage. A bar of regular soap is placed in a mesh bag and shaken a little, resulting in a thick and soft foam. They cover the visitor from head to toe, and then begin to massage. After this, you can go to the relaxation room - there everyone will be offered to relax and drink a cup of herbal tea.

When visiting a hammam, you need to remember that, unlike Russian and Finnish saunas, in such a Turkish bath, as a rule, there is no pool, since the Turks consider standing water unclean. Instead, there are several fountains in the steam room.

  • While visiting the hammam, it is prohibited to drink any alcohol or drink very cold drinks.
  • It is better to limit yourself to tea, diluted juices, plain or rose water.
  • There is no need to overeat before the bath. Ideally, more than 2 hours should pass after the last meal.
  • Never make sudden movements in the steam room. This can be bad for warm muscles, as they are easily damaged in this state.
  • It is not customary to go without clothes in such a bathhouse.

Oriental saunas are, first of all, complete relaxation of the body. This means that every visitor will have improved sleep, neuroses, anxiety and severe headaches will disappear. But what else is a Turkish bath useful for women and men? First of all, because it really effectively cleanses the skin, improves metabolic processes and accelerates tissue regeneration. By visiting it regularly, you will slow down the aging process, and using it for massage natural oil, you can perfectly moisturize and saturate the skin useful substances.

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The benefit of hamam for women and men is also that it helps:

  • eliminate stagnant processes in various internal organs;
  • normalize blood circulation;
  • increase immunity;
  • lose excess weight faster;
  • get rid of salt deposits;
  • improve blood microcirculation in the brain;
  • eliminate painful sensations for diseases and inflammations of the joints, as well as diseases of the spine.

It is recommended to visit the hammam even if you have a cold. Steam even helps cure bronchitis, sinusitis, tonsillitis, tracheitis, pneumonia, laryngitis, since warming the body for a long time allows it to more effectively resist various infections. In addition, in hot and humid air, all harmful microorganisms die immediately, so the likelihood of infecting others is zero.

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Sometimes coaches advise athletes to use Turkish baths as often as possible. But what exactly is hammam useful for after a workout? It quickly eliminates pain from muscle pain caused by heavy training by gently and deeply warming them up.

In addition to the benefits of visiting a Turkish hammam, such a bath can also cause harm to the body, because the air temperature in it is quite high. This may cause overheating human body. It is especially dangerous to be in a steam room without a special towel turban, since overheating of the head causes severe headaches. In addition, the hammam has very high humidity, which aggravates illnesses cardiovascular system.

It is contraindicated to go to a Turkish bath for those who suffer from:

Unfortunately, hammam has a negative effect on asthmatics and those with severe lung diseases. Air with high humidity provokes an exacerbation of the disease and the person will begin to choke. Such a sauna can also harm people suffering from any skin diseases. People who have ever been diagnosed with oncological diseases. Due to sufficiently high temperatures, tumor formations can progress.

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People with hypertension should not go there. It is not so hot in such a steam room, but a sharp increase in pressure is possible. It is not forbidden for pregnant women to go to the hammam, but before visiting it, the expectant mother should ask the attending doctor whether this is possible, since overheating is dangerous in some cases.

For varicose veins, traditional Russian baths are not beneficial. But you can visit the hammam, but only by observing the following precautions:

  • In the steam room, lying on a stone lounger, your legs should be slightly raised.
  • When sitting on a lounger, your legs should not hang down.
  • When cooling down after a massage, you should not stand in one place for a long time; you must move, walking slowly.

In conclusion, I would like to say that Turkish baths are popular all over the world today. You can visit a real oriental sauna at many resorts. Do not deny yourself this pleasure, because it will give you unforgettable impressions and sensations!

Rules for visiting the Turkish Bath

Rules for visiting the Turkish bath.

Turkish baths (hamam) are much more than just a public bath. Developing over the centuries, they have become an integral part of Eastern culture. In all villages, the construction of a hammam was mandatory, and visiting it was equivalent to visiting a temple.

