How to relieve swelling after a wasp sting. I was stung by a wasp, what should I do? Aggression of wasps and bees

What to do if bitten by a wasp, don’t panic. In most cases, symptoms are limited to local symptoms and disappear within a few days. Don’t worry if a wasp bites you on the arm or stings you on the leg. The danger comes from a bite to the neck and face. Must be accepted antihistamine.

Symptoms of a wasp sting

The striped insect is often confused with a bee, especially if its bite came unexpectedly. A person intuitively rejects the pest without having time to discern the features. You can determine who bit by the consequences. , but no.

The insect injects, which instantly causes an allergic reaction to varying degrees intensity. With strong immunity, the consequences of a bite are limited to pain and local irritation. Edema, swelling, redness occurs, later. A photo of a wasp sting on a human body is presented below.

With weakened or pathological weak immunity wasp poison except local manifestations provokes severe general symptoms:

  • nausea;
  • vomit;
  • impaired coordination of movements;
  • fainting;
  • foggy consciousness;
  • blurred vision;
  • pale skin;
  • decreased blood pressure;
  • diarrhea;
  • cold sweat;
  • temperature increase;
  • difficulty breathing;
  • arrhythmia;
  • swelling of the larynx.

If an insect bites you on the head, the poison quickly enters the bloodstream. The functioning of the central nervous system is disrupted, increasing the production of histamine, which leads to tissue swelling and spasm respiratory organs, inflammation, others severe consequences. If you are bitten on the tongue, the likelihood of swelling of the larynx increases. If a wasp stings on the lip or gets into the eye, severe swelling immediately appears; if it stings a finger, the entire arm or leg may swell.

On a note!

Wasp venom is a highly toxic substance. It is especially dangerous for elderly people and allergy sufferers. Increases the likelihood serious consequences, if there were several bites from one individual or several. With an increased dosage of poison, a person can die from a wasp sting.

How to understand that an allergy has begun

Always present. Symptoms severe allergies appear within 20 minutes.

What allergic manifestations look like:

  • the scale of inflammation increases;
  • pain and itching intensifies;
  • general health worsens.

Initially, a person may feel weak and dizzy. Then stool and digestive disorders begin, and headache. A photo of a severe allergy is shown below.

If you experience shortness of breath or breathing problems, you should urgently call an ambulance. IN in this case Emergency administration of adrenaline will help to avoid angioedema and anaphylactic shock, antihistamine. Otherwise, the person risks dying.

On a note!

Local allergies are characterized by increased symptoms, an increase in the extent of the lesion, and an additional rash. The wasp sting takes a long time to pass, and suppuration and induration occur. The presence of ulcers and weeping wounds indicate the addition of a secondary infection. This situation is dangerous for a person due to the development of weeping and eczema. Requires the use of antibiotics.

First aid for a wasp sting

After an insect attack, you need to perform a number of specific actions to avoid serious consequences.

  1. First you need to rinse sore spot clean water. At home, laundry soap is used. Water will help get rid of dirt and poison residues on the surface of the skin. In conditions wildlife use mineral water, any clean body of water. Cold water It also helps relieve swelling from a wasp sting and stop the inflammatory process.
  2. Disinfect the wound to prevent infection. After a wasp sting, use ammonia, medical alcohol, hydrogen peroxide, brilliant green, iodine, alcohol tincture based medicinal herbs. An excellent option would be calendula, valerian, motherwort, and glod. If you anoint the wasp bite within half an hour after the pest attack, you will be able to avoid severe swelling and large-scale inflammation.
  3. Neutralize the effect of the poison. A toxic substance remains in the wound, which gradually enters the bloodstream. Used to neutralize poison vinegar solution– for 100 ml of water, 1 teaspoon of boric acid. A solution of Furacilin, Streptocide tablets - 1 tablet per glass of water. You can treat a wasp sting with a paste made from baking soda– add a little water and apply to the sore spot until completely dry. When a wasp stings, baking soda kills pathogenic microflora, neutralizes poison, and eliminates itching. In the wild, the juice of dandelion, celandine, and plantain is used. Helps against wasp stings lemon juice or acid.
  4. Cold will help slow down the spread of poison. Apply ice cubes cold compress, heating pad, water bottle, meat from the freezer. Leave for 15 minutes.

On a note!

If an insect bites your leg or arm, apply a tourniquet above the sore spot. This will prevent the poison from spreading through the blood. After disinfecting the wound and neutralizing the poison, the bandage is removed.

What to do if you are stung by a wasp or a bee, an allergic reaction begins, you must urgently take an antihistamine. Be sure to take a pill if you were bitten by a wasp and got into your body. increased dose poison.

Antihistamines for wasp stings

Produced in the form of drops, tablets, ointments, gels for external use. If you have a severe allergy to a wasp sting, take the drug orally and also treat the sore spot. Antihistamines reduce the activity of histamine, stop the inflammatory process, eliminate external symptoms.

  • Claritin. Produced in the form of drops, baby syrup, tablets. Active ingredient: loratadine. Antihistamine action develops within 2 hours after ingestion. Maximum properties last 8 hours. Take according to instructions taking into account age. An analogue is the drug Loratadine. Cost 555 rub.
  • Suprastin. Available in the form of tablets and solution for injection. The active substance is chloropyramine hydrochloride. Suprastin for wasp stings is taken 2 times a day with meals. The duration of therapy depends on the complexity of the symptoms. Children under 1 year of age are given ¼ tablet. Packaging price 140 rub.
  • Diazolin. Produced in the form of tablets, dragees. Active ingredient mebhydrolin acts. Take 1-3 tablets per day. Price 43 rub. for 10 pieces.
  • Fenistil. Fenistil-gel drops for oral administration are available for sale. Apply thin layer to the affected area. The product helps relieve swelling, reduce itching and redness. Stops the inflammatory process, blocks the allergic reaction. Cost 400 rub.
  • Zyrtec. Antiallergic agent for oral administration. Allowed for children from 6 months. The drug alleviates the course of allergies, prevents complications, stops the inflammatory process, and relieves itching. If the hand is swollen, treat 2-3 times a day, apply to the face once. Cost 320 rub.
  • Zodak. Available in the form of tablets, syrup, drops. The active substance is cetirizine dihydrochloride. Antihistamine effect starts within 20 minutes. The drug stops pathological process, helps cope with external symptoms. Allowed for children from 6 months. Price about 300 rub.

Contraindication for use medications is the presence individual intolerance to the components. A wasp sting on a child without consulting a specialist for no more than 5 days. If there is no improvement within 3 days, you should see a doctor.

