How to remove a wavy line in word. How to remove red underlining in Word

    He used to do this...

    format font tam vibaew poslki dlku i place hernogo cveta vibiraew krasnuju

    tools -> language -> set language and select the language to check in
    or just check on F7

    Ointment. Boro Plus in the pharmacy.

    A good thing.

    Wipe your face with chamomile infusion.
    Or use all sorts of special creams, there are plenty of them.

    “Appropriate” is stylistically incorrect.

    Acne spots and scars

    Acne on the face in itself is a very unpleasant phenomenon, but it is even more unpleasant to discover that after the acne has disappeared, noticeable marks in the form of red spots or spider veins. The tried and tested will help you in the fight against them. folk remedies which we bring to your attention.

    Spots and scars after acne - let's find out what techniques will help remove marks, get rid of red spots and scars after acne.
    Masks for acne spots

    A clay mask has a remarkable effect in dissolving blemishes and acne scars. To get rid of red spots and acne scars, take ½ tbsp. spoons of green clay and dilute it with a small amount cold water until creamy (no lumps). Add 3-4 drops of rosemary essential oil to the clay mass and apply the mixture to problem areas where there are spots or acne marks for 10 minutes. Don't forget to moisturize your skin afterwards. Course - 4 masks every other day, repeat after two weeks if necessary.

    To remove red spots after acne, you can also use a mask based on white clay: ½ tbsp. a spoonful of clay is diluted with water as described above and mixed with 2 teaspoons of lemon juice. The mask is applied to the spots and kept for about 15 minutes.

    And here is another, very pleasant, recipe to get rid of acne spots - a honey-cinnamon mask. Thoroughly grind 1 teaspoon of honey with 1 teaspoon of cinnamon, and then apply the resulting mixture onto acne marks and leave for 20 minutes.
    How else to get rid of spots and scars after acne

    Cucumber juice is famous for its excellent whitening properties, which you can use in almost any form: for example, put cucumber rings on problem areas, or you can grate the cucumber and apply it on your face in this form for about 20 minutes.

    Essential oils can also be used independently to remove acne marks. For example, it helps to get rid of red spots after acne by alternately rubbing the acne-affected areas of the skin with rosemary oil and tea tree, several times throughout the day. You can also use a mixture of tea tree oils, avocado, lavender and lemon juice (all ingredients are taken in equal parts), acne scars in this case will quickly disappear. However, do not overuse essential oils, since in large quantities they may be too strong influence on nervous system and even provoke an increase in pressure, the amount should be minimal, just to lightly lubricate the spots after acne.

    Parsley decoction will help remove red spots after acne. Cook it, cool it, then pour it into ice cube trays and put it in the freezer. These cubes are useful for wiping away acne marks both in the morning and in the evening.

    More ethnoscience recommends using a tincture of St. John's wort to get rid of marks and scars after acne: take one glass of alcohol for two tablespoons of St. John's wort, place a closed container in a dark, cool place and leave for ten days. The prepared infusion is used daily, applied to the marks left by acne.

    No less effective and Apple vinegar, however, not in concentrated form, but diluted with water (1 part vinegar to 3 parts water). Give your skin a daily vinegar wash in the morning and acne marks will soon disappear. To remove old or numerous marks and scars after acne, do this: soak in a solution soft cloth and apply it on your face for five minutes.

    However, remember that some vascular diseases folk remedies for removing spots may be contraindicated, so before you begin the above-described procedures for fading acne marks, consult your doctor.

When Word opens, you may see a blank document. It looks like a piece of paper and takes most screen.

Ribbon at the top of the page.

Text insertion point.

Above the document at the top of the Word application window is the ribbon. You can use buttons and commands on the ribbon to tell your application what actions to perform.

Word is waiting for you to start typing. The flashing vertical bar in the upper left corner of the window is the text entry point and marks the location where the text you enter will begin to appear. The empty space to the left and above the insertion point represents fields, which will be discussed in more detail later. As you enter text, the page will fill starting from the top left corner.

If you want to start entering text below the top of the page rather than at the top, press ENTER until you reach the desired text entry point.

To indent the first line you type, press the Tab key before you begin typing. This action will move the insertion point 1.27 cm (0.5 in) to the right.

As you type, the insertion point moves to the right. When you reach the end of the line on the right edge of the page, simply continue printing. The text you enter will be moved to the next line.

To start a new paragraph, press Enter.

