How to train a dog to use a litter tray is not a toilet question. How to quickly accustom a toy terrier to a tray or diaper How to accustom a toy to a tray

When should a puppy be diaper trained?

Start teaching little toy you need to get a diaper as early as possible - from the very first day after the baby moved into his new house and began to settle in there.

If you put off training until later, your pet may get used to relieving itself in inappropriate places.

What to choose - a diaper or a tray?

Pros of diapers:

  • the puppy gets accustomed to a diaper more easily than to a tray;
  • thanks to the lower moisture-resistant surface, they protect the floor from getting wet;
  • can be used both at home and on the road by placing the diaper in the carrier;
  • safe;
  • absorb unpleasant odors and hold them well;
  • if they are changed frequently, they do not become moldy and do not become a breeding ground for germs.

Pros of trays:

  • aesthetic appearance;
  • There are many models, among which you can easily choose the most suitable one;
  • There are options for trays with posts designed for male dogs;
  • long service life;
  • The tray is washed every few days, which saves time.

In order to decide what to choose, you need to look at what your pet will get used to faster and what he prefers to use.

You can also combine a tray and a diaper - put it on the bottom of the tray and change it once a day. At the same time, the diaper will collect unpleasant odors, which is why the tray will remain clean longer, so you only have to wash it once a week.

The best way to train a puppy to use a litter box is to take him there after sleeping or eating. Hold it in place, wait until the pet does its business, and then be sure to praise it. You should remember that you should not shout at the baby or hold him in the tray by force. Similar techniques will lead to nothing but fear of the litter box, which is why toilet training your pet may take an indefinite period of time.

How to choose a place?

The tray or diaper should be located in a quiet place - not in the aisle, not in the main room where the whole family gathers and where it can be noisy and crowded. It is also forbidden to arrange a dog latrine in the bathroom, toilet, kitchen, balcony, unheated loggia or veranda.


The location chosen for the dog toilet should be away from heating devices and not in a draft or open sun.

The best place to place a tray or diaper is part of the corridor, preferably its compartment, but if the corridor is straight, then the animal’s toilet can be fenced on both sides with furniture, which will create the illusion of privacy and safety for the pet.

How to train to a tray?

There are two main methods:

  • training to go to the litter box immediately;
  • First, the puppy gets used to the diaper and only then to the tray.

In the second case, the diaper, to which the dog is already accustomed, is placed on an inverted tray, so that the pet goes to the toilet on a slight elevation; after the dog gets used to it, the tray can be turned back, and the mesh insert from it can be wrapped with a diaper.

Most effective method How to potty train your pet:

  • carefully monitor the puppy after sleeping or eating;
  • if he starts spinning around and clearly looking for a place to go to the toilet, you need to pick him up and carry him to the tray;
  • holding the dog there (in no case, without holding it with brute force), wait until it relieves itself;
  • praise and reward with treats;
  • While the puppy is on the tray, you need to repeat the word that he will associate with the tray. For example, “toilet” or “potty”.

In the event that there was a misfire and he accidentally did not reach the tray, you cannot scold him, much less punish him.

You need to wash the place where the puddle or pile was and treat it with a special product that eliminates animal odors.

How to get used to a diaper?

A puppy is accustomed to a diaper either by putting the pet on it after sleep and food, or by covering the entire room or area enclosed by an indoor enclosure with diapers.

Subsequently, you can start removing 1 diaper per day, gradually reducing their number. And so on - until there is only one left, which the puppy will follow. If your pet wanders by, you need to wash the area and cover it again with a diaper, which you can try to remove again only after a few days.

Accustoming to a diaper begins by laying it close to the dog's bed.

At this time, you can begin to gradually move the diaper to the place where it will always be. In this case, you need to act slowly - move it no more than 20-30 cm, and the place where the diaper was previously must be thoroughly washed and treated with a special product.

If he suddenly begins to refuse to wear the diaper after it has been moved, then you need to return the dog toilet to its original place and again, but more slowly, try to start moving it to the side after about a couple of days.

