How to rinse your ear with hydrogen peroxide? How to instill hydrogen peroxide in the treatment of ear diseases.

At mechanical damage skin this product is used as a bactericidal. Pollution ear canal also eliminated with hydrogen peroxide. To prevent plugs from forming, it is recommended to regularly wipe your ears with a solution, and not limit yourself to cleaning with cotton swabs.

This procedure is carried out as follows:

· moisten a cotton pad in peroxide with a concentration of 3−5%. If the skin of the ears is prone to irritation, mix the product with water in a 1 to 1 ratio;

· insert the disc into the ear canal so that it fits snugly to the ear. Leave this “compress” for 5 minutes;

· carefully remove the cotton wool and wipe the cleaned area with cotton swabs.

If a lot of wax has accumulated in the ear cavity, then regular wiping will not clean the ear canal properly. In this case, hydrogen peroxide comes to the rescue again.

To clear your ear of large accumulations of wax, you must:

Dilute 20 drops of a three percent solution in a tablespoon of boiled cold water;

· Carefully place 10 drops of the product into each ear (the liquid should be no colder than room temperature);

· wait 10 minutes;

· use cotton swabs to remove sulfur plugs.

Earwax can be removed as follows:

· draw peroxide of the same concentration into a syringe (without a needle) as in previous cases;

· drop 10 drops of the product into each ear, tilting your head;

Carefully pour 20 ml into each ear with a syringe boiled water at least 5 times. Particles of cork will come out with the water;

· straighten up after 10 minutes, remove the leaked peroxide with parts of the cork using a cotton pad;

· wipe the ear canal with dry cotton swabs.

Don’t worry if the contaminants are not removed after the first instillation; in some cases, at least 4 procedures will be needed. After thorough cleansing, hearing improves, discomfort and dizziness disappear.

According to reviews of hydrogen peroxide from ear plugs– it is safe and quick way removing wax from the ear canal. This procedure is suitable for both adults and children. However, for the delicate skin of a child, a weak concentration of peroxide is recommended; consultation with a pediatrician is necessary.

How to remove wax plug with hydrogen peroxide? This question interests many people. Perhaps some of us have encountered such an unpleasant phenomenon as education sulfur plugs in the ears. Sulfur tends to accumulate in the ears due to the viscosity of the secretion. In addition, the ear canal is quite narrow and tortuous. Of course, a large amount of dirt and dust gets into the ears every day, and for this reason, wax plugs appear.

Many people will be interested in how to remove wax plugs at home? Next, we will look at how to remove wax plugs with hydrogen peroxide at home yourself. After all, removing wax plugs is, although unpleasant, a very simple process at home if everything is done correctly.
If the ear plug has not yet managed to block the entire ear opening, then the defect in the ear’s functioning is practically not felt. But in the worst case scenario (when the ear canal is already tightly blocked by wax formation), hearing problems may already begin. You may also experience a feeling of ear fullness and very noticeable discomfort. Typically, such sensations intensify when water gets inside the ear, since the plug tends to increase in size under the influence of liquid.

It is important to know that the plug can be removed not only at home, but also in any clinic.

Earwax is not only harmful, but also beneficial. She stands out constantly large quantities and performs a lubricating function for the ear canal. It tends to accumulate when the ears are cleaned with cotton swabs, which not only do not clean well, but also push the accumulation of wax deep into the ear canal. It is better to clean your ears with wet towel after every wash.

Typically, wax plugs only appear over time. Tangible manifestations begin only when it has blocked the passage by 70% or more.

Ears become clogged, hearing decreases - these symptoms do not manifest themselves quickly due to the fact that the plug accumulates gradually.
Nausea, dizziness, dry cough, painful sensations, sometimes you can hear the echo of your voice in your ears. The cause of these symptoms may be a plug located near the eardrum.

This type of plug can cause inflammation (myringitis) or otitis media (inflammation of the middle ear). As a result, moderate pain syndrome, which intensifies when chewing in the case of otitis media. Body temperature may also increase and purulent discharge from the ear canal.

The occurrence of arrhythmia, seizures such as epileptic seizures, and paralysis facial nerve- such symptoms already indicate severe course diseases when the plug is located in the area of ​​the bone and puts pressure on the eardrum in such a way that the nerve endings are irritated.
After removing the ear blockage, all symptoms completely stop.

