How to properly instill eye drops? Inflammatory eye diseases in children and adults - symptoms and manifestations, diagnosis and treatment.

Today in every city pharmacies more than shops. Apparently, this is due to the fact that people give preference to the treatment and prevention of diseases with medications, rather than wanting to wait for mercy from nature. One of the most important problems of concern modern man, is visual impairment.

Constantly working TVs, computers and 3D technologies, designed to improve the quality of our lives, have a negative impact on the health of our eyes, and if measures to prevent vision problems are not taken in a timely manner, they can lead to serious complications. Vision deterioration is observed in 70% of people who work at a computer daily for more than 3 hours, and in every second child over 10 years of age. summer age. As you know, supply in the market depends on demand.

Due to the fact that today it is almost every man is looking for ways to give back lost vision yourself, children or relatives, then vitamin preparations There are a great variety of products on pharmacy shelves for the treatment and prevention of eye diseases.

Eye drops have different action. According to their purpose, they can be divided into several groups:
1. Vitamins for eyes. Vitamin drops for eyes inhibit the development of myopia and farsightedness, strengthen vascular system eye. The most important vitamins for the eyes are A, C, B, E, calcium and zinc. Any drops, even vitamin ones, should not be put into the eyes long time without consulting an ophthalmologist. Vitamins for the eyes are dripped in courses, taking breaks.

They are especially useful drip those who are exposed to increased stress on a daily basis. But most often, vitamin drops act comprehensively to strengthen vision and treat some disease. For example, vitamin eye drops catachrome or quinaxtachrome are best used for the prevention and treatment of cataracts, and the popular taufon drops are recommended for instillation during primary manifestations " night blindness"Taufon is also prescribed for those whose eyes get tired from constant strain while working at the computer. But for those who wear contact lenses and suffers from redness and irritation of the eyes, it is better to drip Visine vitamin drops into the eyes.

2. Moisturizing eye drops. Many people experience watery eyes, a feeling foreign body, burning or stinging in the eyes, which is called dry eye syndrome. The cause of this phenomenon may be dry air, the influence of a computer monitor, eye fatigue caused by dust or smoke. Moisturizing eye drops, which are similar in composition to human tears, will help eliminate the symptoms of dry cornea and conjunctiva. These are vizmed, oftagel, lycontin, systane, hilo-chest and others. Moisturizing drops are sold in pharmacies without a prescription, but they may not be effective if you have allergies. Therefore, if you experience any discomfort in the eye, you should consult an ophthalmologist.

3. Antiallergic eye drops. The symptoms of eye allergies are most often the same as those of dry eye syndrome. To eliminate allergy symptoms, the doctor usually recommends dripping cromohexal, alomide, ketotifen and others into the eyes. With more severe course allergies, you need to use more potent drugs, such as hydrocortisone and dexamethasone. They should never be used without a doctor's prescription.

4. Drops for the treatment of cataracts and glaucoma. Eye drops for cataracts and glaucoma are prescribed only by an ophthalmologist. Drops from this improve metabolic processes in the eyes, they are used for prevention and treatment age-related changes in the cornea of ​​the eyes. The most well-known drops for the treatment of cataracts are taufon, catalin, emoxypin, quinax and catachrome. Glaucoma medications are dropped into the eyes to reduce intraocular pressure, these include phosphacol, betaxol, aceclidine and carbocholine. Eye drops are effective only for early stages development of cataracts and glaucoma.

5. Anti-inflammatory and antiviral eye drops . For the treatment of inflammatory eye diseases, both viral and bacterial origin Use eye drops strictly as prescribed by your doctor. These drops belong to strong drugs and under no circumstances should you put drops in their eyes uncontrollably. They are effective for eliminating eye suppuration with conjunctivitis, inflammation and redness with uveitis and keratitis. This group includes eye drops levomycin, diclofenac, albucid, tobrrex and others.

Eye drops exist different types: there is one just for washing the eyes, there is one with a medicinal effect, but the rules for dropping it into the eyes are the same for both. It seems that putting eye drops is simple, and not much attention is paid to it. In fact, this is a responsible process, the incorrect implementation of which is fraught with serious consequences. The fact is that in the inner corner of the eye there is a tear duct. If you drop drops into it, the medicine will also fall into those located next to it. paranasal sinuses nose, and from there into the blood.

