How to maintain a healthy heart and blood vessels. How to strengthen your heart? Advice from a cardiologist and three main steps to a healthy heart

Cardiovascular diseases are called diseases of the century. A cardiologist, head of the cardiology department No. 3 Regional Clinical Hospital for War Veterans of Krasnodar, candidate medical sciences, doctor of higher education qualification category, Honored Healthcare Worker of Russia Zatik Avakimyan.

Elderly people should not take too many pills

“In the morning the pressure rises, and in the evening it becomes normal. Do I need to take medications? - Anastasia Vetrova, Gelendzhik.

"Complications and troubles associated with arterial hypertension- stroke, heart attack - occur precisely in the pre-dawn hours, explains the cardiologist. - Therefore, even if a person is hypotensive, but in the morning the pressure rises to 140 or higher, he is at risk. It is necessary to be examined. Today, medicine is becoming increasingly personalized. One patient responds well to one type of therapy or another, while other drugs may, on the contrary, have a negative effect. Therefore, individual selection is necessary for each patient. medicinal drugs taking into account individual characteristics: age, gender, body weight, availability concomitant diseases. So, for a hypertensive man with an increase in pressure up to 180 rpm, one treatment is suggested, for elderly woman, in which the pressure rises to 140 revolutions, is different. Moreover, it is important for elderly patients to prevent large quantity drugs. By the way, women with low blood pressure tend to live long.”

"How to get rid of seizures paroxysmal tachycardia? - Petr Ivanov, Kurganinsk.

“Of course, paroxysmal atrial fibrillation is unpleasant illness, but suppressing it by any means is not entirely correct, the doctor assures. - Attacks of paroxysmal tachycardia can provoke a stroke. Strategic direction in the treatment of paroxysmal atrial fibrillation today - to ensure that attacks occur as rarely as possible and are easier to tolerate by the body, and most importantly, to prevent a stroke. Therefore, the cardiologist, taking into account many criteria, prescribes anticoagulants - medicines, reducing the activity of the blood coagulation system and preventing excessive blood clot formation.

If the attacks are severe and difficult to tolerate, then the heartbeat is stabilized with drugs or surgery.”

Active patients feel better than those who lie down all the time: during the day the bed should be made.

Longevity gene

“My mother is 101 years old, according to her, the elixir of life is honey, garlic and lemon. Every day on an empty stomach she eats half a spoon of this mixture and feels great, her blood pressure does not increase. Can we recommend this to everyone? - Andrey Kopylov, Yeisk.

“Modern medicine is based on numerous studies and world achievements,” says Zatik Avakimyan. - Experts say this about garlic: the vegetable does not affect the life prognosis. The fact that a woman lived to such a respectable age is not a consequence of garlic, but a combination of several factors: lifestyle, eating habits, environment. There is one more. Scientists have long found the gene for longevity, and today they are actively studying it.”

“Omega 3 and Omega 9 - they are talked about so much today. Are these vitamins really useful? - Inna Kolomeitseva, Kropotkin.

"The significance of these fatty acids“It’s still exaggerated,” says the candidate of sciences. - Nutritional supplements do not have any effect on the morbidity and mortality from myocardial infarction, and do not improve the prognosis. If it is necessary to change the lipid profile of the body, reduce cholesterol levels, we turn to drugs official medicine, which have a proven impact on prognosis. For example, statins. They can be divided into two groups. Atorvastatin - for severe, unstable patients, with acute diseases and rosuvastatin - for primary prevention."

“Can people with heart failure do gymnastics?” - Dmitry Shkuta, Hot Key.

“Dosed physical aerobic exercise up to 30 minutes a day is even recommended for heart failure,” the cardiologist replies. - Patients who lead active image life, feel better than those who lie down all the time. Doctors of the old school also said: the bed should be made during the day. Even in a sick person. I also adhere to this principle. Four to five kilometers of brisk walking four times a week is beneficial for healthy people, and for those suffering from chronic heart failure, this is one of the therapeutic factors.”

If your heart rate is greater than 88 beats per minute, it requires careful attention.

