How to keep a Taurus man. Pay more attention to comfort in your home

Taurus is reserved, reasonable and rational. As a rule, he doesn’t dive headlong into the pool. Is there a love affair on the horizon? The Taurus man will carefully analyze the risks and benefits. He studies every female representative before taking a step towards happiness. Rational Taurus is predictable and stable; many women wonder how to conquer this sign. It is believed that for family life its representatives have a lot of positive qualities.

How to win a Taurus man

How to win a Taurus man? First of all, you need to be able to wait. Representatives of this sign are slow. But they are also thorough and reliable. This makes Taurus an attractive object for seduction. Seduction tactics can be different. But when planning a strategy, it is recommended to rely on the horoscope.

Do you want to know how to attract the attention of a Taurus, a man almost ideal for a family? Ask the stars for advice. An individual horoscope will help you in solving strategic and tactical issues of seduction. Also, knowledge of the characteristics of the zodiac sign and the expected character traits of Taurus will allow you to avoid mistakes in relationships and strengthen the emerging union.

Representatives of this sign are confident, independent, courageous, calm and purposeful. They are also stubborn, which is something to be envied. How to win the love of a Taurus for a modern woman? Firstly, it is worth remembering the existence of romance. Secondly, you should be prepared to become an object of adoration.

How to keep a Taurus man

Taurus are practical and sometimes pedantic. At the same time, they are among the most romantic natures. In courting the object of adoration, Taurus has no equal. This is exactly the man who is ready to idolize a woman. Don't know how to please a Taurus man? Be natural, irresistible, bright and mysterious.

When communicating with Taurus, you should avoid tactlessness, straightforwardness, and familiarity. The only and beloved woman of such a courageous partner should be delicate, understanding, gentle. The question of how to keep a Taurus man remains relevant. A big step in this direction is to never put your chosen one in an awkward position.

Signs of a Taurus man in love

Taurus chooses his love carefully and for a long time. He can wait for years for the only one. Once he finds her, he will never let her go.

The signs of a Taurus man in love are typical for most representatives of the stronger sex. They become attentive to a woman and are emphatically romantic. A distinctive feature of a Taurus in love is a reluctance to listen to anyone. Neither parents nor friends dictate to a man. He's in love, that's the main thing. It is almost impossible to influence the choice of Taurus from the outside. His union with his chosen one is not afraid of the so-called “well-wishers”.

Many women wonder how to marry a Taurus man. First of all, because representatives of this sign are too slow. Taurus can stay in the bouquet-candy period for a very long time. At the same time, a man will take serious steps only when he is 100% sure of his choice. Rushing him is irrational.

So, you know how to interest and keep a Taurus. All that remains is to meet a representative of this sign, fall in love with him and try not to rush things. As a result, you will get a reliable life partner, adoring, devoted, and someone you can rely on.

How to conquer Taurus for Aries

For an Aries woman, a romantic relationship with a Taurus will be an educational experience. This union will bring a lot of benefits to the man. Aries is an impulsive sign. Such a woman is sure that stationary obstacles must either be thrown aside or jumped over. In relationships with Taurus, this tactic does not work. He hesitates - Aries is angry. Moreover, this begins even before the birth of a relationship.

So, a woman is wondering how to attract a Taurus. Meanwhile, he evaluates her appearance, behavior, and manner of speaking. Taurus people know how to read between the lines. They are difficult to deceive. Many masks do not work for representatives of this sign. Accordingly, when deciding how to conquer Taurus, you need to carefully think through strategy and tactics.

The first step in such a relationship is traditionally made by the woman. You need to be ready to walk constantly. And walk correctly. Pushing and pulling Taurus along with you is an unproductive idea. It is more effective to influence him with a smile, sincere admiration, and rational requests.

Keeping a Taurus is not difficult. The main thing is not to play on his possessive instinct, not to test his almost limitless patience. The union of Taurus and Aries, built on mutual respect, will be long, happy and practically conflict-free.

How can a Taurus conquer a Taurus?

