How to choose the right Alabai puppy? Pros and cons of the breed. How to choose an Alabai puppy: the pros and cons of the breed, instructions for the buyer, what to look for when buying How to distinguish a purebred Alabai puppy from a crossbreed

We all know that best friend for the whole family - a dog. Once you decide to get a puppy, you should carefully choose your future pet among the furry lumps. After all, even purebred animals have their deviations.

Visit to the breeder

The selection of a pet begins with a visit to the breeder. Indeed, a puppy should be purchased from a breeder, and not through a pet store.

The fact is that in pet stores puppies are taken away from their mother early, so the chances of adopting a pet that has already been trained correct behavior in the mother, minimal. If the dog was weaned early, then the owner will have to correct his behavior, because of this, the pet can be timid and aggressive when it grows up.

It is worth visiting the breeder soon after the puppies are born. As you know, the best, healthiest babies are taken first.

There is no need to purchase puppies from the first litter of a bitch.

The most the best option There will be a dog from the 3rd litter.

Make sure that the bitch has the same dog. This will confirm that the dog consistently produces healthy offspring from this male. Also, you should inquire about the health of the bitch.

A competent breeder will be able to describe in detail the health and character of newborn puppies. He will also be able to describe the health status of the puppies’ mother.

He must allow you to interact with the dog and puppies during your visit. If you manage to establish contact with the breeder, he will help you narrow down the choice of puppies. It is the breeder who will tell you which pet is more docile, which is shy, and which one likes to play pranks.

Character and behavior of the baby

It is necessary to observe the entire litter of puppies. Evaluate which of them is playful, which is modest, and which is dominant. Ask who is friendly and who is a bully.

Let them crowd around your feet, grab your pant leg, or try to crawl out onto your knees. If out of 5 puppies four avoid a person or bark aggressively, then at this time it is impossible to make a choice, since they are hostile.

Despite the fact that the 5th dog stands modestly aside, This doesn't mean he's happy to see you - he just might be indecisive. This distrust of people is genetic, so such a dog can become difficult to socialize.

Do not react to the breeder's jokes about the puppies being timid or aggressive.

If puppies show aggression, then this may be a sign that the breeder treated them poorly.

Health check

What can you check? Here is an approximate sequence of actions:

  1. Look at each puppy visually - the pet should not be fat, but not thin either.
  2. Carefully examine the eyes, teeth and gums, ears and butt - everything should be clean. The undercoat is shiny and the genitals should be free of any traces of pus or feces.
  3. Determine the quality of hearing and vision in the animal. To do this, you need to clap your hands and look at the puppy’s reaction.
  4. To assess the quality of vision, you need to roll a ball in front of the baby and see if there is a reaction.
  5. Pay attention to your gait and breathing. A healthy dog ​​breathes quietly, without coughing. There should be no crusts or discharge around the nostrils.
  6. The pet should run without lameness or stiffness in movement.
  7. Let your puppy grab your hand to test how well he controls his mouth.

Features of breeds

German Shepherd

How to choose a puppy German Shepherd? Skeleton healthy puppy- strong and strong. Limbs should be straight. If they are curved, then this is a sign of rickets. If the dog has large joints, this means that a good bone structure is being formed.

Paws should be compact with thick pads and dark claws.

A scissor bite is required.

It will be a good plus if the pet has wide shoulder girdle, wide hips, short back and lower back.

You need to make sure that your pet is not afraid of people, he is already socialized. There should be everything.

- plush. Take the puppy in your arms and look at it carefully. Skin covering clean and you should feel a small layer of fat under your hands. There should be no hernia on the puppy's tummy.

A healthy dog's eyes and ears are always clean and free of discharge. The dog's nose is slightly wet and his paws are straight. The tail should already be docked by the breeder.


How to choose a husky puppy? Check the picus - it should be scissor-shaped. Both boys and girls should have 6 incisors on each jaw.

The guarantee that the baby will become large is thick paws and a voluminous skull. You also need to examine your stomach to make sure there is no umbilical hernia. The skin is pink, the ears and eyes should be clean.