Some tricks

Here are a few tricks to help you toilet train your pet faster:

  • do not scold, do not distract, and especially do not tease or frighten the pet when it is sitting in the tray. This needs to be explained to all family members, even the smallest children;
  • if the pet sits down to do its business in front of the owner in the wrong place, you need to express dissatisfaction to him in a loud and stern, but not threatening voice and take him to the tray;
  • at first it is better to place not one, but several trays, placing them in different corners of the room - in this case, if the pet does not have time to reach one tray, he will use another;
  • after he has made a puddle on the floor, you need to blot it with newspaper, which should be placed in the tray. By the smell, the dog will find a place for the toilet and understand what it is intended for;
  • for male dogs, it is better to purchase special trays with posts from the very beginning - this will not only make it easier for your pet to get used to the toilet and make the process familiar to him, but will also save furniture and corners in the house from dog marks;
  • you can try to get help special means for toilet training a dog, which can be purchased at any veterinary pharmacy.


After the dog gets used to using the litter box, you need to continue to praise it for correctly solving the need, but you need to gradually refuse to give treats - first give something tasty every other time, then after two, and so on, gradually reducing the number of rewards with treats for using the toilet, in the end finally remove them completely.

Owner reviews

Below is how they toilet trained their toy terriers and what difficulties they encountered in doing so:

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From the first days a puppy appears in the house, you need to accustom him to cleanliness. There won’t be any particular difficulties in training a toy terrier to use a litter tray. The dog, thanks to its natural intelligence, quickly understands what is required of it. But you shouldn't expect instant results. This process is part of the toy terrier care package and requires time, persistence and patience. Before you start training, you will need to purchase at the pet store:

Disposable diapers;

Dog litter tray, preference should be given to models with low sides or without them at all;


A brush for cleaning the toilet.

First of all, you need to decide on the place that will be used as a dog toilet. It should be located close to sleeping place, but not too close either. Cover the area with a waterproof diaper. Small puppies go to the toilet very often. This is what you need to take advantage of. Immediately after sleeping, feeding, or active play, you need to put the puppy in a diaper and not let her out, not allowing her to go anywhere until the job is done. After each successful time, do not forget to praise and treat him with your favorite treats. Thus, act regularly and be persistent. Soon the terrier will understand what they want from him, and it will become his habit. This issue can be resolved by purchasing an enclosure. The floor in the enclosure is covered with diapers or newspapers. As the puppy gets used to a certain surface used as a toilet, you need to reduce its area to the required minimum.

How to train a puppy to use a litter box?

One of the most simple ways How to train a toy terrier puppy to use a litter box - limit his access to secluded places where he can go to the toilet unnoticed. To obtain the desired result, you can use an aviary with a tray placed in it. By placing your puppy in a crate, it becomes easier to control his actions. Noticing characteristic features(restlessness, walking in circles, sniffing the floor), indicating his desire to relieve his natural needs. If the desired result is obtained, the dog must be stimulated with rewards and treats. We must not forget that the dog reacts to odors; by going to the litter box several times, he will be guided by the smell, which will cause further addiction. Toilet training is a must for proper education.

If it is impossible to restrict the puppy’s movements around the premises, trays are placed in secluded places. As your pet gets used to it, reduce the number of trays to the required amount.

Following these simple actions, you can see how to quickly accustom a toy terrier to the tray. The issue will be resolved in the optimal time frame.

Undesirable aspects of toilet training a puppy

Toy terriers have a very vulnerable psyche that requires a special approach. Their character is quite unique. You can read more about the character of the toy terrier in a special article. Inappropriate actions, when toilet training, are:

Slaps, blows;

Other aggressive actions directed against the dog;

The process of toilet training a toy terrier is accompanied by numerous difficulties. Despite this, the owner must provide the pet with increased attention, care and love.

At the same time, excessive care can lead to deformation of the dog’s psyche and the development of incorrect behavioral characteristics. Only by adhering to the principle of the golden mean can you build a harmonious relationship with your pet that gives joy and positive emotions.

One of the advantages of small dogs is the fact that they can be easily potty trained at home. This will allow the owner to sleep an extra hour in the morning and not rush back from work in the evening.
If you decide that a dog will live in the apartment, you must immediately teach it to go to the toilet. While the puppy has not yet been taught this, errors in the form of a puddle or a pile are possible. You can’t punish your baby by poking your nose into his bowel movements or treating him rudely. The sooner you start training your puppy to use the litter box, the faster he will learn to go to the toilet where he needs to go and make it easier for him to take care of himself. Raising a toy terrier is not a difficult process at all, because these dogs can quickly be taught to do their business in the litter box.
As soon as the baby begins to sniff himself anxiously and squats in an unintended place, he needs to be moved to the tray.

