How to properly clean regular and vacuum headphones (mesh, wires, speakers) from dirt, dust and earwax at home? Cleaning headphones from wax and dirt.

How to clean your headphones? Every user of this device has at least once encountered such a problem when the headset starts to work poorly. Of course, any headphones are short-lived, but most often they break due to debris accumulated in them. In this case, the volume of the device usually decreases noticeably. With frequent use and lack of proper care, the headset mesh becomes contaminated with earwax, as well as sebum and dust. This is what causes the headphones to break. However, not everything is as sad as you think. If the music listening device is cleaned, it will work again. We will tell you how to do this in this article.

Cleaning headphones correctly

To properly clean your headphones earwax and other dirt, you need to understand at least a little about this headset, since you will need to disassemble the device, and then, accordingly, reassemble it. If this is not a problem for you and you are confident that you can handle it, you will need the following cleaning kit:

  • cotton swabs for cleaning ears;
  • hydrogen peroxide;
  • cloth napkins;
  • scotch;
  • cotton wool or cotton pads;
  • alcohol;
  • small container (for example, a glass).

When everything you need is in front of you, you can proceed directly to the process of cleaning the headset. To do this, we recommend following the algorithm of actions below.

  1. The first step is to remove the ear pads from the headphones. Set them aside so they don't get in the way. This step is relevant for in-ear headphones with vacuum tips. If you have regular devices for listening to music, you can immediately proceed to the next step.
  2. After this, disinfect all parts of the headset with alcohol. Be sure to clean the wires, volume control and plug of the device. Subject to hygiene rules, this procedure should be carried out regularly. Moreover, it is recommended to treat not only headphones, but also the connectors (inputs) for them with alcohol.
  3. Now you need to clean the headphone mesh from dirt. To do this, go over it with a toothpick, then take a glass or some other small container and fill it with hydrogen peroxide (0.5-1 tsp). There should be very little peroxide, since under no circumstances should it penetrate inside the headset.
  4. Immerse the prepared headphones in peroxide so that only the meshes are in the liquid. Then secure the headset with tape to keep it in this position and wait fifteen minutes. Be sure to keep an eye on the design so that the headphones do not accidentally dip into liquid, as this will harm them.
  5. While the acoustic device is being treated with peroxide, start cleaning the previously set aside ear pads. They also usually accumulate sulfur and dust. To clean the rubber caps, take the prepared ear sticks. Dip them in alcohol and go over the entire surface of the ear pads.
  6. Once the meshes on the headphones are clean, carefully remove the headset from the liquid. Lay it out on a cloth and leave it to dry for about three hours. Then put the rubber parts on the headphones and check the result by connecting the devices to your phone and turning on your favorite music.

This is not the only way you can clean your headphones at home without damaging your speakers. This procedure can also be carried out using a vacuum cleaner. However, in this case, you will need to make a homemade nozzle, which is the entire cleaning process. To create it, you only need plasticine and a tube, the size of the hole of which must fully correspond to the size of the headset mesh. All you need to do is form a plasticine ball and stick a suitable tube into it. Finally, the resulting structure must be inserted into the vacuum cleaner tube.

Open the opening that allows you to adjust the degree of suction, then turn on the vacuum cleaner. Using a homemade nozzle, clean the headset mesh from earwax and other dirt.

Unlike the previous method, this method allows you to restore the sound of your headphones many times faster. At the same time, here you can be completely confident that the speakers will not suffer from exposure to any liquid.

Using the above methods, you can clean any headphones at home, including Samsung phones and Apple iPhones.

What can't you do?

You should also know what you should absolutely not do when cleaning your headphones. You've probably come across a lot of dubious advice and recommendations on the Internet to solve the problem described. On some forums they write that the headset can even be washed in a container with plain water using cleaning products and a toothbrush. This strange method must be excluded from suitable options, since the slightest contact of the speakers with liquid can cause permanent failure of the device.

In addition, it is not recommended to disassemble the headphones if you are not confident in your abilities. We already talked about this earlier. It is better to contact friends who understand this matter, or, as a last resort, contact the service. The specialists will certainly do everything right.

