How to become a positive man, advice from a psychologist. Cheerfulness and positivity in a person’s life: forming new habits

Every person wants to fill their life with joy and happiness, but not everyone knows how to become a positive and cheerful person, and start taking action, because without action, you won’t be able to achieve success. Although a large number of people today are unhappy, angry and disappointed, anyone can become more cheerful And more positive, only if he wants it. In the article you will find the answer to your question, but that’s not all, since knowledge is important, but you still need to put some effort into it, and then you will notice the result.

Improve your appearance

Psychologists conducted a study and noticed that become positive and cheerful person, you can by improving your appearance. Beautiful and attractive people feel better, happier and more cheerful. Therefore, start improving your appearance from today, for example, by starting to exercise, getting rid of poor nutrition And bad habits. Start dressing like successful and happy people, it will make you more cheerful.

Change your way of thinking

Best method which will make you whole life becoming a positive and cheerful person lies in changing your way of thinking. The process of changing your way of thinking may seem difficult to you, but in fact it is enjoyable activity, which will give you an additional boost of positive energy. Changing your mindset is applicable not only to becoming more cheerful and better, but also to success and happiness in life. The only thing that distinguishes the rich from the poor and the happy from the unhappy is different ways of thinking, the poor think about poverty, the rich think about wealth.

Create your own day

Stop going with the flow, it's dangerous because you don't know what awaits you. To become more positive, you need to create your day and your life yourself. There is no need to shift your responsibility onto others and circumstances. Everything that happens to you depends only on yourself. Start creating daily schedules, set goals and most importantly take action, no matter what.

Start every morning with gratitude

A method that psychologists have noticed to become a positive and cheerful person, is to start your day and morning with gratitude. Gratitude comes in different forms, but in order for your dream or goal to come true, write on a piece of paper what you have and are grateful for, and also write gratitude for what you don’t have yet, but really want to achieve. Thank and appreciate every morning for everything you have and for what you don’t yet have, this will speed up the process of achieving what you want and give you joy and happiness.

Appreciate every year, day, hour, minute and moment

To become incredibly happy, positive and cheerful, you need to start enjoying life, since we only have one. Those forces that we do not yet know about have given us life and the chance to live it with dignity, rejoicing and giving thanks for it. Anyone who does not value life will never be happy and will live a difficult and unhappy life. Anyone who appreciates every moment of life and does not waste his time will always be happy and successful and will not live his life in vain. If you are not motivated enough to do this, then write on a piece of paper why and what you appreciate every year, day, hour, minute and moment. The most important thing for which we can appreciate is that the hour or moment we have lived cannot be returned and it all no longer belongs to us. Those who live in the past waste too much time; those who can waste an hour of time have not yet realized the value of life.

Surround yourself only with useful and positive information

Since now the world is informational, you need to understand that there is negative and positive information, and you yourself have the right to choose and get what you need. Most people feel unhappy, upset and disappointed because they have surrounded themselves with only negative information. If you want to change your life and become more cheerful, then get rid of negative thoughts and information, while filling the vacated space and time only with positive information and knowledge. To achieve something in life, you need to gain the knowledge necessary for this, so do not waste time and look only for the information you need.

Surround yourself with cheerful people

Tell me who your friend is, and I will tell you who you are, in fact, this is true and, being in company cheerful people, the person himself becomes the same. Find such a company and stop going to the one that will only lead you into a deep pit of failures and misfortunes. Our environment influences our lives quite a lot, since everyone fills us with their advice if we perceive them. Start the life of an invited person, surrounding yourself with new cheerful people, do not be afraid to meet new people, since every person in our life is a teacher.

Smile more often, feel like a cheerful person now

Positive thoughts create positive life, so start filling your mind and life with only good thoughts and circumstances. We ourselves create our own reality, so it’s enough just to start smiling as often as possible, since a smile is associated with happiness and joy. When you feel bad and have a lot of problems, start smiling and then you will feel better and you will cope with problems faster. Don’t forget to smile at people, because if you smile at a passerby, he will smile at you, and you will fill each other with a positive charge of emotions and your day will be successful. Never start your day in bad mood, make every effort to smile in the morning and, being only in a positive mood, start your new day.