The background to the appearance of hamam

There are legends about the Roman baths even today. These were the most visited establishments in the empire. During the wars of conquest, the Romans built them on every new territory. Thus, the Roman baths came to Turkish lands and long time existed in their original form.

After the birth of Islam, visiting the bathhouse became an integral attribute of faith. The Prophet declared the process of ablution to be the most important step on the path to complete cleansing spirit and body. So the hammam began to be popular among the Turks. Over time, traditions and rules for visiting Turkish baths emerged. People went to them not just to wash, but also to relax, improve their health, think about pressing issues, and communicate with friends and loved ones.

Since the Turkish bath was equated to a temple, special materials and techniques were used in its construction:

  • the building was erected in a round shape with domed ceilings;
  • the surfaces of the walls, floors and sunbeds were finished with marble;
  • kurnas and jugs were gold or gilded;
  • all rooms were decorated with rich mosaics made of semi-precious stones.

Walking naked in the hammam is not accepted. For this purpose, there are special, traditionally checkered, pieces of fabric, which are given at the entrance along with wooden slippers.

Meeting point - hammam

The pleasant, calm atmosphere of Turkish baths promotes communication between loved ones for more spiritual level. Relatives and friends, as well as business partners, come here to chat. Pleasant warmth and bath procedures make people more open and sincere. Therefore, here any problems are solved faster, decisions are made easier, news seems brighter, and projects started business relations bring more profit. Hamams promote pleasant communication. It’s not uncommon to go to a Turkish bath for the whole day.

A visit to a Turkish bath is not only a ritual of washing the body, but also a break from bath procedures. For this purpose, the hammam has special rooms where you can share a meal with friends, drink healing and delicious green tea with oriental sweets, or just take a nap. A visit to the hammam has become a real holiday for Turks, for which they prepare in advance and devote themselves entirely to enjoying this process.

Stages of visiting a Turkish bath

Today you can find a decent hammam in Kyiv. But most often there are ordinary steam rooms based on the hammam principle: warm and very humid air. The whole difference is that a Turkish bath has certain rules for ablution and bathing procedures, without which we will just have a room with warm steam.

Real turkish hammam consists of three sections that have different functional purposes. This feature is taken into account even at the moment when the construction of Turkish baths is just beginning.

The first room in the hammam is called jamekan. It is very similar to a lobby with ticket counters and changing cabins. A real fountain is often installed in this room for decoration. Next comes Sogukluk, a room with a moderate temperature. There are showers here. You cannot enter the steam room until you have rinsed your body from ordinary dust and dirt. After the first water procedures, you need to wrap yourself in a bath towel and put on wooden slippers. Only in this form can you move to the central room.

The main procedures in the hammam take place in the hararet. This is not the main room with the highest temperature and humidity. There are warm sun loungers here, the main one being gobektashi, which translates as “belly stone”. All sun loungers are heated by warm steam, which enters them from below through a complex system of heating channels. A number of ritual procedures take place in the steam room:

  • gradual steaming of the whole body;
  • exfoliating dead skin using a rough camel hair glove;
  • body washing with natural soap and essential oils;
  • Quite a hard massage.

In modern Turkish baths you can also order additional cosmetic treatments that promote healthy skin. For the sake of such pleasure, Odessa can visit the hammam quite often.

Basic bath procedures relax the body well, giving a feeling of lightness and rejuvenation. But after them you need to rest and gradually cool down at a more moderate temperature. To do this, you need to return to the previous room. There are always comfortable beds for relaxation. Here you can also enjoy oriental sweets with tea and chat with friends.

Only after the body has cooled down and returned to normal after intensive procedures can you go outside. As you can see, in order to visit the hammam, Kyiv must be prepared that it may take the whole day. Rushing in a Turkish bath will not only bring no benefit, but can also cause harm.

