How to cure a cold as quickly as possible. How to quickly cure a cold at home, without serious consequences for the body

The modern social world requires high productivity and lightning-fast reaction. But diseases that negatively affect all areas of life prevent you from becoming successful and happy.

One of these diseases is the cold, which, despite its apparent simplicity, turns a dynamic life into loss of performance and prolonged deterioration in well-being. The accumulated experience and developed medicine offer effective ways cure at home and regain your health in a short time.

Preparation and Precautions

Please note that the flu can be easily confused with a cold and, instead of recovery, you can get serious complications. Treatment at home is not recommended for pregnant women and young children. Any infection without qualified medical care may result in death. Some people, instead outpatient treatment, suffer from diseases on their feet, which leads to loss of health and complications. Important at the first sign of a viral or bacterial infection consult a doctor and receive full treatment.

Why do we get colds

Cause respiratory diseases– a pathogenic virus that has entered cells. IN healthy body the infection is quietly destroyed by the immune system, but when weakened, it quickly develops and spreads, causing the well-known cold. The catalysts for the process are hypothermia, decreased immunity, vitamin deficiency and other factors that cause a weakening of protective functions.

Symptoms in adults and children

At the onset of the disease, a person feels general weakness. Symptoms such as runny nose, headache, sweating, and sore throat gradually develop. Sometimes redness appears on the mucous membrane, and herpes appears on the lips and nose. The condition worsens along with an increase in temperature, which sometimes reaches 39.9 °C. Depending on the general condition, symptoms may be combined or not appear at all.

How to cure colds in adults

The number and combinations of drugs vary depending on the health condition, but the principle of treatment is always the same. Prescribed drugs that act on the virus, support the body, and relieve symptoms.

Traditional methods

  • Tea with lemon, honey, currants or raspberries. Drink freshly prepared throughout the course of the disease.
  • A mixture of grated garlic and honey 1:1. Take 1 tbsp. l. three times a day.
  • A cocktail of hot milk, honey, vanilla, allspice, cinnamon. The mixture is brought to a boil, left for two hours, and drunk throughout the day.
  • Mulled wine. Add a little cloves, sugar, sweet pepper, honey, chopped apple, lemon slices, nutmeg to 1 liter of sweet red wine. The mixture is brought to a boil, left for 25 minutes, and taken warm until the condition improves.
  • Vodka with red pepper. Eat half a red pod hot pepper and wash it down with 50 ml of warm vodka or make a tincture with pepper.


  • Antiviral - Tamiflu, Relenza, Amiksin, Arbidol.
  • Antipyretics, painkillers - Ibuprofen, Paracetamol.
  • Antiseptics for the throat - “Oralsept”, “Gramidin”, “Septolete”, “Ingalipt”, “Strepsils”.

Video tips

Treatment of children

Treatments for colds in children vary depending on physiological characteristics and age. Sometimes what helps an adult can harm one year old child. You need to be aware of this when using medications.

Folk remedies

  • Diaphoretics - warm tea with honey, viburnum, chamomile, lemon, wild berries, linden or milk with honey (if there is no allergy).
  • Against a runny nose - warming your feet, rinsing your nose with saline solution.
  • Inhalation of 0.9% saline solution.

Potions and tablets

  • Antiviral - “Anaferon”, “Aflubin”, “Engistol”.
  • Antipyretics - Paracetamol, Ibuprofen.
  • Multivitamins – vitamins A, B, C, D, E.
  • Antiseptics for the throat - “Orasept”, “Gexoral”, “Chlorophyllipt”, “Septolete”.

Is it possible to be cured in 1 day?

Treatment does not require much time, but sometimes it doesn’t even exist, so a way was invented to be cured in one day. If you adhere to this principle, the virus will be destroyed even at the stage of the appearance of the first symptoms. As soon as suspicions appear, the first symptoms appear or there was contact with a sick person, you need to follow the following steps.

  1. Take an antiviral drug. The dosage is selected individually, depending on age and physiological characteristics. You can find out more in the instructions.
  2. Taking multivitamins, antipyretics, antiseptic drugs. Required bed rest, healthy eating, drinking plenty of fluids, including warm tea with lemon.

It is advisable to do inhalation saline solution and hot foot baths with the addition of mustard powder. For irrigation therapy, you can use a solution of sea salt, a decoction of chamomile, calendula, and eucalyptus, but only at body temperatures below 37.3 °C. Hot foot baths carried out twice a day at body temperature up to 37.8 °C. You can add it to water sea ​​salt, listed herbs.

As a result, symptoms will stop developing and the virus will be almost destroyed. But this will only happen when a person has good health. If the body is weakened or has a chronic disease, treatment will not help so quickly.

How to quickly and effectively be treated during pregnancy

Main principle– do not harm the developing fetus, therefore the use of most antiviral drugs and procedures is unacceptable. Before starting treatment, you must consult your doctor! You cannot take medications, steam your feet, or do inhalations. Can be used antiseptic drugs in the form of sprays for the throat and nose.