Accustoming terms:

Everything is very individual. Usually, understanding comes to puppies after several repetitions; developing skills can take two weeks. Your task is simply to control and bring your skills to complete perfection. This period is the longest. It may take a couple of months. In most cases, “punctures” happen precisely because the puppies are still very small. They cannot stand it for long, they flirt, get distracted, and may forget or not have time to reach the tray.

Time limits are reduced if:
1) the puppy was taken at an age (from 1 to 1.5 months);
2) if the puppy was trained by the breeder;
3) if the puppy’s mother went to the litter box (they imitate her);
4) if the puppy is the only animal in the apartment (no one is distracting);
5) if you have the opportunity to take a month off.

For training, you will need 3-4 cat trays (not for litter because the sides are too high), as well as tasty treats. For example: cheese, crispy diet bread, banana, etc. The goodies should be cut into pieces and placed in a saucer, which should be placed not far from the pots, so that the puppy cannot reach it. Make sure the product is fresh!

So, the toy terrier puppy is at home. It is very important, first of all, to give him a room in the apartment that can be closed. How smaller area rooms, the better. It is clear that the bathroom, storage room and toilet are not suitable. It's great if it's a kitchen. Firstly, you go there very often, and secondly, the baby will not feel lonely, and it will be much easier for you to keep an eye on him.
In the room where the puppy will be kept, it is advisable to hide the electrical wires and remove the rug. Anything that could not be removed should be treated liberally with Anti-Gryzin. Place 3-4 litter boxes together to create a large litter area. Place this “structure” not far from the puppy’s bed (puppies go to the toilet very often)

T Techniques for training a puppy to use the litter box
So. After sleep, they usually pee, and after they eat, they poop. Within 3-4 days you will study individual mode your pet. The technique is simple. As soon as the puppy wakes up, pick him up gently and take him to the potty. At the same time, explain to him “toilet” and put him there (in the future this will sound like a command).
Put the puppy on the potty with the words “toilet” until he understands what you want from him. It is important that you do everything patiently, without irritation and fuss. As many times as needed. No need to hold the puppy in the tray with your hands!
He will resist and you won’t succeed! And remember to have treats on hand! When your pet has finally done his job, praise him and give him a treat without leaving the tray. When such “exercises” are performed several times, the puppy will no longer be stubborn, but will obediently go to the potty and look forward to a tasty reward. Your helpers are patience, affection and time.

Important nuances in training a puppy to use the tray
If the toy terrier baby went to the litter box at the breeder’s house, you don’t need to expect the same for you. Because the puppy found himself in a new place: a different environment, strangers. He's stressed right now. You will have to retrain it, however, it will not take much time, the toy terrier will soon remember his skills and what he was taught.
If you notice that the puppy has crouched on the floor, a sharp “ugh” should follow, you can clap your hands at the same time, then put the baby on the potty.
It is advisable to monitor the puppy at night as well. Usually when small pet too sleepy, the easiest to control.
You need to give the puppy a tour of the apartment. When the baby has gone to the toilet, peed, pooped, in other words, has become “safe”, open the door so that he can walk. Of course, all wires in the rooms must be removed or treated with Anti-Gnat. It is necessary to place a tray in each room. Later, the time for walking around the apartment can be extended by monitoring your puppy.

This stage can begin when the puppy has perfectly mastered the “toilet” command. As a rule, it is enough to call the puppy to the litter box and say “toilet.” The toy terrier baby immediately understands what they want from him, obediently jumps into the potty and does his business. Be sure to remember to encourage and treat your baby! This approach is no longer coercion, but only a reminder to the little toy terrier about the toilet. While the puppy is growing, his attention regularly switches from one thing to another - objects, sounds, toys, etc. Therefore, call your baby to the potty as often as possible and remind him to go to the toilet.
After a while, the closed room will no longer be needed. And even later, gradually reduce the number of pots in the apartment, eventually leaving one.
When the skill is formed, you should gradually wean the dog off the treat. Over time, encourage "toilet" every other time, then every other time, etc.
Many people recommend using newspapers for litter box training. Indeed, at first you can accustom your baby not to the tray, but to a newspaper laid on the floor. The advantage is that you can cover the entire floor with newspaper, which will improve the “hit accuracy.” Disadvantage - puppies really like to play with rustling newspapers, and therefore the floor will be a mess of torn scraps and excrement. In addition, you can taste the newspaper... That is, you will need more time for cleaning. In addition, the dog will still have to be retrained from the newspaper to the tray. And this is done as follows. Place a sheet of newspaper in the tray, gradually reduce the area of ​​the newspaper, and then stop putting it altogether.

