How to make good armor in Minecraft. Iron armor in minecraft: how to make

In order to fight, you will need some protection - armor. Therefore, you should know about how to make armor in Minecraft. They play a huge role and importance in the game as they help players maintain health, strength and power. Each player must know how and from what material to make armor.The raw materials that will be used to create armor are iron, diamonds, leather or gold. You should also know that armor consists of four components - helmet, breastplates. Each element must be created separately.

Crafting armor

The first thing you need to do is a helmet. For this part of the armor, take gold or iron (more in the article), which you will place in the crafting grid. The design of this element is special and unusual. Take 2 pieces of metal that you have chosen, place them at the bottom of the grid so that there is one empty square between them. Then take 3 pieces of the same metal and place them on top. After this procedure, put them in the oven and melt them. The first part of your armor, namely the helmet, is ready. The next step is to create the bibs. The raw materials that were used to create the helmet are also suitable. Take a piece of iron or gold and place it in a crafting grid to form the letter “P”, but upside down. Place in the oven. The bibs are ready.

The next component of armor, you cannot do without it and it will make you invulnerable - these are pants or leggings. Crafting the pants will require seven pieces of metal. Arrange them in a “P” shape and place them in the oven. In just a few seconds the pants will be ready.

The last thing you will need in battle with enemies is shoes and boots. Its protection is equal to that provided by a helmet. Therefore, it is a very important and mandatory part of the armor.

Raw materials - gold or iron. Take them and place them in the crafting grid in the following way: Place 2 ingots on the left and 2 on the right, leaving empty cells between them. The final step is to bake and your boots are ready. As the armor loses strength, the defense decreases. If you take care of your armor, you will be able to play calmly and comfortably. For example, leather armor only saves you from your fears, steel armor will help you fight mobs, and diamond armor will make you a “king” in the game.

Damage affects durability

However, you must remember that armor will not help you against all damage. Damage from such sources is reduced with the help of armor, and its strength gradually decreases:

— explosions;
— direct damage from various players, arrows, fireballs;
— contact damage from lava, fire, cacti.

Damage does not affect strength and armor

— damage from burning or falling;
- drowning in water;
— hit by lightning;
- poisoning, suffocation;
- falling into the Void.

The amount of damage that armor can withstand

Leather armor

1) Boots – 65;
2) Helmet – 55;
3) Leggings – 75;
4) Cuirass – 80.

Iron armor

1) Boots – 195;
2) Helmet – 165;
3) Leggings – 225;
4) Cuirass – 240.

Golden armor

1) Boots – 91;
2) Helmet – 77;
3) Leggings – 105;
4) Cuirass – 112.

Diamond armor

1) Boots – 429;
2) Helmet – 363;
3) Leggings – 495;
4) Cuirass – 528.

There is also a rare and unique armor - quantum. To create it you will need: glass, an energy crystal and a sheet of carbon fiber. It can only be done by those who have nano-armor; without it nothing will work. Quantum armor is unique in its functions and features. It is capable of removing toxic substances, quenching thirst or hunger, absorbing all damage, etc.

Therefore, armor is an important component of the game, which you cannot do without. Thanks to them, you can provide yourself with protection, peace of mind and a comfortable time in the game.

Type - armor

Protection – complete set

Where to look - do it yourself, drop from some mobs, treasuries

Foldable - no

Description and features:

The second significant armor, after diamond, naturally, is iron armor in minecraft. This type of uniform is quite easy to make yourself at the most initial stages games, that's why let's do just that.

So, first you need to get a sufficient amount of iron ore. And this can be done in a mine using our favorite tool - a pickaxe, and therefore better time not to lose, but to immediately take care of as much as possible more source material. That is, we dig as much iron ore as possible.

Now, having collected ore, we go up to our home, and in a coal furnace we melt the ore into ingots.

So, it’s just a matter of little things - we go to the chest and put away the extra resources, and now we need a workbench, which, I hope, you have had for a long time.

So, minecraft: how to make iron armor? And it's very simple:

Iron breastplate

This is how you can make a helmet:

Iron helmet

Creating boots is also quite standard:

Player boots

And these will be iron leggings:

Iron pants

Well, you and I have got armor that will help us in battle. This type of equipment can partially reduce damage from the following types of attacks:

  • Bow arrows;
  • Players' kicks;
  • Contact with lava;
  • Explosions.

And keep in mind that the full set reduces the damage by about a factor of five, but does not remove it completely, so if you stand in the lava for a long time and in surprise, or silently and resignedly smile at the skeleton, you will soon not be alive.

And with the loss of strength, the level of protection will gradually decrease, don’t forget about this too!

Please also keep in mind that iron armor in Minecraft will not save you from suffocation in blocks, from falling from a height, or from falling into the void.