How to treat a wasp sting with severe allergies

For therapy, drugs based on hormones from the group of glucocorticosteroids are used. Drugs are quickly eliminated external manifestations allergies, stop the production of histamine almost instantly.

  • Sinaflan. A remedy for wasp stings based on a hormonal substance. Used for severe manifestations of allergies. Indicated if a leg or arm is swollen. Use on the face is not recommended. Ointment for a wasp sting quickly relieves external symptoms and stops the pathological process. Wounds that are swollen or inflamed are treated 1-2 times a day. The duration of therapy is no more than 7 days in adults, 5 in children. Not recommended for infants and children under 2 years of age. The cost of the tube is 22 rubles.
  • Prednisolone. Produced in the form of tablets and injection solution. It is a hormonal drug with an active substance of the same name. Prednisolone is 4 times more active than antihistamines and relieves allergies faster. It is recommended to take it for swelling of the larynx, difficulty breathing, weakening pulse, and decreased blood pressure. The dosage is calculated based on age. The maximum concentration in the blood is observed 90 minutes after ingestion. It begins to act within 20 minutes. Price 25 rub.
  • Dexamethasone. Hormonal drug in tablet form. It has a pronounced anti-allergic, anti-inflammatory, decongestant property. Antishock, antitoxic effect is associated with the ability of the drug to increase blood pressure and reduce vascular permeability. Cost 190 rub.
  • Hydrocortisone ointment. Hormonal remedy for external use. Can be used from birth. Apply a thin layer to the affected areas 1-2 times a day. Medicine for wasp stings is used for no longer than 7 days. Helps with puffiness and swelling. Price 30 rub.

Hormonal remedies for wasp and bee stings are used after consultation with a specialist. Contraindicated for use in case of individual intolerance to the components.

Means for treating bites with a normal reaction

Painful sensations are present for several days. The inflamed area itches and itches. In this case, it is allowed to treat a wasp sting with folk remedies and pharmaceutical preparations.

  • Some herbs have anti-inflammatory, healing, regenerating, and decongestant properties. If the wound continues to bother or hurt, it is recommended to apply a compress against a wasp sting from a decoction of chamomile, calendula, celandine, St. John's wort, and thyme. The potion is poured boiled water, insist for 20 minutes.
  • Aloe juice accelerates tissue regeneration, eliminates painful symptoms, and relieves inflammation if the skin has become very red. They wipe the sore spot or make lotions. To eliminate swelling, you should first put the aloe leaf in the freezer for 15 minutes.
  • Menovazin will help relieve pain from a wasp sting. Produced in the form of a solution or ointment. Contains 2 pain-relieving components, menthol. Relief occurs already at the moment of application. Menovazin stimulates blood circulation in the damaged area and eliminates congestion. The bite can be completely cured in a few days.
  • Star. The balm contains camphor, menthol, a little clove, mint and other natural ingredients. Bites should be treated 2-3 times a day.
  • Panthenol. The product stops the inflammatory process, disinfects, and accelerates tissue regeneration. Treat the skin twice a day.
  • When a wasp stings, onion neutralizes the effect of the poison, disinfects, and stops inflammation. They make lotions, compresses, apply fresh vegetable. You can similarly relieve swelling and pain after a wasp sting with garlic juice.
  • Levomekol. A local antibiotic is used if suppuration, weeping wounds appear, or there are signs of a secondary infection.

On a note!

Bite wild wasp can be extremely painful. To eliminate unpleasant symptoms, external remedies should be used. Wipe with Menovazine, Lidocaine, as well as toothpaste with menthol, shaving foam.

What not to do

After an insect attack, you should not squeeze out the poison, as this speeds up the process of the poison entering the blood. It is forbidden to pick the wound with a needle in the hope of finding a sting. Such actions contribute to the penetration of secondary infection. You should not drink alcohol after a wasp sting, since alcohol spreads wasp venom through the blood faster, increasing the chance of developing a severe allergy.

You can avoid a wasp sting by being careful. When you see an insect, do not take any drastic actions or try to kill it. When the wasp dies, it releases a special enzyme that calls on other relatives to help. If there is a nest nearby, multiple bites will follow within a few minutes. Insects sting when there is a threat to their own life, as well as when protecting their hive.

In what cases should you seek help from doctors?

Vivid allergy symptoms appear within 30 minutes after the poison enters the blood. If during this time there is no deterioration in health, the sore spot is limited to slight swelling, you can treat the wound yourself.

You should urgently call an ambulance if your blood pressure drops, faints, cardiac dysfunction, swelling of the larynx, or difficulty breathing. Reasons to consult a doctor include fever, chills, constriction of the pupils, and pallor. skin, loss of coordination of movements, diarrhea.

Initially, you need to call the reception center, they will tell you what to do - go to the hospital yourself or wait for an ambulance. Treatment should be carried out by an allergist. In its absence, the functions may be assigned to a dermatologist or therapist.

Every person should know what to do if bitten by a wasp. No one is immune from this minor trouble. And although in most cases, after being stung by a wasp, there are no complications, in the first minutes a person will experience a lot discomfort. The main danger bees and other stinging insects pose to people suffering from allergic reactions. In this situation, first aid for a wasp sting should be carried out immediately, since there is high risk

development of complications, in particular anaphylactic shock.

First actions after an insect bite

What to do if stung by a wasp? The likelihood of complications developing depends on how quickly emergency care is provided.

First of all, you need to examine the site of the bite. If there is a sting left in it, you need to immediately pull it out so that you can freely examine the affected area and treat the wound. If you are stung by a wasp, what should you do to avoid swelling, pain and itching? The bitten area must be treated disinfectant . To do this, you can use any drug that has antiseptic properties: hydrogen peroxide, calendula tincture, alcohol, etc. In the absence of special agents, the wound must be rinsed well laundry soap , which has a disinfectant and.

antibacterial effect The question of what needs to be done to remove the tumor is quite natural. Because, besides pain, this is one of the first reactions that occurs in response to wasp stings. It is best to apply cold to the affected area immediately after the incident. Ice should be wrapped in cotton cloth. If it is not available, you can take the frozen product from the freezer. IN as a last resort wet the rag cold water and place on the bite area. For a person stung by a wasp, these actions will reduce pain, help relieve swelling from the bite and prevent its further spread. caused by constriction of blood vessels in response to cold.

If the bite is in the arm or leg, you can apply a tourniquet or tight bandage. This will prevent further spread of the poison through the blood vessels. However, this must be done very carefully, observing certain rules. Excessive tugging of a limb, and even during long period can lead to tissue death. Therefore, this can only be done on short term, observing the necessary precautions: do not apply the tourniquet directly to the skin and monitor the time of its use.