How to attract a Taurus man if you are a woman of the same sign? Almost no effort is required. As you know, a fisherman is a fisherman... Practice shows that no one and nothing can inspire more admiration in a Taurus man than a woman of the same sign. A representative of the stronger sex automatically considers such a lady amazing. They have a priori a lot in common. Most likely, both love the land (dacha), nature, practical things, value stability, and are not averse to bringing a bit of romance into the drab everyday life.

The Taurus woman knows better than others how to conquer Taurus, a stubborn and rational man. She intuitively feels that he is interested, necessary and close. The mutual understanding in this couple is amazing. But only at the first two stages of a relationship: romantic and initial marital.

After honeymoon Most Taurus will be tested by disagreements and conflicts. Instead of mutual admiration, mutual denial begins. For example, he wants children. But she is in no hurry to end her career. Or does he want to build a foundation life together on profits from art, she prefers to invest in securities. Taurus lovers will be tested by their stubbornness. The important thing here is not to compete, but to come to an agreement and find a compromise. This will allow you to continue to walk hand in hand towards your dream of stability and well-being.

How Gemini can conquer Taurus

A Gemini woman may also need professional advice on how to attract the attention of a Taurus. It is necessary to act decisively and carefully. Every Taurus wants romance. By creating the appropriate atmosphere at the first meeting, you can attract his attention. Now it’s important not to spoil anything. And this is not easy for a Gemini woman. As a rule, an emotional hurricane of passions rages in her soul. Where does rationalism come from here?!

How to conquer a Taurus woman? Unless it changes beyond recognition. A Taurus man is every woman's dream. But not Gemini. These ladies are frivolous and flighty. Taurus is too down-to-earth for them, responsible, slow, even gloomy. The Gemini woman resembles a kite soaring in the clouds.

If Taurus standing on the ground controls her for too long, she, having gotten rid of the rope, will fly away to God knows where. As a husband, a representative of this sign is unlikely to suit Gemini. A couple's romantic relationship can be happy. But, as a rule, novels are fleeting. Upon their completion, Gemini flutters on new dates, Taurus becomes despondent, gains experience, and subsequently chooses partners even more carefully.

How Cancer can conquer Taurus

There is no universal answer to the question of how to attract a Taurus guy to a Cancer woman. Representatives of this water sign have many tricks to conquer men. First of all, Cancers attract the attention of Taurus with their sensuality. Strong, rational men know everything about intimacy. But people are familiar with feelings only by hearsay. This situation is easily corrected by Cancer women.

Any representative of this sign knows how to understand a Taurus man. In essence, she wants the same thing he wants: romance, love, home warmth, stability. Cancer can attract the attention of Taurus with independence, desire to pursue a career, and lack of family plans. But after a while he will definitely see how a woman really lives. And if she loves, then she will gladly lend her a shoulder.

It takes a long time for a Taurus man to fall in love. But he also loves her all his life. The Cancer woman is usually willing to wait. This makes the developing relationship almost ideal. Taurus is jealous of family relationships. The same can be said about Cancer. These two understand each other perfectly. The pitfall of a relationship can only be mutual reproaches. It is recommended to avoid them when sorting things out at the negotiating table.

How Leo can conquer Taurus

How to win the heart of Taurus to a proud Lioness? This is not difficult, since representatives of this sign always attract attention. The question is whether the game is worth the candle.

The lioness is a royal person. She loves "palace receptions." A prudent Taurus man is unlikely to tolerate such a life. In addition, like any bull, he can behave at home inappropriately for royal chambers. If a rational Taurus only needs a small, cozy apartment and funds to provide for basic needs, the Lioness is focused on luxury. Taurus is unlikely to agree to put up with serious expenses on surroundings.

At the same time, many Lioness-Taurus couples live happily, raise children, relax during vacations and plan a bright future. But in such unions, someone always sacrifices their principles. In 99.9% of cases it is not Taurus. They never back down. Their principle is stability or attack.