The first thing to do is to soak the ear formation. This is done using peroxide. Peroxide is injected in small quantities into the ear using a syringe without a needle. If the peroxide begins to foam and hiss, then do not be alarmed. This is an absolutely natural reaction, it should be so.

After the peroxide has entered the ear and reacted with wax formation, you need to lie down for about fifteen minutes so that the wax in the ear is completely soaked.
After the required amount of time has passed, you need to turn your head down with the ear into which the peroxide was poured. It is advisable to place your head on a towel and wait until the remaining peroxide flows out completely.

Once you are sure that all the peroxide has flowed out of the ear canal, the ear should be wiped with a small piece of cotton wool.

This procedure must be repeated every day for about seven days until the ear clog is completely removed. As you know, the cork does not come out immediately, it is removed gradually.
If during this procedure at home any difficulties or discomfort arise, then the procedure should be stopped immediately and you should contact your local clinic with this issue.

When should you not rinse your ear with peroxide?

A) When the integrity of the eardrum is damaged (perforation is present). It may be due to a previous injury or severe ear infection.
B) If in this moment there is a disease such as acute or chronic otitis media.
B) In case of previously suffered purulent otitis media.

As you can see, removing ear blockage using peroxide is not a complicated procedure. Therefore, if the traffic jam has not reached serious proportions, and you do not want to sit in line at the clinic, you can safely use the method described above.

In the article we discuss a plug in the ear - how to remove it at home with hydrogen peroxide, what contraindications exist and side effects. You'll learn how hydrogen peroxide works on earwax and how to safely remove excess wax.

Earwax is a special secretion in the ears that is produced by hundreds of small glands.. Earwax protects the eardrum and middle ear from the penetration of dust, dirt and bacteria, lubricates the skin of the ear canal, and carries away dead epidermal cells and sebum. If your hearing organs produce too little wax, they become vulnerable to damage, infections, itching, and dryness.

Excess earwax also has a negative impact on health. The secretion thickens and forms a “plug” in the ear canal. It reduces hearing acuity, causes a feeling of congestion and tinnitus. When the wax plug is too close to eardrum, it provokes violations vestibular apparatus and, as a result, dizziness, headache, nausea, crashes heart rate. Hydrogen peroxide helps remove ear plugs. Why does excess earwax appear:

  • improper cleaning of the ears, including with cotton swabs and matches;
  • increased activity of the glands that produce sulfur secretion;
  • too tortuous and narrow ear canal;
  • constant presence in rooms with low humidity or high air pollution, for example, in the production of building materials;
  • frequent use hearing aids or headphones;
  • previous hearing diseases - otitis media, dermatitis, eczema.

Home remedies for dealing with wax plugs are usually aimed at removing wax, rather than treating diseases. If you have a severe headache, there are purulent and bloody issues, do not self-medicate and consult a doctor.

How does peroxide affect wax plugs?

On early stage the formation of sulfur plugs can be helped by 3% hydrogen peroxide. The solution has a high oxidizing ability and, in contact with any organic substance, always foams. In the case of earwax, peroxide softens it, separates it into parts, and the plug spontaneously comes out of the ear canal. If it has hardened and become too dense, peroxide makes it more flexible, and it is easier for the doctor to remove the wax with water and a Jacquet syringe.

Sometimes, when the plug swells, you may feel a slight pain. This is not dangerous. Increasing in size, the cork touches nerve endings ear canal and presses on its walls. It's worse if the pain is severe. This means that the cerumen plug is too large and the procedure is undesirable. It is better to make an appointment with your doctor so that he can decide whether hydrogen peroxide can remove the ear plug in your case, or whether it is better to choose a safer solution.

How to remove an ear plug with hydrogen peroxide

To remove an ear plug, buy a bottle of 3% hydrogen peroxide, cloth or paper napkins, a disposable syringe without a needle, or a pipette.


Before removing an ear plug at home with hydrogen peroxide, you should prepare:

  • Mix 1 tsp. hydrogen peroxide 3% and 1 tsp. water.
  • Pipette the solution into a clean pipette.
  • Hold it in your palms for 2-3 minutes so that the pipette warms up to body temperature. Do not rinse your ear with cold liquid, otherwise you may feel dizzy, nauseous or have a severe headache.

