How to check the thyroid gland and what tests need to be taken to diagnose the organ. Endocrine system disruption

Can be adjusted using scent. In addition, the smell eliminates gynecological disorders and other serious functional diseases women. These include sexual disorders, heart disease, acute respiratory infections, chronic diseases and much more. This medicinal smell is the smell sweat glands men in the armpits. This smell of sweat under the arm should preferably belong to a beloved and desired man. To do this, a woman should inhale the smell of sweat 4 times a day for 10 minutes, burying her nose in the man’s right armpit.

Note: Men and women are strictly prohibited from shaving the hair in their armpits, as well as eliminating the smell of sweat by spraying these areas with various deodorants because these areas serve to remove heavy and radioactive elements dangerous to the body. Otherwise, their excessive accumulation in the body occurs, leading to various diseases and reduced life expectancy. It is acceptable and advisable to shave armpit hair only 2 times a year, since hair, due to its spiral-shaped electromagnetic radiation, removes from the body those subtle energies that are simply impossible to remove from it in any other way. It should be especially noted that in close proximity to the armpits is the human soul, which is responsible for this kind of cleansing. Through the main human gland - the thymus (thymus), called the small sun in esoteric medicine, it includes all human protective systems and forces, providing. Since some of the secreted substances are harmful and are found in excess in the body, then, being released through the hairy part of the armpit, where the outlets of powerful sweat glands are located, and changing its odor under the influence of bacteria living on the skin and oxygen in the air, it becomes especially healing (sweat itself has no odor). The resulting aromatic substances from sweat begin to affect mental body a person of the opposite sex through the nose, which is directly connected to everyone thin bodies human and the center of consciousness, where incoming information of an ethereal nature arrives. Information first comes to main center consciousness - pineal gland located in the center of the head, active ingredients which, once in the blood, are distributed throughout the body. She gives restoration commands, first of all, to the human etheric body, then restores astral body person, and this body, in turn, restores and cures diseases on the physical plane. So, regulation begins on the invisible etheric plane, on which everything depends, since this body gives energy to all other bodies and organs. The human etheric body is based and anchored in the adrenal glands (for men in one, for women in the other), and it is secreted through the spleen. If great etheric body, then the person himself is healthy.

With the help of the smell of sweat, you can even cure and completely normalize the menstrual cycle. This will take 3 months.

In the Middle Ages, a method of treating various nervous disorders head and throat using a shirt soaked in one’s own sweat, which was wrapped in such a way that the areas soaked in sweat were right next to the nose. Thus, a person got rid of many ailments overnight.

Violations and their causes in alphabetical order:

endocrine system disorder -

Violation endocrine system - pathological conditions, occurring as a result of improper activity of the endocrine glands or endocrine glands, releasing the substances they produce (hormones) directly into the blood or lymph.

TO endocrine glands include pituitary gland, thyroid and parathyroid glands, adrenal glands and glands with mixed function, carrying out, along with internal and external secretion: the gonads and the pancreas. The main role of the endocrine glands in the body is expressed in their influence on the processes of metabolism, growth, physical and sexual development. Disruption of the endocrine system leads to various disorders of the body. Endocrine disorders are based on either an excessive increase or decrease in the functions of a particular gland.

Pituitary is considered the center of regulation of the endocrine system, since it produces hormones that specifically stimulate growth, differentiation and functional activity some endocrine glands. Disruption of the complex functions of the pituitary gland leads to the development of a number of pituitary disorders: excessive function of the anterior pituitary gland causes acromegaly ( big sizes skulls, brow ridges, cheekbones, nose, chin, hands, feet); decreased function of the anterior lobe of the pituitary gland can cause obesity, dwarfism, severe exhaustion and atrophy of the gonads; decreased function of the posterior lobe of the pituitary gland - development diabetes insipidus, (copious discharge urine, increased thirst).

Function enhancement thyroid gland manifests itself in an increase in its volume, palpitations, emaciation, depending on increased metabolism, diarrhea, sweating, and phenomena of increased neuropsychic excitability. With a pronounced increase in the function of the thyroid gland (the so-called Graves' disease), protrusion is observed eyeballs- bulging eyes.

Decreased thyroid function accompanied by a decrease in the thyroid gland, slow heart rate and sunken eyeballs. There is a tendency towards obesity, constipation, dry skin, decreased general excitability, changes in the skin and subcutaneous tissue, which become as if edematous. This condition is called myxedema.

Increased function of the parathyroid glands rarely occurs. Much more often the function of these glands decreases.

At the same time, the calcium content in the blood decreases, which leads to increased excitability mainly musculoskeletal systems nervous system and a tendency to tetanic convulsions, developing more often in the upper extremities. Seizures last from a few minutes to 1-2 hours.
This complex of symptoms is called spasmophilia or tetany.

Increased adrenal function accompanied by premature puberty (most often due to tumor formation).