Accordingly, the Lioness should not think about how to seduce a Taurus man. Most likely, everything will work out by itself. It will be more difficult to keep your chosen one. More precisely, to refrain from escaping into freedom in search of a proud and royal Leo instead of Taurus, an alliance with whom is against nature.

How Virgo can conquer Taurus

A Virgo woman, in search of an answer to the question of how to fall in love with a Taurus, the man of her dreams, can try different methods and tactics. Which one turns out to be true depends on the individual characteristics of a particular man and a particular woman. An individual horoscope will help you avoid possible problems and sharp edges in the process of seduction. You can order it from our astrologer.

Seducing Taurus is a feasible task for Virgo. The couple's relationship will most likely be close to ideal until the moment they move into the same apartment (house, cottage, etc.). Firstly, a Taurus man at the peak of romance tries to look his best. Accordingly, the conservative Virgo simply does not notice his negligence or outright carelessness.

A woman doesn’t need to think about how to interest a Taurus man. Virgos attract the attention of representatives of the sign with rationality, practicality, and honesty. It is much more difficult for a couple to develop a relationship. Both signs are not inclined to compromise. But if we talk about concessions, then most often the initiative comes from Virgo. Her rationalism helps smooth out rough edges in her relationship with stubborn Taurus. The latter may also give in, but, as a rule, after several years of relationship, when he learns to appreciate his partner and understand her inner world.

How Libra can conquer Taurus

How to make a Taurus fall in love with you if you are a doubting Libra? It's enough to just be yourself. Representatives of the Libra sign are usually sweet, very feminine, and unpredictable. This is what attracts the pragmatic, courageous, rational and strong Taurus. He has no idea that a dictator may be hiding under the guise of femininity. And the man is ready to tolerate this sweet, charming dictator.

To the question of how to make a Taurus guy fall in love, the answer is simple: ordinary feminine tricks will help. These include a feminine image, discreet makeup, “weakness” in the presence of a strong man. It is important for Taurus to feel that he is needed, without his support there is no way. A man will gladly carry a lady’s things, offer his hand or pull up a chair. For Libra, such gestures are not important. Women of this sign are completely independent. But playing on femininity is a sure step towards developing a relationship with a courageous Taurus.

Keeping a man will be a little more difficult. First of all, two representatives of difficult and partly contradictory signs will have to learn to coexist. Most conflicts, as a rule, arise for Taurus and Libra in the decision-making process. A man is inclined to think about everything on his own, and silently. The Libra woman needs a discussion on the pros and cons. Compromise will avoid quarrels.

How Scorpio can conquer Taurus

The question of how to understand Taurus is actually rhetorical for a Scorpio woman. The signs are too different from each other. Accordingly, Scorpio and Taurus are different people who sometimes do not understand each other. But at the same time, their unions are successful. The Scorpio woman can give the rational, practical, courageous Taurus either the brightest and brightest, or the most painful experiences in his life. Such a relationship will definitely not be boring.

It is not difficult for Scorpio to attract the attention of Taurus. The enchanting woman is simply impossible not to notice. But he may not show it for long enough. How do you know if a Taurus likes you? Try to provoke him, push him to take decisive action. If the chosen one is in no hurry to get acquainted, it is not forbidden to take the initiative. Taurus people like attention to themselves. Especially coming from gorgeous women.

To keep Taurus, Scorpio has everything he needs. These are temperament, sexuality and mysticism. Their whirlpool draws in rational Taurus, forcing them to forget about pragmatism for a while. For a relationship with Taurus to last, it is enough for a man to be the goddess of love. In everyday life, it is important to control emotions and avoid acting on the sly. Taurus does not forgive this man.

How Sagittarius can conquer Taurus

The relationship between Sagittarius and Taurus is ice and fire. Their union resembles a tug-of-war competition. Relationships are always complex, and it is almost impossible to predict their outcome. Everyone in the couple stands their ground and does not want to give in. Scorpio, for example, does not ask the question of how to understand that Taurus loves, his passion has not faded. Such a woman believes that it is a priori impossible not to love her. The man, in turn, wonders where his companion gets so much emotion, idealism and naivety.