Hamams for women

In richer communities it was possible to build two hammams: one for men and one for women. But most often, women were allocated certain days of the week to visit the bathhouse. The fact that women were in the Turkish bath today was evidenced by a rope hanging at the entrance. For many women, visiting hammams was one of the few opportunities to communicate with friends. Here you can find everything:

  • gossip,
  • news,
  • adviсe,
  • matchmaking,
  • and everything that is inherent in women's society.

In Turkish baths, the future bride met with women from the groom's side, who could examine and study all her advantages and disadvantages. The importance of visiting a bathhouse in Turkey is so great that a woman could demand a divorce if her husband did not let her go to the hammam.

The customs and traditions of visiting Turkish baths are so ancient and interesting that many Europeans want to experience them for themselves with great pleasure.

How to visit the hammam? This is a question that worries everyone today who is going to visit this Turkish type of bath. There are more gentle conditions for the body compared to a Russian bathhouse. Therefore, even an unprepared person or someone who has some contraindications to sudden changes temperatures

The difference between a hammam and a Russian bath

To experience all the benefits of this establishment, you need to know how to visit the hammam correctly. It is very important to evaluate in advance all the benefits of Russian and Turkish baths, to find out what the health benefits and effects of each of them are.

It’s worth saying right away that the differences between these two types of baths are visible to the naked eye. If a Russian steam room is always decorated with wood, then a Turkish hammam is always decorated with marble. In the east, it is customary to create the most acceptable conditions for comfortable accommodation of guests and take care of their comfort. But the differences don't end there.

Gentle conditions

You can find out how to properly visit the hammam in Russia from this article. An important feature is that in a Turkish bath the effect of steam on the body is more gentle. The air temperature in the hammam fluctuates between 40-50 degrees Celsius. While in a Russian bath it usually reaches 75 degrees.

At the same time, there is high air humidity in the hammam. It reaches 100 percent. And the air itself at this time is saturated with essential oils. Due to the fact that the temperature in this bath is lower than in a Russian one, even those who cannot stand extreme conditions and extreme heat can visit the steam room. It is much more comfortable to be in the hammam. There is virtually no risk of problems with blood pressure, since the vessels dilate slowly. In a Russian bath, everything happens exactly the opposite.

IN mandatory The hammam has comfortable and comfortable sun loungers. Such rest is excellent for not only restoring physical strength, but also inner peace. One of the rules for visiting the hammam is to drink tea. It has special healing properties.

Benefits of a Turkish bath

So, why is hammam so useful? Firstly, the skin is freed from sebaceous plugs, and the work of the sweat glands returns to normal. Blood circulation in the body improves, and blood vessels become elastic. As a result, your body is completely cleansed of toxins, waste and harmful substances. If inflammatory processes develop in the joints, they subside. It is recommended to visit the hammam if you have gout. A Turkish bath helps to quickly remove acid from the body and helps relieve pain.

In the hammam, thanks to essential oils and aromatic tea, they cleanse respiratory tract, lingering cough is cured, phlegm goes away. The skin acquires a healthy appearance and metabolism accelerates. After a visit to the bathhouse they become stronger protective functions body. Hammam can even save you from depression, providing a feeling of complete relaxation, eliminating fears and heavy thoughts.

Anyone who has learned how to properly visit a hammam can go to a Turkish bath. This will be especially useful for those who often suffer from flu, colds, and have weak immunity.

If you suffer from gout or arthritis, then bath procedures will help solve joint problems once and for all, forget about stiffness and pain. The same applies to those who suffer from osteochondrosis.

If you constantly experience nervous tension, often suffer from stress, then the hammam will help smooth out negative impact external factors. It is also useful for everyone general health improvement and ridding the body of toxins and harmful substances. There are only a few exceptions.

Who is contraindicated for hamam?

There are several categories of people for whom visiting a Turkish bath is contraindicated. These include cancer patients, people with varicose veins, severe asthma, epilepsy and seizures, and some types of thyroid and kidney diseases.