Formatting marks.

Document with formatting marks.

Extra paragraph mark: The ENTER key was pressed twice.

Extra tab: The TAB key was pressed twice, causing the second paragraph to be indented more than the first.

Extra space between words: The SPACEBAR was pressed twice instead of once.

Let's assume that several paragraphs have been typed. The paragraphs are located very far from each other, the second paragraph begins to the right of the first.

To understand why text appears this way, take a look at the characters that are automatically inserted as you type. These characters are always present in documents, but they are invisible until they are displayed on the screen.

To see formatting marks, use the ribbon at the top of the window. On the tab home in Group Paragraph click the button Show/hide. Click this button again to hide the formatting marks.

These signs have useful value. For example, by removing extra spaces, you can get rid of extra spaces.

When you see these marks for the first time, you may wonder what they mean and whether they will be visible on printed documents. These signs Not are printed even if they are displayed on the screen.

So what do formatting marks actually mean? Here are some examples:

Word inserts a paragraph mark every time you press Enter to start a new paragraph. In the figure, there is an extra paragraph mark inserted between two paragraphs to indicate that the ENTER key was pressed twice. As a result, the distance between paragraphs has increased. Removing the paragraph mark will reduce the space between paragraphs.

An arrow is inserted each time the TAB key is pressed. In the figure, one arrow is inserted in the first paragraph, and two are inserted in the second. This means that the TAB key was pressed twice in the second paragraph.

The dots show how many times the SPACEBAR key was pressed between words and whether it was accidentally pressed between letters of the same word. One dot means one space, two dots means two spaces. Usually there is one space between words. By the way, these dots are different from the dots placed at the end of a sentence. The periods that complete sentences are always displayed and are located at the bottom of the line. The dots indicating space are located higher in the middle of the line.

What do these underline lines mean in a document?

As you type, a red, green, or blue squiggly line may appear under your words from time to time.

  • Red underlining This underline indicates a possible spelling error or that Word did not recognize the word you entered (for example, a proper noun or place name). If you typed a word correctly but Word didn't recognize it, you can add the word to the Word dictionary to prevent it from being underlined in the future.
  • Underline green . This underlining indicates that the grammar of the sentence needs to be revised.
  • Blue underline This means that the word was entered correctly, but it does not match the sentence. For example, instead of the word “not” the word “no” is indicated.

What to do with underscores? Right-click on an underlined word to see suggested corrections (sometimes there are none). Click a correction to replace the word in your document and remove the underline. Please note that if you print a document with underlines, they will not appear in the printed document.

A word of warning about working with green and blue underlines: Word does a good job of checking spelling, which is often quite obvious. However, grammar checking and correct use words in a sentence is not so simple. If you are sure that you are right, you can ignore the proposed corrections.

Changing Page Margins

To change fields, click the button Fields on the tab Page layout.

Page margins are the empty space around the edges of the page. The margins at the top, bottom, left, and right of the page are 2.54 cm. This is the most common margin width and can be used for most documents.

However, in order to change the size of the fields, you need to learn how to do this at any time. Other margin sizes may be useful when creating a short document, such as a letter, recipe, invitation, or poem.

To change the fields, use the ribbon located at the top of the window. Open the tab Page layout. In Group Page settings select team Fields. Field images will appear different sizes, represented by small pictures (icons) indicating the corresponding field sizes.

The first value in the list is field Normal which is currently active. To get narrower margins, click the button Narrow. If you want to make the left and right margins significantly wider, click the button Wide. When you select the desired field type, that type is automatically applied to the entire document.

When you select a field, the color of that field's icon will change. When you press the button again Fields This color highlighting will allow you to understand what margin size is set for the document.

Saving results

Save. A dialog box will open. A dialog box is a small window where certain actions are performed. Using this window, you can specify where on your computer you want to save the document and what it will be called.

As you continue working after saving your document, make sure to save your changes periodically. To do this, press the button from time to time Save on Quick Access Toolbarsin the upper left corner of the window. You can also press CTRL+S to save the document (hold down CTRL and press S).

Once the document is completed and saved, close the file. Click the button Microsoft Office, and then the button Close.

Advice. To find a document after it has been closed, find the list Latest documents shown in the figure. Click a document in the list to open it.


MS Word highlights certain words in a document by drawing a line underneath them. How to remove underline in Word? This question is asked by many users. The way in which the line underneath the text is eliminated depends on its type. There is a standard form of underlining, determined by formatting settings, and special options that appear automatically when typing a document.