Pills are no joke

“This is a recommendation from the American School of Cardiology; they place diuretics in the first line in the treatment of coronary disease,” explains the doctor. - But there is a different population there: many African Americans and Latinos. For Russians, diuretics do not begin to treat hypertension; such drugs are only supplemented to the main therapy. The most common mistake is to take the medicine periodically. For example, I saw swelling - I took a pill, and a week later another one. This is not possible. This is a blow to homeostasis, to the existing balance in the body. If the attending physician decides that diuretics should be one of the components antihypertensive therapy, then should be taken daily under the control of such parameters as the level of electrolytes in the blood and diuresis. For cardiovascular diseases, there is no course of treatment at all. This is not the case even with mild hypertension.”

“I have a dual-chamber pacemaker installed. I decided to go to a sanatorium in Vladivostok. The cardiologist at the clinic is categorically against my intentions. Why can’t you go and get treatment?” - Marina Ryzhova, Ust-Labinsk.

“In medicine there is a strict regulatory framework, says Zatik Avakimyan. - Spa treatment If you have a pacemaker, it is contraindicated. Spa treatment without changing the climate is acceptable. Neither the doctor nor even the commission of doctors will change the standards.”

"At low pressure rapid pulse. Is this a disease or not? - Anastasia Demchenko, Anapa.

“It depends on who is worried about it: a young woman or an elderly man - the diagnoses are diametrically opposed,” says the expert. - In any case, if the pulse exceeds 88 beats per minute, it requires careful examination. I strongly recommend that residents of Kuban check their hormone levels in such a situation. thyroid gland regardless of gender and age. Young women must have their hemoglobin levels checked. serum iron. Their tachycardia may be a manifestation vegetative-vascular dystonia. But it is important to exclude other pathologies. An elderly or middle-aged man with tachycardia and low blood pressure should urgently consult a doctor.”

"Mass or the truth about nutrition, supplements and chemistry in bodybuilding."

The health problem in bodybuilding is very acute. Abundant caloric nutrition for building muscle mass, massive reception sports supplements, abuse of prohibited “chemicals” - all these factors clearly do not contribute to improving health. But when you want to have big, beautiful muscles, health is the last thing you think about and you remember about it when you start to lose it.

In this chapter, I will talk about the main health problems faced in bodybuilding - liver and heart problems. In conclusion, I will tell you in detail how to end the “chemistry” for those who have made this decision, but do not know how to quit correctly.

Matters of the heart

Heart diseases took away more lives than all the wars on Earth combined, and heart disease is still the No. 1 killer in the world. Indefatigable bodybuilding, and indeed any strength sports, is an additional risk factor that aggravates heart problems. To minimize this risk, read this section on the heart and learn how to keep it healthy and functioning.

Heart is the most important internal organ human body. It performs a very serious function - it is a motor that drives blood throughout the body. The contractions follow one another completely automatically and almost independently of brain signals. Healthy Heart, warmed up to body temperature and filled with blood, will begin to pump it regardless of what is happening around. The heart pumps through itself everything that is in the body, which is why almost all diseases are heart diseases. But, unfortunately, they remember the heart only when it starts to hurt.

Anatomy of the heart

Anatomically, the heart is a muscular organ. Its size is small, approximately the size of a clenched fist. The heart works throughout a person's life. We can say that the heart is a muscular pump that ensures the continuous movement of blood through the vessels. The blood vessels and heart together make up the cardiovascular system of the human body. It consists of the systemic and pulmonary circulation. From the left sections it first moves through the aorta, then through large and small arteries, arterioles and capillaries. In capillaries oxygen and others necessary for the body substances enter organs and tissues, and from there carbon dioxide and metabolic products are removed. After this, the blood turns from arterial to venous and again begins to move towards the heart.