If the process is acute, antipyretic and multivitamin medications are acceptable. You can drink tea with lemon, honey, currants, raspberries, and use cough drops with natural ingredients. All drugs purchased at the pharmacy must be approved and safe for pregnant women.

nervous system. In rare cases, hearing impairment occurs.

Passive prevention is carried out throughout life. For this they adhere healthy image life, playing sports, drinking healthy food, observe the daily routine. Active prevention is carried out during the cold season, when the likelihood of contracting a viral infection increases. For this purpose, seasonal vaccinations are given and taken in prophylactic doses. antiviral drugs, multivitamin complexes, immunomodulators.

Treatment of colds is effective if you follow the rules and follow the doctor's requirements. Any conscious or unconscious deviation from the course leads to the spread of the virus, weakening of the body, and deterioration of health.

Generally accepted rules are based on the experience of recovered people, so they are effective. Self-medication or the use of ineffective remedies leads to complications.

Cold sore on the lip or nose

A decrease in the body's protective functions, under the influence of a viral infection, causes the appearance of herpes on the skin around the lips or on the nose. It can be easily eliminated using antiviral tablets and ointments affecting the herpes virus, in combination with methods traditional medicine.

Apply products based on natural ingredients, herbs Honey is often used for this toothpaste, decoctions of chamomile or calendula, oak. Used for cauterization alcohol tinctures medicinal herbs, propolis, even Corvalol.

How to treat a cold at home? Perhaps every person asked this question. This is because absolutely all people, young and old, are susceptible. (at home) is becoming increasingly popular in last years. However, this is not the most safe method. Stopping taking medications can have quite serious consequences. There are several ways at home. This article will tell you about the basic methods and tell you some recipes of traditional medicine.

Before you treat a cold at home...

Of course, a sick person wants to quickly get rid of the signs of a cold and eliminate the disease. However, you should not immediately grab the known drugs and take medications thoughtlessly. Before you begin correction, you should visit a doctor. The doctor will be able to accurately determine the causes of your illness. After this, the specialist will assign you complex treatment, the effect of which will not be long in coming.

Before starting treatment, it is imperative to determine the cause of the cold. This may be reduced immunity, a bacterial infection, a viral pathology or an inflammatory process. A cold can also occur due to an exacerbation of one of the chronic diseases. In all these cases, treatment is chosen individually. Let's consider the basic advice from doctors that will help get rid of a cold.

Viral lesion

How to quickly treat a cold at home if it is caused by the multiplication of viruses? In this case, drugs are used to increase the body's immune defense. Also, many of them have antiviral activity. It is worth noting that colds caused by viruses are transmitted through the air and by drip. This means that you could get it during a normal conversation with an infected person.

At home? Most popular means are the following: tablets “Ergoferon” and “Anaferon”, powders for preparing the solution “Reaferon” and “Interferon”, rectal suppositories “Kipferon” and “Genferon”. Doctors also often prescribe such compounds as Oscillococcinum, Arbidol, and Isoprinosine. All of them affect the immune system and help improve it. In addition, medications fight viruses. They stop the proliferation of microorganisms and remove them from the human body. It is worth noting that all of the medications listed have an individual dosage regimen. That is why before using them you should carefully study the instructions for use.

Bacterial infection

How to quickly treat a cold at home if it is caused by the proliferation of bacterial flora? In this case, doctors prescribe medications to which the detected microorganisms are sensitive. It is worth saying that before treating a bacterial infection, it is worth taking a certain test. To do this, material can be collected from the pharynx, vein or bladder. Sometimes sputum or mucus secreted from the nasal passages is used for testing. Infection with this type of cold can occur through saliva or through household contact.

How to treat a cold at home in this case? If you are unable to carry out bacteriological examination and identify the drug to which the resulting microorganisms are sensitive, then it is worth using antibiotics wide range actions. These include “Summamed”, “Amoxiclav”, “Biseptol”, “Macropen” and so on. It's worth saying that it's a relief pathological condition should occur already on the third day of treatment. Otherwise, we can assume that the chosen drug is simply ineffective in your case. It needs to be replaced with a medication with another active substance. At the same time, you should always remember that antibacterial medications have a strong effect on the immune system, suppressing it. This occurs due to the suppression of normal flora. To restore protective functions body, it is necessary to take a course of treatment after treatment beneficial bacteria. This could be “Linex”, “Acipol”, “Normobakt”, “Enterol” and so on.

Temperature increase

How to quickly treat a cold at home if it is accompanied by fever? Currently, pharmaceutical companies offer such formulations as Teraflu, Fervex, Coldact, and so on. All of them are prepared on the basis of paracetamol. That is why it would be advisable to take this medication to reduce the temperature. Also eliminate fever, chills and headache Can ibuprofen based products. These include Nurofen, Ibufen, and so on. They can be in the form of a suspension, tablets or rectal suppositories. Preparations containing nimesulide are no less effective. These include “Nise” and “Nimulid”. It is worth noting that the latest drugs also have anti-inflammatory activity.

