How to use dental floss correctly: technology and recommendations. Rules for choosing and using dental floss

Regular and high-quality cleaning oral cavity– the key to healthy teeth and gums. A toothbrush is indispensable for these purposes, but it has one significant drawback - it cleans only the surface of the teeth, without penetrating into hard-to-reach places. For complete removal To remove leftover food, you need another device called floss or dental floss. How to choose and use floss correctly so that it brings maximum benefits?

What is floss used for?

Human teeth have five surfaces: outer, inner, chewing, cutting edge, and two lateral surfaces. Most food debris accumulates on the side surfaces or between the teeth, where Toothbrush just can't get there.

“Deposits” and plaque that are located in the interdental spaces also cause gum disease, so they should be gotten rid of as often as possible (preferably after every meal).

It is for these purposes that flosses are used, because neither a toothbrush nor chewing gum, nor a toothpick is effective enough to clean the sides of teeth.

Types of floss

Dental floss presented in stores and pharmacies differ in material, cross-section and other characteristics. Each variety has its own characteristics, advantages and disadvantages that should be taken into account when choosing floss.

Table. Types of floss based on material of manufacture.

Absence harmful substances, good cleaning propertiesLow strength
Small diameter, high strength, durableRelatively low efficiency
High efficiency, strength, durabilityHigh price

According to the nature of the cross-section, floss can be round or flat. Round ones can be used by people with large dental gaps, while flat ones are suitable for those with narrow gaps between teeth.

Some manufacturers of dental floss coat them with wax - waxed floss is easy to use, but cleans the interdental spaces worse than unwaxed floss.

In addition, low-quality waxed floss can leave microscopic pieces of wax between the teeth, which reduces the effect of its use.

Also, some flosses are impregnated with special compounds that help better cleansing teeth and maintain good oral health. Substances used to impregnate dental floss include:

  • sodium fluoride - prevents caries and strengthens enamel;
  • chlorhexidine - has a disinfectant and antiseptic effect;
  • neutral polymers - reduce the coefficient of friction and help the floss to clean the interdental spaces as efficiently as possible;
  • antiseptics - restore the microflora of the oral cavity and prevent the proliferation of harmful bacteria;
  • menthol - freshens breath and makes the process of brushing your teeth much more enjoyable.

Typically, floss is produced in the form of skeins, packaged in special containers equipped with a cutter. Some are equipped with a special handle that facilitates the process of cleaning the oral cavity, and electric flosses are considered the most convenient - they perform all the necessary manipulations without human intervention (based on the principle of an electric toothbrush).

Contraindications to the use of floss

Like any other dental device, dental floss has a number of contraindications for use. First of all, it is the presence in the teeth carious cavities– the use of floss can lead to chipping of hard tissues.

With and others acute diseases You should also avoid flossing until your oral cavity has been sanitized.

How to use floss?

In order for dental floss to bring maximum benefit, you must strictly follow the rules for using the device.

How to use dental floss - oral hygiene, cleaning gums from food debris

Step 1. Wash your hands well with soap.

Step 2. Cut a piece of floss approximately 45 cm long.

Step 3. Wrap the ends of the dental floss around the index or middle fingers of both palms (some people find it convenient to clean between the teeth with the thumb and index fingers of one hand), leaving at least 2.5 cm of free space between them. You can use a special floss holder (flossette or flosser) resembling a two-pronged fork.

Silver Care set - dental floss and fork holder

Step 4. Place the floss between the teeth until it touches the gum. After this, carefully move the floss, cleaning the side surfaces of the teeth. Move from one tooth to another, use a clean section of floss.

Step 5. Using caution, remove the used floss and then throw it away (re-brushing your teeth with used floss is not recommended).

Safety precautions

In dental practice, it is not uncommon for people to damage their gums when using floss. To avoid such troubles, you need to know safety precautions when using dental floss.

Dental floss should not be used too often - for effective cleaning oral cavity 1-2 times a day is enough. In addition, floss cannot replace a toothbrush and other dental care devices.

What are superflosses?

People with crowns, bridges or braces are recommended to use so-called superflosses - devices that combine the functions of different types of dental floss. They consist of three types of fiber - hard, absorbent and regular, which is used to make regular floss. The hard parts of the device easily penetrate between the parts of bracket systems and into the spaces between bridges, the absorbent parts well adsorb plaque from hard-to-reach places, and regular floss allows you to clean areas free of orthodontic structures.

The algorithm for using superflosses is as follows.

Step 1. Wash your hands well.

Step 2. Place the thin end of the superfloss under the arch of the bracket system or dental bridge, pull the thread until the absorbent part of the device is in the area that needs to be cleaned.

Step 3. Perform back and forth movements, cleaning teeth and orthodontic structures from plaque and food debris.

