How to pierce your ears yourself. Are you thinking about getting your ears pierced at home? Let's look at the main ways to do this

It’s hard to surprise anyone with earrings these days. These jewelry are worn by almost all women, and even some men. Some people prefer not to stop at one piercing and wear several earrings in one ear at once. Well, it's a matter of taste. How to pierce your ears - can you do it yourself, or is the procedure exclusively done in a salon?

Pros and cons of home piercings

If you follow all the rules of hygiene at home, it is not very dangerous. All you need is a steady hand, a sharp instrument, disinfectants and earrings. Although the risk of inflammation can be minimized by using clean accessories made of safe metal, the issue of pain is not so easy to solve. Before you think about how to pierce your ears yourself, try to optimally evaluate your own. If necessary, ice or a cold vegetable can be used as anesthesia, which must be applied to the lobe before the procedure and held until numb. Monitor the condition of the new puncture for the first week; if there is severe swelling and discharge of a large amount of pus, go to the hospital. During the first days, a certain amount of ichor may be released from the wound - treat the puncture up to 4 times a day with hydrogen peroxide and

Like at home: instructions

Before the procedure, wash your hair and rinse your ears well. Prepare your tools. The needle must be sharp, it must be boiled or calcined over a fire. Do the same with earrings; they should be made of gold, silver or medical steel. You will also need alcohol or another antiseptic and cotton swabs. Wipe with the chosen one. For convenience, you can draw a dot at the site of the intended puncture with a thin marker. When piercing, make sure that the needle enters the lobe straight and not at an angle. Pull out the needle and insert the earring. Now your task is to remember to properly care for the puncture and follow a number of simple safety rules.

What you need to know about caring for a fresh piercing

In addition to daily antiseptic treatments, pay attention to personal hygiene. For the first week after the procedure, it is not recommended to swim in bodies of water. Try not to touch your ears with your hands unless necessary, especially on the street. It is strictly forbidden to change the earrings in your ears; do not forget to carefully rotate them to prevent ingrowth. Change bedding more often, and wear clothes with a narrow neck with special care - do not disturb the puncture. If you are afraid of blood and pain, it makes sense to think about where you can get your ears pierced? Today, this procedure is carried out by many beauty salons and aesthetic medicine clinics. The master will not only perform the puncture correctly, but will also tell you in detail about the care. In some salons and clinics, the client can also choose how to pierce their ears - with a gun or a needle. In addition, in many centers where the procedure is performed, you can buy safe earrings or ask for a puncture with local anesthesia.

Before you begin piercing your ears yourself, it is important to make sure that you have everything you need to perform the procedure.

The puncture must be done with a special needle, which can be bought at the pharmacy. Choose the smallest diameter - 1 mm. The catheter must be new; do not use a used one. Also, do not use a sewing needle for piercing, because... It is not the diameter that expands towards the base, and therefore such a wound will take quite a long time to heal.

Earrings must be made of non-oxidizing metal - gold, silver or a special medical alloy. It’s good if the decoration has the shape of a ring. Then it will be convenient for you to wipe the puncture site in the first days, and the earring clasps will not interfere with you.

To disinfect the earlobe that you will pierce, as well as the instrument itself, you need to use medical alcohol or an antiseptic, for example, chlorhexidine. You can also use it to treat your hands if you do not have medical gloves.

To wipe the area of ​​skin before the procedure, you will need sterile cotton pads or cotton wool. They should also be used to wipe away blood if it comes out after you puncture the lobe.

An anesthetic or a remedy that can, if necessary, reduce pain. Such a remedy may be required if the person whose ears are pierced has a low pain threshold.

How to make ear piercing less painful

Different people have different pain thresholds, so some may need pain relief during the piercing process. Remember: the least painful procedure will be done by an experienced specialist, and therefore it is advisable to contact such a specialist.

If you still want to do it yourself, place something on the back of your ear before the piercing. Alternatively, you can “freeze” the lobe with ice. To do this, remove a piece of ice from the freezer, put it in a plastic bag, and then apply it to the future puncture site for a few minutes. After that you can start.

Usually, when ear piercings, pharmaceutical painkillers are not used, since this piercing site has the most. If you still want to use an anesthetic drug, consult your pharmacist - he will recommend the best option for you. For example, you can use lidocaine for pain relief. It is more convenient to use an aerosol or gel. This product has a local anesthetic effect.