Reducing the temperature at home should begin only after the thermometer mark crosses the 38 degree division. If you tolerate this condition normally, then doctors recommend waiting until 38.5 degrees. It is in this temperature environment that most pathological microorganisms die. It is worth noting that some babies are prone to seizures. They require antipyretics already at a temperature of 37.5 degrees. That is why, before curing a cold at home for a child, you need to visit a doctor and get a prescription.

Effective fight against runny nose

Almost always, with a cold, there is a separation of mucous fluid from the nasal passages. This causes considerable discomfort. This condition is also complicated by the fact that nasal congestion may occur. In this case, the person practically cannot breathe. The internal tissues become severely inflamed and swollen. What to do in this case? How to quickly treat a cold at home?

First you need to clean the nasal passages and rinse them. Blow your nose thoroughly. If the pathology occurs in small child, that is, it makes sense to use an aspirator. After removing mucus, rinse the walls internal cavity nose This can be done with the help of drugs such as Aqualor and Aquamaris. Doctors also sometimes advise using regular saline solution. Inject a few drops into each nasal passage, then repeat the cleansing procedure. There are several ways to treat a runny nose. one of the most effective and popular Lately drugs is "Pinosol". It is worth saying that it is made on the basis of herbal oils. That is why it can be used even during pregnancy.

If your cold has viral origin, then it is advisable to use such compositions as “Irs-19”, “Derinat”, “Grippferon” and so on. All of them are active against many viruses, and also help improve the body's immune defense.

For bacterial pathology, doctors often recommend drugs such as Isofra, Polidexa, Protargol or Sialor. Moreover, before each administration of the composition, it is necessary to clean the nasal mucosa of dead microorganisms by rinsing.

Elimination of sore throat and sore throat

How to cure a cold at home? Very often this condition is accompanied painful sensations in the throat. At the same time, the nature of the occurrence of the pathology does not affect this symptom at all. You can relieve a sore throat with topical medications. These may be sprays that need to be sprayed directly onto the larynx or tonsils. Doctors also often recommend using solutions to treat the pharynx and tonsils. A more convenient form for use is in tablets that need to be dissolved.

Among effective drugs You can select "Chlorophyllipt" or "Lugol". These compounds are applied to the tonsils. They are very effective against bacterial colds. Doctors also prescribe the following sprays: “Tantum Verde”, “Ingalipt”, “Kameton”, “Miramistin” and so on. These medications not only eliminate bacteria, but also fight fungal infections. Lozenge capsules have a more pronounced analgesic effect. Among them are “Stop Angin”, “Gammidin”, “Strepsils” and so on. They have anti-inflammatory and anesthetic effect. Separately, it is worth mentioning the drug “Lizobakt”, which can be used by young children and pregnant women.

Fighting coughs of various types

What to do if you have a cold at home? This condition often accompanied by a cough. However, it can be wet or dry. Often, for this symptom, doctors prescribe the following medications: “Doctor Mom”, “Ambrobene”, “Sinekod”, “Gerbion”, “Codelac” and many others. Before using them, you must carefully read the instructions. Use only the medicine that suits your type of cough.

One cannot fail to mention inhalations. This method is very good and short time eliminates cough. To carry out the procedure, doctors prescribe the following drugs: “Berodual”, “Pulmicort”, “Lazolvan” and regular saline solution. Remember that you must always follow the dosage and carry out strictly limited quantity inhalations per day.

Get rid of toxins in your body

Whatever you choose at home, you must use it strictly according to the instructions. Each medicine can negatively affect the liver and stomach. This only aggravates the course of the disease. What to do in this case? Doctors recommend using sorbents. These drugs will help remove toxins from the body and cleanse it of affected microorganisms, which can also cause a feverish state.

Among effective sorbents we can highlight “Enterosgel”, “Polysorb”, “ Activated carbon", "Smectu" and others. When using them, one thing must be observed: important rule. Never use these drugs at the same time as other medications. The break between them must be at least two hours. Otherwise, it may simply not work.

Drink plenty of fluids

Treating a cold with folk remedies at home always involves using large quantity liquids. While using medication correction, drinking plenty of fluids will also contribute to a speedy recovery.

Average daily norm for a person is 2 liters of water. In children, this volume is calculated in a different way. For every kilogram of weight, a child needs 100 milliliters of water. Along with simple drinking liquid, you need to drink warm teas and fruit drinks. If you have a sore throat, avoid hot drinks. They can further damage the inflamed area of ​​the larynx.

Hunger is the path to recovery

How to cure a cold at home? Very often during a person’s illness, many people forcefully eat food and are surprised that the cold does not subside for a long time. In fact, everything is very simple here. The body devotes its main energy to fighting bacteria or viruses. This causes a person to lose their appetite. Doctors say that you should not force yourself to eat. A couple of days of hunger will not lead to anything critical. However, the body will be able to quickly and effectively overcome the pathology.

Remember that refusing to eat does not mean you need to limit drinking. The fluid must continuously enter the patient's body. This way he will be able to replenish his losses that occur during a runny nose and sweating.