Decreased function of the adrenal cortex in severe cases gives a picture of Addison's disease ( bronze disease), in which characteristic dark, bronze pigmentation of the skin appears, exhaustion, and decreased blood pressure, blood sugar decreases, and the body's resistance decreases.

Increased function of the adrenal medulla causes development arterial hypertension in the form of attacks.

Increased function of the gonads observed rarely (more often due to the development malignant tumors these glands), for the most part V childhood. The gonads reach their full development prematurely.

A decrease in the function of these glands leads to eunuchoidism - increased growth with disproportionate lengthening of the lower and upper limbs, tendencies towards obesity, with the distribution of fat in men according to female type and underdevelopment of the genital organs, lack of secondary hair.

Increased pancreatic function not sufficiently studied. Some manifestations include a persistent decrease in blood sugar and a tendency toward obesity. A decrease in the function of this gland leads to an increase in sugar levels in the blood and urine, increased urination, and a decline in nutrition (diabetes mellitus).

What diseases cause disruption of the endocrine system:

Regulation of the activity of the endocrine glands is carried out by the autonomic nerve centers of the interstitial brain through autonomic nerve fibers and through the pituitary gland under the control of the cerebral cortex. The nervous and endocrine systems are closely interconnected and constantly interact.

The endocrine glands have a great influence on the growth and development of the body, metabolic processes, excitability and tone of the nervous system. Features of the functioning of individual parts of the endocrine system play a large role in the formation of the body in general and its constitutional characteristics in particular.

Natural course age-related changes in the body can be sharply disrupted under the influence of disorders of internal secretion from one or more endocrine glands.

Causes of endocrine system disorders:

1. Primary dysfunction of the peripheral endocrine glands.

Various pathological processes can develop in the gland itself and lead to disruption of the formation and secretion of the corresponding hormones.

Infections occupy an important place among the causes of damage to peripheral endocrine glands. Some of them (for example, tuberculosis, syphilis) can be localized in various glands, causing their gradual destruction, in other cases there is a certain selectivity of damage (for example, meningococcal sepsis is often accompanied by hemorrhage in the adrenal glands, viral parotitis often causes orchitis and testicular atrophy, and orchitis may also occur with gonorrhea, etc.).

A common cause of gland damage and hormone production disorders are tumors that can develop in any gland. The nature of endocrine disorders depends on the nature of the tumor. If the tumor originates from secretory cells, excess amounts of hormones are usually produced and a picture of hyperfunction of the gland occurs. If the tumor does not secrete the hormone, but only compresses and causes atrophy or destroys the tissue of the gland, its progressive hypofunction develops. Often tumors are metastatic in nature. In some cases, tumors of the endocrine glands produce hormones that are not characteristic of this gland; ectopic foci of hormone production are also possible in tumors of non-endocrine organs.

Endocrine system disorders may be caused by birth defects development of glands or their atrophy. The latter is called for various reasons: sclerotic process, chronic inflammation, age-related involution, hormonally active tumor of the paired gland, long-term treatment exogenous hormones, etc. Damage and atrophy of the gland are sometimes based on autoimmune processes (for example, in some forms of diabetes mellitus, diseases of the adrenal glands, thyroid gland, etc.).

Autoimmune processes can also cause hyperproduction of hormones (for example, by the thyroid gland).

The formation of hormones is disrupted due to hereditary defects in the enzymes necessary for their synthesis, or inactivation (blockade) of these enzymes. In this way, for example, some forms of corticogenital syndrome, endemic cretinism, and others arise. endocrine diseases. It is also possible that abnormal forms of hormones are formed in the gland. Such hormones have inferior activity or are completely devoid of it. In some cases, the intraglandular conversion of prohormone into hormone is disrupted, and therefore inactive forms are released into the blood.

The cause of disturbances in the biosynthesis of hormones can be a deficiency of specific substrates included in their composition (for example, iodine, necessary for the formation of thyroid hormones).

One of the causes of endocrine disorders is the depletion of hormone biosynthesis as a result of prolonged stimulation of the gland and its hyperfunction. Some forms of beta cell deficiency occur this way insular apparatus pancreas, stimulated by prolonged hyperglycemia.

2. Extraglandular (peripheral) forms of endocrine disorders.

Even with quite normal function peripheral glands and the body's adequate need for hormone secretion, various endocrinopathies can occur.

The causes of such extraglandular “peripheral” endocrine disorders may be disturbances in the binding of hormones to proteins at the stage of their transport to target cells, inactivation or destruction of the circulating hormone, disturbances in the reception of hormones and their metabolism, and disturbances in permissive mechanisms.

Inactivation of circulating hormones by modern ideas, most often associated with the formation of antibodies to them. This possibility has been established in relation to exogenous hormones: insulin, ACTH, growth hormone.

The possibility of forming autoantibodies to one’s own hormones has now been proven. The possibility of other ways of inactivating hormones at the stage of their circulation cannot be excluded.