How to choose a baby Chihuahua? The first thing you need to pay attention to is the condition of your teeth. The bite is either straight or scissor.

The puppy's weight should be approximately 2-3 kg. If the dog is healthy, then he the ears will be clean and without redness.

The baby must be active. Girls are more affectionate, boys are more restless. The puppy's nose is always wet.


How to choose a Spitz puppy? Distinctive feature This dog has three types of faces: fox, toy, bear.

At the time of buying You need to pay attention to your teeth. They should not be inflamed, and bacterial ulcers should not be allowed in the mouth.

Concluding the review, we note that no matter what dog you choose, remember - This is a friend for many years. Therefore, pay close attention to it, pick it up and do not forget to walk your pet more often.

Additionally, watch a short video on how to choose the best puppy from litter:

If you decide to buy an Asian. First of all, you need to decide why you need this particular dog. The breed is quite large and has excellent guarding qualities. I don’t look at my impressive and menacing appearance at first glance, this is the most good-natured creature you can imagine. They are great nannies. They do not pose a threat to family members at all proper education, but they will never offend their beloved owner and their family.

For centuries, Alabai guarded herds and shepherds and were distinguished by their stable psyche, flexible character and incredible loyalty. Security qualities manifest themselves exclusively in their own territory, so when you go out for a walk, you don’t have to worry that your pet will rush at all living things around.

“How to choose Central Asian Shepherd puppies?” - this question came to your face and you came to this stage. First of all, decide on the purpose of the purchase.

If you decide to buy an animal that will participate in exhibitions and various competitions and want to raise a champion, then you need to purchase only from a trusted breeder, whom the dog breeders club can advise you. The breeder will provide you full package documents. Be sure to go to the kennel yourself to pick up the puppy and inspect the conditions there; the enclosures must be clean, and all dogs must be clean and moderately well-fed. Babies' paws should be thick, and they themselves should be well-fed; they should not be afraid of the appearance of a stranger. The cost will be high.

When purchasing, be sure to look at the bitch, and preferably also the male, who are the parents. Look at their behavior. How they react to commands.

Choosing an Alabai puppy just to protect your territory or just as pet, it is not necessary to take it from a nursery; it is enough to find a person engaged in so-called “folk breeding”. They may not provide you with documents. Such puppies may not differ much from elite ones, but they are unlikely to take part in exhibitions. The cost, of course, will also not be high, perhaps even purely symbolic.

If your decision to purchase a Central Asian Shepherd puppy has become final, you need to know about the conditions in which this breed must be kept. It is necessary to have a sufficiently large territory, if it is not there, then it will be necessary to provide daily walking, you need to walk the dog for a long time, they need to walk a lot due to anatomical features body, the walk should be at least 5-6 km, ideally 10 km. must be an enclosure; if people will live in the enclosure permanently, it must be large, at least 6-8 square meters. m, if the enclosure is needed only to isolate the pet for a short time, a small enclosure can be allowed. Keeping an Asian on a chain is not acceptable under any circumstances.

Nutrition of the Central Asian Shepherd

When choosing an Alabai puppy, you need to know about the rules. This is a very large and heavy boned breed and must have sufficient calcium in its diet. There must be plenty of protein for proper growth. Ideally feeding natural food this is beef, cottage cheese, eggs, beef stomach, udder, cereals, vegetables. From the first months, beef must be ground. From three months, fine cutting is acceptable. Vegetables must be cooked together with porridge. Do not give potatoes under any circumstances; in principle, all dog breeds cannot digest them.

Raising an Alabai puppy

Having chosen a Central Asian Shepherd puppy, you should immediately understand that this is a dominant breed and from the first day the baby must learn who is the boss. If he is trying to show that he is the main one, there is one proven method - you need to take the animal by the withers very firmly and press it to the floor until he stops resisting, so he will understand the main thing, because that’s exactly how this breed defeats the enemy and shows his fellow tribesmen his strength. it is necessary methodically and consistently, without aggression. With proper upbringing, you will become the main authority for your ward and, as a result, will receive complete obedience and reliable protection.