Famous floss manufacturers

Flosses are manufactured by companies that produce toothpastes, brushes and other products for oral hygiene. When choosing a device, it is better to give preference famous brands, well proven in the market.

Can I use regular thread instead of floss?

Dental floss is convenient and effective remedy for cleaning interdental spaces, but there are times when it is not available. Can I use regular sewing floss to clean my teeth? Theoretically this is possible, but in this case there is a high probability of damaging the gum tissue and causing infection, so if floss is not available, it is better to use a regular toothpick.

Flosses are a convenient and effective means for oral hygiene, which correct use can reduce the risk of developing caries and other dental diseases by 15-20%.

Video - Dental floss. How to use? How to choose the right one?

Make an appointment with a doctor

How to properly brush your teeth with dental floss?

It seems that there is nothing complicated in this, just stretch out dental floss(floss) between teeth to remove food debris. Despite the simplicity of the idea, there are certain techniques for how to properly brush your teeth with dental floss so that it brings maximum benefits.

We'll give you 10 tips on how to properly floss your teeth.

  1. It is necessary to clean the contact between the teeth on both sides.
  2. If you just pull the floss between your teeth and back, then that's only 50% of the work. It is necessary to pull out the floss, and on the way back, press it against one of the teeth of the contact being cleaned. After this, you need to do the same, pressing the floss to the other tooth. This way, the contact will be cleaned correctly, because this is the most favorite place for bacteria and plaque to accumulate.

  3. You cannot use one section of dental floss to clean all your teeth.
  4. When you clean your contacts, you remove plaque and bacteria from the surfaces of your teeth and under your gums. If you use the same section of floss to clean your entire mouth, you will simply spread bacteria from one area to another. Of course, some of the plaque will still be removed and even such cleaning will be beneficial, but it is much more effective to change sections of dental floss to clean different contacts.

  5. Do not push the floss between the teeth with great force.
  6. If you have very tight contact between your teeth, try pulling the floss in a back and forth motion. This way you can keep the process under control. Pushing floss with force can damage your gums and lead to gum disease in the long run.

  7. It is necessary to clean all contacts, including contacts between chewing teeth.
  8. Many people do not clean the contacts between the chewing teeth, but this is just as important as cleaning the contacts of the front teeth, since very large quantities plaque and food always gets clogged.

  9. You need to make a “plan” for flossing your teeth.
  10. To make flossing your contacts easier, give yourself a road map of where you'll start, where you'll go, and where you'll end. This is very important so as not to forget or skip any sections. It doesn't matter where you start and stop cleaning your contacts, as long as you don't miss anything.

  11. Don't forget to clean the area around crowns, braces and other structures.
  12. Plaque and bacteria also accumulate on crowns and under the gums, so it is very important to clean them with dental floss. You just need to do this more carefully so that the thread does not cling to the edge of the crown.

    If you have braces, you need to use special floss to reach hard-to-reach places.

  13. Don't be alarmed if your gums bleed and don't stop brushing.
  14. If you follow Rule #3 and do not use force to clean the contacts, then bleeding gums may be the result of slight inflammation due to accumulated bacteria. This phenomenon is known as gingivitis and bleeding occurs because there is more blood flow to the gums. If you floss your teeth regularly, the bleeding should stop.

  15. Spend plenty of time flossing your teeth.
  16. We have on average 28 to 32 teeth in our mouth, which equates to 56 to 64 contact sides that need to be cleaned (see rule #1). Each side takes at least 2-3 seconds. Therefore, flossing your teeth should take at least 2 minutes if you do everything correctly.

  17. Apply force when pressing the floss against your tooth.
  18. It is important not to confuse this with rule #3. Here we're talking about that after you have pulled the floss between the teeth and perform the reverse action, press the floss to one side of the contact with force to be sure of removing plaque.

  19. Floss your teeth regularly, even if you don't have food stuck between your teeth.
  20. Many people believe that flossing should only be used when we have food stuck between our teeth. This is wrong. Dental floss removes plaque, the main cause of tooth decay, in hard-to-reach places where a toothbrush cannot reach. Therefore, it is very important to floss every day.

Dental floss cleans teeth in hard-to-reach places that even the best toothbrush cannot reach. Dental flossing is aid oral hygiene, which does not replace regular brushing and rinsing of teeth. Thanks to dental floss, protecting tooth enamel from caries has become accessible: it removes the smallest food debris. However, keep in mind that gingivitis cannot be cured with dental floss.

Floss threads are made from two types of material - synthetic/natural silk, coated with Teflon. The surface of the threads is impregnated with a special substance that facilitates sliding over the enamel. According to coating technology, flosses are divided into:

  1. waxed;
  2. unwaxed.

Waxed ones penetrate into hard-to-reach places more easily due to the wax coating. The disadvantage is its low strength: the floss may break. Wax-impregnated floss is not suitable for high-quality removal of plaque on teeth due to its weak friction force. Also, after using waxed thread, pieces of wax may remain. This type Recommended for people with a large number of filled teeth.