An important form of extraglandular endocrine disorders is associated with disturbances in hormone reception in target cells - on their surface or inside the cell. Such phenomena may be a consequence of the genetically determined absence or small number of receptors, defects in their structure, various cell damage, competitive blockade of receptors by “antihormones”, gross changes physical and chemical properties pericellular and intracellular environment.

Great importance is currently attached to antireceptor antibodies. It is believed that the mechanisms of production of antireceptor antibodies may be associated with some features of the immune system.

The formation of antibodies may be caused by viral infection; it is assumed that in such cases the virus binds to a hormonal receptor on the cell surface and provokes the formation of antireceptor antibodies.

One form of deficiency hormonal effects may be associated with a violation of the permissive “mediating” action of hormones.

Thus, the lack of cortisol, which has a powerful and versatile permissive effect on catecholamines, sharply weakens the glycogenolytic, lipolytic effects of adrenaline, the pressor effect and some other effects of catecholamines.

With absence required quantities thyroid hormones cannot act normally growth hormone in the early stages of organism development.

Violation of the “mutual assistance” of hormones can lead to other endocrine disorders.

Endocrinopathies can occur as a result of disturbances in hormone metabolism. A significant part of hormones is destroyed in the liver, and with its lesions (hepatitis, cirrhosis, etc.), signs of endocrine disorders are often observed. Excessive activity of enzymes involved in hormone metabolism is also possible.

Thus, the causes and mechanisms of endocrine disorders are very diverse.

Moreover, these disorders are not always based on insufficient or excessive production of the corresponding hormones, but always on the inadequacy of their peripheral effects in target cells, leading to a complex interweaving of metabolic, structural and functional disorders.

Which doctors should you contact if there is an endocrine system disorder:

Have you noticed an endocrine system disruption? Do you want to know more detailed information or do you need an inspection? You can make an appointment with a doctor– clinic Eurolab always at your service! The best doctors will examine you and study you external signs and will help you identify the disease by symptoms, advise you and provide necessary help. you also can call a doctor at home. Clinic Eurolab open for you around the clock.symptoms of diseases and do not realize that these diseases can be life-threatening. There are many diseases that at first do not manifest themselves in our body, but in the end it turns out that, unfortunately, it is too late to treat them. Each disease has its own specific symptoms, characteristic external manifestations- so called symptoms of the disease. Identifying symptoms is the first step in diagnosing diseases in general. To do this, you just need to do it several times a year. be examined by a doctor to not only prevent terrible disease, but also to maintain a healthy spirit in the body and the organism as a whole.

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The thyroid gland is one of the organs of the endocrine system. It is located in the area of ​​the cartilage of the same name under the larynx. It synthesizes a number of important iodine-containing hormones (T3 and T4), as well as calcitonin, which regulates calcium metabolism in the body. It has mainly 3 lobes:

  • right,
  • left,
  • isthmus.

Underestimate this body not worth it, as it fulfills a number of vital important functions. These include:

  • maintaining and regulating basal metabolism. All metabolic reactions within the body are controlled,
  • ensuring stable temperature,
  • preventing bone fragility by inhibiting osteoporosis,
  • participation in the process of growth and development of the organism and the central nervous system.

There are cases when thyroid pathology develops. It can manifest itself as a whole range of different symptoms. For accurate diagnosis verification and determination further method Treatment requires blood tests for specific hormones.

How are thyroid hormones synthesized and what are they needed for?

The basis for creating data biologically active substances The amino acid tyrosine serves. During nutrition, iodine enters the body. For the body to function adequately, it needs to receive approximately 120-135 mcg of this microelement per day. After entering the intestine, it is absorbed by the villi of the epithelium and, with the blood flow, settles in the follicles of the organ. There, the process of incorporation of iodine into the matrix of thyroglobulin (protein, precursor of biologically active substances) occurs.

After this, differentiation of hormones into T3 and T4 occurs, depending on the number of microelement molecules in its composition.

You should also know that the amount of T4 synthesized is 20 times higher than T3. But the effectiveness of the latter is 6-8 times higher than the efficiency of thyroxine. That is why we cannot talk about the greater importance of this or that substance.

The main functions that these substances perform in the human body are the following:

  1. Activation of the thermoregulation center. Heat production and oxygen absorption increases in all tissues and cells with the exception of the main brain, spleen and testicles. They remain intact. That is why one of the symptoms of thyrotoxicosis or hyperthyroidism remains fever and profuse sweating.
  2. Stimulation of the formation of steroids by the adrenal cortex. T3 and T4 play an important role in the process of growth and development of the entire body. When they are deficient, mental and physical retardation is often observed.
  3. Increasing the body's intake of vitamins.
  4. Activation of nervous and mental activity of the main brain. In areas where the soil contains little iodine, children in schools are regularly given Antistrumin, a drug that contains a 5-day supply of this microelement. This is done to improve their academic performance and normalize the functioning of the central nervous system.