If you have problems with the cardiovascular system, then you can go to the steam room in the Turkish bath, but not for long. The main thing is to prevent a sharp temperature change. If you have heart disease, it is forbidden to jump into an ice pool immediately after the steam room and suddenly become hypothermic.

How to take a steam bath in a Turkish bath?

If you decide to go to the hammam, you should know that it consists of three rooms. The first is the locker room. There are also tables for drinking tea and casual conversation. In the hamam it is called jamekan. From there you enter Soguluk. Here the air temperature is already higher (about 35 degrees). Soguluk helps to get used to the heat and the whole body begins to relax.

Finally, the last room is the hararet. The temperature there can already reach 50 degrees. It is recommended to spend no more than 20 minutes in Soguluk, drink hot herbal tea, and wait for the first sweat to appear.

Already in Hararet, on a marble lounger, an experienced Turkish bath attendant will give you a relaxing massage. At the same time, he uses special rough mittens. After this, it is time for peeling. The skin is thoroughly cleaned with special brushes.

Finally, the body will be lathered with a special composition containing vegetable oils. Then you can dive into the pool or jacuzzi.

If you want to lose weight...

To lose weight, many experts advise visiting a bathhouse. Moreover, the majority is inclined to the idea that a Russian bath is best, since in it you will lose the most fluid, achieve the activation of metabolic processes, and get rid of extra centimeters in the waist.

It is also important to know how to properly visit the hammam for weight loss. Here, of course, it is not as hot as in a Russian bathhouse. But the most favorable environment for removing toxins and opening pores. It is Turkish baths that help get rid of cellulite.

Knowing how to properly visit the hammam for weight loss will help you get rid of excess weight. After all, in a Turkish bath you will definitely receive peeling, massage, wrapping and other pleasant and useful procedures. They will give the skin a beautiful and smooth appearance.

Hammam on vacation

Russian tourists often use the services of a Turkish bath at resorts. Moreover, in order to get to the hammam, it is not at all necessary to go to Turkey. Hamam services are offered in all tourist eastern countries.

For example, hammams are common in Tunisia. This is an African Muslim country that is recent years more and more attractive Russian tourists after the airlines refused to cooperate with Egypt, and for some time with Turkey. Getting into a Turkish bath in Tunisia is not a problem. You just need to know how to properly visit the hammam in Tunisia.

Hamams are often located right on hotel premises. Muslims consider the procedure of visiting a Turkish bath sacred. For them, this is a kind of cleansing of soul and body. Tunisian hamams have important feature. Men and women attend them separately. Representatives strong half humanity can be in the hammam from dawn until noon, and women - from noon until sunset.

Many local residents are sure that in the steam room they not only wash their bodies, but also get a unique opportunity to be alone with themselves, put their thoughts in order, and get true pleasure.

Why go to the hammam after training?

Recently, it has become increasingly popular to place hammams at large sports clubs or fitness centers. Many doubt the advisability of this. Let's try to figure out how effective this is.

The fact is that the classic design of the hammam helps the body recover as much as possible after heavy physical activity. If you learn how to properly visit the hammam after a workout, you will be able to recover quickly. The whole secret is that it is in the Turkish bath that it is possible to achieve the optimal combination of a cold stone surface with hot steam. This makes it easy to tolerate even fairly high temperatures. That is why a Russian bath or a Finnish sauna, with their very high temperature conditions, can put too much stress on the heart. Because of this, the effect can be negative even in a person who has never experienced such health problems.

If you carefully study how to properly visit the hammam in a fitness club, you will be able to quickly recover after grueling workouts and get rid of aching pain in joints and muscles. To achieve this effect, it is enough to spend no more than a quarter of an hour in the hammam.

Hamam is suitable for all ages

Another important point: You can visit the hammam at any age, even if a regular sauna is strictly contraindicated for you. This Turkish bath has high humidity as well as optimal temperature for the body. These factors help achieve maximum peace and relaxation. In addition, the hammam helps to relax muscles, pain goes away, and tension is relieved.