Hello, friends! What's the secret? happy people and how to become a cheerful and positive person? Do you often ask yourself how to love life and learn to enjoy every moment?

It's amazing that we all live in the same world, but we see it differently. While some manage not to lose heart even in difficult moments, overcoming tall obstacles, others lose their taste for life and their emotional background decreases.

To find the answer, you need to take a close look at those very positive people and try to understand what unites them? For myself I have highlighted 5 habits, which, in my opinion, are characteristic of most of them. Read and enjoy!

Habits of a cheerful person

Create happiness with your own hands

You have most likely heard such popular advice from psychologists about the need get rid of the illusion that someone else is responsible for your happiness? And indeed it is. Cheerful and positive people do not wait for something to appear. good job, suitable woman and a lot of money: they create their day and their life themselves. Those. take responsibility for their own happiness. Sometimes, in order to stop being discouraged and turn into a positive person, it is enough to realize that no one needs this but you, and no one will do it for you.

Think positively

Monitor your thoughts: what do you think about yourself and your life? It happens that people, being in a difficult situation, aggravate it with negative thinking (I’m a loser, where am I going, nothing will work out for me, who needs such a man). Some will say that this is a statement of fact. But, if you want to become positive and cheerful, then you need to change your thinking. If a person thinks badly about himself, then he deprives himself of the right and opportunity for happiness and gets mired in a swamp of his own negativity.

It is important to understand that thinking positively and denying negativity are two different things. Yes, pain, suffering, irritation are, of course, realities of life. The point is not to deny them and pull them out of yourself positive mood, but to don't take them as a sentence, to be aware of their temporary nature and permeability. I have already told you what is the basis of self-development and a tool for solving problems.

Don't dwell on failures

Another habit of cheerful and positive people: they do not get stuck in mistakes and past negative moments. When will you understand that failures- this is an inevitable part of moving forward, then they will cease to be so significant to you. If you don't want to sit still, then as soon as you start moving, you will immediately see obstacles in front of you. Some are as easy to step over as a puddle, others are as difficult to overcome as Everest. Therefore, you should not be surprised by mistakes. You are a man, not God. Take them as a chance to learn new things and gain useful experience, then you will quickly join the rank of positive individuals.

Forgive offenses

We have all once been betrayed or deceived, offended or humiliated by someone, but a cheerful person is distinguished by his habit forgive and let go of grievances. Why is this so important? Yes, because resentment is the heaviest emotional burden. Do you have any idea how much effort our body spends to digest this bile? It is not surprising that in in this case a person does not have enough strength to rejoice and enjoy life. Forgiveness, by the way, does not mean: return, continue friendship or relationship, call back the traitor. To forgive means to admit that you are not responsible for this bad deed, therefore it is not for you to bear responsibility for it and suffer.

The same goes for forgiving yourself. Guilt- toxic feeling. It seems to us that when we feel guilty, we seem to admit our mistake, but in fact, we are simply slowly eating ourselves from the inside. It is impossible to be a cheerful person, because we are not even happy with ourselves. Everyone has the right to make mistakes. Give this right to yourself and let it in positive emotions into your life.

Enjoy the little things

Well, it's probably really sad when you can't pay for a trip to the Maldives or Bora Bora. And so, feeling sad about this, or spending days at work to achieve my goal, we stop noticing the little things, but such an important thing is happening around us: a friend who will not leave you in trouble and will simply invite you to spend time together; the child who smiled at you for the first time with his toothless smile; opportunity to have a drink hot coffee in an embrace with a loved one to the sound of rain outside.

When you learn to see this through your heart, then you will realize how many things there are in the world that can make us happy, positive and cheerful. Love and feel every moment of this life, appreciate every breath. This is what really makes positive people stand out from the crowd of sad people: the ability to find happiness in small things.


So to become a cheerful person, you don’t need to wait for the weather by the sea and have a villa in Hawaii. Enough to develop yourself 5 simple habits which I have already listed. The rest will come to you thanks to your ability to accept goodness and happiness. Life loves those who love life.

Friends, subscribe to updates if you want to develop further. I look forward to your reposts on in social networks and comments. See you again! Stay positive and cheerful!