The question of how much of these substances is needed in the human body for its normal functioning has been well studied. There are special tables and generally accepted indicators that indicate the functional activity of the organ. It is enough to submit the material for examination and wait a little.

When is it necessary to be examined?

You need to understand that such laboratory tests should be carried out to confirm the clinical thinking of the treating physician. However, you can additionally donate blood for tests with preventive purpose. There are often situations when pathological process already started, but still leaking latent stage. In this case, you can act proactively and begin to treat the disease at an early stage.

However, the indications for checking the condition of the thyroid gland are the following:

  1. Hypo- or hyperthyroidism. Determining the amount of organ hormones can accurately indicate the functional activity of the parenchyma and thyrocytes.
  2. Monitoring the quality of treatment and the effectiveness of therapy. This is especially important for diffuse toxic goiter and hypothyroidism.
  3. Mental retardation in children's development. They donate blood to verify the possible cause of this pathology. Cretinism is one of many diseases that causes disorders of the central nervous system at an early age.
  4. Any increase in the size of the thyroid gland (goiter).
  5. Violations heart rate(arrhythmias, tachycardia, extrasystole).
  6. Baldness.
  7. Reproductive system disorders with possible infertility.
  8. Lack of menstruation.
  9. Impotence or decreased desire for the opposite sex.

In all these situations, it is necessary to donate blood for tests to measure the concentration of organ hormones in the serum.

Hormones and active substances

Many patients, when they hear that they need to check the condition of the thyroid gland, do not always know what substances doctors are looking for in their blood and how much of them should be there. The main indicators of the functional activity of the organ include:

  1. Hormones of the pituitary gland and hypothalamus (higher regulation organs of the endocrine system):
    • Thyroliberin and thyreostatin. Both substances respectively activate and inhibit the pituitary gland.
    • Thyroid-stimulating hormone(TSH) is the most important biologically active compound that causes the organ to secrete its own regulatory substances. Its amount in the blood increases with weak thyroid function and vice versa.
  2. Iodine-containing hormones:
    • Triiodothyronine (T3) – stimulates the process of O2 consumption by tissues. Normal indicators– 2.5-5.6 pmol/l.
    • Thyroxine (T4) – stimulates the process of protein creation. Normal values– 9-20 pmol/l.
  3. Other substances:
    • Calcitonin. Responsible for the process of suppression of osteoclasts and activation of osteoblasts. Prevents resorption bone tissue and protects the skeleton from osteoporosis.
    • Antibodies to thyroglobulin (ATTG). They are specific immunoglobulins that appear when the body’s defense system is disrupted with the development of autoimmune processes. Most often recorded with Hashimoto's goiter. Normal values ​​are 0-15 U/ml.
    • Antibodies to thyroid peroxidase (ATTPO or microsomal antibodies). Specific immunoglobulins for thyroid tissue. The most accurate and sensitive test for identifying an autoimmune process. Normal values ​​are below 5 U/l.

You must understand that it is not always worthwhile to conduct research on absolutely all of the above indicators. The doctor himself determines what he wants to know. The price of tests can sometimes be too high for some patients, so the doctor sometimes thinks twice about which specific tests are desirable for a particular patient.

Preparing for the examination

Very important point An adequate test of the functional activity of the thyroid gland requires high-quality tests. If you ignore the appropriate preparation procedure, the results of such a study may be unreliable. In this case, you will have to donate additional blood to confirm or refute the diagnosis.

To avoid any doubts and ensure that the test results are correct, you should adhere to some rules:

  1. 30 days before the tests, you must stop using medications that contain T3 and T4. They will significantly affect the final conclusion of the laboratory assistant and will not allow an objective assessment of the functional activity of the organ being studied. An exception may be special regulations or doctor's recommendations.
  2. 2-3 days before the patient takes tests, he must exclude from the diet foods containing iodine (seaweed, fish fat, potatoes, spinach).
  3. Immediately 24 hours before the test, you must limit your consumption of alcohol and tobacco. Minimize stress and physical activity.
  4. Blood testing must be done on an empty stomach. You should not eat 12 hours before testing.
  5. Carrying out various X-ray examinations can be carried out only after the serum has been submitted for determination of the hormones T3, T4 and TSH.

Observe these simple rules enough to get a high-quality, and most importantly, reliable result. Basically, it takes a laboratory assistant one day to decipher test data. If the serum was taken in the morning, then by the evening you can expect the doctor’s conclusions. However, as practice shows, patients receive forms with all the indicators detailed only the next day.


You need to understand which numbers indicate hyperfunction of the organ, and which, on the contrary, indicate its reduced activity. In any case, doctors do this, and only they can objectively assess certain changes in the patient’s blood. For ordinary person It is enough to know how to correctly submit material for examination and navigate the following concepts:

  • Similar values ​​relative to the average indicators in the “Normal” column – the function of the thyroid gland is not impaired.
  • Indicators above normal – hyperfunction. Possible reasons should be considered diffuse toxic goiter, thyroiditis, adenoma.
  • Indicators – hypofunction. The organ does not produce enough hormones, which can be a consequence of hypothyroidism, Hashimoto's goiter, or cancer.