Happy purchasing!

Video How to choose a Central Asian Shepherd puppy.

This is a dog with an independent character. She is strong and understands her owner at a glance. The main advantage of the Alabai is its immense devotion to its owner. Alabai is capable of protecting his family if he is raised correctly and trained on time. But it all starts with choosing a puppy wisely.

Buying a young Alabai from nurseries is a guarantee that a purebred, mentally balanced and healthy pupil will end up in your home.

First you must decide on the gender of the puppy. Typically, Alabai females are more active and not as self-confident as males. Females are able to work during estrus. But then you will need to make allowances for the fact that after giving birth the bitch will have her own for one and a half to two months functional responsibilities will not be able to perform. Representatives of the males of the breed are much more powerful than the females; they are excellent guards. We are used to going ahead with security, not noticing anything nearby. The dog works all year round. As for fights, females participate in them no less often than males. Moreover, their clashes sometimes even end with the death of one of the opponents. Males don't have this. Realizing during the fight that his opponent has given up, he lets him go, simply walking away with dignity. And, of course, keep in mind that female Alabai eat less than males. Breeders advise purchasing bitches for families with children. They are more flexible and calm. Males are very formidable defenders. So, the choice of gender depends entirely on you.

Next, you need to take into account that at the age of 45 days, Alabai puppies are activated. Therefore, the purchase must be made at least two months later. And the smaller the puppy, the easier it will be for him to adapt to his new place of residence. At the age of three months, after all the vaccinations, the dog should already be accustomed to the noise of traffic, the flow of people, and communication with other dogs every day. So don't be late with age.

Upon arrival at the kennel, it is worth observing the behavior of the parents of the puppy that you like. They must be ideal in character and external parameters.

It is also very difficult to make a choice from the many puppies in the litter. Take a closer look at their behavior. After all, some puppies are more phlegmatic and compliant, while others immediately show leadership qualities, which is very important for this breed. Breeders advise choosing a pet that is not afraid of the sound of keys being abruptly thrown onto the floor. A good dog will run up to them and immediately start sniffing.

If you see that the Alabai puppy’s fur is long, then you should refuse to purchase it. Most likely it's a cross Caucasian Shepherd and Alabai. A real purebred plush Alabaik. With the breeder's permission, pick up the puppy and examine it carefully. His skin should be clean; a small layer of fat can be felt under it with your hands. Look at the doggie's tummy. There should be no hernia there. The dog's nose should be wet and its paws should be straight. Both eyes and ears healthy dog always clean, no discharge. At this age the tail should already be docked.

If, after meeting puppies of the same litter, you do not have an intuitive desire to buy, something confuses you, then visit another nursery and take a closer look at the litter of other Alabais. After all, choosing a dog is tantamount to adding a child to the family. A puppy needs to be loved. This is responsibility, duty and patience. And if you don’t like the dog initially, then you shouldn’t give in to the breeder’s persuasion and his laudatory characteristics. An agreement with collateral is possible. In this case, the breeder will hold for you the puppy about which you have doubts. But if you do not return for it at the agreed time, for example, having made a purchase elsewhere, then the deposit will not be returned. The owner will definitely find an owner for all Alabai dogs.

When purchasing a young pet, do not hesitate to ask the breeder about his daily diet, water mode, subsequent vaccination. And without delay, decide on a nickname.

Before choosing a dog breed for yourself, you need to carefully understand what kind of character they have, what kind of appearance and attitude towards the owners. If you choose according to the last criterion, then Alabai is one of the most loyal.

Character of Alabai

These dogs feel very independent and self-confident. They understand their superiority in physical strength, so it is very important to educate them correctly.

Otherwise, when the puppy grows up, it becomes a problem for the whole family. If everything is done correctly, the alabai will not be so self-confident and selfish, and will become a good watchman who gets along well with the owner.