In addition, you can purchase an ear piercing machine (“gun”) at a beauty salon or clinic. This device makes the piercing process faster, safer and painless.

How to pierce your ear yourself without hitting a nerve

To avoid touching the nerve, measure a place exactly in the center of the lobe or 0.5 mm above. There is no cartilage, the puncture is easy and painless. You should not make additional punctures in other places of the ear, since the consequences can be different - from puncturing a vessel to touching a nerve and even loss of vision.

So, place a dot in the place you are going to prick (this can be done with a toothpick soaked in iodine or a ballpoint pen).
In this case, dots should be placed on both sides of the lobe. Disinfect the surface of the skin on both sides, the earring and the needle. Then the tool must be calcined with fire, and the scale must be wiped off with a cotton swab moistened with alcohol.

When using lidocaine or other painkillers, follow the instructions.

Then apply the catheter-needle to the intended point on the outside of the ear and (necessarily) at a right angle, sharply and with force, pierce this place. There will be less pain if the process is performed without anesthesia. You can hold a piece of potato or apple on the opposite side of the earlobe so as not to pierce it while hanging.

Having pierced the lobe, sharply pull out the needle. After this, immediately insert the earring into the hole you made in the lobe. Wipe your ear well with a cotton swab and alcohol. Do a similar manipulation with the second ear.

How to care for wounds after the procedure?

Without removing the earrings, regularly treat the puncture sites with hydrogen peroxide or alcohol. It is also recommended to periodically carefully move the earring. To quickly heal the wound, you can use calendula tincture. It is advisable to sleep in a supine position, on a comfortable pillow with a sterile pillowcase. on the back.

If for some reason suppuration begins, you can apply an antimicrobial agent for purulent wounds - for example, Levomekol - to the inflamed area. In this case, the earring should be moved in the hole. Until the wounds heal, it is best to wear your hair in a ponytail.

And finally: if you are not sure that you can pierce your ears correctly and without pain

Ear piercing can be done in a beauty salon, or at home. In the second case, you do not overpay for the services of a master and do not call him to your home. At home, you can make not one, but several holes in one session. But at the same time, independent piercing is associated with a number of difficulties:

  • firstly, not everyone is able to step over the psychological barrier and cause pain to themselves;
  • secondly, you will have to take care of the sterility of the instruments and earrings that you will insert;
  • thirdly, without following certain rules, you can harm your health.

So how to pierce your ear at home quickly and painlessly? It is necessary to have special tools for piercing and materials to sterilize the skin, needle and earrings before the procedure.

Before you pierce your ears at home yourself, think about what tool you will use. You can pierce your lobes using a special piercing gun, a sterile catheter sold in any pharmacy, or you can use a regular needle. In the first case, you can pierce your ears in a few seconds almost completely painlessly, but in the second and third cases you will have to be patient a little.

How to pierce your ears using a piercing gun?

Technically there is nothing complicated about this. The main thing is to take care of the sterility of the instrument and hygiene immediately after the manipulation. To disinfect the skin you can use:

  • medical alcohol;
  • hydrogen peroxide;
  • chlorhexidine.

Iodine or brilliant green can be used, but only to mark the puncture point. Before the procedure, it is recommended to additionally wash the ear with antiseptic soap (Safeguad is suitable), then moisten a cotton swab in alcohol or hydrogen peroxide and wipe the earlobe with it.

The ear piercing procedure using a special gun does not require the use of a local anesthetic. The manipulation itself lasts a fraction of a second; there is no need to additionally insert an earring into the hole, as is the case with a manual ear piercing.

It is important to choose the puncture point correctly. This rule should not be neglected, because... The ear contains acupuncture points associated with the functioning of internal organs and body systems. Getting to such a point can be fraught with a decrease in immunity, an increase in the body's sensitivity to allergens, and a decrease in the pain threshold.

To correctly determine the point, the lobe must be mentally divided into nine squares and pricked into the central one. This way you can achieve a symmetrical arrangement of earring holes.

Attention! Many girls find it difficult to achieve perfect symmetry when piercing themselves, which is why the holes often end up 1-2 mm higher than each other. To avoid this, you can resort to a little trick. Take a regular thread, which needs to be tied exactly to the mirror so that the lobes in the reflection are at its level. Keeping your head level, adjust the thread according to the reflection, and make marks using iodine or a medical marker exactly along the line of the thread.