As for the mutual interest of representatives of the zodiac signs at the dating stage, it arises quickly. How to interest a Taurus if you are a Sagittarius? Let him try on your rose-colored glasses. This will most likely cause a condescending smile. And then - curiosity. It’s not far from another point of interest.

Most Sagittarius-Taurus unions begin with friendship. A man can play the role of, for example, an older brother for a long time. Subsequently, the relationship turns into love.

A couple can encounter many pitfalls along the way. The biggest ones involve guests and disputes. Sagittarius is not averse to discussing. Taurus likes to think things over in silence and make decisions on their own. Sagittarius loves noisy companies. Taurus cannot tolerate strangers in the house. To avoid acute conflicts, it is recommended to discuss controversial issues rather than solve problems after the fact.

How Capricorn can conquer Taurus

How to please a Taurus guy if you are a Capricorn? The main thing is not to play roles. A practical Taurus will definitely notice an equally practical Capricorn woman. He will pay attention to her independence, independence. Taurus will also appreciate a woman’s restraint. What can we say about her beauty?

To the question of how to seduce Taurus, there is only one answer for Capricorn - not to give up without a fight. Men of this sign do not like pliant women. They are conquerors by nature. What is not served on a saucer is more interesting, brighter, more desirable. If a woman does not give up right away, she is a reward for the courageous Taurus, who is used to getting what he wants.

To preserve the relationship in the future, it is important to immediately make it clear to the man that the woman will not tolerate complete power over her. Capricorns are freedom-loving and self-sufficient. They are capable of deep affection for a person whom, in their opinion, is worth loving. Women of this sign are sensual, but reasonable.

This often interferes with their relationships with rational Taurus.

In general, the union can be called successful if certain rules are followed: he conquers her, she does not completely surrender, and subsequently no one encroaches on someone else’s personal space.

How can Aquarius conquer Taurus?

For Aquarius, how to charm a Taurus is a very pressing question. A man born under this sign is practically an ideal for such a woman. Aquarius, eccentric, absent-minded, and distinguished by originality, needs an extremely patient partner.

Taurus gets the hang of Aquarius quite quickly. He no longer believes in the woman’s absent-mindedness and notices some boredom on her face. But at the same time, Taurus does not stop loving his chosen one.

How Pisces can conquer Taurus

The Pisces woman does not wonder how to charm a Taurus man. She attracts his attention with her sincerity and femininity. And subsequently the woman surrounds the man with care and attention. He appreciates her for her honesty in love, for playing by her own rules and for the fact that she does not annoy him. Taurus also values ​​the morality and reliability of their partner. To retain a restrained, courageous, fair, practical man, the main thing is not to disappoint his expectations. A lie, even a minor one (for salvation, for example), deeply wounds Taurus. He does not forgive deception.

There is no single recipe for how to please a Taurus. Every woman has her own secrets. But valuable recommendations from an astrologer will not hurt in the process of seduction.

How to win a Taurus man?

Only a positive, modest and homely girl can conquer a Taurus man. After all, a Taurus man needs not a mistress, not a muse – but a wife! “Love commands us, not we command it.” And if an ineradicable feeling for a Taurus man has settled in your heart, then it is completely useless to fight him... All that remains is to make every effort to win this amazing person, while Taurus has a type of character that encourages women to look at him immediately as a future husband, and not as a hot lover for the duration of a holiday romance (although in an intimate matter he can really be hot).

A woman who decides to conquer a Taurus man must first of all be patient and focus on a long-term strategy. Taurus is stubborn and slow, and it takes time for him to come to a certain decision. But pressure and forced acceleration of events will force him to rest his “bull horns” on the ground and not give up a single step or anything. Therefore, even if you take actions aimed at making such a man fall in love with you, your only one must be convinced that it is he who is hunting for you.

What is it that a Taurus man looks for in a woman? His main character qualities are stability and constancy, solidity and homeliness, calmness and poise. And this is good, because most Taurus, despite their high interest in female, nevertheless monogamous. Therefore, if you still manage to become the one, you don’t have to worry about the fate of your relationship for the rest of your life.