In addition, such protection for yourself can not only be made, but also found. For example, some things will be found in dungeons, and some will drop when you kill certain types of mobs, one of which may be the Wolf Kings in the Dark Forest. It is also very convenient that the reservation then disappears already enchanted.

By the way, if you have a sufficient level of experience, you can enchant iron armor in Minecraft on the enchanting table. You can also use magic books and enchant your equipment in an anvil, then you can choose the enchantment yourself, while on the table the choice will be random.

So, you already know how to make iron armor in Minecraft, all that’s left to do is play and win! You will succeed!

    Well, the armor will consist of 4 components. helmet, cuirass, leggings, boots. but all of these are not connected to each other, but a helmet or something else will not interfere with you. armor is crafted from 4 materials leather, iron, diamonds and gold. but in We will use iron as materials, and for a helmet we will need to have 5 units of material. 8 units will be needed to make a cuirass. And leggings are less expensive than cuirasses, that is, we will need 7 units. And for boots we will need 4 units, this is the most economical part of the armor. To put on this armor you need to open your inventory, this is the E button by default.

    As I understand it, the armor is a combination of:

    • helmet
    • cuirasses
    • leggings
    • boots

    How to make them is described in the following video, watch it carefully, follow the author’s recommendations and everything will be OK:

    Armor in Minecraft game necessary for increased protection. You can craft it from the following materials: leather, iron, gold or diamonds. In this game, armor consists of such parts as boots, leggings (pants), cuirass (shirt) and helmet. When you put things on, you get a rating scale for your armor. You can also enchant armor to add some properties to it, for example, I enchanted a diamond helmet to protect it from water so that I could stay under water longer and not drown. And crafting armor is quite simple:

    To easily make armor in the exciting game Minecraft, watch this video instruction. It will very clearly tell you and show you all the steps to create armor. Okay, I won’t distract you anymore, look!)

    Crafting armor in Minecraft is quite simple, just use the diagrams below:

    Armor will protect your character - it will reduce the damage caused by enemies; Most likely, it will not completely reflect it, but even without it you will be worse off.

    Above I inserted a gif - each type (and there are several of them in the game) of armor is made from a certain material: wood, leather, iron, diamond, gold, fire, etc. What does this mean: you can make yourself diamond armor, you can make fire armor/leather/wooden, etc. Depending on the main material used, a certain type is obtained.

    Armor can be made from iron, leather, gold, diamonds. armor is made in a workbench, a 4x3 field appears, you need to fill it with one of the materials in this way: fill all the cells except the top middle one.

    Crafting armor in Minecraft is quite simple. You just need to have necessary materials. And you can craft from leather (leather armor), iron (iron armor) and gold (gold armor) ingots, diamonds (diamond armor) and even fire (chain mail armor). In this case, only the materials change in the scheme, but the arrangement of the ingredients remains the same. In the game you can create your own helmet, cuirass, leggings and boots.

    Each of these types of armor can withstand a certain amount of damage. These values ​​are given in the table.

    By the way, armor can be enchanted.

    With the installation of certain mods, other types of armor become available, for example, nanoarmor, which is created from carbon fiber, glass and energy crystals.

    To make armor, you need to go to the appropriate menu and fill the field for creating armor with the elements that you have in this moment games. Armor is different and you can make different armor at your discretion:

    How to make quantum armor in Minecraft.

    To make a quantum helmet you need

    nano-helmet, multi-crystal, improved electrical circuit (2 pcs), iridium composite (2 pcs), strengthened glass.

    To make a quantum cuirass we need

    nano-cuirass, multi-crystal, iridium composite (4 pcs), composite (2 pcs)

    To make quantum leggings we need

    iridium composite (2 pcs), nano-leggings, mechanism (2 pcs), multicrystal, glow dust (2 pcs)

    To make quantum boots we need

    rubber boots (2 pcs), nano boots, multi-crystal, iridium composite (2 pcs).

    Very powerful armor that can protect from almost all types of damage and makes the hero almost immortal. If the armor runs out, the player will begin to receive damage.

    To charge quantum armor (all four sets) you need 4,000,000 eE.

    Quantum armor can only be charged in a multifunctional super-capacity device (MFSU); previously it was a crystal optimized energy storage unit (ECHO).

    Like any other armor, quantum armor can be enchanted at your discretion. To prevent the armor from quickly depleting, you need to avoid unnecessary risks.

    Good luck in the game.

    I suggest you watch one of the videos where you can clearly see how do(craft) armor entry level(leather) and listen useful information on creating armor for subsequent levels of armor for the game hero Minecraft.

    Armor can be made from iron, gold, leather, diamonds. Armor is produced in the workbench, when a field (4x3) appears, it must be filled with one of the materials as follows - fill all the cells except the top middle one.