Emergency care for allergy sufferers

If a wasp stings, what should people who suffer from multiple allergic reactions, including to bee products, do? Emergency care consists of urgently taking antihistamines. These can be Suprastin, Claritin, Diazolin, Fenistil and other drugs. IN severe cases it is advisable to take hormonal medications having a more powerful effect. They are used in the form of tablets, as well as solutions for intramuscular or intravenous administration.

In addition to taking antiallergic drugs, it is necessary to call as soon as possible emergency assistance. Even hormonal drugs are not always able to prevent rapid tissue swelling. This can happen not only in the area where the wasp stung, but throughout the body. The most severe complications are angioedema and anaphylactic shock. Therefore, calling an ambulance is what you need to do if an allergic person is stung by a wasp.

A very dangerous place for such people is the neck area. This is due to the fact that fast development swelling of tissues can block the airway, as a result of which the patient begins to experience a lack of air. And in the absence timely assistance this can be fraught with serious consequences, including respiratory arrest.

If the bite occurs in the eye area, this also requires immediate medical attention. The organ of vision reacts very sensitively to the venom of stinging insects. The swelling develops instantly, the eyelids become so swollen that the person can hardly see anything.

When a wasp stings, first aid for allergy sufferers includes not only taking antihistamines, but also other actions aimed at preventing the spread of poison through the blood vessels.

This is applying a tourniquet, if the bite is on a limb, cold. Additionally, you can moisten a piece of cloth in a soda solution (1 teaspoon of powder per 200 ml of water) and apply it to the affected area.

Affected people are often interested in how to treat a wasp sting. After providing first aid, the wound will require close attention for several more hours or days. This depends on the individual reaction of the body to the ingress of insect venom.

Before treating a wasp sting, it is necessary to apply cold compresses to the wound area for several hours. This will relieve pain and other unpleasant sensations.

How to relieve swelling after a wasp sting? For this you can use antihistamine creams or glucocorticosteroids in the same dosage form. It is not enough to apply anti-allergic ointment for a wasp sting once to the affected area; the medicine should be applied several times a day. The duration of therapy is from 1 to 3 days.

An effective remedy for a wasp sting, with which you can quickly relieve the patient’s well-being, are medications from the NSAID group. They have analgesic, anti-inflammatory, antipyretic and anti-edematous effects. This will relieve pain and alleviate the condition of the victim. For this purpose, drugs based on ibuprofen or diclofenac are used. They can be used in tablet form or injection forms

. The duration of treatment with drugs from the NSAID group is no more than 3 days. In case of severe allergic reaction

In case of a wasp sting, treatment should be carried out in a hospital setting. Depending on the patient’s condition, an individual therapeutic regimen is developed. In the treatment of the victim, not only antiallergic drugs are used, but also adrenaline injections. They can help you calm down immune system . For effective elimination Cortisone is used for signs of inflammation. In severe cases, in particular with respiratory depression, the patient is connected to a device artificial ventilation

lungs or apply an oxygen mask.

Traditional methods of therapy What to do at home to remove unpleasant symptoms after a wasp sting? Except medications you can turn to the ancients folk recipes , having a pronounced therapeutic effect

in the treatment of stinging insect bites. You can also use available means to alleviate the condition of the victim. You can take 1 tablet of activated carbon and acetylsalicylic acid. Crush them well and dissolve in 200 ml warm water

People who have been bitten often wonder what to apply to a wasp bite to relieve redness and irritation. Olive oil has a good calming effect. Its effect is due to the presence of unsaturated fatty acids. Olive oil quickly relieves skin hyperemia, promotes rapid regeneration of damage.

The use of onions has a positive result. The affected area should be anointed with vegetable juice. At first, a person will feel a slight burning sensation, but these sensations will disappear very quickly. The pain will go away with them. Onions have a powerful antibacterial effect and are effective means, capable of resisting wasp venom, since it has the properties of binding its components.

Parsley is very popular. Almost every housewife has this plant in stock. Parsley has an anti-inflammatory effect. To enhance its properties, you need to grind the leaves so that the juice comes out, or pour boiling water over a small amount of the plant. Apply the product to the bite site in the form of a compress, it will provide a pronounced analgesic and calming effect.

Alternatively, instead of a cotton pad, you can place plantain on top of the parsley. This plant has a wound-healing effect and promotes the rapid regeneration of damaged tissues.

Compresses based on plantain and yarrow leaves show good results. To prepare the medicine, it is necessary to grind both components in equal proportions and prepare a decoction. Apply the compress for 1-2 days, changing every 2-3 hours. The medicine has antimicrobial and anti-inflammatory effects. Regular application of a compress soothes the skin, reduces pain and minimizes the risk of secondary infection.

When a wasp stings, how to relieve tissue swelling traditional methods? It is best to use agave, which has unique healing properties. This flowerpot is in every home, but not everyone knows how to use it correctly. The juice of the plant can be used to treat a bite. However, since in pure form it is too concentrated, it must first be diluted with water 2-3 times. It is recommended to moisten a cotton pad with the resulting solution and apply it to the affected area. Alternatively, you can apply a whole leaf of agave. However, before this, it is necessary to remove the skin to ensure the release of biologically active substances. Aloe has a powerful decongestant effect, relieves itching and inflammation. Before treating a wasp sting, you need to make sure that there is no allergic reaction to the products used.

What absolutely cannot be done?

If there are a lot of stinging or biting insects flying near a person, under no circumstances should you wave your arms. This can trigger their massive attack because they only sting when they feel threatened. Therefore, even if you have been bitten by a wasp, you should not make sudden movements; you must try to slowly and carefully leave the dangerous place.

The wound can only be treated by special means, which will help prevent infection and speed up healing. It is strictly forbidden to scratch. This will provoke increased blood circulation at the site of the bite, which will contribute to an increase in swelling and the rapid spread of poison throughout the victim’s body.

When biting a person, a wasp may leave a sting; it must be removed. However, the poison should never be squeezed out. Such actions can only aggravate the condition and do not remove the insect enzyme from under the skin. This is what to do when stung by a wasp is strictly prohibited and dangerous.

When applying cold, care should be taken to ensure that only clean materials are used. This is necessary to avoid the penetration of pathogenic microflora into the open wound. That is why you should never apply a cloth soaked in open water to the bite site. Even though this will relieve swelling and reduce painful sensations. It is better to endure to prevent complications from occurring.

Regardless of whether the victim has taken an antiallergic drug or not, he is strictly prohibited from drinking alcoholic beverages.