Unwaxed thread cleans better tooth enamel from the smallest dietary fiber, due to delamination and coverage of most of the tooth. Beginners are advised to start hygiene procedures with unwaxed products.

According to the manufacturing technique, dental flosses are:

  1. round;
  2. flat;
  3. tape;
  4. volumetric.

Round ones clean wide spaces between teeth well. Flat ones are designed for narrow spaces. Bulk flosses swell when moistened with saliva, while tape flosses gently clean wide interdental spaces.

Tape and round threads are suitable for cleaning wide interdental spaces. If the space is narrow, the round floss will not be able to fit between the teeth. Flat - used to care for teeth at narrow intervals. Large flosses are suitable for cleaning all types of teeth.

To make the use of sanitary threads more comfortable, manufacturers impregnate them with flavoring and medicinal compounds: menthol, fluorine, chlorhexidine, propolis. Regular flossing helps prevent not only caries, but also periodontal disease.

For the hygiene of orthodontic and orthopedic structures Super floss dental floss is used. This product combines different kinds fibers woven together and is durable.

Floss brush

There is another variety - floss brush. This hygiene item is used in conjunction with a toothbrush to specifically clean the interdental space. A regular brush cleans the enamel surface well, but a floss brush cleans the interdental space.

The flosser is a dental floss with a handle. For ease of use, designs with active heads are produced various shapes, adapting to the structural features of the human jaw.

Important! Do not allow small children to floss on their own to avoid gum injury. A child can injure the mucous membrane with a sudden movement.

Which dental flosses are best?

Natural silk cleanses tooth enamel well, but is rarely used in practice. Silk floss toothpick has great strength and is difficult to break.

Nylon floss thread is popular: it is elastic and durable. Nylon flosses are cheap and clean tooth enamel efficiently.

Teflon floss carefully cares for teeth, does not injure the gums, does not tear during use, and does not separate into fibers. However, the cost of this material is quite high, so Teflon floss is the least in demand.

When choosing, consider the correspondence of the thickness of the thread to the interdental space:

  • for large gaps between teeth, choose flat strip floss;
  • Waxed types of floss are better suited for narrow interdental spaces: they glide easier in a small space;
  • for travel, choose disposable flossers or threads packaged in measured portions;
  • To care for orthopedic structures, choose an electric flosser or super floss.

What floss impregnations are most useful? In addition to aromatic substances, floss is impregnated with medicinal compounds:

  • chlorhexidine qualitatively disinfects the oral cavity and interdental space;
  • sodium chloride helps strengthen enamel due to active substances in its composition;
  • fruit flavors serve only an aesthetic role, leaving a pleasant aftertaste in the mouth.

Next you should pay attention to the packaging. Usually floss is a small container with a skein 50 meters long. The container is closed with a lid and has a special device for cutting floss - a cutter. This type of product is suitable for use at home and resort, as well as for business trips.

If using a standard container with a skein is difficult (elderly people may have tremors in their limbs), manufacturers have invented disposable and reusable threads with a plastic holder - flossers. The ideal option is an electric flosser: it performs the necessary manipulations itself.

It is also worth paying attention to the flosser brush, which carefully cares for the gums and has a massaging effect. However, such a brush is in addition to the main one and does not replace it.

Mode of application

The way to use floss is as follows:

  1. Tear off a small piece of thread from the roll using a special tool - approximately 40 cm.
  2. Wrap the floss around the index finger of one and the other hand, leaving a distance of 5 cm between them.
  3. Stretch the floss and insert it into the space between the teeth.
  4. Clean in the direction from the gum mucosa downwards.
  5. Switch to next tooth and repeat cleansing with a fresh section of thread: to do this, wrap the contaminated section around your finger.

Important! The thread cannot be reused. Once cleaning is complete, the floss should be thrown away.

When performing a hygiene procedure, you should adhere to the following tips:

  • When cleaning new interdental space, use a clean section of floss.
  • It is recommended to carry out a hygienic procedure after each meal.
  • Do not insert the floss with a sharp movement: trauma to the gums can cause periodontal disease over time.
  • In case of accidental injury to soft tissues, treat the affected surface antiseptic solution or infusion of chamomile and sage herbs.

If there is severe bleeding from the gums, contact your dentist immediately.

Indications for use

  • for periodontal disease;
  • with a carious hollow;
  • with bleeding gums;
  • in the presence of orthopedic structures;
  • children under seven years old.

If your gums are constantly bleeding, flossing will only worsen the disease: possible inflammatory processes in the gums.

With periodontitis, infection can be transferred to healthy tooth, therefore, it is not recommended to use floss until the gums are completely healed.

If you have caries, flossing is also contraindicated: the affected tooth surface may break off.

Teeth with crowns and other orthopedic implants should be cleaned with super floss; other types are not suitable.