Armor is displayed in the Minecraft interface as a separate scale, which is located opposite health. If you measure armor in glasses, there can be a maximum of 10. In total, you can create 4 different components: helmet, breastplate, pants and boots. You are free to choose which one to wear, since the items are not related to each other.

You can make armor in Minecraft using four different materials: gold, iron and leather. When crafting, you cannot mix them, but finished items from different materials can be combined at your discretion. For example, you can wear a helmet and leather pants.

Each material is capable of providing armor in Minecraft in different ways protective properties. Leather products provide the worst protection, while diamond products are the most durable. Gold armor is created only for beauty, as it is very fragile. It is believed that only beginners who know nothing about the game wear them. To make armor in Minecraft in our example, we will use leather.

To create a helmet you will need 5 skins, you can see in the image how they should be placed on the workbench.

To make a bib, you need 8 skins. By the way, these clothes can also be dyed using various dyes, of which there are plenty in Minecraft.

7 skins need to be placed on the workbench to make durable and fashionable leather pants. You can see in the image how this is done. Instead of skins, you can use, as mentioned earlier: diamonds, iron and gold.

The least amount of money is spent on creating boots - 4. This is the last piece of armor set available in Minecraft. All clothes without exception can be enchanted, giving them additional beneficial properties, but in this article we will not consider this question.

To put the finished armor on yourself, press the E button on the keyboard and place the items in the appropriate slots. You can see in the image what it looks like in the game. You managed to make armor in Minecraft, now you can go in search of adventures in full combat readiness.

Diamond armor in Minecraft - best view armor, which is available to the player without using cheats. To create a full set of armor you will need twenty-four diamonds. At the initial stages of the game this is an impressive number.


Diamonds in Minecraft world can be mined in deep caves. Of course, if you play on a multiplayer server, they (or even armor) can be exchanged for other less valuable resources. But in a single-player game this method is closed.

Diamond ore reaches its highest concentration between the fifth and twelfth levels. This means that you will have to go down into the deepest caves or dig a hole yourself. Diamond ore is generated in small veins of one to five blocks, if you are very lucky you may find a double vein.

The easiest way to look for diamonds is to go down into the cave. It is necessary to illuminate all its nooks and crannies (not illuminated by lava) in the hope of detecting diamonds coming to the surface. Having obtained everything valuable minerals, you can simply start digging a straight hole at the level between the fifth and twelfth in an arbitrary direction. Sooner or later you will stumble upon another diamond vein.

It must be taken into account that at this depth there are many lava lakes, which makes diamond mining very dangerous. Just in case, take a couple of buckets of water with you, placing them on the quick access panel, this will allow you to quickly extinguish yourself if you fall into the lava.

The armor in the game serves additional protection, and that is why the question of how to make armor in Minecraft should not be postponed. Materials for crafting can be gold and iron ingots, leather and diamonds. There is also special kind uniform - chain mail, but you should immediately note that it won’t be possible to make it honestly, without cheats, but you can always exchange it with residents, or find it in dungeons.

This type of protection, such as armor in minecraft, can significantly reduce damage, but it does not remove it completely. In addition, in some mods, for example, Devine, armor can endow the wearer with certain qualities: night vision, speed, the ability to fly, etc.

However, in the standard, the most durable option can be crafted from diamonds; the creation of this type of armor will be as follows:

Diamond armor

Diamond armor can withstand a huge amount of damage, as well as damage, but in no case will it protect you from falling.

Leather armor, unlike the previous one, breaks immediately after 20 hits. Her craft will have next view:

Leather armor

How to make armor in Minecraft if there is no leather or diamonds? The best option– find iron ore, smelt it in a furnace into ingots, and make the following type of uniform in the workbench:

Iron armor

The advantage of the iron version is that it is only half as strong as diamond armor. Thus, you can, in principle, always use iron, since diamond requires a considerable amount precious stones, which also need to be obtained!

And here is another type of uniform that needs to be created according to circumstances. Why, you ask? But because it is very easy to enchant it, having even the smallest amount of experience, since making a gold reservation in Minecraft is, in principle, easy.

Gold armor

Here are certain protective enchantments that you can easily cast either at an enchanting table or at an anvil using enchanted books:

  • Projectile resistance
  • Additional protection
  • Ease
  • Explosion resistance

So, how to make armor in Minecraft so you can play safely? We have already reviewed the standard options, and that is why let’s better understand what kind of protection it can provide you:

Table of protective properties of armor

With use, each type of uniform will wear out, which is why it is always important to replace it on time.

For leather armor there is also the possibility of painting, however, it should be noted that these manipulations will only have an impact on appearance, but not on the protective or strength qualities of the uniform. Therefore, it is better not to waste dyes.

So, we’ve looked at how to make armor in Minecraft, now it’s up to you: play and win!