Most of all, the Taurus man values ​​his comfort and peace, both physically and psychologically. Therefore, his chosen one has no right to be unbalanced or nervous, because he cannot stand screams, scandals or any other emotional shocks. At the same time, if you are even more passive in temperament than him, then your future life risks turning into " sleepy kingdom"Taurus needs a subtle and intelligent inspirer who, without crossing his path, can motivate his man to do great things. In general, a woman who is a bitch is by no means his type, but a woman “without a spark” is also unlikely to suit him.

If we talk about specific female type, then for Taurus it is Lolita: tender, innocent, chaste - and also sensual, sexy and fatal. Is it possible to become such a woman? Yes, it is quite possible! Try to combine these features in your image. So, for example, dressing in the style of an innocent schoolgirl, you can start a conversation with him on intimate topics, intelligently expressing his position, but without stooping to vulgarity.

The Taurus man appreciates in a woman the ability to compassion, some sublimity, romance and even melancholy. He is attracted by a subtle and intelligent nature - one who appreciates art, is erudite and can be interested in an intellectual conversation. Kind, noble, faithful to her husband, children and home - aristocrats chose such as their wives and still choose Taurus men to this day. But anger, sarcasm and commercialism will push your loved one away once and for all, even if you try to turn it all into a joke.

If we talk about a more or less specific strategy in action, then in order to conquer a Taurus man you should take the following steps:

1). When meeting him, you need to be stunningly beautiful. Sexy, but without vulgarity. Clothing and makeup should demonstrate your own style, but not go beyond what is reasonable.
2). You can start a conversation about how you love nature (he will agree with you on this), beautiful secluded views and places untouched by civilization, or you can talk about art. Just don’t forget to prove yourself as an intellectually developed, sensitive and subtly thinking girl.
3). Once you show some interest in a Taurus man, step back for a while. Act as if you see him as a good friend, an interesting conversationalist, but in general you don’t care whether he is around or not. Give him the opportunity to pursue you without being sure whether you reciprocate his feelings.
4). Invite him over and impress him with your culinary skills. Let him know that the art of cooking is a joy for you and you create every dish with your soul.
5). Convince him that in a relationship you are looking for spiritual understanding and support, that you are more than willing to mutually share with your half - to inspire him, support him, be moral support in everything.
6). And finally, just be for him. best friend, a fantastic lover and an ideal hostess! That's the whole love formula for you and the Taurus man.

How to keep a Taurus man?

To keep a Taurus man, it is important to know the characteristics of this sign. A Taurus man is a reliable, balanced man who clearly understands what he wants from life. Taurus is charming, romantic, and easy to talk to. Well versed in female psychology. Thanks to his qualities, he enjoys great success with the opposite sex. Taurus is very loving, knows how to care, and can achieve reciprocity from almost every girl he sets his eyes on. Taurus is a very stubborn sign. If he sets a goal for himself, it is almost impossible to stop him. Such a man stubbornly follows his desires, doing everything possible to achieve his intended result.
How to win the attention and keep a Taurus man in your arms?
Attracting a Taurus is quite easy. A man born under this sign loves women very much, quickly falls in love, and having fallen in love, immediately goes on the counter-offensive. Taurus is the opposite of Libra men, who always doubt. Taurus loves sex very much, gets great pleasure from novels and love stories. Therefore, if a Taurus liked a young lady, he understands well what he wants from her.

Taurus knows how to beautifully court and demonstrate their ardent desire. He will invite a lady to an expensive restaurant, and then shower her with gifts. It is very difficult for a woman to resist the pressure of a Taurus man. Having melted from his attention, the woman is already beginning to fantasize about the model wedding dress, and then about a happy family life. But somehow it’s not like that! Taurus doesn't even think about it...