Carrying out the procedure

The main steps on how to remove an ear plug at home with peroxide:

  1. Lie down on the bed so that the ear with the wax plug is pointing up.
  2. Place the tip of the pipette on the ear canal and add 3 drops of the solution.
  3. At the same time, pull the opposite ear back and up.
  4. When the peroxide reaches the earwax, you will feel foam bubbling and hear a faint hissing sound.
  5. Wait 15-20 minutes.
  6. Apply a dry towel to the affected ear, tilt your head and clean auricle from the remains of sulfur plug and liquid.

For full effect, repeat instillation 2 times a day for 3-4 days.

Contraindications and possible harm

The product may worsen the situation and cause serious harm to your health. Be sure to study the contraindications before removing wax plugs in your ears with peroxide. The procedure cannot be performed in the following cases:

  • age up to 6 months;
  • injuries in the ear area with complications;
  • inflammatory process;
  • purulent otitis.

If redness or pain occurs after ear treatment, do not repeat procedure and make an appointment with your doctor. This may be a symptom of a chemical burn and will require additional medications to eliminate it.

For more information about wax plug, watch the video:

What to remember

  1. Excess earwax causes tinnitus, headaches, dizziness, nausea and sometimes partial hearing loss.
  2. To remove sulfur plugs with hydrogen peroxide, dilute a 3% solution with water in a 1:1 ratio, put it into a pipette and heat it in your palms.
  3. Place 3 drops into the affected ear and wait 15-20 minutes.
  4. Hissing and foaming is a sign that the peroxide is dissolving the earwax.
  5. Repeat the procedure for 3-4 days.

To remove wax plugs from the ear, it is better to consult a specialist. But it must be said that few people rush to visit a doctor with such minor problems. Commonly used folk recipes and available means for eliminating such neoplasms in ear canal. Some of the methods are effective and some are not. You can remove a plug in your ear with hydrogen peroxide at home, but only with caution and certain recommendations. A correctly performed procedure will help eliminate the problem in just a couple of days.

How traffic jams form

Before you begin removing wax plugs at home with hydrogen peroxide, you need to understand the mechanism of occurrence of these ear tumors.

IN in good condition earwax gradually moves towards the exit without outside help. This occurs due to the movement of the epithelium during yawning, sneezing and chewing food. When examining the ears, you may notice a ring of wax in the ear canal, which may have a yellowish or Brown color. You can remove such plaque index finger, which is lightly soaped. There is no point in pushing anything further into the canal.

If the glands work too actively, wax does not have time to move through the canal and gradually accumulates in the ear canal. Particles of dust and dirt, as well as cells of dead epithelium, fall on it. As a result, dense accumulations of sulfur mass are formed. It is very difficult to remove such a viscous mass, and it causes a lot of trouble for a person.

A person experiences a feeling of stuffiness in the ears, hearing becomes dull and there is constant feeling presence foreign object in the ear canal. Doctors include the following as the main reasons for the formation of sulfur plugs:

  • Features of the structure. Some people have an ear canal that is too long and tortuous, due to which self-cleaning is not as active. In addition, some people have congenital, overactive ear glands.
  • Cleaning your ears too often. Normally, sulfur performs protective function, it envelops the ear canal and traps particles of dust and dirt. If you clean your ears every day, the glands will begin to work with redoubled force.
  • Application for cleaning channels of cotton swabs. Such sticks help push wax deep into the ear and form dense deposits there.
  • People who work in dusty industries or live in areas with unfavorable environmental conditions are also prone to traffic jams.
  • Frequent otitis. During infectious diseases The glands of the ears are especially active.
  • Hit foreign body in ear.
  • Psoriasis or eczema. In such patients, wax plugs in the ears are formed from particles of dead epithelium.

The formation of ear plugs in adults and children can also be caused by too low air humidity in the house.. Normally, humidity should be about 60%.

You should clean your ears no more than once a week. If the procedure is carried out too often, it will eventually lead to the formation of sulfur plugs.

Removing traffic jams with peroxide

Earwax can be quickly removed with regular peroxide.
. You can carry out the manipulation yourself. But it will still be easier if one of your relatives can help. For the procedure you need to prepare:

  • pharmacy 3% hydrogen peroxide;
  • pipette;
  • several napkins;
  • small towel;
  • a bowl or plastic tray;
  • a large disposable syringe without a needle or a rubber syringe.