Traditional recipes and proven methods

How to get rid of a cold at home? Many patients prefer to use traditional medicine and grandmother's recipes. However, these methods are not always effective. This is why you should consult a doctor if your treatment does not help positive result within three days.

  • Raspberries can be used as an antipyretic. You can use a decoction of the leaves of the plant or make tea with berry jam. It is also very good to reduce the temperature of rubbing with vodka. To do this, you need to dilute alcohol with water in a ratio of one to one. After this, the composition is rubbed generously over the entire body.
  • Hot milk with honey is very helpful for a sore throat. To do this, heat the milk to a comfortable temperature and add 2 teaspoons of honey to it. The effect will increase several times if butter is an additional component.
  • You can treat a runny nose with onions or garlic. These products are natural antibiotics. Squeeze the juice from the garlic and onion. After that, add a few drops to it olive oil and one milliliter of saline solution. Place two drops in each nostril every six hours.
  • Echinacea decoction is excellent in the fight against viral infections. Buy dry herb and use it as tea. You can also drink ginger drink. To do this, grind the ginger root and brew with boiling water.
  • Means such as mustard plasters, jars, baths and other heating can only be used in the absence of temperature. After this, it is advisable to wrap yourself in a blanket and sleep. You can enhance the effect in different ways herbal teas. Chamomile and thyme, sage and calendula relieve inflammation well.

How to cure a cold on the lip at home?

Often the infection affects the mucous membranes and tissues. A cold that appears on the lips is often called herpes. It's a virus. That is why, to eliminate it, it is necessary to take antiviral and immunomodulatory compounds. There are currently medications for local application. Among them are Zovirax, Acyclovir, Viferon.

You can treat a cold on the lip at home folk recipes. Thus, frequent lubrication of the affected area with toothpaste promotes drying. At the same time, you can wash the cold with chamomile decoction or lubricate it with celandine oil.

A little conclusion

You now know how to treat a cold at home. Doctors strongly do not recommend using medications without a doctor’s recommendation. However, often a person prefers to cope with the pathology on his own rather than contact medical institution. Remember that this tactic can cause complications. If after treatment you do not feel better within three days, you should immediately seek medical help.

Remember that antibacterial drugs cannot eliminate viral infections. The same can be said about immunomodulators. Antiviral drugs are not able to eliminate bacterial pathology. Doctors often prescribe both medications at the same time. This leads to rapid recovery and restoration of immunity. Treat yourself correctly and don’t get sick!

A cold is an acute viral infection that can be cured if ARVI occurs in mild form, on average in 5 – 7 days. Home remedies can quickly cure a cold, but provided that treatment is started on the first day of illness, as soon as its symptoms appear.

It is not necessary to run to the pharmacy at the first manifestation of a cold. Moreover, sometimes, due to feeling unwell, I don’t have enough strength to even leave the house.

However, it is quite possible to quickly recover from a cold at home, both with the use of tablets and with the help of exclusively folk remedies.

You can speed up your recovery if:

  • to sleep a lot;
  • drink more warm medicinal drinks;
  • quickly eliminate inflammation - cope with a runny nose, sore throat, cough;
  • ensure the presence in the diet of:
    • vitamins – C, B12, folic acid;
    • animal protein;
    • chicken broth;
  • humidify the air in the room to 55-65%.

You should self-treat only after you have made sure that the cough and runny nose and other signs of ill health are caused by a cold and not provoked by influenza, pneumonia or bacterial sore throat.

It is necessary to visit a doctor when you experience:

  1. Sore throat without cough, runny nose with high fever - possibly with sore throat
  2. Fever > 39 °C with dry cough, chest pain - occurs with influenza and pneumonia.

If your body temperature remains at 38–39 °C for more than 3 days, you should definitely consult a doctor. It is very difficult to quickly cure a cold with a high fever without medical help, and wasting time on self-medication increases the risk of dangerous complications.

How to treat a cold without fever

Colds subside quickly self-treatment at home, if it is started in the very first days of the illness, when the first signs of illness have just appeared, and the temperature< 37 °C.

Symptoms of a developing cold include:

  • apathy;
  • feeling unwell;
  • itching in the nose, sneezing;
  • watery nasal discharge;
  • sore throat;
  • feeling of sand in the eyes.

Colds are often caused by hypothermia. In this case, it is necessary to warm the feet and hands well, for which you can use warm baths with the addition of mustard.

For one procedure, 1-2 tbsp is enough. spoons of dry mustard into a bowl of warm water with a capacity of 3 - 5 liters. Keeping your feet in warm water with mustard for 15 minutes is enough. After which they wipe their feet, put on warm socks and go to bed.

You can cure a cold in an adult in a steam room, the main thing is to steam yourself properly at home, then the cold will quickly recede, literally in one day.

In the absence of fever, an effective home remedy is a bath with medicinal herbs. In the steam room you can use:

  • pharmaceutical essential oils - eucalyptus, cedar, fir, juniper;
  • decoctions medicinal plants– linden flowers, chamomile, sage, currant leaves, raspberries, birch.