Droplets that enter the bloodstream can:

  • affect heart rate;
  • cause depression, increased nervousness;
  • change pressure;
  • lead to asthma.
Preparing for the eye drop procedure
  1. Wash your hands with soap and let them dry.
  2. If the drops are stored in the refrigerator, then take them out and warm the bottle in your hands. Firstly, cold drops when instilled cause discomfort, and secondly, they are absorbed worse.
  3. Read the instructions, they contain information about whether you need to shake the bottle before instillation.
  4. Remove contact lenses if you wear them. You can put them on only 15 minutes after instilling eye drops.
  5. Take a comfortable position: lying or sitting. You can arm yourself with a mirror.
How to apply eye drops correctly?
  1. Take a piece of cotton wool, place it under the eye, press it with your finger and pull the lower eyelid down a little. Just don’t overdo it: you should end up with a small “pocket” in which you will bury the drops. If you pull the eyelid too low, the drops will simply pour out later. Cotton wool is needed in case drops drip onto the cheek.
  2. Tilt your head back. Look up to avoid spontaneously instinctively closing your eyes when a drop falls.
  3. Place one drop into the “pocket”, but do not bring the bottle with drops close to the eye, so as not to injure the mucous membrane. Hold it a couple of centimeters away from your eye. Do not touch the tip of the bottle or pipette to anything: no objects, no skin, no eyelashes, to avoid transmitting the infection to the other eye.
  4. Release the eyelid and close the eye, but do not squint, otherwise the drops will flow out. Gently press the inner corner of your eye to your nose with your finger and hold it there for a couple of minutes. This will prevent the medicine from entering the paranasal sinuses.
  5. If the drops are moisturizing, then the previous step can be omitted, but you need to blink to evenly distribute the drops over the mucous membrane of the eye.
  6. Repeat the procedure with the other eye if necessary.
  7. After instillation, carefully close the bottle without touching the tip with your fingers.
  8. If you use eye droppers, have one for each eye.
Additional points for eye drops
  1. If your doctor has prescribed you more than one drop, be sure to ask him about the time interval between medications. As a rule, it ranges from 3 to 20 minutes.
  2. Eye ointment is applied only after instillation of drops.
  3. If you have hand tremors, your doctor or pharmacist will recommend special devices for eye drops.
How to put drops in a child's eyes?
Even for an adult this procedure looks terrifying, let alone for children. However, while it is still possible to explain the process to a preschooler, it is very difficult to apply eye drops to a baby.

To apply drops to a baby's eyes, you need to lay him down and raise both his arms above his head with one hand. Thus, the children's closed hands additionally fix his head. With your other hand, open his eyelid and drip drops. For very small children, you can put drops in your eyes while you sleep by carefully pulling back the lower eyelid. True, after this the baby will still wake up crying.

The rules for eye drops are not so complicated, their implementation guarantees you healing effect And speedy recovery. Remember that even if you follow all the recommendations, an open bottle of drops should not be kept open for more than a month.

    Those people who do welding must constantly put something in their eyes, otherwise it will harm their eyes. Visomitin drops are suitable for this purpose. They should help. You should also take breaks more often than usual if you feel itchy eyes.

    It depends on how you feel after welding. If everything is fine with the eyes, there is no pain, no stinging, no discomfort, then there is no need for any medicine. Well, if your eyes are red and hurt, then you can drip any eye drops that you have on hand.

    After welding, drops may be needed to solve problems (problems) of different nature, depending on this, completely different eye drops may be recommended for use. Let's figure it out step by step.

    At the first stage we are talking about pain relief:

    And here antibacterial effect The following drops may help:

    And other drops are great for restoring cells and mucous membranes:

  • I know that after welding you shouldn’t put any drops on your eyes at all, they can make the situation even worse. After all, the consequences of welding are not just fatigue, eye fatigue, but a retinal burn (depending on the severity of the burn, there are 4 degrees), as well as electroophthalmia.

    In this case, you need to rinse your eyes with water (not from the tap, but from a store bottle), then do a cold compress(hold on eyelids, for example, soaked in cold water cloth for about five minutes). And then you need to apply an antiseptic in the form of an ointment, Tetracycline will do.

    It would also be a good idea to take an anti-inflammatory drug (Diclofenac, Tavegil...).