If you follow how to properly visit the hammam in the gym, you are guaranteed to lose a few kilograms, get rid of colds, stabilize your cardiovascular system, and improve your sleep.

Construction of a Turkish bath in a gym or fitness center requires special knowledge. In order for the hammam to bring the desired effect, it is necessary to use only high-quality materials, not violate construction technology, and be attentive to details. After all, the health and safety of people will depend on this. Therefore, such an event should only be trusted to professionals.

Hammam in the pool

In order for a visit to a Turkish bath to bring maximum effect, it is best to combine it with a swimming pool. After all, at the end of the procedure, peeling is followed by a soap massage. This, by the way, is one of the most pleasant stages of visiting a Turkish bath. An experienced bathhouse attendant will definitely put a piece of aromatic soap in a small mesh bag and quickly get foam by shaking it. The visitor will find himself covered in this foam from head to toe. The massage will begin only after this.

The rules on how to properly visit a hammam in a pool state that after a soapy massage, you must definitely go to a pool with water at room temperature. Already in this tank you will finally come to your senses after peeling and massage, which will warm you up to the maximum.

Since visiting a hammam with a swimming pool correctly is important for human health, do not forget to drink a cup of aromatic tea immediately after leaving the water. This will put your thoughts in order and calm your nerves. Remember that after a Turkish bath you should generally drink as much liquid as possible. By the way, it doesn’t have to be tea. If you are not a big fan of this drink, you can replace it with mineral water. Alcohol is best avoided. It is best not to drink alcohol at all when visiting any bathhouse, both Russian and Finnish.

After tea, another massage will await you. This time using essential oils. Remember that if you regularly start visiting the hammam, you will guarantee yourself not only a healthy, but also a strong, athletic body. In addition, your blood vessels will be in order, your nerves will calm down, and you will be able to solve life and work problems more quickly and effectively.

The Turkish bath has three sections. The first is a lobby with a fountain, changing rooms and a ticket office are located here. At the cash desk you need to pay for the desired procedures. You can choose a regular wash or a massage wash. At the ticket office you will be given a special bath towel with Velcro and traditional wooden slippers. The changing rooms are a cross between a den and a locker, where you can leave your belongings in a locked drawer.

After putting on flip-flops and wrapping a towel around your hips, you need to go to the next room. It contains toilets and showers. In the next, main section, in fact, all the main action takes place.

Hararet is warm rather than hot. The temperature cannot be compared with that which usually reigns in Russian baths. There is a lot of soft, thick steam, and light penetrates through special holes in the dome. There are marble benches everywhere on which visitors lie. Massage therapists work in special niches. Hot and hot water flows from numerous taps into special sinks. cold water. Most often, in the back of the hall there is a small pool, which serves for decorative purposes, since the Turks consider standing water unclean and do not bathe in it. In the middle of the room there is a special elevation called the “belly stone.” There is a firebox underneath, and the stone itself distributes heat throughout the room.

The process itself

First you need to lie down on a heated marble lounger, laying a towel or sheet on it to sweat thoroughly. The low temperature in the hammam allows even those who have poor tolerance to visit it. high temperatures. However, heated marble and high humidity warm the body no worse than a Finnish sauna with its soaring temperature. After about half an hour of lying on the marble bench, your body becomes relaxed and ready for the massage.

Now you can go to the massage therapist, who is located nearby at a special bench or in a special niche. Traditional Turkish massage is highly intense, so if you are not used to it, it may seem quite painful. However, there are a lot of benefits from it. At the end of the main massage session, the bath attendant stands on the visitor’s body and massages with his feet. After this procedure, give a little rest and relaxation.

Now the actual washing begins. The bathhouse attendant scrubs visitors with a special horsehair mitten, which removes dead layers of skin. Then the bathhouse attendant dilutes a special soap and literally envelops the visitor in soap foam and flakes, massaging a little along the way. Then the visitor washes his hair in a marble sink, pours warm water and then very, very cold.