Can floss be used if available? In this case, you must be sure that the bridges are firmly fixed. It is better to consult your dentist in advance about how to use threads.

What is flossing of braces? Special super floss threads have been created to clean orthopedic structures. You can also take care of your teeth if you have gingivitis, if it is not accompanied by.

Popular brands

What types of floss are popular? Among the popular products are the following:

  • Thread “32 pearls”;
  • Riser Floss;
  • Oral B floss;
  • Colgate "Optic White";
  • PresiDENT;
  • Lacalut dental floss;
  • Sensodyne;
  • Rocs.

The “32 pearls” model is a waxed thread consisting of two fibers with a refreshing effect thanks to the scented impregnation. The set includes a special holder that makes it easier to use.

Riser Floss products are a voluminous construction made of threads and are popular among buyers. Thanks to the refreshing impregnation with the taste of lime and bergamot, the feeling of freshness remains for a long time.

Oral B floss produces several types of products intended for a wide range of consumers. Pro-Expert Clinic Line is designed for narrow interdental spaces. Essential Floss effectively removes plaque. Satin Floss glides easily between teeth. Essential Floss is recommended for the hygiene of orthopedic structures. Manufacturers offer two types of thread: without aromatic impregnation and with menthol aroma.

Lacalut dental floss is a waxed nylon cross-section thread with a mint impregnation. The device is easy to use, so it is recommended for beginners.

Colgate offers two types of products: Optic White and Colgate Total. Colgate Total is designed to prevent tartar. The thread is impregnated with mint flavor and refreshes the oral cavity. Optic White contains bactericidal components.

PresiDENT offers a wide range of flossing. SILVER CARE thread contains silver components and sodium chloride in its structure: this composition actively fights the occurrence of caries. The threads are also impregnated with a menthol aroma with a refreshing effect. Impregnation with chlorhexidine helps prevent and cure gum disease, and the extra flat thread from this company penetrates into the most inaccessible places in the tight interdental space. A unique novelty is a floss with papaya enzymes: it whitens enamel and prevents the formation of tartar.

Rocs flosses are intended for lovers tobacco products, coffee and strong tea. Thanks to the content of microcrystals in the structure of the thread, the enamel is qualitatively cleaned of plaque and polished.

Sensodyne contains sodium fluoride and gently cleanses the interdental space by increasing the volume of the thread. Good for sensitive gums.

Do I need to floss?

Is there a need to use floss, and what is its advantage over irrigators and multifunctional toothbrushes? Dental practice showed that it is the interdental space that is most often susceptible to caries attack. In the tight space between the teeth, tiny particles of food accumulate, invisible to the eye: regular brush cannot remove them.

Using a brush, you can treat only 40-50% of the tooth surface, the rest of the space remains inaccessible. The use of dental floss is the prevention of common diseases: caries and periodontal disease, which are advanced cases lead to tooth loss.

Dental floss helps clean areas that are difficult to reach with a toothbrush. Its second name is floss. If you need to thoroughly clean the space between your teeth, then this is exactly what you need. After all, a toothbrush is not able to reach many areas. This is where thread comes to the rescue. But it is very important to use it correctly, as well as select it correctly. We will find out in detail what types of dental floss are, what they are used for, and how to choose them successfully. The surface that is between the teeth is called contact by dentists. This is the surface in the dentition that faces adjacent tooth. If you calculate their area, it will be approximately 40% of the entire surface of the tooth.

So, floss, or dental floss, is an excellent device that will help you manually quickly and effectively clean the surface of your teeth from plaque. The shape of the thread helps to penetrate into the narrowest gaps between the teeth. This is very important, especially if your teeth are quite close together. Different shape The cross-section of the thread serves different purposes. A flatter floss penetrates better between teeth, while a rounder floss is able to grab large quantity harmful plaque. Nowadays, modern industry offers very high-quality flosses. They are not only made of durable and hygienic materials, but are also impregnated. Such impregnation can even help strengthen the enamel. Floss copes well with the heaviest plaque. This thread is very strong, therefore the most sharp teeth she is not afraid.

There is also the so-called superfloss. This is one of the types of floss. Its structure has its own characteristics. It consists of three components at once:

  1. A part that is very similar to regular floss;
  2. Spongy and quite fleecy nylon, which can stretch greatly;
  3. Solid durable fiber.

If you want to clean your teeth as effectively as possible, then choose superfloss. It is as much as 60% more effective than regular thread.