  • Take the pistol loaded with earring;
  • Place it on your ear so that the needle is in contact with the mark;
  • Pull the trigger.

You will hear a click and a slight crunch of the cartilage as the needle passes through the lobe. After the procedure, carefully remove the gun downward. All that remains is to disinfect the ear with hydrogen peroxide or medical alcohol. The piercing procedure at home is completed.

Benefits of piercing with a gun:

  • fast;
  • painless;
  • sterile.

The disadvantages of this method include the need to buy a pistol. For two holes this may be prohibitively expensive. But purchasing a special piercing tool will come in handy if you plan to do more piercings in the future.

How to pierce your ears using a regular needle yourself?

The only advantage of this method is that there is no need to buy an expensive piercing tool. But that's where the benefits end. To pierce your ears with a needle, you need to choose the right needle thickness or use a regular medical catheter. It should not be too thin, otherwise the earring stud will not be able to fit into the hole. It is better to take a special medical needle or a regular darning needle.

The nuances of the piercing procedure using a regular needle:

  • choose regular stud earrings - they are easiest to insert into the hole;
  • use sterile hand gloves to avoid infection;
  • Sterilize the earrings thoroughly - immerse them completely in a container with alcohol or chlorhexidine.

The needle procedure may be more painful and require more courage. Before this, it is necessary to thoroughly disinfect the earlobe and mark the puncture point. Some recommend applying a piece of ice for 10-15 seconds to relieve pain. Instead, you can use ice-caine ointment.

The actual manual ear piercing is not difficult: you need to pull the earlobe down with the fingers of one hand and with a quick, confident movement, insert the needle into a predetermined point. It is advisable not to slow down the movement of the needle, because this may increase soreness.

Repeat the steps on both earlobes. Many people note that getting their second ear pierced is somewhat more painful than getting their first ear pierced. A common problem in completing this procedure is putting on earrings. It is recommended to use stud earrings with a straight tail for the first time - it is easier to insert it into the hole. Classic earrings with a safety pin type clasp are best worn after the holes have healed.

Ear piercing using a sterile catheter

You must follow the instructions above for needle piercings. This method is much safer than the needle method due to the sterility of the disposable tube purchased at the pharmacy.

How to properly care for your ears after piercing?

The most important condition for rapid healing is maintaining sterility and hygiene rules for two weeks after piercing the earlobes. Immediately after inserting the earrings, thoroughly treat the earlobes with medical alcohol or other antiseptic.

Do not remove the earrings until the holes are completely healed. During the healing process it is necessary to turn them and move them.

Other rules for caring for earlobes after piercing:

  • do not swim in natural reservoirs and pools for the first two weeks to avoid infection of the holes (only showers are allowed);
  • if dry hard crusts form at the piercing site, soften them with a special antiseptic cream;
  • Treat your earlobes with an antiseptic three times a day (hydrogen peroxide or chlorhexidine will do);
  • use your mobile phone less often or wipe it with special antibacterial wipes (the phone contains a large number of bacteria that can get into the wound after the piercing and cause inflammation).

It is advisable to use earrings made of medical steel, silver and gold. It is better to wear ordinary iron or copper earrings after the holes in the earlobes have completely healed.

Attention! If after piercing the lobe becomes inflamed, the hole looks red and swollen, and pus mixed with blood is released from it, you should consult a doctor. An alarming symptom will also be an increase in body temperature above 38°C.

Svetlana Markova

Beauty is like a precious stone: the simpler it is, the more precious it is!


Before the first ear piercing with a gun or a special needle, both adults and every child, regardless of their age, are equally nervous. Children are afraid of pain, and their parents are afraid of infection and the process itself, during which soft tissues and delicate cartilage are injured. But most fears turn out to be unjustified, and miniature gold earrings have been and remain the best decoration for a woman, girl or girl. The main thing is to carry out the procedure under sterile conditions and follow all recommendations for caring for pierced earlobes.

What is ear piercing

A classic piercing is a jewelry hole made by an experienced piercer using a disposable needle or gun that can pierce cartilage in a matter of seconds. Women wear earrings made of precious and simple metals, order universal rings and elegant silk tassels on earrings from catalogues. Even archaeologists regularly discover evidence of interest in such jewelry in ancient times. For example, the age of the Ötzi mummy with pierced ears is more than 5,000 years. This shows one thing - earrings will never go out of style.

Is it harmful to have your ears pierced?