A visit to the hammam takes on average from one and a half to three hours, leaving behind an incredible feeling of cleanliness. In the lobby, after all procedures, the visitor is offered refreshments and a huge fluffy towel. If a visit to the hammam has deprived you of strength, you can lie down for a while on the lounger in the booth -

The appearance of hammams was dictated by the influence of Roman baths, which, being nearby - in Greece - allowed the Turks to create a bathhouse with their own national flavor.

Centuries later, the hammam became international standard for steam and water procedures, actively pushing aside Russian baths and Finnish saunas. What's special about them and how to go to the hammam correctly?

Meaning of the word "hammam" inextricably linked with heat (from the Hebrew “ham” - “heat”). In Russian-language terminology, the word “hamam” is also used, which has the same meaning.

The cult of body purity after familiarization with Roman rooms cleanliness interested the Turks, who began to actively build steam rooms for hygiene procedures.

The initiator of the origin the most ancient baths became the Omayd dynasty of caliphs, which led a predominantly nomadic lifestyle. The peculiarities of life forced the creation of baths in deserts, but then they were advantageously transferred to cities.

Architectural and finishing traditions are unshakable: in Turkey, the bathhouse is built of stone, and the inside is decorated with marble trim. In the depths of the bathhouse you can find a compact pool, which serves the purpose of aesthetic bliss, and not for bathing needs. The “palm with fingers” principle- the classic hammam is equipped with 5 rooms - it allows you to make the room diverse and create excellent conditions in the rooms.

Main rooms:

  • dressing room Provides clothing storage (temperature up to 30 degrees);
  • tepidarium - a slightly warm room of intermediate type;
  • central room. Creates maximum heating up to 60 degrees (there is a sun lounger in the center);
  • steam rooms Connected to the central room (temperature from 70 to 100 degrees);
  • rest room. Provides an opportunity to take a break from high temperatures.

Cardinal difference from- the highest possible humidity, reaching 98-100%, and comfortable temperature conditions (35-60 degrees). These advantages have attracted the female half of humanity, who avoid excessive heat in conventional baths. Safe to take water procedures in a Turkish bath and for people who cannot tolerate heat due to health problems.

The benefits and harms of a Turkish bath

The hammam is characterized by traditional beneficial effects of steam- cleansing the body of waste and toxins released through the sweat glands.

Amazing positive influence on the skin: she is moisturized naturally, tightens and normalizes the functioning of the sebaceous glands. As cosmetologists note, in a few sessions you can get effective rejuvenation.

Other advantages:

  • improved blood circulation;
  • benefits for rhinitis and bronchitis;
  • removal of salts from joints;
  • normalization of sleep;
  • hypotension is eliminated.

Arthritis, osteochondrosis, rheumatism, sprain muscle tissue- painful conditions are significantly facilitated, if you visit a Turkish bath at least once. Getting rid of insomnia is accompanied by peace without the use of sedatives.

The rapid release of lactic acid from the muscles makes a hammam interesting for athletes, which get rid of pain that appears after active physical exercise.

Companies offering hammam services always focus on the benefits, but there are also certain contraindications. The main one is availability bronchial asthma , which provokes suffocating attacks under the influence of high humidity.

Taboo on visiting a Turkish bath:

  • epilepsy;
  • inflammation in organs;
  • oncology of any form;
  • “bloating of veins”, or varicose veins;
  • pregnancy.

Attention! Hypertension and people suffering from cardiovascular diseases increase the risk of increased blood pressure and heart pain when immersed in cold pool right after the steam room.

Women during menstruation also not recommended to visit such places, since the risk of increased blood loss increases. Skin inflammation, eczema, psoriasis, purulent rashes are dermatological problems that do not allow visiting a Turkish bath, not only because of increased inflammatory processes, but also the risk of infecting other steamers (water is a good medium for the transmission of fungi).