He likes the very process of conquering a girl, all the pleasures that he receives during the period of their whirlwind romance, so it’s easy to attract attention and hold a Taurus in his arms. But it is much more difficult to hold a Taurus to such an extent that he is “ripe” for the decisive step - a marriage proposal.
To attract the attention of a Taurus man, you need to know how to please him!

How will a Taurus man like you?

Like other men, Taurus likes beautiful, well-groomed girls. To hold Taurus's gaze, you need to dress with taste, be bright and modern. Vulgarity and vulgarity are unacceptable. Taurus can only appreciate natural beauty.

Naturally long, well-groomed hair will be a plus, but silicone breasts, false eyelashes can only cause a feeling of disgust in Taurus. The appearance of the chosen one plays a role, but not decisive. Being a beauty, it is easy to hold the attention of this man for some time. In this case, Taurus will quickly seduce the girl, sleep with him, get what he wants, and then turn his gaze to the next attractive object.

What qualities does a Taurus man value?

External data is not the main advantage of a woman for a Taurus man. Good psychologist By nature, Taurus values, first of all, their inner world in girls. No matter how trivial it may sound. If intelligence and spiritual qualities leave much to be desired, it will be difficult to hook a Taurus. And keeping such a man for a long time is even more difficult...

Hence the conclusion: improve your inner world!
Moreover, in the list of advantages that are important for a Taurus man, spirituality, kindness, and gentleness of a woman will prevail over intelligence. But this does not mean at all that he likes spineless and spineless ladies.

In order to properly intrigue Taurus and keep his attention for a long time, you yourself will not be hindered by knowledge of the psychology of human nature. Taurus is a serious sign. He treats marriage with all its inherent prudence. The Taurus man wants to find a companion with whom he will enjoy living in all respects. In order to distinguish true value from fake, Taurus will arrange a series of psychological tests for his chosen one. And he will watch her reactions.

He will test the girl for commercialism, participation or indifference to others, resistance to stress and a tendency to cheat. If you still decide to win the heart of a Taurus man, get ready for the fact that this man will “scan” your entire essence before making a final decision.

The ability to cook will be one of the trump cards. The Taurus man loves to eat delicious food and prefers home cooking. This is why you must be a good housewife - be able to maintain cleanliness and order. The ability to provide a variety of sexual pleasure to your man will also play a big role. To summarize, it should be noted that the list of advantages should be maximum, because the Taurus man is a first-class sign and is looking for a woman worthy of himself.
How to keep a Taurus man interested after marriage?
When all the tests have been passed, you see the treasured ring on your finger, you shouldn’t relax. The next task is to comply! Marriage to a Taurus man will bring comfort and confidence in the future. Taurus know how to make money, they will do everything to make the life of their loved ones as comfortable as possible. But you will have to work hard too.

The house should always be clean and comfortable. Tasty breakfast, lunch, dinner - this is required attributes family life for Taurus. Warmth and sympathy for his problems. Don’t forget – Taurus loves to have sex =) If you don’t pass at least one of the criteria, your “bull will go to the left”. And if the non-compliance criteria accumulate in large quantities, he will begin to think about divorce.

Remember, Taurus will only make serious decisions himself. The first and last word will remain with him. It is useless to contradict him. "He'll rest on his horns." If you want to persuade a Taurus to favor your opinion, do it carefully.

Lastly, The Taurus man is not a match for every woman. But if you found all the keys - how to keep him, as a reward - he will give you the whole world!

A Taurus man is reliable, balanced, and clearly understands what he wants from life. Taurus is charming, romantic, and easy to talk to. Well versed in female psychology. Thanks to his qualities, he enjoys great success with the opposite sex.

Taurus himself is very loving, knows how to care, and can achieve reciprocity from almost every girl he sets his eyes on. Taurus is a very stubborn sign. If he sets a goal for himself, it is almost impossible to stop him. Such a man stubbornly follows his desires, doing everything possible to achieve his intended result.

How to win the attention and hold such an attractive Taurus man in your arms?