First, look at how you carry yourself! Do you slouch a lot? How often do you frown? Are you always distracted by something? All of these things affect how other people see you, and also how you perceive yourself. Let's face it, what would YOU think of a man slouched and yawning in his chair? To be a positive person, you need to look like one.

Think positive! Don't judge others or only creates negativity and who wants to be around a negative person? Maybe just for the sake of being considered one of your friends and not getting your share of condemnation, but seriously? Nobody needs a pessimistic friend. Try to come up with an idea that you can think about at least ONCE a day. Something that makes you smile, laugh or just feel warm inside. For example: “Today is a great and inspiring day” or “I am love and love is me.” Not only can something like this be considered positive thinking, but it is also true. This is very good for your mental and emotional health.

Appreciate your friends and yourself! Try this: the next time you and your friend have an argument, try to think of a list of all their GOOD qualities instead of their negative ones. By reminding yourself of what a good friend you have, you realize that such a fight is simply not worth risking your friendship. Take time to thank your friends for the little things they do for you and give them sincere compliments - they will appreciate it and YOU will feel better too!

Show your family some love! A positive attitude should apply to your family too! No matter how much you hate them sometimes, you will still always love them, so take time to talk to them, have a good time, laugh. Buy them things and just tell them you love them. If you haven't done this in a while and don't want it to seem too sudden, work towards it slowly by just communicating with them from time to time. To actually make an impact, leave little notes of gratitude or good humor before you go to school (if you're a teenager) for your parents!

Watch what you eat. To ensure that energy flows through your body in a positive way, it will help a lot if you eat right - eat three main meals a day and plenty of fruits and vegetables. If you are not entirely comfortable filling your daily diet enough fruits and vegetables, try to drink good ones complex vitamins(choose the option that suits you best and you POSITIVELY love them!) They will give you enough energy and strength to last through the whole work, school or just day!

Take time for self-knowledge! To maintain normal psychological health, take a day off from work or school to just relax. During this time, you can meditate, take a bubble bath, go to the zoo, or just walk to the store around the corner! Simple things = more positive you.

Get a hobby! Once you find your passion and learn more about it, it will be even easier to stay positive because you will be happy doing it!

Relax. Yoga, meditation, listening to nature and walking - great way reboot your mind and spirit. Just imagine - your positive attitude will flourish when you do something relaxing like yoga in a lovely park or spiritual garden! It is almost impossible to be negative at such a moment, because you give your mind time to relax and slow down a little, allowing simple pleasures day to open up.

Compose a song to help you get through a tough day! This works in several ways, and even if you don't believe you can sing or write a song well, it's still worth a try. Take a blank piece of paper, pen or pencil and start writing a song about nature, love, religion or even your prospects in life (positive ones, of course!). But be sure to make sure your song is about good and cheerful things, so that when times get tough, you can sing it and remind yourself of how wonderful life is! If you truly believe that you can't sing, just remember - anything is possible if you believe in yourself! (and it's true!) If you're brave enough to do it, write a song and frame it, then hang it in your room as if it were a poem! This way you can always see it – whatever it is!

Study books on direct knowledge. These books are highly recommended for those who need a positive lifestyle because they will teach you magical miracles human body, consciousness and spirit, which will automatically impress and fascinate you, giving you positivity! One of the very good books, which we recommend: “101 ways to Jump-Start Your Intuition” by John Holland (although it is in English). Your intuition is the key to a happy life, and by studying it and living by its standards, you will begin to realize how beautiful life REALLY is! (plus about all this, we all have intuition, we kind of feel something with our liver, but as soon as we start to learn more, it becomes so deeper).

  • Surround yourself with positive people. Join a laughter therapy club or a nearby yoga class, and connect more with people who, like you, are trying to find more positivity in life and are succeeding. This will not only enhance your inner feeling of happiness, but will also bring you even more pleasure.