For medical workers and simply for patients who want to know a little more about their illness, there is a special sign. It helps to understand in more detail the pathogenesis and mechanism of development of a particular organ lesion.

To find out how the thyroid gland works in a particular patient, it is necessary to undergo appropriate tests. With proper examination, it will be possible to quickly determine the nature of the organ damage. However, donating the serum is not enough. It is necessary to select adequate therapy. Only in this case will it be possible to cure the patient.

The endocrine system is one of the most important systems V human body. The main functions of hormones: transfer of information between different organs, as well as regulation of the functioning of all organs and systems. Hormones are produced endocrine glands. Hormonal system human includes: thyroid gland, pituitary gland, parathyroid glands, pancreas, adrenal glands, ovaries in women and testes in men.

Malfunctions in the functioning of the endocrine system are manifested in the following: loss or, conversely, gain of body weight, frequent fractures bones, problems with skin, sudden mood swings, sudden and also rapid hair loss, rapid hair growth, and in the most unnecessary places, vision problems, constant feeling of thirst.

An endocrinologist deals with the treatment of pathologies of this system. It is this specialist that you should contact if the above symptoms appear. In no case should you delay contacting a doctor, as well as self-medicate.

In addition to application medications, prescribed by the attending physician, and these are, as a rule, hormones, you can use proven, and very effective means traditional medicine. Preparations based on medicinal plants will help eliminate the manifestations of endocrinological diseases, strengthen the immune system, and normalize the functioning of the endocrine system.

However, use them in the same way as drugs official medicine only possible with the knowledge of a specialist. Any attempts to take action on your own may lead to a worsening of the condition.

Recipes for folk remedies for the treatment of Graves' disease

  1. Walnut will help in healing. Take 40 grams of partitions walnuts and pour them into a glass bottle. Fill the partitions with high-quality vodka - 200 ml. You need to infuse the composition in a dark, dry room for a week. Do not forget to shake the composition periodically. Use 15 drops of filtered product once a day.
  2. Thistle leaves in the treatment of goiter. Brew 20 grams of dried and crushed plant herbs with 200 milliliters of boiling water. The composition should be infused for five hours in a dry place. Take 20 ml of the strained drug at least three times during the day. It is better to take the drug before meals.
  3. Rowan . Brew a few tablespoons of the plant’s berries with boiled water – 200 ml. Leave the composition to brew. After five hours, filter the product. It is recommended to take 1/4 cup of the medicine four times a day.
  4. Application of infusion oak bark. Brew 30 grams of crushed raw materials with half a liter of boiling water. Infuse the mixture for an hour. Soak a handkerchief in the infused filtered mixture and tie it around your throat. Go to bed with this bandage. The duration of the course is three weeks.
  5. Motherwort - best helper. Grind the fresh plant and squeeze the juice out of it. Combine a spoonful of freshly squeezed juice with medical alcohol - the same amount. Mix the composition thoroughly. You need to consume 25 drops of the drug once a day.

Traditional medicines for the treatment of hyperthyroidism and diabetes mellitus

Blackberry. This plant helps lower blood sugar levels. Brew the tops of the plant with boiled water - 300 ml. Leave the composition to brew. Take 50 milliliters of filtered infusion at least four times a day.

Golden mustache will help in the treatment of hyperthyroidism. Take a large leaf of the plant, chop it finely and pour boiled water over it. Infuse the composition in a thermos in a warm room for 24 hours. Strain the product and drink 1/2 cup of the medicine three times a day, mandatory before the meal.

Cowberry - the best remedy with hyperthyroidism. Brew 15 grams of plant fruits boiled water- half a liter. Let the product brew. Drink 150 ml of the drink at least three times throughout the day.

Centaury for the treatment of diabetes. Pour two tablespoons of dry plant herbs with high-quality vodka - 300 ml. The composition should be infused in a cold place for two weeks. Shake the composition periodically. It is recommended to use 25 drops of the product before each meal.

Valerian. Place 15 grams of dried, crushed plant rhizomes into a glass bottle. Brew the raw material with boiled water - 200 ml. Infuse the mixture overnight. Take half a glass of filtered healing drink at least twice a day.

Alternative medicine in the fight against obesity

Corn silk helps reduce appetite. Pour 30 grams of crushed raw materials with vodka - 300 ml. Infuse the composition for a week. Take 20 drops of the drug three times a day, before meals.

The following medicine will also help in the treatment of obesity. Grind the soapwort rhizomes. Brew 10 grams of raw materials with boiling water. Let the mixture soak for half an hour. Cool and strain the product. You need to take half a glass of the product at least three times a day. The duration of the course is half a month.