If everything is done in a timely manner necessary actions after a wasp sting, you can quickly remove pain and tissue swelling. And after a short period of time, you can forget about a small trouble.

The question of how to treat a wasp sting arises at least once in almost every person’s life. After all, the sting of this small insect not only can it cause pain, but also cause an acute allergic reaction. To prevent these negative manifestations, everyone should know how to provide first aid to a victim of a wasp sting.

What is the danger?

What we used to call a wasp “bite” is actually an injection from a sharp sting. Moreover, as soon as this small spear penetrates the skin, a specific poison is sprayed out of it, to which more than 2% of the population of our planet are hypersensitive. And if for many a wasp sting is only a painful lesion of the skin, then for this category of people it is a dangerous lesion of the body, which can even provoke a reaction to a dose of a cocktail of biologically active substances, such as acetylcholine, neurotoxin, histamine, etc. the most unpredictable. And if you don’t know what to do after receiving a wasp sting, swelling and itching will add to the rash, as well as other symptoms.

If hypersensitivity No to wasp venom, a single bite will not cause much harm to health. But the difficulty is that this striped insect has a very large supply of poison, which is enough for several attacks. It is also worth noting that wasps are predators that live in entire colonies. By disturbing their nest, a person can cause himself to be attacked by many individuals. A large number of bites can cause general intoxication.

This poses the greatest danger to people who suffer from diabetes, allergies and asthma, as well as to children, the elderly and pregnant women, whose bodies cannot cope with toxins on their own. Therefore, knowing if you have received a wasp sting and overcoming the intoxication is simply your responsibility. Sometimes having such information can help save a person’s life no less.

There are many bacteria on the legs and body of wasps (in fact, like all insects), which can enter the human body during a bite. After such migration, microorganisms become accustomed to the new environment and begin to multiply, resulting in infectious diseases. purulent boils, and sometimes even different intestinal diseases. At the first signs of infection, you should not use ointment for a wasp sting; it is advisable to immediately contact medical care. Otherwise, the inflammatory process can spread and cause significant harm to health.

General algorithm of actions for a wasp sting

Having received a bite from such an aggressive insect, you must not lose control of yourself and not make sudden movements. You should leave the place where the wasp flies. The attempt to crush the offender should also be abandoned, since the poison in her abdomen contains a specific substance that causes aggression in other individuals of this species. Therefore, at this moment it is better to focus on how to treat a wasp sting, and not how to deal with the striped offender.

When the threat of repeated bites has passed, you should worry about the wound. It should be treated and a bandage applied, on top of which a cold object or piece of ice should be applied.

Treatment of wasp stings

A small wound from a wasp sting must be treated with a disinfectant. Hydrogen peroxide, iodine or alcohol-containing liquids are ideal for this. If there are no such antiseptics at hand, but you have aspirin, this will be enough. The tablet needs to be crushed to a powder and a couple of drops of water are added, the resulting paste is applied to the affected area of ​​the body and a bandage is applied. If the bite is on an arm or leg, you need to fix the antiseptic using elastic bandage, then the poison will not spread throughout the body. In cases where there are no medications at hand, you can use regular soap. However, before smearing a wasp sting, the wound should be washed with running water.

For treatment to be effective, it is necessary to remove toxic substances from the body as quickly as possible by drinking large amounts of fluid. It is better if it is sweetish weak tea, mineral or purified water. If the victim begins to experience an allergic reaction, such as hives or swelling, an antihistamine should be given. The medicine “Fenistil”, “Diazolin” or “Zodak” will cope well with the task. Consulting a doctor in such cases is mandatory.

There is a bite, but there is no first aid kit in the house

It’s probably not worth saying that our grandmothers are either. But at that time there was not such a wide range of medications. Therefore, you can immediately go to the treatment recipes that our ancestors used.

For many centuries, onions were the main remedy. Half of the onion was applied to the affected area and held for 12-15 minutes. This recipe has not lost its relevance today, because wasps most often sting in nature, in the country, and at this time you do not have the necessary set of medications with you.

Prevent unpleasant itching Garlic will help with swelling from a wasp sting. A broken or cut clove should only be used to lubricate the damaged area of ​​skin, but under no circumstances apply garlic to the wound, as it may cause a burn.

Ordinary table vinegar is also useful when providing first aid, which can not only lubricate the wound, but also be used as the main means for a compress. A generously moistened piece of cotton wool, bandage or cotton cloth is applied to the bite site for 5-10 minutes.

Freshly picked parsley can also do a good job if a wasp stings. To do this, the leaves should be washed and applied to the wound.

If in nature

If an encounter with a wasp that ended in a bite occurred in nature, you should not immediately panic. The first thing to do is to slowly move away from the scene of the incident, without causing additional aggression in the insect, and remember how to treat the wasp sting so that the consequences are minimal. Plantain is ideal for this, just one leaf of which can prevent swelling. To do this, rinse it and rub it with your hands until the juice appears, then apply it to the wound for 5-7 minutes. This method is effective and simple, but it is worth considering that plantain grows most often near bodies of water, and in dry places it is almost impossible to find it.

So, a wasp sting. What to do? A tumor, or rather swelling, can very quickly spread to a large area of ​​the skin, so drastic measures should be taken immediately. And celandine will help with this. Many people know that a large amount of yellow-orange juice is released from a plucked leaf or stem of this plant; it is they who need to cauterize the bite wound. However, this product should be used with extreme caution, because celandine juice in concentrated form is poisonous. Therefore, before smearing a wasp sting with such a product, you should remember that you only need to treat the wound, but under no circumstances apply the juice to the skin around it.

Preparing lotions and ointments for wasp bites

The easiest way to prepare for the summer season, when insects sting most often, is in the spring. It is at this time of year that dandelions begin to bloom, from which you can make effective medicine. To do this, fill a jar with opened flowers and fill them to the top with edible vegetable oil, and then let it brew for 24 hours. Next, the container with the contents must be kept in a water bath for 40-45 minutes and left for another day. Afterwards, the infusion is filtered through a fine strainer or 2-3 layers of gauze. This kind of ointment for a wasp sting can not only remove swelling from the affected area, but also cope well with itching. It must be stored in a cool place.

Another remedy that has proven effective is an alcohol-based ointment, vegetable oil and St. John's wort. To prepare it, all three ingredients should be mixed in equal proportions and left for 48 hours. It is better to store this ointment in the refrigerator, and before smearing a wasp sting, the container with the product should be shaken. Within a couple of minutes after use, the unpleasant itching will disappear, as will the swelling, and only a small red spot will remain on the skin.