It should also be taken into account that the sound of the headset may deteriorate not only due to accumulated dirt. This could be caused, for example, by a broken cord, or the problem could actually be in the headphone jack itself. Therefore, it is worth finally making sure that the device has stopped working precisely because of the debris in it.

If you want your headphones to last as long as possible, clean them every month. It doesn’t matter at all what color the headset is. Remember: white and black surfaces get dirty equally, it’s just that the dirt is more noticeable on the first one.

You bought headphones, they suit you perfectly and play music perfectly, you listen to them every day and enjoy them. But over time, headphones get dirty, and if this can be dealt with relatively easily, then what about the ear pads? After all, the ear pads are constantly in contact with the skin, which means they are always susceptible to maximum impact different substances that the skin secretes: sweat, sebum and fat.

The ear pads are not difficult to clean; interestingly, they don’t require special means. Of course you can use different techniques, but there is no guarantee that they will help in your case. If you use a cleaning agent incorrectly, you can instantly render the ear pads completely unusable.

So I'll give you safe tips how to clean ear pads in-ear headphones, and full-size.

How to clean the foam ear pads of in-ear headphones

Today, foam ear pads for in-ear headphones are becoming more and more popular. Their advantages are undeniable: they are soft, take the shape of the ear canal, and provide excellent sound insulation.

But the foam material, which provides so many advantages, at the same time has a significant drawback - it gets dirty quickly. The foam from which the ear pad is made has a fine-cell structure; it is due to the cells that this material can be compressed and decompressed. When using, we always insert the ear pad into the ear canal, and the ears produce earwax all the time. Sulfur is very important for ear health and normal functioning, so doctors do not recommend cleaning it out of the ear canal completely. The outer cells of the foam very quickly become clogged with sulfur, and the ear pad becomes unpleasant to the touch and unsightly in appearance.

Therefore, I recommend washing the foam ear pads in water at least once a week. It is not necessary to use special detergents; just turn on the tap and wash the ear pads in a stream of water. Do not use brushes or other abrasive materials; wash with bare hands, this way you will preserve the structure of the foam.

If the contamination is very large, or sulfur has managed to penetrate deep, you can not use large number regular soap. Lightly soap the ear pad, hold it in your hands so that the soap foam penetrates inside, and then rinse it thoroughly with running water.

After rinsing the foam pad, press it in your hands to squeeze out any water that has been absorbed, but do not overdo it. In any case, the water will remain inside no matter how hard you squeeze it. After a light spin, leave the ear pads to dry.

Remember that you should not leave the foam cushion in direct sunlight or on heating devices. The ear pad can be left near the battery, but not on it. It dries quite quickly, just a couple of hours and it is ready for use.

The manufacturer of foam ear pads advises changing them regularly, because... over time, the foam loses its properties, and various contaminants penetrate deep into the material even with regular cleaning where insidious bacteria begin to multiply. Approximate time possible use Foam ear pads last 6-8 months, after which they need to be changed.

How to clean the silicone ear pads of in-ear headphones

Silicone ear pads, unlike foam ones, are much easier to handle and care for, and they are more durable. With proper care, silicone ear pads can last for several years without complaints or loss of physical properties.

However, silicone ear pads need to be cleaned regularly to ensure you enjoy them for many years to come.

Typically, silicone ear pads are washed in running water without application detergents. Any, even serious, stains can be easily washed off with water.

If water doesn't help, you can use regular soap. Lightly soap the ear pads, remember it in your hands and rinse thoroughly in running water.

Some people on forums and social networks recommend using different means, which soften the silicone, making it more pleasant to use. I do not recommend treating silicone ear pads, because... softening indicates a violation of the integrity of the structure of the material from which they are made and no one will be held responsible for the consequences except the listener.

A serious headphone manufacturer takes the choice of material for making ear pads very seriously and tests it so that it does not cause allergies and discomfort during use. Therefore, I do not recommend violating or, simply put, destroying the material from which the ear pad is made.

If the silicone ear pad begins to lose its properties, feels different to the touch and changes its elasticity characteristics, it needs to be replaced.

With proper care, silicone ear pads last for several years without complaints; they need to be replaced only after 3-4 years of intensive use, unless it breaks or gets lost before this period.