Flossing won't be your primary method of cleaning, but it's a great addition to your toothbrush. We have undeservedly forgotten about such a useful accessory. It seems to us that with such a huge range of brushes, you can choose the most effective one for cleaning the entire surface of the teeth. But even the most expensive brush will not be able to penetrate all areas of the dentition. This is where the thread comes to the rescue. It can be used both before and after brushing your teeth. If you think logically, you should floss before brushing your teeth. First, you carefully clean out food debris from hard-to-reach places, and then consolidate the effect by cleaning with a brush. It is important to use the thread systematically, then you will get the desired effect. It is important to know how to use dental floss in order to thoroughly clean the interdental space without injuring the gums. In order for this effect to occur, you need to floss at least twice a day. This should be done in the morning and also in the evening immediately before cleaning. But this is not enough. It is best if you floss after every meal. Naturally, you will not be able to do this at work or at a party. But while you are at home, it is worth developing a similar good habit. Not only your teeth, but also your gums will thank you for it. Your task in this case is to carefully remove all food debris from the interdental space.

There are times when you shouldn't floss too much. Sometimes there may be increased sensitivity gums In case of such sensitivity, the thread should be used less often so as not to increase this sensitivity. Then do not use floss after meals and in the morning; it will be enough to use it only before evening brushing. There are also contraindications for the use of thread. This is, first of all, a disease such as periodontal disease. The problem is that with this disease the gum tissue becomes inflamed. And since the thread can irritate the surface of the gums, especially if used ineptly, it should be abandoned in case of periodontal disease.

So why use dental floss?

The fact is that it is the surface between the teeth that is most vulnerable to the development of all kinds of diseases. As studies have shown, it is in the interdental space that caries most often occurs. No matter how advertising would have us believe magical properties modern brushes, but the longest and thinnest bristles cannot reach such hard-to-reach places. Even the most expensive and multifunctional brush will be powerless against cleaning 40% of the surface of the teeth. Another problem is that such places are difficult to even visually inspect. That is why it is there that various deviations and diseases begin to develop.

Some of us have never used this type of dental technology in our lives. We don't even know how to floss properly. Therefore, it is not at all surprising that every time we go to the dentist, he discovers caries, periodontal disease and similar “little things”. We do not even assume that we could have avoided these problems quite simply. But caries and periodontal disease are a direct road to tooth loss!

If previously dental floss was exotic and practically never found on sale, now any store or pharmacy will offer you a whole assortment of flosses. Don't be afraid to experiment! Buy one that falls into the mid-price category and start mastering the technique of cleaning your teeth with dental floss. It's not as difficult as it might seem. The main thing is to get a little practice and understand the principle of such cleaning. Even though not everything will work out right away, even if it takes some time to get the desired result. certain time, but you will really take care of the health of your teeth. It is possible that you will soon notice that your dental problems have decreased significantly. We will help you figure out how to use floss correctly. It is quite possible that after several months of using floss, you will even start taking it with you. Well, it’s high time for it to take the most prominent place on the bathroom shelf.

How to choose the right floss

To begin with, it is important to buy high-quality floss. You will be faced with a choice - where is it better to buy floss, in a store or in a pharmacy? Since it's still an accessory medical purposes, then it is better to purchase it at the pharmacy. It's important to know what there is different types dental floss. You need to choose the type that suits your teeth shape.

Types of floss regarding the shape of their section:

  1. Flat. Their purpose is to thoroughly clean teeth, which are pressed very tightly against each other.
  2. Round. They are suitable for those who have a fairly large space between their teeth. If you cut such a thread, you will get a circle of the correct shape.

Flosses can sometimes be impregnated with purified wax. Or they may not be waxed. What is wax used for? It helps hold the thread fibers together. Thanks to the presence of wax, they do not delaminate. There are also flosses without wax. They separate well into threads. Thanks to this, they are able to clean a significantly larger area of ​​tooth enamel. This property helps it better remove plaque and food debris.

According to dentists, initial stage When getting acquainted with dental floss, it is best to opt for waxed flat floss. This type of floss will help your teeth get used to this new method of brushing.

Types of floss relative to the material from which they are made

There are several other types of floss depending on the material from which they are made:

  1. Teflon. They are made from a single thread that has no fibers.
  2. Nylon. The structure of nylon threads is radically different from Teflon. They consist of several fibers combined into one thread. This floss may be unwaxed or waxed.

Teflon thread is considered more convenient. It will not separate into fibers or tear due to friction against teeth. This is a great option for beginners. But in general, both of these types of fibers do an excellent job with their main task - removing food debris from the teeth. Therefore, you yourself can choose what you like. Everything is individual. You can try both and choose the one that turns out to be most convenient for you.

Sometimes you can notice that the floss has been treated with something. You are not mistaken. Indeed, dental floss can be treated with special impregnation. This is done not only for aesthetic purposes, but also to prevent caries. Such impregnation can affect the characteristics of the enamel. She can even strengthen it. After using this impregnated thread, a pleasant soft taste remains in the mouth. The following substances are used for impregnation:

  1. Chlorhexidine. This substance is well known for its disinfectant properties. It is used, for example, in gynecology.
  2. Sodium fluoride solution. As you know, fluoride perfectly strengthens enamel, so this solution can strengthen your teeth.
  3. Menthol or fruit flavoring solutions. These options serve more of an aesthetic function than a therapeutic one. They freshen your breath and give a good aftertaste.