Combine mint with buckthorn, parsley, fennel and dandelion in equal proportions. Grind the ingredients and steam 30 grams of raw materials with half a liter of boiling water. Leave the composition to brew. Take half a glass of medicine five times a day. The course of therapy is two weeks.

Mix 20 grams of motherwort herb with wild rosemary herb - the same amount, horsetail, buckthorn bark - 15 grams of each plant. Steam the mixture with boiling water - half a liter. Leave the container for half an hour. It is recommended to take 70 milliliters of strained medicine before each meal.

Application of the healing mixture. This medicine will help in treating exhaustion. Grind the dried yarrow and St. John's wort herbs to a powdery consistency. Combine two spoons of powder with butter– 200 grams and natural honey- half a liter. Melt the honey and butter in advance. Mix all ingredients. You need to take 15 grams remedy every two hours.

Therapy of the endocrine system is not an easy task, but it is quite doable and possible. The main thing is to strictly follow all the recommendations of your doctor and take all prescribed medications. Traditional medicine will help speedy recovery. However, it is not worth abusing drugs, as well as independently increasing the dosage of drugs from the people. Before taking any medication, consult your doctor.

The human hormonal system today works almost the same as in primitive man. Technologically and socially we are developing much faster. But it is the uninterrupted operation of the hormonal system that ensures the survival and adaptation of humanity as a species. Job internal organs, reproductive functions, the cycle of sleep and wakefulness, attraction, pregnancy, childbirth - all this is under the control of hormones and it is almost limitless. Where are hormones synthesized? How does the hormonal system work? When to take hormone tests? Where can I get tested for hormones? How to decipher them? The answers to these and many other questions are in this article.

Hormonal regulation in our bodies

Hormones- a group of biologically active substances that are secreted by endocrine glands and non-glandular tissues. Their purpose is to regulate the functioning of the body. Some affect all systems at once, others have specific target organs and target tissues and act only on them.

For example, prolactin, among other things, causes the growth of mammary glands, an increase in the number of lobules and ducts in the breast. This means that there are target tissues for prolactin in the breast. The body's hormonal system is called the endocrine system, which includes endocrine glands, which produce hormones.

Main organs of the endocrine system

The location of vital glands may vary. Part is located in the brain, such as the pineal gland, for example, part is concentrated in the chest, lower back, in the lower part of the body, like the ovaries or testes - the human gonads.

1. Pineal gland, pituitary gland, hypothalamus.

2. Thyroid gland, thymus, adrenal glands, pancreas.

3. In women - the ovaries and during pregnancy - the placenta, in men - the testicles.

Although there is no thorough understanding of the mechanism of operation of most hormones, nevertheless, scientists have been able to develop hormonal contraceptives for women, as well as medications to restore healthy hormonal levels.

10 causes of hormonal imbalances in women and men

1. Stress.
Hormonal imbalances can cause frequent releases of cortisol, the “stress hormone.”

2. Abuse of diets. Since estrogens are produced in fat tissue, thin girls almost certainly have an imbalance. In order for a woman’s hormonal background to be healthy, she must have at least some fat reserves.

3. Work in night shift , lack of sleep or frequent flights between time zones cause a disruption in the daily schedule of hormone levels and general hormonal levels.

4. “Self-appointment” hormonal drugs(hormonal contraceptives for women should only be selected by a doctor).

5. A diet rich in phytohormones. Some foods and drinks contain substances that cause problems in women and men: for example, beer, when it gets into female body, causes the masculinization of women and the feminization of men. This means that men's hormonal balance is disrupted and they become like women: their belly grows, fat is quickly deposited, their breasts enlarge and begin to sag. In women, the disturbances are also noticeable: hair begins to grow above the lips and on the chin and in other undesirable places, the hips become narrower, and the shoulders become wider.

6. Intensive sports activities, physical overload. Violations in women can begin even for such a non-obvious reason. In addition, playing sports during menstruation can lead to endometriosis.

7. Heredity. Hormonal disorders in women and men in this case are difficult to treat.

8. Previous infections, especially sexually transmitted infections, can cause hormonal imbalance.

9. Living in an environmentally unfavorable region. Hormonal balance is violated 30% more often in residents of industrial, polluted regions.

Changes in the body, decreased or increased level hormones can cause a wide variety of symptoms of hormonal imbalances: weight loss and weight gain, hair growth in the most unwanted places or hair disappearing from where it should be, acne and dry skin, as well as more serious ones - even infertility.

The most common general symptoms of hormonal imbalance include:

  • Sudden weight gain or weight loss not associated with a change in diet;
  • Problems with conception;
  • Excessive body hair growth in women;
  • Constant feeling feeling depressed without good reason or sudden changes mood;
  • Irregular menstruation (menstrual irregularities).
  • Severe leakage premenstrual syndrome.