Using hydrogen peroxide for earwax is easy. The whole procedure takes place in several successive stages:

  1. Hydrogen peroxide is heated in warm water to a comfortable temperature. You cannot heat the solution too much, as it will begin to decompose and lose its healing properties.
  2. Lie on your side so that the problematic ear is on top.
  3. Using a pipette, drop 4-5 drops of peroxide into the ear, then cover the ear canal with a small piece of dry cotton wool.
  4. After this, you need to lie down for about 10 minutes, and then proceed directly to the washing procedure.
  5. The head is tilted over a bowl or a special tray, and the ear canal is washed using a rubber syringe or a large syringe without a needle.
  6. The ear is carefully dried with a towel or napkins.

If the ear plug is plastic, then hydrogen peroxide will help remove it in 20 minutes. If the neoplasm is too dense in consistency, it may take up to 3 days to remove the plug.

When rinsing the ear with a syringe, do not use too strong a jet pressure. This may damage the eardrum. First, the liquid is released little by little, and then the pressure is increased. For rinsing, a solution of furatsilin is most often used, but you can also use a decoction of chamomile.

If during the procedure there is strong pain and burning, you need to remove the remaining peroxide and consult a doctor. Most often this indicates serious pathologies ears.

Removing plugs from babies

Accumulation of sulfur often occurs in children younger age. In infants, sulfur is produced in large quantities, but in normal condition it moves to the edge of the ear canal and its removal is not difficult. In the case when the sulfur mass completely blocks the channel, it is impossible to remove it yourself. In this case, the child may experience vomiting, hearing loss and a paroxysmal cough..

If parents suspect that their child has excessive amounts of wax accumulated in his ears, then he should be immediately shown to an otolaryngologist. Only a doctor can determine how to remove the tumor. To remove wax in young children, special ones are usually used. medications, which seem to dissolve the sulfur mass. Such medicines are considered safe and have almost no contraindications.

Before the appearance special drugs To dissolve earwax, doctors could remove the wax plug from the ear with hydrogen peroxide. But for children, instill peroxide in pure form it is forbidden, skin too tender, so there is a high probability of burns. Hydrogen peroxide is instilled into the child’s ear with a plug only in diluted form, medicinal solution diluted with water in a ratio of 1:1.

You should not experiment and wash your child’s ears at home. An incorrectly performed procedure will lead to a number of negative consequences. It is better to immediately contact an ENT doctor.


Hydrogen peroxide from ear plugs cannot be used in all cases; there are several contraindications to this procedure:

  • Suspicion of damage to the eardrum.
  • Otitis in acute or chronic form.
  • Recently suffered purulent otitis media.

You should not wash the ears of infants and young children yourself.

Do not rinse the ear canals with hydrogen peroxide if there are cancer diseases hearing organs!


To prevent excessive wax build-up, you need to properly keep your ears clean. Mechanically They should be cleaned no more than once a week; the rest of the time, it is enough to rinse the ear canals with your fingers and wipe them dry.

The home should have normal temperature and humidity. This also prevents the formation of traffic jams. To moisturize you can use wet towels or a special humidifier.

As you can see, it is not difficult to clean your ears of wax accumulations using peroxide; the main thing is to follow the rules. It is worth noting that this method is effective only if the sulfur mass is plastic. If the plug is too hard, it is better to consult a doctor.

Many people have encountered this unpleasant problem like wax plugs in the ears. They dull hearing and cause a foreign body sensation in the ear. This pushes a person to try to clear the ear using improvised objects. Often matches, pins and other pointed objects are used. At the same time, a person is usually well aware that inserting such objects into the ear risks puncturing the eardrum. This is why most people use cotton swabs. This is also not The best decision- the cotton swab pushes the wax deep into the ear canal and compresses it, which ultimately leads to aggravation of the problem. In addition, frequent irritation of the ear skin causes hypersecretion of cerumen.

Experts believe that removing wax plugs with hydrogen peroxide is one of the most safe methods ear cleansing. It can be used for both adults and children.

In this article we will describe in detail how to use hydrogen peroxide at home.

Normally, the wax formed in the ear canal gradually moves to its outer edge. In this case, a brown ring is formed, noticeable when examining the ear. This part of the wax should be removed without penetrating into the deeper parts of the ear canal. It can be easily washed off with soap and water.