If you wear plates or braces, you can also use dental floss. It is also suitable for owners of orthodontic dentures. In all these cases, a special floss is used. It combines the characteristics of several types of threads at once. At one end, this floss is narrow and non-fibrous. This allows it to penetrate well between the teeth. But the second end of this floss is wider and more fibrous. It perfectly cleans food debris from braces, dentures or plates. If a person wears braces or plates, then using floss is very important, as it is necessary to remove food debris even more often.

Dental floss can differ quite a lot in its appearance. Most often they are packaged in boxes. This box contains one skein. The standard length of floss in a skein is 50 meters. The box should have a lid and a convenient cutter to cut the floss to the required length. There are other floss options on sale. For example, there are threads that are already built into a separate holder, which is made of plastic. In my own way appearance This thread is very reminiscent of a slingshot. Their advantage is compactness. This is a great option for use on the road or outside the home. It fits perfectly in a small purse and will always be at your fingertips.

How to use floss correctly

So we come to main topic our article. How to use floss correctly? It is very important to master the technique of using it. After all correct application threads are a guarantee that you will clean the interdental space efficiently and painlessly. It is best if your dentist explains the technique of cleaning your teeth with floss. If it is not yet possible to see him, then carefully read our recommendations and try to strictly follow them. The main thing is to understand the operating principle of this simple device. It will take quite a bit of time for everything to start working out. And with experience, you will no longer have to think about the nuances of such cleaning. This process will be brought almost to automation. Let's look at the steps from beginning to end of cleaning.

  1. You need to take the thread cartridge in your hands. You will need to carefully pull out about 40-50 cm of floss. If you are doing this for the first time and are afraid of making a mistake, then you can simply use a ruler. Then you can do it without her. The eye gauge will tell you the correct length.
  2. Next you will need right hand. For left-handed people it may be the left. On middle finger you need to twist one end of the floss. Wind the other end onto the same finger of your left hand. You should try to do this manipulation in such a way that one finger only fixes the floss, and the main thread is all wound around the other finger. Between these fingers you will need to leave a piece of thread about 10 cm. This length will be enough to make cleaning convenient. Between the index finger on your left hand and thumb on the right you need to securely fix the floss.
  3. Next, pull the thread tightly, open your mouth wider and carefully insert the floss into the space between the teeth. Be as careful as possible to avoid causing injury to your gums. There is no need to make any effort. Your movements should be smooth and easy. Gently press the floss against the side of the tooth. Then start moving up and down on this surface. It is enough to make no more than 6-7 such movements. Please note that the thread must also be brought slightly beyond the edge of the gum. This will help remove food debris from under the gums. It is very important to do this, because it is this ability to go behind the gum that distinguishes floss from a toothbrush. At the same time, you will be able to remove plaque from hard-to-reach places behind the gum. But do not apply force and do not press the floss on the gum, so as not to damage the delicate papilla on it. The floss should be pressed against the tooth and movements should be made towards its cutting surface. Make movements back and forth, and then down and up. There is no need to reach the gum so as not to injure it. This is the main and most important manipulation with the thread. After this you can floss back. This is what flossing is all about.
  4. This cleaning must be done with each tooth of the lower and upper row. For each new tooth, use a new clean section of floss. That's why we measured as much as 40-50 cm.

Using floss, although quite simple, this process has its own subtleties. It is important not to use brute force, but to develop the ability to do it smoothly and carefully. Thanks to its enough soft structure, floss is not capable of causing any harm to the enamel. This sets it apart from a brush. But it can harm the gums. But only if you use it too roughly and incorrectly. You also don't need to floss too often. This can also have a detrimental effect on the health of your gums. Remember, if you injure your gums, bacteria from your teeth will get directly into the wound. This can cause complications such as stomatitis, periodontitis, and gingivitis. At the initial stages of using floss, you can even rinse your mouth with special disinfectant solutions to prevent germs from getting into small wounds.

The second common mistake is the desire to save thread. If you think that half a meter is too long for floss, we hasten to convince you otherwise. This length is barely enough for you to properly process the surface of all teeth. After all, for each tooth you will need a new section of floss. Don't try to use one section of floss on multiple teeth. After all, the task of the thread is to remove food debris, and with it microbes. What happens? You have cleaned one tooth of germs. They remained on the thread. You begin to brush another tooth with the same floss and successfully transfer all the microbes to it. This will lead to the fact that you will not clean the interdental surface, but will only transfer microbes from one tooth to another. This is why it is so important to designate a new section of floss for each new area of ​​teeth. This way you will thoroughly clean all your teeth, and not just the first ones that you brushed with clean floss.