On initial stage colds, deep inhalation of the respiratory tract, obtained in a steam room, softens mucus, improves its elimination and is a quick and reliable method of treatment.

The temperature in the steam room should not cause discomfort. It is not overheated, but warm and wet air. And you should definitely put a felt cap on your head to protect it from overheating.

A bathhouse will not hurt not only when you have a cold, but also when serious illness respiratory system, such as bronchitis. Read how a bath can help with bronchitis on the page.

Warming baths

If it is not possible to steam in a Russian bath, then it can be replaced with initial stage colds, a warming and relaxing bath with decoctions of medicinal plants.

The following warming bath additives will help you recover quickly and get rid of a cold in a few days:

  • decoctions pine needles, fir;
  • infusions of sage, linden, chamomile, St. John's wort.

There are even special recipes for emergency recovery, the purpose of which is to cure a cold as quickly as possible.

Here is a recipe for a remedy that, in case of a cold at home, will get the patient back on his feet in one day. For the bath you need:

  • Grind 100 g of ginger, brew 0.25 mg of boiling water, leave for 30 minutes;
  • Chop 2 heads of garlic, place in a gauze napkin, tie tightly.

When everything is ready, fill the bath hot water, dip gauze with garlic into it and pour in ginger infusion. Then wait until the temperature in the bath drops to a comfortably warm temperature.

To warm up well and heal, take a bath for 15 minutes, after which you drink warm milk or chamomile tea. After warming up, you need to get a good night's sleep, then the next day there will be no trace of the cold left.

When visiting a steam room or treating with other warming procedures, be sure to take into account contraindications. The group of diseases for which visiting a bathhouse is contraindicated includes:

  • hearts;
  • hypertension;
  • diabetes;

Sick bronchial asthma Moderate moist heat is not contraindicated, but caution should be exercised when using medicinal plants and essential oils.

An effective replacement for a Russian bath can be warm-moist inhalations, the behavior of which is described in the section.

Thermal treatments

At respiratory infections, occurring without an increase in temperature, are useful:

  • rubbing the back, chest, feet with alcohol or vodka;
  • mustard plasters, alcohol compresses on the chest and back;
  • mustard plasters on calves or feet;
  • warming the nose with heated salt, boiled egg, boiled potatoes;
  • for ear pain - warming with a blue lamp.

How to treat a cold with high fever

At elevated temperature It is useful to drink decoctions of medicinal plants, do rubbing, warm foot baths. It is imperative to observe bed rest, this will help to quickly cure a cold even with a high fever and severe symptoms runny nose, cough.

If the temperature< 38 °C, то можно лечить от простуды в домашних условиях medicines, quickly reducing fever, such as:

  • tea with wild raspberries;
  • decoction of berries, elderberry flowers;
  • infusion of viburnum with honey;
  • decoction of burdock roots, chicory;
  • red currant juice, blackberry with honey.

If the temperature is > 38 °C, and folk remedies do not help, you should not test your body’s strength. You should take an antipyretic drug - Aspirin, Paracetamol, Nurofen.

Do not allow the temperature to rise to 38.5°C and above. It is much more useful to quickly take an antipyretic medicine than to try to cure a cold in an adult, relying solely on the barrier properties of the immune system.

For a runny nose, wash the nose with saline solutions Aquamaris, Aqualor, Dolphin, Humer. At severe congestion You can instill vasoconstrictors into your nose at night - Nazivin, Otrivin.

But you cannot use vasoconstrictor nasal drops for more than 5 days. Otherwise, it will not be possible to quickly recover from both a runny nose and nasal congestion due to a cold, and the inflammation may spread to the maxillary sinuses.

For coughs and colds in adults, the following will help:

  • decoctions, syrups with expectorant plants - licorice, marshmallow, elecampane, anise;
  • medications that improve sputum discharge, containing bromhexine, ambroxol, carbocisteine.

Medicinal plants with anti-inflammatory properties and home remedies are used for gargling. The most effective rinses:

  • 3% peroxide solution – 2 tsp. for 50 ml of water;
  • soda or soda + saline solution;
  • furatsilin;
  • chlorhexidine.

How to eat when you have a cold

When you have a cold, pay close attention to nutrition. A person with a cold should not starve.

Of course, you should not force feed if you have no appetite. But it must be remembered that the immune system requires amino acids, minerals, vitamins C, B6, B9, B12 to produce immunoglobulins, activate leukocytes, and complement.

The diet must include light, lean poultry or fish. Separately, we can say about chicken broth, which is not without reason called a homemade antibiotic.

Chicken bouillon:

  • thins mucus;
  • softens cough;
  • lowers temperature;
  • has an anti-inflammatory effect.

And if in chicken bouillon add a little black pepper, parsley, dill, it will have an antiseptic effect and supply vitamins.

The body needs a supply of complete animal protein containing everything essential amino acids that a person receives exclusively from food. Their consumption in the body is very high, but reserves are limited.