Pierced ears are beautiful and convenient, because earrings harmoniously complete the look, draw attention to a woman’s neck and visually make her slimmer. But how harmful or even dangerous is this procedure? Many people are confused by the fact that 11 active points are concentrated on the lobe, which are responsible for the tongue, vision, and teeth. In Japan, there is even a scary urban legend about new earrings and a white thread sticking out of the ear and being an exposed nerve. It’s easy to protect yourself from any consequences - you need to get punctures done in a professional salon and not neglect the rules for treating the wound.

When is the best time to pierce a child's ears?

Modern mothers try to introduce girls to the beauty industry at a very early age, so earrings are becoming as integral an attribute of future fashionistas as pacifiers and their favorite rattle. In order not to harm the child’s health, it is advisable not to go to extremes. Psychologists recommend piercing the earlobe of a child up to 1-1.5 years old, so that memories of stress remain in deep childhood. Pediatricians give other numbers and suggest punctures up to 8-11 years of age. The best option is autumn and spring (in winter, a hat interferes with healing; in summer, the risk of infection increases).

Types of ear piercings

Before piercing the cartilage in your ear, you should decide on the type of piercing. The most common is a puncture of the lobe, which is done to children literally from birth at the request of their parents. In addition, with the help of special medical equipment, helix or helix piercing, a rarer and more technically complex day for a circular or septum clicker, industrial for direct jewelry (2 holes are required for each ear), piercing of the tragus (tragus) or antitragus (antitragus) are performed ), tunnels that may take several years to stretch.

Earrings for ear piercing

High-quality piercing earrings have made life much easier for crafters and lovers of eye-catching ear jewelry. Hypoallergenic titanium or surgical steel are used to make earrings of any diameter, and pearls, artificial or natural stones are used for decoration. The secret of their popularity is that the accessory performs the function of a needle and does not require additional manipulation or subsequent insertion of earrings, which causes discomfort. The puncture is carried out instantly, painlessly, and the elegant “studs” can be worn as much as you like.

How does the procedure work?

The cost of the service largely depends on which puncture method the master or client prefers. This may include the price of the earrings if the piercing is done with a gun. Regardless of the reputation of the salon, the sincerity of the reviews on the website and how much it costs to get your ears pierced by a particular specialist, the process itself consists of the following stages:

  1. Preparation. The ear is wiped with a disinfectant solution, and the puncture site is marked with an aseptic marker.
  2. Puncture. The procedure is carried out with a disposable instrument – ​​a needle or a gun. In the first case, a hollow needle can be used, for example, to pierce the helix of the auricle, tragus, or dais. Then the earring is inserted. The gun is initially “loaded” with jewelry, a puncture is made and removed from the lobe when the accessory is at the desired point.
  3. Disinfection. For this purpose, solutions, tinctures, and hydrogen peroxide are used.

Ear piercing with a gun

The advantages of this method are obvious. The earring instantly appears in the ear, and the range of “studs” is very wide, and the puncture itself passes without pain or noise. A gun may scare a child, perhaps, by its name, but in fact the procedure is not stressful, unlike the mere sight of a medical needle. The main condition is that it must be sterile. The master is obliged to disinfect the instrument and work exclusively with gloves to avoid infection.


In some cases, a needle is the only tool with which a client can get the piercing of their dreams. For example, when a hole needs to be made not in the lobe, but in other places. Needles can be regular or hollow (empty inside); they are often used to make a puncture at home. They must be sterile and disposable; reuse is not permitted.

How to pierce ear cartilage at home

Regardless of the place and method of piercing, it is recommended to entrust the procedure to specially trained professionals who understand both the techniques and the aesthetic side of the issue. Having found out how much it costs to pierce their ears in the center of Moscow or another big city, some decide to do it themselves. To ensure that dubious savings do not result in a number of adverse consequences, the following rules must be observed:

  1. Pay attention to your health status and refuse the procedure if you suffer from skin diseases or allergies.
  2. Prepare the equipment in advance: a catheter (it is not recommended to pierce fabrics with a sewing needle due to the expansion of the ear), disinfectant, cotton wool, painkillers (you can discard it or replace it with an ice cube wrapped in fabric) and earrings, preferably not made of metal. For those who are especially impressionable, ammonia will be required.
  3. Wash your hands and wipe the earlobe with a disinfectant.
  4. Mark the desired area with a dot. The exit point, that is, the reverse side, can be fixed with a piece of apple so that the needle does not prick the finger and passes freely through the ear. If you don’t know where to pierce your child’s ears so as not to cause harm, it is better to entrust it to a specialist.
  5. Make a puncture with a sterile needle and carefully insert the jewelry.
  6. Wipe the earring and hole with a cotton pad soaked in hydrogen peroxide.