As you can see, there is nothing complicated about using floss. You just need a little skill and patience. Try to take your time and treat the space between all teeth. The hardest part will be brushing the side teeth, but over time, you will develop the necessary skill. The main thing is to do this regularly.

Even though floss is not a complicated device for cleaning teeth, it also needs to be used correctly. This will determine how successful and safe the cleaning will be. It is important not to injure the delicate surface of the gums. So, tips for using thread:

  1. If you use the floss incorrectly, pull it too sharply or apply too much force, you can cause a cut to the gum. Sometimes these cuts can be quite deep and painful. They take a long time to heal. Therefore, do not apply much effort and do not make sudden movements with the thread. There's no need to rush. It's better to spend the extra five minutes and get a good result.
  2. Please note that regular floss is absolutely not suitable for brushing your teeth. Despite its apparent simplicity, dental floss is made from high-quality and durable fibers. In addition, it has its own unique surface structure, which ensures smooth gliding and contact with a large surface area of ​​the tooth.
  3. If, after you first started flossing, you notice that your gums are bleeding, do not be alarmed and immediately stop flossing. This is acceptable and quite normal. But pay attention to ensure that this does not happen again in the future. At the initial stage, bleeding is allowed. After all, the gums need to get used to such cleaning a little, and you need to get used to it. Using floss helps improve blood circulation in the gums. Thanks to this, it will soon get stronger and stop bleeding. But if even after a week the bleeding has not gone away, you need to go to the dentist. The point here is not your inexperience, but the fact that gums have hidden diseases.
  4. Used dental floss should be thrown away. It cannot be reused, as bacteria settle on its surface.
  5. If bleeding starts while flossing, this is not at all a reason to refuse such an important hygiene procedure. As we have already mentioned, bleeding in the first days of using the thread is quite acceptable. Just try to be more careful when cleaning.
  6. If you have braces, plates or crowns, it is better to use superfloss rather than regular floss. It is more suitable for such difficult cleaning. The technique for using superfloss is the same as for regular floss - carefully insert it between the teeth and clean the surface with smooth movements.

Let us also remind you that in case of periodontal disease, periodontitis, or in the presence of extensive caries with the formation of cavities, floss cannot be used. If you have braces or bridges, flossing is possible. However, it must be used with extreme caution.

So, floss will help remove plaque on the surface of the teeth that is not so easy to reach with a brush. This is the so-called interdental space. It makes up 40% of the entire surface of the teeth, so you need to pay attention Special attention cleaning it.


Before purchasing floss, you need to know about some rules for its use. The product is produced in plastic containers, which includes a small knife for cutting the fiber. It is important to determine the size of the thread for convenient cleaning of the oral cavity from plaque.

You should use dental floss not only in the morning and evening after basic dental care activities. It is recommended to use it after snacks or drinking coffee.

Indications for use

The device is great for removing plaque in hard-to-reach places where it is difficult for a toothbrush to reach. It is suitable for use by children from 8 years of age and adults.

Floss is suitable for regular daily use. The best option flossing every time after eating. It is also prescribed to patients with orthodontic appliances installed, as plaque and food particles accumulate faster on them.

Dental floss is a necessary oral care product for people with dental anomalies (trema and diastema, crooked teeth)

Why is it important to choose the right floss? First of all, the material should not delaminate when cleaning the interdental spaces. Floss breaks can occur if the tooth enamel has unevenness and chips.

How to use dental floss correctly

Achieve results in preventing caries and other dental disorders This is only possible with regular flossing. At sensitive enamel and gums, use the product once, before bedtime. Otherwise, flossing should be done after every meal. Another effective option use of the product - 2 times a day after the main hygiene measures. You can use floss before traditional teeth cleaning to remove plaque and food debris.

The algorithm for using dental floss is as follows:

  1. Take a container with fiber in your hand and, using a special cutter included with the product, cut off approximately 40 cm of material. If the product is used for the first time, then it is better to use a ruler to determine the required length.
  2. The end of the thread is wound around the index or middle finger of one hand. The other end is pinched with the middle finger of the opposite hand. There should be a piece of thread at least 5 cm long between your fingers. This floss size will be enough for effective cleansing interdental space.
  3. By using thumbs pull the thread, open your mouth wide and insert the fiber into the space between the teeth. A new piece of fishing line is used to clean each area. All manipulations are carried out carefully to prevent injury to the gums.
  4. During brushing, the floss is pressed against the side surface of the teeth on each side. All movements are made from top to bottom along the surface of the teeth.
  5. The fiber is brought slightly behind the edges of the gums to clean out all food debris from the interdental spaces.

The teeth of the upper and lower jaw. Use the same section of floss for different areas prohibited. This can cause bacteria to spread throughout the mouth. The used material is disposed of. On average, at least 40 cm of fiber is used per procedure. The advantage of flossing your teeth is that it does not harm the enamel.

