How to take Viagra: instructions and rules of use. Viagra tablets: how long does it take to start working, composition, contraindications, side effects, reviews How long does the tablet last?

Millions of men are interested in questions about Viagra and obviously they need answers to these questions. Doctors are often asked questions about how long it takes to wait when using Viagra for the drug to start working and for it to work most effectively. Let's talk about what most men are interested in by answering these general issues eg how long Viagra really works, and how should you take the blue pill of Viagra for this medication to be most effective. You should consider how you take Viagra to plan your intimate relationship. For example, if you take Viagra before a meal, the better the chances are that the drug will work faster than usual, but if you take it after a meal it will take longer for the drug to dissolve and enter the bloodstream, so take into account the time delay for taking Viagra to work.

How long will it take?

Upon admission to empty stomach Viagra can begin to act in 15 - 30 minutes and any sexual stimulation can begin the erection process. If you use it after a meal, it may take longer, up to an hour. You will undoubtedly feel the difference and the hardness of your erection will be much better than without Viagra.

But after taking Viagra, how long will its effect last.

This question cannot be answered unambiguously. Most men say that Viagra lasts about 4 hours, but others have reported that they are able to feel the effects of Viagra the next morning. Keep in mind that it works differently for most men. Cialis works within 36 hours compared to Viagra, which lasts up to 4 or 5 hours.

To compare all three of them Viagra, Cialis And Levitra you need to try each drug and choose the one that suits you best and with which you feel most comfortable. People around the world are sharing their experiences of using medications such as Viagra or even herbal alternatives for treatment. erectile dysfunction.

It's no secret that the problem of male sexual impotence has now become serious. Stress, family troubles, conflicts at work, business failures - all these factors negatively affect potency.

Of course, there is a huge arsenal of ways to improve your sex life, and some of the effective ones are medications, which are specially created to make a man always feel like a man. Of course, we're talking about about the well-known “Viagra”. Efficiency of this product increasing potency has been proven for a long time. However, still not all representatives of the stronger sex know how Viagra works. Before we look at this issue, a few words about what this unique drug is.

What do we know about Viagra?

If only a few have an idea of ​​how Viagra works, then almost everyone knows what it is intended for.

Today, any young man will tell you that the above drug helps get rid of erectile dysfunction. Indeed, it is so. However physiological treatment male impotence the drug does not provide. Then how does Viagra work? Everything is very simple. This remedy is aimed at increasing blood flow in the male genital area, as a result of which the quality of erection improves, and sex life comes back to normal. Simply put, after using the above drug, a man begins to experience a burning sexual desire. This is how Viagra works. Now let's move on to the question of how this was created unique remedy from male sexual impotence.

History of creation

Back in the 90s of the last century, employees of the Pfizer company (USA) puzzled over how to create effective medicine, which would save a person from pain in the chest with angina.

During the period of clinical testing, it was found that the active component of the drug - sildenafil - does not fundamentally affect the functioning of the heart, while the representatives of the stronger sex who participated in the studies said that this medicine significantly increased their male libido. When the participants in the experiment declared that they would not give up pills that were useless for the heart, the scientists realized that they had truly created innovative development, which was called "Viagra", which translated as "the power of Niagara Falls." This know-how caused such vivid associations.

In 1993, detailed analyzes were carried out to determine how Viagra works in men. As a result, it was found that the drug is not only effective in the fight against sexual impotence, but also safe. After this, the US authorities gave the go-ahead for the production of Viagra and the supply of the drug to the world market.

Panacea or not?

One way or another, the question of how Viagra works on men needs to be supplemented.

This restorative drug works somewhat differently than other potency enhancing drugs. The thing is that Viagra is aimed at eradicating the primary problem and most representatives of the stronger sex position the drug as a panacea. But to save own health, it is very important to know what the mechanism of operation of the above tool is. Here we should return to the question of how Viagra works for men. First of all, the drug restores function blood vessels involved in the erection mechanism. In other words, this medicine is specifically designed to get rid of erectile dysfunction. It allows you to achieve high-quality potency for a long period of time for sexual intercourse. However, when considering the question of how Viagra acts on a person, it is necessary to make a reservation: in the absence of sexual arousal, a normal erection cannot be guaranteed by the above drug! This is what men should remember.

Only taking into account this factor can we talk about the effectiveness of Viagra in terms of increasing blood flow in the male genital organ. Naturally, after intimacy and the process of ejaculation, the phallus will return to its original state.

It is important to establish the cause

At the same time, it should be remembered that the problem of erectile dysfunction varies for every person. individual character, and the speed of its solution depends on how accurately the causes of the disease can be established. And there are a huge number of them. Even minor damage caused muscle tissue, capillaries, vessels and nerve endings, may lead to sexual dysfunction, not to mention such serious illnesses like pyelonephritis, diabetes or hepatitis. According to statistics, in most cases (75%) male impotence due to physiological factors and only in some (25%) - psychological.

Of course, the question is: “How does the Viagra tablet work?” today is more relevant than ever, but regardless of whether the patient knows the answer to it or not, the first thing he should do is go to see a doctor.

Do not use Viagra without consulting a specialist

Self-medication with this drug is excluded. Why? The whole point is that active ingredient Viagra - sildanefil - immediately interacts with a huge list of medications. First on this list are nitrates, used to treat heart disease. When the latter are combined with Viagra, serious consequences may occur. Negative consequences for good health. That is why it is important to know not only how Viagra acts on the body, but also what medications it should not be taken with this drug. At the same time, it should be recognized that in 99% of cases the method in question turns out to be effective. Now you know how Viagra works. Reviews from patients indicate that the drug effectively copes with erectile dysfunction. This is stated by about 80% of men who have been diagnosed with this problem. About 15% of patients note that Viagra did not help them very much. Approximately 5% of the stronger sex were dissatisfied with the effect of this drug.

Application specifics

Many men are interested in the question of how quickly Viagra works. If you take the tablet on an empty stomach, then after half an hour you can feel a rush of blood groin area. When the drug is taken after a meal, a similar effect is achieved in about an hour. How long does Viagra last?

There is no clear answer to this question. Some patients claim that the drug works within 4 hours. Others claim that the effect of Viagra does not disappear the next morning. The remedy works differently for each man.

Side effect

In trying to solve the problem of sexual impotence, we must not forget that medications, while relieving this disease, carry the risk of side effects. Viagra is no exception in this sense. However, if you follow all the doctor's recommendations, then there is nothing to worry about. If you ignore them and overdo the dosage, the consequences can be unfavorable. For example, it is possible that your health will worsen, swelling of the face will appear, malaise, headache, abdominal pain will occur, allergic reactions. Diseases may also manifest themselves of cardio-vascular system: arrhythmia, tachycardia, ischemia, heart attack, stroke. May also be harmed digestive system, which manifests itself in the form of ailments such as colitis, gastritis, gastroenteritis.

If the patient is suffering chronic diseases heart, kidneys, adrenal glands or liver, blood cancer or anemia, then he should never take Viagra without first consulting a doctor.

When Viagra is powerless

It is necessary to take into account the fact that Viagra can not help all men. In particular, we are talking about those who have recorded low level testosterone. It is this male sex hormone that is responsible for sexual arousal. If a person has defects inner shell vessels (endothelium), then the effectiveness of Viagra will also be reduced to zero.

Such dangerous illness, such as atherosclerosis, can significantly reduce the effect of the drug.

There is Viagra for men and women

It is generally accepted that Viagra is a medicine exclusively for men. However, there is a drug for the fairer sex. Female Viagra is recommended for use by those who have low libido and lack of desire for intimacy.

Doctors are often asked what is the likelihood that the effect of taking Viagra will not suddenly disappear at the most necessary moment. This question is quite relevant for many men, because confidence in the possibility of having full sexual intercourse is the key to good relations between lovers. Doctors do not give a definite answer, since the duration of the effect of the main component of the drug on the body depends on many factors. Therefore, in order not to get into awkward situation, experts advise you to familiarize yourself with the features of Viagra and recommendations for its use.

The drug contains sildenafil citrate, which enhances the body's response to sexual stimulation. This happens due to the fact that active substance blocks enzymes that reduce the biosynthesis of nitric oxide, and this in turn promotes the expansion of cavernous tissue and increased blood flow to the penis at the time of arousal.

Unfortunately, Viagra is not a drug that quickly increases sexual desire, therefore, it will be absolutely useless for those who are not able to independently awaken their desire for sex. In view of this, it must be remembered that when complete absence libido there is no point in taking this medicine.

Instructions for use

If the weakening of potency in a man is not caused by serious diseases internal organs, then to ensure a strong erection at the time of intercourse, Viagra should be taken 35-40 minutes before the start of sexual intercourse. The active component of the drug is gradually absorbed into the blood and begins to act at the time of foreplay.

In the case when a man is diagnosed with pathologies of internal organs such as the liver, kidneys or heart, the dosage of the medicine is reduced by half. For older people, the amount of sildenafil citrate should be adjusted only according to the doctor's indications, but usually, in the absence of any health problems, this is not necessary.

To maintain the effectiveness of Viagra, experts advise you to follow some rules for taking the drug:

  • Do not take tablets after eating fatty foods;
  • the medicine is incompatible with nitrites, nitrates and nitric oxide donors;
  • The duration of action of Viagra, as well as the speed of onset of the effect from taking it, is affected by alcohol, so it is not advisable to drink alcohol and drink sildenafil citrate at the same time;
  • It is forbidden to take the drug with other means to increase potency (with the exception of pills prescribed by a doctor);
  • to enhance properties active component You can take some dietary supplement, such as Impaza or Yohimbine, 10-15 minutes before sexual intercourse, but this is only allowed in cases of moderate and advanced stages of erectile dysfunction.

Experimenting with dosage selection is strictly unacceptable. If the established dose of the drug does not bring the expected result, then most likely the drug needs to be changed to another.

How long does it take for Viagra to start working?

  1. Slow penis enlargement without hardening;
  2. Weak hardening of the penis, caused by the beginning of the flow of blood fluid to the pelvis;
  3. The appearance of pleasant sensations in the groin area (the penis has not yet reached maximum hardness for full intercourse);

  1. The penis has fully entered into an erect state, and now its elasticity is sufficient to penetrate the vagina.

The waiting period may increase a large number of high-calorie food eaten on the eve of a romantic evening. In this case, the onset of the fourth stage will take 40-50 minutes. If the fatty dish was washed down with several glasses alcoholic drink, then the likelihood that Viagra will act on the body is reduced by almost 80%. Therefore, it is better to drink alcohol after sex or an hour before it.

A few simple tips will help speed up the strengthening of your erection:

  • tablets containing sildenafil citrate should be taken only on an empty stomach;
  • one day before sexual intercourse, it is not advisable to take any potent medications, even if they are approved for combination with Viagra;
  • In order to be completely confident that an erection will occur, you need to take any additional aphrodisiac drug.

Duration of action of the active component

Despite a thorough study of the properties of sildenafil citrate, scientists have still not been able to give an exact answer to the question of how much this substance actually affects the male body. The reason for this was that each person has his own individual characteristics, on which the duration of action of the active component directly depends.

U ordinary person with a weight of 60-65 kg, the concentration of sildenafil citrate in the blood is maintained for 4 hours. If a man’s weight exceeds 70-80 kg, then this time is reduced to 180 minutes. In the case where the body is too sensitive to the composition of the drug, the effectiveness of the drug can be noticeable even the next day.

Contraindications for use

There are a large number of men walking around positive feedback about Viagra and therefore it is often used without prior consultation with a doctor, because the drug is sold in free access and you don’t need to take a prescription from a doctor to buy it. However, before purchasing this drug in order to strengthen potency, you need to know about its contraindications. The following are prohibitions on taking Viagra:

  • congenital deformation of the genital organ;
  • individual intolerance to sildenafil citrate;
  • acute pathologies of the cardiovascular system;

  • renal and liver failure;
  • varicose veins;
  • serious mental illness;
  • illnesses with high probability internal hemorrhage;
  • priapism.

Also, the medicine is not approved for those who have recently suffered a heart attack or stroke. In this case, it is generally contraindicated to take any pills that increase blood pressure.

In the instructions for the drug, the manufacturer does not indicate that sildenafil citrate can cause tearing cholesterol plaques, so it is not suitable for people suffering from atherosclerosis.

Side effects

When the prescribed dosage of Viagra is exceeded, a person very often develops such side effects, How:

  • allergy symptoms (rash, flushing skin, redness of the eyes, swelling of the nasal mucosa);
  • sharp jumps blood pressure;
  • dizziness;
  • impaired coordination of movements;
  • deterioration in the quality of vision;
  • pain in the eyes in bright light;
  • nausea, sometimes accompanied by vomiting;
  • joint pain;
  • drowsiness.

Often, if any mild signs of overdose appear, the patient does not need to immediately contact a doctor. medical institution. They usually go away on their own within a day after the medication is completely stopped.

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Viagra 100 mg

Sildenafil citrate 100 mg


Each tablet contains: 100 mg Sildenafil
Action time: up to 4 hours
Onset of action: after 30-40 minutes
Active ingredient: Sildenafil (Sildenafil)
Manufacturer: India
Taste: Bitterish

Description: Viagra is the most popular and one of the most effective medicines to increase potency all over the world. Viagra provides a powerful flow of blood to the penis and prevents its outflow, while an erection occurs only in the presence of sexual arousal.

Viagra is not hormonal agent, an aphrodisiac or aphrodisiac, which allows most patients to take Viagra daily.

Mode of application: The effect of Viagra begins 30 minutes after administration and lasts at least 4 hours.

Viagra is intended for the treatment of impotence, that is, the inability to achieve and maintain an erection, which is necessary for sexual intercourse. Initially, the drug was tested as a cure for coronary heart failure and angina pectoris, but the results of the tests revealed a sexual deviation, since its use increased sexual desire. An erection is caused by sufficient blood flow from the male reproductive organ.

The action of Viagra is aimed at blocking chemical substance, which removes blood from the penis. When a man is excited, a nerve impulse is transmitted from the brain to the penis. Such nerve impulses form substances that relax the muscles and nourish the penis with excess blood. In the normal state, blood does not flow into the male genital organ, and the muscles are in a compressed state.

Action of Viagra

When relaxed by a chemical, a huge amount of blood enters the organ, which leads to an erection. In the reverse process, the enzyme phosphodiesterase breaks down the chemical, which leads to relaxation of the penis. At the same time, blood flow decreases, and the muscles return to normal. lethargic state. Viagra is the most famous and popular drug that can relieve potency. Sildenafil citrate is medical name this remedy.

Viagra works by blocking the enzyme phosphodiesterase. When taken, there is minimal destruction of the chemical substance, which contributes to a long-lasting erection. As a result the muscles male organ do not narrow, and blood flow contributes to a long erection. The action of Viagra must be facilitated by excitement, otherwise it will not work. Since the drug is aimed at substances that are produced in the process of impulses from sexual arousal in the brain. The licensed drug works as a blocker, and not as a former of excitatory substances.

Viagra is not a stimulant and does not increase libido.

The drug will act differently on each individual man. At clinical trials the medicine showed its effect within 14 minutes. On average, statistics show the onset of action of the drug after 30 minutes. Duration of action taken medication is approximately four hours, but after two hours the effectiveness of the drug decreases and the blocking becomes insignificant. The effect of the drug does not depend on the intake of any food or the amount of alcohol consumed. Laboratory tests and statistics show that combining the drug Viagra with lozenges Viagra Soft, you can achieve an erection in a faster period of time. If it is necessary to reduce the onset of action of the drug, you can take the drug on an empty stomach, although experts do not advise doing this.

The drug is contraindicated in those who have recently experienced a stroke or heart attack, children, pregnant women, and it is strictly prohibited to take it together with nitrate and a nitric oxide donor. Side effects of the medication include headache, dizziness, impaired color vision and spatial deformation, rhinitis, rapid heartbeat and allergies. Before using the medicine, you must talk with your doctor and undergo examinations. The effect of Viagra can enhance the effect of drugs aimed at lowering blood pressure, in such cases the drug should be taken with extreme caution. The shelf life of the drug is five years; it can be stored at room temperature.

Viagra was discovered by accident, when testing the drug on cardiovascular system patients. During the tests, side effects were recorded in men, in the form of body reactions similar to sexual arousal. Subsequently, the substance was studied and developed specifically for this purpose.

Composition, shape, color

Viagra is produced in the form of tablets, in a blue coating. The tablets are diamond-shaped, biconvex, rounded at the edges. On one side there is the inscription “Pfizer”, the name of the pharmaceutical company that produces the drug. On the other side is the inscription “VGR 25”, where the number indicates the dosage. Tablets are produced in dosages of 25, 50 and 100 mg, packaged in aluminum foil blister packs of 1, 2, 4, 8 and 12 pieces. Sold in cardboard packaging, which can contain from one to three blisters.

The main active substance in the tablet is sildenafil. It is he who has a stimulating effect on genitourinary system men, enhancing erection. During sexual stimulation, sildenafil increases blood flow to the penis, which helps restore full erectile function.

In addition to it, Viagra contains additional substances such as cellulose, calcium, sodium, magnesium.


Medicines are prescribed for mental, organic and mixed disorders erectile functioning of the sexual organ, to achieve an erection and maintain it for successful sexual intercourse.

Viagra does not cure itself, but only temporarily eliminates symptoms during sexual intercourse.

Principle and duration of action

When sexually stimulating the penis, sildenafil increases nitrogen activity in cavernous bodies, causing their muscles to relax, and increases blood flow to the penis. The main condition for the drug to work is the need to sexually stimulate and excite a man.

After taking Viagra, the active substance quickly enters the bloodstream through the small intestine.

Half an hour after administration, you can expect the effect of the drug. Maximum effectiveness is observed an hour after administration. Action time is about 4 hours.

Sildenophal is excreted from the body along with feces (up to 90%), the rest in urine.

Viagra only works when the penis is sexually aroused. An erection will not occur on its own.

Instructions for use

The tablets are taken orally, regardless of food intake, an hour before planned sexual intercourse. When taking tablets after meals, especially when eating fatty foods, the time until the onset of action will increase. Minimum daily dose taking 25 mg, maximum 100 mg. In most cases, the starting dose is 50 mg; depending on the effectiveness and tolerability of the drug, the dose can be adjusted either up or down.

Take no more than one tablet per day.

The exact dose is prescribed by the doctor after examination and identification of contraindications.


Tablets are contraindicated for men:

  • with individual sensitivity to the components of the drug;
  • with a predisposition to bleeding;
  • exacerbation of diseases of the stomach and duodenum;
  • with renal failure;
  • under 18 years of age;
  • when used simultaneously with nitrates in any form;
  • when using other sexual stimulants;
  • at serious illnesses of cardio-vascular system;
  • with visual impairment.

Side effects, overdose

Viagra is generally well tolerated, but sometimes the following side effects occur.

The most common:

  • Redness of the face due to a rush of blood.
  • Headache.

From side effects also often observed:

  • Dizziness.
  • Blurred vision, disturbances in color perception and light perception brightness, redness of the eyes, pain and fast fatiguability eye.
  • Cardiac dysfunction, arrhythmia.
  • Nausea, upset stomach.

In case of overdose, the following deviations occurred:

  • The appearance of a rash on different parts of the skin.
  • Back pain.
  • Prolonged, painful erection.
  • Cramps.
  • Bleeding from the nose.
  • Loss of consciousness

If side effects occur, you should stop taking the drug and seek medical help.


In addition to side effects, the disadvantages of Viagra include high cost drug. Pharmacists offer drugs with similar properties and composition - generic Viagra. Manufacturers of generic drugs claim strict adherence to production technology and composition. The price of such drugs is significantly lower than the originals, since such medications do not require spending money on development and testing, and only a patent for the current formula of the drug is purchased. In most cases, generics are not inferior in quality to Viagra, but they are not better than the original. The original Viagra is produced by the pharmaceutical company Pfizer (USA).

Viagra analogues active substance are

Vecta, Penimex, Jenagra, Potentiale.

In addition, the popular drugs Cialis and Levitra are used to treat erectile dysfunction.

To overcome mental discomfort due to potency disorders, during treatment of the causes of erectile dysfunction, and for a full sexual life, men can use Viagra. But it is imperative to eliminate the root cause of the disease, without further resorting to medications.