How to clean velor ear pads on over-ear and on-ear headphones

The velor ear pads are very pleasant to use, they are soft, beautiful and almost unnoticeable on your head. But they, like any other fabric, absorb skin secretions: oil and sweat. Therefore, more often than other ear pads they require attention.

How to wash velor ear pads in water

Velor ear pads can be cleaned without the use of special cleaning agents.

First of all, make sure that the ear pads are removable, i.e. they can be safely separated from the headphones. Not all headphone models require removal of ear pads.

If the ear pads are removable, this would be an ideal option for us. Separate the ear pads from the headphones and rinse them in running tap water. If the dirt is strong, you can lightly soap it.

After you have washed the ear pads, do not wring them out. Spread the fabric near a heat source, such as a radiator in winter, or near a window through which the sun shines in summer. Leave the ear pad to dry. In a few hours it will be ready for use.

Remember: do not leave the ear pads to dry in direct sunlight or on heating devices. Firstly, velor may lose its color, and secondly, foam rubber may lose its elasticity and flexibility. Drying should take place in a gentle manner.

How to clean velor ear pads from hair and dust

Velor ear pads, despite all their advantages, have one significant drawback - they easily collect dust, hair and fur.

However, in any household store Today you can buy clothing cleaning tape that can be used to easily clean velor ear pads. When used normally, adhesive tape has no contraindications.

Also, when certain types dirt, you can use a vacuum cleaner with a crevice tool. But try not to bring the brush very close to the ear pad, otherwise, if your vacuum cleaner is powerful, it may suck the ear pad inside, thus tearing the velor or breaking the inner filling. You need to vacuum the velor carefully, setting the power of the vacuum cleaner to the minimum value if possible.

07/25/2017 0 1,064 views

How to clean vacuum headphones from sulfur? – after all, over time, even expensive audio equipment’s sound becomes worse due to dirt. Putting your headphones in order is quite simple, the main thing is to have everything you need at hand.

Do I need to clean ear wax from my headphones?

Dirt accumulates on headphones even if they are stored in a special case and your ears are always clean. Minor particles of earwax and dust still end up on the surface of the mesh, and if this is not monitored for a long time, the sound quality will become noticeably worse. That is why it is very important to promptly clean vacuum headphones from wax.

How can you clean vacuum headphones?

In order to put your headphones in order and clean them of earwax, you don’t need to buy expensive means, almost everything can be found in the house.

With cotton swabs or disks

To clean the headphones, carefully remove the rubber caps. Soak cotton swabs in water and treat them from the outside and inside. Use cotton pads to treat the wires and the outer part of the headphones themselves.


Use dry wipes to remove the liquid and wipe the headphones dry. If the headphones are from Apple, then to clean it, it is enough to treat them with napkins soaked in water, but do not allow moisture to get inside.


Instead of regular water, you can use alcohol, this way you will surely remove all dirt and disinfect the headphones. Don’t be afraid to clean your iPhone headphones; if you do everything correctly and don’t use a large amount of liquid, you won’t be able to ruin them.

Glass cleaner

If there is no alcohol in the house, you can replace it with glass cleaner, the main thing is not to use too much liquid. You can even clean iPhone headphones with glass cleaner.

Scotch tape

When there is too much dirt on the part of the finder where the sound comes from and the mesh, it must first be dissolved. To do this, they are fixed with tape in a small container.

Hydrogen peroxide

Having attached the headphones with tape, hydrogen peroxide is poured into the container so that only the mesh is in contact with the liquid and left for several minutes. After that, the headphones are taken out, additionally treated with alcohol and wiped dry with napkins.

How to properly clean wax from headphones?

The main rule for cleaning headphones is to prevent liquid from getting into the speaker, especially if it is an expensive model. Moisture will irrevocably damage your audio equipment.

Headphones tend to get clogged with earwax, which makes hearing worse. It's also unpleasant. Who would like to use dirty accessories for an iPhone or other model?

Of course, no one likes this. Therefore, you need to learn how to clean them quickly and, most importantly, correctly, so that the headphones do not stop working at all.


If you have a great desire to clean the accessory, but are very afraid of damaging anything, this method will certainly work.