    • Always do simple things - for example, pick flowers and put them in a vase, meditate to the sound of a waterfall, draw a sunset, or just buy eco-cosmetics! (if you are a girl). Enjoy the little things and you will begin to realize how happy you can be and how much negativity all your past problems brought you!
    • Always be kind to others and treat them the way you would like to be treated. Before you say something bad to someone... just think: “Would I like to be told/done this to me?” if the answer is's better not to say or do it.
    • Exploring your religion can be in a wonderful way build your life in a positive way, unless it is something dark.
    • Don't try to humiliate your opponents, but try to rise to the heights so that they naturally were below them.
    • Be open to religion, philosophy and people in general.
    • Try to go out into nature more and go on vacation. Such things always improve human health!
    • Keeping a journal is a great idea, and it's also a good idea to write down the things that are important to you. You can even write down your dreams and dreams in this diary! (helps to develop intuition!)
    • Become more creative person! Try to draw, write, or even sing more (the shower is a great place to do this!) Creativity helps you be positive in so many ways - it might be a good idea to visit an art store and get some inspiration there! They sell EVERYTHING there and even more than you can imagine. Possibilities of Positive Consciousness endless.
    • Don't get hung up on material desires. Clothes, gadgets and money are not nearly as important as love, friendship, respect and knowledge. Try to visit more stores with things that are cheaper (not because you don't have money, but because you're not going to get hung up on material desires) - and they usually look good too!! It will open you up to pleasure and positive side in your heart~


    • No one is perfect - we can all get upset and angry. Nevertheless, positive attitude and perfection are two different things, just remember to be yourself!
    • This may not sound like a bad thing to some people, but be warned, you might get called a hippie.
    • Everything in life usually happens for a reason, even if it seems like something terrible to you. Always keep your eyes, ears and mind open and don't forget that all sorts of things can happen to everyone, including you.
    • People may try to put you down, but always believe in yourself and believe that you will get out of trouble...because it usually does work!
    • Don't let negative people bring you down—you don't have to stoop to their level.
  • A positive person, like a magnet, attracts all good things to himself. By definition, cheerful people are considered dreamers and fools, and they are often condemned by realists. However, not everyone can look at life through the prism of goodness and love. The modern rhythm leaves its mark on society. All more people suffer from a lack of time, they do not have the strength for everyday joys. To learn to notice small little things and enjoy them, you need to work on yourself.

    Find something you like

    1. First of all, a cheerful person should feel happy. To do this, he needs to do what he loves, which will bring him pleasure. Get out of the “robot” state that lives according to the “work-home” principle.
    2. Do you prefer to create cute things with your own hands? Master landscape design or enroll in a cutting and sewing school. Take a wood carving class, start beading or embroidery.
    3. To become a cheerful person, you can learn the art of photography. Through the lens you will see all the beauty of the world around you and the people who entrusted you with capturing their lives. Take photos of animals, landscapes, friends and family. Print out the pictures and hang them around your apartment.
    4. It is known that physical activity energizes. Start playing sports. Buy a club card at Gym or start visiting the pool. Dance lessons are suitable for girls, mixed martial arts, kickboxing, karate, etc. for men.
    5. If you don't have the opportunity to spend time actively, read fiction Houses. Get rid of the habit of spending hours on social networks. Instead, develop spiritually, teach foreign language or psychology (history, pedagogy, law, and so on).

    Don't turn a blind eye to problems

    1. It's hard to feel like a positive person when pressing problems occupy all your thoughts. Fight difficulties, do not put off solving them. Make a plan, analyze a particular case, look for solutions.
    2. There is no need to try to solve problems at once. You will end up chasing two birds with one stone. Tired of fighting with your boss for a salary increase? Change your job, work for a company that will value your work.
    3. For several years now you haven’t felt love and tenderness from your husband, haven’t you received any signs of attention? Have a heart-to-heart talk, maybe you will break up or go back to the candy period. It is important to understand that problems do not last forever, a solution will be found.
    4. IN modern world More and more people are experiencing difficulties in financially. To become confident in the future, try to find ways additional income. Sell ​​photos on the Internet, complete courses for hairdressers or nail technicians, receive clients at home.
    5. People who have problems with overweight body, you need to go on a diet. Balance your diet, start exercising (you can do it at home). Write down your achievements in a notebook, do not stop there.

