How to check if you have a temperature without a thermometer. Temperature without a thermometer - ways to measure by pulse and breathing rate

When you need to help a loved one, you can determine fever and high temperature without resorting to a thermometer. Although it is important to remember that any such symptoms are a reason to consult a doctor!

1. Touch your lips to your forehead or neck

You can also do this with the back of your hand or your eyelid. In small children, the tummy becomes hot first.

2. Listen to your heart

This advice will help not only in matters of the heart, but also in detecting an elevated temperature. A sick person's heart beats much more often.

Scientists are sure that there is a certain pattern here - an increase in body temperature by 1 degree leads to an increase in the frequency of contractions by 10 beats per minute.

If a person’s normal pulse is 80 beats per minute, then if this indicator increases to 100, the temperature can be about 38.5 ° C.

3. Constant thirst

Very often, although not always, at elevated and high temperatures a person experiences thirst. Find out if your child is thirsty? Or see how often he drinks water.

4. Breathing will tell

At rest, a person without significant health problems can take 12-17 inhalations/exhalations per minute. If breathing is rapid during rest, this is a sign of increased temperature. During heat and fever, adults and children breathe on average 2 times more often than usual.

5. Red or pale cheeks

Severe pallor or, on the contrary, a bright blush on the cheeks may indicate increased body temperature, depending on the type of fever.

During the winter, very high temperatures can be a sign of seasonal flu. It is important to remember that this disease is contagious and is transmitted by airborne droplets from a sick person to a healthy one.

If one of the family members has a high temperature, it is better to try to isolate him from small children, the elderly and pregnant women. For them, this disease is the most dangerous.

In humans, it may take 5-7 days from the moment of infection between infection and the appearance of the first symptoms of influenza. During this period, he poses a danger to others, although he does not look sick. That is why treating it according to modern protocols is so important.

Increasing. This phenomenon often poses a danger. It all depends on the underlying disease and the reasons for the increase in body temperature. The best way to detect fever is to use a thermometer. But how to measure temperature without a thermometer? There are several basic methods to determine whether a patient has a fever.


So, how to measure temperature without a thermometer? First of all, it is worth observing the patient’s well-being. After all, elevated body temperature does not go away without leaving a trace. Symptoms such as:

  1. Feeling weak.
  2. Severe chills.
  3. Skin color changes. In the neck and face area it may turn red or become covered with red spots.
  4. The eyes often become inflamed and body aches appear.
  5. In some cases, sweating increases.

Since it is very difficult to measure body temperature without a thermometer, it is worth carefully monitoring the patient. If an adult can talk about his well-being, then with children in such a situation everything is much more complicated. Indeed, in some cases, a child can run, eat well and play even at elevated temperatures. It is also worth considering that the signs of fever are individual for each person.

How to measure temperature without a thermometer

In some situations, it is simply impossible to use a thermometer. So how to measure temperature without a thermometer? After all, things can get bad anywhere and at any time. Experts recommend touching your forehead with your eyelid, lips or palm. If the patient has a fever, he will be warm. However, if a person sweats, the perspiration cools the forehead. Therefore, this part of the body is considered a dubious indicator.

A more reliable result can be obtained by touching the skin under the knee, under the armpit or on the neck. As for children, their temperature should be determined in the abdominal area.

If your hand is hot, the thermometer will show at least 38 °C. If the temperature is below this value, then it will not be possible to determine it without a thermometer. You simply cannot feel such heat with your hand.

Listen to your breathing

Not everyone knows how to measure the temperature of themselves or a patient without a thermometer. What to do if your hands are cold and it is difficult to detect an increase in temperature? In such situations, it is recommended to listen to the person’s breathing.

On average, a person takes 12-17 inhalations/exhalations per minute. Intense and rapid breathing is the second sign of elevated temperature. When the patient is hot, the number of complete respiratory cycles approximately doubles.

Don't forget about your pulse

When a person's body temperature rises, their heart rate increases. Every extra 10 beats is 1 degree. Therefore, if you suspect a fever, you should check the patient’s pulse. If at normal temperature up to 80 beats are heard per minute, then at 38 ° C - 100 beats per minute.

There are other signs of fever. Often, when the body temperature rises, the patient begins to become delirious and feverish. In some cases, seizures may occur. If such symptoms occur, it is recommended to immediately seek medical attention at the nearest hospital.

Seizures in a child

When the body temperature rises, some children experience febrile seizures. This phenomenon is not uncommon. As a rule, every child under the age of 5 has experienced such seizures. It is worth noting that uncontrollable convulsions that develop as a result of increased body temperature can frighten even the most persistent parent. However, you should not immediately rush into panic. First of all, you should help your child:

  1. It is recommended to place the baby on a flat and safe surface.
  2. You should not reach into your child’s mouth or try to insert foreign objects into it. They can break and then block the airway.
  3. While the attack lasts, you cannot leave the baby.
  4. The child should be turned on his side.