Application algorithm for braces

After installing orthodontic structures, the doctor informs the patient about the rules for caring for them. For effective cleaning devices, you must use brushes, toothbrushes, floss or irrigators. Food particles can easily get caught under hooks, locks and other elements of orthodontic structures, which cause bad breath.

Orthodontist teaches proper care behind the mouth using superfloss. This product performs the functions of several types of dental floss. The main point of training is to avoid damaging the structure itself and soft tissues during oral hygiene.

Photo of cleaning braces with floss

Algorithm for the procedure:

  1. Hands processing antiseptic or wash with soap.
  2. The cleansing procedure is carried out in front of a mirror to examine all the elements of the orthodontic device.
  3. On index fingers Both hands wind about 30 cm of thread.
  4. The fiber is hooked under the main wire without touching the metal parts.
  5. After cleaning the braces, the accessory is hooked into each interdental space. To process closely spaced units, manufacturers make special narrow threads.
  6. The floss is removed from the mouth at one end to prevent damage to the braces.
  7. The used fishing line is disposed of.

Without floss, it is impossible to achieve ideal cleanliness of the oral cavity, especially with orthodontic devices installed.

Flossing for Children

Children no earlier than 9 years old can use the accessory independently. However, you can introduce your child to the product much earlier.

Important with early years teach your child good oral hygiene

For children younger age It is better to use thread under parental supervision. It is important to ensure that the child carefully performs all manipulations and does not damage the gums and mucous membranes of the mouth. If during the process of cleaning the interdental spaces the baby’s gums begin to bleed, then the procedure is postponed and the mouth is washed with a warm antiseptic solution. You can resume flossing only after the bleeding has disappeared.

Frequent problems when using the accessory and ways to solve them

Let's look at the main difficulties that arise when cleaning interdental spaces with floss:

  • Gums bleed when flossing. The symptom may indicate signs of developing gingivitis. Adults don't have to stop brushing their teeth right away. Vice versa, regular use pastes, brushes and threads suppresses signs of dental diseases and reduces the intensity of their symptoms.
  • Fiber stuck between teeth. To treat narrow interdental spaces, it is better to use Teflon or specially treated fishing line. In both cases, the floss will glide more easily over the enamel of the teeth. The dentist will help you choose the appropriate product option.
  • Insufficient time for hygiene. On average, the procedure for cleansing your mouth with floss lasts 5 minutes. If you don't have enough time, you can reduce this time to 60 seconds. Even short-term treatment of interdental spaces will help avoid the development of caries.
  • Coordination of movements is impaired. For people who have difficulty holding the thread, special devices with y-shaped support have been invented. One end of the thread is attached to top part designs, and the second - on the hand.

In order for flossing to become a habit, it is necessary to combine the procedure with enjoyable activities: reading a book, watching your favorite TV show.

Dentists do not recommend flossing to all patients. The device is not suitable for people suffering from bleeding gums associated with periodontal disease. In this case, the product can aggravate the course dental disease. In this case, floss can be used only after all signs of periodontal disease have disappeared.

Is it possible to replace floss with regular thread?

Some patients use regular sewing thread instead of brushing their teeth with dental floss. It must be remembered that pharmaceutical products made from materials that go through several stages of processing. This makes them practically safe for teeth and gums.

Sewing thread with strong tension can even injure your fingers. Not to mention the delicate mucous membranes of the mouth. In addition, it is easy to introduce infection into the oral cavity with ordinary material, since it is not treated with special antiseptic compounds.

IN best case scenario the thread is soaked in alcohol. Regular use of sewing thread for cleaning causes bleeding gums.

Regular floss cannot be used instead of floss because it gets stuck in the teeth and increases the risk of developing periodontitis, gingivitis, unpleasant odor from mouth

An important rule that should be followed before starting the procedure is washing your hands with soap. If used carelessly, floss can cause gum damage. Easily gets into microcracks pathogenic flora from dirty hands.

If a person has too narrow dental spaces or there are problems with the conductivity of the floss, then it is necessary to use waxed products. If it is difficult to hold the fiber in your hands until the end of the procedure, then it is better to purchase a product equipped with a special holder.

Your gums may be sore for 3-4 days after flossing. This condition is considered normal, since bacteria in the oral cavity die gradually. If intensity unpleasant signs After a few days after using the floss, the floss intensifies, then it is better to stop using the product and seek advice from a dentist.

It will help to avoid problems associated with flossing (scratches and abrasions in the mouth). right choice dental floss. Before using the product for the first time, it is better to consult your dentist. Should not be completely replaced standard means on caring for your mouth with floss, since in this case it will not be possible to clean your mouth well.

You should check with your dentist about how often to use the accessory. For some patients, doctors allow the product to be used after every meal, for others 1-2 times a day. Uncontrolled flossing can in some cases lead to destruction of the gum structure.