    Find joy in being with friends

    1. A person can become happy thanks to simple things. This includes communicating with friends and family. The recommendation becomes especially relevant for introverts who prefer to be alone more.
    2. Learn to take the initiative in communication, do not refuse an offer to go to the cinema or have lunch at a pizzeria. Getting together together will add color to your daily routine, making you feel better.
    3. It is difficult to lead a full existence without interpersonal communication. If you close yourself in your shell, depression will begin to manifest itself much more often. Loneliness causes self-doubt, apathy, and irritability.
    4. Even if your work day is scheduled by the hour, make time for your loved ones. It is not necessary to see them every day, 3 times a week is enough. Try to turn to friends not only in difficult moments of life, but share joyful events with them.
    5. Create your own traditions. Make it a habit to go to a pizzeria on Saturdays or go to the cinema on Tuesdays. Let these days be only yours, freed from boring bosses and boring grumbling of household members.
    6. Avoid communicating with people who obviously doom themselves to failure. This includes depressed (particularly negative) people who cannot find joy in their lives. Don’t listen to constant complaints about your husband/colleagues/brothers, don’t believe the words: “You won’t succeed!” You will succeed, try!
    7. Refuse to communicate with hypocritical people who talk a lot behind their backs and smile in your eyes. Do not borrow money from strangers, avoid “bad” company. Do not allow yourself to be manipulated, attract only sincere and good people.

    Fight stress

    1. Modern man is daily subjected to a moral shake-up. It is difficult to feel like a cheerful person when you regularly experience the consequences of quarrels or other negative reactions.
    2. Try to find your own ways to deal with stress. Learn to abstract yourself, solve problems as if they were not happening to you. Look at difficulties from the outside, think sensibly.
    3. It is important to understand that you cannot accumulate negativity in yourself. Otherwise, it will burst out at the most inopportune moment. Speak out to the best friend or make an appointment with a psychologist, get a diary or a pet.
    4. To eliminate negative judgments, try not to be alone with your own thoughts. Realistically assess your capabilities. If you are too busy at your main job, you should not look for part-time activities.
    5. To combat stress, you can take a fragrant bubble bath, listen to calm music, or watch a comedy. Helps many people nap, so in any unclear situation, go to rest.

    Find your “I”

    1. It is difficult to remain positive in those moments when you have to get up at 7 am, go to a job you don’t like and do boring things. Look for yourself in everything, explore the world, be in harmony with your mind and heart.
    2. Sit down and think about where you see yourself in 5 years? Do you want to sit in your own office and deal with real estate? Get a job as a realtor in an agency, move up the career ladder, and learn the basics.
    3. Learn to defend your own opinion, do not agree with people if you do not agree with their opinion. Don't let others tell you what to do in a given situation. First of all, you must have principles, your own judgment and moral principles.
    4. Try not to expect more from your acquaintances than they can give you. Have you realized for a long time that your work colleague does not keep his promises? Stop dragging him into your life, leave the person alone.
    5. Spend time only with those who value you. Don't be intrusive, be an open and friendly opponent. Don’t be shy to smile at the driver on the bus or the saleswoman in the store, spread goodness.
    6. Be yourself, no matter the circumstances. Look for “your” person in everything: love, friendship, work. Don't wear masks, put your needs first when circumstances require it.

    1. Train yourself to never give up, always hope for the best. Focus on all the good things in your life. Thoughts have a pleasant way of coming true, so dream more often.
    2. Set big goals, they are easier to hit. Appreciate everything that you have in your life. Say “Thank you” more often! for loyal friends, obedient children, healthy parents. Everything else is a matter of profit.
    3. A person who looks at the world through the eyes of a lover does not notice the surrounding shortcomings. Smile more often, attract kind people to you. Do not respond with mutual rudeness, do not accumulate resentment.

    To become a positive and joyful person, you need to be positive. Find something you love that will keep you occupied free time. Look for joy in communicating with friends, solve problems in a timely manner, fight stress. Find yourself in your career, personal life, and society.

    Video: how to be positive and happy

    If suddenly you have some kind of trouble, then to solve it you can use the “10 pluses” method. To do this, you just need to find at least ten positive aspects in this situation.

    This method works because you learn to switch from negative to positive. You stop worrying and being angry. You become a positive person and begin to look at all situations in life from a positive point of view.

    Examples situations:

    10 advantages of a quarrel with a loved one.

    10 advantages of having no money.