How to clean headphones quickly and without disassembling:

  1. Buy hydrogen peroxide and cotton swabs at the pharmacy.
  2. Soak the sticks in the peroxide solution and wipe the head. Remove all earwax. If the toothpick is too thick and doesn't reach where it needs to go, use a toothpick.
  3. Then take a disc or clean lint-free cloth and wipe the earphone completely with peroxide. You can also wipe the wires, this will disinfect them.

There is another way to use hydrogen peroxide, but it takes longer and is also more effective.

How to clean earwax removal device at home correctly:

  1. Take a plastic bottle cap and a paper clip. Heat the latter and make small indentations in the lid on both sides. This is necessary for the stability of the device; the cable will rest on it. The recess will prevent the headphones from turning over. This is important, because the solution can get on the speakers.
  2. Next, place a partition in the middle. Make it out of plastic because the paper will get wet. The partition is necessary for convenient fixation of the device inside the lid. It eliminates vibrations.
  3. Fill the lid with hydrogen peroxide diluted halfway with alcohol. Insert the headphones and leave to soak for an hour.
  4. Clean the mesh with a toothbrush or cotton swab.
  5. Then take a clothespin and place a device in the center of each one. Leave it to dry like this. You can simply put them on paper or cotton wool.

That's the whole cleaning method. Peroxide is a disinfectant and also a cleaning agent. You can use it daily.

If you don’t know how to bleach your device, also use hydrogen peroxide. Clean the entire cable with it.

If the silicone inserts are already so dirty that it is impossible to remove earwax and they have lost their attractive appearance, simply throw them away and replace them.Such attachments are sold in telephone stores, and the cost is very reasonable.

Medical alcohol

Alcohol is used similarly to hydrogen peroxide. It also removes all bacteria.

For cleaning, use cotton swabs and toothpicks.

This manipulation will update appearance accessory, will make them clean. The whole process takes no more than 10 minutes and does not harm the device.

Vacuum cleaner

It will help remove dirt, dust and remaining earwax. This way you can clean both white and colored headphones.

To do this, you need to make your own nozzle so that it fits the size of the headphones. It is recommended to use a ballpoint pen or other thin tube.

The adapter is made of paper, which is fixed with tape or plasticine. The latter is much more convenient.

How to clean earwax from headphones?Removing contamination is not difficult. Simply turn on the vacuum cleaner and suck up the wax for a few seconds.

You can use a vacuum cleaner to dry them after soaking. It removes all particles that have not dissolved in the peroxide.

The method is suitable for earpods and apple vacuum headphones.


Such devices first need to be disassembled. Cleaning of overhead accessories is not possible when they are complete.

They are equipped with soft ear pads that cannot get wet.

How to disassemble:

  1. First remove the top foam liner.
  2. Then take a Phillips screwdriver and remove the screws.
  3. Remove all trims.

It is allowed to use the same hydrogen peroxide or medical alcohol as a cleaning agent.

Brush everything gently with a toothbrush. Internal surfaces The embouchure is treated with a cotton pad soaked in alcohol.


It is equally important to pay attention to the connector in your phone or player where the headphone cable is inserted.It also becomes dirty, making audibility poor. If you don't clean it for a long time, it may fail.

When cleaning the connector, unplug the device. Take a toothpick and wrap some cotton wool around it, soak it in rubbing alcohol, and gently wipe everything inside.

Cleaning your headphones won't take much time. Once you’ve filled your hand, it won’t take more than a few minutes at all (don’t count the time allocated for soaking, because you can do other things around the house.

When cleaning the connectors or the headphones themselves, proceed with extreme caution. Such accessories cannot be washed in a washing machine; they will fail and you will have to buy a new one.

How to clean wax from headphones? The more often you wear such a miracle modern technologies, the sooner you notice that the sound changes over time: it becomes quieter, the quality is no longer the same as it was before, the bass noticeably decreases. There are two for this obvious reasons: The wires are damaged or the speakers are clogged. If most of Because headphones don't leave your ears for the rest of their lives, they get clogged faster. What can be a source of pollution? Of course you!

The ear tirelessly produces earwax, which ends up in ear canal. This viscous, viscous substance has a yellowish tint. Exactly this product vital activity gets clogged into the speakers, making the sound so bad. A few simple and practical advice will allow you to give them a second life, and you will save on buying new ones.