A diet enriched with vitamins will help cure a cold quickly. The most vitamin C needed to treat colds is found in:

  • citrus;
  • kiwi;
  • pears;
  • apples;
  • sauerkraut;
  • black currant;
  • carrot;
  • beet.

Recommended for colds daily use garlic You don't have to eat a lot of garlic. The antimicrobial substance allicin, the precursor of which alliin is found in garlic, is effective even in small quantities.

What to drink when you have a cold

Warm drinks are helpful for colds. This may be weak tea with raspberry jam or pureed black currants, dried fruit compote, jelly, fruit drink, milk with honey or a pinch of soda.

Helpful antimicrobial agent at viral infections is ginger. It can be:

  • boil 1 tablespoon. ginger + a few cumin seeds in a glass of water for 15 minutes, leave for 10 minutes;
  • 1 tsp. l. grate, brew 1 tbsp. boiling water, leave for 15 minutes.

A good remedy for colds can be prepared by adding a little propolis infusion with water to a glass of milk. The medicine is taken at night.

Milk with the addition of soda will help cure OVRI. Some recipes recommend adding it to a glass with warm milk 1 tsp. soda

This drink does not taste very pleasant, and the child can be offered milk with soda taken on the tip of a knife. There will be a healing effect, but there will be no tears or crying.

The total daily volume of liquid you drink during a cold should be about 2.5 liters. It includes soups, tea, and pure water, medicinal infusions or coffee.

The drink must be warm. Hot or cold drinks irritate the throat. Cold drinking constricts the vessels of the mucous membrane, slows blood circulation, and reduces the activity of local immunity.

Hot drinks burn and irritate pain receptors, increase sore throat.

Contraindications and errors in the treatment of colds

You should not take antibiotics to treat a cold, since most often the illness is caused by viruses. Antibacterial drugs against respiratory viruses are useless in most cases.

Don't drink at your own discretion antiviral drugs. The properties of antiviral protection are poorly understood. Researching new medications on your own body with a cold without a doctor’s prescription is dangerous.

Alcohol intake

TO important rules A quick recovery may include a ban on drinking alcohol. You should not make exceptions when treating a cold at home, even for small doses of alcohol, since alcohol reduces the reactivity of the immune system, which impedes recovery.

Ethanol reduces the production of inflammatory cytokines factors necessary for the development of inflammatory process, which normally should develop in response to infection.

Ethyl alcohol reduces the activity of alveolar macrophages - cells of the immune system responsible for local immunity pulmonary alveoli. But the pulmonary alveoli are the first line of defense of the respiratory tract in anti-infective protection.

What you cannot do quickly with a cold is to recover from the infection, but it is easy to “catch” another respiratory virus, since alcohol has a negative effect on the ciliated epithelium of the bronchi.

This occurs as a result of a decrease in secretion production by the mucous cells of the ciliated epithelium and a decrease in saliva production. These properties explain dry mouth after drinking alcohol.

IN large doses alcohol kills the liver. Because of this, vital chemical compounds do not enter the blood in the required quantities.

The benefits of drinking alcohol when you have a cold include: deep sleep after consuming, for example, such a popular home remedy, like vodka with pepper. However, this folk remedy can easily be replaced with soothing tea with chamomile, motherwort or valerian.

Thermal treatments

When carrying out procedures in a Russian bath, you should try to avoid dehydration. The body loses especially a lot of fluid in the steam room. You can check how dehydrated your body is by looking at the color of your urine.

If it is transparent, straw-yellow in color, then there is enough water in the tissues. When the color of urine turns bright yellow, you should take care of replenishing fluid in the body

High body temperature is a contraindication for any thermal procedures. If you have a fever above 38 °C, you should not take warm baths, warm your chest or feet with mustard plasters, do foot baths or warm-moist inhalations.

About how to properly treat a cold with mustard plasters, medical banks, inhalations, read in the section.


In order to expel the virus from the body, you need rest and peace. Therefore, try to arrange sick leave at least for a couple of days. At this time, you should always be in bed, you should have full sleep. Limit contacts with the outside world: do not turn on the TV and the Internet, as this is very tiring. When it starts, warm your feet in a basin of very hot water. After this, rub your feet with cream and put on warm woolen socks. At profuse runny nose be sure to bury it vasoconstrictor drops into the nasal passages, previously washed with warm boiled water.

Ventilate your child's room several times a day. Fresh air cleanses it of pathogenic microorganisms and, in addition, has a beneficial effect on breathing. During the cold season, take the baby to another room for ventilation. In warm weather, keep the window open all the time.

The outcome of any disease largely depends on care. Therefore, provide your baby not only symptomatic treatment, but also psychologically encourage him while he is awake - tell fairy tales, read books, sing songs, talk more. Nothing boosts immunity like positive emotions. Of course, this requires a lot of time and effort, but your physical and emotional costs will be compensated by the baby’s health.