This article will help you understand what each type of text highlighting means and how to get rid of it.

How to remove underlining in Word: formatting settings

Underlining occurs after copying text from other sources (files or websites); in some cases, the program sets it automatically. An example is hyperlinks. By default, the application, having determined that a fragment is a path to an external resource, repaints it blue, underlines it, and provides a link.

If there is a line under a word, the easiest way to remove it is to change the text style settings. You can do this using the tab tool " Home", which is visually represented as a button with the letter “H”. In the English version of the program, this function corresponds to the “U” button.

Here is the sequence of actions that will lead to the desired result:

  • highlight text;
  • On the “Home” tab, make the “H” button inactive by clicking on it with the mouse.

Advanced users know how to remove underline in Word in a quick way, and use keys to remove it.

Special types of underlining

The built-in option for checking the correctness of spelling and punctuation marks marks fragments with errors with lines of different colors. A red wavy line means that the word is spelled incorrectly (or it is not present in the Word dictionary), a green wavy line means the punctuation marks need to be corrected.

There are three ways to remove red underlines in Word.

  1. Check the correct spelling of the word and correct it if there was a typo when typing.
  2. Place the cursor over the word, click the right mouse button and select one of the options offered by the program in the context menu.
  3. Refuse correction. To do this, you should also hover the mouse cursor over the word, press the right button and select “Skip” or “Add to dictionary” from the menu. A word included by the user in the dictionary will not subsequently be considered an error.

When checking spelling, you need to pay attention to the language of the document. For example, in a Russian text, the program may mistake English words for being misspelled.

How to remove green underline in Word? Answer: Use the methods described above. The difference is that the application encountered a grammar error.

Program settings

A radical way to get rid of colored wavy lines is to disable auto-text checking. This operation is performed through the program settings window. In version 2007 - click on the Office logo, in new versions - go to the "File" menu. Next, on the “Spelling” tab, uncheck the “Hide errors” fields.

So, now the question of how to remove underlining in Word will no longer bother the user. Automatic correction is disabled. But there is also a minus - you will have to look for errors in the document manually.

How to remove underline in Word? If you asked yourself this question, then there is something wrong with your text. The fact is that this is how the program points out to you some imperfections in the material written in the document. What exactly are the shortcomings to look for and what to do if, in fact, everything is in order with the text?

How to remove red underlines in Word?

This is the simplest question. colors, everyone who has been working with the program for several days knows. Red color in this text editor is the most common marker. It indicates that there is some kind of error. More precisely, not just any one, but one of these:

  • the underlined word is not in the dictionary,
  • the word is misspelled
  • Also red Word emphasizes repetition.

If you don't understand what the error is in this part of the text, right-click on it. The built-in spell checker will help you figure it out.

It is worth noting that errors can also be underlined in green. This indicates problems with the use of punctuation marks, inconsistency, stylistic mistakes, etc.

There are two options for dealing with red or green underlining:

  1. To remove such an underline, it is enough to correct the errors.
  2. You can also click on “Skip” so that the verification program stops “seeing” this section.

How to remove blue underlines in Word?

Not everyone knows how to remove blue underlining in Word. This color may not be found in all versions of the text editor. If the text in front of you is outlined with a blue wavy line, it has formatting problems.

As with other errors, this can be removed in one of two ways:

  1. Fix it. If you don't understand what the error is, right-click on the problem area.
  2. Like other errors, this one can also be skipped by clicking on the appropriate button.

How to remove link underlines in Word?

How to remove underlining in Word when it comes to lines under links? Of course, situations arise quite rarely when this may be necessary. But if we have already begun to examine the issue of unnecessary underlining, it is worth touching on this type.

  1. Select the text under which you want to remove the underline, then press the key combination Ctrl+U.
  2. You can also take a longer route: select the text, find in the upper field of the program in the “Home” tab the letter “H”, underlined at the bottom. After clicking on it, the line under the selected text will disappear.

In Word, you can emphasize text, spaces, and tabs. Available different types lines: wavy, straight, double. There are also page separators and tables. The program uses red, green and blue “waves” to highlight errors and incorrectly formatted text. To use this toolkit, understand how to add these lines, how to change their attributes, and how to remove underlining in Word if it cannot be selected.

Word has several ways to underline text. We will talk about them below.