If you are allergic

Predisposition to allergic reactions in different situations may cause poor health. And a wasp sting is certainly no exception. Within a couple of minutes after the poison enters the body, a person may experience hives, swelling, and sometimes even anaphylactic shock. Therefore, everyone should know how to treat a wasp sting taking into account this feature and what the first aid algorithm is.

During the summer season, when these striped predators are most active, you must have an antihistamine with you. This could be one of the medications such as Tavegil, Claritin or Suprastin. How long a wasp sting lasts with this treatment completely depends on the individual person. But if within 2 hours after taking the medication the symptoms of an allergic reaction do not subside, but are only supplemented by new manifestations, you should urgently consult a doctor.

How do you know if you are allergic to wasp venom?

In order to know how the body can react to wasp venom, people with a predisposition to allergies must take a test in the laboratory. If they receive positive result remember: you should always carry a syringe and several ampoules with Prednisolone with you.

When should you immediately seek medical help?

If a child has received a wasp sting, there is no need to think about how to remove the tumor on your own. You need to urgently seek medical help, because the baby’s body can respond with an instant allergic reaction, even if there is no predisposition to allergies. You should not take measures on your own even when a wasp has stung an elderly person or there are more than 10 bites on the victim’s body.

Taking an antihistamine after receiving a dose of wasp venom should bring the desired relief, but if this does not happen and the symptoms continue to appear, you should not postpone a visit to the doctor. The specialist certainly knows how to treat a wasp sting with such complications. And he will be able to choose an effective course of treatment.

Probably every adult has experienced a wasp sting at least once in his life. But what to do in this case, what you should pay attention to Special attention and how to act in a situation that threatens the development of anaphylactic shock - few people know about this.

In the vast majority of cases, a wasp sting leads to unpleasant, but not very dangerous consequences. If you are bitten by a wasp, the sting site usually swells, hurts a lot, and later begins to itch. However, all these symptoms gradually disappear on their own after a few days - you don’t even have to do anything “special” to weaken their strength.

However, there are still situations where a wasp attack can be truly deadly. Of course, a lot here depends, firstly, on the type of wasp (not all of them sting the same), and secondly, on the sensitivity of the human body to the venom of this insect.

So, for some people, even the bites of “our” wasps (the so-called paper ones), not to mention some exotic species and, especially, hornets, can be fatal. Moreover, a person may not even know about his special susceptibility until the insect attack itself. That is why every adult needs to clearly understand what to do if bitten by a wasp - in exceptional cases, this knowledge will help save both their own life and the life of someone around them.

On a note

At the time of the bite or immediately after it, it is very important to be able to distinguish the wasp from other stinging and biting insects. This is significant, if only because, for example, first aid methods for wasp and bee stings are diametrically different in some respects. Therefore, even theoretically knowing what to do in such situations, in practice, due to incorrect identification of the insect, you can behave completely incorrectly. A mistake will lead to loss of time (for example, to searching for a sting in a wound) or the use of remedies that will only aggravate the situation. Therefore, no matter how painful it may be at the time of the bite, it is advisable to take a good look at the offender before reflexively brushing it off the body. The wasp is a slender, fairly light-colored insect with a small number of hairs on the body, while the bee is more dense, with a densely pubescent body surface.

Photo of a paper wasp:

And here is a photo of a honey bee:

As you can see, these insects are quite different from each other.

The danger of wasp bites: why it is so important to take action in time

Before we talk directly about what needs to be done if bitten by a wasp, let's first find out what threats the attack of this insect may pose.

So, the usual consequences wasp bites are:

  • acute pain at the sting site;
  • fast developing edema soft tissues;
  • itching at the site of the bite;
  • redness of the body, increased temperature in the inflamed area.

Some symptoms may reach their peak within a day or two after the bite, and then gradually disappear without a trace. This body response to a wasp sting is absolutely natural and normal.

Another thing is when the victim begins to develop a generalized allergic reaction after a bite. In its simplest form, it leads to the appearance of so-called serum sickness (the body's immune response to a foreign substance), accompanied by fever, nausea, and pain in the head and abdomen. These symptoms do not appear immediately, but with some delay - in contrast to the redness of the affected area and extensive swelling, which do not keep you waiting.

However, the most dangerous of possible consequences allergies after a wasp sting are not the above body reactions, but Quincke's edema and anaphylactic shock. The first can lead to obstruction of the larynx and subsequent asphyxia, and the second, in 12-15% of cases, ends in death due to cardiac arrest or impaired lung function.

It is worth noting that such reactions to wasp stings happen, fortunately, quite rarely, but if they develop, it happens so quickly that they require very quick treatment to stop them. necessary measures first aid - delay here is truly life-threatening.

On a note

Anaphylactic shock usually develops within 5-30 minutes after the bite. However, there are cases where seconds counted. Therefore, if a person knows about his susceptibility to insect bites, it makes sense for him to always carry with him an auto-injector with adrenaline (epinephrine), which emergency can save a life.

In addition, a situation when a person is bitten not by one, but by a whole group of wasps of 5-10 or more insects can be very dangerous.

In this case, even a victim who is not susceptible to the poison develops general intoxication, and sometimes even subcutaneous and internal hemorrhages can be observed.

Situations are even more dangerous when a person becomes a victim of an attack by many hornets - these wasp-like insects are larger in size and inject more poison into the wound in one bite.

“At that time I had no idea what to do if I was bitten by wasps. When I was bitten by five wasps at once at a picnic (I went to the toilet in the bushes and stepped right on their nest), I simply anointed myself with a soothing ointment and drank cognac. In short, they brought me to the hospital already unconscious; I opened my eyes from swelling only the next day. Huge bruises appeared at the sites of the bites, my whole body was swollen, my temperature was high and I was constantly getting it down. I was in the hospital for three days, then at home for another week, the doctor came to see me and gave me injections. We didn’t have a very good rest.”

Irina, Volgograd

First actions after a wasp sting

The first thing to do if you are bitten by a wasp is not to panic and calm down. Even if you know you have or loved one There should be no place for dangerous allergies, panic and fuss, as this will only do harm in such a situation.

In the most common case, after a wasp sting you should:

  • try to suck out the poison from the wound;
  • apply to the bite site any product containing acid - this could be a piece of apple, a slice of orange or lemon, which will help neutralize part of the poison in the wound that has not yet healed;
  • then apply any cold object to the damaged area - meat from the freezer, cold metal, or, ideally, an ice pack.

After this, you can take a Suprastin tablet - this drug in some cases can block the development of allergies at the root and thereby prevent a possible severe response of the body. That is why this should be done as early as possible.