How to properly pierce your ears point by point

Acupuncture is a technique that can be used to have a positive effect on biologically active zones to improve health. Neurologists are of the opinion that damage to one of these points will not cause serious harm to the body, but they recommend making punctures according to detailed diagrams - they can be easily found on the Internet. Cosmetologists and acupuncturists know the exact location of acupuncture points, so it is advisable to entrust this important event to trusted specialists in the clinic.


Improper care can lead to symptoms such as inflammation of the cartilage, swelling, dizziness, pain, and suppuration around the hole. To prevent infection from getting into the wound, as well as to prevent other unpleasant consequences, it is important to adhere to certain recommendations:

  1. For 3 days after the procedure, do not visit the bathhouse, sauna, or swimming pool. Avoid going to the river or swimming in any open water.
  2. In the first weeks, you need to wipe the punctures with an antiseptic solution or healing tincture of calendula twice a day, twisting the earrings. Hands must be clean.
  3. Additionally, treat punctures after sports activities, taking a bath, walking in the fresh air, or contact with animals.
  4. Wait for complete healing. On average, in adults, the puncture site heals in about 2 weeks. As for the child’s body, do not rush to please the child with long-awaited new clothes. Earrings should not be changed earlier than six months later - let the girl’s ears get used to the size and weight of the accessory.

If your ear hurts or festers

Monitoring the health of your hearing organs is just as important as the condition of your internal organs. If healing of wounds is accompanied by pain or discharge of pus, it is necessary to rinse them with hydrogen peroxide. Do not use alcohol on your child's ears to avoid causing a burn. Fans of traditional medicine suggest using a solution of sea salt, aloe juice, melted pine resin, and even your own saliva, but the effectiveness of these remedies is subject to justified skepticism. If your ears look bad, you should see a doctor immediately.


Ear cartilage piercing is a quick, relatively inexpensive and virtually painless procedure that is safe even for small children. Stylish earrings are worn with pleasure not only by women, but also by men - this is a tribute to modern fashion. However, there are a number of contraindications and individual characteristics of the body in which it is undesirable to pierce the ears. These include.

It is possible to pierce your ear at home without pain. This does not require any special devices or knowledge. The main thing is to carry out the manipulation in compliance with the rules of asepsis and antisepsis. If everything is done correctly, the ear will heal quickly and no problems will arise. In the first days after the puncture, you should wipe the wounds with alcohol tincture of calendula and try not to get them wet.

Choosing a puncture site

There are many active points on the human ear, which is why the location of the future puncture should be chosen especially carefully. The mark should be placed strictly in the middle of the lobe or slightly above the center. There are no active points, reflex zones or cartilage in this place, so the puncture will be relatively painless.

What is necessary

To pierce your ears yourself, you should prepare the following items:

  • A sharp needle, medium thickness;
  • Vatu;
  • Hydrogen peroxide;
  • Medical alcohol;
  • Toothpick;
  • Alcohol tincture of iodine.

In addition, you must immediately prepare earrings for piercing. Preference should be given to jewelry made of precious metals - gold or silver. It is better to take earrings with an English lock, as they are easier to thread into the hole.

It is worth considering that some people are allergic to silver. If there have already been manifestations of special sensitivity to metal, then you should refuse to wear silver.

How to pierce your ears

To punch a hole in your ear at home without pain, you should follow these instructions:

  • Hair is collected at the back of the head so that it does not interfere;
  • The ears are thoroughly wiped with alcohol;
  • Dip a toothpick in iodine and put marks on the earlobes, in places of future punctures;
  • Earrings are being prepared. They are washed in hot water and soap; you can even boil the jewelry for 5 minutes. They are washed with peroxide, and then placed in a small container and filled with medical alcohol;
  • The needle is washed with alcohol, then heated over a fire and wiped again with a cotton swab dipped in an alcohol solution;
  • With one hand they pull back the earlobe, and with the other at this time they press the tip of the needle to the mark made with iodine;
  • With a sharp and confident movement, the ear is pierced with a needle. The sharper the movement, the less pain will be felt;
  • The needle is pulled out and the prepared earring is quickly inserted in its place;
  • The lobe along with the earring is wiped with alcohol again.