You can make a stripe under the inscription like this:

  1. Select a fragment.
  2. On the main menu bar, find the letter “H” with a dash under it. Or press Ctrl+U. You can get rid of the line using the same key combination.
  3. To print with stripes, click on the “H” icon, write something, and click on “H” again.

The operation itself is quite simple. But this way you can only add an ordinary feature. Here's how to underline text in Word if you want to use different types and colors of stripes:

  1. Select a fragment.
  2. Click the small arrow next to the letter "H".
  3. In the drop-down list, select the color and type: double line, dashed, thick, wavy.

To create a stripe that will stay in place while text is typed over it, do the following:

  1. Through the “Tables” section (or Insert - Tables, if you have Word 2007), add a grid.
  2. Write a few words in it.
  3. Right-click on the frame.
  4. "Borders and Shading."
  5. The options will open. On the right there will be an area in which there are settings for the visibility of borders. Leave only the bottom line. It will remain in place even if you delete the text.
  6. In the same menu, select the type and thickness of the strip.

It can be made simpler:

  1. After adding a grid, the “Working with Tables” section will appear at the top of the window. In it, go to the “Design” tab.
  2. Click the arrow next to Borders.
  3. Leave only the “Bottom Border” option active.

Such stripes are needed when working with HTML documents. This technique is suitable for creating input fields and web forms.

If you want to add lines exclusively to the inscriptions, without affecting the spaces, it is not necessary to customize the appearance of each preposition. Here's how to underline a word in Word:

  1. Select the text.
  2. Click on the black arrow next to the letter “C”.
  3. Item "Others".
  4. In the Underline box, select Word Only.

Underlining spaces

Sometimes you want the lines to be underneath the spaces. For example, if you are preparing a document for printing, there should be space for entering a first name, last name, or other data. Tables are suitable for this (interaction with them is described above). But there are other ways. Here's how to underline in Word without words:

  1. The easiest method is to press Shift+[-] (hyphen; no parentheses). A line will appear. This is not part of the design, but a symbol. All font settings apply to it.
  2. To change the color of the strip, find a button with an icon in the form of the letter “A” on the menu bar. Click on the arrow next to it - the palette will open.

The underscore is not always suitable for design. You cannot print over it - it will move. It is difficult to align with the width of the paragraph. If you have autocorrect enabled, three lines in a row will automatically turn into a border.

In Word, you can add bars to tab characters. Their markup is easier to customize.

  1. Press the TAB key. It is located above the Caps Look button. The Word cursor will move.
  2. It's better to turn on the display of hidden characters so that you can see tabs and not just a bunch of words. To do this, click on the icon on the toolbar that looks like the letter “P” (the button is called “Paragraph”). Or press Ctrl+Shift+* (asterisk). A tab in Word looks like an arrow pointing to the right.
  3. Select it.
  4. Press Ctrl+U.

Printing over such lines will also not work. But they are much wider than spaces - it will be easier to align the line with them.

Page Borders

If you type three asterisks or three hyphens in a row in Word, they can become a horizontal line (sometimes you have to press Enter to do this). This autocorrect turns them into a page border. To create certain type such a line, you need to do this:

  • Enter three equal signs (=) to create a double bar.
  • Three asterisks (*) - dotted.
  • Three hyphens (-) - simple.
  • The bottom three spaces (_) are bold.

These borders are similar to regular underlining. They take up the entire line. They cannot be selected or edited. But you can print over them.

Here's how to remove a line like this:

  1. Place the Word cursor at the beginning of the line with the stripe.
  2. Click Delete.

If this method does not help, it is better to do this:

  1. Section "Page Layout". It's in the menu bar at the top of the window.
  2. Page Borders button.
  3. In the Type field, set the option to None. The horizontal line will disappear.

Red, green and blue underline - spell check

Word has a spell checking feature. She marks spelling, punctuation, and stylistic errors with wavy lines. It makes it easier to notice an occasional typo, check the text, and find any flaws. Below is what each band means.

  • Red. The word is misspelled or is not in the Office database. Repeats are also indicated in red.
  • Green. Errors with grammar, style, punctuation. Extra parentheses. Inconsistent text.
  • Blue. Format mismatch.