Not the most pleasant character trait of the Alabai is its cockiness, that is, most games end in a fight. Therefore, it is worth considering training with experienced trainers. Also, dogs do not trust strangers and strangers, what you need to consider when walking with them in crowded places.

Despite this, Alabai are very loyal and well protect the entire family of the owner from any offender.

When you decide to buy a puppy, you need to contact those who train and breed dogs of this breed, as well as kennels. So, you can make sure of the pure breed of the puppy and its state of health. It is also important to observe his parents. If they good behavior, character and ideal appearance, this means that such a puppy is worth adopting.

If the owners have small children in the house, it is recommended to purchase a female dog, as she has a calmer and more flexible character. Males, on the contrary, are needed in order to make them reliable protectors.

The most suitable age for purchasing a puppy is two months. This is due to vaccinations, which puppies should best receive from experienced dog breeders. It’s interesting that when a child makes a choice, you can throw the keys on the floor and the one who is not afraid, but gets interested and runs up to them, you can buy.

As for appearance, of course, the puppy must be clean (both eyes and ears), the nose must be moist, without bending in the limbs, the tail must be docked, and the fur must be plush. If it is long, it means that the Alabai is not purebred, but mixed with a Caucasian Shepherd.

It is much better to buy such a dog if it lives not in an apartment, but in its own street kennel. Alabai people may feel uncomfortable in cramped apartments; they prefer freedom and frequent long walks without strangers and other animals.

The nutrition of puppies of this breed is not anything special, that is, it does not differ from the feeding of other dogs. The main thing is that the food is natural and dry.

From meat products For Alabais, beef and veal are suitable, fish is low-fat. You can cook soups with meat, vegetables and cereals. It is better to cook porridge for dogs from buckwheat, oats or rice. They love eggs, dairy products, vegetables and fruits.

In addition, we must not forget about vitamins and minerals for dogs so that they fully grow and develop. For the smallest Alabai, it is better to make food semi-liquid. The first appointment should be at 7 a.m. and the last at 7 p.m.

It is strictly forbidden to feed them bones, as there is a possibility of injuring the stomach and opening internal bleeding. When introducing a new product into the diet, you need to start with small doses, observing the manifestation possible allergies. If dry food is used for feeding, it must be selected according to the baby’s age.

When the puppy is 2 months old, it is separated from its mother and begins to develop rapidly. At proper feeding up to six months the weight increases 3 times, and up to a year – another two.

From the very beginning, contact should be established between the puppy and the owner so that they respect and understand each other. All play activities should focus on the primacy of the person in such relationships.

Since Alabai love freedom, they are not very willing to follow orders. In this case, the person needs to arouse the dog’s interest in training. Every right deed and good behavior should end with encouragement.

So, the dog will understand the correctness of its actions and try to please the owner. This does not mean that you need to treat the puppy with some kind of treat every time, you can just say kind word and pet him.

Beating a dog cannot be used as punishment, otherwise the dog will begin to perceive the owner as his enemy, which is very bad, especially in adult dogs.

When choosing an Alabai puppy for yourself, doubts always arise as to which one is best to choose. It is noteworthy that if you like the puppy at first sight, then the purchase must be made. If it is impossible to make a choice, it is worth visiting several nurseries to make a final decision.

The first thing you need when buying a puppy is to realize that you are not just buying a toy, but you are taking into your home a new family member whom you must raise, for whom you are responsible. Once this stage has been completed, you can begin choosing a breed.

Nursery or advertisement?

It is, of course, better to choose a dog with a pedigree, and in general it is wonderful when you can literally examine it. The fact that they sell you a dog with a passport and vaccination card does not mean at all that the specified breed will correspond to reality. For easy profit, they can sell some mongrel that looks like what you want.

The best option in this matter is to choose a puppy in a nursery, where you can see its parents. Usually, character of puppies - from mother, father's physique. Usually the bitch lives in the kennel, and the male is visiting, so if you don’t manage to meet the father, the management of the kennel will provide detailed information about him. There is no doubt about its reliability; the nursery will not risk its reputation.