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If in addition typical signs If you have a cold, symptoms such as photophobia, a sharp and persistent increase in temperature, a rash on the body and dyspeptic disorders appear - call a doctor. In this case, we may be talking about a more serious disease.

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Cold manifests itself general malaise, cough, runny nose, and often fever. Symptoms do not appear immediately and do not go away immediately. So a cough or runny nose can last for quite a long time. It is very important to take action at the first sign of a cold.

You will need

  • - bed rest;
  • - “Arbidol”, “Antigrippin”;
  • - tinctures of lemongrass, eleutherococcus, ginseng, leuzea, rhodiola;
  • - “Paracetamol”, “Analgin”;
  • - vitamin drinks, fruits, vegetables, chicken broth;
  • - milk, honey, butter;
  • - onions, sugar, St. John's wort, oregano, thyme, chamomile and linden flowers, elecampane root, peppermint, lavender.


If, upon waking up in the morning, you feel a heavy runny nose, you should not leave the house. By resting for the first two days, you will prevent possible complications cold condition. Stock up on the necessary medications and get your body in order.

Start by taking Arbidol, which according to the instructions should be taken every 2 hours for 2-3 days. Prevention is facilitated by homeopathic “Antigrippin”, which is recommended to be dissolved every 2 hours, 5 granules.

At the same time, it is necessary to invigorate the body by taking tinctures of adaptogen plants. Perfect fit pharmacy tinctures Schisandra, Eleutherococcus, ginseng, Leuzea safflower, Rhodiola rosea, etc. Take 25-30 drops dissolved in 40-50 ml boiled water, any of the listed tinctures 3-4 times a day on an empty stomach. Do not take it later than 5 pm, otherwise you may have problems falling asleep.

Take at least 2-2.5 liters vitamin drinks. Berry juice, mixture lemon drink with honey, tea with honey and lemon, ginger tea, tea with cinnamon. Eat more fruits, salads, bell pepper, tomatoes. Broth with homemade chicken.

Before going to bed, prepare and take the following remedy. Heat 300 ml of milk to 40 degrees Celsius, add a teaspoon of honey and butter. A raw egg Break up the chickens and, after shaking them well, pour them into the milk. Drink the prepared mixture at night. The runny nose and malaise will pass by morning.

An effective remedy when strong is next lineup. Grind 1 kg onions, pour in a liter of water and, bringing to a boil, cook for an hour over low heat. Then add a glass of sugar and cook for another hour.

Without being particularly dangerous disease However, a cold can cause you a lot of trouble. Early detection is the key to quick treatment colds. If you think you are sick, take action immediately. Take more vitamins, relieve sore throat, clear nasal passages. Such actions will increase the body's resistance to colds and will almost certainly shorten the duration of the disease. In addition, during a cold you need to give your body rest. In this case, antibiotics will not help you, since the causative agent of colds is viruses, not bacteria.


Quick treatment for colds

    Early detection colds. Once infected with the virus, symptoms appear almost instantly. Signs of a cold include runny nose, sore throat, cough, stuffy nose, slight pain V different parts body, moderate fever and fatigue. For a quick cure, you must act immediately. Literally 12 hours after infection, a cold has already managed to “occupy” your body for several days. Urgently needs to be strengthened protective forces body.

    Take cough medicine. Cough medicines should only be taken for dry coughs. These include dextromethorphan and codeine. Codeine may require a prescription. Side effects of these medications include drowsiness and constipation. Dextromethorphan is sold in tablet or syrup form and may be combined with an expectorant. If you have chest cough and you are coughing up mucus, then do not take the medications described above, otherwise you may increase the likelihood of developing bronchitis. Instead, buy expectorant cough syrup from the pharmacy.

    Take nasal decongestants. Nasal decongestants (in liquid or tablet form) help narrow blood vessels in the nasal membranes and open the nasal passages. Don't accept oral agents against nasal congestion, if you have heart problems or high blood pressure. Also take under medical supervision if you suffer from diabetes, problems with thyroid gland, glaucoma or prostate diseases. Side effects Nasal decongestants include insomnia (trouble sleeping), dizziness and increased blood pressure.

    Proper use of nasal decongestants

    Try it over-the-counter nasal spray. It is enough to spray the spray into each nostril once, and you will immediately feel relief. Nasal sprays contain oxymetazoline, phenylephrine, xylometazoline, or naphazoline. Use only as directed. When used more than 3-5 times a day, the feeling of nasal congestion may only increase.

    Try over-the-counter remedies like syrups or tablets. Phenylephrine (Mezaton, Relief) and pseudoephedrine (Sudafed) are two nasal decongestants that are sold without a prescription.

    Take an expectorant. An expectorant is an over-the-counter medicinal product, which clears the sinuses by thinning mucus and releasing phlegm that may have settled in the lungs. This remedy will make breathing easier and improve your well-being.

    Get more vitamin C. Vitamin C has long been known for its anti-cold properties. It not only reduces the risk of illness, but also shortens the duration of a cold.