Inside, the heart is divided by partitions into four chambers. The two atria are separated interatrial septum to the left and right atria. The left and right ventricles of the heart are separated interventricular septum. Normally, the left and right parts of the heart are completely separate. At the atria and ventricles different functions. The atria store blood that flows into the heart. When the volume of this blood is sufficient, it is pushed into the ventricles. And the ventricles push blood in the artery, along which it moves throughout the body. The ventricles have to do more hard work, therefore the muscle layer in them is much thicker than in the atria. The atria and ventricles on each side of the heart are connected by the atrioventricular orifice. Blood through the heart moves only in one direction. By big circle blood circulation from the left side of the heart (left atrium and left ventricle) to the right, and in the small from the right to the left. The correct direction is ensured by the valve apparatus of the heart: tricuspid, pulmonary, mitral and aortic valves.

Why does it hurt?

The heart begins to hurt when its own cells lack oxygen. This is called coronary heart disease. There may be a lack of oxygen for several reasons:

Atherosclerosis. LDL (low density lipoprotein, or simply -bad cholesterol) is deposited on the walls of the arteries and partially blocks the blood flow. If this happened in arteries of the heart, the cells fed by this artery will feel sick.

Thrombosis. An artery can be blocked by a blood clot (thrombus) - with all the consequences unpleasant consequences. Damage to blood vessels gives the clot an additional chance to latch onto your heart.

When your heart can't breathe, it begins to send signals to your body. And it does this with the help of chemistry: the substance bradykinin accumulates in the cells. Thanks to him, the body senses something is wrong and rushes to the aid of its main artery. At this time, the owner of the body feels a strong pressing pain in the middle of the chest, which sometimes radiates into left hand, shoulder blade or chin. Such pain signals that the heart is still somehow coping with the situation. But this is for now...

Heart diseases

A heart like any other human organ, subject to various diseases. However, if you consider that the heart is the engine of the body, all its diseases are extremely dangerous.

Myocardial infarction. One of the most famous and dangerous violations is myocardial infarction. It consists of the death of a section of the heart muscle due to blockage of one of the vessels on it by a blood clot. As a result of malnutrition muscle tissue at the site of the infarction it gradually degenerates, dies and is replaced connective tissue, which subsequently turns into a scar. Blockage can occur due to narrowing of the vessel walls.

The immediate cause of myocardial infarction may be severe nervous excitement, physical overexertion, nicotine poisoning, hearty food, abuse alcoholic drinks and others. All these reasons make your heart work harder, which has a negative impact on your health. The main symptom of myocardial infarction is acute sharp pain in the area of ​​the heart (“dagger blow”), characterized by a long duration. IN severe cases the heart may hurt for 2-3 days. Treatment should begin with creating conditions of complete physical and mental peace. The best treatment would be in a hospital setting. Therefore, if a heart attack occurs outside the home, regardless of the patient’s condition, after first aid emergency care he should be taken to the hospital. Nutrition should be minimal in the first days and consist of easily digestible foods. Afterwards you can increase the amount of food. After one and a half months, you can be allowed to get up and walk. As a preventive measure, a person who has had a heart attack should be protected from physical and nervous stress and should be prohibited from consuming nicotine and alcohol.

Angina pectoris. Angina (or “angina”) is also quite common. angina pectoris"). It consists of an attack of strong pain in the heart resulting from spasm of the coronary arteries. The cause of an attack may be severe anxiety, fear, physical stress, tobacco or alcohol abuse.

Tachycardia. Unfortunately, today a disease such as tachycardia is common. It consists of periodic sharp attacks of heartbeat, during which the number of heart beats reaches 200-250 per minute, although the rhythm of contractions remains correct. The attacks are usually fleeting, although they may in rare cases continue for 1-2 days. This usually occurs after or during mental stress or physical fatigue. An attack can occur even in healthy person, suddenly, with a feeling of pain in the heart area or strong heartbeat. The jugular veins swell, the skin turns pale. During such an attack, a person may develop acute heart failure, which usually disappears after the end of the tachycardia. However, several such attacks increase the risk of a heart attack.

Arterial hypertension. Hypertension, an increase in blood pressure, is one of the most common cardiovascular diseases. It's important to remember that arterial hypertension- not only an independent disease, but also one of the factors of coronary heart disease. The insidiousness of the disease is that it can occur unnoticed by the patient himself. A person experiences headaches, irritability, dizziness, memory deteriorates, and performance decreases. Having rested, he temporarily ceases to feel these symptoms and, mistaking them for manifestations of ordinary fatigue, does not see a doctor for years. Over time, hypertension progresses. Headaches and dizziness, mood swings become constant. Significant deterioration in memory and intelligence, and weakness in the limbs are possible.