When the amount of wax in the ear exceeds the norm, there is a risk of plug formation - a dense accumulation of wax, dust particles, skin flakes, etc. It is much more difficult to wash away than wax, and a person faces a lot of troubles associated with it - a feeling of congestion, the presence of a foreign body in the ear canal and a decrease in the sharpness of hearing.

What are the reasons for the formation of wax plugs? We list the main ones:

  1. Genetic features. Indeed, some people suffer from copious discharge sulfur mass. The width and degree of tortuosity of the ear canal also plays a role - if it is narrow and tortuous, self-cleaning is less effective.
  2. Excessive ear cleansing. Normally, the skin of the ear should be moisturized with the secretion of the sulfur glands (just as the skin of the body is constantly moistened with the secretion sebaceous glands). If you wash off its layer every day, the glands activate their work, resulting in more and more sulfur.
  3. Using cotton swabs. Penetrating into the ear canal, a person pushes wax from its edges into the depths and compresses it tightly, which significantly complicates the self-cleaning of the ear.
  4. Living or working in highly dusty air conditions.
  5. Transference of ear disease. For example, during otitis media, sulfur is released in larger quantities than usual. Also, increased production of sulfur is provoked by the entry of a foreign body into the ear canal. In people suffering from psoriasis or eczema, plugs appear as a result of constant peeling of the skin.

Hydrogen peroxide for earwax can be used at home. You can carry out the procedure yourself, but it is better for someone close to you to help you.

You will need:

  • H2O2 solution 3%;
  • paper napkins;
  • pipette.

The method is quite simple:

  1. Borrow supine position, turn your head so that the disturbing ear is on top.
  2. Place a few drops of peroxide into the ear canal (use a pipette). Pre-warm the pipette in your palms so that the liquid reaches body temperature.
  3. After instillation, you will feel hissing and a slight tingling sensation - this is how it should be.
  4. If the procedure does not cause pain or other discomfort, lie in this position for 15 minutes.
  5. At the end of the procedure, remove fragments of the dissolved wax plug using a paper napkin; If there is any liquid left in your ear, gently wipe it away with a cotton swab.

If the procedure caused you pain, strong burning sensation in the ear, etc., wash the peroxide with water, wipe with a tissue and consult a doctor. Unpleasant sensations when washed, they often indicate ear diseases.

There is also a way to flush out ear plugs with hydrogen peroxide using a syringe. The liquid is injected into the ear under strong pressure, and the wax is washed out of the ear. However, most doctors do not recommend this method- strong pressure of liquid can cause a pressure drop on the eardrum, peroxide flow into the deep parts of the ear canal and other unpleasant consequences.

Removing plugs in infants

In infants, sulfur is produced in large quantities, however, normally it moves to the edge of the ear canal, and its removal is limited to washing the outer ear. If the wax blocks the ear canal, it self-removal turns out to be impossible. The child may develop a cough, nausea, and hearing loss.

If you suspect the presence of excess wax, the child should be seen by an ENT specialist. He will determine whether it needs to be removed and which cleaning method is preferable. Typically, so-called cerumenolytics are used for infants - drugs for dissolving sulfur. They act similar to peroxide from ear plugs, but are more effective and safer. Before the invention of cerumenolytics, doctors also used hydrogen peroxide. However, in children, peroxide sometimes causes chemical burns. If you want to use this method, dilute peroxide with water in a 1:1 ratio.


To prevent the formation of traffic jams, it is necessary to monitor. At the same time, it is important to know when to stop and not to overuse sulfur removal products - remember that this can have the opposite effect.

For daily care enough warm water with soap. After this, wipe the ear with a soft towel or napkin. Cotton buds, which are often called “ear” ones, are completely unsuitable for cleaning the ears.

If you feel that wax has accumulated in the deep part of your ear, do not try to remove it with any objects. Even cleansing with cotton wool is not as harmless as it seems - cotton wool fibers stick to the sulfur mass, as a result of which the formation of a plug is accelerated.
You can also use hydrogen peroxide to clean the deep areas of the ear canal by pouring it into the ear. This is good prophylactic from traffic jams.

Regularly using peroxide will prevent the formation of sulfur plugs. However, you should not abuse this remedy - peroxide acts like an alkali, and when frequent use can cause burns, skin irritation, and, as a result, hypersecretion of sulfur.