If the convulsions do not stop within 3 minutes, you should contact an ambulance. Often this symptom indicates the presence of a more serious disease. You should not leave your baby. You should also call an ambulance in cases where convulsions are accompanied by severe drowsiness, difficulty breathing, muscle stiffness in the occipital region and vomiting.

What do you do when you need to find out your body temperature, but you don’t have a thermometer at hand? Or do you need to measure the temperature of your computer's processor or video card? Now I will introduce you to some ways to find out the temperature of various devices, substances, as well as the temperature of the human body.

How to find out temperature without a thermometer

There are several such methods. Some of them are suitable for determining the body temperature of another person, some are suitable for determining your own temperature, and some are suitable in both cases. We will start with methods that are based on certain indicators, and then move on to more subjective ones. We also note that for a more accurate diagnosis, it is best to use not one method, but two or even more:

  • Measurement of respiratory rate. An increased frequency of breaths may also indicate an increased body temperature. To do this, you need to check how many breaths a person takes per minute. In a calm state, the respiratory rate is no more than 20 breaths per minute in an adult and no more than 30 in a child. If a person takes more breaths, this may indicate an increased temperature.
  • Heart rate measurement. An increased heart rate at rest may well indicate an elevated temperature. On average, the heart rate increases by 10 beats per degree. True, in order to diagnose an increase in temperature in this case, two conditions must be met. First, you need to know what your heart rate usually is at rest, and second, before the measurement you should not engage in physical activity, or smoke or drink tea, coffee or alcoholic beverages.
  • Touching the forehead with the lips or palm. If a person has a high temperature, you will feel hot, and if a person has a low temperature, you will feel cold. Of course, to do this, you first need to remember the sensations at normal temperature, and this method of determining temperature requires some practice. However, an experienced person will determine the temperature of others and himself with almost 100% probability.
  • Subjective feelings. At elevated temperatures, the eyes hurt, the eyelids are heavy, it is quite difficult to focus the gaze and direct it to the sides, and when a person closes the eyes, there is some burning sensation under the eyelids. In addition, there may be a feverish shine in the eyes, reddening of the cheeks, aching joints, chills or severe thirst. At low temperatures, a person often feels weak and drowsy, as well as some apathy.

How to find out the water temperature

Of course, if you have a thermometer at hand, then there will be no problems with this, but what to do if you don’t have a thermometer? There are several more or less accurate ways to determine the temperature of water without a thermometer. If you want to determine how hot the water is, lower your hand into it (just be careful - if steam is coming from the water, then the water temperature is at least 70 degrees Celsius and there is no need to lower your hand). If, when you lower your hand, you experience a pleasant sensation, it means that the water temperature is approximately 40-45 degrees. If it is quite difficult to endure, the water temperature is 60-65 degrees, if you do not experience any sensations, then this indicates that the water temperature is equal to body temperature - 36 degrees. If the water feels cold, the temperature is 15-20 degrees, and the temperature of ice water is about +5 degrees. Another method is based on measuring the time that passes after boiling water in a room. Once you boil water in a kettle or pan and turn off the heat, the water temperature will be 95 degrees. And then every minute the water cools by about 5 degrees. That is, five minutes after boiling, the water temperature will be approximately 70 degrees.

How to find out the temperature in the oven

The easiest way to do this is to use a special oven thermometer. If you don’t have such a device, you can find out the temperature, firstly, by looking at the divisions on electric and gas stoves, for which you need to either read the instructions for the stove or find the correspondence data on the Internet. And, secondly, there are so-called “folk” methods for determining the temperature in the oven. You can, for example, place a thin piece of paper in the bottom of the oven. If the paper sheet turns brown quickly enough, then the temperature is very high (about 260-280 degrees Celsius), but if it starts to turn yellow, then the temperature is average - about 220-240 degrees. You can also check the temperature in the oven using a small amount of flour. If the flour turns black, then the temperature is very high, if the flour turns yellow and then darkens, then the temperature is average, but if the flour just turns yellow, then the temperature is not too high and is about 180-200 degrees Celsius.

How to find out the computer temperature

More precisely, we will determine the temperature not of the computer itself, but of its components - the processor and video card. And I must say, it is very simple. You just need to download and install a special program. To do this, I recommend using the CPUID HWMonitor program, after launching which you will see the temperature indicators of the processor and video card in degrees Celsius. By comparing them with the values ​​​​allowed for your models, which can be found on the Internet, you can determine in which mode your PC devices operate. The AIDA program, formerly called Everest, also shows the temperature well. The above programs will perfectly help you in how to find out the temperature of a laptop - more precisely, its main systems.