Hypertension affects people at the most working age, is characterized by a long and persistent course, the development of severe complications (myocardial infarction, cerebral stroke, heart and renal failure), is accompanied by a decrease in working capacity up to disability. Like any chronic disease, hypertension can be corrected only with constant and competent therapy, and also requires the patient to consciously change his lifestyle. Only the combination of these two factors allows maintaining optimal blood pressure, which means saving wellness and performance for many years.

Hypertension develops 6 times more often in those who eat poorly, abuse fatty and salty foods, alcohol and have overweight bodies. Also play a significant role stressful situations. To stabilize your blood pressure, you need to bring your weight back to normal, start leading an active life, and give up bad habits, eat rationally and minimize stress.

To extend your life and improve its quality, you need to know how to keep your heart healthy and what affects the functioning of our cardiovascular system generally. Each of us understands how much our lives depend on the health of our hearts, and how we need an even and stable heartbeat. We will talk today about how we can help this organ and thereby prolong our life.

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How to keep your heart healthy?

Everyone is well aware of the factors that negatively affect full-time job hearts:

  1. Salt - provokes the development of hypertension, increases blood pressure
  2. Stress – causes acute heart failure
  3. A sedentary lifestyle is one of the reasons for the development of heart disease
  4. Excess weight causes serious cardiovascular problems
  5. Unbalanced food - nothing is more unhealthy
  6. Cholesterol – provokes the development of a heart attack
  7. Sleep deficiency leads to hormonal imbalance which directly affects heart health
  8. Bad habits - contributes to poor vascular patency

These are, of course, not all factors, but the most common. And it is unlikely that anyone will not notice that at least one of them is present in their life. The worst thing is that a huge number of people will note that they have all this in their lives, and it shortens our lives by tens of years!

It's not often that the heart gives a second chance, so don't tempt your fate and don't think that it can't happen to you, no matter if you're 70, 50, or even 30 years old! The good news about this list is that we are all able to cleanse our lives of these unfortunate factors.

Nitric oxide is a molecule that promotes heart and cardiovascular health

All the above information is known to us since our school years, but do you know anything about the role nitric oxide in our body?

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I felt the effect of the Nightworks product on the first morning! I woke up very easily and in a very good mood! I slept like I haven’t slept in a very, very long time!!! This is a “Bomb”, not a product, I’m sleeping, but it works!!!”

Pavel Korotov, 33 years old, Nakhodka

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In order to keep the heart healthy and make it strong, you must follow enough simple tips. I collected everything I have at the moment I recommend as doctors traditional medicine, so do the people. You will probably find something useful for yourself in these recommendations.

Glass of grape juice

To protect yourself from heart attack by preventing blockage coronary vessels blood clots, drink a glass of red grape juice per day. Wine is not at all necessary, since everything useful from grapes can be obtained in the form of juice. Alcohol and a healthy heart are incompatible concepts...

Here are some more tips that will help avoid a heart attack, reduce the risk of stroke and improve the condition of blood vessels.

Eat 1-2 apples daily.

Eat chocolate - it stimulates blood circulation.

By eating 2-3 oranges a day, you will reliably protect your cardiovascular system from adverse effects. environmental factors. The same applies to tangerines, but special honor goes to grapefruits! They lower blood pressure, cholesterol levels, protect the heart from heart attack, and tone up.

Fermented milk products

To prevent cardiovascular disease, drink 2 glasses of low-fat milk or fermented milk products. Moreover, please note that it is recommended to drink milk hot, that is, heat it until hot before drinking.

Cold milk does not sit well in the stomach; all ancient knowledge advises drinking milk either early in the morning or before bed. But fermented milk products on the contrary, you should drink it during the day. The heart of a healthy person should receive amino acids from protein, and if you don’t eat meat, then you simply must drink dairy products!