One more important point First aid after a wasp sting is antibacterial treatment of the damaged area - this is especially true if the wasp has bitten a child. In almost 100% of cases, injured children scratch the bite site due to severe itching and can introduce some kind of infection into the wound.

To avoid this, the bite must be treated with any available antiseptic - brilliant green, hydrogen peroxide, and if none of this is at hand in nature, then you can use regular vodka. But taking alcohol internally – even for the purpose of “prevention” – is strictly prohibited.

The situation when the stung person is known to be highly sensitive to insect venom deserves a separate discussion. As a rule, such people always have an auto-injector with them (it was already mentioned above), but it also happens that a victim of a wasp sting gets lost and cannot immediately understand what to do - he begins to panic. That is why knowing how to use this item will be useful for any adult.

So, in critical situation the victim of a bite needs to be given a medicine (usually adrenaline), and this needs to be done as quickly as possible, sometimes minutes count. To do this, remove the cap from the device, then press the injector firmly to the middle part outer surface the victim's thighs with a specially marked side and inject for 5 seconds. In such situations, you can inject directly through clothing without wasting valuable time removing it.

Preparations and folk remedies for treating wasp bites, rules for their use

Now let's figure out what to do after first aid. First, you need to apply a compress to the wasp bite. Its essence is to slow down the blood flow, and with it the spread of poison throughout the body, so the sooner the compress is used, the more effective its effect will be.

As a rule, such a bandage is applied for 30-50 minutes, after which it is removed, and the site of the wasp bite is treated with special agents that help relieve itching and pain, as well as reduce the severity of inflammation.

As an option, the bite site can be treated before applying a compress. For example, in the case when the means for treating a bite are right at hand, they can be used first - nothing bad will happen. If you need to look for them for a long time, then it is better to apply a compress during this time - the only important thing is not to leave the bite completely unattended.

One of the most famous and quite effective pharmaceuticals, used after bites of wasps and other insects, today are:

  • Fenistil gel, which reduces itching and pain, as well as inhibits the development of inflammation and reduces the risk of developing allergies;
  • Insectline is an imported product that has a pronounced anti-inflammatory effect and also reduces pain;
  • Menovazin is a relatively inexpensive anesthetic that relieves pain and itching;
  • Gardex Family and Gardex Baby are mild in action but effective preparations for treating bite sites in adults and children;
  • Soventol is a fairly good pain relieving ointment;
  • Advantan is a powerful gel that inhibits the development of an allergic reaction.

However, there are also a number of time-tested folk remedies for wasp bites. So, for example, after an insect attack, you can apply the following to the sting site:

  • chopped parsley root;
  • a slice of lemon;
  • cut clove of garlic or piece of onion;
  • plantain leaf;
  • gauze soaked in natural essential oil.

Of course, in modern world preference is given to treating the bite site with specialized balms and ointments. However, and traditional medicine You shouldn’t discount it: if you’ve been bitten by a wasp, you can also do what our grandmothers did in their time – at least as a backup or emergency option.

Mistakes you shouldn't make

Knowing what to do if bitten by a wasp is certainly very important. However, it is equally important to understand what you absolutely cannot do. Often, even inaction leads to less pronounced problems than misbehavior which can result in serious complications.

Let's take a closer look at what you shouldn't do when a wasp bites you:

  1. There is no need to look for a sting - wasps never leave it in the wound. This action will only lead to a pointless waste of precious time.
  2. You should not try to squeeze out the poison. This helps to increase blood circulation at the site of the wasp sting and, accordingly, increase the speed of spread of its poison.
  3. It is dangerous to scratch or pick at the bite - this can introduce an infection into the wound, which will significantly complicate the healing process.
  4. It is fraught with applying earth to the wound or lowering it into dirty water in order to cool the bite site - these actions are also highly likely to lead to infection (sometimes much more dangerous than the bite itself).
  5. It is prohibited to independently “prescribe” powerful antihistamines without reliable signs developing allergies. Instead of the rather strong Loratadine and Diphenhydramine, you should take a Suprastin tablet.
  6. There is no point in limiting yourself to drinking to prevent swelling, as some people think. When a wasp bites, the development of the tumor does not depend on the amount of liquid drunk - here, on the contrary, drinking plenty of fluids will help reduce symptoms of intoxication.

“Thank you for the advice, but it looks like it didn’t work out. I’m generally allergic, so I played it safe and after the bite I immediately ran home and drank Suprastin. Plus the pain, plus the heat, in general, I felt very bad for the remaining half of the day and night, I was generally broken. Today there is a lump at the site of the bite, but it doesn’t really hurt, it just itches. I think that without Suprastin at night I would have been much worse.”

Lisa, Moscow

Specifics of treating wasp bites in children

A wasp sting in a child always causes great concern among his parents. However, there is no need to do anything supernatural - the approach to treating a bite in children is practically no different from that in adults.

The only peculiarity is that children should not use the usual ointments and balms in such cases - it is better to use special children's products.

  • Examples include:
  • the already mentioned Gardex Baby, which can be used from 12 months;
  • balm Rescuer, approved at any age;
  • Picnic Family for school age children;

children's series of specialized Mosquitall products. As a rule, in childhood

Allergy to insect bites occurs much less frequently than in adults. Wasp bites in children are sometimes simply enough to be antisepticized with alcohol or brilliant green, without using special balms and ointments. You can also use the above folk remedies. An equally important point for adults is maintaining their own calm and self-control, because emotional condition

After a wasp sting, a parent needs to be able to calm their child and distract him with something. Fortunately, this is not so difficult to do - even with severe pain at the site of the bite, it is enough to apply something cold to it and, for example, tell the baby something “very important” so that he stops crying.

Adults also need to take care of the clothes of the injured child - they should not rub the area where the wasp sting occurred, as otherwise this can lead to increased swelling and pain.

How to prevent allergies and what to do if they appear

For people who have never previously experienced an acute reaction to wasp stings, it is enough to take Suprastin, which will prevent the development of an immune response already initial stage. If, after a wasp sting, hives appear all over the body, excessive swelling, headache, nausea, high fever, shortness of breath, confusion or vomiting, immediate action must be taken additional actions to prevent further development of allergies.

The most the best option there will, of course, be a call to the ambulance for emergency consultation.

However, if for some reason this is not possible, you should take one tablet of Diphenhydramine, Loratadine or Prednisolone. If the condition of the bitten person continues to deteriorate, the person who has been bitten should be taken to the hospital immediately - otherwise the outcome can be fatal.

As mentioned above, allergy sufferers usually have a special auto-injector with them, which should be used immediately after a bite. How to do this is shown in the picture:

On a note

The above allergy medications should not be given to children. If a child develops appropriate symptoms, Erius syrup (Desloratadine) can be used.