First, you need to remember that not all headphones are created equal. There are many various types: “buttons”, in-channel, wired, wireless, overhead, full-size. Naturally, they require different care. In the article we'll talk about the most common ones today. The most used models are vacuum ones and those that come bundled, for example, with an iPhone - Apple EarPods.

Cleaning vacuum headphones. What do you need?

How to clean wax from vacuum headphones? These models always have rubber pads that can be easily removed. This is their advantage.

List of tools for work:

  1. Hydrogen peroxide.
  2. Cotton pads.
  3. Alcohol.
  4. Ear sticks.
  5. Paper napkins (for extreme case, can be replaced with toilet paper).
  6. Scotch.
  7. Container for liquids.

There is no need to use a basin as a container. Any lid with small sides will be just right. The inside should be clean, so wipe it before use. Rubbing alcohol is not always available in the first aid kit, so you can use vodka instead.

How to clean wax from headphones: action plan

First, prepare the bath: pour water into the selected container, a few drops will be enough. More does not mean better, the main task is cleaning the mesh.

Afterwards, we smoothly and leisurely immerse the headphones in peroxide. Do not dip the device as if you were brewing a tea bag. Only the mesh should be in the liquid! In this position they will soak for about 15 minutes. Holding with your hands is not an option. The best thing to do is to fix the structure with pre-prepared tape and move on to other things.

You remember where you put the “rubber bands”, take them out and start cleaning them with alcohol previously moistened. Alternative: alcohol is poured into a glass and the rubber pads are sent there. Nothing will happen to them, soak them as much as you want. Here you can use cotton swabs. After all, dirt accumulates in hard-to-reach places. After this, they must be wiped dry.

Time allowed for acceptance water procedures, ended. Remove the tape and remove it (as carefully as you put it in) from the hydrogen peroxide solution. Turning it upside down is contraindicated; if any remaining liquid gets inside, you can throw away the accessory. Take your time, blot them with a napkin and leave them to dry completely for an hour and a half.

iPhone headphones. What is needed for cleaning?

How to clean iPhone headphones? Note that they are slightly different from vacuum ones. There are no earbuds included, so the mesh becomes much more clogged with dust and earwax. It is possible to clean wax from iPhone headphones, although it requires a little perseverance and effort.

To properly clean the mesh, it is better to remove it. If possible, use a needle or tweezers, carefully picking up the mesh on one side. If you don’t risk touching it, you will only have to wipe it from the outside.

What you need to prepare for this operation:

  1. Alcohol or vodka.
  2. Toothpicks or needles - 2 pcs.
  3. Cotton swabs - 2 pcs.
  4. Paper towel.

iPhone headphones. Cleaning Features

How to clean wax from headphones? Now we'll tell you. Use alcohol instead of peroxide solution, as it evaporates faster from the surface, which means drying time will be reduced and the likelihood of “flooding” the speakers will be reduced.

So how to clean iPhone headphones? Use a toothpick to remove large stains. Work carefully so as not to damage anything. Try to remove as much as possible at this stage. A thin needle is much more effective than a toothpick. Don't forget that Apple EarPods also have side meshes that also require careful cleaning.

Next comes the ear sticks, which you have already moistened with alcohol, and then wrung out well or blotted with a napkin. It is strictly forbidden to use a stick with liquid dripping from it. Without furious zeal, but conscientiously, you begin to wipe the grilles - the front and sides. That's it, the process is complete. Enjoy using it!

There are other cleaning options. Some suggest a vacuum cleaner as an assistant, some advise rinsing them under the tap, others recommend a washing machine. The most adequate and effective methods have been presented to you.

Any item gets dirty sooner or later. Headphones are no exception. This natural process, you don’t store them on a shelf under a glass dome. Proper and constant care of the device is very important. Dirt accumulating on the surface carries real threat. It can become a breeding ground for pathogens.

Dirty headphones look completely unaesthetic. To listen to music in good quality for as long as possible, to save your money and health, follow three rules:

  1. Clean regularly (1-2 times a month).
  2. Make sure your ears are clean (daily cleaning is not necessary).
  3. Headphones are an individual thing, as toothbrush. Do not allow anyone to use them, maintain good hygiene.


Now you know how to clean wax from headphones and make the sound bright, high-quality, and powerful. And you no longer have to run headlong to the store to buy a new device.