Vitamin E

To support the heart and blood vessels in good condition, you need to eat foods rich in vitamin E 3 times a day - vegetables, cheese, cottage cheese, legumes, vegetable oil. This vitamin normalizes the functioning of the heart muscles, including optimizing the number of heart beats per minute. A healthy person normally has about 60 heart beats, while a trained person has 40 beats or less at rest.

Fish in the diet

Eating 4 pieces of fish per week will help reduce the risk of death from myocardial infarction by more than 40%. Suitable as river fish, and sea. There are a lot of bones in river fish, so doctors recommend sea salmon. For example, I prefer pink salmon, although some people find it a bit dry.


To protect your heart and blood vessels from the harmful effects of cholesterol, eat 5 daily walnuts. They also lengthen life. Simple recommendation, but ask someone when was the last time you ate walnut, - amazement in response... Friends, from these simple recommendations This is what creates our image of health!

Strong physical activity

By overcoming 6 flights of stairs in the morning and evening, you can improve pumping venous blood and ensure the functioning of the myocardium, and therefore strengthen the heart muscle. For rural residents, traveling on foot is commonplace, so there are much fewer heart problems in the countryside than in the city. Of course, the ecology in the village is much better, but the traffic factor is also very important.

Eat raspberry jam

Raspberry - worthy and perfect safe replacement aspirin, which is prescribed to prevent the formation of blood clots, as well as when there is a threat of heart attack and stroke. Take 7 tsp. raspberry jam per day, and within six months you will strengthen coronary arteries 2.5 times. In addition, raspberries contain a lot of potassium, which has a beneficial effect on the heart, and copper, which protects against stress.

However, you shouldn’t limit yourself to just jam; it’s important to understand. In any case, movement should be included in your daily routine every day. I am watching our pensioner, whom the doctors gave him a year to live, he also had heart problems, and now the fifth year has passed since that day. Daily walking, slowly at first, little by little, and now 5 km every day plus a regimen allowed the man to strengthen his heart.

Bananas are the heart's best friend

1-2 bananas eaten per day will provide nervous system necessary energy, restore the balance of potassium in the cells of the heart muscle, calm the rapid heartbeat. But there is no need to go through them either, just little by little, as I like to say.

The best bananas have brown speckles on their peel, this is a kind of marker of ripeness. As a rule, no one takes such bananas in stores. You can store them in the refrigerator until the peel is completely blackened. An ideal source of energy! One such banana a day is recommended for everyone.

Singing is also good

If you want to avoid an angina attack, sing. When singing, blood flow in the pulmonary circulation is activated, providing enhanced gas exchange and oxygen delivery to the heart muscle and all other organs and tissues.

You can sing while walking, in a forest park, or at home, in the shower, for example. If you are embarrassed by those around you, then go out into the field; no one will hear you there. Very good practice fortifications vocal cords and increased oxygen exchange.

The Power of Prayer

And prayer will help stop the aging process. The rhythmic speech of prayers synchronizes the biorhythms of the heart and breathing, heals and rejuvenates the body.

Each cultural tradition has its own rosary prayer; by the way, there are even rosary beads in every religion. In the Orthodox tradition, the Jesus Prayer is convenient: “Lord Jesus Christ (inhale), have mercy on me (exhale).” Sit comfortably, keep your back unsupported while sitting on a chair, and repeat for 5 minutes daily. Start with 5 minutes, then increase to 15 minutes.

Walking at a fast pace

Lose excess weight if you want to protect yourself from a heart attack. To do this, you need to walk 2.5-3 km at a fast pace every day. In just a couple of years you will be pleased with the result. I now recommend 5 kilometers every day. But it’s better to start with just a couple of kilometers.

Movement is very important, and walking is simply a godsend for everyone who has reached their 40s. Also read my material on Nordic walking with sticks -

Take the watch off your left hand

By squeezing our left wrist with straps and bracelets, we increase the spasm of the coronary vessels. This is especially important for men. Putting on your watch every morning right hand, you provide all possible assistance to your body.

In general, any things that compress the wrist should be excluded. If you do wear a watch, loosen the strap if possible.