How to find out the engine temperature

Almost every car uses a special sensor to measure engine temperature. In order to determine where it is located, you need to either study the structure of the engine yourself (for example, using diagrams and drawings on the Internet), or contact a knowledgeable person. Engine temperature sensors are generally quite reliable devices. Malfunctions on them can only be observed in cases where the car is already quite old (more than 10 years). If you are sure that the sensor is acting up, it is better to remove it and have it checked.

An increase in temperature is associated with the body's protective reaction to infection. They say that if there is a temperature, it means that the immune system has begun to function. But the higher it “creeps” on the thermometer, the less chance the body has of coping with the disease on its own, without medications: the state of health worsens, the fever rises, the body becomes dehydrated, and loss of consciousness is possible. The immune system protects us if the temperature stays at the same level of 37-38°C for several hours. It happens that there is neither a first aid kit nor a thermometer nearby, and help needs to be provided right away: determine the temperature and take first aid measures. To be on alert in every situation, we suggest familiarizing yourself with several ways to determine body temperature without a thermometer.

  1. Grandma's way. Lips applied to the forehead are a kind of indicator for determining elevated temperature: if the forehead is hot, it means there is a temperature. But this method is unscientific and rather approximate, because there is a difference between the mark of 37 o and 40 o, but you cannot determine it with your lips.
  2. There is a "fire" under the knees. Doctors, in the absence of instruments, check the temperature under the knees, in the groin and in the armpits: if the bends of the fingers are hot, then the temperature is above 38 ° C (lower temperatures will be “inaudible”), as well as when feeling the fingers and toes - if they are very cold, which means the temperature is going through the roof.
  3. Constant thirst. Redness of the skin, dry mouth, complaints of severe chills are the main signs of high fever. A person who feels dehydrated with accompanying symptoms is seriously ill; his temperature may rise to the last mark on the thermometer. Drinking plenty of warm water will help bring it down without medications.
Why is dry heat dangerous?

When the patient is “burning”, complains of aching joints, the mucous membrane of the eyes is inflamed and there is no sweating even after auxiliary means, we are talking about an excessively high temperature, reaching 40.5-41°C. If a person with a dry fever is not given emergency assistance or taken to the hospital within an hour, the matter may end in loss of consciousness and hallucinations. If the high temperature persists for a long time, the organs inside also begin to “burn,” and the person has little chance of avoiding death.

Breathing and pulse

The pulse will help measure the temperature without a thermometer and determine whether it is dangerous for a person. For example, in children under 3 years of age in a quiet body position, the heart rate is 140 beats/min. As they grow older, the pulse decreases and by the age of 10-12 in a child it is 100-110 beats/min, in adults - 80. At elevated temperatures, the pulse increases according to age: in children by 20 beats/min, in adults by 10 beats/min .

The heart works in double mode; if the body is under stress, this also applies to an increase in temperature. The frequency of breaths per minute in a healthy adult will range from 12 to 17, while in a patient it will increase by one and a half times, reaching 25 full respiratory cycles (in a child, depending on the height of the temperature of the breaths, it can be 30 or more).

When the body turns on a protective reaction to any infection, the temperature rises. They say that the immune system works well if the illness is accompanied by fever. However, the higher its indicators, the more difficult it is for the body to cope with the disease without medication. As a result, the general condition sharply worsens, the fever rises, the body loses fluid, and consciousness becomes foggy. Of course, the immune system itself fights if the temperature on the thermometer stays between 37 and 38 degrees. But its higher rates require the use of antipyretics. What to do if you don’t have a thermometer at hand and you can’t control the complexity of the situation? Then you need to know how you can measure the temperature of a child or yourself without a thermometer.

Methods for determining body temperature

There are several ways to determine body temperature without a thermometer, taking into account the symptoms of a sick baby.

By these signs you can always find out the temperature without using a thermometer. It is not possible to determine its exact value in this way, but it is quite possible to understand that the baby needs to be given an antipyretic or call an ambulance.

Dry heat danger

In addition to how to determine whether a baby has a temperature without a thermometer, it is worth finding out what indicates extremely high readings. A temperature of 40.5-41 degrees can be noticed by symptoms such as inflammation of the mucous membranes of the eyes and lack of sweating. If you give your baby an antipyretic, but he continues to “burn” and does not sweat, then you need to urgently call an ambulance. At such moments, the clock counts. Immediately wipe the baby with water at room temperature, insert a candle and wait for the ambulance to arrive.

You can measure your baby’s temperature in different ways, but doing it accurately is simply not possible. Therefore, try to always keep a spare thermometer in the house, and at the first symptoms of the disease it is better to stay at home.