As Olga Solntseva, a breeder of toy terrier dogs, noted: “At first, we trained our toy terrier puppies this way. But then we abandoned this method, since it does not speed up training, and only adds to the hassle of cleaning.”

A few more common cases:

The puppy does his business next to the litter box

It is necessary to monitor how this happens. If the baby does not climb onto the tray, then you have given him too little time to get used to it. It is necessary to return to the initial stage of training.
More often than not there is a different reason. The baby sits not in the center, but on the edge of the tray. Accordingly, everything flows under the tray. This is where the “newspaper” method can come in handy. We place a sheet of newspaper in the center of the tray, gradually reduce the area of ​​the newspaper, and then stop putting it altogether.

I have a male and there is a fear that he will raise his paw

The “newspaper” method will also work here. To do this, you should purchase a tray with a column. Teach your baby to use this particular post, and not the corner of the chair. Wrap the post with a piece of newspaper. A puppy accustomed to a newspaper will quickly understand why it is attached to a post. Later, the surface area on the post covered with newspaper gradually decreases.

Puppy peeing on the sofa

The problem here is not with the toilet. Probably, in this way the puppy wants to attract the attention of the owner or expresses protest. Before punishing, think about what your pet wants to tell you.

When a dog is trained to go to the toilet in a tray, it makes life much easier for its owners. To keep your apartment clean and fresh, it’s worth figuring out how to toilet train a toy terrier as quickly as possible and without mistakes.

Toy terrier toilet training should not spoil his cheerful character

In most cases, failures in training are not due to the stupidity of the dog, but to the inept approach of the owners to the training process.

Toy terrier toilet training

It will take a lot of patience, but it will be worth it. Successful litter box training can be completed in two to four weeks. How to organize the process correctly?

First you need to decide what kind of toilet for the toy will be:

  • tray with filler and post for boys;
  • newspaper;
  • moisture-wicking diaper.

Only after deciding on the toilet and preparing it can you begin training. There are three main ways to toilet train a Toy Terrier.

First method. Quite simple, but requires space. If possible, you need to allocate one small room in the house or apartment for the puppy. Cover the entire floor with newspapers or diapers. Remove one newspaper/diaper every day. This way the toilet area will be gradually reduced to the required size. You just need to try to ensure that the newspaper/diaper remains in the place where you plan to make a permanent toilet for the puppy.

This method can take up to a month, because you cannot remove the litter too quickly. But the dog will learn to specific place calmly, without stress and coercion.

Second method. Requires constant vigilance from owners. You need to carefully monitor the puppy. And when he begins to lubricate himself for wet work, usually after sleep and lunch, quickly carry him to the place prepared for the toilet. After the baby does everything correctly, you need to praise and caress him, treat him with a treat. Gradually, the toy will remember its place and get used to running to it on its own.

During the training period, it is better to remove all carpets and rugs from the floor. Any dog ​​will prefer to pee on something soft instead of a tray or newspaper.

Third method is based on meeting the pet halfway. You need to notice where he most often goes to the toilet, and “legalize” it by placing a tray there or laying down a newspaper. Praise every time the puppy does everything right. If he does not approve of your actions and starts going to another place, the toilet will have to be moved again. And so on until you come to a common decision.

How to make the learning process easier

To make it easier for the dog to understand what is required of it, you can use special sprays. Apply a repellent aroma to places where you cannot go to the toilet. And what is attractive is a tray or a place for the toilet.

Many people who want to have a dog in their home are put off by the very fact of walking with it every day. But when walking a pet, the owner himself performs walking exercise, and even in such wonderful company. It often happens that neither the owner nor family members have the opportunity to walk the dog during the day, so in order to avoid misunderstandings, it is necessary to train the puppy to use the litter box. Of course, this will require enormous patience, wisdom and time from the owner. It is worth noting that toy terriers are perfectly trained to go to the litter box and can be walked with once a day or not at all if weather conditions do not allow.

A young toy terrier puppy, however, like any puppy, cannot be patient and restrain himself before fulfilling his natural needs. It will inevitably make puddles and piles. You shouldn’t punish him for this, much less poke your puppy’s nose into sewage.

To teach a toy terrier puppy to be clean, you should take him outside in a timely manner. Small puppies should be taken out for 5-7 minutes immediately after feeding or just waking up. If the puppy suddenly stops playing, then this is also a signal to action.