    After welding, you do not need to use any eye drops if everything is fine. But if you pick up bunnies, you can drip any available eye drops that relieve dryness, irritation or redness. You can also hold the tea leaves (wet/brewed) in gauze on your eyelids. Potatoes for emergencies.

    For electroophthalmia (eye burn from welding rays or any other bright light), rinse your eyes with cool water. boiled water If the pain does not go away, you can drip a diluted solution of novocaine or lidocaine (in the absence of an allergic reaction) and try to avoid bright light.

    I have seen more than once how after welding the face can be red, like after a sunburn, and the eyes are generally red, stinging and painful. Therefore, initially, at the pharmacy you need to buy drops that have an analgesic effect, and then drops that restore the mucous membrane of the eye.

    Thus, the inflamed cornea will first stop pinching, and then gradually begin to recover.

    If you do welding at home, be sure to buy a special helmet with tinted glass; it will not allow ultraviolet radiation to penetrate, and excess light will not interfere with your work.

    Also during solar eclipse Through the shield you can clearly see how the sun and moon intersect.

    Everything has its advantages!

    You can also use Actipol, the drops help well with injuries, fatigue, redness and dry eyes. And not expensive and effective, using natural ingredients!

    After welding work You can instill Visoptin and protect your eyes, do not put stress on them. It is better not to read or use the Internet on this day. If there is no discomfort in the eyes after welding, then you can do without drops.

    If you are worried about dryness and pain in your eyes, then try Visomitin. It helps very well, I know from myself. I had dry eye syndrome, so these drops were the only thing that saved me!

    During welding occurs ultraviolet radiation, which negatively affects the sensitive cornea of ​​the eye. This radiation can cause burns and inflammation. Symptoms include burning in the eyes, lacrimation, fear of light, it is very difficult to open the eyes, of course, redness of the eyes.

    If this happens, under no circumstances should you rub your eyes, this will only increase irritation, and you should also not rinse your eyes with tap water or any other water.

    List medicines for eyes that can be instilled into the eyes after welding:

    If the pain is very severe and vision deteriorates, then it is best to consult an ophthalmologist.

Almost all organs of our body are protected by the skin. Scratches, abrasions, bruises - all this is primarily taken over by the skin. However, one cannot confidently talk about protecting the entire organism.

The eyes, one of the most complex systems, are practically not protected from the outside world. Changing weather conditions, wind, chemical compounds - all this and much more have a negative impact on the organs of vision, leading to inflammation and the development of many diseases.

Signs of inflammation development

Inflammation of the eyes can begin due to many various reasons, and also be a consequence of many diseases, but the symptoms are always similar and include:

All of these symptoms may occur simultaneously or one after the other. Some of them may simply not appear, while others will be especially acute. As a rule, with inflammation, at least 2-3 symptoms from the list are observed.

Reasons for the development of inflammation

Divided into three large groups:

  1. Mechanical impact. Here we mean a direct effect on the mucous membrane. This could be injuries from various objects or bruises, foreign objects– flies or specks of dust caught in the eyes, etc.;
  2. Infection of the body. The health of the visual organs very often depends on the health of the whole organism. Severe staphylococcal and streptococcal infections very often accompanied by inflammation of the eyes;
  3. Chemical compounds. Carelessness when working with chemicals, cleaning products and other similar compounds can cause not only inflammation, but also serious chemical burn, as well as loss of vision.

Treatment at home

In the vast majority of cases, inflammatory processes in the eyes are the result of mild mechanical stress or a simple infection. Very often they appear in young children who spend a lot of time outside. Just rub it with dirty hands eyes so that inflammation develops.

In these cases, treatment at home is sufficient, which gives noticeable results already on the first day.

If you are sure that the cause of the disease lies in the general condition of the body, then you should definitely consult a doctor.


As a rule, these are drugs that help relieve general state sick person, and also have an antibacterial or antiviral effect. Such drugs include "Levomycetin" or "Albucid". Additionally, drops can be used general action, which have a direct effect on symptoms.

Before using medications, it is necessary to consult a specialist, since many drugs have a lot of side effects, undesirable for the body.

Folk remedies

Compresses, eye baths, herbal lotions - all these folk remedies can be used if you want to cure inflammation of the organs of vision at home, without the help of a specialist.

Eye bath

To 12 parts of myrrh you need to add 2 parts boric acid and one part Canadian goldenseal. Pour half a liter of boiling water over the resulting mixture and cool to room temperature.