    See a doctor. Your body can handle a cold, but your doctor may prescribe medications to relieve symptoms. You should not ask to be prescribed antibiotics for a cold, as they will not improve the situation and will not shorten the course of the disease. Call your doctor immediately if you have the following symptoms:

    How to blow your nose correctly

    Close one nostril with your finger, then very carefully blow the other nostril. Then repeat the action for the first nostril. After this you need to wash your hands antibacterial soap under warm water to prevent the spread of the virus.

    Blow your nose only when emergency using correct method , otherwise blowing your nose may cause pressure to increase due to mucus that cannot come out, leading to additional damage nasal canals.

    Advice: To prevent irritation from excessive nose blowing, use a soft cotton tissue and a little Vaseline to moisten and lubricate the nostrils.

    To clean the nasal canals, you can use a special rinsing container. You can use any bottle or container with a thin spout and fill it with saline solution to liquefy and wash away mucus secretions.

    Use steam methods. Steam is extremely useful in treating a runny nose. The warmth of the steam loosens mucus and the moisture helps soften dry nasal passages. Use one of the following methods:

    • You can hold your face over boiling water. Pour boiling water into a bowl and hold your face over the steaming water. Hold a towel over your head to trap the steam. You can add a few drops of essential oil to the water (oil tea tree or peppermint) to further clear the nasal passages.
  1. Take a hot shower. Yes, when you are feeling unwell, you should also not forget to take a shower every day, because it will also help you get rid of a cold faster. Adjust the water to a high, but still comfortable temperature, and then let the steam circulate throughout the bathroom. If steam makes you feel weak and dizzy, you can take a plastic chair with you into the shower.

    • A hot, steamy bath can work wonders; It will not only help you cope with a stuffy nose, but will also relax your body. Adjust the water to the maximum allowable high temperature. If you wash your hair (in the bath or shower), then do not forget to dry your hair thoroughly, since wet hair increases body heat transfer, and you do not need this.
  2. Drink warm liquid. When you have a cold, nothing invigorates you better than a hot drink. In addition to its soothing properties, hot drinks help treat runny nose and sore throat, which is why they are considered one of the the best means for a cold.

    Warm drinks to ease symptoms

    An excellent choice would be Herb tea with chamomile and peppermint, as it has a calming effect and saturates the body with fluid.

    Ordinary tea and coffee They may perk you up, but overall they are much less beneficial.

    A folk remedy for colds that still works great is a simple drink of warm water with lemon and honey. Warm water helps reduce swelling. Lemon supports immune system, and honey soothes a sore throat. Just add to glass hot water a slice of lemon and honey to taste.

    Chicken bouillon has always been considered the best food for patients with colds, not only because it is warming and easily digestible. There is scientific evidence that chicken broth limits the production of white blood cells, which contribute to the development of colds.

    Gargle with salt water. A stuffy nose won't be the only problem you'll face during a cold, as a dry, itchy or sore throat can be just as uncomfortable. Simple and effective option Treatment will be gargling with salt water. Water moisturizes the throat, and the antiseptic properties of salt help fight infection. Prepare a solution by dissolving a teaspoon of salt in a glass of warm water. If the taste is too unpleasant for you, you can add a little baking soda to reduce the salty taste. Gargle with this solution up to four times a day, but do not swallow it.

    • You can simply eat a spoonful of honey or mix it with warm water or tea. Another great cure for colds is a glass of milk with a spoon of turmeric and a spoon of honey. You can buy fresh honey from beekeepers in your area, as it will help your body develop resistance to allergens present in that region.
  3. Eat garlic. Garlic has incredible health benefits due to its antimicrobial, antiviral and antibiotic properties. There is also evidence that raw garlic can ease cold symptoms, shorten the duration of illness and strengthen the immune system, protecting the body from future illnesses.

    Garlic to relieve cold symptoms

    Chop the garlic clove and leave it for 15 minutes at room temperature. At this point, it will produce allicin, a powerful antibacterial component that makes garlic so beneficial.

    Zinc is another natural substance that prevents the proliferation of viruses and thereby shortens the duration of the disease, which is confirmed by science. It can be taken in the form of tablets, lozenges or syrup.

    Ginseng - ancient remedy against colds, which also has the scientifically proven property of speeding up recovery from colds and strengthening the immune system. It can be taken as a supplement or made into a tea from ginseng root.

  • Be careful not to allow mucus to accumulate in your nose. Otherwise Airways will become blocked and you will have to breathe through your mouth, which is not only annoying, but also interferes with normal sleep.
  • Get distracted as often as possible. This way you can enjoy your time while you are sick.
  • Sleep with your back elevated. This technique, called reflux, will help get rid of mucus without a handkerchief. Use anything - pillows, sheets or anything else - as long as you put it under your back.
  • Stock up on mints and chewing gum. They will help clear your sinuses.
  • Don't forget a scarf to keep your throat warm.
  • Sometimes a cold is accompanied by back pain. In this case, massage and rubbing will help.
  • Drink as many hot drinks as possible - they will not only soothe a sore throat, but also help improve your general condition.