Green tea is beneficial

A high-quality product will help you keep your blood vessels in good condition. green tea. Powder 1-2 pinches of green tea and add it to your food regularly. You can simply drink green tea as your main drink. It should not be made particularly strong, otherwise it will taste bitter. I usually brew a pinch of tea per glass of boiling water.

Lemon peels

At poor performance hearts, periodically chew the lemon peel. This is very beneficial for the heart muscle. Of course, lemon juice is also useful; I recommend drinking it diluted with water and honey. Per glass warm water take the juice of half a lemon and a teaspoon of honey. Delicious, healthy drink health.

Regularly eat apricot fruits, juices, compotes, cranberries in any form, as well as fresh hawthorn fruits.

Drink at least 5 glasses of clean water a day.

Eat cabbage in all forms.

Quit smoking

With each puff, the coronary arteries narrow, and oxygen starvation heart muscle, the formation of blood clots is provoked, including in the vessels of the heart. There's not even anything to talk about here. Smoking and a healthy heart are incompatible, as is health in general.

If you have suffered a myocardial infarction, you should perform this exercise

Early in the morning at sunrise, stand facing east, relax, take a shallow breath, bringing your chin to your chest, hold your breath. At the same time, bend your legs slightly at the knees and lean forward. Pull your stomach up and hold it as long as you can. Count to yourself how many seconds you managed to hold your breath. If you can eventually count to 30 seconds, then you will get rid of a heart attack forever.

Very important for the prevention of heart disease healthy image life, because it minimizes the risk of heart and vascular disease.

Pain in the heart - massage treatment

Self-massage of the hands helps to significantly improve your well-being and get rid of heart pain. It is easy to perform: you need to press on your fingers, starting from the base to the very tips, including the pads (3-4 steps in total).

You should alternately press on the inner, outer, and then side walls fingers. The duration of pressure is 3 seconds, the strength is average. The fingers of both hands are treated in this way.

After this, you need to massage the point located between the thumb and forefinger.

I think that you will also be interested in the following information: each finger is responsible for its own organ.

If your heart hurts, press your little finger; if the liver - to the nameless; if there is trouble in the condition of the brain, intestines, or blood pressure is disturbed, press middle finger, and the index finger “interacts” with the stomach.

You can also use your hands to help a sick heart if you do this exercise: raise your palms with your fingers apart and put them together. While holding your breath while inhaling, forcefully press your fingers together so that they bend in reverse side. Exhale.

Video on the topic

In our article today:

There used to be a popular song that included words that compared it to a fiery engine. Of course, this condition of the heart muscle is typical for some people literally from birth. And how long our heart can work without failures or disturbances largely depends on a person’s lifestyle. Statistics provide sad data that among possible reasons deaths are in one of the first places. This trend is true throughout the world. But just a few decades ago, heart disease, as a possible cause of death, did not even make it into the top five. Many more deaths occurred due to different infections, tuberculosis, injuries. Today doctors have learned to overcome many dangerous illnesses. However, the percentage of heart-related diseases is inexorably increasing. And this is influenced primarily by the way of life characteristic of modern people. Scientists have proven, for example, that due to a diet dominated by fatty foods, cholesterol levels in the blood increase. Back in the fifties of the last century, scientists discovered the fact that the population of the south of France suffers much less often from diseases associated with the heart and vascular system than, for example, Americans. But at the same time, in France they eat no less fatty foods than in the rest of the world. As a result, scientists decided to analyze the habits of residents of coastal countries. As a result, the term “Mediterranean diet” came into use.

For scientific research about twenty-two thousand people were selected. As a result, scientists have proven that people who eat a Mediterranean diet are thirty-three percent less likely to develop heart disease. The Mediterranean diet is very simply broken down into its inherent components. So, such a diet is characterized by sixty percent carbohydrates, thirty percent fats and only ten percent proteins. Today, anyone can easily adapt their diet to a healthy Mediterranean diet. Recent research by scientists has revealed another pattern. The average citizen, it turns out, sleeps eight hours less, but spends at least nine hours sitting. Thus, we all sit more than we sleep. In addition, those people who sit more than six hours a day are forty percent more likely to experience death in the next fifteen years compared to people leading an active lifestyle. Sedentary image life inevitably leads to the formation of extra pounds. However, the reason lies not only in this sad fact. If a person spends at least a couple of hours continuously sitting in front of the TV, this reduces the amount of good cholesterol in his blood by twenty percent. In a similar situation, the insulin level will drop by twenty-four percent, which will inevitably lead to an increase in blood sugar levels. The most curious thing is that it is not very difficult to overcome physical inactivity. To do this, you can simply walk every day or walk two to three kilometers a day.