One of the most dangerous is a wasp sting in the neck area - with a very acute reaction, the swelling can cover Airways. If the victim experiences whistling or wheezing breathing, you should try to insert a hollow tube into his throat, which will allow him to breathe as the swelling worsens. In exceptional cases, the bitten person may require a conicotomy - a dissection of the anterior wall of the throat at the junction of the neck and chest.

In case of massive wasp bites, a person may develop general intoxication of the body - this condition is also unsafe. To combat it, you should drink as much fluid as possible, take a 5-10% solution of calcium chloride and ascorbic acid. Activated carbon won't help here, unfortunately.

Be that as it may, the main thing to remember in case of a wasp sting is that if any symptoms appear that go beyond local inflammation and pain, you should definitely consult a doctor, at least by phone. And the sooner this is done, the less likely there will be any complications.

Useful video: first actions in case of a wasp sting, including in severe cases

When a wasp stings, first aid must be provided to a person, even though what happened may seem to the victim to be a fairly ordinary and insignificant incident. For such “brave” people, several reasons can be identified that prove the need, if not full first aid, then at least minimal treatment of the bite.

  • Wasp venom always causes sharp pain, gradually spreading through the tissues near the bite site. Why endure discomfort for a long time if there are simple and effective methods for relieving pain in such situations?
  • Swelling, which almost always appears after a bite, can sometimes increase in size very quickly. And if nothing is done, then the injured arm or, for example, leg may well become almost one and a half times thicker than its original size. initial state. The pain from such severe swelling will also be appropriate. Now let’s imagine that a wasp has bitten the throat or neck... Is it really worth letting everything take its course in such a situation and waiting to see whether the swelling will block the airways or not?
  • Wasp venom, especially with multiple insect bites, in some cases can cause general intoxication of the body, accompanied by headaches, nausea, digestive disorders, general agitation, fever and shortness of breath. Such conditions are also very dangerous.
  • In some cases, after a wasp sting, an allergic reaction begins to develop, which sometimes occurs in a severe form, and when high sensitivity if bitten, it can even lead to anaphylactic shock and subsequent death.

Perhaps the above reasons are quite enough to clearly understand: if a person has been bitten by a wasp, then it is highly advisable to provide him with at least minimal first aid, and then carefully monitor his general well-being, especially during the first hour.

On a note

The so-called road wasps have one of the most painful bites among insects in general (only the tropical bullet ant bites them more painfully). And the largest representatives of the wasp family, the huge Japanese hornets, according to statistics, kill several dozen people in Japan every year with their bites. The cause of death in victims of these insects is, firstly, allergies and anaphylactic shock, and secondly, intoxication of the body in the event of an attack by a large number of hornets.

So, timely first aid for a wasp sting allows you to avoid many problems: reduce pain at the site of the bite, promote faster disappearance of swelling (or prevent its development at all), and also reduce the manifestations of an allergic reaction. That is why it is advisable to provide assistance to the victim in the first minutes after a wasp sting.

“I was often bitten by wasps as a child, and then, when I moved to the city, probably until I was 25 years old, I was never stung by one. There was no reason. Recently one stung me when my whole family went on a picnic. I didn't even think that everything would be so bad. She stung me on the cheek, I don’t even understand what she was doing there. My cheek was smashed, both eyes were so swollen that they were completely closed, the pain was hellish, my head was pounding. Moreover, I managed to swat a wasp - an ordinary one, not a hornet. They started using bottles of water, my wife applied some kind of ointment, but to no avail. The nose stopped breathing altogether, but the swelling did not reach the throat. I sat there, I couldn’t see anything, I was breathing through my mouth, my head was cracking. My wife called my father-in-law, he came with his brother, they took us out in cars, and they took me to the emergency room. The doctor injected something for allergies and told me to drink antihistamine tablets. In general, it turned out to be an unplanned sick leave - only three days later my eyes opened.”

Oleg, Kazan

Actions in the first minutes after the bite

Perhaps the first thing you should do immediately after a bite is to make sure that it was a wasp and not a bee that stung: some fundamental aspects of first aid after an attack by these insects vary significantly. So, for example, if you are bitten by a wasp, you should not waste precious time looking for the sting - unlike a bee, this insect never leaves it in the skin.

The task of the initial stage of first aid for a wasp sting is to minimize the amount of insect venom injected under the skin at the site of the bite.

To begin with, you need to try to suck out as much venom as possible from the bite site: this can only take 1 minute, since the skin around the puncture site usually tightens very quickly, and further attempts will no longer be effective. You should not be afraid of getting wasp venom into your mouth - it will not cause any harm, the only important thing is not to swallow it, but to spit it out.

There is another one more or less effective way partial neutralization of the insect toxin. Wasp venom has an alkaline reaction, so acids are its neutralizers. In order to reduce the amount active form poison in the wound, you should apply a cotton swab moistened with 9% table vinegar, a slice of lemon, a piece of apple or orange to it for a minute.

In some cases, especially brave victims burn the wasp bite with an extinguished match, cigarette or hot coal. Usually the impact high temperature is considered as a first aid method for bites from snakes and some poisonous spiders - that is, when there is real threat life. When cauterized, the toxins of the poison located close to the surface of the skin disintegrate and simply do not have time to cause any harm.

Such first aid, of course, will give a certain effect in the event of a wasp sting, but you need to clearly understand that this method, firstly, is very painful (sometimes even more sensitive than the bite itself), and, secondly, a trace of the resulting burn may remain for life. Probably, the only case when it makes sense to seek such help is when the victim is obviously prone to severe insect allergies, and he knows about it himself, but does not have a special injector with adrenaline with him.

In addition to all of the above actions, at the initial stage of first aid, you can put a kind of compress of wet sugar on the wound, which will also draw out the poison from the wound.

When providing first aid, you should never try to squeeze the poison out of the wound. Such pressure on the bite site will cause increased blood circulation and, as a result, faster spread of poison throughout the body.

Further first aid actions for a wasp sting should be aimed at preventing the poison from quickly entering the bloodstream, reducing the likelihood of developing a severe allergy and relieving symptoms of intoxication of the body. For example, to reduce the rate of spread of poison and reduce swelling at the site of the bite, you need to keep a cold compress for as long as possible - this could be a piece of ice, frozen meat or a bottle of cold water. Just under the cold compress there may be the above-mentioned piece of wet sugar, the hypertonic solution of which will additionally draw out the poison from the wound.