    10 advantages of loneliness.

    10 advantages of quitting your job.

    10 advantages of life without traveling.

    10 advantages of low blog traffic.

    Advantages of the 10 Pros Method:

    • You find positive aspects in everything.
    • You change your mood.
    • You know that in every situation there is back side medals.
    • Your situation will be easily resolved in a few days.
    • You let go and learn to accept your life.
    • You switch. You direct energy from worries to real actions.
    • When you accept the situation, unexpected ideas begin to come to you on how to improve the situation.
    • You get used to the idea that failures contain the seeds of future successes. There is also a proverb: “If there were no happiness, then misfortune would help.”
    • It doesn't matter what advantages you find. Even the most delusional ones are possible, the main thing is that your subconscious and consciousness switch from the negative and start looking for the positive.
    • Many self-development teachings often say: in order to get something, you must give it up. When you accept a situation and look for the positive in it, you give up what you want.
    • With the help of these 10-20 pluses, you reduce the importance of this event, and the pendulums (egregors) stop feeding on energy from your experiences.

    I often forget about this method, but when I remember it, it always works. Once you list positive points from this situation and you will keep them in your head. In a few days the situation will be resolved for the better. If it doesn't resolve, then repeat these 10 benefits over and over again until you believe it.

    Usually, when some kind of failure or trouble occurs, we risk plunging into a whole abyss of experiences. And this may attract more more problems. This is because of the law: Like attracts like. This has happened to everyone. You start to patch one hole and suddenly other holes open up.

    If one faucet is repaired, another one breaks. If you bought one household appliance, then as luck would have it, another one burns out and stuff like that. People also say, “When trouble comes, open the gate.” To prevent this from happening, you need to look for positive moments in every negative. You need to rejoice in failures and problems.

    About positive attitude and acceptance life situations it is said everywhere: in Simoron, and in Transurfing, and in the Secret - all the authors have personal and spiritual growth. But few people have said exactly how to do this.

    The method that works best for me is finding 10 positives.

    Example No. 1 “10 advantages of loneliness or lack of love”:

    • I am free
    • I can work on myself, study past mistakes in relationships
    • I can make my dreams come true
    • I have an incentive to take care of my appearance
    • I can go out with friends and not have to ask for time off
    • You can spend money on yourself
    • You can start doing what you love and not coordinate with your family
    • Have time for books
    • All housing belongs to me
    • You don't need to adapt to anyone
    • No need to communicate with relatives of your wife or husband
    • It's easier for one to succeed

    As soon as you start enjoying your loneliness, some bastard will definitely appear and ruin it! Many men run away from women whose goal in life is to find a husband, who hang on to them with a hungry look. And women appreciate more men who maintain their emotional independence. That is, it is difficult to leave your husband who is happy about your departure))).

    Example No. 2 “10 advantages of family life”:

    • You are always together
    • There is something to live for and achieve something
    • Together it’s more fun and interesting
    • In a difficult situation there is someone to support
    • When you are sick, they take care of you
    • It's more profitable to live together. Cheaper rent and food
    • Relationships can be very rewarding.
    • Together it is easier to tolerate relatives and to resist parents too
    • Feel safe
    • Single friends envy you. Married people often envy single men
    • They stop asking you the stupid question, “When will you get married.” But they ask “When will you have children?”
    • It's easier to achieve success together

    Example No. 3 “10 advantages of not having money”:

    • High motivation to do something.
    • There is an incentive to work on yourself and develop.
    • You can finally lose weight.
    • There is no problem “What to buy with them”
    • You can enjoy life and remember spirituality
    • Now there is no money, which means they will soon come in large quantities
    • Lack of money stimulates creative thinking
    • Makes you think with your head
    • Lack of money develops willpower and discipline
    • The worst (best) sides of my character are revealed
    • Relationships are tested for strength - “Both in sorrow and in joy, in wealth and poverty”
    • My comfort zone is expanding
    • It turns out I can work to the limit of my capabilities.

    The whole point of these ten positives and all the positive thinking is to enjoy life and be happy with what you have. Be grateful and appreciate what you have. Tomorrow this may no longer be the case. Enjoy life today and now, but at the same time move towards your goals and dreams.