Cigarettes are another powerful destroyer of blood vessels and the heart. Cardiologists are unanimous in their opinion that smoking is the strongest negative habit that gradually destroys the heart. In terms of the strength of its effect, addiction to smoking will surpass even alcohol, physical inactivity and obesity. A direct consequence many years Smoking statistics are such that thirty percent of men die prematurely from a heart attack. According to scientists, if a person quits smoking before reaching forty, this will give him ten spare years of life. Excess weight will not improve the health of your heart muscle. Overweight people tend to have higher sugar levels and levels of bad cholesterol in the blood. They are the causes that lead to damage to the vascular walls. Among other things, as a result of human recruitment excess weight The heart muscle will also begin to gain weight. Fat can be deposited in its cells too. As a result, a person may develop a disease such as myocardial fatty insufficiency. The weight of the heart muscle in an overweight person will be one and a half to two times higher than that of a citizen of standard build. But the heart will gain weight not at the expense of its useful part. Therefore, it is important to ensure that your weight is normal. It is quite easy to find out this norm. You can simply calculate the ratio between your waist and hips.

For men, this ratio should not exceed 0.95, and for women, respectively, 0.8. On the problem high cholesterol need to go into more detail. A couple of decades ago, scientists declared cholesterol the main enemy of the heart. Allegedly, due to its increase in the blood, ischemic disease heart muscle. Since then, most patients experiencing heart problems try not to eat foods containing cholesterol. But not everyone knows that there are four main indicators to take into account regarding cholesterol. Such indicators are called cholesterol fractions. Things can get extremely bad if low-grade or simply low-grade cholesterol is elevated. It is this kind of cholesterol that is considered the “badest” due to the fact that it is its deposition on the vessels that occurs first. If you also have elevated cholesterol of these fractions, then you urgently need to go on a diet that improves your body’s health or take special drugs, capable of reducing its level. If overall cholesterol is elevated primarily due to cholesterol cells high density, then with dietary nutrition there is no need to rush. This is conventionally called “good”. Its presence in the body, on the contrary, will create obstacles for the appearance atherosclerotic plaques. If a person is used to eating a nutritious diet, then his cholesterol level will also increase, but the fourth component will play an important role.

In this case, it would also be appropriate to follow the above Mediterranean diet for some time. Another important parameter that you must monitor if you want to have a healthy heart concerns blood pressure. Everyone knows that the higher the pressure, the more the blood flowing through the vessels will wear out their inner surface. From the inside, the walls of the blood vessels will seem to be scratched by formed blood elements. This will lead to the appearance of microscopic cracks, into which cholesterol will immediately begin to deposit. This is how plaques form. If you suffer from periodic increases in blood pressure, then to improve your health you need to take urgent measures. It is better to use non-drug options first. For example, give up unhealthy habits, get plenty of rest and walks, and try to reduce your weight. It has been proven that for about forty percent of hypertensive patients, these measures alone are enough to quickly bring their blood pressure back to normal. The other forty percent can benefit from something called conservative treatment in its light "version". And only twenty percent of patients with high blood pressure will have to take pills for the rest of their days. Also of interest is the fact that if you are also susceptible to the disease diabetes mellitus, then the upper limit of pressure at which it can be considered elevated will drop by about ten millimeters. Anyone concerned about their blood pressure should keep a “hypertensive diary.” It requires recording blood pressure readings three times a day for a month. This will help identify certain trends and select best option treatment. As you can see, in order to have a healthy heart, you must definitely monitor overall quality of your life. Remember, it is easier to maintain health than to restore it artificially.