Disturbances in the production of certain hormones in women and men can be caused by:

  • Diabetes;
  • Sleep problems;
  • Trembling fingers;
  • Excessive sweating;
  • Lethargy, apathy;
  • Hair loss;
  • Changing the timbre of the voice;
  • Rapid growth of hands and feet;
  • Changes in facial features.

Acne - acne - also indicates a disorder. In girls and women it causes either too a large number of androgens in the body, or false hormonal imbalance- when quantity male hormones normal, but the receptors are too sensitive to them and behave as if there are a lot of androgens.

In adolescence, a girl’s hormonal imbalance can cause:

  • underdevelopment of the uterus and mammary glands;
  • lack of menstruation.

In her life a woman experiences hormonal disorders several times: in adolescence, during every pregnancy - even if an abortion was performed - and during menopause. The mechanism of how hormonal regulation works is not fully understood, but the most common causes hormonal imbalances known in women and men.

List of Hormone Imbalance Tests

When assessing a blood test for thyroid hormones or other endocrine glands, different clinics and laboratories adhere to different standards and may consider them a deviation from the norm different meanings. Therefore, the interpretation of hormones may differ.

For various disorders, your doctor may prescribe tests for:

  • Sex hormones;
  • Thyroid hormones;
  • Pituitary hormones.

It is important to know!

If a couple is interested in planning a pregnancy, hormone tests are prescribed if disturbances in the functioning of the endocrine glands are detected.

In most cases, blood is taken for analysis, in some cases urine is taken.

Hormone tests during pregnancy

Hormonal disorders in women during pregnancy may have serious consequences Therefore, all women undergo hormonal tests. However, the list of tests differs and depends on the health status of the pregnant woman and previous diseases. Changes in hormone levels occur before the mother and fetus begin to feel symptoms of hormonal imbalance, so a timely hormone test, the decoding of which showed deviations, helps prevent serious problems.

What tests are prescribed for everyone during pregnancy?

Chorionic gonadotropin (hCG) is a female sex hormone that is secreted by the placenta during pregnancy. HCG level- the most reliable way to determine whether pregnancy has occurred. Appears in the blood a week after conception, in the urine one to two days later. Analysis of sex hormones at 16–20 weeks - hCG, estriol and AFP - allows you to evaluate possible deviations in fetal development.

Estradiol- female sex hormone, “responsible” for the normal course of pregnancy. Concentrations in the blood increase with each week of pregnancy, reaching a peak at childbirth.

Progesterone, like other female sex hormones, is produced in the ovaries and placenta and ensures the normal course of pregnancy. Its decrease indicates that there is a threat of miscarriage.

Free estriol secreted by the placenta. In this case, the analysis makes it possible to determine how developed and active the blood flow is in the umbilical cord and placenta. Like progesterone and some other female sex hormones, estriol can indicate post-term pregnancy. Also, its concentration is important in cases where there is a suspicion of a child’s developmental delay.

Alpha fetoprotein(AFP) is produced by the fetus. Its level may indicate fetal malformations.

Prolactin stimulates the absorption of calcium, milk production, and development of the mammary glands. An analysis of sex hormones, including prolactin, shows whether the pregnancy is post-term and how well the mother-placenta-fetus system works.

17-ketosteroids(17-KS) is a “processing product” of male hormones, which allows us to indirectly judge their level in the body. If tests for sex hormones show elevated levels of 17-KS, this indicates an excess of androgens, which can lead to fetal death or miscarriage.

Sex hormone binding globulin(SHBG) is a protein that, by binding sex hormones, reduces their activity. Testing for hormones is often accompanied by testing for SHBG. During pregnancy, its level helps to predict the likelihood of complications for the mother and child.

Dehydroepiandrosterone sulfate(DEA sulfate). Hormone testing during pregnancy often includes determination of DHEA sulfate levels instead of 17-CS. Its concentration can warn doctors about fetal growth retardation, and from the 12th to 15th week it allows assessing the functioning of the placenta and blood flow in the umbilical cord.

Testosterone taken to determine the presence of development congenital dysfunction adrenal cortex.

Tests for thyroid hormones. The results of tests for the hormones produced by the thyroid gland - T3 and T4 - allow us to assess the progress of pregnancy and the development of the child as a whole. If a blood test for thyroid hormones shows a decrease in their concentration, the risk of fetal death increases.

Thyroid-stimulating hormone(TSH) is produced in the pituitary gland. Its target is the thyroid gland, where it stimulates the production of the hormones T3 and T4. Thyroid hormone testing often includes a TSH test, although it is not a thyroid hormone test. Analysis for TSH, T3 and T4 can be interpreted differently based on what standards the doctor adheres to (in the USA alone there are currently 4 standards recommended by various major health organizations).

Tests for sex hormones

If you take hormone tests in different laboratories, the interpretation will be different. This is because different reagents and techniques are used, so take standard indicators where you took the test. A decreased or increased level does not necessarily indicate the presence of a disease or hormonal imbalances in women and men - just retake the tests in another place, taking into account the standards adopted in this laboratory.