What to do immediately to prevent an allergy from starting

Usually a person cannot be absolutely sure in advance that he will not have an allergic reaction to a wasp sting. Sensitivity to poison does not depend on the general level of health and physical condition body, and with equal probability it can manifest itself in men, women, and children. Therefore, in the event of a wasp sting, first aid for wasps must necessarily include a number of actions aimed at preventing allergies - even in those victims who have never encountered such a reaction in their body before.

The easiest way is to take a tablet of Suprastin, Diphenhydramine or Tavegil after a cold compress has already been applied to the bite site. Sometimes these drugs prevent an allergic reaction from starting at all.

However, in this case, it is advisable to first consult with a doctor, at least by phone, and you must also strictly adhere to the dosage of the drug taken (it must be prescribed in the instructions for use). You can use more serious drugs (for example, Prednisolone) only with clear and obvious life-threatening symptoms of an allergic reaction.

You need to be especially careful when treating allergies in children - as a rule, “adult” medications that are standard for such cases are prohibited for them. The fact is that these drugs for a child’s body can be even more dangerous than the bite itself or an uncomplicated allergy after it. You can read about what to do if a child is bitten by a wasp in a separate article on our website (subsection “Wasps”).

“I have an allergy passport; I always have Suprastin and an adrenaline auto-injector in my purse. Recently, at the dacha, my son (14 years old) was bitten by a wasp, I immediately gave him a Suprastin tablet to make sure nothing happened. He refused to drink, saying it was nonsense, some kind of wasp sting. Two hours later I was lying barely alive, with fever and swelling on half my body. I injected him with this adrenaline, called an ambulance, and they pumped him out. They said that without adrenaline, they might not have made it in time. So now my son has received an allergy passport.”

Irina Vyacheslavovna, Samara

Getting rid of itching

After the poison has been neutralized as much as possible, and an antihistamine has been taken to prevent allergies, subsequent assistance for wasp stings should be aimed at reducing discomfort in the affected area.

As a rule, the most significant and noticeable symptoms for the victim are itching and swelling. To eliminate them there are special ointments and balms, which also belong to first aid products. Here, for example, are some of them:

  • Fenistil gel;
  • Soventol;
  • Gardex Family;
  • Mosquitol;
  • Picnic Family.

You should definitely have one of these or similar products with you in your first aid kit when going to the countryside or into nature. If you plan to travel with a child, you need to take care of purchasing a “children’s” drug in advance (for example, Gardex or Mosquitall have a line of such products).

If a wasp sting still takes you by surprise, you can use time-tested folk remedies. Of course, compared to specialized drugs, they will be less effective, but in the absence of more, they will provide invaluable help. So, for treating swelling, for example, a paste of garlic or grated parsley root, or alcohol tincture St. John's wort.

Be that as it may, it should be understood that it is often impossible to completely eliminate swelling after a wasp sting even with the use of powerful and not always safe medications. In any case: the sooner and more correctly it is provided ambulance When a wasp stings, the smaller the swelling will be and the faster it will go away.

How allergies manifest themselves and what to do if they start

An allergy almost never occurs to the first sting of a wasp: for such a reaction to develop, the body must “taste” the venom of this insect at least once in its life. Simply put, before the actual development of an allergy, a person must have been stung by wasps at some time, for example, in childhood.

As a rule, the first “encounter” with an insect leads only to slight swelling, and occasionally to mild intoxication. This often misleads the victim: he believes that if nothing terrible happened the first time, then in subsequent cases everything will be the same.

However, this is not at all true: an allergy can develop both after the second and after the fifth bite. Therefore, if a victim of a wasp sting begins to show the first symptoms of an allergy, there is no need to hesitate or wait - you need to immediately provide him with emergency assistance.

Warning signs of allergies are:

  • extensive swelling, extending far beyond the bite site, and sometimes spreading throughout the body;
  • urticaria (usually in areas of swelling);
  • headache;
  • nausea;
  • dyspnea;
  • cardiopalmus;
  • heartache;
  • increased body temperature;
  • confusion.

During a normal reaction of the body to a wasp sting, these signs do not appear.

Therefore, if the victim has at least one of the listed symptoms, you should immediately call an ambulance and, after describing the situation, follow the doctor’s instructions for first aid.

In cases where even a phone call is impossible, you need to act independently, not forgetting that a person’s life may be at stake. First aid for the development of a severe allergic reaction should be provided approximately according to the following scheme:

  1. It is necessary to give the victim an additional antihistamine tablet. These can be either the already mentioned Diphenhydramine and Suprastin, or stronger drugs - for example, Desloratadine, Promethazine, Fexofenadine and some others.
  2. If you have an epinephrine auto-injector on hand, use it immediately.
  3. Provide plenty of fluids.

Then you need to try to take the victim to the hospital.

One of the most dangerous consequences The allergy is difficulty breathing. If, due to swelling, the victim cannot inhale or exhale, you should try to carefully insert a thin tube into his throat, which will ensure patency of the airway.

When this is no longer possible, the only way to ensure breathing is to perform a conicotomy. To do this, the victim's throat is cut in the area between the thyroid and cricoid cartilages, and a hollow tube is inserted into the resulting hole to allow breathing.

It is important to understand that correctly provided urgent help in most cases, when a wasp stings, it guarantees that such complications will not arise, or that the hospital staff will deal with them. Difficult situations most often arise precisely because of carelessness and neglect of the bite in general.

Actions that should not be taken

First aid for a wasp sting should be strictly “regulated” - there should be no unnecessary maneuvers. Wrong actions After a bite, they not only waste precious time, but can also cause additional harm to the victim.

So, for example, if a wasp stings, it is strictly prohibited:

  • squeeze the poison out of the wound, because it will not flow out on its own, and due to tissue massage it will only spread faster through the blood (attention has already been focused on this);
  • apply earth as a cold compress - this can lead to blood poisoning;
  • Drinking alcohol after a bite – this, like massage, increases blood circulation and promotes the spread of poison throughout the body;
  • drink the drug Diprazine - it itself can cause allergies.

And most importantly, you cannot ignore the bite itself and hope that nothing bad will happen. Fortunately, for the most part, the consequences of a wasp sting are indeed limited to only slight swelling, however, almost all cases of ending up in intensive care were completely unexpected for the victims, and sometimes happened only because people hoped for a Russian “maybe.”

First aid should be provided to the person who has been bitten in any case, and then closely monitor his condition, ensure peace, and, if necessary, take measures to transport him to the hospital.

Remember: a person’s life may depend on those around him in this situation.

Useful information about wasp and hornet stings, as well as insect allergies

What to do in case of anaphylactic shock and other severe reactions to a wasp sting