An eye bath is performed as follows: a heated infusion is poured into a special bath or small cup. Next, you need to lower your face to the roots of your hair and open your eyes. Stay in this position for 30 seconds. Repeat the procedure if necessary.

This bath not only helps with inflammation, but is an excellent remedy to eliminate fatigue. Doctors recommend using this method for those people who work at the computer for a long time.

Compresses or lotions

Widely used for eye inflammation. At the same time, it is necessary to clearly determine which part is affected - cold lotions are excellent for treating the eyelids and eyeballs, warm and slightly hot ones are used to treat the iris.

When using compresses, you must follow several rules:

  • One lotion should be made of fabric or gauze in three folds;
  • It is necessary to change lotions at least once every 5 minutes;
  • The maximum time for a single treatment is half an hour;
  • If you notice a sharp increase in symptoms, treatment should be stopped immediately.

Recipe 1. Potatoes. This compress helps relieve swelling. Grated raw potatoes wrapped in gauze and applied to the eyelids for 20 minutes.

Recipe 2. Cornflower. 2 teaspoons of blue cornflower are poured into 200 ml of boiled hot water and infuse for an hour. Such lotions can be used for any inflammatory processes of the eyes.

Recipe 3. Plantain. 2 teaspoons of the seeds of this plant must be mixed with the same amount of cold distilled water, mixed vigorously, then add another 6 tablespoons of boiling water and stir vigorously again. The resulting infusion is cooled, filtered and used for inflammation of the mucous membrane of the organs of vision.

Eye washes are also very popular and effective for various kinds inflammations.

Recipe 1. Clover. Can only be used in environmentally friendly areas. Squeeze the juice out of freshly picked clover and rinse your eyes with it.

Recipe 2. Chamomile or bird cherry. 25 grams of the plant must be poured with 250 ml of boiling water, tightly closed and placed in a dark place to infuse. After this, the product must be filtered and rinsed the eyes several times a day.

Folk remedies for oral administration

Such medicines fight inflammation from the inside. A contraindication to their use can only be individual intolerance components.

Recipe. Eyebright. Pour one glass of boiled hot water into 10 grams of herb and leave for a quarter of an hour. The medicine is taken 3 times a day, a whole glass.

Preventive measures

Maintaining eye hygiene is very important if you want to maintain visual acuity for many decades.

However, if inflammation does appear, then it is necessary to localize it, preventing further spread.

This is quite easy to do if you do not neglect the following rules:

  1. Do not touch your eyes - this will only aggravate their condition;
  2. Do rinsing. It could be a wash clean water or washing according to the above recipes;
  3. Forget about cosmetics for a while. All cosmetical tools have a negative effect on the eyes, and when they get on the mucous membrane, they irritate it even more;
  4. Use various methods treatment - do not be idle.

Choosing for treatment inflammatory processes eye traditional methods, do not forget that the quality of the components you use is very important.

Do not risk collecting herbs yourself, but rather purchase them at the pharmacy. Such products have already undergone several checks and processing, so they will only have a healing effect.

Severe redness and swelling of the eyelids, mucous discharge from the corners, soreness of the bridge of the nose may indicate inflammation of the eye. This is how an adult or child exhibits a protective reaction to the influence of any pathogenic stimulus. The eye itself or the area around the eye may be affected. Redness of the protein is accompanied by pain, lacrimation and blurred vision. Even minor inflammation of the retina or other part of the eyes requires attention, because they are very important body, responsible for 90% of the information perceived by a person.

What is eye inflammation

If the eye is inflamed, then this is understood as a complex adaptive reaction of the organ in response to the action of internal or external factors. It manifests itself as a complex of symptoms. The degree of their severity depends on the cause of inflammation of the eye mucosa. She carries an infectious or non-infectious nature. The pathology affects the eyelids, conjunctiva or iris.