Tests for hormones, the norm of which varies depending on age and the phase of the menstrual cycle, should only be interpreted by a doctor. Ask your doctor about where to get your hormones tested.

How and when to take hormone tests?

1.Tests are taken on an empty stomach.

2. One day before the test, you should not have sex, drink alcohol or smoke.

3.The day before the test, limit physical activity.

4. Stress can distort the results - it is best to take tests in a calm state.

5. Upon admission hormonal drugs, tell your doctor about this. Hormone tests are useless if the interpretation was made without taking into account the use of hormonal medications and other drugs that can artificially stimulate or suppress the production of hormones.

Female hormones: analysis


Hormone tests: when to take them


Luteinizing hormone (LH)

Days 3–5 of the cycle

If you have been assignedhormone tests, when to take themthem, check with your doctor - some endocrinologists and gynecologists prescribe other days

Follicle stimulating hormone (FSH)

Days 3–5 of the cycle


Days 3–5 of the cycle


8–10th day of the cycle

DEA sulfate

8–10th day of the cycle


Day 21–22 of the cycle

Hormone test resultsprogesterone and estradiol are most accurate 7 days after ovulation


Day 21–22 of the cycle

Thyroid hormone tests in men and non-pregnant women

There are only three thyroid hormones: T3 (triiodothyronine), T4 (thyroxine) and calcitonin. However, blood tests for thyroid hormones also include checking the concentration of other substances related to the functioning of this gland.

What tests are done for thyroid hormones? Analysis for thyroid hormones may include: analysis of thyroid-stimulating hormone, total T4, free T4, total T3, free T3, thyroxine-binding globulin (TBG), thyroglobulin, analysis of antibodies to thyroglobulin, to thyroid peroxidase.

Blood analysis thyroid hormone levels may show:

  • norm;
  • hypothyroidism - too little is secreted;
  • hyperthyroidism - secretes too much.

The list of symptoms of hormonal imbalance in the thyroid gland is long, most symptoms are nonspecific, and in 80% of cases, patients do not feel any discomfort at all. Regular ultrasound once a year and a blood test for thyroid hormones can prevent the development of diseases.

It is especially important for children to undergo a blood test for thyroid hormones, since these substances are involved in the processes of tissue growth, the absorption of oxygen by cells, and the development of the body.

Testing for TSH, T3 and T4 is highly advisable for all residents living in regions with increased radioactive background: exposure radioactive iodine causes thyroid disease in the body.

A blood test for thyroid hormones in children helps prevent the development of serious abnormalities

  • If a blood test has been performed on a newborn, thyroid hormones are not produced sufficiently, this may indicate the development of cretinism.
  • In childhood, hypothyroidism inhibits the growth of the limbs (they become disproportionately short).
  • If a teenager has had a blood test done, thyroid hormone production is low, which may explain delayed puberty and weight gain.

Normal hormonal levels for adults (men and non-pregnant women)


Hormone analysis: normal

Thyroid-stimulating hormone

0.4–4 µIU/ml

General T4

58–161 nmol/L (4.5–12.5 μg/dL)

Free T4

10.3–24.5 pmol/l

General T3

1.3–2.7 nmol/L (82–179 ng/dL)

Free T3

2.3–6.3 pmol/l (1.5–4.1 pg/ml)

Thyroxine binding globulin

259–573,5 nmol/l (14–31 μg/ml)

Antibodies to thyroglobulin

no more than 40 IU/ml

Antibodies to thyroid peroxidase

less than 35 IU/ml


1.7–56 ng/ml

Hormone analysis: explanation

If your values ​​differ from those given in the table, you do not necessarily need hormonal restoration- ask for a table with standards in the laboratory where you took the test and check it. For staging accurate diagnosis The whole picture is important, not just the numbers in the analysis table.

A blood test (deciphering) for hormones should be performed by a doctor - do not try to independently determine what is elevated and what is decreased based on data from reference books. For assessment, analysis and treatment of such disorders, find good doctor, preferably one of the leading specialists.

Hormonal imbalance: treatment

In cases where men's or female hormones The analysis showed a hormonal imbalance; treatment, as a rule, involves taking drugs based on synthetic analogues of hormones. Hormonal background women are stabilized by taking correctly selected COCs and progestin contraceptives - this is real hormonal restoration reproductive system. Hormonal disbalance in women, the symptoms of which are usually clearly visible, can be both a cause and a consequence of serious systemic disorders.

Hormonal imbalance in women, the symptoms of which are usually clearly visible, can be both a cause and a consequence of serious systemic disorders. Hormonal cycle women should work exactly like a Swiss watch: if you feel that something is wrong, do not hesitate to contact a gynecologist or endocrinologist. He will tell you what hormone tests you need to take and write out a referral.

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