You can pierce your ear with a catheter. In this case, the procedure is carried out in exactly the same way as when puncturing with a needle. It is safer to pierce the ears with a catheter, since it is of the same thickness along its entire length. This does not lead to additional soft tissue injury.

The first earrings should be made of gold, silver or a special medical alloy. You should not immediately put on studs, such earrings are inconvenient to handle, so your ears often begin to rot.

It should be taken into account that wearing earrings with bows is very problematic, so you should take jewelry models with English clasps.

How to care for your ears

To help your ears heal faster, the puncture sites should be wiped with alcohol several times a day. For this purpose, it is better to use alcohol tincture of calendula, which has anti-inflammatory and antiseptic effects. They wipe their ears without removing the earrings. To prevent decorations from growing in, they are turned.

In order for wounds to heal quickly and without complications, you must adhere to the following recommendations:

  • Until the holes in your ears heal, you should change your pillowcase every day. Clean pillowcases must be ironed on both sides;
  • You should not wash your hair for several days after the piercing. It is dangerous to wet the wounds during this period, as they can fester;
  • You should not use hairspray until the holes have completely healed;
  • The hair is collected in a high hairstyle so that it does not cling to the ears and does not injure them.

Earrings should not be changed for 2-3 weeks. It is necessary to wait until the ears are completely healed.

You should take special care of children's ears. It is necessary to explain to them that their earlobes should not be touched with dirty hands.

If your ears start to fester

If your ears begin to fester, then you should not panic right away. In this case, you need to act like this:

  • Often wipe the earlobes with cotton wool soaked in alcohol tincture of calendula, being sure to turn the earring in different directions;
  • Twice a day, pieces of cotton wool moistened with hydrogen peroxide are applied to the ear on both sides;
  • In some cases, with severe suppuration, you have to consult a doctor. Even antibacterial drugs may be prescribed to prevent the spread of infection.

Unfortunately, in some cases the earlobes are pierced incorrectly, which leads to severe inflammation. In this case, you have to part with the earrings and wait until the ears are completely healed. After this, you can only do the piercing again and put on jewelry.

You can treat your earlobes with Miramistin and Chlorhexidine. These drugs have a pronounced antibacterial effect.

How to get your ears pierced without pain

Nowadays there are many medications in pharmacies that can help you get a piercing at home painlessly and safely. The most common painkiller is lidocaine. It can be used as a spray or gel. The last form is the most convenient, as it does not spread.

The gel is applied to the earlobe, wait for the medicine to start working, and quickly pierce the earlobe. It is necessary to act as quickly as possible, since the effect of the drug is short-lived.

If you don’t have Lidocaine spray at home, you can use improvised means. A piece of ice is applied to the earlobe for a couple of minutes, after which the ice is removed, the ear is quickly wiped with alcohol and pierced with a sharp movement. You should act very quickly, as when the earlobe warms up, sensitivity returns.

You should not pierce your earlobes yourself if you are afraid that something will be done incorrectly. In this case, it is better to leave it in the hands of professionals.


Piercing cannot be done in all cases. There are a number of contraindications to this procedure.

  • Pierce the earlobes and other parts of the body during infectious diseases and during exacerbation of chronic pathologies;
  • You should not make punctures for skin diseases of various etiologies;
  • You should avoid the procedure if you are allergic to metals and alloys. Although in this case the restriction does not apply to precious metals. Allergy to gold is extremely rare.

Quite often, parents ask doctors at what age can their children’s ears be pierced. Experts do not recommend doing this before 3 years of age. If parents are planning to pierce their baby’s ears earlier, then they should choose a time when the child is not sick.

You should not pierce your child's ears at home. A child's piercing should be done by a specialist.

When is the best time to get a piercing?

It is advisable to do ear piercing in spring and autumn, when the air temperature is about 15 degrees. This is due to the fact that in the heat, wounds heal poorly and often fester. You can do piercing in winter, but in this case you need to wear hats that will not injure your ears.

If you decide to pierce your ears in the summer, you should be especially careful about hygiene. After each walk outside, wipe the entire ear, changing cotton swabs several times.

Ears can be pierced at home. To do this, you should prepare a sharp needle, alcohol, cotton wool and earrings. The puncture site is preliminarily marked with iodine. You can numb the lobe with lidocaine and ice.