Usually, mothers always clean up after their offspring, although up to a certain age. If the mother is trained to use the litter tray, the puppies will try to imitate her. It’s good when the previous owner helped the puppies in this matter, firmly securing conditioned reflex. When a puppy is taken away from its mother and goes to another home, experiencing some stress, all its skills are partially lost. They can be quickly restored if you create approximately the same conditions and show patience to go through the training course again. It will take much less time: the toy terrier will quickly remember his skills. If the puppy has not been trained, then the new owner will have to spend more time.

The tray should be placed not far from the puppy's bed. The training technique is simple. When the puppy wakes up (or has eaten), he should be gently picked up and transferred to the tray, while saying the word “toilet”. In the future, this word will be formed into a team. Of course, the baby will not understand what is required of him and will try to resist it. Under no circumstances should you hold it roughly in the tray. If he jumps out, then he must be put back in the tray. This will have to be done as many times as necessary until the puppy finally does his job. After sleeping or eating, the excretory system of the body quickly activates in puppies. The owner should always have a treat ready. As soon as the puppy has done his simple tasks, he should be generously praised and immediately given a tasty bite. After a few days of such systematic “exercises,” the puppy will develop a conditioned reflex, and he will sit down in the tray himself. When the reflex is firmly established, the treat will need to be given less and less often and, in the end, stopped altogether. At the same time, he must be praised every time. At some point, praise will replace treats.

Of course, it won't always be this way. If the puppy sits down to make a puddle on the floor, then it must be quickly transferred to the tray. And when he has finished everything in the tray, be sure to praise him and give him a treat. Puddles must be wiped up so that no smell remains. Dogs have a sense of smell several times finer than humans. Therefore, the puddles are wiped dry and sprinkled with some kind of fragrance and wiped again. Or you can use water with powder and wipe it well.

Under no circumstances should you scold a puppy when he is just playing in the tray. He won’t sit there for long, because curiosity will lead him to other places. But inappropriate swearing will create confusion in the puppy’s fragile thinking and will only harm the taming of the litter box.

At first, when training your puppy to use the litter box, it would be a good idea to keep an eye on him at night. But this is how it will turn out.

When training a puppy to use a litter tray, it is better to limit its living space to one room. The kitchen is a good place for this: most often there are pets there, which are so necessary for the baby to communicate, and the puppy will be in front of your eyes - it’s easier to catch an intimate moment. When the puppy has more or less learned the connection between the tray and the treat, he can be given supervised tours of the house. Practice shows that it is difficult to keep an eye on a puppy and therefore it is necessary to remove all wires, carpets and paths, as well as everything small from the floor so that the puppy does not get injured or damage property. If the puppy has already well understood the importance of the tray in the house, then the space limitation can be canceled, but only one tray can be placed in the rooms. You may even need several trays if the room is large.

When arranging walks around the apartment, you should periodically call the baby to the litter tray, saying the word “toilet”. Little toy terrier already understands what needs to be done and will obediently jump into the tray. You definitely need to praise him. Over time, when the puppy is almost accustomed to the tray and has become well accustomed to the open spaces of the apartment, the trays can be gradually removed, leaving one.

Some owners teach toy terrier puppies to “walk” to newspapers. The principle of training is almost the same. The entire floor is covered with newspaper and replaced as soon as it gets dirty. Over time, the newspaper and toilet space needs to be reduced. Meanwhile, the puppy develops a clear “need-newspaper” association. At some point, the entire tray is covered with newspaper, where the area of ​​the newspaper sheet must also be gradually reduced and then not used at all. There is a kind of retraining of the puppy from the newspaper to the tray. Thus, it takes much more time to tame. Moreover, newspaper is a very interesting object for a puppy: it rustles and tears. The floor will be a constant mess of torn newspapers and excrement.

No matter how happy the owner is about how smart and clean his toy terrier is, it is still necessary to walk with him. First, the puppy must go through the socialization stage. There are a lot of interesting things on the street, a lot of dogs, and a young toy terrier needs to learn to compare himself with the outside world. It’s good if there are other puppies of the same age in the yard. Together it will be more convenient for them to get to know each other and the world. It would be a good idea to enroll in puppy socialization classes at a dog breeding school.

Secondly, any dog, just like a person, suffers from information hunger. Even if the owner does not have time, then at least once a day the toy terrier should be taken outside so that he can frolic and be filled with new impressions and emotions.