This feature is usually useful. But if you wrote everything correctly, then the suddenly appearing wavy lines will be annoying and in the way. How to remove underlining in Word if it is added automatically when checking spelling:

  1. Right-click on the fragment under which the wavy line appears.
  2. To get rid of it, select “Skip”.
  3. To have Word remember the selected word and record it in its dictionary, click “Add.”

If you want to completely disable the scan, open the settings:

  1. Go to the Tools - Proofing menu (in Word 2007, to do this, click on the Office logo in the upper left corner and select “Options” from the drop-down list).
  2. Uncheck “Automatically check spelling” or check “Hide errors in this document only.” Auto-check will stop bothering you. But it will be more difficult to find typos.

Word provides a variety of line types to highlight text or draw a horizontal line. Use these features to complete your paperwork.

    format font tam vibaew poslki dlku i place hernogo cveta vibiraew krasnuju

    tools -> language -> set language and select the language to check in
    or just check on F7

    He used to do this...

    Wipe your face with chamomile infusion.
    Or use all sorts of special creams, there are plenty of them.

    Ointment. Boro Plus in the pharmacy.

    A good thing.

    “Appropriate” is stylistically incorrect.

    Acne spots and scars

    Acne on the face in itself is a very unpleasant phenomenon, but it is even more unpleasant to discover that after the acne has disappeared, noticeable marks in the form of red spots or spider veins remain on the face. The proven folk remedies that we bring to your attention will help you in the fight against them.

    Spots and scars after acne - let's find out what techniques will help remove marks, get rid of red spots and scars after acne.
    Masks for acne spots

    A clay mask has a remarkable effect in dissolving blemishes and acne scars. To get rid of red spots and acne scars, take ½ tbsp. spoons of green clay and dilute it with a small amount of cold water until creamy (without lumps). Add 3-4 drops of rosemary essential oil to the clay mass and apply the mixture to problem areas where there are spots or acne marks for 10 minutes. Don't forget to moisturize your skin afterwards. Course - 4 masks every other day, repeat after two weeks if necessary.

    To remove red spots after acne, you can also use a mask based on white clay: ½ tbsp. a spoonful of clay is diluted with water as described above and mixed with 2 teaspoons of lemon juice. The mask is applied to the spots and kept for about 15 minutes.

    And here is another, very pleasant, recipe to get rid of acne spots - a honey-cinnamon mask. Thoroughly grind 1 teaspoon of honey with 1 teaspoon of cinnamon, and then apply the resulting mixture onto acne marks and leave for 20 minutes.
    How else to get rid of spots and scars after acne

    Cucumber juice is famous for its excellent whitening properties, which you can use in almost any form: for example, put cucumber rings on problem areas, or you can grate the cucumber and apply it on your face in this form for about 20 minutes.

    Essential oils can also be used independently to remove acne marks. For example, it helps to get rid of red spots after acne by alternately rubbing the acne-affected areas of the skin with rosemary and tea tree oil several times throughout the day. You can also use a mixture of tea tree oils, avocado, lavender and lemon juice (all ingredients are taken in equal parts), acne scars in this case will quickly disappear. However, do not overuse essential oils, as in large quantities they can have too strong an effect on the nervous system and even cause an increase in blood pressure; the amount should be minimal, just to lightly lubricate the acne spots.

    Parsley decoction will help remove red spots after acne. Cook it, cool it, then pour it into ice cube trays and put it in the freezer. These cubes are useful for wiping away acne marks both in the morning and in the evening.

    Traditional medicine also recommends using a tincture of St. John's wort to get rid of marks and scars after acne: take one glass of alcohol for two tablespoons of St. John's wort, place the sealed container in a dark, cool place and leave for ten days. The prepared infusion is used daily, applied to the marks left by acne.

    Apple cider vinegar is no less effective, but not in concentrated form, but diluted with water (1 part vinegar to 3 parts water). Give your skin a daily vinegar wash in the morning and acne marks will soon disappear. To remove old or numerous marks and scars from acne, do this: soak a soft cloth in the solution and apply it to your face for five minutes.

    However, remember that for some vascular diseases, folk remedies for removing spots may be contraindicated, so before you begin the above-described procedures for fading acne marks, consult your doctor.

Microsoft Word- a convenient tool designed for creating text files. The program options allow you to beautifully and competently draw up documents for official, business or personal correspondence. Sometimes some editor functions cause slight irritation. Let's figure out how to remove the red underlining of text in Word, and consider situations when this is really necessary.

Why does Word highlight individual words with squiggly lines?