How to steam in a hammam

Visit to the Turkish room for ablution differs from the usual trip to the Russian bathhouse and Finnish sauna. Before starting the procedures, you should take a short shower, then visit the central room, in the middle of which there is the so-called belly stone, which hides a firebox underneath, which gives off healing warmth to the visitor.

Advice! In Arab hammams it is not customary to walk naked - you must wrap yourself in a towel and wear non-slip slippers on your feet.

Despite the relatively low temperature, which experienced steamers called "warm", the bathing process involves placing a person on a heated marble lounger, which warms up the whole body no worse than the hottest bath.

A towel is first placed on the sun lounger, the approximate stay time is half an hour, during which you can actively sweat and only after specific thermal preparation can you order massage treatments.

Fact! Lying on a stone is often accompanied by relaxation with soothing oriental music played in hammams.

Features of massage:

  • high intensity;
  • peeling with mittens;
  • wraps with masks, clay, salts;
  • completion - soapy massage with ablution.

The effect on the body is unusual and initially may seem rude, especially since at the end of the procedure the bathhouse attendant stands on the visitor with his feet. However, after a relaxing procedure, a person feels the highest degree of relaxation, a surge of energy and powerful healing.

Peeling is carried out with a kese mitten, which allows you to get rid of old epidermal cells, and foam procedures are carried out with a special bag, which guarantees deep cleansing of the skin and a gentle effect.

Finishing part going to the bathhouse includes taking a cold shower, designed to close the pores on the body. To give the body indescribable softness, women apply nourishing cream before leaving the Turkish bath.

However, this procedure can be abandoned if the visitor has used the services of an oil massage. In conclusion You can visit the relaxation room, where you can quickly cool down while enjoying tea.

Fact! Soap and washcloth are alien accessories in a Turkish bath, easily replaced soap solution, which is created in a basin by mixing olive oil shavings and boiling water. The foam is created using a special bag - kopuk turbasi.


Oriental motifs
are present not only in decoration, but also in various devices to create a comfortable environment. Marble qurnas, with their expressive elegance, can be used as a vessel for scooping and pouring water.

For these purposes, high jugs with handle. Qurnas are made from a single piece of marble and decorated with patterns, plant elements and original shapes.

Water is pouring out from decorative taps, necessarily made in Arabic style using intricate outlines. Buckets made of copper are useful for spa treatments and during foam massages.

Offering tea is produced on elegant silver trays with hammered patterns and twisted handles, on which traditional Turkish glasses are placed. Special caskets used for storing various accessories (oils, soaps, kese) are common.

From clothes: a towel - peshtemal - is used in a traditional red checkered pattern (occasionally blue), and wooden sandals - takunya - are put on the feet.

Required attributes Going to the hammam involves not only the process of ablution, but also the reception of additional procedures. For health purposes, aromatic oils are used to cleanse the lungs and obtain a slight therapeutic effect.

Hammam: modern format

Hammam is good Arabic replica of Roman baths, which has become cultural and social center for hygiene, relaxation and communication. For modern man a Turkish bath is an alternative to the usual saunas and an opportunity to step away from the problems of the metropolis in spectacular conditions worthy of a padishah.

  • It is prohibited to consume alcoholic beverages before visiting the hammam;
  • Cold drinks are not recommended;
  • You should not go to the bathhouse hungry or overly full.

Although traditionally Turkish baths are divided into men's and women's; globalization has influenced the construction of joint hammams in Turkey, aimed primarily at tourists.

Modern hammams, which are built outside of Turkey, may differ in decorative design and number of rooms, but two requirements are always met - a favorable low temperature and the highest possible humidity.

Automation of premises made it possible to maintain specified indicators without constant manipulations created manually under the supervision of service personnel. For these reasons, domestic rooms for receiving couples procedures have minimal qualitative differences from hammams located in Turkey.

Innovation and new technological developments also enriched the hammams: for visitors to prepare for elevated temperatures may offer warming up in an infrared sauna, and then the use of anti-aging procedures as part of hardware cosmetology.

How to properly take a steam bath in a Turkish hammam, watch the video: