How to teach a puppy to sit. How correctly and at what age can you train a dog puppy at home? Teaching a dog puppy basic commands: initial training course, list of commands, description of gestures, videos, tips

The command is not difficult to teach your dog, as long as you do it correctly. Using dog treats or a collar and leash (how to train a puppy to use a leash and collar) you can teach your dog this simple command.

Let us remind you that this command should be executed when the puppy is already three months old; there is no point in doing it earlier.

Treats in training are an integral part of following any commands of any complexity. Your task is to interest your dog.

If your puppy is already an adult, then at this stage it’s time for you to think about how to train a puppy . And if we're talking about about an adult dog, I advise you to read the article on how to train a dog

How to teach a dog or puppy the command to sit.

As was said earlier, a three-month-old puppy responds well to training, which means we can already start training. If your dog is older, then you need to teach him this command all the more.

The “sit” command is learned well in conjunction with the “near” command (read how to teach a dog the “near” command in a separate article). When learning the “near” command, the dog should sit at your left leg every time you stop. Therefore, you can teach the dog the “sit” command first, or you can immediately teach two commands at once in a complex.

Method one.For training you will need a treat, a collar and a leash. The dog, for example, is in a standing position, at the same time you give the command “sit”, press on the croup (the place where the dog’s tail grows), and then make a gentle jerk with the leash up.

If you succeed and the dog sits, be sure to praise him loudly: “Good girl, good dog,” then give him a treat.

Method two.The method is similar to the first, only when the dog has accepted supine position, you give the command “sit” and jerk the leash up. In this case, you no longer need to put pressure on the dog’s croup. Praise for completion and give a treat.

If the dog was lying down and then you pulled the leash and he stood up completely, then follow the first method.

Method three.You can lure your dog with a treat, and then raise the treat above his head so that he lifts his head up and back a little. As soon as the dog begins to sit, give the dog the command to sit. When the dog sits, he has earned his treat, give it to the dog.

Method four. A dog, by its very nature, also sits. As soon as you see her sit down, give her the command “sit” and as soon as she sits down, give her a treat and praise her.

How to properly teach a dog the sit command

At first, make sure your dog sits next to your left leg. At first, try to practice the command while being next to the dog.

Give the treat when the dog sits down. There is no need to give her a treat if she sat down halfway and then suddenly stood up. If she does not completely follow the command, repeat the procedure described in the training methods.

If you choose the first method, you press on the croup, but the dog doesn’t sit down, then press harder and jerk the leash harder, although in executing this command, correct pressure on the croup will give a positive result. Therefore, if the dog did not sit down from the very beginning, then you pressed weakly. You will have to learn how to use the stimulus (read the article: irritant for dogs and how to use it correctly) for greater results.

At first, don’t try to get the best out of the dog, it may not succeed, but after two or three trainings, it should already sit down. If you succeed the first time, then do not rejoice prematurely, you will need to learn this command perfectly.

In the future, train your dog so that after the command “sit” he does not get up until you give another command. Make sure that she clearly follows the command at your left leg and get her to do what you tell her, and you only have to say the command once.

On our website you can also learn how to teach your dog commands and how to raise an obedient dog. This will help you improve your dog's behavior if he does not obey at home or on the street.

Basic dog training skills are often intertwined in practice. Learning one command requires the knowledge of others. The same is true with the “Sit” command, which can become an element of a complex lesson and will be required to master the “Near” command, etc. In general, the level of performance reflects the degree of obedience and the presence of minimal endurance. However, the conditions under which the dog responds to the request may differ. And only a professionally trained dog is able to avoid being distracted by external stimuli, maintaining the occupied position. This material examines in detail how to teach a dog or puppy the “Sit” command, provides recommendations from experts, and analyzes the mistakes owners make during the training process.

How to teach your dog the command “Sit!”

Most pets who hear a call from their owner to sit down gradually begin to perceive it as a signal indicating that they need to pay attention to the owner and listen to further instructions. Therefore, teaching the “Sit” command is not only a basic element of training, but also a kind of interaction marker.

Learning about command can begin at an early age. A 1.5-2 month old puppy can digest it. But on average they start training at 3 months.

Methodological basics

To consolidate a connection of actions (pronouncing a voice command - taking a sitting position) they are most often used contrast method with alternating incentives and coercive measures. The dog is pressed on the sacrum so that it takes the desired position. A positive result is reinforced with a piece of treat or play exercises - here it is important to choose the type of reinforcement that is closest to the animal.

When practicing the technique, the dog is sat down, pressing on its sacrum with one hand. At the same time, the other hand pulls the leash back and up, indicating the direction of movement and unloading the front paws. With a small puppy, it is better to abandon the leash. This method is suitable for adult dogs, as they are strong enough to offer serious resistance during the training process.

The strict parfors collar is also a training tool that is only permissible for adults. IN in this case the owner must be sufficiently experienced in training, since sudden jerks can cause injuries.

The disadvantage of the mechanical effect, which was described earlier, is that the animal can begin to resist it, accumulating negative emotions. Therefore, the use of treats is recommended by experts.

Some trainers argue that active food rewards can cause the animal to become ingrained in the behavior and begin to sit every time a treat comes into view. There are different opinions on this matter, but in general it should be remembered that incorrect use of treats during training does cause a number of side effects.

The first mistake of an inexperienced trainer is to show a treat to the animal when it is in his line of sight. In this case, the association is established that in order to receive the coveted piece you need to be in the closest area to the owner. In the future, it is difficult to explain to the dog that it is necessary to take a sitting position at any distance from the owner - provided that it hears the command.

If the owner leaves the pet, the dog should not rush after him, thinking that otherwise he will not receive a reward.

The second problem associated with receiving favorite treats is associated with the interruption of the command after the rewarding gesture is made by the owner.

When a puppy comes into the house, owners practice raising their arms from a frontal position, teaching the animal to obey the “Sit” command. The dog is motivated by receiving the food that the owner holds. This method works well, but in practice it causes a number of difficulties.

The main problem is that the owner does not separate the command and the stimulating effect. The required scheme of work includes three stages: first the dog hears a voice command, then it is stimulated to act and, finally, it last step After correct execution, a reward awaits her. Initially, the dog is controlled not by influence, but by command. At the next stages of training, the need for external influence disappears and the animal concentrates precisely on the owner’s voice call and the required sequence of actions. Difficulties may arise as the dog gets older, when the dog begins to act independently and more actively. When faced with disobedience, the owner must realize the difference between influencing the animal and a real command, returning to the basic training steps.

Initially, teaching the Sit command appears to be simple. This illusion arises because it is natural for a dog to sit in front of its owner. However, on professional level greatest number mistakes are made precisely in this area - the animal may not show restraint and lies down, in other cases it leaves after the retreating owner, etc. This happens if you do not separate the importance for the dog of the “Sit” command and those factors that in other circumstances motivate the animal to take the desired position. If circumstances change, the dog may ignore the instructor’s request.

For professionals, it is important that the dog understands why it is in the boarding long time. Moreover, this can apply to any territory and situation - stadium, playground, city, protective work, peacetime, etc.

The ultimate goal of teaching the “Sit” command is holding in the required position, which determines the degree of stability of the reception.

The best option is to divide the practice into two parts, one of which is to take the desired pose, and the second is to maintain it until the cancellation signal.

Video - Command “Sit!”

Stages of working on a team

The general approach to training extends to practicing the sitting position. So that it leads to positive result, the difficulty is increased gradually.

If you imagine the work scheme in the form of steps, then interaction with the instructor consists of the following sequence:

Table 1. Training scheme

Step 1The owner sits the dog in any way appropriate to the capabilities and psyche of the animal
Step 2The dog sits down and takes an even position
Step 3The next stage involves targeted training in sitting up using different approaches– incentive, mechanical and mixed with alternation. Each option has its own advantages in terms of acquiring skills, so there is no need to give up any of them if this method has not yet been used in practice
Step 4Next, the dog is taught to withstand certain time in a sitting position and expand the training area, additionally training attention to the owner’s position
Step 5The dog works out a combination of standing and sitting positions, as well as the “lying” and “sit” positions. At this step, it is of paramount importance correct execution combinations
Step 6The speed of practicing the “stand-lie” combination and the efficiency of execution at the moment of movement are developed
Step 7The skill is mastered with a gradual decrease in the level of influence on the part of the instructor
Step 8Classes switch to selective reward mode
Step 9Training is carried out from various positions - to the left of the person, to the right, frontal position, etc.
Step 10Working from the front to various options– voice command, gesture signal, combination of the first and second
Step 11Work at a certain distance from the owner or instructor. After giving a voice signal, he approaches the animal for influence.
Step 12Working at a distance in a different order - the command is carried out by the pet, after which he receives a reward
Step 13The dog hears the command from a distance, and the animal is trained based on different conditions and the circumstances of the execution of the instructions. At the final stage, the “sit” command is translated into the format required by OKD standards

In the process of teaching an animal the “Sit” command, the transition to a new level is carried out after mastering the previous one. At the same time, it is useful to develop and deepen the skills acquired in the early stages - they should not be forgotten either.

Planting principles

Any manual containing information about practicing a skill will indicate ways to encourage the animal to sit. The basis of each of them is the same sequence of actions, where the pet raises its head and then lowers its hind end.

Each instructor has his own method of how best to stimulate head movement - with a treat, pulling on the collar, or manual pressure on the jaw area.

During classes, several landing options may arise:

You can only understand the intricacies of all techniques through practice. By trial and error, the most suitable effective option. In addition, techniques are situational and depend on many factors. If a mentor masters each of them, he can easily move from one teaching method to another, combining them in a training complex. When the owner experiences difficulties in the process of training, you can stop at one thing. But it is much more effective to know and understand sitting mistakes that actually hinder the learning of the skill.

At this stage, the dog is seated in any way that is available to the dog. Practicing the correct position will begin later. It doesn’t matter how the pet sits - straight, leaning, quickly, slowly, leaning on its hind or front legs, etc. The main requirement is that sitting occurs, after which it is necessary to reward the animal.

The approach is also determined by the properties of a particular breed. Active Giant Schnauzers and Dobermans can negatively perceive mechanical impact, which cannot be said about the Bernese Mountain Dog or St. Bernard. The age of the animal should also be taken into account. For example, a young male who rarely goes outside will most likely react inappropriately to manual stimulation.

Dogs are also divided according to the degree of activity, trusting attitude towards humans and willingness to obey. Among them there are quite plastic and pliable animals, as well as animals that experience a certain amount of stress if you act on them with your hands.

Examples of “hard” breeds are Doberman, Ridgeback, and “soft” breeds are golden retriever.

The degree of resistance is determined not only by the activity of the pet. For example, the Ridgeback cannot be compared in this regard with the Labrador. However, in terms of their willingness to obey, these breeds are not comparable - the Labrador, despite its characteristic mobility, more readily follows the instructions of the owner.

The next criterion is food reaction. The choice of training scheme is influenced by the dog's motivation and its dependence on treat rewards. An aggressive animal also this one will do type of impact.

In general, as with other teams, the training methodology is determined by a complex of food perception, the ability to act in a position of subordination and to trust a person. For a dog that is not eager to learn new skills, you need to use the desire to get a treat in any way. At the final stage, this forms a connection between specific actions and the reward for a correctly completed exercise.

Correct position of the dog

Based on the physiology of the animal, the distance between the legs in a standing position is greater than in a sitting position. This circumstance must be taken into account. Work with food, collar and hand movement under the jaw is carried out in such a way as to reduce the distance. Rear end the body certainly moves forward to the front, while falling clearly down to the ground.

The first mistake occurs when the owner stretches the animal’s body in different directions - pulling upward and at the same time pressing on the lower back. This causes discomfort in the back and aversion to this type of activity.

Call to sit down from a standing position without preliminary preparation in the form of reducing the distance between the paws will cause natural resistance.

The second common mistake is excessive pushing activity. hind legs forward. In this case, the dog, on the contrary, finds itself in a crumpled position. IN best case scenario, it will sit unevenly. At worst, it will start to fall sideways or backwards.

In both cases, the teacher’s actions can be adjusted. It is enough to know the information presented and stop erroneous actions in a timely manner, observing the reaction of the dog’s body. In general, landing should take place naturally, without negative reaction on her part.

It is necessary to understand that training a skill at a professional level and practicing simple sitting are not identical. In the first step, the dog's motivation is related to the opportunity to get a treat. The next step is to perform the task from several positions, as well as follow the instructions of the owner when he gives a command from a distance within a certain range.

The criteria for executing the “Sit” command are the speed with which the dog takes the desired position, clarity of execution, stability of work. Participation in competitions is possible provided that she knows the commands “lie down” and “stand”, since the skills are tested in a complex manner. The trainer encourages the animal to demonstrate its skills several times. As part of the competitive process, there may be cases when she breaks away and refuses to continue working, heading towards the owner. To avoid such problems, you need to work out the sequence of commands until it becomes automatic. The instructor conducts training in two directions. In the first option, the front legs remain motionless. In the second version, the complex is practiced with motionless hind legs.

The dog must first acquire the ability to maintain self-control. This is an intermediate stage between the initial development of sitting and the execution of a command without stimulation in various variants.


At first glance, training basic skills should not be difficult even for novice dog breeders. However, in a professional environment it is customary to distinguish between many nuances. In particular, it is not enough for a dog to simply sit in a sitting position. She is required to do this without external influences, being content only with the owner’s command - voice or gesture. To achieve the desired effect, the animal is trained gradually, taking it through several successive steps, at each of which a more complex element is added.

It is important to understand that sitting posture is natural for the pet and adequately perceives the first successes. The owner will need to develop self-control and master work at a distance. Even if a dog happily responds to a food reward, this does not mean that the dog has developed the necessary associative connections between the command and the final sequence of actions.

When working with an animal, temperament and ability to obey are taken into account. Classes are structured according to the characteristics of the dog’s breed and physiology. In the latter case, we are talking about the sensations that mechanical action causes in her. This basic element can be overlooked and, as a result, no results can be obtained from the training.

Ability to accept sitting position at the request of the owner, it will be useful in everyday life, on a walk. Trained dog will not jump around the owner while taking food. She naturally will sink to the floor awaiting a reward. Owning this command will make the process of classes and games more exciting and interesting, and will help younger family members also be able to take part in learning.

The command “Sit!” belongs to one of basic exercises general course, the training of which can begin as early as 1.5-2 months. Without teaching your pet to sit on command, it will subsequently be very difficult for the owner to practice endurance exercises, master movement alongside, and most importantly, move on to learning more complex tricks.

For most pets, the command “Sit!” is a kind of marker with the help of which the trainer attracts the dog’s attention and forces his four-legged friend Concentrate completely on following your instructions.


Modern training methods offer several methods for teaching a puppy the “Sit!” command, including mechanical method when a pet is taught to obey with the help of a strict collar - parfors. This method Most suitable for correcting the behavior of adult individuals. Only experienced trainers should carry out such work with a dog, because too strong jerks of the leash and incorrectly calculated efforts can lead to serious injuries to the puppy. In addition, with affection, love and trust, you can achieve much more impressive success from your pet.

Learning without errors

Ideally, having received the command “Sit!” the pet must sit at the owner’s left leg, but before mastering such a complex science, it is necessary to teach the puppy to simply sit. Most simple methods are the following:

  • Kneel down in front of the puppy. In your right hand you hold a treat, which you gradually raise above the pet’s head, and with your left hand you gradually press on the dog’s croup, saying “Sit!” in a firm voice. When the puppy sits down, hold him in this position for about 10 seconds and give him a treat. Don't forget to praise your pet. Two or three repetitions of the exercise are enough for the dog to sit on command without putting pressure on the croup.
  • This method is for the most patient owners. Get your puppy's attention and say the command “Sit!” in a firm voice. Don't repeat it several times. Sooner or later, the baby will get tired of jumping around you, and he, attracted by the treat, will sit down. Without sparing your emotions, praise the dog and give it a treat.

The above exercises can be alternated with each other, achieving complete consolidation of the skill. As soon as the dog remembers the exercise, add a gesture to the training process: an arm bent at the elbow and raised vertically, which sharply lowers and is accompanied by a sound command.

It is worth noting that many owners make mistakes during the training process. The most common of them is a change in intonation when giving a command. Please remember that "Sit down!" and “Sit!” - absolutely different words, so it is necessary to train your pet using only one sound command. Explain this to other family members, because it is already difficult for a small puppy to understand what is being asked of him.

Also, don't get caught up in repeating the same exercise: training, especially with young puppies under 12 months of age, shouldn't be too strenuous. You should not repeat the execution of commands in in a certain order: this is how the pet remembers the algorithm of actions, performing the entire sequence of exercises for a treat, but in a real situation it will simply be confused. Try to mix commands with each other: put the puppy down from a standing position, then make him sit down, lie down again, and then sit down again, give a paw, and so on.

Some owners are sure that the dog does not need to be taught commands if it does not take part in competitions and exhibitions. But this is fundamentally wrong position. A well-mannered and obedient pet is not only a reason to be proud, but also an opportunity not to experience behavior problems during a walk or in other situations. This is relevant not only for representatives of large or fighting breeds, and for decorative dogs, which can also cause a lot of trouble to the owner, surrounding people and animals.

This is rather a rhetorical question, since dogs are highly trainable and, with due attention and patience, can master any skill they want. Some people want their pet to fetch items, while others want them to guard their home. The main thing worth highlighting is that he must respond to his nickname, hear and obey the owner when he receives an instruction or sees a warning gesture. There cannot be a single list for non-service breeds, so it all depends on the owner and personal preferences. Nevertheless, there is a list of basic commands that develop the animal’s agility, obedience and intelligence.

"To me"

One of the basic commands that must be practiced until it is executed perfectly, since in some cases it can save the pet’s life. At first it is pronounced when the dog is already running towards the owner, and later - using attractive objects (treats, toys). The order is given in a calm voice from a short distance, and when the student has mastered it a little, you need to increase the distance and, ideally, achieve fulfillment even when the owner is out of sight (for example, in another room).

You should not use the command “Come to me” before doing things that are unpleasant for the animal (trimming claws, scolding for something, etc.).


Another mandatory command that allows you to stop the dog at the right time and take a sitting position. To begin with, it is pronounced at the moments when the puppy begins to sit down on its own, and subsequently at the request of the owner after pronouncing the order. To master it, you need to show and let the animal smell the delicacy, then raise it above your head and voice the order. You can simultaneously help the animal by gently pressing on the sacrum area.

“Come to me” and “Sit” are the two most important skills, which must be performed the first time, regardless of the situation and mood. Without mastering them, you should not let your dog go without a leash while walking.


This skill will be useful so that the animal does not scare others in in public places and followed the owner. It is recommended to start the lesson when he has walked around and will not be distracted by external factors. Training takes place in motion, on a leash, which is kept 20-30 cm from the collar. The owner moves at a moderate pace and clearly says “Nearby.” If the dog moves away from your leg or gets underfoot, you need to use a leash and a repeated order to return it to its place and, if successful, reward it with a treat. Over time, you can speed up or slow down the pace of movement, start running or turn to the side and ensure that the dog is always at your foot and moves in parallel.


One of the basic skills that requires a complete ban wrong actions, and will be useful when it is necessary to wean a puppy from biting, jumping on people, lifting prohibited objects, or chasing someone. Initially, the skill is practiced on a slack leash, which jerks sharply at the moment the order is pronounced.

You should not abuse this requirement so as not to turn a dog’s life into a series of prohibitions. Repeating it too often risks causing her to simply stop responding to it.


The animal must have a clearly marked permanent place, and it must know its location. To train, you need to say “Place” and lure the dog there by showing a treat. When he is in the required place, praise him and give him the tidbit. Typically this requirement is used when unwanted behavior and means something like a human “go away”, for example, if a dog begs for food from the table or jumps on guests.


This order is not used as often as "Sit", but can also be useful in certain situations, for example, at a veterinarian's appointment when you need to examine your pet. For training, you can use a treat that is held so that the animal is pulled forward and down and eventually takes a lying position. The second option is, after giving the order, press the withers with one hand, and place the other behind the front paws and push them forward.

It is important to ensure that the dog does not fall over on its side and lies down carefully, stretching out its front legs and tucking its hind legs under itself.


This skill is not only included in the list of standards, but is also often used in Everyday life. For example, combing the fur or dressing an animal is much more convenient if it stands upright and does not fall over on its side. Since this command requires more endurance and concentration, training should begin no earlier than 7 months of age. After pronouncing the instruction “Stand,” you need to bend over to the dog sitting next to you and lift it to a standing position, holding it under the belly with your left hand. After holding for 3-4 seconds, you can give a treat and praise.


Having heard such an order, the animal must give up the object that it holds in its teeth or guards as its property (a bowl, a toy) and does not allow anyone to approach it. It adapts well to toys in puppyhood, so when the puppy grabs a toy, you need to strictly say: “Give it” and take it away. If necessary, you can stroke, shake the animal or unclench its jaws with your free hand, while repeating the order. To begin with, it is important to return the toy immediately, and over time, increase the gap between compliance and returning the item.


Despite the fact that this skill is not as important as “To me”, “Nearby” or “Place”, it can be taught already with early age to complement your student's abilities. First you need to put the student in his place and interest him in some object (stick, ball), and when he tries to grab the thing, throw it back and say: “Fetch!” Training is accompanied by a gesture indicating the required item.


Typically used to change activities after completing an exercise. The command is not difficult for the animal. The order “Walk” is pronounced and the direction of movement is indicated with a gesture. If, after practicing other skills, you release the dog each time with the word “Walk,” then there will be no need for targeted training.

"Give me your paw"

The team bears no responsibility functional load, but will be very useful when it comes time to trim your nails or wash your paws after a walk. To master this useful trick, you need to sit your pet in front of you and show him a treat clenched in your fist. He will instinctively try to get it first with his tongue and then with his paw. At this moment, you need to say: “Give me your paw” and hold the paw in your hands for a few seconds, after which you can praise the student and give the honestly earned edible reward.


This command deserves special attention and is mastered only after other orders are unquestioningly and instantly carried out. “Face” is a protective, but at the same time dangerous skill, so it is best to learn it in the presence of a professional instructor and at the age of no earlier than 6-10 months. After the words “Face,” the student must attack the object.

Attention: the “Fas” command can only be taught to a psychologically healthy and balanced dog!


Before starting training, it is important to realize that there are no stupid pets. Of course, it is advisable to start working immediately after the puppy appears in the house. Starting from 3 months, you can begin to master simple skills in a playful way, since the baby will quickly absorb information. Some people believe that an animal becomes stupid with age, but this is not true - it is more difficult for an adult animal to assimilate new information. But if the moment is missed and the dog has matured, it can also be taught commands at home if you act correctly and systematically, but it will just take more time.

To the main conditions successful training include a confident loud intonation of the voice, clarity of gestures and sufficient patience, since at first the animal may not pay attention to either orders or gestures.

Choosing a training location

An area already familiar to the dog, where there will be no distractions (cars, strangers and animals). If the place is unfamiliar, you need to give him time to sniff new territory and make sure there are no dangers.

Choosing training time

The time for classes is selected depending on the daily routine and your own plans, but it is undesirable to conduct classes in the middle of the day in summer time. If this is the only thing possible time, then you should stock up on enough water. You should not start exercising immediately after sleep or a heavy lunch or dinner. The last meal should be several hours before the start of training. Before starting the lesson, it is recommended to take the animal for a good walk or run several laps around the stadium.

Choice of treats

It is important to take your dog’s favorite treat with you, which will motivate him to obey and follow orders correctly. These can be pieces of cheese, boiled meat, dry food, special cookies purchased at a pet store and any other options.

How to praise correctly

Treats and praise (vocally or in the form of stroking) act as encouragement for the dog correct behavior only if they arrive immediately at the time the task is completed. A common mistake is delaying a treat, during which actions unrelated to the command may be performed. For example, when mastering the order “Come to me,” the treat is given as soon as the dog is near the legs, but not when it has already approached, sat down, or twirled around. Otherwise, the promotion will be associated with last action(sat down, licked the hand, leaned her paws on the owner, etc.)

If you decide not to use the services of dog trainers, but to train your dog at home, then it is useful to at least know their basic professional recommendations:

  1. Classes are held daily with a gradual increase in time and number of repetitions. To get started, 10-15 minutes will be enough.
  2. The command is pronounced in a stern, serious voice, praise in a softer and more playful voice.
  3. The requirement is pronounced once, maximum twice. Repeated repetition will not be effective, since the dog will be confident that it can follow the instructions the tenth time, which is unacceptable in critical situations.
  4. Before voicing the order, the pet’s name is pronounced, which is a kind of signal to attract attention and follow further instructions.
  5. You cannot raise your voice or start shouting, and especially resort to physical punishment if the student refuses to follow the instructions.
  6. Each successful action is rewarded with treats and verbal praise.
  7. You can conduct classes in one place, and after successfully mastering the skill, change the environment and location.

If you become the owner of a new pet, it is important to understand that a change of environment usually causes stress for the dog. At first, it is important to make friends with him, spend more time and feed him only with your own hands in order to achieve the necessary trust. If you invest enough love, attention and care into a dog to teach basic skills, you can get a well-trained pet that will be loyal to its owner to the tip of its tail.

It is included in the absolute minimum of commands that any dog ​​should be taught for the convenience of the animal itself and its owner. Mastering this command for almost any dog ​​will not be difficult, so even a beginner can cope with the training.

Simple learning option

For most owners The goal of teaching the “Sit” command- to ensure that the pet is more manageable and can be made to sit calmly in situations when you need to be distracted for a while to talk on the street, calmly before a walk, put a bowl, or simply demonstrate to your friends the obedience of the dog.

The result of successfully mastering the command is that the dog will sit on command and remain in this position for some time (only you set the time frame during the training process).

  1. You can start when. Every time you give your dog food, do not put the bowl down immediately, say “Sit” and wait until the dog sits down on its own, this will happen very quickly - the puppy tries to understand why you don’t put the bowl down and sits down. As a reward, the pet receives a portion of tasty food. This way you will solve two problems: teach the puppy not to rush at you and not interfere with placing a bowl of food on the ground or a stand, and introduce him to the team. At first you will have to feed the puppy often, so very quietly you will teach him to sit on command;
  2. Once the dog sits firmly before eating, you can move on to transferring the command to other situations. This is, first of all, going for a walk. Before going outside, the puppy is excited, he wants to quickly rush for a walk and prevents him from fastening the leash. Just like in bowl training, saying "Sit" and standing still with the leash directly in front of him is very important eye contact and a calm, demanding voice. If the puppy does not sit down for a couple of minutes, repeat the command and apply a little pressure on the rump so that he sits. If there is no time to wait, you can seat the puppy faster, but only by saying the command. Praise, fasten the leash and go for a walk - this will be the reward for following the command (but you can also);
  3. When the dog has mastered this situation, you can begin to use the command outside the process of feeding and getting ready for a walk. At first, you only need to give the command when the dog is near you. Stand in front of her or to the side and command “Sit.” If the previous two stages were completed correctly, you did not make exceptions and forced the puppy to sit before meals and walks, no special training will be required. Just practice the skill periodically, it won’t take much time;
  4. The last stage is to execute the command from a distance and keep the dog in a sitting position. Increase the distance gradually, from one step to ten meters. The waiting time should also increase very gradually; if the dog gets up ahead of time, pretend to be upset in your voice and persistently repeat the command. If the dog ignored her and came over, you can’t give a treat, start all over again. For most dogs, a couple of weeks of training is enough if the command is practiced on every walk.

It is better not to skip the last stage, stopping at the fact that the dog sits next to you. It is very important that in complex and dangerous situation you could force the dog to follow a motion-stopping command. For many pets, “Sit” is best suited for this role: master it with high level easiest way.

If you want beauty in execution, you can add a gesture to the sound command - right hand bent at the elbow, palm open and directed towards the dog. This is a generally accepted gesture, which is first learned in combination with the voice version, and then reinforced separately.

During training adult dog The training algorithm is exactly the same, it’s just that it will take an order of magnitude longer to master and consolidate the skill. Remember that your main allies are hunger and fatigue – within reasonable limits. Those who have not yet eaten and are tired after eating show much more interest in obedience. long walk pet, so don’t be lazy and give your dog a good physical workout before training. When raising an adult dog, this can be an indispensable support.

Mistakes when teaching a command

Often, inexperienced dog breeders make common mistakes during training, which are then very difficult to correct. Therefore, it should be said separately what should not be done when training a dog to “Sit”:

  • repeat the command many times. Firstly, this is a sign of your insecurity, and animals do not appreciate this in a leader. Secondly, it develops the habit of not obeying the first time. Therefore, the command should be given only once; it can be repeated if the pet does not obey, but not immediately;
  • punish for non-compliance. The puppy refuses to obey the command not because he has consciously decided something about your relationship, but because he does not understand what you want from him. Punishment will discourage the desire to exercise very quickly, and basic commands should be associated only with positive emotions;
  • stop training at the resistance stage. Be sure to end the training only when the dog follows the command, even if this means sitting the puppy down yourself;
  • demand from little puppy too much, commands related to maintaining stillness and self-restraint are given well to puppies no earlier than three to four months;
  • V to a greater extent advice rather than prohibition - do not give a treat every time a command is executed, it is better to do it once or twice, alternating with praise. Some dogs stop working without “material” reward.

If you show a little patience in the first stages of training, your pet will not have any problems mastering the “Sit” command, and in the future your living together it will be much calmer and more interesting, and in some situations, safer. The main thing to remember is that during the training process you are learning along with your dog.