Microsoft's text editor has spelling and punctuation checking enabled by default. Fragments that contain punctuation in green are highlighted in red. The program's built-in dictionary cannot accommodate the full range of existing words in Russian (or any other) language. Therefore, Word mercilessly underlines individual words with red lines, considering their spelling to be erroneous. This is especially true for first and last names of people, names of companies and enterprises, professional terminology and slang expressions.

If there are missing commas in the text, or the syntactic connection of words is broken, then Word will highlight such sentences with a wavy green line. In most cases, this function is very useful, as it allows you to avoid grammatical errors and accidental typos in the created document. But there are times when there is no other choice but to remove the red underline in Word in order to give the text an aesthetic appearance.

Types of documents in which multi-colored underlining is inappropriate

In files for personal or internal corporate use, these bright lines can be ignored. But imagine that the text file is intended to be displayed on the screen. This could be a list of company employees, a table with the names of school students, a report on the work of the enterprise, and many other options.

To the uninitiated it may seem strange why certain words are underlined in red. Or, for example, it is planned to take a screenshot from the created text document with further insertion of the picture into the presentation, for posting on the website or sending out emails. e-mail. Therefore, the question of how to remove the red underline in Word is by no means an idle one, requiring an immediate solution.

Get rid of unnecessary lines in a few clicks

Let's look at several ways to remove red underlining in Word for a single document.

Right-click on the word and select “Skip” or “Skip All” from the menu that appears. In the first case, the underlining will disappear only under one word, in the second, the entire text will be cleared of lines. This option is not the most reliable, since the next time you open the file, the wavy lines may appear again.

Open the menu for the underlined word and select "add to dictionary." Now in any text document created on your computer, this word will be considered written correctly. However, if you change the case ending in a word, Word will highlight it again, noticing the error.

In the upper left corner of the open text editor, click on the “file” button, then “options”, then “spelling”. Here, uncheck the “automatically check spelling” box.

In this case, literacy checks will not be carried out in all documents, and problems with how to remove the red underline in Word will no longer arise. In Microsoft Word versions 2010 and later, it is possible to disable checking only for the current version of the text.

To ensure that the file opens in the same form on other computers or laptops, do not forget to enable edit protection. To do this, in Microsoft Office 2003 or 2007, select “Prepare” from the main menu, then “Mark document as final”; in Word 2010, click on the lock icon and check the desired security option.

The most popular text editor, MS Word, has built-in spell checkers. So, if the autocorrect function is enabled, some errors and typos will be corrected automatically. If the program detects an error in a particular word, or even does not know it at all, it underlines this word (words, phrases) with a red wavy line.

Note: Word also highlights words written in a language other than the spelling tool's language with a red squiggly line.

As you understand, all these underlines in the document are needed to indicate to the user the permitted orthographic, grammatical errors and in many cases this helps a lot. However, as mentioned above, the program also emphasizes words unknown to it. If you do not want to see these “pointers” in the document you are working with, you will probably be interested in our instructions on how to remove underlining errors in Word.

1. Open the menu "File" by clicking on the leftmost button at the top of the control panel in Word 2012 - 2016, or click on the "MS Office", if you are using an earlier version of the program.

2. Open the section "Options"(previously “Word Options”).

3. Select a section in the window that opens "Spelling".

4. Find the section “File Exception” and check the two boxes there “Hide... errors in this document only”.

5. After you close the window "Options", you will no longer see obsessive red underlines in this text document.

Adding a word with an underscore to the dictionary

Often, when Word does not know a particular word, underlining it, the program also suggests possible options corrections, which can be seen after right-clicking on the underlined word. If the options present there do not suit you, but you are sure that the word is spelled correctly, or you simply do not want to correct it, you can remove the red underline by adding the word to the Word dictionary or skipping its check.

1. Right-click on the underlined word.

2. In the menu that appears, select the required command: "Skip" or “Add to dictionary”.

3. The underline will disappear. If necessary, repeat the steps 1-2 and for other words.

Note: If you often work with MS Office programs and add unknown words to the dictionary, at some point the program may prompt you to send all these words to Microsoft company for consideration. It is quite possible that thanks to your efforts, the text editor's dictionary will become more extensive.

Actually, that’s the whole secret of how to remove underlining in Word. Now you know more about this multifunctional program and even know how you can expand its vocabulary. Write correctly and do not make mistakes, good luck in your work and training.