Attracting a Taurus is easy. A man born under the sign of Taurus loves women very much, quickly falls in love, and having fallen in love, he immediately goes on a counter-offensive. Taurus is the opposite for men of the Libra sign who always doubt. Taurus loves sex very much, gets great pleasure from novels and love stories. Therefore, if a Taurus liked a young lady, he understands well what he wants from her.

Taurus knows how to look after someone beautifully and demonstrate their ardent desire. He will invite a lady to an expensive restaurant, and then shower her with gifts. It is very difficult for a woman to resist the pressure of a Taurus. Having melted from his attention, she already begins to fantasize about a wedding dress model, and then about a happy family life. But somehow it’s not like that! Taurus does not think about this.

He likes the process of conquering a girl, all the pleasures that he receives during their whirlwind romance. Therefore, it is easy to attract attention and hold a Taurus in your arms. It is much more difficult to hold a Taurus to such an extent that he is ripe for the decisive step - a marriage proposal. How to do it? How to properly hold this man?

To attract the attention of a Taurus man, you need to know how to please him

How will a Taurus like it? Like other men, Taurus like beautiful, well-groomed girls. To hold the gaze of a Taurus, you need to dress with taste, be bright, and modern. Vulgarity and vulgarity are unacceptable. Taurus can only appreciate natural beauty.

Naturally long, well-groomed hair will be a plus, but silicone breasts and false eyelashes can only cause a feeling of disgust in a Taurus. The appearance of the chosen one plays a role, but not decisive. Being a beauty, it is easy to hold the attention of this man for some time. In this case, Taurus will quickly seduce the girl, sleep with him, get what he wants, and then turn his gaze to the next attractive object.

How to hold the attention of a Taurus man for a long time - you need to have the basic qualities that this tough nut appreciates

What qualities does a Taurus man value?

As I already noted, external data is not the main advantage of a woman for a Taurus man. A good psychologist by nature, Taurus, values, first of all, in girls their inner world. No matter how trivial it may sound. If intelligence and spiritual qualities leave much to be desired, it will be difficult to hook a Taurus. And keeping such a man for a long time is even more difficult.

Hence the conclusion - improve your inner world!

Moreover, in the list of advantages that are important for a Taurus, a woman’s spirituality, kindness, and gentleness will prevail over intelligence. But this does not mean at all that he likes spineless, characterless ladies.

In order to properly intrigue Taurus and keep his attention for a long time, you yourself will not be hindered by knowledge of the psychology of human nature

Taurus is a serious sign. He treats marriage with all its inherent prudence. Taurus wants to find a companion with whom he will enjoy living in all respects. In order to distinguish true value from fake, Taurus will arrange a series of psychological tests for his chosen one. And he will watch her reactions.

He will test the girl for commercialism, participation or indifference to others, resistance to stress, and a tendency to cheat. If you decide to conquer the heart of a Taurus, get ready for the fact that this man will scan your entire essence before making a final decision.

The ability to cook will be one of the trump cards. Taurus loves to eat delicious food and prefers home cooking. You must also be a good housewife - be able to maintain cleanliness and order.

The ability to provide a variety of sexual pleasure to your man will play a big role.
To summarize, it should be said that the list of advantages should be maximum. The Taurus man is a first-class sign and is looking for a woman worthy of himself.

A little secret - how to keep the attention of a Taurus man

Don't be afraid to turn down a Taurus when he shows interest. Intrigue will only play into your hands. Be calm - if a Taurus is interested, he will not back down. The longer you resist, the more interest and desire you will arouse in Taurus.

If you feel that the Taurus is firmly attached, do not rush him into making a decision. Give Taurus the opportunity to independently analyze your merits, scan your entire essence. At this time, you need to make it clear to Taurus as much as possible how comfortable and peaceful he will live if you become his wife. If Taurus comes to this conclusion, he will propose. Marriage is a necessity for him.

How to keep a Taurus interested after marriage

If all the tests are passed, you see the treasured ring on your finger, you shouldn’t relax. The next task is to comply! Marriage to a Taurus will bring comfort and confidence in the future. Taurus people know how to make money. They will do everything to make the life of loved ones as comfortable as possible. But you will have to work hard too.