Having met a bitch, you can draw the first conclusions about her cubs, how calm or aggressive she is, and how she perceives strangers, especially children. These qualities, of course, are achieved through training, but if the mother of the puppies is well-educated, there is every chance of achieving success with the babies.

Alabai, general characteristics. Temperament

When choosing a pet, you need to pay more attention not to positive traits, and to negative ones. How picky is the breed when it comes to food, does it need special care, etc.

Or Central asian shepherd dog, Very large breed . The disadvantages include the fact that they are difficult to train, aggressive towards other dogs, and very independent. But at the same time, they are balanced, devoted, not fussy about food and care, and love children.

Despite general description, each puppy has its own character. Just like people, dogs are temperamental.

  • Alabai-choleric A very active and energetic dog, she is interested in literally everything. Constantly requires attention and games. When choosing such a dog, there is a possibility that slippers will always be chewed off, toys will be scattered - wherever this dog is there is chaos.
  • Alabai the phlegmatic at first glance, he only eats and sleeps, he will not run in the park for a stick. The dog is of course lazy, but this has many advantages: he is very good-natured, obedient but in no way cowardly, but does not get involved in fights. He will never offend a child - he will calmly tolerate his pranks. Of course, he will have to tinker with training a lot because of his laziness, but when he masters the skills, it will become a familiar way of life for him.
  • Alabai-sanguine cheerful and playful dog. Very smart and brave, it is much easier to train him than others, since his reactions of excitability and inhibition are at the same level. An ideal life companion for the whole family.

It is important to remember that if the owner is a lazy person, he should not take an overly energetic dog with whom he has to run and jump, this will only bring inconvenience and dissatisfaction.

Health and appearance

When choosing a puppy, pay attention to its appearance. The color of the Alabai can be different - gray, white, black, red, even brindle. The eyes are clean and shiny, without tear ducts. Ears are clean, without presence unpleasant odor. Gums must have pink color. The teeth are straight, the bite is scissor. The croup is massive, wide, the tail is raised up. On chest, between the front paws, an adult’s hand should fit freely. Look at him for a while - he should not scratch or bite himself, these are signs of wounds, sores on the body, fleas or ticks. If the coat is too long, more than 8 cm, it is a cross between an Alabai and a Caucasian Shepherd. These are the main signs of a healthy puppy.

Basic tests for a puppy

There are several reactions and instinct tests that can be carried out on the spot.

  1. Place a saucer of food in front of the puppy. If he does not seek to explore it, or walks slowly with his tail between his legs, most likely such a dog will be cowardly.
  2. Roll over onto his back, placing your hand on his stomach. If the puppy resists and calms down, it means he is balanced and will respond well to training. If it resists and bites, the dog will be aggressive and/or hyperactive. If he tries to escape, most likely he is not balanced; the behavior of such a dog can be unpredictable.
  3. Throw a bunch of keys on the floor. The puppy should pay attention to the sudden sound. Instant reaction - the makings of an active guard dog, slow - the dog is curious, but lazy. If there is no reaction at all, the puppy has hearing problems.
  4. Draw your puppy's attention to you, then move away a couple of meters. The puppy runs after you - he is active, not afraid to follow a person, depending on training, he will become a good guard or companion. If he slowly follows you with his tail between his legs, it means he is afraid, but he likes you. He won't make a security guard. If he stands still, it means he is too proud and independent; with serious training, you can raise an excellent service dog with a strong character.

It is very important that the owner and pet like each other. If the Alabai does not recognize the owner, problems will arise with training. It is also desirable that he is not the first large dog in the family, he feels the fear and inexperience of the owner.

Don't forget to make sure that the puppy has basic vaccinations, skills, that he is toilet trained. Familiarize yourself with his diet to minimize feeding stress in the future and avoid digestive problems. Alabai's home should be a spacious enclosure. The dog needs to move a lot, otherwise arthrosis may develop. Accustom your baby to bathing and brushing; in the future, these processes are inevitable, and it will be much easier to cope with an accustomed pet.