Causes of sore eyes

Inflammation eyeball may be caused by infection, virus or fungus. Negative influence exerted by wind, dust, heat, cold, bright light and chemical substances. IN modern conditions With the development of technology, another dangerous factor for the eyes is the computer. Long work behind it, due to the high load on vision, can also lead to complications. In general, the reasons can be divided into several main groups:


In ophthalmology, there are inflammatory eye diseases such as uveitis and iridocyclitis. They represent inflammation of the anterior part choroid ciliary body and iris. Common reasons diseases include influenza, tuberculosis, gonorrhea, herpes, bacterial infection and chlamydia. Iridocyclitis can develop as a result of gout, allergies, rheumatism or eye injury. Most often, only one eye is affected. Iritis - isolated lesion of the iris is diagnosed less frequently. When sick, its color may change. The disease can develop as a result of:

  • tuberculosis;
  • flu;
  • syphilis;
  • brucellosis;
  • diseases of the sinuses or tonsils;
  • leptospirosis;
  • chronic caries;
  • corneal lesions purulent abscess;
  • penetration of infection.


Inflammation of the eyelid is manifested by swelling and redness, as shown in the photo. The process can take over it completely. Sometimes the lower or upper eyelid. Some diseases lead to this condition:

  1. Herpes. There are many types, but almost all are characterized by burning, redness of the eyelids, itching, pain and swelling around the eye. Eye pathology is characterized by the appearance of fluid-filled blisters.
  2. Chalazion. It's slow developing disease resulting from blockage sebaceous gland or colds, gastritis. Colitis or blepharitis. By appearance the disease is similar to barley.
  3. Blepharitis. Represents multiple chronic inflammation edges of the eyelids. Difficult to treat.
  4. Barley. The disease develops due to blockage hair follicle at an eyelash or sebaceous gland on the upper or lower eyelid due to a blocked duct or action Staphylococcus aureus. Barley often appears in children due to weakened immunity, insufficient hygiene, dirt and acute respiratory diseases.


Inner shell the inside of the eyeball and eyelids is the conjunctiva. Its inflammation is called conjunctivitis. It can be caused by chemical irritation, infection, allergies or injury. Inflammation of the conjunctiva has several types, each of which is characterized by its own causes:

  1. Bacterial. It is noted if the eye is swollen and red. Signs of inflammation also include photophobia, swelling of the conjunctiva and lacrimation. The cause is the ingress of bacteria. ­
  2. Hemorrhagic. Characterized by hemorrhage on the eyeball and eyelids. The cause is picornavirus, which is contagious.
  3. Adenoviral. Develops due to damage to the upper respiratory tract. The cause is an adenovirus.
  4. Allergic. Can be caused by various allergens, such as fungus.

Pustules in the eyes

Discharge of pus in the eye area is often a consequence of the development of infection in the conjunctival sac. This is how the body reacts to the rapid proliferation of bacteria. An abscess on the eye may be associated with:

  1. Keratitis. Purulent inflammation cornea, accompanied by suppuration. Symptoms include photophobia, pain in the eyeball, eyelid spasm, and corneal clouding. The causes may be burns, trauma, neurogenic factors.
  2. Barley. Disease sebaceous glands due to their blockage. The causative agent is staphylococcus or demodicosis.
  3. Allergies. Called long-term action on the body of the irritant.
  4. Acute purulent conjunctivitis. May develop due to bacteria, viruses or allergies.
  5. Trachoma. Infection due to chlamydia. It is characterized by the formation of boils and the subsequent release of pus from them.

Blown out eye

Even ordinary wind can cold the eye and cause inflammation. The mucous membranes of the organ are not protected skin, therefore their condition is especially strongly affected external factors. The risk of eye tissue pathologies increases with:

  • prolonged exposure to an air conditioner operating at high power;
  • walking in the wind after swimming;
  • being in transport near open window;
  • sticking his head out of a car driving high speed;
  • windows and doors open wide, which leads to drafts.

Inflammation of the eyes in a child

Bacterial, hemorrhagic or allergic conjunctivitis is the most common disease not only among adults, but also among children. In a child, it also leads to inflammation of the eye tissues. Other causes of this symptom are the same as those listed for adults. These are diseases:

  • barley;
  • blepharitis;
  • viral keratitis;
  • allergy;
  • herpes;
  • chalazion.

Inflammation of the eye during pregnancy

In addition to the main causes, factors in the development of inflammation of the eye tissues in pregnant women are: hormonal changes. Due to a decrease in estrogen levels and a decrease in the amount of moisture, the normal operation organs of vision. The eyes begin to itch, water and turn red. They are noted to be dry and tired. Such hormonal changes and causes inflammation.