The house should always be clean and comfortable. A delicious breakfast, lunch, and dinner are mandatory attributes of family life for a Taurus. Warmth, participation in his problems. Don't forget - Taurus loves to have sex. If you fail to meet at least one of the criteria, your bull will go to the left. And if the criteria for inconsistency accumulate in large quantities, he will begin to think about divorce.

Remember, Taurus will make serious decisions himself. The first and last word will remain with the Taurus. It is useless to contradict him. He will rest on his horns))) (God forbid you change your calf).
If you want to persuade a Taurus to favor your opinion, do it carefully. And don’t forget how to please your man, for example what gifts this practical sign can appreciate.

To summarize, I want to say that not every woman can handle a Taurus man. But if you found all the keys - how to keep a Taurus man, as a reward - he will give you the whole world!

Taurus man

This article will tell you about Taurus men. Here you will learn in more detail about the character traits of Taurus men, about their dreams, aspirations and ideas. It will also talk about how they view friendship, marriage and love. In addition, we will tell you the secret of how to win the heart of a man of this sign.

Taurus man - zodiac sign

In essence, Taurus is dominant feminine. This explains that these men strive for order and stability in all areas of life. Men of this sign concentrate such qualities as patience and constancy. It is very important for them to achieve balance. Being at the mercy of the Earth element, Taurus is solid, reliable and realistic.

Taurus man: how to win

To win the heart of a Taurus, it is necessary to take into account what kind of woman is suitable for him, what qualities he values ​​​​in her and what his goals in communication are. Taurus men are attracted to ladies who are feminine and modest. The most important thing for them is the ability of women to be mysterious and intriguing. Taurus must be constantly kept in suspense and maintain a sense of mystery. Taurus men adore women who act like real ladies. Rudeness, women's hysterics and antics only repel Taurus, so you will never attract his attention or interest him. You should also always remember that in relationships and in the family the Taurus man is in charge, so give him leadership, but at the same time be indispensable for him and always support him.

If you want to keep a Taurus man for a long time, then you need to join his leisurely and measured rhythm of life, you need to accept his conservative attitude towards everything and slowness. Perfect for Taurus calm woman who strives to create a family and dreams of living like a stone wall. For such a lady, winning this man will not be difficult, because through joint efforts you will achieve harmony and mutual understanding.

Taurus looks after his significant other very beautifully and sincerely because he is romantic. Men of this sign guess the desires of their significant other without further ado; they are very attentive and ready to pamper their ladies with luxurious bouquets, trips to expensive restaurants, walks under the moon and luxurious gifts. Even money-loving Taurus forgets about stinginess when it comes to love.

Taurus man character

Taurus is a man with the character of a purposeful, patient, persistent and practical person who looks at life soberly, does not fantasize and realistically assesses the situation. Men of this sign strive for their goals, namely prosperity, comfort, solvency and regularity. They can't stand it frequent shifts scenery in their lives, as well as sudden changes and unplanned events, these people are very conservative, they do everything slowly, this allows them to slowly but surely move towards their goals and, ultimately, achieve them. In general, Taurus men are people who strive for material wealth, comfort and pleasure; they are materialists and pragmatists.

In love, Taurus manifest themselves as sensual and passionate natures, since they are under the rule of Venus, and this is the planet of love and passion. In relationships with the opposite sex, Taurus men give tenderness and affection; they are very attentive and romantic. But in the family, Taurus is the undisputed leader and will not give up the reins of power to the other half, because he is a breadwinner who is able to provide the family with everything necessary. In addition, home, family, children are the most important things in life for Taurus. Their family nest is a quiet haven where they can return after a busy day, relax and unwind. And the most important thing is that coziness, comfort and mutual understanding reign in the house.

In addition to the characteristics of the zodiac sign Taurus man given here, you can get more Full description representatives of the zodiac constellation Taurus on the page sign Taurus. You may also find the article compatibility of the Taurus sign useful, which covers issues of compatibility of Taurus with other zodiac signs.