Localization of inflammation in the eyes

The eye has a very complex structure. It consists of several parts and fabrics, each of which has its own functions. Inflammation of the organs of vision is understood as the totality of their various inflammatory pathologies. They affect one or another part of the organ of vision. When the eyeball is inflamed, a pronounced vascular pattern is observed. The reason is plethora. Chronic pathological process may touch the eyelids, tear glands, or corners of the eyes. In general, inflammation affects:

  • conjunctiva;
  • eye socket;
  • cornea;
  • iris;
  • tear ducts;
  • vessels.

It is worth distinguishing between inflammation itself and redness of the eye, which is caused by physical factors. These include dust, lenses, sand, bright light, wind, smoke and even headache. Redness as a result of these factors is comparable to simple irritation, which most often goes away on its own. It can become a true inflammation only as a result of the addition of an infection caused by viruses, bacteria or fungi.

How to treat

Therapy is prescribed taking into account which part of the eye was affected and what caused the pathological process. If there is pus, it is necessary oral administration antibiotics such as Oxacillin or Ampicillin. No less effective are local drugs. They are presented eye ointments containing antibiotics. The locally inflamed area can be treated with antiseptic solutions. Depending on the causative agent of the disease, medications with an antifungal or antiviral effect are prescribed.

Some serious illnesses that cause inflammation, require a specific approach to treatment. Therapy is determined depending on the pathology and the severity of its symptoms:

  1. Conjunctivitis. Depending on the pathogen, antiviral, antifungal or antibacterial drops. For conjunctivitis chronic form antibiotics and antiseptics are used. Are effective hormonal drugs. The names of some of them are: Prednisolone, Hydrocortisone.
  2. Uveitis, iridocyclitis. For bacterial or viral forms use local and systemic antibacterial or antiviral therapy. Additionally, medications that dilate the pupil and physical procedures are indicated.
  3. Keratitis. For bacterial forms of corneal ulcers, the eyes are treated antiseptic solution, and then apply antibacterial ointment.
  4. External or internal stye. The basis of treatment is antibacterial drops, for example, Albucid. Instead, a solution of Penicillin or Erythromycin will help.
  5. Blepharitis. In this case, local treatment is carried out mercury ointment, and then lubricate the eyelids with gentamicin, furatsilin or tetracycline ointment. Additionally, Sulfacyl sodium or Sofradex drops are used.
  6. Dacryocystitis. The acute form is treated in a hospital setting with intramuscular injections benzylpenicillin sodium salt or taking sulfadimezine. Antibacterial drops - Levomycetin, Sulfacyl sodium, Miramistin - help prevent further development of infection.


These drugs give local effect, affecting the mucous membrane of the eyes. The drops differ in composition and principle of action. The most effective drops include:

  1. Levomycetin. Belongs to the group of antibacterial eye drops. Relieves and cures inflammation. You need to put 1 drop in conjunctival sac. Repeat the procedure 3-4 times a day.
  2. Visine. Vasoconstrictor drops, helping to relieve even severe swelling. It should be used by instilling 1-2 drops into the affected eye. Repeat the procedure up to 4 times a day.
  3. Albucid. Drops with a bacteriostatic effect. You need to drop 1-2 drops into the eye into the inner corner. You can use the drug up to 6 times per day.

Eye lotions for inflammation

It is convenient to make lotions to eliminate inflammation at home with cotton pads that moisten medicinal solution and apply it to the eyes. So you need to lie down for 10-15 minutes. It is recommended to repeat the procedure up to 4 times a day. There are different effective means with which lotions are applied:

  1. Honey. One teaspoon needs to be filled with 250 ml warm water, then wait for it to cool down.
  2. Take 1 teaspoon of plantain seeds, add 2 tablespoons boiled water. Shake the mixture, pour in another half a glass of boiling water, leave for a couple of hours and strain.
  3. Brew several blue cornflower flowers with a glass of boiling water, pour into a thermos, leave for about 1 hour.

Treatment with folk remedies

As a compress or for washing lacrimal sacs, a warm decoction of tea rose, yarrow or bay leaf. An infusion of aloe leaves is something you can use to wash your eyes for inflammation, and it’s even recommended. To do this, you need to chop the plant, add a glass of boiling water and leave for a couple of hours. Most effective herb Chamomile infusion is considered to be used for washing sore eyes. You just need to pour boiling water over a teaspoon of raw material, then let it stand for 20 minutes and strain.
